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The Clinton News Record, 1921-7-14, Page 7
lu M 0 11 I ._� ... _x .r�_ x —f_. a a ► �s e,0 �e w ► as► e► s► a iso lg vw World's Biig'gest . $awe , CH r � "tt T" z . r p Here slid There. in Cat}ada. � �� g , � 1>tidl.s>�� >a>nrd :�'� al�os�, � _ .. _ .�. ,��{{,,'�!7p?jj��'����ff((����.� gC JJJJJJ gp�,,pp'' '��''gy,��y'�yp��'y��•gyu .. ... 5 1 ' been ffVHlliattgd rel' @+kdB?!i. fl � i73' It Is' pl•edlotod t))1• ivilut seelais'. to, 1iea9+ : V �•4R71t1:"° � HEALTH EDUCATION VIVO hundrod'Ipud gkarteta, Ill loss ]?here has just 1NUlI tklalt two hit.?s 1s the aaGoh gztUtgNRGotI, ,iiia of the 11in luuybgr, mlkls In j3rltist!• pry 1p p,y p�.y fiJ'sbGlaHt9 autlu4tttY that there Svll.l IPJ:. s - ® �;t by Cita Auglo•BlItts'h Callaoialt, cont, •Columbia tiro larg@ut rrirqulatr saw"evar � � jj �91Cti1 �)j • "'"""^"'^'^^'" 0 pu'ily, Llihfted, wtsi.ich organioatloa' lg made, w+ a Rel tv iia ra41111il Jott CU .kbit world twentytivg, t 8 � Q 70ara tram now, 'fly that thio 411 . T All - 0 >rO0900111g the ObArk Asking Al- To be acoutlµte, there ore two of — aattiJltiblo Cres of tbiH 17oz.dgrrul inbn@3'• -- Ba Provincial Board old oDDLQ T rl N flµ try Ill .the g Y ed t0 It lJolu lly DiSappeat'S 44'h n. the al will have boon ti'sed up. T i I� C I?i ) IlbR �%Ok gplf of Georgia, them, and the hilva liePlt desiglu �^ on none in. Decent years. 'Moot the speolal ;Qt nllentgil,tg o'f iiia. 7tftlCh he'd' bo ttr, llfAddleton. RIII.be g:ad to answer questlonq ou Nubile Heallb .0 I Tile H,o*aailod radium alnaz.µtlolis SI MP the, Dainini to Experimental Pterins mill whlall Is Galled upotI to dandle Blood is Made R•iClt z�Yt(l'Y.ed, OIC° G'0011, S,SMP SAYS, tierq throe h this column pd4rss* him at tho Parlialttont B1dPgr - , - are Suppgsed to� be �eloctu'ifle'd partic. ,__,.mow g' 'g r any of which ruit front Tin blood IH one of the mold Com• I04-t$lO.ugul• Just what these pardoloo qp . g- to u.or0asa t11p pr0ducttan of egi,s laid tent jl1• to s' nu eToronto. Q by varyhlg broods, In the e.asto'in fifteen to twentyflve feet to, gili'l'it, 1 tire ngbody Jctiows, Tho Chtµ11 ' Is k<,, ; �/��tr'> in a Is provinces mall -7 bells are now laying There are nli'lJions of acres of fir non causes of stomach troubko, it y do mat scent C i CI.1 , ► >q.tl �, b� iii 1 ' U500ts .kite 1,ge3tlon voay elntcic6y. 7'lto Go UO Idtutfftabi@ as' any kind of mat 'Sim, iy, �'J oslldot rftnle"' SSyts ..t,•._ lion 150 to 250 @ggs annually; while forests in Britlelll Columbia, there be, ,;, ,. tor, But Y er Whatover the tezldencies of mod, and help forwaixi :by every means fit at Indian T.-Io4d •Sass. 108 pallets had •.n sufficient It t 1) • i , glaA:cla Wtat.ku,n.,4h rho tiff,. ileo Ilulius a b UAlrlg of a] I oTt, t1toY i,aro to . t2T ling i r h 11 at n title single pia c0as,e to be electrical) c WtA' eat; business and Industrial meillgds their power, (?no of tit most inter'- an average of 183,7 eggs', thee I Iglle^et Vince of the, Doanlnion, to 'supply the tare d11nlnJshgd in,t)!e!I• activity, ilio Y Marggd areal „„ plky stainrach luusele:q aro wenlnontud and ass'ume ilio P.orm a•E•itoiiuzrt, tenter has certainly had a gored are, one tiling is certain, the hearts, of er�tin'g features of the Rotary Club being 292, . At LethUrldge plodluction world with all the lunlbor it Reads; for c r, ilio people ai'@ right All the profiteer- meeting's is ilio promotion of ehearful, has been increased two or 'l fee tins there is+a loss of nerve force, In this More is a easa altogether extrael- hall o In Illy Gallo to allow what It mul p p !: p t 1 @ many ggrtegatiorl's to conte• dl.ar do, fact' C surd had 1t ion h in labor d'is at- and social unrest new and fri0ndshi , All conventimis stiato of health . nothing win tiara y, in Which one, olemen't 1's actual•, g and Hirtl,gle g, p p over that of zone are telt yoarrl• ago. JAI; i}aOlt saW is n,ino foot in diametoz, ly trans- tted in a •to. .