The Clinton News Record, 1921-7-7, Page 7,V.,
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BY DR, I I MIDfDLETON 0 • . . OF jA�°,� N
Arovinclat Board of M.galth. Orltar)p
he la to answer nueatfon o P11 llc Healih 0 .
Or, b))ddleton will s..d B A . .¢ .. _ rpa� . .
Carr throulth this .colony A44POSO him at the l?arl)ameat Bltlgs� .' - - T
,r/ Toronto. %' Fite doll thoatte holds• all Important
V A place ht Jairan, It is A surprise to flied
Mrid pE►ESI � vi f VA v WL va M M �: • this jevrel of art, says the Tokya sol..
�oOne of the uoat dangerous methodB symlroms of dYolora, -ilan exanin- r niu ent
of Clio L` i co t Times, Lit]
of ,infection is by "earriens," e.g., P-- Ing 'tile oxereta of tills nurse who Was Osaba, the, aity of bmolswatacks. it 1:
wall, the cholera vibrioa� were founda
, n h
art that as been alive in Japan fol
pie Who, though not showing any ac she being undoubtedly the cause of more thahi, two hundred and fifty years,
tivi ptomne'of ,diseass
sym., yet harbor ,tile il1nsaa ,,,tong the Others! of but that ,hr ndw orY$talllzed• in the
the Particular germ and tranenit, 0316 course she was dahumediately lselated, small thoatre� in Osaka called the t3un-
d'isettse to Others, Sevelral cases of In devising means $Or dealing with rake-za. •
hald transmission earners have, the d'after of carriers the first -e tr ;Access to bills cl-ol•1 theatre is through
by^P nn by qq
1 t come famous on account Of',sideration is to Prevent, if Possible,, a big'stona alch, or tomii, gn.ar4ed on
a •mea be t
• hire publielty they receive while the eases developing into oarriema, alba,, either side • by largo stone liens and
origin of flile mysterious outbreaks 'fiadling that, to ,protect the'community lalhtarlia, The fence that surrounds
g y the compound shows a line of green
was b'efng investigated. In nearly -from the danger whfrJh the Presence of
every case blue disease was transmit- carrLers involves, � lattioed windows, bordered with black,
ted, ,through contamination, of the Cexbainly.every person conaralleaceii•t sot at intervals in a white wall that is
g decorated with crossbaarns of yermill-
drhhling water by infected excreta, or from an anfdetioua disease and about ,
try the -carrier directly Infecting the to ,be discbargeo `from the isolation oil' .
food by handaing lt, hospital, Sauould' firstbe.opcamdned, to The interior of the doll theatre is ar.
A noted case on record was that of see if they time still harboring infect- ranged ylre that of an ordinary Japan-
uTyphold Mary," a. scrvant girl who Clan in the nose, throat or ear, or ase PI'ayltouse, with. its square oonr
a year or two before the outbreak of oxeareting it by the bowel, or in the 1partmentsy or boxes; and there are gal -
Great Wal' worked at several twin. Ili the case of a typhoid car- Series en three Bides of the horse, The
'houses in different sections of the dis,- nler, the safest plan is to instruct this stage itself the real players
similar to thatrs-act and Is illil.y equip•
trict where she lived, -and -in every person, as to the danger he or she. is
house she event to, typhoid ,broke out: to '011-0 0oruanuui+ty if ovary precaution ped with. or Settings-, but it differs In one
For a lop time no suspicion rested is not taken. To talks special care whchrespect; for there Is a lest space le
g p p which the doll handlers stand while
-on the girl as the was apparently in with the dejecta, to keep clealk hands, they are manipulating their obarac-
tlhe best of health, anitl it was found and to tlivinfeat the dirty bed, and body -tsrs, ..
-that the outbreaks of typhoid, fever linen are some of the main points; The figures are large and take from
followed her trail of wanderings. Her also the carrier must in no circum- three to four men to move them. To
blood was examined, and, it was found stance luave anything to do with the call them dolts is ]hardly fair, for they
that tate girl was harboring the ty- hand,inig, preparation or cooking of are So full of dignity and grace; their
phoid germ in her system and thus food for others, In addition ail car; movements no S•ttggestive of the whole
:able to transmit it to others. rier cases should be kept under ob- gamut of human emotions, that they
Much investigation haus been done servation as much as possible until are far removed from the trlval and
regarding the role of carriers in they cease to be carrier, which some- banal with which the imme of puppet
-spreading typhold and diphtheria, but times unfortunately lasts for a long is so widely associated in the West.
