HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-6-30, Page 2AI. D, . . - _ _ , ,m,... .,. -.-._, _... -..
1ti47'r1(i•GAli' I.t ! ' R�T `j fi ��M1 ; r-'' " ^ �^�.-.� . M -.
� u �jg �ryTS, flEflost
a 4 -, .. . .' 'fijNC
r' , +rt, 4r6,F` , I O Where (1001) t4O PJ,OW si0ks, 09ROIE
1 - Best the eefdd tutus livid; NEW ���� IC �nt� 4thor altortttivos, tonics and
amck.,..^ i"'� 'Whe1011raop tltae#laft.d DIN � lr0idltit-i?IVins' iJlgrodienta that are
_ p' ► Appeua7, tho brightest hold,
,�-^„-t3ANJiXitlrl*..-... _ :�-••-.--- � ��--^•r rog4Jntlte,zdod In roto boat artetlfe.tl
0 {. _ L I 1J Ip S 0.,.� 1.1. ' k� L CO]V1r• books, are eoloNn.od in 1.1004'$ ,Sar^-
. L Ylrnni a lring� Of darltnaaet Q t�V�NX� mapaa'illfl, It builds up the bio4di.
K �, .- � AI�IY 2 . YEARS OLD X
A GLA'PILAL 11A1�liTN(l l3U$t, d ;t.
Shut fro)ri wit rtrud sun, U �ESG. � $, Nn roves the appetite, invigorates alto
NLSS Tl2AAISr1C1'p D, Titre Coltiest eat,
-dipestiOn, tones the t�omach and
, 1!OTLS
The Travelliu Iii Crystal )il'le(ts run, "• 7 river; nerve otJlsugtla so AS to p1+Lntot4
UlSCOUNI`TiD, DRAFT,", ISSUIaA, g I'a1ry, she laud not learnotp to .. ; ypu s4o, Nolther>� Fart of PXOVIi1Ce is pormnll4nt goad hoaItla, Etas merit„•
AMODA,' the rlutterfeet fafrlee it oho 1v afited"to surprisd all t'h oil t Famed for $00nei Forestss ed and held ,the )rat'
INTERJLW1' ALLOWED ON DL- e ter .�t4 i Gttie,' � � AJrd so da fu.te .and failure Y, r 1 iaa o$ ti11eO len•
wa.3 thought heat not to lot t}ao fairy fairy children', U GrCdtR2r a�L'. ' SOat'Ch the hdddezt ,d'16a1e'CF1e& °>qd oratious< Toti should i;ive it n trial,
POSITS, ,SALE NOTtS 1"Of- Children loarii how to Ilserves U� Ct6ntinehl . s4 1 104ustr;<al As a gentle tharoui;h oathaa�tao
were twelve ears old. 7.Slat was they
Stopped Out Into tled, 'Weenda tllitil, allobackled ' . Progreso, . many 1re44mmend Ilood'a fills,
Y Jy Y WltCtn evorYon° •waS set
CHASED, p Lathe middle' of the That territory, which. I snow kn'awn The '4'i)lrit 11nzie AS goal, .
----. ,to into mis hiefairfes tvoz'e ]fltely floor ancfi tolii tlao o4mpari:Y that s'lfe as Wes4arn CtLnatia first atta+act°d Nn DrunewiClt, rho Xat••eat "•, ` - . ... _...,.., _
--�-���� b LR the y1n04 IS )n9st faV03`
r H. 4, RANCLr �, Y mischief. was goiaag to Cr ,vol aver rho world. i3Jltleiz aa2tital'owtm to the vtalao of 1:Xtreo'XkaJitime Provinces., is a Oa utr shin ltnown
A.I! tllo•fafrfas begun to take flying Then she rose into the air, flow twice the )o r S pi•Jooe maintains a fairly 1 of wonderful Country through the excellent IVOPLU, FINANCIAL
CONVi X•. leanans as Soon. as 1111•6Y were twelveIxoun b l It y which the country could y 4o-uetart l,naturul reaaur4cs; great z gttrrllty and stn•
ArCrl:li, ')r)NANCIAL I;1;AL I d he toour and alighted on @he supply, True 1t ryas that tile p101ro1'• level, rivers, wide meadows, vast forests ' Melloo quantities Of potatoes and ]toy
ES1`A'l`i ANI) ifRJa iNSCJIt- tongs. oldi,it did, not take, long. globe, Which stood by an cast window .able Tlta ' The IrorMern territoly OF alae a'o• r1o11 ta)iatea wits which are shipped t4 Unit
Gampany of, Advouturots, D Department r s C, O, Hicks, 13,S,A,, Cities. The area
ori Statoa
baeorne ful'1-tXed ed flyers. Mcst' In the broad moonlight, triadang into 13udsroit Bu wa •a ablO vttnce OY Matt4to'ba, wlticli played its spa moat aR Agriculture, F' rea devoted to the pro-
ANCE AGENT, REPRL , gY, ) X C, asderic' duatio)t of
those t J
SiNCIl Of the yow)gxuse were very toe .g -t willing The liable #ai'sxiae bcbt"WOen five and to obtain support iu hl Xr tartar Part Irk the 041713' l)1'stOVY of the, fur iu• 1'a'))' It it beautiful healthful, s spies and grain up.