- find )lad just about tried overvthin " quickly. ros'tole the, ftPpeClto, digestion ri I another 4lemezrt v g, that lvq: sac to -day ,arq unu'µturai gen- µr0 set 1l;s�Ida �i>rd mtenrb.grs aro cµllod the Valwouvor Ivt'ltand farm oleo pullet µid boasts one hundred enol n:lt$ty tl@•>, , . .said Mls. r Richards,I and ngamal nutrittan than. good; rich a Pheliatiumm1 whicill has• hither Mary 2u1 Ashda.o ditfail'g, dislila$tl by everybody. by their Ghr1s'tumt names. Atter tile laid .over. IltreO.Jtuu'dr@d eggs. tar9hable teeth of the Inserted spiral re boon thought i AXe.,'i'utronto. Brought into being largOly by the dis- soup is served 'there is a ,sig -song in , Several prominent British flnanoter% type. This is an, important lnm,ova- 1 blood, g mpoesdble, "I hahoe. In a b location -ofio whole work! during' which everybody must join. Goad- lntergstgd In oil deVeloptiteruC, aro ex- tion., and mDr. WiUlams' I'Irilc Pillis, act 4.1rectly Helium was Sirst dhicovorod in Ilia ve adly run-down eans' that should any of the Bull- I • s rlandltiotl oyer since I had pneumonia the years of war, these 4ocfal ab- fal4ow.s.hip without folt>7,milRy reigns' ported in Ca.lgar this summer, to in- teeth qt broken at, d'ama e n an b:l'° blood, mlus,ng it rich µid red, 4 we, lat.o'r fountl'!n our cern 1 y g damaged, now and thins enriched bload abren thens .altmospinero, which contains a ntlnuta six Yedrrs ago. 14iy stoinac;z was l:C'at•- ilormailties' must pass away. They supreme, ,promotes digestion, and •Yastigµte not only .kilo Northern aft. cneg Gaal be insorto'd without removing d; areeil a i JY always out of os•ttor. M n let:ta want nerves, stIcululates fired inusel'ez, p G ge of t, Natural Via train Y pl from the ]'tells hut't[1@ producing area Of South• the saw from its fram0• and a •aka 1 scrota wells in Texas aril al o"Store teas vory poor and I had to be very cannot possibly ailuro; they will ilei rest.! the ].•fill' fez• an -hour f w lar to u0tnutl action the s tr o trle tolerated by the th'1n1Umg peoples worries ani• concentration of 'business orta Alberta. Each blade was oast front Ingots glands' that Supply ylalds oarlefderable r uantltles of It-- careful about what I ata, as I silffer g rap Y rho Improved petite 1 of the earblu, Profiteering and .labor or glrofessional life. Above evgrytiling W. A. Math@son an'd Mayon I•IaYn'e, weighing 1,140 lb, Attar a•'eheating, This 14, 1. so mush fat oartrall instances ire l0• ell terribly Ytro:nl Indigestion, Urau- dlsputes work towards destruction, the purpose of the Rotary' Club Is, to :of bort William, ,have returned from a roll('ng, and trimming, the finished s Shown by an f .klieg -a appetite a t t, f and goon -tile effect '4f thesut blood au- g IrammaUle, 1t renders the otitis and Pains lu lily eheat,.My sleep it1 mgwlnf but the wpi,ld wantsservice, Every, be oaf use and sLvvice to others 'and gold mining location, which they Kaye 'blades .turned the wools at 795 lb, riching plJls IS evideert for i gas less useful as fuel. was never soused and I hall it tired, at •out ilio )where w0 gb this idea of being of ser- to themselves. Theta• cxee,'d' is pro- taken, up o -n' ilia north shore, of tllq So• anlage. G1reat olure •had Lo U.e slxerctsad w']rale By, .Lont. Y�ot I•ry ,it t0 lea Imagined that all of the worn-out r'e$[[ng all Ut0 time. Thad 1 find that what you g v)•ce to oitr felow's is gaining ground. gves'sive and rings tave. Here It 1st ptawe, Lance, bringing with them Some in the iln•al treat mont, as, they, )lad to eat does not distress. existing heliurn was originally deriveddreadful headachas and weak spells What a splendid example of this is "My btusiness $tan'd4rd,s shall have in ver rich gam les of visible old, The be, mathematical) true, .and 1 You, and that You ¢rain radhlm? Nchad can answer Y A g Y Atv[tect, and had fallen. ort in welgh't until I afforded- q the Itota�y Clubs, a new them ,a note of sympathy nth far aur corn weir ds a new discovery in a district and the steel of a uniform ualit ale vigorous instead of iris fico and Y w y ' y P• y y � y - ,listlase'. if tthrtt question. was scarcely more than a shadow of organization which, already has jump- mi nlhnmanity.. My businoes dealings, Whore gold Prospectors twonty years This giant among saws Is capable your appetite is fickle, if 1 YOU have any- of the distressing pains Ailgtat it cpmcetvabty. be Irassdlrle to -illy (armor self, and 1 w:ua rhUs,olulely ed unto the forefront of the fight for ambitions ,altd relliations, shall always ago found some rich at"e, and the of attaining a speed of one hunch -ed ,and, symp,tolns of ind(gestioatou transtorru helium back into indium'? tu.flt for work of any kind, human 'hapiness' and betterment. cause me to bake into consideration vedn 1•s 'sold to be from tem to twenty and .thirty miles an luour, It can saw should at Once tales Dr, Williams' Pink Physdolsts do not believe It. "But Tanlac has clone me a world These splendid clubs are now formed my highest duties as a member Of so- foot In, width. . through the greatest forest glAilt that Pills and ITrodkt by