-many other communilcable diiseases time. The doll handlera•, who have con.
are conveyed by this agency, includ- quored themselves to such a degree
ing dysentery and diarrhoea, small- H. A. McC. a*$ if'0here is any cure that they lose themselves in their
Pox, cerebro-vp'inarl fever, acute poll- for insomnia. creation, wear gay costumes, and their
•omyeldtis, pneumococcal infectrions, Yes, cultivate a contented mind, faces are uncovered, but the minor
:s'Ieeping sickness, scarlet fever, avodd.afternoon sleep and avoid we,?- performers are garbed In black, with
plague and tuberculosis. Cholera can tying, don't eat or drink much for black hoods and face curtains to lilde
alae be transmitted by carriers, this some time before going to body tato ail traces of thelr,�' individuality-
being regarded as. the chief cause of e. brisk walls in t'he-opteWa;ir before grouped ,liko shadows.behdnd the rad1=
ehollera' outbreaks in Bombay during tetiring and:avoid a'sttdffy atmosphere ant moving figures,
1918 All the:har9`frig sisters, with one" at'nighb,'evold readnng in bed, aria+•if, 7:he^zniustreli sits• oil -a rostrum to
exception,• of -the Nospital'slPips theseliiea:sures"fail-takt<i,or;,slss'lyoydge tire.mtkhtot,:thestage;•wltfiamusician
coming' into. Bomubary in 1915; showed or chairge of climate. is acconipauyilim, He sings ilio des'
- •criptions• -and iocltea tho-convenes=
Tricked! Clean, changing suddenly from the
Super -Wireless, 'high treble'of a youthful princess to
A conjurer was performing fu a the gruff tones of a villain, imitating a
Battles fought with crawlers area Durham village. Addressing a group feudal lord or a merch•tnt, a priest or
;plane bombers, mines unmanned, sub• of pitmen, Ile asked for the loan of a a beggar, interpreting the drama, by
'marines, slstps, ssaroblight% guns, etc„ halfpenny, the ever-changing rhythms of his saint.
all conti•olled'by wireless -a'$ the ma- The coin was produced, whereupon sen,
ehinatien of strife brought into play, the Conjuror threw it up. When It re For the ancestors of the dolls the
:perhaps, by the simple pressing of a turned, the modest coin had taken the best playwrights have written, and the
Mutton/ color of a sovereign, dranms produced in the doll theatre
Such, it Is said, are but a tow of the Up stepped the pitman who owned have become masterpieces of Japanese
Wireless wondens of the future, the halfpeuny and asked to see the literature, the names of the characters
Along tho saner aide of life there '0171. The conjurer placed the household words,
are other joys•to come. The journalist Sovereign in his hand. Other countries have their doll
will be armed with a pocket wireless "And this Is really my ha'penny?" theatres in more or less flourishing
telephone lystraMent, From thescene "Certainly," was the reply, condition, but few have reached such
of his story lie will talk his '"news" "Well, then;" said the owner, as he a state of perfection , the Bunraku-
. direct to the news -rooms, and reeelve slipped the sovereign Into his pocket za of Osaka.. For here
•is a rare coin -
Ilia instructions frothe editor with'I anal walked 09, "I'll not trouble ye to bination•-inanimate figures Instead of
out- further• time acid -mn
oey being'1• change i:+ez again." . actors of flesh and blood; doll men
'wasted in getting back to tate office, jjjj ': trained from childhood to acquire the
Wireless pilotograp•Lts will extend What He Had, technique to manage the cold and-life-
nd life -their power, Whea the wireless sys, "There was a strange man here to less forms through which flows the
tem is 'mare Perfect newspapers will See you today, Papa,' said little Ethel creative genius of the handlers; min -
ape able to publish pictures of topical on meeting her father fa the )tali, strels and musicians who Have de -
interest within twenty minutes of "Did he have a bill?' voted their lives to the interpretation
their being taken and at a distance of "',tyke, papa, He had just a plain of the plays; and the best brains of
10,000 miles away, •nog%% the dramatist employed in order that
On trains no. driver, gue-rd, and IN the dolls might be triumphant and
stoker will be necesea.Pyi wfredess will WHet 1S.Politics? their use fully justified,
.control the whole thing from begin. 4pop7" Yoshida Bungoro, one of the chief
ning to end; "Well, Jutl%r�l doll handlersof the Bunraku-za, may
Perhaps, is, the loaag .run, wireless "A•re 'po'lities? plural?" believe that his great art ought to be.