i -
I1 G 14 F Iitl, to wait, because tippets -toeing -t tiveTve S quarters, s' dustrY iemains• tarLu one of ;Xie root ta. to praximakes one and on • p
iNSUKdNCPf, sharia Old were astonXS'hed• the and to s'h,ow, after a to yearly very Yur r" y t S sourcefui and. a,lrtnci at promise for e,quarter mil"
L'ObiP.tNI);$. fairy tt^ny of walltillg-was delughtlul, trrown^ul9 faira'es ttero'sil°nt. 1Veenie substantial Preserves 1)•f the egi}tinent: The rile tvorlcOr Or iron sores, At least flub ntLtl
al prollts On their LrO, Very capitalist who contra• lou bush•-
I1IVfS1(9V CO WIT OPFIC But there was one young fairy, Trow- began to skfhn lightly oven the aur- operadone', P9QyXn A` WW see to dt thrLt with the butes to bor doysloplitelit 111 mulluf" Ole of potatoes' representing tato aver"-
CLINTON,. aver, tubo was not contented. Tier' face Of the 9101)0,; hump ing a tune as The Hudson's Da n impqudlug industrial develapmant in talo or agrlCttlture, ago exportable surplus, are annually
_ name was Wdenio (from her very" she went, Y Cemp ny lzaS that, as yet, We'eticall'y ulupopulated T3ero, withAl alt arOa'of 27986 a, Slapped to other provinces, United
-� �' now opetatred iu Canadian territory 'ae0a, eve r square W. T3{iYt)4)IVE, stnall size) and alto tivas always try- "I'm R lav over ry p OVtd40114111 be made for trines', frltlged by a'•eoastllne of 000' 3tf tas and West Indian iriaa9c0ts.
Y g %e Atlantic for 41070 then 250 years, and the pro. the protection and Preservation of miles, arc 1,000 miles of a No coubtry On the Atlantic coax
£ng to b° Something that $
ite was not, l Ocean}'' Sino c'a91ed, "And now)" she fits from the fila, d4partnierit of their these sa IntarosaJn roc main trunk t
IlARR1STER, SOLICITOR, 0)70 day Weans° declared that its salol a nionieut later, ,tt,m in' Puropo," nlandtold' soils} tos a g' and valuable ds, 1:000 miles •.of secondary trunk
Possesses greater advgntages In its
-NOTARY PUIiLIC; ETC woaTtl bb qu£te:Imposs}ble for her to $be fodhletl her wines anis begun to Manifold In their am tt! very sub• creatures, t'ile furry denizens of the )'Cads, 10,G00 mUes of ordinary by adaptatlon for daJaying.-rich Pas..
to l until she was twelve 1 ie Y n Manitoba
woods, _ marls, upwards of 4,000 bridges under titres' abunciaut supplies Of water, cool
URice- soars Cid dart t°' asvl Piro oavtho surface OP bile Canada, the part played by Manitoba »lghta affil a large hAme•ularkot that
Sloan Block —CLINTON C4 learn fly. As she was than Only globe. spall has been the, prod -aminating roles the Care of provinclai engineers, and
_ nine, things looked serious. All thel "Ill tate Swiss mountains, nowl" oho Ori establlsiSizig on ills shores of aha Alda to lOiXarrla 8. 2,000 Hallos' of standard gauge railways, has never known an over supply, in-
PIL. J, L', GANDILIi Other fairies of ber own age, tippetY- caliod after a tv7vfle. "Thos are R,epshe On' eou lis Churchill an vires rho Yuxln°r to faire pride and a,.
Same oY the older houses in Holland 7 hoeO avenues of internal the dee i, commensurate profit in ht h• roduah£
Unice Iioura:-1, }U tq„3,30 p,m,, 7,30 toeing happily rounds stq Y, T d York Pac- have two Agars; Which are Orsu1y used Caftan make the haunts oR the deer, com g p k
,to 9,Ooared at 'her, peed and tiPul•. Aa1d• now Tm Camping to the tortes, bath of which posts are now in the moose and these os, Cheese and butter production,.
P.M.puaSundays 11.x0 is 1.30 „ + Alps. Oh, hi•n•e I am do 'veclt�i'ce, where Manitoba, they became important tam marriages and deaths. 13 one Speckled trout only ic0 cream and clan milk su
N.M. m R''by :do you tRt£nlc you ]Host By the streets are fufii of boats! And pasta an the bleat coast. When a dear aha bride anti groom enter, and a few hours' ,Journey from gay of the i large Part poly absorb;.
Other hours by appointment only. nOa, TVeenie?” the queen of the Flut- now I'm hurrydnig to.Rome,, cenhuS;y later, tiro; italtlnd post was es- through t1Je other they oma Carried out towns, Or the most remote forest a lCentralized,p t of the dairyman's product.
flfiicO and It
SL tet'febts asked, gravely, area may be.reaehod by tate foam and butter factories, of which
-•---_.-„_____.-___.-- The Younger fai:ti'es Ahold tJheim tablia'hed at Cumberland Hausa in or- when dead• areae an the Tahi ue Ne Ltit m d th010 aro now three established, exert
Weenie lowered bar volae, "Beeausel breatt'h, They Riad heard of almosit'adt der that the trade Of the interior be In Swedon and Norway a legal mar• q p i a ere are
effect on established,
lashed, and
DR G. SCUT:LARD T want to tl�tvel round' the e¢rtix tlhoso 1 cels; but'tth nover'dreeumed slag° at one tlnle Svasavoi sllowed to Upsulquitch. A portage of two miles g y
Office in Dr, Smith S eldt stand '� P e they directed to Iludson, Bay and away between Lakes Ndetor and No ist uit i are favored alike by rnllk Producers
which is in the human children's• of anything like nils. front the. Montreal fur aompande% the be solum sited until both parties had P q are favored alI.
