HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-7-14, Page 6V
r ,-,. K,- - o--- -
�~-,rwn,.,!.•"n++r,m �.,_'-^--^ -^ ^^- __ .,_ r n} al rain Ilttvotto,L, ..L7te mart why
_-_ cos your compoli7: Dartin 'aayi
dotter that he will be there, toe
�a --just; the three of us;' .
I 1.
>� (($, '� TStalla stood Hilent for a moment,
tri ?u.e Jl �.1 Y1 twisting a lovely ha,1f4laop of ilia
' I mends round the third finger of her
h , 9 A left illness.
hand. She remetnamed the sur-
/ !E�i fi�.fiA dell illness• w9>a�;�ki had aero over pni-
tin, when Raverbon's visit to Udall.
. busy `Powers was announeed. ,She wts
certain that he was acquainted w,tl:
•- w• --w.. -a• 13)• 1.}t YID WIIITELAW,-•-+-----�+ . tho theatrical manager.
=-. �c === �=w4, =•_-yam ._ _ , "ITB didn't seem to ]snow Mr. IXav
(copyrighted) ( erten on that tray, Bobby, But Mr.
,. D ❑to uric a lot rU ut tb:
r artin l o as
r • lied tit W
h red' t'h t o it d fu] e q
wyngpsrs of I,atcx 4haptC•s. 1 n 1 a h R fi to
l?'Aa'tin, in possCss;on of Dat$igny letter the condition of the trust. IIs tray. He must have racer evenythin!g
r"'( trine, has to pay Ilavertall silence: feat a bitterness against the mail,, or, i worth seeing' for aver so long, Ile
money. On Stella's birthday Blaxenter, ratlher, against the luck that had said ho remembered acting pour me,
glvcs ]nil the Dartigny,locket. Stella's given him a fortune to which he hand ,,an, in that small part in the
mother recogna..as the frost it bears no moral right, but that was ail, 'Pain -eels' pantramine; the said I slha:ped
va the sane as tlwL' on arina handed Doubt as to the lydnesty of the mail
r''aivi' ft+ern StelIa's sr tt t ian•us Lot7,er; -t Addt.�"bury Tower hoer, as 'yet, notJ wall then, and--olt---a• whole lot of
tine long lost Sy.1vI P..rt),-,:y, i - -••d his mined -that was to -come u';Lio!itbin s about
me, aril
-_I I later, - "I can well believe that, clear, You
CT'f/iE'1 k, YIs. Eenhn'.', - , lead a little song; how did it go-?"
May I ask, Mrs. I3enhani, where CITAPTT R spi He broke off with •a start, "When was
this ring carne frcm?" , ThO >3eeds aif ,$uspiciOu' the last time otic Played that?"
"It has bean in in, i:uaban l's fang -1 Robert E'•t enter was a happier man I "W.hy do yon spoilt ]ileo that, Bob,
fly for elan/ yv,r3. 1 believe it was than Ile lied leen for. moi, hs as, at b sharply?"
a�rl 'nail 'n tit•• girl , the r,_. , n i � Y^
s�. n o h f-. .,
� Y •• g't it st ten ,that veno, h a
� e e e
r evening, p
Who ,lir'. rid- Did T dear? was only thinking
n reed Stella's (*teat Etta proachecl the stage door of the Gar- I v y ng
f.•rthcr before I think- o a r two ofo i'
t year n i lr 1 of soliteLnn - hien was it?"
y t ,n Ph tea in I a •k to h, his v
C a ea 1".t t g
t"v"atsLloa L
AS fail I Can retell c
a C e � d
a vu mind he fel blit li • 1l, nxr L a first week in March, 1
t b little -anxiety a The s a e Ma h est year
Y ,
'1.1ir .,-,,,I,
ct i
, ^s to bosh nl .• t sty •
y y to it t w to the result of his letter to Stella, -there's Mother calling, Bobby; poor
:'b t the t,:I had ha:n •Ldo ttecl by the and, as the stronger, he told himself l dear, we're keeping liar up. Good=
int c8 ll,e' mail who married hear. that it has l.cc;t his part to hold out night, deares't--dearest and best! I'm
Ie 1 i r, i
P m va a Hotta and t
r the branch a
t b t c f peace. p n
r: so hale t ,
_ear •r that 1lY
at } was called !r 1 c so
a c t o u a� As he noticed 'the noig]nboihoo�d he
in which the i trent died, leaving to- told hitiisef that lie had not taken tiled Robert walked the first part of tl,e
txl,y un- rar l,3 foil n little 91A of etep any too aeon. The crowed that i way back .to his chambers, Intending
9honv1; fail), i cars of UP. • Josima s had infested the e,tage door of the to pick up a late taxi when he reached
wife ,ha 1 1 no ehild:gn of her own, Odeon had neither intellectual the Marble Arch, The bight was vel.,
ti k the phi'd to h•er .heart and; allnor desirable, but it lied at ]east been still and lie paced the deserted Pave-
1 l a ; fru 'n;: to estahlis'h liar iden- .fairly clean. The .solicitor shuddered I marts thinking of what be had just
t" qr trey b xi -i ht thegirl up is thedr.as he glanced at his pTesont surround heard. .