will also control uaj play become the "No, my boy, there isn't anything in long to his native land( perhaps he
A to 2 of our existence!thinks It could be appreciated only in
.Nilo itnaws? the world more singular than Politics," Osaka, But that is not true, It should
p be world-wide.. He takes a piece of
The Explayers Reward weed, into which are inserted a head
and limbs, and covers it with a piece
,of brocade, and It becomes a fairy
Can money fie made cut o8 the exx. Ing far his fortunes to change hs ap. princess, changing her Postures- every
ploration of uncharted parts of the plied' reluctantly to the Norwegian' second, rivaling in animation any
world? Government for tike very modest suits dancer possessed of a spinal column,
The question is suggested by the ex- Of 5,000 kronen (about $1;375), This I{oalbijidayu, the chief Interpreter
pedition which has already Started to was refused, Everyone thought Nan- of the do118' ballad, dramas, is a man
scale Mount Dvorest. Many people sen a dreamer. no one in official of many voices; lie laughs and cries;
have the idea that considerable sums circles believed in his schemes; coughs and scolds, to a villain one mo"
of money accrue to the exploreras the lie lead almost given up hope of ever ment and the hero the next. His mill.
result of lecturing, or from royalties trtalttng the expedition when one day Streisy is something that has been lost
on books, describing adventures far lie received from Copenhagen a draft on the stages of other lands, but it is
afield. for the coveted sum, It came train an fully adequate to express all blue
The exploa•er, however, rarely ivakes entire Stranger, and thanks; ,pot to an comedy, tragedy, pathos and joyful-
ntaney out of his hero -to and romantic incredulous Government, but to an un- nese of these -old plays that still mive
undertakings. Sir Ernest Shackleton krowtl friend, Nansen set Out with a the busy, bustling people of modern
confessed publicly, after the return glad heart .for the fey, wastes of Green Japan, The actions of the theatre pro,
from the expedition begun in 1914, that lakul,` and there he inade one of the per in Japan have long gond til, the
all his royalties an books and all his h'.storlc journeys• of the world. doll actors for inspiration, and the
fees for public lecturga -had been mort• The cost of exploration has, risen drama written for the dolls are to -day
gaged beforehand.. Otherwise he would enormously in recent years, One hun- the most popular pieces played on the
have been uaabpe'to undertake his• Arc- died thousand dollars would not go stages of Toyko and Osaka.
tic investlgatone. far today, in the fofWarding of an am- 4._.,
When ShacMO
returned to Bag. bttfous explotatlon,plan. It is doubt. The Sixth Sense.
land in 0 he as given a knight. fol If, during Cho present trade alutnp,
hood, and a Trexsiuy grant of $100,000 an appeal far public subscriptions Through the invention of Samuel O,
towards the expenses of his expedi. would bring In very largo sums of Homan., a San Franels o. inventor, a
tion to the South Polar region, But' ikoney, sixth SenSW' seems to have been
ne Govermuent can pontuue 'indell- Christopher Columbus seems to have created. At a distance of 600 feet, in
ni.tely to finance explarers. Tatere been au exception to the general rule total darkness, Haman asserts that
C-011168 a time Wkicn these gallant ad- teat exirlorattou does not pay, He with the aid of a delicate tustrunleut
vontuars wound hardly be able to managed to got very good terms out of for the detection of heat waves he can
meet their private bills but for the 7,sabella atSpain and hod consort, and Call whether one two or several per.
generosity of fr#ends, lie left a tvtll disposing of extensive !sons are present. I•Iis p e war
When Nlinsen wanted to explore 1,110 property, was' started during the war Eor tie -
coast pf Clroouland he took its fez But, In a general way, explorers AmariteCtilienemy forces in front of the
granted that he himself would have to must be counted among those who American trenches, is a combination
a, ton
Pay for bile cosi; of the expedition, But give their all freely and gladly far the of thermopile-, a instrument,
and a gal- ;
he was not a rich man, and after `wait• land they love. vau.omoter, the instrument, wbfch
__ acts 11113011'845a sound detectoi, is son-
t� -__ sltive to heat waves and can.' bo tie.
volo•ped to the point where a isoniplote
silhouette of an pbjeot can pe, given,
.t��e 'y�yp.�q{ �ra� :. ... "'1 showing the outihOS from which beat
&A gl 1{i q] ai yp� oten, `•v waves 'nlaltate, It Can also bq used
. $'� ,a4 .GY�`ss 91 Jt4 V ,8i.. 't'bM,O, as✓ , ioF ill Q lo't in bill {Cir,. datecti6ij of airplanes thous.