Mriin Sheat, Bayfield, schoolhouse, sari I can't get to it uaa• Weenie kept an travelling. She g Produced certifleatos stating that they allows the aan0oist,, Outfitting at And.
less I fl route far supplies thsou h the Mayes, Over or Plaster Rock for a fishing tri 1`he total amount of obsess, butter,
Oiffco I3aurs: 1 to 6 and 7 to 9 y'� crossed over to Asda and nolle a wild Nelslon and Saskatchewan Rivers was bore gen"tine vaccination marks, g P and ice cream inanutactuted in 1020
p.m, "i'ou axe talking foolishly," sa£d•trdp bhmou. h Africa,' Oriea slSo called y in Manitoba. When lin- Sin to the Tobique, to make a cast an the
Phone iVo. 21 on 624. the , I g' again Wholly glo pels3Ons are said to be more Ugpar Naptsiquit, in factories slid creameries under gav-
queen. Aow c¢n the earth 9iei Cwt, "This equ'¢.i ar is very hot; my aIR,Y the terrltory :catitrolled by the Plentiful -in Scotlad and Ireland, -and ernmeu't inspeetlon was 1,107,900 lbs.
�itq[ti"lS il, lI,1LN, Cho 7)atman children's schoolhouse? f. t just toavehmd the lanes" She did Company was handed over to the Bri• the smallest proportioaa iwo to 1)0 it le claimed that Ile Drunswick
That is zlonsensel" tura more big of cheese, 1,004,563 lbs, of butter and
Co11VOYAncer, rotary Public, But Weenie insisted. "It is there ! not mean
to bo telling ataties; her im tish Crown, tine headquarters, of the found lu the United States of Ameprica, g game than any at,Or 6%6,67 gallons of lee °ream. 'Dotal
Camatleeioner, Etc.: it la," sh'e said. "One day. when I'w'Bbh bar, Was sttmply running away great company, whose poets. extend Unmarried women, in Brazil have a province in Canada, The Chiof•Game value, $1,066;686,52,
trona Coast to coast attd from tine iu" special mourning calor—it is Seariet. Warden says in his report for 1'920;
RI A:I, ESTATli and INSURANCE was taking a nap under the doorsill) She de'eldod, at Ien'gth to return to Maori "About -twenty more Amorieatt Sports- The province extends ri the new -
I heard' the Children's Cee cher say to Amatiea, On the ryas across alta ternatlanal, Boundary to the Arctic
ago in Turkey Is said to be .a P Came'r, whether he 1)C tourist, tVarlter
Sea, were established in the City Of most Prosaic affair, it being, to the men hunted in our province this year or capitalist, the waleolno and hospl•
issuer of Marriage Licenses • them, 'Here is the earth; and I creptIocean, howerve•, she became confused y begs ntn sp than last, and from information at
19tRON STREET Winnipeg, in whoee earl majority oY. easesy quite a bwsdueas tality that is Pounal "down east," and
CLINTON. up to the platfornv at recess and I'stud flew -too far tott"sid rite notch. As ¢s Fort Garry tile. COmpanq 11 s had hand as in the past, these people I. the advantages of her w democratic in.
matter, Whest a mall
to wed,
saw it" I she aid e0 great a part. hie paren'te obtain a diet aE houses turned home well satisfied and Can -
1. GI30RCE I?LI.lOT7' 1V•hat did' it loop like?" ached the,slipped,aid m� bhe globe, her foot where eligible females are to be found, vincad that we have Cne.aP thw.beat aritutlons, excellent educational sya-
Licensed - Auctturtere for tit" County, fairy king, he nearly fell over on Countries in America for 1)t tent, religious tolerance and every std
of lluron, interest. b' who was listening• 'with ho, rose. "Oh, :how Cold it is In Rapid Settlement of Manitoba, tial the mother thein calls on thaSe, " g game, OY that Can be secured through oilielals
Ala—" s6ve be an. "What can your daughter do?" site same killed, two Of the mgosa heads of the difYarelnt departments of a sok
Correspondence Inornptly answered Vdeanie spread out her arms, "Bi9I She bed intended to so ,, Tt2anitobaPib settlement of Southern had horns of 64 Inches spread, The
Ilnmedisto errangemeuts can be and round," she answered, y, Y gricultura2 salts' game
embroideries, car• tied and well -organized government.
"just ast.Ala,ska" but umt then she Suddenly POPuIa- pets; rugs, etc., are usually exhibited total number of moose killed !n 1920
stale for Sales I}oto at The the geography says, tVith oeeans and,'slid thousands, of miles, and• 601e }Sao tion attracted by the far•Eamecl repo.• as evidence of the handiwork of the was 1'696 and the total number of dear ?