1 r _1tL� aids rho$ ehitg and lil c udthe few pr tt' apse:ti!to thetce arC which tstk r o xtrtcin i It had been a day of strange l,ap-
1'•^^ cr•u;,3 1.•c=r-n n-t4zn, coneerning the Gardenia prod'uctio'ns was a nor- partings, The ring which Mrs. Ben-
lic -• I row, low door set in a high brick wall, ham had shown hiin had quite put be-
' There is litt'f doubt that she 'be-! covered with ragged posters- and worn yond doubt, in his own mind, the right
Irn c'.i to -erne French family in h}d- shiny near the doorway by the shout- of that lady's daughter to the Dar-
in;;, b-1 :IoOwa, perhaps, did not dens of irhe loafers wile naghtly gath- tigny inheritance. But Robert's legal
j�'C33 Ls niquirres as much as he trod there, Just within Robert caught training told him that there was as
i.,rszht. I suppose ',,he elrIld grey dear sight of an untidy individual behind yet nothing upon which be could act
to 1 -}tom, as adopted children often do,'fl little window, raading the evening
rho L:,ey hart the excuse that -tile pot against Mr. Baptiste Dartin. The man
�t;ral state of Fr2nee prevented them gap, j by the light of a wire-glgUed had done all that he was called upon
fr: ni pursuing their iquWa:; ori tine g The jet. had
of the place were 'to Ila in order that He should claim the
,there 'Pilar there came the war to-' there now, filling the narrow have- chest; snd alth•o,.tgh Stella was in the
tvraon the L-ao c,rnri':rias aucl 'the went in liLi.-e sh•a ,l,sz >rinus, The,.,, direct line, whilst Dartin was only -
c' rt ImOing out the history of 1„std were thrait;pact_ frc;rt oil furl,- (To be, continued.)
the lonely little girl pllgee•'r y -_
Nevis^ cheap cilrt rete from
_.._. _� !: "L
rys tis il: eel �•
i'T. °. 1. .. It %,_.i-..,.,' ........ ,LIiJ=rya wP r Yee- y�,clgyZttLi1ug �lr(9ur �l9norar3Ce.
I1. t t ,.:t M Las, m i'_s 13911,,;• hers a crowd rh:: -,r••1 ;s:iet!'am in
hum Iva; all ancne,t h:� S rl cncl th•1t it: in_ iri:di a}; ii ; \Ya aro all lgroraut, high and low,
s-, t w.� riot np-
he 1•nr;r it ala Ucfoxc. 'hnal_r fato load Icran'; it c tyre items:,, -.e d. great. and little, tvlse and foolish, ado•
rm,,?1-cd him, acct s•3 ,nil ..ci�r.r� in a A.L the el:,d of li.,^. 1AL'e Lne in which Bated rind ,,r,educated. Some may
rr rn a treat was s n . r 111..:, any t',s sus a d?o r vra , i.ohe,t could sea know a trif.a more than other;; but
et_._e ar-me. t r
dr..me. Ile turned. Mrs. I3e~i••
itl•.c night, life Of t]•ra crnvvdcl snburb,�r.s ce,npnred with lho vast possi.rll-
l•^rrt' r tl,e teeming rias of 11co :lc and trite t!c Of knowledge the difference ba -
',u DaC3 atelia la•-nnv nnyth.}n;; oe Hurry atnvosp'here Iib up lir yelicv;r twccn ignorancr..s is too insignificant
ypatcl:es 'by tit„ glare of huge naptha to be of much account, says Youtl"s
"I w, s going to tell he^ 'to -day, lamp, flrrrfng• over the rosters' bar- Companion. Since that is so, it might
her Hiri•hday, and give her lite riaiR."!rows. The cr5as of vendor; min„led g
A. look of ral)ef• assed over tHa Uo sugposed that we should all be
.p lz.;rshly with the roar of traffic. At really to admit aur deilcionales, to ac•
yolir"T e.,lir-.tor'sface, 16e•corner rlie lig]uts of a f:"rent p"!n-
7 n I wnnt you to wait a little , . knowledge at once how little we know
tr1.Je ucfrre you toll heel I have good }?a.cace silent out,' ani} Robert vvnnder and to t;e only concerned humbly and
Y ed, as Ile sa.w thp_ ntob of. Iru"vanity
c;rons fcr what I ask. Your story t!lr'OarclI its 1,.trge ,plate-;;i:ss will.• uatfc"i ly to snpply the gaps in cur in -
i•.; ir-rraeted me ver d'ee 1•Y." Ile ,
to-& up his l,at and had out his hand. the ti, to which l wit of it, ba'.ongnio formation with such ry,it is
as wo
"Gond-bye, irlrs. Ben•-hami" Ithe try little girl ivho sat half-asl.",p may. On Ctue contrary, it is amazing
TUC you will sway and take iunch?'etl ioil netheccroalc of th,£tadoll clutch- hew nrcat of us toll and struggle to
Ste:]la vyo will I g' colica:] our ignorance. No device
It was a scene sordid in the ex- seems loo
"I think no•t, Mrs. Benham; I have petty, no pretense tea mean,
theme, and the waiting n+au felt as
P, busy day before me. The itrtwoxs' though he Were a stranger in a if only we can lover up from others
are for Stelka and there is a letter strange land -a land in which it was tilt fact that wo do not know any
with tbem.' In the bight of vrnat you hard to bred the, The cigarette- more than they do•. Sometimes life
h -ave just told me I want you to re-; smoking
morn-ber that that latter was already youths, tel, sedum to re- appears to c It spun aver with ii a well of
written L°Qf,re you showed rete thalsont his xesanee. in t}tC domain the' ,artificial culture that has iso solidity
rill" ” ' ]lad made their own, and Robert had and no permanence.
