HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-8-4, Page 7Canada From Coast. to Coast Vancouver, B.C,—After having been reduced in numbers from 2,500,000 to 1000 less than 125,000 through unros'trieted slaughtor, the great coal hard of the Northern Paoli'le ruse, under adequate poteetio}n, again lnereased until to- day it to estimated ther'o are at least 000,000 of the valuable mammals be- itween the Coat oe Washington and the joy 'shores of .Alaska, This year Indians expect to capture 2,000 seals. The money value of the skins taken since 1917 is about $500,000. Vancouver, B.O.—The first consign - 'neat of lumber to Chili for many years left recently, being shipped by T. S. MoOlay, Harbor Cotnmieeionel' fox Vancouver: Edmonton, Alta.—Prospects are ex- cellent for a record potato crop and yield will be as Otho o . isex •tad that t it e c Y P heavy as any yet harvested., The a'oreage ie twenty per cent, greater than any previous year. Within twenty miles of Edmonton there are three thousand acres of .potatoes in Moo in. Calgary, Alta.—A. profitable mar- ket for their product of sodium chlor- ide is being developed by the Senlae Salt Co,, which is engaged in develop- ing the salt deposits at Senlac, Sask. A local soap factory is utilizing the product extensively in its manufac- ture, instead of importing from Wis- consin as previously, and it is prob- able the wants of their Winnipeg branch will be supplied from the same source, Calgary, Alta.—Owing to the in- crease in the buffalo herd at Wain- wright, one thousand of these' animals are to be el.aughtered. A special building is being erected for the pur- pase. The buffalo meat will be sent to all points over the country for sale. A strict account is being kept of all heads and skins, which will probably be disposed of by the Dominion Gov- ernment. The Wainwright reserva- tion contains the last large herd of buffalo in the world, with about 3,000 animals. Regina, Sask.—Active work has al- ready started on a soil survey of the province of Saskatchewan by the Col- lege of Agriculture in co-operation with the provincial department of agridulture. All possible data will be gatheredin regard to soil conditions that are essential to a determination • of the most profitable type of farm- ing to be tarried out in each district. 6.askatoon, Sask.—Telegraphic ad- vices from the north country an- nounce that a heavy .strike of gold . has been made on Cariboo Island, ,on the north shore of the' Great .Slave, by the Aurous Gold Mining Company. Mining machinery is now on the way to the island„and it is expected that everything will be in readiness to be- gin operations upon a very extensive scale next spring. Winnipeg, Man.—For the purpose cf recovering amber deposits from the sands on the west shore of Lake Cedar, Manitoba, J. Dix Rogers, of Toronto, has been granted a 21 -year W. W. Wood President of the United Farmers of Alberta, who Is favored by the farmer members -elect of that Province as Prosier. He was not u candidate in the recent elections, but the success of the U.F.A. is largely credited, to Trim, lease of about 286 aa2'as, The lease firs renewable for n further 21 )oars, end the leesee pays $1 an 'acre per Annum and 5 per cent. royalty on the value of amber recovered, The lease also provides that $5,000 must be ex- pended en operations during the twelve months, Ottawa, Ont.—Durin'; the fiscal year ended March 81, 1920, 991 com- panies were Termed under the 'Dentin- ion Act with a total eapitel'ization of $603,210,850, as compared': with 512 companies in the preceding fiscal year with eepital of $214,326,000, Flighty -eight existing companies in- creased their capital stock by $85t - 187,750 85;•X87,750 in the seine fiscal year, while 10 decreased their capital stook by $19, 530,000, Toronto, One ---A large block of property has recently been acquired in this city by a syndicate of Toronto and United States capitalists, upon which will be erected one hundred and fifty moderately priced homes. Work will be started very shortly on the first batch of twenty houses and when these are disposed of the re- mainder wild• be built. The houses will cost' from $4,000 to $5,000 each and ere to be surrounded with suffi- cient land to make them desirable. Hamilton, Ont.