News-NewsClinton, or 1)l CenlLtr'le'J olid all. It Was on a stand to end by saying Alabama, behion of t110 Red River sail, in three killed, 2,944," The record spread' V@rest S X,012}; �1'aFi.
catling Phone 203. s I eliminated the fur -bearing animal from wished -for housewife, If these are ap= tagen ftt New :Brunswi°lt ie' 716¢ Two sal`10 a miehups already have
Charges moderate and satisfaction ho added. At that, 'severvul little fadr£eA tuttar- t11at part of the province. ,The beaver proved by the tua>them; she takes the befallen the. IvLOunt Everest expedi
At that the king put his hand over ed onz'hright. They hadstwddad goo- g y good's home to liar son and induces inches. This moose was 'taken on
guaranteed, his mouth, and' tflve quaere toed Weenie gra Rl Mery were road reduced in Wombats, and him to marry the clever young lady. October IOtb, 1917, oil the Nepiziqutt tion' on the lower levels of its ttluer•
to run and play, P y g emowgRt to know diet it now for many years it hes bees de Rival,; arty, The first of theae is the death of
„ is not cold in Alabama, cle'red illegal to trap beaver except in think ofhthe er wo ks adSeomakas Dr. Iiallas front heart taihtra. Dr. It ol-
�Ey Site is tal.hirn _ Forestry and Mining. las Was one of rile few wire know the
a a 1, axe` �r :. �� room globe, Cf course, the king sa d, found herself in the Gal l�of Mex she
Nor ��tllRulndtlnt$where res�t in titevP Sr are some diplomatic excuse', and The forests of the province constl-
s Chuckling. still 1 passes tate the source of one of the Chief higher altitudes of the Himalayas
—71411•` TABLIS-- 11n her a tston£sihiladmit she du:9 the y n 1n O.lt to another house ,on the list. If from personal experience as a climber.
"'She must be taught a ]Gesell " said pointed' toes of 'hOx salvor Slippers dustr in Manitoba has cans'equentiy however, the industries, and from the government
Trains tctJl arrive ¢t and depart the queen sadly, fQax she will certain- into the globe, and then a stivul a Centred more and more in the north- Young moor is not Liked lands under timber license are derived There are Plenty of men who can
from Clinton Station as followai- 1 ern and easiern se0tians Of the by the opposite parents, the lady is climb Everest while ensconced in an
y9et into mischief with her forward- thing happened: tAtro glO'be began Pro• advised to seek elasswh'ere, the mala sautes of revenue. Tha armchair in Loud -on, even as 14Iarlt.
ii•UFA'ALU AND GODLt{1C1� DIV, noss, Vince, which have not beeia Colontzed game also is under the purview of the
turrn. Tlve more she cl¢utolved and by an agricultural ~�` Twain ascended Mont Blanc by toles.
Going east, depart g 2$ a,ni, So when Weenie Rept an tossing to scrambled, the falstex i't turned, Population a 1a and
' government, as well as the mines' oP
be taught to fly, a tutor was summon- Weenie was ao baddY #rbghtened that where tie fareats are 1�Xlriert) X$elat2ets Gain Favor coal, Iran, gypsum, natural gas and Cope, But this mail knew the rapes -
1.65 p,m extent intact. Even in' this very • Since War. ail, The amount Of th'e revenue de, and elle guides and the glactera, toc',
Going 2S est nr. 11.1 0, alp. 21.16 a,n1.' ed. She teak her flyiang lessons in she ufite forgot t sparsely ar. 0.08, d q g1) that she lead' 1'aaamed POPulated territory,close The use'of helmets during the war rived from the lumber cut of 1920, Moreover, his researches would have
" " ar, p .03 P.m othert°� because she did not want the to flthree hundred and sixt contributed significantly to our know-
10.03 Y. seasons arC observed an all tunbear• has accentuated interest in bhe ad- ylive, million
pant, young fairies to know About "01>, what's tate mcutter?" she oriad•. Ing alSdmals.and are strictly enforced visability of using stiff hats in in feet' was $1,267,967.17. The timber ledge of the bodily processes at great.
LONDON, HU1ION & BRUCE Div. them, The earth is by the game wardens: to protect minors against falling rock. P Y the follow- befall8--aknowledge that will hest to
GOtug South, or, 3,23, d m. At Ion " ay onp, T cant stay harvest cam rises mainly 1
„ U. 5.18 a, ti she announced that she aril T t �re stay ant» The Indian and half -bred About 40 par cent of the accidents Ing species: spruce, fir, cedar, white determine the habitibf'llty of still un
Going P.M. ]anew all' i'here was to know about That threw all the little fairies into o Papukt- occupied erecta. It is a serious bl'ov.
Golug North depart.6.40 P.M. flying, kion, who, except during the periods aro due -to falling recite or roof. A pine, red pine, hamIock and hard -
U.07, 11.11 alit ". Il," said-tbe queen, "if you must ly panic; they hem io whimper laud- of very higfi price on furs, form by large number of these accidents could woods. to Ios'e such a rare combination of soa-
far the most ani be prevented if the miners •W4,re stiff There are three brancibes of mining sailed explorer and erudite scientist
Carry out your plan then i Po- tea section o1 the industry in active- at the outset of the expedition.