ilia better condition e:• Of good. My stomach is in Sebe call. in most of our large tolvns rind cities, ciety-to consider my vacation Tlie fisheries production of Canada Over grew as, easily ala 0110 can cut in which ;they willput Your blood. Took pity on Him, clition arid I eat all I want asst every- and very and as their watellword Is Service worth and as •effordln • me distinct for tine year 1920 reached a value of butter with a kildrs, "Darling," he cried, ill taller Of deep thing agrees with 11'10 Perfectly. All , Y g Those pills, are sold by all cltal'ens in me drones or lazy folk are admitted to opportunity to serve ;society -to $49,321,217, according to returns' just emotion, "at last you are ".rely in lily my itches and pains are a tiling or the niOmbc)•slli You must be 'a worker Improve m self, in'crea'se to effi- lesued by title Domindon Bureau of madicine,,or you coal gut them by mail P• P' Y Y at 50 ,cents a box os six boxes for arms and nothing shall part us more." Past and I'm stronger than I've been or you stay outside. Even after join- cierlcy and enlarge my service, slid. Statistics. Britisdi Calumblµ's' fishing Timber Does No$ Increase inn $2.50 from. The Dr. Williams' Meclieina The' object Or Itis touching wards Ill a longtime. In faet, Tanlac has the Ing, if you fail to attend' the regular eo doing attest my faith in the funds- industry accounted- for $22,300,000 of , meetings or take ,part in the club's mental )rinci, le of Rotary, that ire the total, and that of Ndva Scotia for i�IatuTE Forests. Co., Braostville, Ont. and passionate remained made nes re- same as made a new rk wIt of se for g,i p y, sponse, but rematneei acl[l and silent. I enc ,do my housework with ansa and -activities, out you go. profits most who serves best" $12,700,000. Salman Is- by far Cannda's Our Canadian grandfathers, many of than, di'eld ever —%— ]'ears, welled into his' oyes, my friends aro talking abort ilia won- - mast important fish, the lobster Com_ y tree' as enemy, and derful than These Chits ,being non-sectarian, all Surely nothing could be more in With the Fi0 Scouts. "Dearest;' he continued, "ltaw tau go that has come over mo. n Ing second, and cod, halibut and hair• spent thedr lives, berrying them with y the mask energaLic nun In the •coal- dine with the uncial Service program "What the Bo l prove my novo? Is l:h,ema no snort- I don't b0liove anyone who Buffers as munity are eligible for membership, of Public Health titan this creed Of illg in the order namod. Nearly $2, fire and axe, Some of their grand- Y Scout training doescan chiidron held that man all, ellenl who for rte" Ie,; the subject of a ,l'ettor com. leo I fer make for your sweet saJte; t did can is bettor than take druggists alit; rarely is there any worthy cause the Ro•tarian's. May these clubs grate 000,000 worth of whitefish were mar- y n0 suffering t eau• omdm•o?" Tanlac is sold by leading drl.ggisla bated. cuts, down, any tree in any place, The petibtOn being Conducted for Sarnia ' everywhere. Advt flail the ItCtarfllrs will not enclarse •an,d grasper. Boy Scouts' by the local Association, "ThThItical appeal was iCan(1t, ] -. =���„. �.. � .. —.- �e h On board b11P Canacltan Pacific hail- attitud,0 ie' in both eases logical. if a "Tho best thing you can t16, my way steamshl Victorian which or- tree is worth more than anything also Prizes of Scout books- and subsnrip- At Regular P' many' said a raff vesico, '9s to- conte g lar Ratos. •n„ Paying i that will grow �on a Particular piece of tions to Canadian Boy, the Bay Scouts, g ��e of.YiY1''e e ell That TYfo-r � ay1sl� With lythe world 6, rived n Quebec recently was a party along with me•," and a brutal police- Miss lifargaret Moore 'hung on the land; then it should be protected till 1}Ia.gazlue, will be awarded ,to• ti bays One Of, thq great leaders in torost Tn odd corniers of the world many 0•Y twenty -sight English orphan boys ratan unl'asteu,ed him from the lamp- arm of the editor of the Titasville Ocr,^,ervatfoa says that the most queer things are used as money. en, route ba Sherbrooke, where they It Is matures; and on the attar hand writing the beat letter% and a number harmful thing ever written about for- In China you may find in circulation 18,11. be instructed 1n ,the rudiments of there is no virtue in abstaining for ten of these, letters will, be printed later post and led him silently away, Leader, to whom ,she had been an-ag- years from cutting down a mature In the Scout Column of the "Canadian ad