HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-7-28, Page 1ton
No, 2108
42nd Year
.August 1st is Clinton's Civiet, Holiday, and Clinton will hold its Big ,Annual Celebration.
Come in the Morning and Stay all Day.
e eels
We have jvst receiveda shipment of
''dnglith hirta
For two weeks only we will sell our 97 -piece Dinner
Sets for $45,00. Do not mise this opportunity
Come in and see it. A good assortment of New and
Up -to date Goods.
W. Yiellgars
Jeweler and Optician 1. Issuer of marriage
Residence 174
Hidden in your home it is a temptation
to thieves.
Deposit your money in the bank and rent
a SA>1'ETY DEPOSIT BOX for your
valuable papers, Victory Bonds, etc.
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 130 Branches
The Maisons Bank wants every farmer to feel
that he has a real friend in the Manager, that he
will receive a hearty welcome and can safely
discuss with him his money needs.
;w $t r "" Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent ",
1 he Morrish
Clothing Co.
20 dozen Overalls, in plain black, khaki,
and blue stripe,
Regular $2.50
while they last your pick for
For $I.50
Smocks to match at the same price
Motto . "A Square
Deal for Every
Wheat 81.25.
Buckwheat, 800.
Spring Wheat, $L25,
Oats 400
Barley, 506,
Butter, 250 to 300,
Eggs, 26c to 27c.
Live hogs, $12.00,.
A quiet marriage was solemnized
at Dovercourt Presbyterian manse,
Toronto, on Friday, July 22nd, when
Mina Melrose, eldest daughter of
Reeve John Douglas of Wroxeter and
Mrs. Douglas, became the bride of
Me. Austin John Martin, only son of
Mrs. James Martin of Clinton. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
James Weston. The bridegroom's
Clinton, friends extend congratula-
The names of successful students
Huron, of uon who o wrote o
n the Lo
Sohool exams. in June. In addition
to these there area few who will
get credit for any paper on which
they made 50 per cent.
F.R. Argent
J. C, Aikenheaci
L, I. Aikenhead
T. D. Anderson
G, Aberhart
• 5.I.. E. Alexander
A, R. G. Anent
J. A. Archibald (honors)
M. Ashton .
Marjorie Ashton
T, • M. Burgess
J. J. Bawden
C, J. Beaton (honors)
J. H. Beevers
' H. M. Q. Bell -
F. Bennett
R. W. Cowan
F. Cantelon (honors)
A. J. Combe
J. A. Christie
J. S. Chuff
V. A. Crosier
E. Currie
E. M. Dark l -
C, Dennis
C. H. D. Davis
E. F. Dobie (honors)
IE. N. Dougherty
V. Fraser
E. Fear
H. Farnham (honors)
1E. M. Fraser
J. M. Farquhar j K'
G. J. Ferguson
0. J. Finnigan
G. E, Falconer
E. S, Fells
J. W. S. Ferguson
L. M. Fraser
'H. Foster
W. D. Grant
EI. M, Greb
B. McL, Grant
N. E, Godkin
V. Hoist
M. E. Hoover
H. Hoover
R. Hale (honors)'
J. Higgins
R. Higgins (honors)
R. G. Hunter (honors)
L, B.
F. II, Johnson (honors)
J. W. Jefferson
F. W. 0. Jackson
T. R. Johnston (honors)
N. M. Johnston
D. K. Kerslake
G. E. Knechtel
E, J, Logan
B, L. Lindsay
M. Linklater
M. Livingstone
I. M. Lutton
` A, C. McGowan
A, L. Mills
A. McFaclzean
J. T, McVettie
J. Miller
W, McCool
A. P. McFarlane ,
M. C. McIntosh
A. F. McIntyre
M. F. Marne:gait
A. I. Mustard
M, A. McIntosh
W. J. McIntosh
W. McNaughton
.R, McGregor
R. MacKay
M. MacLean
L. Marriott
R. J, Moore
G. X. MacDonald
N. Muir
M. M. Nolan
L. I. Nediger
H. O'Brien
M, E. Potter
X. Rorke
J. M, Roycraft
K. H. Rankin
C. Robertson
W, Rae
0, E.• Schoenhals
G. R. Snyder
IM. R. Stewart '
F. ,I. Sterling ,
A. J. Stafford
R. Sullivan
E. Simpson
M,. S. Tiernay
,J, Turnbull (honors) i.