, go ahead." "T know this ryas going to 11'appan," aur trappsl•8y'fCt'1TY realize the nates- helmets, nays the United- States Peratiaabt .haat m1n•.
be G o won d fly upon i eaglabe, hat out bar a idezta rets to fly to the globe andel t� sity Of Protecting ur-bearing animals, Bureau oof Mines. Head protective de. Ing' In the Grand I,alre reglon; the pro- A Second mishap !s the progressive
p Mutual take and may Y e relied on to assist mines have been in use fax duction of Natural gas ¢red CSI near disabling of the four -footed helpers.
pp y��t�7�1t� y� mistaite at once and then fly down. W'eenic down, In enforcing the. statues and even to Moncton, and the uarr The uauies, in whom every reliance
�1 U I11L}tlt G t1C�j Company
]� But' Weenie hdd' other plans, She AftCa thcut the Cratvd wont home, man) years iu F1uraPo and in the T.fcke' q Y and mann-
L'(++ suggesting modiRcations in the in, Superior district of the Uttwd States, facture Ot gypsum at Hillsboro. The was Placed as hearts Of burden, Poll
spread the, news . far and wido that The odder fames Fitt the Litille ones industry, upon,. the wayside. They were not in -
she was g torests at the indus In practically all Of the mining dis• quantity y of coal mined last year was durated to the climbing ill the super-
. Cad 'a Cc,
Seaforih, Qom; goin to travel round the hurriedly to 'bed, Them the qua took The principal fur-beartug animals Of tracts in Europe stiff 31ats of conte grass tons. The number of
earth, Moreover, she invited all the Womac an her lap and expladalad Manitoba are beaver, otter, muskrat, I satutatod atmoephese and their
ll1Kfi C 19gY t fairioe to be present at the school- things to hes. WBnen she had flnislled, ermine, fisher, marten, anlnk f hind are required by the mina manage Produolug tuella oY gas or oil was eigh- t strength lrreetdent, Ja•n.s Calls,, t mean: George S. Rice, chief .minlug teen. All gas at present used comes l gave out, Che experience
;'lea„ dames Ey Y, Gd1wooy• house pri the first night of the next she kissed her and- yard k£tixll " ), w6if from the Stoney Creek field Oil AliSert , Parallels the trlbulatton.s with the
fir' 131et:hwottd;. full moan. y; lVoav, Cross, .solver, white, biotic}, wfilf engineer ,of the bureau, says that in paclt•animals of thaYauuohusintnd ex -
mil., Phos E,' Ha fly to bed." spunk, lynx, wolvexina and bear Germany, Belgium and Franca stiff County side of the Petitco,Ifac Inver,
ttrtb,' Ys; 544. Wiia)1' that night came the Dairy But Weer }vsd 7rad enough of fly- (black and polar). To a Large estent eight Writes beIaw Moneran. Ono of padatfou that opened Tibet to the
party gathered in the little 'school- dreg, She he1l,3 ller little wings dawn their distribution is determined large ex cls• hate made Of papier mache ontelt roe. world
I)ueetors: George , r, S,rtrie In are in use. Similar lists are gen• ahs walla driven last year gushed 67 again (tvlGh strit;gan.t reserva-
fartit; D. P. M,Greg• r, Srtn6 , J, through one of tete fairies
e flew
ewhien the close
hem sddes and w,en,t ,slOwj u uratic • alai etaliY emitlayed lu the Lake Superior bble. iii one day. Tile total output of tions') in 1908.
G 1t; ve, 2valwe Olinn. ItIn.1, ,14.46 teas lowered from the top; and the cttrefull o Y P geographical conditions, district, In Germany the hate are the gypsum quarries was 37,796 tons', The discoucart-Ingset Cott is that t1)°
`c,rty.; Al. ASt:Etc•ep, Clinton• g ixala"Oa stairs, tappEtry.t;oeirng The white fox andthewhite or polar mis•chauces and setbacks have occur-
+ Robart Younger fairies squeezed through of sL£ppelsy Altd g01oD7n�yelaf flew ailain sou] Bay. are found The au the alleges aE Hucl-I as high like the military helmets, where- shipped mainly to the United States, red upon the lower levels, slang tom•
F•erafee, Harioak; Jahn liennewafr, bread• araCk under the door. Weenie until the day aha was twelve vegans swamps oil tile lower in In Fta2uca and Dolbium they lit The Province holds third snit
Srodhu;en; Sa3, Uonnolly, Godericbr muskrat Saskatchewan
Inhabit the nano' ClOeofy to the crown, In Eu . among the provinces of Cauada in the; mereial routes crammed with trafflr,
Agents: 'Alex Lelten, Cltaton; J, IV, Squeezed in that way, too, just as if I also --youth's Companion. River from Cumberland House Lake ] m{i the practice h mixed, g By Ear the severer haat is to come,
Teo,,Coderich; Le, Hinch:ey, a' torEh; - ---- --- --.- value of its fisheries. The smelt catch rite lce•hun.g, rock -riven fastness. Chesney,. r.l,znonCyill.• li. Winli•IP09, probably the greatest musk• On ,the Continent tight cotton °ape annually coavtributes aPproxltnately I0% where the feasible track is purely
4,uth, BrC,thc$bp, ' O' JZ' The End of a Great Fighting ago will s'eoll disappear, The, ordinary rot preserve on this continent. The are geue,rally warn over the hair and two-thirds of the catch in all Canada, I ecujecturnJ, anti fu places long se.