"Yes, Rel orb; but what's all the I difficulty in kceuin'g• to what he knew People seem to think that it injures
mystery?•, ;was the wiser comae of ignoring their (heir authority and standing to admit
uudib:e- rema.rka,
Bemuse, Mrs. Benharm, the letter) The chimes of a nearby clack. tolled frankly that they have made a mis-
is'my capiWlat}on, my unconditional take; that their information was Ill -
surrender to 'Stella. In it have �- ily i ril. Already Cwu or three Lewd-
ddressed girls had come through complete and that their calculations
pored our year's contract, which is the stage door, attended by their were incorrect, Teachers are possess -
rot quite rip; add haul, asked liar e- cavaliers. Robert could sec that 11 ed with this delusion. Ministers are
minty me. 11 -ad- T not written n e some curses they had! not quite removed led astray by it. Statesmen suffer
'are hearing your story T coati never some
make-up 'from their faces. As they from it, Parents constantly find that
have clone so without laying mys if t stood beneath the gas 1•aps they seem- it vitiates their simple and natural re -
,pen to a grave• misconstruction. I ed consciously pleased at the ,attention lave told. hor that Lwill meet her at latiaus with their children. They go
:lie theatre to -night. Pia ,eo do as I they received from the gilded youth
g of Hackney. Then Stella ;ame, mites round, evade, elude, palter and
PrIth and tell -bar nothing of the story prevaricate, rather than say tight out
you have told me." She stood for a moment, framed in that they wore wrong. They do not
And ,Mrs. Bsnllam promised, and the doorway, looking out, before she
after Robert, had left she ]coked the naught sight of Robert. Then she ran realize that what injures our cUarac-
tainkct away again in, the dressing- to him and gava his hand a little term and our usefulnbss more than any-
'0tsble drawer. Str>IIa's roses she planed squeeze and sked up with a great thing else is to make pretense of
}tt water in the centre. of the table, gladness in her gray eyes that told oitnisclence said have it exposed as
daintily set' out for lunclicon, and the Robert that all 'was right with their only a pretense•
better she put' by her d•aughter's.plate. world and Headless of the xenrarks of The truth Is that nothing secures
Robert walked most of the way the intere•8•lei7 sptvetatox•s, he bent and the confidence of all men so much as
bads to his office. He felt that exec- kiss'ect her as he hurried her away. s
As they passed the ro•ner Robert the humble, frantic, free, straigdr,tfor-
torag• what he natio if hQ were saw -tlr.at till child was still on the ward admission of Ignorance, The
to unravel lite romantic tangle of the
Dartiguys. Stella, evidenbly, wins the step of the publia=house, She was guide we trust is he who admits that
leg!!tianate heiress to wheat was in the asleep -naw aad-;sad' covered over the our difficulties are his difficulties and
chest left by h'er groatzgrea't-•grand- little doll with ra corner of liar thread- that, if he can see just a trifle, farther,
father, 14learie Bns'Ac 'de Dartigny, bare jacket. He tried to hide the sight It is Only because lie has Lolled more
mere than a century ago• from, the girl by his side, but Stella arduouslyanti has not obscured his
But Dartin had come upon the scene saw the pathetir, tittle figure and she vision by any Undue assurance of more
in the nick of time, aa•d hill present! clutehed at the man's arm:ample view, Thera is nothing that we
possession gave him the nine' pro- Clint we d6'something,v Oh, Rob-'
verbial legal points. It wotil•d be no ( art. what was that you said once aboutadmire more than such humilitythat
oasy matter now to dislodge the owner little children and that a woman's life othors; nothing that we are more re.
of Adderbuey Tamers, That the in-, should, ire found in their eyes? I have luctant to practice ourselves.
haribance. had' turned out better than thought of it so often since you said It the majority of us gave half the
Dartin had' hintol was apparent froml that, and I have grown to hate my effort to remedying our ignorance that
the style kept uu at Barchester. He! audiences -the people ivbo pay to see we give to concealing it, we should
wondered why the man halt] been so rhe?' think more of ourselves, others would
reticent as to what tile chest h'ad con- Slee broke away fram him, and he think more of its, and the world would
tallied. Watcheliar as she went to the sleep- be a more practicable place to live fu.