C. W. Tebbutb
R, G. Thompson
N. i3. Treleaven (honors)
M I, Tough (honors)
M. E. Toward
J. M. Woods
M, Tr Wethey
W. D. ,
WOQ Icetn
D. It
. Webster
A, E. Williamson
3, Wylie
J , II. Vexing 1
Mr, W. II, Watts and Mr. A, F, Mayor 1VIcMurray has Proclaimed
Cudtnor'e have entered into partner- Monday, 'August 1st, Civic Holiday,
shim in trio apiary, which Mr. Watts and It is hoped that all cite -
has been engaged in for several ,zees will observe it by closing their
years, The honey crop has been a places of business and joining in the
very good :one this season and has sports which have been arranged for
been more than Mr. Watts can
handle alone,
Bees have been lcnown to hive in
•strange places so perhaps it is not
surprising that a swarm came to
rest in the chimney of Mr. J. Schoen-
hals house some time ago and have
,been busily engaged storing up honey
there all summer. As this is said to
be a particularly good summer foe
honey they will have quite a store,•
no doubt, before they will have to
be dislodged in time to sbart the fall
fires. All the 1ue.Ic is with some peo-
pie. Here Mr. Schoenhals has his
winter • su 1 ofhoney y on
ey brought to
his door, or rather, dropped down
the chimney, like a Santa Claus pre-
sent, while the rest of us have to
purehase it et so much per. .,,
The Goderieeh protest against Zur-
ich baseball club was allowed at the
meeting of the committee held last
week. The protested match will be
re -played on Atli. 8th.
C. W. Cooper of the Clinton. club
was declared eligable to play with
the junior team, a statutory deelt:-
ation having been received as to his
Clinton having defaulted to Strat-
ford the 810 guarantee deposit goes
to Stratford. Clinton has since
withdrawn from the league.
The Ontario Baseball Association
having declared that Tasker of Clin-
ton is an out and out professional;
having played as a professional
some years ago in Hamilton, he can-
not play on amateur teams.
The Goclerich team speak well of
Johnson's and Kerr's umpiring at
Zurich. Johnson was on balls and
strikes, and Kerr on the bases. Both
are Clinton men—Goclerich Signal,
After a somewhat tedious illness
Robert Armstrong passed away at
his home on Heron street, on Sunday
morning, in his sixty-first year,
The deceased was a native of Stan--
ey •township, having been born and
having lived all his life, until less
than four years ago, when he left the
faxes to his son and moved into Clin-
ton, on the Goshen line.
In 1880 he was united in marriage
to Miss Emily Stephenson, who with
their one son, John, who resides on
the homestead in Stanley, and two
daughters, Anna and Myrtle, at
home, survives him. Their eldest
son died nearly four years ago, which
was a keen blow to them. Two bro-
thers also survive, Wilson and George
Armstrong of the Goshen line,
• Mr. Armstrong was a Methodist in
religion, being a member of Goshen
church before coining to Clinton and
since that being connected with On-
tario street church. He was an Or-
angemen, also, having joined the
Order as a young man and since
tsv lith
is e
n� h missed. two b
joining had
of July celebrations, one of which
was this year, when he was too i11
to attend, Its politics he was a Con-
servative. He was always interested
in public affairs and served at the
council board in Stanley for more
than one tern,
Mr, Armstrong was a very soci-
able, friendly man, and made friends
wherever he went. He was a most
affectionate husband and father and
was devoted to his home and family.
IIe was invariably cheerful and thus
his presence brought happiness into
the circles in which he moved. His
illness was borne with patience. and
he was happy in the contemplation
of his passing out of this life into a
fuller one. He will be sadly missed
in his hone and amongst his intimate
The funeral took place from the
fancily home on Tuesday afternoon
to Bayfield cemetery. The services
were conducted' by the Rev. S. An-
derson, itis pastor, assisted by the
Rev. T. J. Snowdon and the Rev. Mr,
Foster of Varna. The, pallbearers
were: Walter Malt, C. 13. pale, J. A.
Ford, Alex. Welsh, D. Cantelon and
Janson Steepe. The funeral was very
largely attended, many costing in to
be present at the service at the house
and. many cions the lower part of
Stanley township and Zurich going
to Bayfield, where they stet the
funeral. The floral tributes sent by
friends were very beizutiful and nun;
Amongst those from a distance
who were .here for the funeral were r
Mrs. J. H. Butterfield, Bay City,
Mich,; Mr, W. H. Stephenson and
Mr. Austin Stephenson, Marlette,
Miele; Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Metcalf
and Mr. and Mrs. 3, Metcalf, Wing -
hath: Mrs. Fred Tucker, London;
Mrs. Lloyd Anetstrolag, Flirts, Mich,;
Mr. and Mrs. I•Iaines and :family, St.