money '• be paid :a ma ) Sh life at a bin ship wall recently twenty Pe'rfbdic flooding of the Saskatchewan under the hard hat, said for clenalf• and Its oyster fishery is frmed !n all coulees of dizzy stairs nes long
aid to Moorish Cicthf: tT ,. ` years, but now all such sdlips more River replenishes from tiinO to time taws° is esceileat. As a ztlle, Amer£- e�mericau cities,
I i. 40•, GI S1oo, When It was a.unonuced that the than soyas p g the lakes au'd ,steam a of outlying flirts ThO port oY St, John,
the e¢sleru I out with the iee-ax. The climbers
►r at E uu s l;rvCery, t;oaerich Years• of ago ars' assIu p Cau miners are, however, more willing I must go from the steaming, reeicirl
]'at clea:rr •i to efleCt insursna great battle aruiorer Indomitable was into rasarvo, and.prov4das ideal b faire Chaneas than to wear it cum. watel••gate and winter port OY Canada i boasts of brilliant ins g
r transact other buai::osy will to be 'sold to the ship breakers, says There are some porfa tt aur C'Ondttiana for this bersontw device, and tsrminus of the Canadian Pacific i Insects unci gaudy
R contributor to t11C English Country tar of the IndonaitftU points
shattldtbe im Producer' and Canadian National Railways, is 1 oti°wars they are threading now to the
I rr ml;tlp nttu:rced to On Application W g Y Y Beaver, Marten, Fisher and Lynx, ;� ` i PCOpf'te extreme of bailor Cold, where
fey of the auovo alEcers addresse, ba Life, most people were astouishad and Placed on record, ,Ili the Ver atX2 rile distributing point for Eastern their Stspeccive posC OtYica, lgsyy4 many tvOro srorry. FOx the Indotutt 1)P her servieo, when King George, the Churchill sought particularly ori It I Canaria, with rail connection t0 the the tilt lleaoanas almost as thin as in-
vir' , te;t :,y the direat.c trgq tiy� $.hie was the game ship that had made t:hun Prince of bales, Iva& ratill"ll House tsrAto DaijtnNo in the Oxford sada, beneath. gre0n, overarching entire etontinent. No othOr ocean SOIL tars'tellctr space,
-tateat the sena virtually obsolete every armored, from Y of theasreru fvlaui- boughs, 1 Fa: mail find Animals a, tusk is elft
Quebaa, tale new battle cruiser tells. Marten and ftsdier are nnmetrous ]n Canada except Il4nn+areal has so good out that can only. CCme to a trlualph¢1
"'- — -- enrlser afloat, left that port on July 20, 1008, and Pram Oxford to Island Lire but are Down to a anergy, rippling little a retold of industrial progress. here
l� breast, aro ettuated three consummation by the dttless Of bout
U ®� There were threw battle, coursers of reached
(aNe3Y England, ou August well dts't]Jbute'd tllrouglte•at NOrCliern That luno, h¢]E hidctau; through a thr.,. flour and Toed Mills,rCfOtitt faun. Mike for the severest ta3t that has
u her class --tile Indoroltable, the Inflex-
S. From Dello Isle to the Fas'ttvet she Iviandt'oba generally, i4farten aro even s been imposed an either s{ncO aha De-
�+2 G7 m Record ibis and,' ill. Ijuge
nvincible. They wepe steamed ane Lhousanti six hundred traPned in the fringe of timber a vee woodsy soak dries and ,usellinO shops, four fish
and eightyP.Our utiles to sixty-seven the Hudson _,Bay coast• Mittk are Where loos Girds aurid tJto stillness plants and Yerttiiz°r factOri°s, a )tilt earth,
receded from tite face °f the
CLI+'IO\, ONTARIO. faSt,s+hips,
and the range of their guns drowse, i I earth.
tilos re boars, ar at a mean rat0 of 26.13 sea Plcntifnl ou aha ncoast. waterways, mill and malty other industries.
JOtms v subscription toi Calla $2,OU per year, g39at that they Could t'oduc° And golden coated bumbles drone and Growing Agricultural Output, 5bsa ��'�'�-
an enemy's guns rO Impotence with• miles an sou)'• Then came other ser. Otter are not numerous, but may still The agrloultaral status of the gazing Plys the aakttcnoni'ers,
1n advance to U.S.orF¢h.itddressea; out getting under fire at all thonl- vice and the war, Toward the end of be reckoned ¢man the northern fur. , browse Q
$2.1)0 to the .S, or tiller Sorel n g Upon the petals OY tv wilding rose, p10 urytvaY,
countries. No g salves,. 10]4 rile Indomitable returned from Lynx, and .to n les3'er extent the Eox, '" sec , , _ -_
Paper id unit£nned the Mediterranean and. fought in tits fallow tlt0 WJtiu� iftuk g from tray to tree, lux- .ret,,
aural ail arrears aro paid unlete at In the battle of Jutiand the Invinc• North Sea uualcr alta contiunnti aP rabbit a Periodic Varlatton , of tltb g--_-___� h *rrt
Ih. Option of tit& publisher. The able was with gallant Sir Horace Capt. F. W, Kennedy, Sh° was and suffer a serious diluinutfOn Wild grape, tient tno intruding sun u t % *' ? ' e yr
date to which every aubsrriptfaa is 130°tl and tvltuost all ham arae: The battle Juthxtlti, wllOro she was often °artadical raagO every seven soars. A allows, It •. t
paid is tienated an the'labal Inflexible naw aJ'ono Mincing of the hit, but had n° casualties, At I Variation has also been It becitons; this allurlitg, mcswy way, x 5 d '
I4s.erdsin% t 4
rI . rates-7rauxfent advee. SPlantlid three, and .her career, too; Do the noted in the Case Of the marteu, That Ili such quietude atnd fragroatco f ri r
tlsements, ]U tonin p will soon be w.n ;ger Dank she yelped to sin']t fire Ntta£ts, 11 1 6s# ), h� t, r A •
UCx Han first! dad. Tlxo'I•easoas of Blucher, alai afterwards sdt•O towed W'gfi'ae follow the Dacron -land Carl- n �, 3 � ",
hst0 for first ach s 1)s and 6 cents the war have ]natio the life Of the In, the disabled Lion, tit C flagabt bV1111 premise Or the dreams of n s % rc?tv1Yn ca ;��i
Per line for each subsequent iltsCr. domttable vary Short, She was corn- David Deatt au ba•n in their winter migrations, an'd YS'S 'I r E� �� �w z, X3`4 f
p oP Sir orb tltbrbt:orw host numerous north or twrday, )+•] ,r . In first
�i�ty t
'Stead Ona tach, such g (I�t " p U
t ' I est," dreadnought 910TI ght to ha that
We ured. All of 'y `^- 11Cavy olid tntipping fs ttnprotitabie at Jttst POs a •spaca, to lot Same 1)tort:at Thetre isn't a marital .the fa t`
` Once for
or "stolen," etc„ iu liss, the glorious strips that wei•a the redo scan mils need sailer fro £ndig��tion, sink
ed once fee ;i5 cents, and Cash aubsa. Of the British luau Om1 a Peiv p For Sabbath Night. any great dlstauee from tite railway headaches, biliousness, fermentod stomach, etc., if lit of she will take
Y Y years Old tenants hatut•Ced by the papas OY ChambOrlain's Stomacttamd Liver Tablets, They cleanse the stomach
quem insertion t cents. To-day,'0 Lord, within Thy vineyard Infrequent t wand r: always luiiave1coule Pan.