—The announcement that a carload of cherries shipped from the Niagara Peninsula had aer rived in Winnipeg in good condition and had met with a ready sale was particularly pleasing to the growers. Local growers -have 'been trying for years to find a market in the West. Quebec, (fee.—During the months of April and May a total of •29,195 immigrants \entered Canada, 15,559 being from 'the British Isles, 8,745 from the United States, and 4,891 from other -countries. Montreal, Que.—The Nascopic of the Hudson's Bay Co. left here recent- ly on her :annual trip to the Hudson's Bay. The steamer carries stores for traders and the company's 'Posts in that region, and will bring hack their merchandise. The Nascopic will short- ly be followed up by the Bay - chime, and both ships will probably be back in September. Fredericton, N.B.-Although wea- ther conditiohs which have prevailed during the past month have been a detriment to the apple • harvest, it is Anticipated, judging from present in- dications, that the apple crop in this district will be the heaviest in years. Reports from Kingeelear, Oromocto and Douglas all show that the orch- ards are looking well and giving promise of a big yield. . Halifax, N,S.—Dr, J. D. Logan has opened offices here as a "elearing house” in Canada for the output of Canadian writers who prefer to live in Canada and market their wares from the homeland. It is hoped that the new organization will 'largely ob- viate the necessity of Canadian writ- ers failing to find a domestic market going to England and the United States to market their literary ma- terial. THAMES RIVER BREAKS LOW- RECORD Drought in England Assumes Alarming Aspect. A despatch from London says:— The ays:The seriousness of the situation cre- ated 6i -the long drought in England is shown by the statement of the Thanes Conservancy. Only 125,000,- 000 gallons daily are flowing over the Teddington Lock, instead of the nor- mal July flow of 1,210,000,000 gallons. The London water supply is drawn largely from the upper reaches of the Thames and Cts tributaries, and a water famine is threatened unless the long -hoped-for rains fall .soon. The lowest record flow was in 1899, when it was 164,000,000 gallons. Plans now are ready for rationing London and for cutting off the supply during certain hours daily. British Premier Visits Canada in Autumn A. despatch from London says:— Unless failure to achieve peace in Ireland leads to an autumn election in the United Kingdom, Canada will probably have an opportunity of see- ing Lloyd George soon. Lloyd George is being pressed to ington for the conference on the Limi- visit Canada when he goes to Waeh- tation of Armaments, and it is under- stood that he will do so. Volga District Has 111,234 Cholera Cases A despatch frons Moscow says:— The Soviet Govermnent announces the famine in the Volga Region started last month and grew steadily worse. The officinal figures of the Commissar of Health show 18,476 cholera cases sines the beginning of the year, of which 11,234 occurred in the month of June alone, The Vossische Zeitung says there are five hundred cholera cases in Moscow. TO CANADIAN HEROES Huge crowds watched Premier Meighen unveil a memorial on Vimy Ridge, the scene of a striking Canadian victory in the Great War. AIRSHIP SCHEME TOO COSTLY, DECIDES EMPIRE PREMIERS A despatch from London •says:- One of the matters- discussed by 'the Empire Premiers Conference in Lon- don has been the possibility of using airships as a method of improving communications between the Mother Country and the far-flung Dominions of the British Empire. A committee Was appointed to re- port on the subject, and its -Unanimous decision is that any scheme of the kind would bo too costly. The Do- minion Premiers and British Govern - recent have to decide whether they will go shares in maintaining British air- ships and their personnel as a nucleus of great Imperial trans -oceanic air service. 