v li9s' o•f
&&�7 people Find %'1Tr� -fidij S. 'Government oiliclale arg saki
tea anidf, ,leofftee are Foes Wile'bonsidering usq Q8 $q fiistrt}- ,
to i IldwiiF' ISCi-0 '�EwI39 lif that irignt for guarding ' Y41114 Ig goods,
ijeli" as largo cos hiss 'war lou
� �� $ an.dlfLSltomoh. I. flet no� {ir I"l, 0
'>FRed73.0 ]-] ts'3:ble dr$it�k. � . gqhead of a large iiquiw ,qb itali
lvfio'can be avoidpq, t iI,� expe ted�,
E TI1is .,;7 are cereal beverlge set ori e'nt3 ar two oP >io£fnian's tnstrit
. is rich li�'A aroma axnc�. Fly- plants, Which W1'}�' fbl'I eA••iytaiy' sllgty
y � ^^ A I �agF filly,y� -' 3R1CI l}ie pi'esehce ot?'1> o l e }A Ea vioilltt ,
.,�'•.g ir .. .., .,S i tot 14,-, r.
s�saner�n tea° ®lIn x
41�����re easoz'f
,i or O U
AA violent 1P. off` antes a1eftq the
heat instant y, iilit} b'l'ab ha,s ,beer!
dlac orad 1n �hbl �?loorf 1mmo(Nfii}ji
.ttor slob al{ ottit sI0.
1 t•. itai,
4 flower bftgk6fT1 ra,t gives the gfixd-
ell robs 1°L6otl0,m' 6, boffh lhand,a 1v}leti
LA thewill o{ &$V -11A �bvchc bn .a
geol l W''liat is-,, k i , uI°'06
glt atritd Afiti'ltd"'WIN& ' ' . '
.,..1 u..,Zba . .. .. I "..
-_ I_.
The Taitar's Burglar Dv�fce:,
I'll Tibet bite Tatars lhaye'what is
, �liJji ..; ��1(�`��i��y'�jf�'(r j��jJ
� �.,:?Au
� 1°>Gt�fl� l c� n:
� ��f��pl�/y�j {1�� gs�k� �rlgy9
possdbly Clio Oldest burglar trail iu the
wc4'l(b It was invented to provent
f rP' 1As�. !�!'A�� lf�
11v t pp iii. N1 }TtOpt$
{i� s7 Ntl I RIR p a
.',fy17 e` nititl� i"'t. SQII3' )Vre, 4;,0a4tlt !�ov
woaltli m0bou & boom btog,*iJt,
Qtiw'� •til o• door to aual)?IUlou, YbrUe4
VY �i' ,ad&i! !k
(i6�P d� n%t
UEf 00 I& FOR rH
neofJis fro)n robbing the tenslls:
, ll.�ld�.:'ki
?ityt� 10.
peace, iliea Obit Of trpw will-dow,
>' !ab"66` 'd61111
Wilonevai a royal poruonago (tied Ili
Itls• hard, to god what; Yoko Waluk
Tibet lie. Was burled , with all his.
I. jewel- rill hid royal lobes,, lb add.-
Rich, Reel Blood B ria Aw' 'BW 'Jit;
whsut You dbn't know What, It to.
The Only hupeloaa rilthire is tho+pop•
-bill higher b4buto, the most...hoatlilYul
$'rives gild 11,gsy Checks.
rsuat who lean csas,ad to strive for suu-
.-ting. we111•011 Of lli$`equrt ware out.
fc--ted and sulbalpxioh oil Chic clay of
The girl, who h'aturra home• from
It you want worlt well done, soleal a
hie Naerai, With their Iloaltty thus
PIN'Bervoll, they We9'e placed in a. Stand,
solbool or from work thoroughly tired
alit will be fortunate it She escapes a
busy man—the other kind has no Lima,.
People are- made more unhappy h
p y
64 9, • l�
at h, the. Best' Medicine I Ever
flog poslton rqulid the tomb of their
physical bVcRkdown, becallse tilts get
the 111- they fear tlwrn by thole Cho y
; rs
Says `Ior�ifxto
> �
master". each holding some trinket that
� G
1 r p to
t fig t e so easily is p abal iy tile
Ong Gi•d
, tlro.rayal perSgtttt o had used .during
warning symptcttt of a Chinning
Little, pnlnds ars Cancel and subdued'
dies 11Yetiine.
blood that must not be dlsregardod it
by misfortune, but. gyeat minds rise
"Houeshly, P wouldn't talc' a, than$•
In o rder to protect these treasures
tier (health is to be preserved,
above- It,
and dollars In v4d for the go ad Tartlao
from Vand•itla, tha'rt4ga eia4ed sit
When theblood Imerimes thin and
The. world is toll o£ will people ---tills
done, tile;' said Delbert yC Daw.
arch ln'whioli rested'sharply printed
impure Ilio Plitlpnt b0dOln" Palo,,
some: willing to; wark; and the reset
Bolt, 174:' Browning Ave. Toronto, Out„
arrows, and under ivhiclt warn a release
She not only tires out essliv but often
willing to let Chem•.
well-kr"oWiz carpenter and burider,
that discharged the arrows in ciulelt
S'uffot•S front hoa•dachea,. Palpitation of
More harm to dons by the. cowardice
"DOSldes' relleving me of a bad case
snccessdon, Whoever trod oai the ro-
the heart,.dizzy smells' and a, loss of
of those who: are afraid to do that.
