HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-6-23, Page 8s®t111MM01tr 1 CLxNri'ON'$ . LEADING jEWIDLERY STOR;+ Man ;;;nd His Eyes The one is helpless without the other; have 11 you considered that? NO MATTER HOW GOOD( a man you are physically, mentally or moral- ly, all your energies count for little if your eyes give out, OUR ADVICE IS GOOD Let us examine your eyes and prescribe for your case before it is too late R. H. JOHNSON IJeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Storsi iVeeiiend Specials Two Very Special Lines for Two Very Special for Friday and Saturday Men's Panama Hats All this season's new styles, fedora and sailor shapes. Clearing Friday and Saturday at half price Choice $1.98 Dress Muslinns and Voiles About 200 yards colored Dress llluslins and Violes. A nice range of pattrens to choose from, Choice Friday and Saturday 25c a yard Special Clearing lines in all Departments Shop here Friday and Saturday CLOTHING lumsteel { POS. THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE all NEW IDEA! PATTERNS, `OUR WEEKLY -LIMERICK, There was a good, far- mer by name, Mr. York, ' Who had iiay to Pitch, but had no pitch fork So he came to our store where we have them galore And he now pitches hay from sunrise until dark. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR PITCHFORKS As well as other Farm and garden tools. When it rains pitchforks it is a poor time to use Hay Forks, but a good time to. buy them. Make this your ]:Ieadquarters, and when it rains, conte in out of the wet. ",".:' A few arteles to clear: 1 only lawn mower, reg..$11.00 for $9.00. 3 only Electric Irons, erg. $6,50 for $5,00 1 only London IIay Pork, reg,$9,50 for $8,00 O'Cedarr Mbps, $1.00 and up 1 only 4,,,burnrer oil stove at a Bargain. SEASONABLE GOODS• - Paris Green—Atsenate of Lead—Bug Finish—Garden 'lose—Scythes and Snaths—Cow Ease and Sprayers—Ilay Fork Rope and Chain—Oil Stoves.—Machine and Tracton Oil—Screen Doors and Windows—Wood Dash and Daisy Churns—Huron Roadster Waggons—See the New Mara- thon Granite Ware. Agents for Pilot Superior Pipeless Furnaces. HA LAND Hardware, Stoves and Novelties . v��messsvea�;,s RF 4 S. Tho Store With a Stock tir Frseiit ecds We carry a full line of Garden Hose andLawn Mowers Watering Cans, Rakes and Hoes Screen Doors and Windows New Perfection and Florence Automatic Coal oil Stoves If you are going to paint this summer try our B, -H, Paint for interior' or exterior work. Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away 'yk No matter stow okt, how dirty, how dtlapldatod, bib ��`• a rope around them and sane to oat to bo roads into The Famous „'VELVEETEX" Rugs 413( ftevera!ble—W Jli wear w lltetlme---Vrtoes roaeonabia Wo have hundreds opt reoommenQationp Mom Satis- fied ouetomora. Ask for "VE1.VETEX" Pelee LW. `oectote, Ono . way en emati order •y 9ilq„ r.yi`, i. .,Eetabliahad 1508 Pheao 2005 e pay attires:, both ways on large CANADA DUG COMPANY ct 08GARLINQ BTREE'r Y LONt10N, ONT, The %limon News -Record THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1921 ;? iseaseasearreesseawiessevessramaseseareaea Jeallty - Comfort IN THE CANADIAN HOME 1S A SUBJECT WHICH IS RECEIV- ING MORE ATTENTION. THE AR- TISTIC STANDARD OF THE AV- ERAGE IIOMI'1 IS NOW HIGHER THAN IT IIAS EVER BEEN, PEO PLE ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR, ROU'NDINGS. WALT, HANGINGS HAVE MUCK TO DO WITH BRING-• ING ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMFORT. IF YOU ARE INT111Rr ESTED .WE INVITE YOU TO VIS- IT OUR SPLENDID STOCK AT. REASONABLE PRICES, The W. D. Fair Co, Often the Cheapest -Always the Beet EYE SPECIILIST A: L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour, Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. frit n n faunw unnnu unlit 'stall Ili. Miss Ethyle Wasman is home for the summer holidays, Mies Annie Lawrence h 'been -vis- iting friends m London,; Miss Marion McCarnus is:home from Toronto for the vacation. Mrs, W. R. Pinner is visiting her mother, Mrs. Bartliff of town. Miss Gladys Chowen is home front Toronto for the holiday season, Mrs. L. Greig