'rhe committee estimated that it would require an expenditure of ten millions sterling to run airship ser- vices for five or six years, and it came to the conclusion that from a commercial -standpoint the experiment would not be worth the expense in view of the present financial position. France at Work. The figuresa of unemployment in France are very much to the credit of that country. It is reported that but 47,566 are out of work, and of these 31,429 reside in the Department of the Seine, which .includes Paris. In the latter number many foreigners are included. Those net at work comprise one- tenth of 1 per cent. of the total popu- Lat'ion. The statistics clearly show that France is not »raking the havoc wrought by war an excuse for apathy acid listlessness, While accepting the assistanoe of the other members of the family of civilized nations, With a gratitude to which M. ' Viviani and others have given graceful expres- sion, France is minded to carry her ew/I burden and leave no stone un- turned, no field untilled, no walls un- roofed, in the patient effort toward rehabilitation. There is no acquies- cence in a policy of drift and delay, with the ruin and moral havoc of the war to plead as an alibi. Let sister nations take note of the example and emulate it. It is easy to fall into the legarthic habit of let- ting one's self be fed and clad be- yond the point of a sturdy, self-res- pecting independence, and a whole na- tion cannot become a gypsy caravan and take- the road forever. It must eventually settle down and go to work for a living, even though the available means of livelihood may be uncon- genial. The most delicate part of the problem of 'helping the Old World lies in knowing when to let go. The object -lesson France offers is laudable and reassuring to those who held that nations, like individuals, must earn their own living and pay as they go, when the. acute emergency is past. Duke of Connaught Takes Daily Exercise A despatch from London sayer-- The ays:— The Duke of Connaught, who is now 71, but looks as if he were the Ring's brosher instead of his uncle, expleined how he keeps fit, in a speech when distributing prizes at Dulwich Col- lege. "I am getting on in age now," he said, "but still do my physical jerks every morning. I don't think I should be happy without them." The man who concealsa fault shows that there is something within him to which that fault is distasteful. Worked .by one man, a two -masted schooner recently brought a cargo of copper ore across the North 'Sea from Hamburg to Hull; 'the voyage took five days. ARRIVING AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE Front a photograph taken when the Royal Carriage with the King, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York and King Albert oe Belgium was passing through the beautiful entrance gates of .Buckingham Palace, London,.. PREMIERS' MEETING PASSES INTO HISTORY Preparations Made for British Representatives at Dia- ornament Parley. A. despatch from London saysea- Tite Imperial Conference of British Premiers has now reached its penal - timate singes, and the situation is happily clarified, There has been is steady exehanke of views with Wash- ingten, and a basis of reasonable agreement as to the method' of Pro- cedure is within reach. During the last two days tho dele- gates have devoted their whole atten- tion to the discussion of the possibil- ities and 'implications at the Wai'sh. ington Disarmament Conference, based upon despatches arriving from the Embassies concerned, It is nosy ddecided that no full dress proliminaefinitelyr=y confgrence will torte plaice in London, but there will, occur diplo- matic conversations touching the sub- ject matter of the conference, at' which Dominion representatives like Premier Hughes of Australia and Premier Massey of New Zealand, who foresee obstacles to their attendance at Washington, will have opportunity to present their views. Onevery hand ehere is an eager disposition to promote the succes's of the Washington Conference. Thera is visible willingness to sub- ordinate personal iConveniences and predictions to the larger end. It has been practically decided that the British Empire will be represent- ed by an undivided