and laotvaI and stimulate the lives to healthy aCtivity and tono up the t
(;onununicxtiohs,fntenant for pugoo,, wider visitor to tiro trope' In fire whale ter- -CII, -IOLto Becker. Wit Issyatam. Ta}cConostnightandyou'reRIGIITInrhomorning,
cion must, ns n •guarantee of good And far, haw atany toilers wrought for rltory, but
partfaiuiarly in t'hta meow t t6arnarr,t,,.5c,orbsmallfrom Cltembariaitt 1i6edlaino Company, Toronto, r6
I ba accompanied by the Hama of Courtesy. Thwei GniOke the Water 1JIpa, yy
rho writer. Some, hrnong'tile crowds; some where northern Sectlous;.
G" L, HALL. 11I. R.'C1.ATtI?, Be courteous—it profits well + Doth ntsa and women of Iner,lt,t
In wfl.ys tan numerous to tell, it no PLaudlts be;• Vaiuv of Catdh Approximately smalto tlio avatar pipe,
itraltrdrtor. Editor. 4.Solne Where the hot winds of rho $2,0001006, "
_._____ _ .____ Pays, blit d'oosn't cost a Celvt IIrn
_.:- A 0 ,
TFad iG7lsea Water. so all is gained and nothing- world Have dried It, been difficult it, the Past to "--�' I�•.--
The heart to dust; sail some have Osthnato the value or the ruT catch in ���~w-� ��
A London bust' firm !s Carrying sPelnt, I sought Co guide �11e X�a&Y12181fr{ �i4�r, n,, �, f m
as a proflbabT6 trade,-in,s0a tvatryt I3ow excellent It is to see a. De t little cauldron It I the ptovfttce, for any oi)O"YOat•, The V
t aha upward statistics, nava boon ]nOCrnp]'Ote, Witll -'
lravjlOrs aro sant rOguldriy front nna)t who deals' In Courtesy; way; s So bar° hablt been dawning w �' 1# . _ o 7 t m •*" 7t
thre mare aacuraka sYStam Of claoclting Another baso' day; i ,a, +:>Nbr 7y I14-4-
9139, On, to tfor Langan ilca to caliber that lllepasnut trait which makes Some trackOd tIle wandering feet that now in vO uo Thfak t
ea Water Xifo
la for London dlOSDitals and g0ac1 anal steps ollrsolves wept astray' t g YalrlY 00n11ilet'e details , wilt thou let it - �; 1 .; a1 , IQt •_.moi a,
rloCxors. - , luta being rude, will be availitblet in the Futuro, Ail Slip useless away? ° Gln h;; 17 Q , c F
Wllfle 0thars O'er Ilfo's tragedies have astinlato was mpatie CY ilio fur cai:ell !a 1 _ A
AM a natural lnwdfclne for nasal (l�ho finds a Symptom of q1)• criedt that Out of eternity, tr
#04bles and sotantile cholera, thld It It tit'a'cTaPPY jolha, or im- Part of til° province generally "'. a , "'- --
XR9'W P9111@i� 10 In great, demand; it, le pOlfte? Tlr. O1n•t anal Sour sari ItivOwri am Northern hIa)litoba, Whish This HOW dun 1S born; ���� � � � o �� � � ^' ��` �1f�,,,yyye��Ittt r1,
And if brntutgbt fit iotvoIiltdsb, 0 Citrtat WAS added to rho older province Ju Into eternity ut' �`>Ga'
11x9 9991 fOr InjOCtlpns for rhot - Ot` 4ha w1t09a manic Their ` `" tVhat 11"00 mon i'Avo 0- ynu can do I In vote• a aro limo
X1t 4 p ot's aro a OaroYltl tillage little hath to 1012, far tine Year December 1st 1918, .eft; night Beth TOLurn, hand Thnann nminit ret frame yon cnn oaAity mnet0r tho•nncrala of 0elllna Cent robe
,104 1�f�9tt s1i'd• n31s1lpDr allow , Storms of ,.ucgrtn Stn" ov ""' t tvhatovar your 0xparlenro , ,been-+tehntnrer
t5)ieClf4Ji fitted out vasseis are usatl 1 to Navantber 84tt, 1919, ithro value of r ,.e o.:,t:;,"'e, Rm,.a';I;' „n n you may to i'111 null— Illtl ur or n