Of stomach trouble of au e
many years
lease' robbed no more.'
which is right than by the courage -oil
Standing, Tanlac than built me up ton
m T116 inventlomh; hidden round the
In this condition ])I,. Williams' Pini[
those -who, do wrong,
pounds in Weight and I never felt bet•
temple's and the tombs or Lne ries Ta•
tams, was doubly Oflioiont, for It both
Pills will be found to dlave a beneficial
action 'on the-MOod. Miss Dal'llua La-
ter in illy life than I do now. I taut.
protected property and'provided inex.
frenlere, St, Ambrose, Mang has
!Ging Edward's; Joke.,
Judge Adams was Proud aP, 1.1.9 re•
fared so I could hardly stand the pros.
share of Illy clothes -against my stam-
pensive justice.
proved tills in bar own case, and ad.
vises others, to use. those she,
semblance to Kiltg Edward ILII. Re,
Acle and. Cho way it pained me wan
Sending For Him.
saga: "Before i Began the use sE Dr.
worn Iris• b.aar•(i trimmed in Cue name
fashion, and occasionally frequented
afmpJy te'rriblo, and often I had chola
Ing spcl:a, when I almost lost my
When Canon Burroughs of Peter,
Pink Zile I felt like a oom
plate wreck of my former self. My
the same health resorts. One of the
ruany fantastic atarlgs lie used to, tell!
breath, I was do uaalms I couldn't
sleep and mornings got up feeling
borough; England, was in America
some months ago he told this signiti-
blood was poor and titin. I suffered'
from faint and dizzy spells, and hall
of his, adventures and misadventures
more tired and worn, cat than an going
Rant story: A wohall emitioyed in :an
backaches and to gives almost every
ran as follows:
" 'Sao here, Richard," said Kin Ntl
to bed, I lost weight considerably and
became so weak I was constantly los"
piece mill was allotted a difficult
pleas Of machine won•1c to do. The
day, . I
1, give y Williams?
Pink Pills a trial, and by the• time I
ward to me an' ACCan't(TtL;: `th,l9
Ing time from work, and many times
foreman told her .to send for hint it
had used three boxes I.felt mnch'bet••
won't do, you know.,
'What wo•n't da, your MajieSty?' I
got so dizzy I had to grab hold of
something to keep from falling. Near.
she had any trouble with her tnaaltine,
She had to send for him several times
ter and I continued taking the pills
until I felt as well as'f ever did,. For
ly all the time I had a headaeho and
and finally, decided that she would not
what they did In my case I cannot re-
" 'Wali, It comes to tills; you or I
must leave, Momburg, and I vote we
sometimes I. hart me so bad T could
hardly endure ft. My liver was in, could
bother him again but would herself try
to remedy any trll
ouble that night
command these pills, too higdply."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can .be ob-
toss up which It is to be. I don't mind
awful condition and I had liver spots
all body.
arise. But when trouble occurred and
tained from any dealer in medicine, or
in the least theta mistaking me for
You; I don't mind the band
over my
"Well, I just kept gettiu g worse 1n
She tried to conquer it She merely
made the dlfIIculty. worse. The ma-
by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. \ illiams+ Medi•
God Save the King whenever you ap-
spite of everything I did, until I got
Tanlac. But
to stop,
chine came to a man
cine Co., Brockville, Out.
pour. But when I cannot show my face
out of doors without some chap slap-
this medicine seemed Co
get right after my troubles, for it
When the c
fame ai her aid
Rhe h'ot'el up at him and said, "I did
— '� ~
ping me on the.shoulder and singing
wasn't hong before, I was feeling lots
better, I've
my best,'
"No," ""
What the Boy Scouts
out with a strong Cork accent,
LOS, Dick, how's yourself, Come and
taken eight .bottles in
all and ant a wall man, never lose a
said ilia foreman quietly, the
n y'
best is goading for me,"
Are Doing.
have it drink;' it becomes a bit tire•
day from work or feel bad lit any way.
To -day men and women everywhere
Col. A. W. Gray, M.P.P. for Leeds,
some.' ,
it's a fact, Tanlac is the best modlc[ne
I ever saw or heard the
are trying to do'thefr best alone, for.
has presented a large and beautiful
Union Jack to the let Westport Troop,
Tanlac is sold by loading druggists
getful the Master e,8 alt work
stands ready to help thein In, the re
thus completing the Troop's "colors,"
AS i V
everywhere. A•d,,k
inediable little things as well as in the
These are big days in Boy Scout
groat bh•ltga they -lead to. Elie
circles down Welland way. A spacial.