unit at the Wash- ington Conference, and, probably, Premier Meighen of Canada and Pre- mier -Smuts of South Africa, will be members of the' British delegation. Premier Meighen will not remain for the preliminary conversations, but plans to sail for home on the Car - mania on July 30. The Unified States Government is firmly opposed to any postponement of the Washington Conference until Spring,.and the various Governments have immediately set about the pre- paration of their respective - cases, 'with' a view of beginning -the real work of the Oonference before the middle of November, Tho scene now shifts to Washington and the Confer- ence of the British Premiers may be regarded as at an end. Hungary and France an Ratify Peace Pact A despatch from Paris says: -- Ratifications of the peace treaty with Hungtley were exchanged at the Quat d'Orsay on Tuesday. The ceremony, which lasted 20 minutes, was presid- ed over by Paul Cambon, The minutes of the proceedings were signed by the representatives of the principal powers and Governments affected by the treaty or its annexes, and the Hungarian Minister to France, Ivan Kraznovsky. Herr Kraznovsky promised that Hungary would execute the treaty in good faith, :and asked that the border- ing States show their good will and protect minorities. Burial Service at Sea by Wireless A despatch from London says:— The burial service at sea by wireless was the unusual story brought to Liverpool by the incoming Cunardier Germania. When the Carmania was 800 miles west of Fastnet a wireless message was received from the Canadian Gov- ernment freighter Canadian Trapper, London bound, asking: "Can you oblige us with a copy of the burial service?" The Canadian Trapper was ' about 200 miles distant, A fireman aboard the freighter had died and no burial service was available. The full ser- vice was sent by wireless, the dicta- tion lasting an hour, and at the end the body was committed to the deep. Weekly Market Report 411 Toronto, Manitoba wheat—No, 1 Northern 11.817/8; No. 2 Northern, $1.79 t1 • No In $1,74tya No. 4 w�nea •hams, need„ 40 to 420; };eavY, 29 to , 80e; oeoked hame, 62 to 67e; bbonele l . backs, 42 to 481; breakfast 'Imogene, 93 t, to 88e; dpeeiai, 45 to 481; .•cottage yells, 80 to 81.0, Green meats --Out of pickle, lo less than smoked'. short sCatdort fam 1 B back, bencle,29; see $40' pickled rolls, 941 to 940; mess pork, $33. Dry salted meats—Long clears, in tons, 17% to 19}t.o; in eases, 18o i , clear bellies, 19?c; backs, 141 pain , 19% to 21c; shortening, tierces 14%1 , t0 14%3; tubs, 143 to 15c; palls, 15 ,'to 15%c; paints, 17% to 180, Lard—Tierces, 17 q 17%e; tube, 17% t0 18c; pails, 17 to 183/ e. , Choke heavy steers; $7 to 98; butcher steers, choice, 97 to 97,50; do, good, 96 to $'7; do, mod., $5 to 96; do, cons,, $3.75 to• 96; butcher 'heifers, choice, 96,50 to 97; de, med., $5.60 to $6,50; butcher sows, choice, 94.50 to 95,50; do, med„ $3 to 94.60' canners and cutters, 91 to $2,50; butcher bulls, goody 94,25 to 95,25• do, cam„ 93 to $4; feeders, good, 900 lbs„ 95,50 to $6; do, fair, 95 to 95.50; milkers, 945 to $0'6• 'apringers, $55 to $76; ealvoa, choice, 99 to $10• do, med., 98.50 to $9.60; do, corn., $4 to $5; lambs, year- lings, $7 to 98; do, spring, $10 to $10.76; sheep, choice, 95 to 96; do good, 93.60 to 94.50; do, heavy and bucks, $2 to 93.50; hogs, fed and watered, $13; clo, fed off cars, 913.26; dof.o.b., 912.25; do, country points, 912. Northern, ; 91.01%. Manitabe oats—No. 2 CW, 68%c No. 3 OW, 50%e; extra No. 1, 50%se No, 1 feed, 48%c; No. 2 feed, 46%c Manitoba barley—No, 2 CW, 80e No. 4 OW, 751/4o; rejected) 710; feed 70e. All above in More, Fort William, Ontario wheat—F.o.b. shipping Points, according to freights .oetside No. 2 spring, nominal; No, 2 winter nominal; No. 2 goose wheat, nominalAmerican Corn—Prompt shipment No. 2 yellow, c.i.f.