for three years, 'and oltdeavo)e.P to astry was the poem beginning: lumph of gold or s,ley bearing mitres Canadian iv farming and after a coarse Observer:" Same Old Things, burn his gaze towilyd the slay. "Wc:odman, woodman, spare that tree."' whfC11 show that they tear@ first issued of nue or Iwo mouths will be sent Out torost in t91 -a hope that the quantity of A Cbrlclgo urud'er t This may Seoul add at first Bight but hundred's Of years ago. Til shape they to different farms' in the am Dominion. timber will be greater at the• end than It is interesting to note that tllq graduate., con- "Just notice the moon, Clarea,el" the point the foreUer desired to make are square, oval, or oblong,and the Approxirnatel at the beginning of that time, It has team which won the Ho-wison trophy t1o"Y to regudatlons, wee entertaining she said, in a molting voics. y y $10,5 ax v insurance lila, sister, when they :heard someone "At the uau:.l rates Mar •+a was that the abject of rarest e0nserva- weigh anyflfng rap to one: and a butt is dlgld by Canaclia.n teal• voteivl.na- un- been as•esntain@cl by fnresttrs• that to the Brockville junior U'as'eUitil coot- , 6 rat, C tion is not srnt'imental but practical, l pounds. The Chinese use $•mall strips tier the proviSlions of .kite Returned in mature foresta' ilia gain front the Petition. was entirely comptsed at Boy ou the stairs. Hastily hiding big sir- slla':d be happy to do so," lie ropl!;r1. growth of the younger tress is offset Scouts, ter behind a curtain•, he, went to tate - The foreeter pretecta• forests'from fire iof wrens or Copper, some of which are. Soldiers Insurance' Act, representing j doer' aiid confronted an aged man who MONEY+-OROERS by the lass through, the death and do. While BrockvlVe Scoots seem to A Dominion Ex and oti0t• enemies not for the sake Of worth kes8 than a hundredth of open- about 3,800 podLclq:s'. Thorn has been was revisiting Itoscenea of h,is yautth, press Morey U:•dar i S, ray of the alder trees,. A mature make baseball their athletic specialty, for five dollars• casts three CenU. ilia trees but for the sake of men and I their aro of the Mongol cu tribes pay a marked fen out in the number oi' Sudbury .Scouts go in for football, and was desirous of sesing his old tvoinen. Zlrherl forest trews are ripe � their bills wtt'.1 1fttIo cellos of cam- poliate�, taken out recently since an fartsC aught ,to be cut d'ar'n and mar- roome keted as soon as Conditions aro favor- Two games with their chief opponents, The )vhalq trick of ]die is living with they should be, ant and Put to ram@ Preesecl tea. vnendmont to the act arranged for Obtaining pernil,Won, he looked jable, but if tire- land is not suited to the Copper Cliff Cadets; recently re- .kite kind of peal da that Lepong Lo }O 1. use, as quickly as possible. . That is In Burma nae finds the le pee shallln. the Payment of total am'ased at death, round,, and remarked. ".ill, yes, tits , grew agricultural crepg; P1^ovlsdau stilted in a rte and a 2-1 victory for tit it more virtue h lc fit a tg of till . coats as money, ace a little nce..ain Electricity is being' wit for the same Old room." Going to the window --Branson Lennox. ft is Ovor•ripo than in keeping a field � coins take the ;lace of halrptnce. The first Lfine In Now Brunswick as )ower should Uo made. for bringing on a new ,Scouts•. I i he said, "The same old view, and peeP- of w�f:oat uncut wisn it is flt for the iniaUitan,ts of some, of the d?,s•trlCts Dar rafting purposes, by ileo Nashwoolc cr4P of trees, and to protect that Drop "Mother has j4ine1d the Scouts." Bit hiinard's Liniment for Dandruff. A ing behind the Corte!", hey exclaimed, from fire and insects, To de, this on investigation we tonal that elle reo.I;Cr. 111:'til a forest f ,� ready for the, 1pnrdorltlg the Persian Gulf do their 1 ulp lutd Paper Company, at the "The same add game!" economically Is, ilia work of the to,vest really hadn't. Wliat she did' jaIn was saw it should b© protected, and when I buying and seting with fish-hooks of mouth' of the Nashwaak River, where Think over the mets Of y:.ur ! 3 brie Ladies' Auxiliary of the 51st Tor• My ,risk,", sir," .aid the strident' oarefutdy ire you esk for e.:.'. t � � engineer, that representative of the ,before cut flown the sat[ on Which it stood, � various rices. rafts of timber are made rap for ship- "Oh, ,vas," said Lhe visitor, "rho if not fit for agriculture, should 1)t raft i Africa provides, a weird assortment, melnt to St.