Robert haul seen little Of Dartin dur_Idtrg childand placed something into
Ing the fast Yale. He was net one; the little lap; he recognized it as a -----
to when he was attracted, and„ al•-' box of chocolates he had sent her that Bridget's Strategy.
though tine owner of the Towers h'ad ' evening to the, theatre, When she
Bridget was an Irishwoman -that
trioti to hQ friendly, the solicitor h.ad'jo)nr+al -him agan Ienliert sail, that g s
hot unduly encounngad him..At that'tHere were tears in her eyes. was by 'birbli. She was als,a ,general
moment there was ai, nlvdtation on the I Mrs, Ben.h'am rya's stili up whet, maid of ali work to Mass: Dawson -
desle at his ehvambars asking hint davvrt they rest h d the fiat, Arid one• glance thabviviaa by naoersi'ty.
Pot' i few days to Barchester, an in I at Stella's radiant face was all that ' Bridget had a reputation for not
v]tatiart which Robert 'had made up'she needed to m.alca• hex coanplrtely liking' work. Give a drag a bad name,
his nithe i <t, 110e' r I ha The three did full . ustice to and it'll never get a reputation for be -
In the light, however, of aha" he pp'Y� J
had jusL hoard, he chango.d his mind the dainty slipper• • that was awaiting ing a sahit.
and demided to accept. There might,Steiia's return from the theatre. It It was one of Bridget's tasks to
perimps be ,all apportunibyl of finding iw•,as good, after the sordid-, surround- clean the windows one morning, After
out How the land lay, and in Stolia's inigs of the suburbs, to sit here with a certain number of. hours had passed
interest he -felt he•`iva's ju c!'fiod, if not the lit.t.le shaded ta:blQ anndles show}r.g Her nnstres,s saw Bridget emptying a
in spying, al; a1) events in keeping his their rasa light in t:he silver and glass poil of die ' water,
eyes open. There wile
ria Phadow of.still on tke scaaiet lobster in. its bed "Have, ,You cleaned the windows,
Suspicion }n has mind a amst the,
of trader green, and an 'tine ill neck Brie -get?” asked Mils. Dawson.
c)vtmoiat to wHartf Per. had surrendered g
the chest. He necepteit as a fnct that`of tit<: bottle of cham.pngne-far was Yes, ora'•am.
belt), was in trgth a dascr-nd,ant of not this a betrothal feast, alio to be "Come upstairs vvith me, and I will
the Dartignys, more distant Chain Stel- honatred: and remembeled,for all time? Inspect then," said tiro lady.
la, certainly, but the solr`citar told' The bight was wartu and the young Bridget had no alternative but to
-" -=- — - =�-•== peo]�la s6bod on th'e little balcony fallow her mistress, that she had a
averhangittg the gardens. The niati foreboding /of misfortune.
Bridget," - �' was leatii,ig over the shoulders of the ,r g , demandacl Mrs, Dawso.itI
girl, and Sboldai was drinking in the surely you d'ontit consider• these win-
.. .. love••ta1•k of which her heart had so dows clean?„
oma. t" aa.tii .oi.,,,.C- N "", long been starved. They had, so much tSbure, I washed than nicely on tlhe
11.9 to say to each other, these two foolrsti iirs}de, ma'am," asserted Bridget, "so
, zo I p.orsons who haci wilfully out from yo can book out, halt I dntentignalldy
lei them a little t m ilio dirt on the outside
thrix 'i Y
Ives rased a year of. joy -so Y
''� ;tib'}, • Y J
�`r+.t^ so then; ai' •noraant Jan.. , ah' •
;;;,. much onto to maks trp, g � children next
I wild .be aWay this wask,limd, door couldn'•t look ill."
St01110. I'an sorry, 'but R14,a, client in ._..._-`-I-'-"-"' i
p(%Mfp I I ". l0 y�gp : Trincolnshiro; he's got a lovely place, Dded4•
.. � ,,, ,
11111111111111111 aril some decent golf and fisinrn�g, By- We lire ilt do_ds, not roars, In
' tH - > thoughts, not
et i t r tbreaths,
t v is a B cH
.F ,. a a ester• Tait t
_-- , , we g ,
yep_ thele on tl,a toar4" 7n feelings, not In figures on a dial.