is spending a few weeks with her son in Seaforth, Miss Annice Bartliff has returned from a visit with her sister in London. Mr. W. R. McCanns of Kingston is holidaying at his home, Wesley parsonage. Miss Wallace is spending a few weeks with Cleveland and Toledo - friends. Miss Luella MoClinohey has returned home after a visit with her uncle in Detroit. Mrs. S. E. McKegney and children returned on Firday from a visit in • Goderich. Miss Marion Akam of Detroit has been visiting her grandmother, •Mr's. Akam, of town. Mrs. Frank How and little son of Toronto ars visiting with Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Elliott. Miss Eleanor Kemp is home from Dresden, where rhe has been -teach- ing, for the vacation. Miss Lydia Morrish of Detroit visit- ed her grandmother, Mrs. D. dea- Lonald of town, during; the past week. Mr, Foster Copp, who passed suc- cessfully his third year in medicine recently, is home for the holiday period. Mrs. James Fair, Sr., who has been in the west for the past year, is now with her daughter, Mrs. James Scott. Mrs. Andrew Gunn of Toronto has been in town this week, coining up to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. McTaggart, • Miss Mary Gibbings and her little niece, Miss Grace, are spending a few weeks with friends at Lin- wood, Galt and Drayton. Mrs. Scarlett of IIamiltcnt and Mrs. - Walsh of Vancouver,. B. C., have been the guests of the Rev. T, ,T. Snowdon the past week. Miss Annie Shobbrook and Miss Isa- bel Law of Toronto are holidaying at the former's home that of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Shobbrook. Mr, Wm. Anderson ofOsgoode is spending a holiday at the home of his parents, Rev. S. nal Mrs. An- derson, at Ontario street parson- age. Bishop Williams, while in Clinton ov- er the week -end, called on Mr. Thos. Cardwell, an old parishioner Tar many years at Stratford, and who is now ill. Mr. and Mrs. George McKenzie and 1l aster Malcom: . have returned to thin home at !;anipntan, Sesk„ af- ter a vihit with the •forme•r'.1 1.sn'- ents Mr. and Mrs. T. McKenzie. Mrs. Chas. McKinnon and slaughter, Miss Kathleen, are down from Sault Ste. Marie for the sunnier. They are at present the guests of the lady's mother, 1Glas. John John- son, Mr. and Mrs. E. Finch and Miss Irene and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pinch and Misses Marion and Dorothy of Stratford spent the week -enol in town as the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Janes Finch. Mr's. Win. Graham of Detroit, Mrs, Johnston and Mrs. J, Currie and Messrs. A. Currie and C. Johnston of Goderich motored down last • week and callled on a number of friends and relatives in town. Mr, and Mre. Henry Ryder and baby Barbara of Detroit, who have been visiting relatives in Toronto for the past couple of months ani now at the home of the lady's par- ents, Mr, and Mhs, Fred Peckitt of town, Rev, .1, IL anti Mrs, Colceingh mn- torod over from Creemore this week and spent a few days with the former's mother. Miss Edith Hemet of Craighurst accompanied them and is visiting. her grand- mother, Mrs. E, Herman of town, Mr and Mrs. Coleoltigh left this morning • or Dutton. Actinan of town i ; m -: The N,. s Fr Lo des], . ro Mr. and Mrs, T, 1Vlarks and little sen of Stratford spent last week .with Mss Esther Lyon. Mrs, J. Tamblvn and Mie4 Lillian have returned from Toronto after a few weelts visit with Mr, Will Tatn- hivn. Mr. Jas. Campbell was a visitor in Blyth last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Galt, spent Sunday visiting the letter's sister, Mrs. John Fingland, "The boys" returner home from military camp lust Saturday. All re- port a good time and plenty of exer- else, Mrs. .1. C. Wilson and Miss Olive Wilson of West Monkton spent Sun- day at Rev, Mr, Abrey's, Mr, Dennis Roberton of Sarnia visited a few clays of last week at Itis home, returning on Wednesday, Several from this vicinity atten- ded the splendid lawn social at Har - lock last week, where tbo Brunswick Tido of London gave an excellent pro- gramme. Messrs. Edgar and Jimt Wilson of West Monkton, who motored