Bayer is -only Genuine
R. 0. V. P.
always sending for Him,
S3 but Ofhcems' Tritinin' CoutseAs now
Here is a true star from a girls'
'in full aipin.g, The Notary Club;ts
school Sa the English Midlands: A
Annual' Agrlcultutalt
backing the -four local troops both
Anan'ctally.and "Roturfally,"' And Mr.
lknowledge" lasaen was In
progress, "Cali anyone;' demanded
J.'C:'MbI*6r,'Troop* Committeeman of
/ril 7t
the teacher, "toll me the meaning of
'the `S,
Par the fourth successive year the
the let Welland Troop, has offered
a fine cup as a trophy for inter -troop
letters R. V. P.?" There rose
the daughter of wealthy
Dotitisrton Bureau of Agricultural Sta-
tisbieq Is engaged in making an enum-
whose receptions drew all the local
oration throughout Canada o£ the
Renfrew and Kincardine Troops,
society. in, Shake, and Vanish
areas sown to field craps and o3 £arin
have been suffering from growing
Pleasantly," she replied.
five stock. This enumeration is being
effected by meatus of schedules l
value. The "doctors"—in both cases
P•rovincfal Scout Oificers—reeommend-
Warnin 4 It's criminal to take a
"Bayer on• any substitute for genuine
trilbuited to individual farmers. When
ed surgical treatment;' with the re,-
suit that both towns have two troops
"Bayer Tablets at Aspirin," prescribed
,Bond n Dominion Express Money
filled up and returned, the cards will
each now instead of just one. And all
by physician for twenty-one years
and safe by millions.. Unless
Order. Five Dollara costs three cents.
be transmitted to the Bureau at Ot-
tawa for compilation into totals, ex-
of them are working hard to make
you see the name "Bayer" on package
World's Longest Aerial Tramway.
cept as regards 'Ontario and, British
their Troop and their town the very
.best Troops, and Scout towns in On-
or ou tablets, you aro pat getting As-
pLrin at all. In every Bayer
the Premier Mine, in British Coluut-
Calumbin, where the provincial de
partments will undertake the compila-
are directions for Colds, Headache,
Ilia' to tidewater, has been awarded to
Clan. The collection of these status-
Mitchell citizens have organized to
back Scouting in their town. In order
NeuralgiaRheumatism, Efarache,
a Spokane company, Tho fine will be
nearly twelvo miles long, with a drop
tics represents a national tugrioultural,
help the two local troops with
Lumbago and for Pain.
gaudy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost
of about 120 feet to tae m1le. The
stocktaking,of much value to the
equipment, came, sports, etc., and 1:e,
Yew .Rents.. Druggists also sell larger
train line, bunkers, and unloading de-
fairmers as wall as to the country
provide a satisfactory meetin g place,
packages. Made in Caned&. Aspirin
vice,& will cost a quarter of a million
generally. Owing to these si mital sta-
five hundred dollars is now being
is ' the trade in,
dollars, ,
tistica It is ,poir fb'le- to Show that the
mark (.registered
rafaed by public aubserlptlon. This Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of
area in Canada under field crops fn- amount also includes Mitchell's oon. Monoaceteac
lidester of Sallcyll acid'
creased from about 39,000,000 acres tribution to the funds, of the Provin- T .__C__u:_
in 1915 to nearly 53,000,000 acres in cial council. In Place of Money.
1920 nand their value from $82.5,370,000 We recently reported that the Brook. In thda country we receive our small
in 1915 to $1,455,244,000 in 1924 or ville Rotary Club was raising 81,000 change in cash. This has not been the
nearly 75 ,per cent, for the funds of the 1st Brockville case,' ,Continent sines the war:
_ r---- Troop, We are naw glad to be able In France, besides. the one franc (9
SAYE THE CHILDREN to announce that the amount hes been cents) and fifty centime (4 cent)
raisedP and It only took the Ito• 'notes, several ingentaus devices •are
tariana three hours to got St tegethor, used to meet the demand for copper;, isuacerad greet;- ftoi;o West, Wired neat,
Mothers who keep a box of Baby'a The Brockville Scoutmaster, Mr, A, J, The best and daintfest aro aluml- 2lurALAK snit Bolin eget.