i' illi count time b hoar the
� - � Vire h4 t Orr
. e.. the week ,before 1 t s Y a,
I 11 as aha is
k' I flip tent f'J �a� p;oy4 ]]yes
«.,. p
e riles names Dartill theres a,bit of Who tblultif hitisf', '1661s the; ho.blest,
.l�C'li-i- 1 ON�P�N11 YGlfglaVy.; rarii•ar)•ce about I:li6 f011law, he- acts the host,
a+surrnc� ltoIR . W11,y, l Met,Mr, Dartin, Bobby, we Life's hitt ti, means Unto fiu'ahil; that
1`4 0,CAfQAgA n cl
' had a kind, of ,Picnic, at: his iacc, eta
w •_.: ..•....,...., 7 ,:;;,, Vancy ',Volt TMO Ving Mrs I?artind' 1169111th -1.119l ttlelttio And Ond to ill thlitgo
, 15SU8 No,kd3-,Aet. "I expo-ct 116 )draws thea+t-tical .poo-. _.-(poi-,
. "; . ,
and the Worst is.yet to come
- l/.iiilll7,v 1'a4i�P3R mpq I I Let U ua Beautiful as We Can. Ing he 'l3to sista of the ... r its t1F, it
p y e stall Indifferently a
/ I wataltetl 7tPt siaivo u. to the stoila nna be what w
to make gam•e'purell,ascs, I could tebi rr,flex, a sympathot,c or a referred
/�' / by rho fresh v ltalaysouonosH of her,) pain'; that is, one caused by trouble
' I J idle ew _ble v t: a +ia file t c car, it in the ear but in.aome other part
e l�� /. 1 / pa v kY it l n. _ d h ca. , l ,
a ut that she was one of us and so I kept of the body,
1 /V////",
/ 1's Dell , I // ii fit eith r f e our
- "o , / s fixed on her as Hilo brow ht Etlxac e,nay atta e b. Y g
// Wer+Tiaete r zliy ey g
//// i/ Or the 1d' but 't o t o>! attacks
't" �FAIR 4i the car to a stop, leaned over and e o , n Oft(4103t
- . .
ti i : Route
cl Idr i babies are n a u
"e d w
eft Wheat a
e a basket from 'he lantern
/� ... k >a q t
,a /
. /� W��R aaid� of out, pain thO doctor slwLtld observe them
v w' J ! ! g dared until he discovers the sant of
..M / i- I And what a dt_a ppolmtmontJ Y n
• •" . IN�II� tr the Palo, If the oar 's at fault the
, )l , Porhatps she bald eonro sassy to a I i n
�, hurry, perhaps the mirror in barroom
.baby will aces sell or star t when anY
a d = i iii was not large enough for her to see one •approaches it; or it may roll its
o n 0 o -o i�
Iy I
GP / i•
� d ,fir o'\ w �,� 'herself ecm}rlataly; but even e!o, s'he heal on the pillow or lift its hand to
u• o `�'' o o �� ;vas not justified in prOsentina; herself the oar.
""`' u e e k o thus for friends and trades!p•eaple In In old•or childran earache afte•a
_ V I 0. o " ---- ► town to see. matins idiot •the nasopharynx is ni an
`�1 /✓k 1, cJ Nature batt been goad to ilei' but- unhealthy state or that the teeth need
. ./ I% "==- ,,,, ° ""' she had not done one thing for herself, atbemtlan, It may meant that the el,)ld
I.✓1 I ` � ;I 9 had not taken care of and completed; has adenoids, fora child with adenoids
�. ,� ,_ what n.•vture had, begun. catches -cold- easily, azul the cold may
°t -
result iai inflammation of the Eu. at
.,. Her hair wasdela and wispy -s, Cs m
r -
,))town d, h
;� �..- chlor tulle.
1 � ., �,,. ^� ten -cent hair net or a veil we have
1 - -a- *-,
h ,
Parents,. t regard, to ash s
used oof e a
ke t' in•+ a •:
' / ," it la e 'bar bias merge skirt
' i.
p bottom
One sof tit int italrle iii E childhood.
e e o
hung uneve 1' around the o1:t m r
r e
n eb o and
g Y
A ,and ,thought the had done their Hut
!� t Y Y
/ �: f was.. splashed with thud -,odd' mud', for g
�\, it was not a muddy da 'iter heetis when they hail applied some old wives'
'1\ were Tull over and we know that it remedy, 'which did more harm than
cod, It i ad fua to reflect on the
s n ec
is roll o 1 unforgivably
.. g p
n un a tab ant) b t
v �,
Y dY
/ g 'Y
it is bad far the feet; and. the !briefest, d're'adful tortures that youngw
/ . , / glimpse of her hand's ,showed me that then endured, •
1' she !bit her fingernails! Ii your -child has persistent earache,
j , - d's^ t I had wanted to lalce ber and, be You should eal•I a specialist in ear
11I1194o1 -,- . _. interested in her and novo all I could diseases, foil the pain ,caused by in-
-- think of was, why would she nagicet Alimmation of the middle ear is t'e-
- '' herself so? s lieved most quickly and pera.nently by
�1�ry yo 'You and I want friends, both men making an i'ncie!on in the carr drum.