over on Sunday a.m, sang a duet most beau- tifully in the Persbyterian church on Sunday afternoon. Don't forget the lawn social to be hold on Dominion Day, July 1st, by the Presbyterian church. The Clinton Kitlfe Band will be in attendance. Rev. T. E. Sawyer, who has been pastor of the Methodist church for the past three years, has beeninvit- ed to go to Milverton and soon leaves to take up his new duties, last being his farewell Sunday. The people are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer. A patriotic day service will be held in Knox church next Sunday even- ing and a printed form of service sent out by the church publications will be used. A renuion of the Lyon family took place 'on Thursday of last week 1n the form of a ,picnic to Goderich, A, very enjoyable clay was spent by ov- er thirty people, most of whom stayed until night when the Greyhound re- turned from the excursion. At last the "Good Roads System" has taken notice of the condition the roads have been in and are -now put- ting on a foundation of crushed stone with fine gravel on top, from the station to the village and south on the gravel road as far as Mr, Geo. Thompson's. This completes on ex- cellent road from Blyth through to Clinton. The members of the Wdnen's In- stitute have been quite busy for the past • week, remaking the L. 0. L. banner in preparation for July 12th. A new background of satin has been trade and yards of braid have been sewn on by hand. Miss Lavinia Brig- ham, our very clever artist, is hand painting the emblem, etc., so from all reports our local lodge will have as good a showing as other: lodges. The L. 0. L. order will attend ser- vice in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening, July 10th. Little Gordon Radford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Radford, had his leg broken above the knee last week, the children, including some cousins from Goderich, were having a merry time in the sand pile when a team of horses got loose and ran through the group. Fortunately the rest were not hurt and we are indeed glad to hear Gordon was not more seriously hurt. Miss Flossie Jamieseon took in the excursion to Detroit, returning on rl'imrsday, accompanied, by her ceusih Miss Jessie Lennox of Detroit is the guest .of her cousin, Mrs, J. A. Jamieson,- Mrs. amieson,Mrs. J. `i.'hmblyn and Miss Lillian, who beve_spent the last six weeks in Toronto with iter son Will, -returned home Friday. Mr. Janos Elsley was called to Detroit last week owing to -the death of his mother, Who died at the home ee her son, Allen, The remains were taken to Leamington and placed by the side of her husband's, the late Charles Elsley. Mr. and Mrs, I•looper and Master Gladwin of Blanshard spent the week- end with Mrs, Hooper's. parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. Elsley, Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Sprang, who have 'been visiting at the home of Mr, Thos Shobbrook and with other friends, returned to the West Monday morning, Mr, and Mrs. Marks of Stratford are spending some time with their friend, Miss Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Norman ,Carter of near Seaforth visited at the home of Mee J. D. Elsley on -Sunday. People You Know Mrs. A. 0. Pattison left Saturday ntorainst for a visit with Buffalo and Bridgeburg friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mantle and Mr. Welsh of Exeter were the gnests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson on Sunday. Mir. and Mrs, Cranston of Port Ar- thur are the guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Ter - ranee. Messrs. H. W. Gould and T. H. Hardy were in Brantford last week at- tending the meeting of the 10. 