-J•odtn•. ' A twentyhcnss_ note profession to which to many onto Troop. Tile Scout Mothers re- Justice. cantly ltatd a sauce old Stony." ]' in sha-r.•s for the Immediate starting Bead's, elephant tusks, and spear Power motor and a Crete of seventy Y'auug Canadians are turning. garden fete ill aid at the —r trOOp camping fund. A good program, ---- 'of an•Ctser crop of trees. Of course, , heads are all used as coins, men note do the Work formerly regti.r• - -1 g p igtpgt Amerlea'r Pioneer Do$ Ren,+ 3'aal tine commercial forester, while prim -1 In Oceania flint axes are the most Ing a crew of 200 man., when the raft- in which local arb)ets' co-operated With � � p � p tl b Dook on arily concerned in growing fore-,ts for ecnmu'an metros of exchange, but we Ing was clone by hand, Eggs With White YolltS. talented members, of tine troop, netted AA t E P- ®�� �1�����i the saw, tinea not ignore the immense i find coriAderable use made of parrots' __ flue secret of obtaining eggs with the treasury over $170. ;� and }tow to reed valtie, both practical and sentimental, i feathers woven Into ropes. The real C wltito yolks, has been solved, it is Thee Catholdc Boy Scouts, at Es• "Bayer" rr = Adress Free a any or. • Only Bayer is Genuine dress by the Author. of park aancl roadside, trees. It pains tvil[t Red Indian hardly exists now, but Will It Be E'tEiZ'7 ,Ad - staled, by two poultry breeders•. Pinola participated in the ceremony of 2. Olay ¢lover Co., Sue, Do you know how to tell it it will The yolk derives Its fine, illuminating th•e statute surmounting e tis -hest 31st street Min to see a fine tree butchered be- in a Pew reunoto caunlries, such as Al- yellow Pow cause fit ignaran•ce or care:essueas, i.a,ska, lie is still to be .found using his keep fine, no matter where you hall- color Prom a natuval dye, carotin, the sOeliers'' nlanunlea•t do the -Sacred a New Tark, U.S.A.-..1 and he realizes that the cause of she:l money, ' pan to be? which also constitutes the pigment of Heart grounds. They acted as a C� m.� ...� ®, guard, of hover and gave the fold salute fiarrst CGll�e1YAtlail gltfl.s lllllCll fl'nilt _` It i8 quite simple. Just watch ilia carrots'. This carotin produces, as. V A�®��¢�^ as the lights were twrnecl on. /� �1/� I1 !� I 6.8 A S7 E the suppo 'not mon and women whose • bird„ and the animals. Their actions well, the intense yellow coloring in D /�-.� if Ltd i Scouting grows. Amon"st the most Rt"9 Interest is not so nxlclr in the Forest 1v111 give you as good a itbather fore- the beak, .kite earlaPs, and the legs of rr9 c -a as a )vital$ as in some individual tree Digging for Fish. oast as you need for everyday pur- Loghorns, an Italian breed, recent troops' to receive their Charters or grove, Thus all eitizon% whether Izaalc Walton would Scarcely believe Posts. By eliminating all carotin from the front headquarters are organizations BuM Carlots they think of the commercial side, or Itis eyes, if lie were to walk through It you are at the seaside, watcih the feed It was, possible to produce having •thedt h$adquarteiu in Blyth, Pat,- iOrTOGMTo 8e4L'8 WORJia Niagara Fella, .'Essex, Elk bake, Wtno_ of the conniIt)on of the trees around New Smyrna, Florida, and encounter gulls. When they fly Inland you may tectiy white Leghorn hens, and these ®. d. SbLIVF TORONTO their homes, can join whole-heartedly Negroes digging live fish from the be sure there will be rain. As the old hens' In turn laid eggs with, white na, Eganville, Metcalfe, Dutton, Bridge - in the wank of forest con,;,srvatfon, ground ,as if they were potatoes', proverb lies It: yolks; their fertility was not, how- bmrg and Preston. --- -- A certain variety of mud fish found "Songull; seagull, sit on the sand, ever, llmitad In the least. Taking up the slack in a boy's led Warnui,ng! Uulese YOu s'e'e the nam (t �p9 Ill nearly alt parts of the State is re- It's novel, fine weather while you're The frequent disappearance of the sure time !g: one of the most serious "Bayer" on package or on tablets you A 44 iarow, g Iyii7e Trees �iaYler problems of the home, • The program s'ponsiUle for this state of affairs, on the laud:' yellow Pigment from aarlaps; lags, are not getting Aspirin at all, Take PAIN FFF111 �i Glass. This 'Weather Chan8 of activities of the Boy Scouts Ass,ociu- y pack - observed iia � 6 y gnoer nnomUen or the finny gas linea curious 0f• etc., wdpdch lies been in Lo - Aspirin an'1 as ,told iu the Bayer tRl9W In the last few weeks items have tribe inhabits' streams or )altds which facts upon cows. A