Vk anian can of IIpe and women friends, but they 'have to That not only gives relief: to the sufr-
_ judge us at first by externals end few erer but often prevents his becoming
There was recently in Vkrainna, hesitatingly exposed her own life at. outside of our own families will pa- deaf in Hater life. The ear specialist
says a despatch from Paris, a strong the head of the,geginient with the sang tiently look below the surface for our is the only person competent to do -
detachment of cavalry waging war froid of an apbstle, and martyr and likeable qualities, -after that first tide whether or not the ineisioii should
impression has repelled them. To be made, and he is tile only person
against the Bolshevik!. rine fellows with attar contempt of Hoath, I
they were, more than two thousand of At last the Bolshevild, in a d'esper- attract people at the first impression who is competent to make it.
them, armed to the teeth and riding ate effort to get rid of this, deadly foe, means just thought and care given to
like Centaurs. At every meeting in sent against her four regiments and om bodies and our clothes. Butter for the Picnic,
the open field they annihilated their completely surrounded her and her . Let us see, what are 'a few of the Where it is desired to take butter
foes. Behind every thicket they form- troops; A part of her detachment general principles of this essential of an outing the following simple nl'an
ad an ambush; scarcely a night passed fought their way out, But site chose care? As you relad thein over, cheek will ensure that it keeps cool and firm,
when they did not sally forth and des- to stand her ground to the end, shoot- them off and see how you live up to no matter how )rot the weather may
troy some of the Reds, Ing and shooting, without a pause until their- be. Get a small, ;vide-niout}teed pat or
Their colonel was a woman, Mario at last she fell to the, ground through Itirst the( frequent bath that opens bottle that has It good -fitting cork.
the res of the slc ii keeps i • fra-, h i
Nilrufatova, the widow of an officer who sheer ox,hraustian and Was • captnrecl, Po e i , p L T e butter is then put into this. N, •.v:
had been captured by tate Russian The Dalsheviki condemned her to gra-lit and gives us till, clean Kook thaatsoak a large, claim duster in water,'
renegades and basely murdered. The death. But three times the filing roust be the foundation of the most and when it is damn wrap it in as
claughtei• of a noble family and edu- squad before whom she was placed 4'abe'rate, beautification process in the many £Olds as possf le round tit:; pot
sated at on aristocratic collage at discharged their rifles inIntelthio empty world. Cleanliness is beauty. containing the 'butter. Take care to
Petrograd, her thirst for vengeance up- air, so greatly hadher heroism Then the hair. It need not be done. 'covml the top and bottom as well as
on liar hnaband's murderers overcame aroused even •their admiration, final. in extreme fashion but it must be kept I tile. sides.
all other ltnpulses. She planed herself ly the brave Balslievikt hall to place clean and smooth and 'glossy by 1•otsI Finally make a parcel lit to put into
ih the saddlo at the Bead of iter late machine guns. behind bhAdr own men of brushing; and since we 'have they the basket, by enclosing the wet dust -
husband's troops and exacted fearful to force them to shoot a woman, blessing of nets, it 'call be kept 1n, er in grease -proof paper, This ie
recompense Prem Iter foes. She, fell, her eyes unbandaged, look- place -and need never be wispy or praetically vvaterpreof. It will lie
The men adored her. Her valor and Ing liar slayers In the face with a Smile stringy. i found that the butter l:cep; in perfect
daring were indescribable. She un- of proud defiance. Then the com,,Aaxion. If the face; condition, very much as if it haci been
_ .. __ _ --_-. is washed carefully Once 'a day and; iced. Owing to the layer:, of wet cloth
DECENDECENF irrigation di^ainage etc, The schedule the pores closed with cold water, it being poor conductors of heat, the
NIAL CENSUS wild be healthy booking, unless we warm air is not able to reach the jar
NIAL b -y on animals in toivnS secures statistics
of horses, cattle, poultry, bees, etc., "tuff ourselves with rich food and dol at all.
a > nat take lots of exercise.
l�', �y'•�.c �j�OWc �y` IO and their hoseproducts, within inion ]im- Five minutes each day with an in- Tips to Housowives.
OF mi6ffs 51' SC! 19 its, slid those of, market gardens, expons•ive manicure set will do wean -
Orchards, etc., in towns and other dots for hands that are engaged in Currant sauce is often served with
centres. The schedule on business and barked Ilam.
SIXTH the roughest work.
iXTH `s'iialCE CONFEDE- indu-strial contains ealdectS only the A freshly whitewashed cellar will
An outward tidiness makes for an
name, •address, and, class of eacil, a inward tidiness. When lana• bodies argil give butter •a taste.
detailed annual inquiry ltoing conduct Wrap heaps of -lettuce in waxed
--- ad b co'rres oodonce, b the Bureau as well •cared for as possible, we shall
y p y paper to keep them crisp.
of Statistics, The record of the blind do our work bettdr, think noore clearly, Never serve a white pasty gravy
Fur Companies, Indian Agents baVO more self-rezpec and the abbe to
and deaf malas is td facilitate the ti with a roast of any kind.
command more from others. Keeping
Church I1+IIiss;iarls, .C. .P. work df educational clad and obiter dnstitu- our bodies clean and, wholesome and When getting ready to dress a
tions for these classes, chicken, if the water isbailing hard dm
Aid in Enumeration. our t1tothes neat end :orderly is a PartTiro nucleus of the organisation fire tattle, it is leo hot, and is rpt to.
