HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-7-14, Page 4COOPER'S STORE NeWS
t amtuocks for the Lawns
Bright cheerful Colors and ;fitted with pillows
and stretchers a 60 to 7,50
Wedding Presents for June Brides
Cut gloss, Fancy cranial, Tea and Dinner Sets
Patterns of all Kinds
Fans and Fly Swatters
Two necessary articles for the warm weather
Palm leaf Fans 10c
Tennis and Base Ball goods'
Mitts, GlQvee, Balis, etc, Tennis Racquets and balls
.Agent Canadian National Railways
and Telegraph Cntxlpany
Goderieh is planning' an Old -Horne.
Week, from Aug, 7th to lith, and on
Monday, the 8th, the Greyhound will
run an excursion from De-
troit to Goderich, leaving Detroit at
nine a.ni. and reaching Goderich at
five -thirty pan. The sane evening a
moonlight excursion on Lake Huron
1H111 be gun and the Greyhound will
leave for Detroit at eleven o'clock
the sante night. On Friday morning
et seven o'clock the steamer Owana,
.of the same line, will leave Goderich
on the return trip to Detroit. The
fare for this excursion will be the
same as the June one, 13 for the
rotund trip. $2 for one way. It is not
,often that the second excursion is
run during the summer and no doubt
many will take advantage of it to
visit Huron's County town during
Old Home Week. -
The Sedforth Golf Club has been
xe-organized and a club house is to
be built this season.
Mrs. Rube
Cothers if IIslt1., had
the index finger of her' right hand
'o.ered in the machinery of the
ez sun separator whch she wa atten-
<ling the _other day. The Machine
was operated, by electricity.
Sept. 10th to 17th
The Exhibition grounds at London
is becoming a busy place in prepara-
tion for the Exhibition in September.
A &lige amount of work is to be .done
to be in readiness for the big event,
A porton of the cattle barn will he
moved to the new grounds purchased
last year. The sheep and swine pens
will also be moved and the storage
building will he placed out of the
way. Tlo:s will allow very much more
roof for outside exhibits, such as
tractors, threshing machines and oth--
er farni ,implements. If space is re-
quited application should be made at
once, as there is very little left,
All ':nformation given on applica-
tion to the Secretarv, A. M. hunt,
General Ofii<•es..London, Ont.
. The Laurier Monument Committee
announces that the public subscription
which was limited to a stun not i x-
ceedine 85.00 from any individual
suhseii'oer has realized 535;200,20,
aepre•emiing many thousands of Feb_
c.rip;ions. Th(' sc•uiptorn have Leen
It an the- d t monument x11/t's un
c t n n the
lave of the illustrious deceased i
twine prepared, The Committee; in
its name and • that of Lady L,urecr,
takes this occasion to tender heart-
felt thanks to all subscribers.
�. � �..„„aa air
Western a
SEPT. 10th to 17th
Seven Full'Days This Year
The Popular Exhibition of Western Ontario
$6,000.00 Added to the Prize List
Boys and Girls Calf C.mpefition
The Wortham Shows on the Midway
9'onderfsil Program Before the Grand Stand Twice Daily
adtnission, 10th, 12th, pith, & 17th, Sects. 13th. 14th, & lath S0cts.
Grand Stand usual prices All Information from the Secretary
Lt. -Col, W. M. Cartshore, President A. M. grunt, Secretary
. a...ea+
The Quickest Way.
to Reach the Buyer
"Use the `Bell' to Sell"
LONG DISTANCE is maintained at a high degree of
efficiency. Connections with distant; points were never
more quickly established.
"Long Distance enables us to transact business in twenty
cities in one day" - says a subscriber. -"we use it to get.
new customers, to make sales, to order goods or countermand
them, to speed up shipments, verify credits, order new parts
for machinery, etc. It multiplies our personal contact with
our Branches, our salesmen, and the trade.
"Many of our Long Distance calls are nov Station -to -Station. A large
sign hangs over our Private Branch exchange, reading 'I,f possible, make
it u Station-lo-S'tatiou. salt.' Moreover, we notified our customers that
two of our most capable men had been designated to look after Long
Distarme business. As soon as Long Distance calls, our Private Branch
exchange operator switches the calls to one of these men, which given
our customers the advantage oT Station -to -Station rates."