comm shower horns during the laying tion has stood the task of twelve t'eat's I g g y g period, Is age for Ca1ds', Headache, Neuralgia, been going the rounds of the Canadian I have mud banks Or bottom's. It is will make a caw try to scratch her caused by the fact that during this as one of the most practical solutions B,heumattsm, Earache, Toothache, press doubtless clipped from United black, and wetgh's up to five or six ears. If a thunderstorm is on the time carotin Is excreted, first of all in of the problem ever devised. Lumbago aud.fos' Pain. Than you will What Lydia I':. Pinkliain':s States papers advising farmers to stop pounds. When -the water Ina some men accept literally tit bibll- eroson in ilia po;1d way, her tail will thump vigorously the yolk. be following the directions and dosage evaporates, aa• it does during certain agaitnst her ribs, Black snails on a In the case of laying hews which cal warning: Spare' bhe rod and spoil wca'ked out by physicians .during Vegetable Compound Did gullies on their farm. the Child. Others p .and render these waste places pro- seasons of the year, leaving only a country road at dusk indicate rain, produced eggs with whito yolks, blie prefor the romise: twenty-one years and proved safe by for Me& Salter ant l Live by planting longleaf and s'hortleat mass of mud; which on, the. surface is The humble rooster, too, is a good carotin contents of the different feeds Train up a Ohdid in the way lie should millium Handy Vln boxes of twelve g� pines. The advice in regard to the almost dry, it doesn't wOrry the fish. weabliercock, He usually can scent could be examined very easily. It go and when he is old he will no't de Bayer Tablets• of Aspirin Cosa few 1w1YS.iev11;S. gullies is, good but if tine farmers want The fish merely burrow_ into the a coming ,shower well In advance. proved that carotin is contained in pert therefrom, Tihe Boy Scout Move` cents. Druggists• also sell laiVeir pack- ; 1 1 p "It the cock o g meat is, based on the latter principle ages. Mario in Canada. Aspirin is the Vancouver, B.Gr I am pleased to to grow langleaE and s11•ortleaf )Inas mud to wait for rain, enol a) areutly goes crolvin ba bed greatest amount in Iudiau corn and saythatLydia E.Pinkham'sVe etable they will have to put a glass, roof over Continue to live as toil as the earth He will certainl rise with a water green, feed, • and should be encouraged through til- creased leadership by men able to de- trade mark frcture of to Canada), d. 1.canCompound iv has dons ire a lot o good. •tit gullies and 'apply artificial heat. is wet. The Nogroas locate 0::0 fish by head." Y y --I----. Bayer Manufacture of hlouoaO.sticacid- I can now walk about without Che aid The native home of these panes is exploring the mud with thea bare feet. It is easy to read the weather signs y vo,Ce time to tlrts great work, ester or Sallcylleacid, ' ore, Su) ort and fOCI real stropg a run. "way down in. Tennessee" and they do The fish is edible, but is not a fa- of the sky, A lialood ninon always, RED HOT JULY DAY - th"s 0 •-----•: ll nixrso advised me to taltogtile not I Vegetable Compoundanditiscertainl grew satisfactorily north of Vir vorito because of its strligyand coarse i foretells rain, The stars, too, have a c=a- ,i DiSCOveYlt a New Ebrest Wanted a Change, helping me. Iscouts like Heaven to ginda. But Caz,adlans need not be flesh. misty oppea,rance before a shower. ^��st yp A somewhat befuddled guest ap- he relieved after months of PFala."- ci0wniearted, because they can grow "When trio star begin to huddle, RD ® IME BABY �r6YIIICt. geared fae',fore the desk of a Smart' I fins. I.1., IV. I1,mvit, 3,474 101;h Avo. better trees than thec,e southern pines. Tile earth will soon become a Pull- Are Canadlans, too modest? A fa- hotel and demanded in thick but firm 'Chest, 'Vancouver, B.C. ,T:hsro,is a. large amount of information i qy • n dl -d" July -the month of oppressive heat; mous Canadian thinks they are, and, tones that ,his room be changed, Albert Co., N. B.