Canada's sixth decennial census which conducts the census is a small e¢ character building. Some people cools the flesh, so :that the skin will
put it the other way about and• say
since her birth as a united Dominion permanent staff' of the Dominion Bur- came off and make the he to k hard
that utwardess and from ,bad
in to clean and also s. it the deals of it.
at Confederation in 1567 is at present eau of Statistics. The country is di- � outward come from bad menta) ' �
in process of being compiled, and it is vided into "census districts" in ebarge r T always plata hall or five -thirds of
housaleeo, ' uurel one works am
expected that the results wham pub- Of "census commissioners," Districts p �' Y a oup of cold water into the boiling
the other. If tits mind is not spruce water, and then it will be scalded just
Ilshed will give Canada a population are divided into swbdistricts, the tem-
„ and fit, rho wady will show it; if the right. When I not dressing the
return well uvea the Wino million tory allotted to a census anumzr- g g
„ body is neglected, the mind will feel chicken, I use warm water, tis it deans
marls.. Altogether, the various works star. The tremendous broad#lh of the .It ,
_contributing to the exact and exhaus- work, covering, as it does, !half a con•- much easier than to put it in cold
tive undertaking will cost about two tinent, maybe imagined. For the re- water. Santo .put some baking soda
million dollars, For the compilation mote and seldom penetrated regions Earache. on the cbicken and rub that over the
< •r .4l, the r- ' t has a tendency to eEean
tE the census an extra staff of about of Ungava, Northern Ontario and ;+lie Earache is SO painful that 1 e pe chicken, as t s y
four hundred clerks are engaged at North West Territories, the organiaa- son suff ling from it thinks of little easier. After dressing the chicken, h
Ottawa, and the saeuring of returns tions of the fur trading companies and except the pain. The rAlysician, how- put it into cold water at once, •and add
employs 247 commissioners and about various church tmdssions have been ever, is interested in it as a symptom. just a little salt, as it helps to draw
13,000 enumerators, engaged. It may have various underlying out the blood and makes the flesh
It may not be generally known that In other similar districts the Royal causes. Although it is gen'eradly ow- white and clear.
the credit for taking the first census C,,,,,i„dian- MOunited Police are taking -
of modern times belong to Canada, the census, whilst the -agents of the Some Temperature, Worth
the year being 166C, and the census Indian Department arra That o Ya%t]rail While.
p performing a An ofi]cer In the mod)cal corps of
that of the Colony of New France. The Not what you get,
Lilco service for Indians an reserves the army tells aY a private tubo had
results of this systematic enumeration But what you give;
and elsewhere. In many localStieS pneumonia and had been for some
at a fixed date, showing age, sex, place p Not what you say,
peek trains must be organtized, steam- time !r1 ti hospital where he had been
Of residenrce, occupation, and conjugal But how You live;
ars chartered, and -long journeys matte so' well treated that lie was , b no
condition Of each person, are to be y Giving the world !ho love it needs,
�to ensure that no section of the vast means ready to be discharged as
found in the government archives at Living a 1}Ee of noble deeds.
Ottawa, the record showing 3,125 Dominion escapes enua,teration at the "cured,"
souls. In Europe, the first modern decennial copses. One day a doctor was taidng his Not whence you came,
census dates only from this ,,,Zeentli temperature, slid while the private But whither bound;
century, and in the IJutterl States no Catering for All. )lad the thermometer in his mouth the ' Not what you have,
census was taken before 1700, so that "Ladies and gentlemen," shouted doctor moved on to the next bad and But whether found
New France exhibited progressiveness the loud -volved cheap -jack at the conn- turned Ilia back to the first patient. Strong for the right,
of ideas allead of the times when it try market to the little crowd which The private saw his chance, Ho The good, the true,
Instituted what has become one of , had gathered, "this Is. the book for pulled the thermometer out of his These are the things
the principal instruments of modern everyone, the book for everywhere, mouth and popped It into a cup of )lot Worth while to you.
government, the hoods -the book!" coffee, replacing It, however, the me -
In Canada, the fundamental reason IIe tossed it rip and caught it as it stent b.0 saw ilio dilator begin to turn -- -'l -"
for rho laking of the consul Is rho 'fail. Then ho went on; "Tho hoots for )tacit to his boil When the physician tate in (s10veS.