XoC who timoalg ns has not Their tired hands foie; vain 1)s rho the Catch was approxlnlatei ,1 Behold it afarathna ay"i,t;^•t 1,•• "' "" „o,,.", tm. )unt "411", tins unoClo t: of y "u tlttnl< yon can sett _-
ntYXXegt Glie Lag Ot• llanit Y $ ,376,• n w xl,r ]o,,, a*.0 1ov tt l nto Yon nmbltinua to. rnrn $10,004 n
koa WakOrJ fottp i Rull ma.nY an Orel daily dt'eams Cltey drealnod; 006, This Ilgltra would roptOSOnt Na -eye over dict ; ,,b Al,, A, n,,A ., taco nnr. stun'? 1h0n ".1'.1-lo
at in tatt0h with ma at 0nc0! T wtri prove to ynu
vrlli4li id iOmarkabl fires freta Remind them that a dozen molt st le'as't twottlirds t at So aspen i „�1,a"i,i""<',;',g!;,;,il,", M w+, tvRhoat noAjj: ar obttgatton tlnayou can enA11y lrrmno n Stnr
r� tS' qpn- re,so tl.1 to Xa lack r mallard and site. 0 lye ta•tal catch Of t fbreV4T Vg. -Po", et ,i„ .11, .d,mi." `or., 9olonrrcnn, k lull) Ahow y"p how t1n .RaiO3ronnAAlp 9Y•nhtlna nr,A
rJtipllid4tfdlp, 1iftQF rile watwa 1a Cal 1'QSo4"t to sharp reply ttud rude ite0ti . the provitloo Isom all OyOs IS hld, iui%i"m;".';i"T,'rlI 1t�" .1.1-ol,mptoymoat icrvtcooftho34,S.1,e1,Wttlhelpyoutoquirk
XQflGarX i't ifl O641leq 114111 jta]it in; a mO fill Th. ]iY0 lvith loll; that long Aga 19tO arn:1 to tvhlah Lho trafttc is ij"!p.">✓lgi"A N. n ni r, T;� nno"Cao ht SoillnR,
14%4 i!%d' re i't , Y t „e h T6(r en" :
ail i ii autism, i)I P01'tr 11llijalt`S den Was bettor than et seemed, ra1r:'lvil)g oat Is being gradually 1.1Cre hath beef) dawnUtg t,1d,:aa'itlf}wen',.apmt4%8,11"nn(°' 0 p �'
Be ct)tttile s� 1C profits nittah--Atexaudcr Louis p,rns°r. od nnrihtvaTits but Y axtenct• ttoR,•,n ", . , l,TI,md .4 1®y00Q � Year welling Secret '
rte- Alk- °� , W to XOs4>J rigs An ,
0, #1 'i1�1R41 044 ,P'GiQli, Gov opo lloW fla 1 a Ol I>ultlg Suoh, � :tip � , , flit) Months limit An°.I.lwe blue day; tJ„t't3� �icin ��liw.,,. to s,brotb at to sato anent x r
ml%,tl,M till® goo e4 0,44 >i1riILE1'k'e[1. ea,aA t this would be o, tho trappers activity move Think, wilt thou lot ft J)r>!d4"lppf�p�4r� i9i`uI";"r u, oe on�blToti lnouoanax p�AoaE ovor"el n "i t^ncnr by an t, s, a n, i,"n t
. Vol1 y 3 1141 Ill i� , S t Fd,t°i ,M1vqq,+Rids ))��,,, �f1 .: nuts mo.li goy of (rat d• Ile n), Athnk ItA.1 »ovbh,4t rnr oven the;;,,-,Ab,y •
!f 0,11 wpill'd 0.001 Ili o0prtaall Tiu'e 'pal itCllClu;i a'dlpelntlJ in vI >c2.. 17A.t'tla �1V1t1 advrilcing Co•J on"'' «gulp useloss away? �Y1vt:7r t., lof rh, Ye'' q nC don , p n ,v) A p No n,nttnt tonne van ( ,
fa9FiUiif) AFPfl 14 ag . an �) a Y .1ti 011 073 X JM1t, n�, o; of u'ret a tar W I fir n a l cJ,l o anlitng Heb w You a yt p tutors, tint too fnetn, ., A"'4
yy t others sal you would, like 0,-710);3 to "('I" It iv trnbablo thi,r0foro that the tk g1a � M, Cr tvlaa
ptS '� U,. 3'fi�4 �t$'!i4' �')A�tl cit ' i1'€If1RiiUi�1, , y ] -Tl UtnaS ("tit tyle r 9 �r f 't a ,a �, t
vr� . ilTaat gyro + i fl)9dikild k k9tC.R„,
value of the ciapil given 1)9 tin>k, ttti 1ra1 a9asnttll'a `daaanS Aaaociat£bra
w uniP,brtn _ W M 4,. �t , e,,n. q f3 ,
. _...:�..,� . .,....-G...r_•w,..-. .ww.., Cnnai' tl M r Eby 9ah p
, .. . , a„-+r.:•nww,.«.�:.r�..:...:....__ 11.�,.,,.._T� _ .._._. ::. ;feints due,... ...
., :..: ,v
< -.
Y ,7t 1
It -