- bay ports, 79e nominal. Ontario oats—No. 2 white, nominal cox ng ec di to freights outside. • B•arjey—Malting, 65 to Tee, accord in to freights optside, Ontario flour—Winter, prompt shipment, straight run bulk, seaboard, $7.40. Peas—No. '2, nominal. Manitoba flour—Track, Toronto: first pats„ $10,60; second pats., 910, Buckwheat—Nominal, Rye—No. 2 91.25. Mil'lfeed—'darlots, delivered Toron- to freightsbags included: Bran, per ton 926; s'herts, per ton, 927; white middlings, 929 to $30; feed flour, 91.60 to $1.76. Eggs—No. 1, 37 to 38e; selects, 41 to 42c; new laid, cartons, 43 to 44c. i Butter—Creamery, fresh made ex- tras, 41 to 42c; clo, fresh made firsts, 40 to 42c• dairy prints, 33 to 34e; bakers', 263 to 28c. Oleomargarine—Best grade, 20 to 21c. Cheese—New, large, 24% to 25%e; twins 25 to 26c; Stilton, 26% to 27c. Old, large, 84 to 35c; twins, 34 to 35%ec. Honey—Extracted white clover, in 60 -30 -Ib. tins) per S ., 15 to 16c; do, 101b. tins, .per 1b., 17 to 18c• Ontario No. 1 white clover, in 21/2-Gt-Ib. tins, per lb., 18 to 19c. 'Smoked' meats—Rolls, 27 to 28c; Montreal. Oats—Can. West., No. 2, 55%e to G6c; do, No. 8., 62i4 to 63c. Flour— Man,, $10.50. Rolled oats—Ba-.g, 93 lbs., $3.35. Bran—$25 to $27. Shorts —926 to $28, Hay—No. 2, per ton, earlots, $28 to $30. Cheese, finest easterits, 23%e. But- ter, choicest creamery, 39 to 393e. Eggs, .selected, 43 to 44c. Potatoes, per bag, ear lots, 45e. Hogs, selects, $14 to $11..50• Veal calves, picked lots, $8; good calves, 96 to $7; cone. grassers, $2 to 93. MOUTAIN CLIMBER MEETS SAD END Dr. Stone, of Indiana, Perishes in Rockies—Wife Rescued. A despatch from Banff, Alta., says:—Rescued after terrible days on a rock ledge at the base of Mount Eon with the dead body of her hus- band far below, where it had fallen, Mrs. W. E. Stone, of Lafayette, Ind., was carried nine miles on a stretcher to a camp at Marble Creak. There site will be permitted to remain until she can be brought down the Spray River to Banff. The body of Dr. Stone who was president of Perdue Univer- sity, has not yet been recovered. Mrs. Stone is reported to be gaining in strength. When search parties found her she was almost dead from ex- posure and lack of food. According to the latest report, Mrs, Stone is not much the wclrse for her terrible experience. In her statement she said that she and Dr. Stone were climbing Mount Eon, when Dr. Stone, in attempting to make a short cut, started up Reck Chimney, a steep peak, with Mrs. Stone following him. They were not roped' together, she said. About half way . up, the rock on which Dr. Stone was standing gave way and he plunged over her head to his death on the cliffs below. Mrs. Stone said she attempted to go clown to him and became marooned on a narrow ledge of rock about half way down, from which She dare net move. She remained there for five days with- out food and the only water she had was from a email. stream which trickled down the mountain side at noon when the snows above melted. Chicago Claims 26,054 Canadians A despatch from Washington says: Figures announced by the Census Bureau give the number of Canadians resident in Chicago as 26,- 054.. The total foreign population of the city is 805,482. • To learn, then to do, means success to you. TO BUILD 150 MILES OF HYDRO LINES BEFORE WINTER A despatch from Toronto says:— Actual construction work on the ex- tension of hydro power into the rural districts is to commence within the next three weeks. S'altfleet township, east of Ramie - ton, will prolbably be the scene of initial operations under the new legislation, which provides for a Governinenteubsidy of hall the coat oe the transmission 'line. Dorchester township, near London,.and the coun- try surrounding the town of Prescott are other districts in which an. early commencement of operations is ex- pected. That the farmers of Ontario appre- ciate the benefits of Sir Adam Beck's great project is evidenced in the .fact that 'already the Prnv1nctiati Hydro Commission has more than 700 signets REGLAR . FELLERS --By (`wide Byrnes .. contracts upon which to proceed with rural hydro extension. It is a striking feature in the pro- gress of the work that it is those sections of the province most inti- mately acquainted with hydro power and its varied uses which have been quickest to sign up and which are most clamorous in their demands for early hydro service. The '700 contra.ets already in the commission's