renrsentatiau of the Federal Paella- i cvarybe<ly, soo?uayclopatdta of examined the thermometer he looked There are superstitions as well ,as
meat, The i3ritirh North America Act, I eighty pages, recipes for every dish first at the privuLo and their back to buttons attached to gloves,
which brought about a united Canada,that was ever cooked, all the now dish- the thermomoter anti gasped: The girl who puts on her right-hand
gave tate l.rovinee of Quebec a fixed i as that never were eo•oked, formula for "Well, tuy mail, you're not dead, but glavo first 1s doomed to everlasting
number of seats (sixty-five) in the Do- I the toothache, agreeable stories for you ought to bol" apinsters,h•ip; while losing a button
minion Il'ouse of Commons, those as- old women, treatNo for young women within twenty-four hours ,of porches -
signed to. the other provinces being oa'the art of getting husbands, hove to ' '-'-. Ing a new pair of gloves is translated
pro rata w population, Thus the cen- I cure bunions without amputation, how Ikey's Bright Idea. into the probability of losing a lover In
sus is talt.en pri$iarily to enable a Re- I to plant cabbages when tete moan is When their father died, Ikey, Abe, twenty-tcur days.
distributio-n bill to be passer] by pars I not full, how to breed rabbits, ]tow to anti 13enjanlia found that he haki left Wearing one glove and carrying the
llamcnt. Tho first census was takenI interpret dreams, hove to tell fortunes, each of them $2,500, iienjamht cls- ! other is said to dente a main of fenri•
In 1571, four years after Confederation, i bow to get a divorce, how to reckon aided to open a tailor',, ,.-hop; the nine temperament and tastes; and that
and they have been compiled at ten ; rip the interest an a mortgage. The others thought, they would watt a bit. 1 person who loaves a glove behind in a
year periods silica that time. boots for, everybody!" amid roe how he got on. litiblic vehicle 'must throw its fellow
Census Covers a Wide Field. But the audience, wad unapprevla- As he slid quite well, Abe tools the i away, or be for ever under tate threat
tiVe and he failed to diaposo of a' Shop two doors away, and, thinking to ' of dire financial' loss.
As, however, a tremendous organ- single copy. Tbo ohelip-jack looked profit by nonjamin's sucecas, had It 11
ir,.vtion lies to be bu.idt up to secure over the crowd with a disgust that decorated In exactly the sante style. Wanted Light,
thl's information an the people of the could not be disguised. rslach here the sign "Mosenstoin, the One gloomy day a young country-
DOm1111071, it is pub to evory available "Lathers &nil gentlemen," be, tomark- Fatuons TaflOs,"
use as a machine and malls to"covcr� ed, "I target to mention that in this in man wean to a dentist to have a tooth
Atter a few months, the Cautious axtracted. Seeingthe patient'e var-
a much wider field, The schedules used comparablo book there Is a blank page Ikey deoided that lie too would become vousnose the dentist Inquired:
in the census are five in nnnmirer deal -far those who calonot read." a tabor. I -To took the shop betwoen "Would you like gas?"
Ing r
i espective)y alibi (T) papulattlOn, those of his. brnttilirs, and consulted "Would I like gas? Of course, I'<1
-r e ' maintains (2) ag7•iculturo, (S) livestock, fruit A F: rillma n a maims a mataoao- the same decorator. like gust" exclaimed the Irate patient.
growing, etc,, hi towns, ata„ (4) in. 1'09-leal a'batian,at an elevattori of 41000 "I sapprss you want something gym Foil th,illk I'm going to have you
dvstritvl and trailingearth () striking and original?" Said the decor•
G feet above the tea. 1 . 1 out 1n tooth In the dark?"
blindness and clear -mutism, The popu-
lation schedule careitrat
!ive cohinins rocoadingGeea-ch person
11411101i:Y ell; y ]rind p!; dw utW, aro,1•
sox, copfugtil oondition bjrViipliea,'
citizenship, ractlal orlgl/n, •angu'age,
roll ti oducrlta iron, Occupation, etc.
that xoUating to agriculture clielbs In.
formation of farm acreages, katal
valuos, bandin:gs, implemonts; craps,
fort]lim-s, faun lali'or, orchard)a, small
fruits, farm' giLrdans, livestock, poulis
try, trilinal pvod'ltotsr, 40tosb prpduets,
ugg ng Y -
Yos "said TkQY,"I Vant a shop v]ti
Volt great big door. Over it you
Used 9MH
welts, '11Iosons•teln, Tailor, ]limit I7n•
trariee,r ,r .-
;1r�.liiaWy t8T,L8 T..Elzmt tJs"D
:�B_ oars bI Nt types; p11 corm solo sull-
• &--
Leat to dolivit yup to 800 mttea, or tent
tun of parvo diatonoo it yod *Ikh, !n wq
]Vola Starts?,
goal order as purohased: or pdTc3rai�,
ries rofvndnd.
Noire In the 'starter )s a •at1r0 sign
your own h t....
,.I � 11nn h nig of v� a O aq
V jooKpt({Nni oi6C or ask up Is
I � This � condition - Ib
02 trqub o. is rnicy ho i
4 a ar
1t o1 "auata4 v i
� salt' t c T
tiny o s. l Tr�otttt .v
ducod by btek6a ar badly Worn tooth,
r0edtion. Veay largo 0,92 fiAWT. a!8
a bort au•ntature shaft, a Iooso ¢,rtnas
Brsakey'a {tssi@,tAr Minitel
titre bearing or teeth badly meshed, I
it donne at -t. , p ._......