Own Tablets in the house may feel Train, is one of Ontario's veteran prim discs., ,the size of a penny; 'in After a hard day's work or a tong tramp
that the lives of their little ober are
Scout men, -- and your feet are completely used up,
which[ postage stamps at Ave, ten, or bathe them In hot water, then rub them
reasonably sThrough the kindness of Major W,
Elate during the tot wee- twenty-five centimes value are, hn• volt with SIINAltI)'& LINIMN1PiT. rt
then. Stomaoh troubles; cholera in, Baton, tine tat New'Toronto Troop w111 prisoned ungar it celluloid facing, w111 relieve you and you will never be
fantum and diarrhoea carry off thous- bold Its summer' camp this year on They are , olroulated by business W thont a bottle,
ando of little ones every summer, in his big farm at Oakville, A similar houses,.who use them also as a rte• The Chamber of Commerce has is,
nrost oase4 because the mother does g'engwus offer from ,Mr„ Chan, Parker, ilium for advertisement, Sued apeclal coins to aluminum and
Chairman of the Troop not have &safe medicine at hand to Chap Committea of The postage stamp In all the unpin- Hint of twenty-five, ten, and Hee cen-
give prompt., Baby's Own Tabletsthe ,89tH Toronto (Humber Bay),. t
,rro- i
tatted etnupilolty of Its fragfragilesticks- limos, Sometimes trey ars square or
relieve those troubles, or if given oo- p+ biases Itis fine estate at the noes is also forced upon unwilling re- of hexagon shape, and mado ht nickel,
casioulaRy to .the wait chilli will pre. disposal of tiro officers and boys of that cipients, Tickets worth fifteen cin- Iran, tin-plate, or Stamped cardboard,
Troon for their summer outing;, Such times discs correspond to the Bug-
vent their coining on; Tho Tablets mes (three cents) ischial by the S
are guaranteed by a government an: tramway
co-operation front friends of the Boy campaniess are likewise ac. ]fell tokens issued in the olgitteenth
alyst to be absolutely harmless eves} Soouta is moat valuable and very cepted as change, They remain in cir. and nineteenth centuries by bankers
to tilenewborn babe, They are as- much appreciated, culation until they .fall apart in dirty and tradesmen when change was rare,
peOW.Iy good in summer because lite} Scouting does net force the bey to germ -infected ruin;
regulate the bowels • and keep the '
}le obedient: IC takes it for ��y-_•__- hilnerd's Liniment for 6andruff.
stomach Sweet and pure, They are that lie is—and twelve years pP Scout- Johnnie's Escay an the Peacock.
Ing has• demonstrated the correctness
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at The peacock is a bird. The peacock =ng"tial facteriw mantrfactture
25 cents a box from The Dr., ; of this attitude,
Williams is not a bird of brag; The Peacock is a.ipetit 260,000 readies each weak,
Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat. A leading newspaper offered a prize a vain b[rd. Elit'lzj tiro vain, It is very The 1110011 mares 3,850 feet par
y a far tit$ paragraph that load given to be yalit, The peacock is era -ltd.
The Efflciency Englrieer., greatest insnlration. and help, Dines not like tile ostrich, it wears its own -
from Tennyson -ltd others were sant
Some one was tallying to a Western featheps Itself. mho ostrich does not. ,Arn.,I.,q Floacor Dazs Raiaa41.0
man with reference to scientific farm Ply y the hundred; The lettep that 6LA4 Flo not always }year their own Book on
uanagement, gapped the prize was as fo'llowsi hair themselves. Th6 peacock is not I 000 Igls'EASES
"When," acid this man, who charish. am only a boy, and boys' opinions like the cuckoo. It lays its own eggs and New to Feed
>s rather, old-fashioned nations !{ are not respeetod Uy most grown-ups; stalled Fre to any Ad -
itself. The cuc:re does nal, a ''
near the bragging of these `sflicieac. Out wg have Cham just tine same. Tits , i r 4 drew by o e author.
Y The p¢aoacic Is a }p.rd. •T]tC tail of � pg. N, Glover Co., zea,
paragraph which helps me mast is the tis tt�eat 'list 9tl•aot
3ngineers+ that they cab increase by a peacock is, dreadful useful; The tall ' Ne:v vert,
Boy Scout promise, as follows;
1e, matoy fold the output of a farm I of a peaaonic is nhttdr into Pana.''l�hore's
" `On my honor I promise that I will `""""" "" °°"
tin reminded of the cans of one Tom a dreadful lot at f1:ifPerent kinds of '—� am �, ",;
Sates; da my bast, To do my duty to Gail and Paas,, Th�erels b¢soball falls movie
the King, 'to help other people at all ��� ^�
'Tom was feeding his Iters one sum. Pans, fan tans, Ern finagoos, fan ciors, �<
tithes, Tb obey the Scout %aw,'
per dray with cornmeal when along Pan tails, and •fan•- to Pan with, but as
lame one of these experts, --6•-- — for ie, i tit ®V �.r r" t
L u gee a all automobile!