hands involve approxi- mately 150 miles of rural transmis- sion line, a stretch which commission engineers believe can easily be com- pleted before the snow flies. The general principle upon which the commission is 'working is to give hydro service to those rural districts whtoh inc obviously :most en need of it, and which are most insistent in their demands for an early connec- tion. IS -rt -1A7- So? \s4EC I 1 sAv( A <VA R- OX a 'AVITCHlle(SW . ao\N A COW' , LA i'i 4'`ruizi4e-Y ROr M AN' A aA�RcEIL� ERE, eeeellire • 0,1 44 __..' CSY.PNE.S TURK RESISTANCE ENTIRELY BROKEN Greeks Claim Victory Over Ottoman Forces in Asia Minor. A despatch from London says: A. big victory of the Greeks over the Turks in Asia Minor was announced by the Greek Legation here on Wed- nesday night. The resistance of the Turks, it was declared, has been completely broken. The Ottoman losses were estimated by the Legation at 60,000 men. Contrary to the Greek claims, a dis- patch :from Constantinople to the Daily Express says it is claimed there that the Turkish Nationali to succeed- ed in eluding a double enve!opiug movement carried out by the Greeks. The newspaper Patrls of Athens de- clared it had learned that Mustapha Kemal Pasha, chief of the Turkish Nationalists, had authorized the Sub- lime Porte, the reccgnizea Turkish Government, to appeal to the Allies to arrange ,peace. From other sources reports reach London that the Turkish Nationalists are wilding for Allied intervention. The Greeks are pressing on to Angora, the capital of the Turkish Nationalists, and' have reached the Gordan. University Bulletins. During the academie year the Uni- versity of Toronto issues from six to eight bulletins containing informa- tion of value and interest to parents, prospective students, and the general public. These bulletins are distribut- ed free and anyone may have his or her name placed on the permanent mailing list of request. This is done in response to a rather general de- mand on the pert of the citizens of the province for the means of know- ing mono about the important work being done by their own Provincial University. Besides, there are many short courses given Iron time to time throughout the year --courses which are open to the public—and the pub- lic should know of them. Far instance, there is a summer session from July 5th to August 5th; a course in journ- alism from September 12th to 17th; a course on "Diet for Health," during October; November, and December; a course in town -planning from January 9th to 21st; and a course for farmers from February Gth to 18th. For these courses no academic qualifications aro necessary; those who attend' them will find them bath plcasurea!ble and pro- fitable. To know of all these and of other innovations it is e',sential to have one's name an the University's mailing list and this is done by writ- ing the Director of University Ex- tension, University of Toronto, 'Po- ronto, Canada. One Called Him a Failure.. "He never made a dollar." "i3iggeet kind of a failure." "Never. made any mark in the wood." Folks will talk, you know, and that is what they said of their neighbor. He himself thought, at one time in his life, that he would not be much of a success. The farm was old anycl run down. Tee the little chap canto. A new fire lighted the :father's eyes, A firmer look came round his mouth, And when the boy slipped a hand into his and they walked over the old place together, father said, "I'll do it for him." And he fought the battle of his life; Ile built up the soil by the use of fertilizers. He bought the best calves he could find and made the dairy the choicest in tiro neighborhood, He fixed up the barn and the house. He taught his boy to live for the best in life, and not for :gold, He helped him to Wee birds ,and bees anai flowers. When his head let go of the boy's hand for the last time, the young man whisper- ed in his father's ear, "Farther, I love youl Yots have helped me to be a man I" Something to 'build up a fares, but a thousand times better to give the world a real man. Canada la's ave?' 38,000 mile's of railway, or one mile for every 3324 per- sons, ,