-t'I have takon available in Canada. as to what trees Not $c',r Fr iitlga3. Eye,.;-. els, If, when the rain does come, it ar- red 1lOt days• and sweltering nlglits; while he would not like to see them °'Vrn carry;' the clock told him, "'but' l;ydta E. Pinkham's medicines and to grow, Provincial foresters are lad There ninst be many Japanese still become boaster, be lho•]da, they should ,all the r0'ams 'are ta'ken," they have done me a lot of good. Suloo g rives from ilia oast, it will usually re- Is extremely haul on little nn'0a•. Dlar .I then S have been able to do my horsa- to,-give information find the Dominion Living who can remoniber when their mala for two clays. If rain threatens rhoea., dysentery, co1dC and cholera fit. Rat deliberately hide their light, DO " Mmih have 'nether room," insisted work noel I have a able t work l tiv o- Forestry Branch has published two countrymen would have regarded wit.t for a long time, it will ramain for a fantum carry off thousands of precious Canadians know that 011e of the recent the • uest. bulletins which may be had free n ton horror the manner In which the Crown p !; we, live on a farm. Seeing your adt'ar- Y L long time, little lives •$Very summer, The mother imporban•t discoveries, fn the reduc• "What's th,e matter with the raom iisoment in ilia papars was what mado Ottawa. a the Director Of I orestry, Prince allows Itlnleoif to be gazed up- ;, must be constantly an her guard to tion of metal ores, was made by Cana- you have ;row?" isle think of writing to you. I hope Ottawa. They are No, 1, "Tree Plant• on by foreign crowds. P prevent these troubles or if they come pro- " „ this may 1101) sonic one else."- dians7 When the cit floatation Well, if you mush know, expaa.in- 1 Ing oaf the Prairies,". for the Prairie So late us 1867 no Japanese was al. Honey Cargo Half a Bee S Ou suddenly to fii;]tt tient, No other Cess of ore reduction )vas' invented tun r „• I lits. IVm. 1i, livivelr, Upper New lowed to lack upon the Eat ed flue dissatisfied tenant, ash an Horton, Albert Co., N. B. Provinces; and No. 69, "Care of the pero.r, who Weight. medicine is of such aid to mothers unpreced,on'tod demand arrs'a for Pine fire l" � Tile reason women write such letters Waodlot," for the other provinces, lived a life apart In the seclusion of Recent experiments have yielded during lite hot .Summer as Is Baby's Oil, a pnpadluat Of the turpentine Indus- I -c his palace, All that was seen of flim try of the southera.United States, and .:�,,%- � '" = "'- `+ to the Lydia P. Pinkliam Medicine Co. The L7,S. navy teas now in its ssi - by th'csa who wafted on his Oar_ s,omo tnterost[ug information lu re, Own Tablets, They regulate the I and tell their friends how the arc vire 2,600 0a':riier pigeons, n.auds was his back, Whan th r sgleet to bees, bowOLs and stomach, and an occasion- bra price Of this nit rose be twenty � f1,sl�f�l• 'I . �1 belpedfsthat Lydia L.Pfnlcham'syVegO- e rule It appears that about 5 500 honey- a'1 dose given to the wail child will times Its original level in a month. l s re: � � . f table Compound has brought health and Canadian. expemdfiLuroa on naval and was first modified to the extent of his Wars'0• tluan that, Canadian reduction a. r ""S e, � , rir �> t happiness into their liven. Treed from bees weigh one pound. A worker bee Prevent summer complaint, or if the Pir , irigitary d,efer.,ee are bite lowest o£ ally leaving the palace all shutters ]lad to Plants, in Ontario, Bri.ttsh Codumbta, A° 6. „s �s thea illness they want to ass the gaol 0ountr in bit world, acOolding to P ,ail blinds d,ralvn and even ordinarily Carries calf its own weight trouble tio•e,3 come on. sud'dgndy w111 1. o- 6 p y be put u !c-'. news alon to other suffering women of n4wtar gathered from flowers, and banish It, The Tablets are sold by and other pro,vinces•, were at times' un- gg the sbatemenk of the Minf'ster of Mil,- I the crevices covered with paper, and aUle to et the oil at any n`ICe. The k ., ; =r f that they else may be relieved. no one was permitted in the streets, scnnst!ines carries as much as 30 par medicine dealers or by mail tit 26 is i if there are any complications you do iti:a.in the House of Gansnohs, the pen cant, of its own weight, cents a box from The Dr.' Williams' whiing companies; after spending con. '. 'e not understand write to Lydia E. Pink- capitu expem•diture Pot d•afence, in- Vast change. have iak0n place slnae sdderabie money in ,>earChtn fou a �� tw o; .,. Gen^ b ham ltiedfcfno Co., Lynn, Mass. thea, but even to -day it is not consid- A worker bee, under ideal condi- Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, g y , c]udin,g that for militia, ruaval and tions, should require about cite hour �;,- subatttute, applied for• help to the YARMOUTH, N, S, —.._—_.