Mary's; Mt. and Mrs, O'Brien, Fla-
tter, and many front Ilensall, San -
forth, Zurich and Goderieh.
Mrs. Atnnetrong and family wish
to extetid to the 'friends tied neighbors
their very sincere thanks for the kind
ness and sympathy shown them
their htisbartd
.•s Imes. ,of 5 f
rIn 0 7
du g tl
and father and since lion death, They
also wisrtoexpresath their an ln
Coe to the members of the Ontario
street oltefr who assisted,at the fuser.'
nt soteeider satiging some of Itis favor-
ite liymsis, „ ,
tbat day,
The following two rinks of bowlers
are attending the Hensel' tourna-
ment today: •
le, J. Miller, G, A. Roberton, W.
Grant and T. E. Hovey, skip,
J. Reid, M. McEwan, Foster Copp
.and J. W. Nediger, skip.
The name of Arnold H, Glazier was
inrdvertently omitted from the list
published last week of Clinton stu-
dents who were successful in passing
their Normal exam., he having ob-
tained his second-class interim cer-
tificate, .,
Clinton students generally were
very successful and we heartily con-
gratulate thein all and extend to the
few who failed, a hearty "Cheer up."
We would remind"them also that a
failure la a useful thing if it's used as
a stimulus to more serious effort and
a determination to win next time/
A very successful Methodist Sun-
nier School was held at Goderieh Last
week, over two hundred registering.
A number of the young pople of
Clinton attended.
The union services will be continued
in Ontario street church on Sunday
next but the week night services will
be held in Wegley church, beginning
with the League service which will
be held Tuesday instead of Monday
evening. During August all services
will be held in Wesley church.
St. Paul's Church.'
Morning prayer, 11 a.sn. Evening,
i p.m. Preacher, Rev. Canon Hill.
Willis Church
The Rev. F. J. Maxwell of Pem-
broke will occppy the pulpit both.
morning and evening en Sunday.
St. James' Church, Middleton
Sunday school 10 a.ns. Morning
prayer 11 a.nt. Preacher, Mr. W.
St. John's Church, Holmesville
Evening prayer 2.80 p.ns. Sunday
School 3.30. Preacher, Mr. W. Town-
The Scout camp at Bayfield is a
very lively spot these days and the
boys are thoroughly enjoying them-
"They are a fine •bunch of boys,
too," so say those in charge, who
are also managing to get a good
deal of pleasure out of it—also a
fine coat of tan. There are over
sixty boys so it is a fairly large
Each days' proceedings were care-
fully planned and the plans are
rigidly carried out, the followingbe-
illg the order:
Daily Routine.
6.30 a, in.—Reveille, bathing pa-
S.30—Tent inspection; Flag Rais-
ing; General Parade; Morning
Prayers: Bible Class.
9.30—Scout Training. ,
11.15—Bathing Parade.
12. 00—Dinner.
12,30—Compulsory Rest hour.
1.30 n. m.—Free Time -.- Hikes,
Gaines, Scouting, Boating, etc.
4..00—Bathing Parade.
8.30—Caron Fire,
9.00—Evening Prayers ,
9.30—Lights out.
There are fifteen bell tents for
sleeping, six boys being assigned to
a tent. A largo dining and quarter-
masters' tent end quarters ;for the
officers;- complete the accosnodation.
The food is plain but wholesome,
there is an, abundance of exercise
and that, with the open air life,
makes bed a very desirable place
when night falls. After ars hour
spent arnuntl the camp fire and the
evening prayos's are said and the
bugle sounds "lights out," sixty
young heads seek their pillows and
very shortly one hunched and twenty
young eyes close and soon silence
On Sunday afternoon the Seotits
intend having a "Flag Parade," when
a regular order of service will ' be
held on Clan Gregor Square, Hay-
field. Printed programs have been
provided and it is expected that a
large number besides the Scouts will
be present at the service, which will
be in charge of .the officers of the
camp, Rev. S. E. MgKagnsey beteg
commandant, arid Rev. R. C, Pitts of
Bayfield, chaplain. The service cem-
seances at three o'clock
Visitors to the camp, who. have
been coming in considerable numbers
ever since Sunday, declare that the
location is ideal and that they ere
pleased both with the program wltictl
is being carried out and with the
happy, ,
well-tuned appear-
anee cf the boys.