"Use the 'Bell' to Sell." The.appent of your �,Eaeo
void: will bring results when everything else fir` A h
fails, From your desk you can tall( by Long ��v
Distance with 12,000,000 telephones in
Canada and the United States.
Every Bali
Telephone .
is a Long
Clinton. Nea-Recard
The Cost of Hydro in Goderich
The following letter from the chief engineeer of the Hydro •Camulls-
sign giving details of the cost of 50nstruetion and use of Bydeo for
lighting and power purposes in (loderieh towllehip, lab' been 'received by
the Township Clerk, 111r. Adam Ca melon:
Air, Adam Centelon,
Glerl<, Oorlelrich Twp.,
Clinton, Ont.
Dear Sir,
In respect to certain petitions re-
ceived from your Township through
your Council 'beim time to time, re-
(miring estimates 017 the coot of sup-
plying power to each petitioners, I
am instructed. to advise you that all
estimates forwarded by this Commis-
sion are hereby superseded 00 4.o -
count of certain revisions adopted in
the rnailaer of serving Rural dis-
tricts, and chiefly on account of the
roebnt legislation bonusing Rural
I am +instructed to advise yeti that
the supplying of Ismer in rural dis-
tricts shall be conducted after a
manner outlined in the revised legis-
lation, part 11-33 of the Hydro Elec-
tric Power Conn>Fssiol Act.
It is required that a profiler con-
tract be executed between Your Coun-
cil and the Commission for a supply
of power and to permit of the Com-
mission constructing and operating
the lines necessary to serve the cus-
The Commission will Conduct the
business associated with the render-
ing of service to your customers, and
will properly account to your Coun-
cil for all charges and revenue con-
nected therewith,
Users of power in your township
will be required to sign a contract
with the Township, and may choose,
rc.th certain limitations, classes of
service outlined as follows:
Class 1 Hamlet service includes
service in hamlets where four or
more customers are served from ono
transformer. This class excludes
farmers and newer user's, Service Is
given under three sub -classes as fol-
t -A Sei•\rice to residences whew
the installation does nut exceed six
lighting outlets or twelve sockets,
Use of appliances over 000 watts is
not permitted under this class,
1-13 Service to 1'eg.denees with
More than six lighting outlets 01
twelve sockets, and stores. Use of
tpplinnees over 750. watts perluan-
lt V
1 1 Metalled is not l
permitted ti
1 3311under
1-c Ole) to re/ Aenees with el-
c- trio
l -r •trio !wage or permanently installed
np71i1ances greater tha-1 750 watts.
Special or unusual loads will be
treated s ,dally.
<' ass 2 house Lighting Includes
all contracts where residences can-
not he grouped as :n Class 1. This
::lass excludes farmers and power us-
;Class 3 Light Fara: Service In-
cludes lighting >; ofar
f m buildin en p^s
power for miscellaneous smaa equip-
ment, power for single phase motors,
not to exceed 3 Horse Power demand,
or electn;e range Range and motors
are not to be used sillulteneously.
Class 4 Medium Single Phase
Farm Service includes lighting' of
i'arn, buildings and power for miscel-
laneous small equipment, power for
single phase motors, up to 5 Horse
Power demand or electric range.
Range and motor are not to be used
Claes 5 Medium 3 Phase Fari,
Servvice Includes lighting of farm,
buildings and power for miscellan-
eous smash equipment, power for 3
phase motors, up to 5 IIo•se Power
demand, or electric range. Range and
motor are not to be used simultan-
1 :Hamlet Service (a)
2 House Lighting 1'
Light Farm Ser. 3
4 Medium single phase
farm ser. 5
5 Medium 3 phase
farm 'ser. 5
ti Heavy farm ser. i)
7 Spccrial farm. ser. 1.5
Class 6 Heavy Farm Service In-
eludes -lighting of 1)111r buhldtngs
and power far eliscelhtneous small
equipment, Trower for metope up to
G Ilorse Power demand, end electric
range, or IV Horse Power demand
without electric range.
Class 7 Special Perm Service In-
cludes lighting of farm buildings,
power for miscellaneous snail equip-
meet, power for 3 phase Motors :from
10 to 20 Horse Power demand, and
electric range.