" `Why,' queried the expert, 'waste -= 4. --- �t (P gd®lg
Lit that goad 'arnmeal cit all thea- ,.Jeal. ml3e of uailirnproveed. bighway 1•il's 1-learinfl"Restored TORONTO , LT b'VORl(t3
tells? The Stuff loolm just like saw- .us an •oppootu'nity to inoreuse commun- HY1e Invisible oaa drupe invented by
fust; then Substitute sawdust, The ity wealth, which in the aggregate LL
CLIFF - ToRohlTu
nus s national wcal6tli. In the auto- A' O. Leonard, whish, is a miniature ,.,,
rens' will never Intow the dieferen .1 mega Aloha, fitting it}•side the ear en- -' __ --
"Then he want away, When nekt mobile and the motor "oic we have tirely obit -of sight, is restoring the ---.
to canto that way he sou ht out To Ole vehicle; the outpuit of factory and 0
g n} hearing of hundreds Ff people to flow
Ind. asked how the sawdust feed was $arm giveia' us Dile loiud; now all we 9
vorking. York Citx. Mr. F�eouar[I invented thi8
I is true iso,wdis, But a road built ,
Solely ,bon the prit-d le of getbiaig drum, to 'relieve hiniself of deafuess
`Flue,; said pont. 'hat oltl yellow pp and ]head nolses, au it doss tills so
ien -las been opo It evtr since. '6 •left, as iA udh mileage as gpossiblo-for the , .
44 auccessfutty that lie pee could tett he I -Cur,
told fu her last hatchings, ai3 Of th Inalley clloes hat suit 'Clio spla•ct of un- is a Boat than. 'if I,s effective whet
:hicks ,had woodeq lags, t1}re� �ver� 'ti'onal growth. We do not want poor- deafness Is caits•ec} iig catarrh or b
woodpeckers' and the rerst 'wera "rali• 17 built nuadis• that wail 'have tq be +v����
perforated, or wholly 'destroyed ua.tur-
pfrds,' „ t'orl up :till 'robwil$ agaam3 in a few �.1.
} al drums, * A reques*Leonard,
St for 87, 7q Fifth Soothes • years, we 'need 'ltigliviaYs 'that wi9l t0 til p] 'LeaItardy Stilt' 48x, 7t} PiPtli ,. t�Qiothes
Partnership. Coke' cox �a th,n ever-+ladreaislmg Low ✓ t
5 r; Yenuo, Noty ilarlc City., wilt lie given yy , , � } �j n
I!W, is yot� qct} dad�,� i;oo(� boyq that {they Yitiuit lmian; We must Ipttil u jx+omliErsply. advt. ( 3j, lttcleal,g
K) I} 749 ;gg%llot7 � ashq 't} ntothex, for "petvfuaue7rce; ,� 3 .. '�
. &I y 'lig to " ' " 14$y e �lq ¢ltti ', We are 'eominy' tfi�own Ilia 11111Ati0li,, f w ,( . - 1
.E`nIti .. TO ., , P 3i S.R ,losyeatE '= Mlnard's Untirent fof Burns, etc, stn5xis, -bap by slrstpl ..
III�r Treatment:
ran 1C1sS her ooI ir1 i,t r -11- Gently. r 3
g ¢very �ay?, w ma Mtnaid Li iluont eves Netiralgi l
1 ;�h$inld say't 'c 1iTr; ra q ,q 1 1 �h ,,tin d /' O.q't'.,i¢' ,3.
MO i ' i .,. Qt uS
v ,1 , Y ,�, ?l , t� e r,, 9 A Vicar t�P4 to s'tppt r a i�tto Aa
Vilhard's Lf�p"en �o'r'sa%"�v r wh r f yy t;l°.� ri } ; Si keeps ua n ,•,u,,," c� t i t.0., �,� J. t.,
J :it' la,a r ,� y . e, edit n et ha( o" ive'Il r +1 . car, P S'f4tter ( rilrr l ]la�risi �/ imger,
gu t„ a rY y a �f,. Rel l 1, j� �?F
"...- -, .. 4.. , ...."....,- l,hlri , . , . .. . ' 17.0 h ramarlr pin Ien�nuriari VA "V4.1 n»l� ti ' tit 15 tj'):h'rl'fl
i. ,
tltoto 116a}r+lntis'" hs `w
Wild rayl you aro much too
be trusted with a fourth"
.._. _,� __. " & - _, ._ 11. I , . .41 1 1 11.., I 1 .. 1, _ .. It,
toil' WWI* sifted be grad n1at1 Ills last
WE ,
"If I had booll a iatdstoal," silo de}-
olarod, "yrall'd have been tb sou labfon al;•at' "
1S^SUE No,