As soon as the boys carne in the
eaten will 1eturned over to a
nem -
n -
bet of Girl Gues, This damp will
he tnidot the seem officers, snppli--
mented in sumo eases by 'their wives,
ut the boys' ceiiip, •
Ulmer :Crick, who passed his en-
trance examination with honors, also
_tools hollers in his recent examination
in junior piano in connection witis
the Toronto Conservatory of Music,
Ehnen' has thus created a standard for
himself which will keep hien hustling.
Monday asext is the day of Clin-
ton's annual celebration. and a big
day of sports has been arranged.
A calithumpian and trades pro-
cession opens the sports at half past
nine and there- will be something• do-
ing all day long.
See advertisement on
for further infornanalion,
The council will meet on Tuesday
evening next.
page eight
Ontario S. S. picnicked at Bayfield
The Wesley Church choir picnick-
ed at Bayfield ,yesterday.
Monday is civic holiday and all
business places will be closed,
People Yon Know
Miss Mary Argent spent Sunday
with Londeshoro friends.
Miss Winnie McMath has .been visit-
ing` Miss Marjorie Lyon of Londes-
Misses Ross and Hive Levis of To-
ronto are holidaying at their home
in town,
Miss Charlotte henry of London is
• visiting her brother, Mr. W. T.
Henry of town,
Mr. Henry Rath and son Fred of
Putnam visited Mr, and Mrs, S.
Kemp for a few days last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Venning of
Walkorville has been visiting
their Cousins, Mr, and. Mrs. Samuel
Misses Eleanor, Hazel and Jean
Fisher have gone to Hensall to
spend a holiday with friends and
Mra. John Marti
ey and little NTiss
Pauline of Vankleek Hill, who have
bean spending a week in town, left
Friday for Blyth,
Mrs, R. W. King and Miss Jean and
Masters Jim and Harry of Ham-
ilton are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter King.
Mr. Ernest ,Cooper of London, Eng,,
We are getting all freshened up has been visiting his mother and
with a new coat of paint along this brother in town, Mrs. Wm, Cooper,
block. and Mr. A T, Cooper.
Nix. and Mrs. Arthur Shepherd and
little daughter have been visiting
the fornmer's sistr, Mrs. Kemp of
Ottawa. They return this week.
Mr. S. J. Watts motored over frons
Harristoss last week and spent a
few clays at the home of his par-
ents, Mr. and Mr's. W. II. Watts.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pinner were hi
town over the week -end and were
accompanied house to London by
Mrs. C. H. Bartlif and Miss Jule
Mrs, Joseph Clegg 'and babe of
Morris visited the lady's mother,
Mils. G. NT. Farquhar of the grav-
el road just north of town over the
week -end.
Mrs. I. Rattenbury and Miss Doro-
thy Rattenbury of Peterboro are
visiting the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Holloway, and oth-
er friends in. town.
Miss Jessie O'Neil is spending a few
days rn Aylmer and on her return
will be accompanied by a friend and
they intend going out to Bayfield
for a week or so.
Mrs. W, ,i, McDonald and babe of
Miss Zenda Salter, a pupil of Miss Port Hope have been visiting the
Eiiiime Levis, has successfully passed lady's sisters, the Misses Bowden
her grade II. piano examination in and Mrs. Streets of town and Mrs.
connection with the London Conner- Wiltse of the London Road.
vatory of Music, Mrs. Chowen, Mrs, T. A. Greig, Masa
Hattie Greig, Miss Kathleen Dow-
zer, Messrs, F. Jenkins, F. Forts,
L. Huller and the Muteh boys, and
others are amongst those who are
camping at Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Menzies of Es-
sex county have been visiting Mr.
and NIrs. W, Doherty, Mr. Men-
zies is an ex -reeve of Clinton and
for many years took a prominent
part in its public affairs, but it is
several years since he left hone.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Twitchell and.
Miss Betty, Mrs. J. Twitchell and
Misses Ida and Clara, who have -
been residing in Windsor for some
time, yesterday a left esterda for the west.
They go by boat to Port Arthur and
will visit Calgary and Edmonton.
They intend remaining in the west
all winter.
street has been immensely improv- Mr. Torrence W. Iligeens„ who has
ed by its new gravel dressing. I been in the new Military Hospital,
London, for the past five months,
suffering from the effects of hie
war service, spent the week -mut
with his aunt, Mrs. Graham, and
his uncle, Mr, B. R, Higgins. He
is very much improved and hopes
to be able to leave the hospital in
the course of a .few weeks.