Class 8 Syndicate Outfits boleti -
es any of the foregoing classes which
join fn the use Of a syndicate outfit,
provided the su+nmiltiol of (heir res
lative class demand r'a'tings is equal
to the. Kilowatt capacity of the syn-
The estimates an the cost of pow -
et' de/jeered to users as herein set
out has been based upon certain as-
sumptions some of which are as fel-
The construction of the lines shall
be -undertaken and paid for by the
Oomaniselon, The farmers in the vi-
cinity of the roads along which the
lines pass will assist in the construe -
Von and assistance will be paid for at
a suitable rate o1.' wage, Lines con-
structed from the line on the high-
way to customers' premises will be
pad for by the customer. The Com-
mission proposes to supply the neces-
sary expert labor to direct the con-
struction of the lines and the instal-
lation of the equipment. It has been
assumed that three, farmers per mile
of dine, or the equivaleent, are obtain-
able as an average for the entire dis-
trict to be served. The supply of poles
at low prices in the district or the vi-
cinity of the district by efforts on the
part of those desiring. service will re-
sult in the reduction of the cost of
construction and corresponding reduc-
tion in the cost of service. Co-oper-
ation remitting in the reduction of
cost of construction is desired. The
rates herein set nut are also based up-
on a goversnlent bonus of 50% of
the cost of primary linos constructed
on the highway or along the right -of -
Changes for power delivered shall
consist. of two parts, namely, the
service charge and the c•nnsuniption
charge., t ,,r. The service charge which
ecsitttites the greater p0111on of the
total coat of power delivered, eon -
sista of the operating, maintaining
and lixe;l charges of the lines and
equipment required to deliver the
poker to the users in the district.
Coitsuntption charges will be deter-
mined by 1t meter at each customers'
premises, which will pleasure the
quantity of power used to which a
suitable rate will be applied. This
east can only be arrived at when the
amount ut uscd ' has. been c n d tern'
c t. vned.
The rate used in the district will be
determined by the cost of power at
the transformer station supplying
the district. The amount of power
supplied to the district will be met-
ered at the transformer station.
.The meter rates for esers in that
part of your township which will be
supplied from Clinton, are estimated
as follows: -
9 ;Se per Kilowatt hour for the first
14 hours use per month of custom-
ers' class demand rating.
4eii.c per Kilowatt ]tour for all re-
maining uses,
Less 10% for prompt payment.
The following table gives class de-
mand rating, average Monthly kilo-
watt hours, estimated consumption
charge, estimated service charge, and
total estimated annual cost for each
C, q
2-3 10 8.76
1 15 12.84
2 2-3 150 91.32
1 1-3 15 14.88
'1 40 41.04
6 2-5 70 71.88 011.94 138.82
6 2-3 70 71.88 84.50 .150.28
12 150 141.60 130.97 ' 272.57
20 300 261,72 188,90 450,62
The above costs are calculated from the Commission from time to time in
our knowledge of the use of electric your district t0 cover cost. Increase
}rower in rural districts under aver- In the average number- of farnierts
age conditions. They have been ad- per mile or lower cost of power will
jested by applying the rates as set reduce the annual costs to all.
out herein. The Commission upon request by
your Council will send a representa-
tive to explain the method of render-
ing service to rural connlunitlies, and
will assist your council in. securing
contracts with tinclividuais desiring
For those mifamitlia r with terms
used in power measurement, it is to
be noted that one Kilo -watt (K•W.,)
is approximately equal to 11/4 horse
power (I•I. P.,) or 3 TCW. equals 4
MP., and a kilo -watt hour (K,W.II,)
is the amount of electricity equivalent
to one kilowatt used for one hour.
The rates will be re-ad,iusted by
Yours trine,
F. A. G.ABY,
Chief ilnginee
GBAND ..TRU r1Y1 1.
The Route
Unexcelled Dining Car Service.
Sleeping cars on Night Trains and
Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains,
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent o1 C, E, Iloraiag,
Distrieb Passenger /Sgt., Toronto.
J, Ransford gr. Son, tlptown Agents,
Phone G7,
Mayor Iblc.Murray calls a meeting
in the Council Chamber on Friday
evening, July 1111:11, of all those,inter
Listed to form plane for Clinton's
,celebration, to be held on Molldaty,
Aug. 1st.