•-_ __-_. .. -_-_ .nix forces beingon: 1.89. The pair- ere d quite proper and respectful by 1 Minister of, the Inbzrlor, who directed 'the Qligittai and Only Genuine e $ i for a round tri) to Jird from the hive een,tage of •annual rtvelvn'o to be aBe- the masses of the poeplt to 1•ook at the while gathering Raney, Thus It is os- Flying. Torpedoes. bile Forest Produ,cts Laboratories of Eiew' a of Imitations sold on the voted to defence purposes this y$s.r Elloper-or or his :Heir when they drive Expc'riments,,,throwiug a new light the .Forestry Drancit to study the merits of !is 3,fi per cent, through the streets, . carry 0 fiat lied Of of been may P carry one pound of nectar per hour o1n the problems of aerial war, aro re. problem. One Of the ahtmists of these a •c _ --_ ._-_ _-..-....:._ during a Period of abundant Raney , Ported as, havlog been taking place laboratories, after working on the MINARD S LINIMENT flow. Tilts would mean about six With'great secrecy near Paris, question fon' &pout ulue months, and /^, pounds Ot h'on,eY Per day under favor. Small heavier-than-air machines., collaLborating In the final tests with Canadiatl )Forest Investi- able Conditions for that many been, really torpedoes wlbh wings, are sent experts In the Mines Branch, dllsoover'• gations. A strong edlony would comprise at up Into the air under their own power, ed that a waste prarduot of the wood While In all districts where there least four pounds -,o8 field bees, wlbh a1 m'aktinuur gathering power of twelve and entirely pilotless, and are then controlled by Wireless telegraphy, distillation Industry, by a little refill. sre tenhniea:dy trained foresters' la- [jig, could be Made to take the p'lacc Pounds of honey per day, Reckoning Machines, aro flown to)' considerable Catod there are observations being of the expensive oil, The result is iilade and Investigations of a more or that 011e40,11a•tli of this weight would be d,,atances and made , to carry out that ore reducing plants aro now us- less• detaflod character being carried lost by evaponatfon and to meet the manceuVrOO while under wireless dl- Ing this new and comparatively cheap ( on, the orgaiiLmd s,claiAific want in food requirements of the, colony, there,rection Irani Mile ground, prodnd-t to the benefit of tile, who'lO fu- those d0*?ticas ilia 1 ll nlai•Jty Con - would be a not gal; of nine poutuds, A further development Coh,templated clustry, ilia forest oxpo.rtnlemtal station It Is found that: a boo gathers hon honey a m is for method to be perfected by "-^-- vnwa, Ont., and at Ci's fare, ,t !III ntec t from only oro kind of plant at a time, moang of which a pilot in all aero- Almost Lilco New. nursery station at .Indian .!Thad, Sastre i Dandelions, give their maximum konley I plans Call control the movement% at aal'ler—lslp't'that pl'ctnre ono of tho. At Indian Head, a Ifirge number Cf flow the Seen week ill H• bass- May I dtirillg t10 0110 Of ROse. air tnrpari0es, f hl's OWL aid masters I plantations OP smal•1 Ar 41, Ill .•orae i WGOd first tali OE ,fu y alidY h0artsease bsoottlea a prnilucdi In tike „+,rrl'd 1116 i, after a to- 1 )oda had been 1An11Cied anti CO1lt1'011@d +th•, 'ue�, N$W2UC}l-1 ,bel!eve 'an, lint ntyi Ca.ea Oti ,alogia s,ipecigo anri [ri other ! husband' had it vaTni.'1101 alta frani0d Case. Of ya1'litl$ 1nlxtnrCS, have ])cell I Iatber halt of August. This, howevar + .11rould be uliderstoodl to apply to the up to a certain height by ilia land eta- Lion, Its dll•ectioll. Would be taken over in ,a wary that intakes it Ioolt ttl-moat as lit oxi.8tence for saltie years, Careful parttatilear region do which dlte export. by a pilot h5 a special arooplane, who good at nevv. records Have beep kept Train year to '7.—d- --- year of the growth and devolopmont m•ents wore cotlduetod, --•.,—= would solid It on Ahead until, lie lied guid od, it to. Its target, lie ihlmselt re• M?nard's L.In!mont Rt)leves Netrralyfil of ilia treat slid there is being stoadfly • w •r paiinerons. Mrs. Mays maibing at rApia d1BGr„oo, `"-"'-,,- - �----- acetnuulate¢l a =;tor0 of Infc'rmatfan still, small Wide. flint, will 13e of the grc'atosL value In "DUt, do you litce apples?" •- It Is mtfo i $nsigt to keep up than Tommy," said ills Mather, future plaidtlig work an farms or ht "didn't your conscleheo toll ;volt you 1 the toroate.-•-Annual' Report, DIrertor Mr-, May--•"AliplE8,? I %tes'cml r to paboh U'p, warn doing wrong?" of Tarestry, 17ttAka, wouldn':t oat a liapplo for tile WOI'Itl, I kv Gld„m,oth:nir Mind of nm;v1,. f t Of —; Mlnard% Liniment for burns, eke, "Yes," roplled `ilaflithy, "hilt I don't � - -.r•-- --•••w 5)trllnva evAvvLbltic t IlArl.t.' , Whard's Llnlmeniflir salct.abtsrytvhera