Mr. Geo. Jenkins,Ford dealer, went
to Grand Bend yesterday to the Ford
The Stratford Junior baseball team
plays the local Juniors in Recreation
Park tomorrow everting,
Hon. W. L. Mackenzie Tihag will
visit Seaforth about the third week
in August.
A party of young ladies went to
Goclerich yesterday evening to at-
tend the Chautauqua.
The hospital board will meet in the
board room in the town hall, on Tues-
day evening next, Monday being a
In a baseball game .between the
Scouts and the Bayfield campers on
Monday night, the Scouts won in a
score of 14-4.
Premier Drury is to visit Huron
county on Thursday, August llth, at-
tending a U. F. 0. picnic at Menes-
etung Park, Goderich.
The flag at the eostoffsee flew at
half mast on Saturday and Sunday
owing to the death of John A. Cal-
der, M.P,P. of North Oxford.
Miss Lulu Elliott has been engaged
by the Model School board for the
Model term, August to Christmas.
Miss Asquith having resigned from
the staff a teacher for her grade is
now being advertised for,
Mary street from the Normandie
corner to Orange street has been
graded up and the sidewalk rescued
from an overgrowth of grass and
weeds. It's a great improvement. ovement. I
a' top coating of gravel could he
placed on this etreet it would be
much appreciated by those who drive
on it during the wet season. Isaac
• .Auburn
Mr. R. D, Munro has returned
from Ottawa, where he has been at-
tending, a Masonic convention,
Mr. and Mrs, A. Asquith have re-
turned home after a month's visit
with their daughter at Arnprlor•,
Nova Scotia.
Miss Rae Andrew has been suc-
cessful in passing• her advanced in-
termediate examination in music,
Mrs. 4V. T. Riddell is spending her
holidays at Bruce Beach,
Miss Cora McCool, who has been
in._the Sterlitrg Bank for the past
three years, hes been promoted to
the head otrscc of the bank in To-
Loudon Road
lIliss Alice Davidson returned to
London to resume eipr duties as a
nurse -in -training, at. St, Joseph's
hospital after apensling a fortnight's
vacation at her house here,
Mr, Bert Anderson of Swift Cur-
rent,,Sask., visited his sister, Mrs,
Howard Snell, heat week,
Mr. Evans of Detroit ie the guest
of his sister, Mrs. J. H. Quigley,
The U, F, W. 0, met last Thurs-
day at the horse of Mi.'s. Fred Nott,
The topic discussed, upon which Miss
Wjaldron aid Mrs, Sietnbank each had
an excellent paper, was, "Food as a
Preventive of Disease." The roll call
Was answered by something on "Mer --
its of certain foods over others", The
Club visited the Brueefield Club on
Wednesday, giving the program.
Word hes been received of the
death at Seattle, Wasis„ on Sunday
week, of an old resident of the West
End int the person of Mrs, ,lames
Walters. h
ab ers. T e deceased lady had
reached the age of eighty-eight years
and five menthe. She hod been In
Whig health for about a year and
her sheath was not enexpetted, She
will he kindly s'enternbered by marry
air this vielnity,
Mrs, Butler of Detroit is visiling
at the house of her daughter, curs.
Wm, IBedour. Mr, James McErlearn
and Master Edward of Detroit are
also the guests of Mr, ail Mrs. Be -
Tho name of Vera Seeley should
have appeared amonget, the success-
ful atudents in the entrance exans,
Published last week, By 001110 means
this name sva0 omitted from the lista
sent the newspapers.
The choir boys of St, Jolin's.
church, London, who aro under can-
vas with the Boy Scouts at Bayfield,
attended service in. St. John's church,
with their rector, on Sunday evening
and assisted in the choral communion
service. .Their organist, Mr. Martin,
St. John's church intends having a
garden party on Mr. James Steepe°s
lawn on Thursday evening next.
Messrs, Robt. Grimbolby anc1Tltns.
Riley Ane away to .Teeswater to help
the fothior's brother run a th.resb-
ing ott15t.
Quite a number from around. herr
took in the sports at Breesele on
Tuesday. Kinburu football tenor wee
taking part in the sports.
Miss Myrtle Lawson, Miss Ruth
Mclltath gad cud Miss Louisa'Rogerson
attended the Summer School atGncle•
rids 1a week.
i k.
Mrs. W'm, MrTntosis is spending a
few days with Mfrs, Stapieson,
Mrs. Roust, Gee:ebolhy mid &ligh-
tar are spending a week with her
sister, gra. .T. 1Vlasm,