County News
Mr. Thos, Pannier, w110 bgs
ducted at ga.4e017 a!ui restaurant atlfeneall for 80501'41 years, has stili
001 and hats gone into the .el0thhlg
busbress with Mie ISe»nie,
A 11130 up at Port '171gi11 purehased
d'tuna i of g'r'azing. steers in the To-
0r'nto 1na)'1(0t recently one of which
is possessed of two tugs, one Where
the tail ought to be and the other, a
nice little well -formed tail about a
foot -long, growing out of the neck.
If this extra I1y-swatter is 115 nimble
as the old-fesbioned one usually le.
In fly season this partiotilar au1111131
ought to be pretty comfortable both
fore. Gild rift, ,
Postmaster Slurs' of Blyth doesn't
spend alt his time bending out mail
to customers, and 1t is to be feared
utterly pneglects to read the' post
cards, for it is reported that he bus
one of the finest gardens in the towel,
Backyard gardening is one of the
best hobbies a man can adopt and
many a town dweller -6305 healthful
exercise ars well as 'much profit in
this way.
A fine brass tablet was unveiled
in St. George's chiireh, Goderich on
the Occasion of the visit o£ Bishop'
Williams on June 28th, This tablet is
being presented by Mrs. Joseph
Elliott in memory of her grandfath-
er, the late Rev, Robert Campbell,
first rector of the church. On , Sun-
day last St. George's oengregatiot
celebrated the first anniversary of
the consecration of the church, the
Rev. Canon Chuff of Stratford being
the preacher.
The following officers and execu-
tive committee were elected by the
North Huron Liberals at Wingham
last week, there being only a few
cl111115es from the previous year:
President, W. I•I, Robes son, Gocter-
ich; first vice-president, Joh). Gilles-
pie, Whitechurch; second vice-presi-
dent, Joseph Dalton, Ashfield; third
vice-president, Miss 1'. Powell, Wing -
ham; secretary, Jas. McMurchie,
Blyth; treasurer, A. B. Carr, Blyth;
auditor, William Isbister, Wingham,
Chairman of municipalities: Ashfield,
Chas. Stewart; Colborne, Gordon
Young; East Wawanosh, Chas,
Campbell; West Wawanosh, J. Jt.
McNabb; Tutmberry, Peter McDou-
gall; Ilowiok, P. F. Doig; Morris,
John McArter; Grey, John McNabb;
Goderich, C. A. Nairn; Wingham, A,
Cosens; Brussels, I'. Scott; Wroxeter,
John Douglas; Blyth, S. Poplestole,
The 1111111 annual picnic of the To-
ronto Brusseltes was held on Sat-
in High Park and
R 1
proved a great success. Over 150
from the old home town were present
and the afternoon was spent in happy
re -union and reminiscences Under
the leadership of Mr. John Har-
greaves, the President; everything
went "ass merry as a marriage bell."
'rhe younger folk engaged in sports,
racing, etc., and were uratic happy by
suitable prizes. The refreshments
were just such- as Brussels matrons
know how to provide, abundant, and
of finest quality. The new officers
are: President Mrs. (Dr. Win.) Gra-
ham: 1st Vice -President, Profeksor
S. Crerar; 2nd Vice-• President, Mrs.
(Rachel Alexander) Hutchinson; ,
3rd Vice-Pr'esidont, M•rs. Roy Ainley
Secertary-treasurer, Miss Georgie
Kerr; Executive: Mr. John Har-
greaves, W. Ballantyne, C. Leckie, R.
2iliiax, Mrs (Nellie Irwin) Hunter, p
Miss Carrie McCracken, Miss Rose
Pridham, Miss Bernla Bryans.
In Connection with a project which
is being Undertaken by the' Ontario
Woolen's Liberal Asso ialiol) for the
.establishing of univer'si'ty e holar-
ships IA memory of the late Sir Wil-
fred Laueiam the following women
were named; For Goderich, Mrs, Il(,
G, Cameron, lSIiss Mabel Bailie, Mrs,
A, C Ilunter; for .Colborne, Mrs. 1
Hetherington, Mrs, Gordon Young;
for Ashfield, Mrs, Relit. Davidson,
Mrs. A. Dishes'; for West Wawanosh,
Miss McAllister., Mrs. J. R. McNabb,
Mrs, W. A, Wilson; for hast Wawan.
ash, Mrs. John P. Corrie, Mr's. Alex,
Porterfield; for Blyth, Mrs, Paple.
stone, Mrs, Wm, Jackson; for Brus-
sels, Mrs, W. H. Kerr, Mrs. J. D.
Warwick; for Wroxeter, Mies E,
Hazelwood, Miss Minnie Snith;• :for
Tulalberrv, Miss Bella Wilson, Mrs,
Reuben Garnlss; for Ilowick, Ml's,
Alex. McLaughlin, Mrs, E. Harris;
for Grey, Mrs. G, McFarlane, Mr's,
D. McDonald; for Morris, Mrs, W.
H. Fraser.', Mrs, Win J. Geddes; for.
Winghani, Mrs. Pugh, Miss Powell,
Mrs, John Wilson.
Are you irrlteted end annoyed by
1 11los 1 ---Just 0110 or two do/1o0 el DR.
111I)al;S' 314RYIN3S-$1.30 will soothe
the irritated and ever-elr'alTQd nerves,
Guarauteed Safe gad than,
Solo by J. P. Bovey, Clinton, Ont,
These enervating days are fraught
with danger to peoe rte whose system'
are .poorly sustained, This leads the
makers of Hood's Sarsaparilla to say,
in the interest of the less robust, that
the lull effect of this good old family
medicine justifies ceiling it, not 01115)
a blood purifier but also a tonic. It
gives strength, adds digestion, pro-
motes refreshing sleep, and will pre-
vent Much sickness at this time of
Iiood's Pills, which. are gentle and
-thorough, may be taken with, it, in
cases where there is need of a cath-
artic or laxative.
Ohl what a wonderful word that
is 1 Can you do it? That is, drop
off into a good sound refreshing
sleep? If you are unable to, there
is something wrong with your nerv-
ous system, It is a danger signal.
Nervous prostration, melancholia,
nervous dyspepsia are only a few of
the serious maladies that are liable
to develop.
will soothe the irritated and over-
strained nerves. Just one or two
doses helps Nature to restore them
to their normal functions. Guaran-
teed Safe and Sure,
Sold by J. E. Hovey, Clinton
Wlte a there is a tendency to
constipation, you will fad De,
\nbnti LIVER Puss effective in
keenie, 1 he bowels open.
4 V
Brave enough to Face the Future?
Big enough to Assume a Responsibility?
Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune?
Ambitious enough to Increase your Lstate immediately1
Patriotic enough to Provide for your own?
Energetic enough to be making a good livelihood?
Healthy enought to pass a Medical Examination?
Then clip this advertisennent.
Fill in coupon are send to
S. C. Cooper.
Box 5.
NEWS -RECORD OFFICE Clinton, Ontario.
Date Born. day of in the year
Quality maintains economy. You
may pay less "per gallon" far other
lubricating oils but you get more
lubrication "per dollar" when you
buy Imperial Polarine Motor Oils.
e pa"o-,7
USERS of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils enjoy a singular
freedom from engine trouble, which is at once a source
of profit and pleasure to thein.
Avery bearing and rubbing surface is cushioned with an
unbreakable oil film which relieves friction and minimizes
wear. Good compression is also maintained, saving both
fuel and oil and increasing power.
Lessened repair bills, lower upkeep costs, better satisfaction
and longer service from your car follow the use of Imperial
Polarine Motor Oils.
Consult our Chart of Recommendations for the grade of
Imperial Polarine best suited to your motor. See Charts
at your dealers or write to 80 Church Street for "Auto-
motive Lubrication," a booklet which contains the Chart
and other valuable information.
Brandies in all Cities
The crank case of your motor should be drained, cleaned and refilled with
fresh imperial Polarine every 1,000 miles or less. Dealers who display this
sign give expert crank case cleaning service, using Imperial Flushing, Oil, a
scientific cleaning agent which removes aril dirt, grit and impurities, which are
so hid'tinful 16 your engine. It will pay you well to employ Imperial Polarise 1
Crank -Case Service to -day,