0, F. grand lodge. Miss Dorothy Rorke Left Tuesday for North Bay, where she will spend a month or six weelts as the guest of Mrs. Fred Milne at her cottage on Lake Nipissing. Mr. John Torrance, Lethbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Torrance and Misses Audrey and Helen, and Mr. A, P. Torrance and Miss Margaret, Toronto, and Mr. Edgar Torrance of Sault Ste Marie have been Ins iting at the parental home this week, having come to be present at the marriage of their sistery-es- terday. Clinton Chautauqua July 6, 7, 8, 9 Tickets $2.00. Children $100 (war tax extra) - It pays to buy a ticket for the course. Tickets may be obtained at Fair's, L`luf's or O'Neil's Firemen's Garden Party at Recreation Park, Wed., June 29th Dancing on the Green, also Vocal Selections Phelann's 5, -piece Orchestra Dancing from 8 to 11 p.m. Admission 2.5c. Children Free Come and Have a Good Time Geo. T. Jenkins Ford Dealer CLINTON, ONTARIO .ori Bayfield Garage An Old Stand under new Management First class work by a competent mechanic, Gasoline, Oils and Accessories Complete stock of genuine Ford repairs G. E. TRETHE WE J. Open evenings Your patronage solicited Oct, 1st Three estr ye One Roof Escaped The picture tells the story. Mr. Offer's letter confirms the fire. resistant qualities of r halt Slate Ile says: "I covered the roof of 201 Marlborough Ave., Toronto, with Tour Asphalt Slates some time ago, This house is one of a row of four, t`he remaining three were covered :lith Cedar shingles. "These houses were close to a railway track and on the night of August 15th, 1918, these roofs caught fire from a sparlc_from a passing train. "As you can see in the picture, the roofs on three houses were completely burned through, including the sheeting boards and rafters. '1'he boards and rafters on 201. were also burned through, so that the fire passed over and under your slates without harming them in any way. "I have rebuilt the roofs and covered theta with your Asphalt Slates since I bevelled such good proof that if the four roofs had been covered with your slates 110 fire would have occurred." And here is another letter, from G. F. Wingrove of Walsing- ham, Ont., dated December and, 1918, Mr. Wingrove says: "The house I live in is a large frame with dry rypineraftersaud sheathing. I covered same with. Brantford Roofing last May. "On November 24th, at eight in the morning, we discovered that it was all aflame inside of roof of one part, 18 x 30, with a. fine breeze fanning it. But by the use of the telephone and the splendid fire -proof qualities of your roofing, we got the fire out and found spaces where the rafters and lumber were burnt out from in under the roofing and the roofing still doing its duty of resisting fire. Also remember this is out in the country where it took the best part of half an hour for help to arrive," The Inspector of the Waterloo Mutual Piro Insurance Com- pany, has this to say about Mr. Wingove's fire:— "I re:"I inspected this risk after the fire. It was particularly evi- dent that the fact that the roof was covered with Brantford Roofing kept the fire confined below the roof. If it had been possible for the fire to break through -I do not see how they could have saved the building. As it was the loss was com- paratively trifling." When roofing a building, it pays to put on a fire-resistant 'roof as well as a beautiful one. Brantford Asphalt Slates (indi- vidual size shingles) and Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates (four shingles in one) are Bre-resistant, durable, economical and beautiful. Samples and prices furnished on request. Brantford Roofin CO LUOjtad HEAD OrisrcS AND FACTORY, BRANTFORD, CANADA Branches at Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Winnipeg ira 11.x. NAND CARRY A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL KINDS OF BRANTFORD ROOFING Use t e test. New Electie Fixtures And Shades just arrived, also GRILLS! TOASTERS, FANS and IRONS to be sold at latest Prices MARTIN—SENOUB PAINT is selling fast Blighty spraying mixture is also going at 25s a lb Corless eye° HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 50 tam of Canvas Footwear, Biose, Underwear Shirts, Ties, Hats, Caps, late. Ladies White Canvas Oxfords regular $3,25 for 2. e; 0 Ladies White Canvas Oxfords regular 2,75 , for 2.053 Ladies White Canvas Ties regular 3.00 for 2a.r es Misses White Canvas Oxfords regular 2.00 for 1.030 Childs White Canvas Oxfords regular 1.75 for 1.25 Mens White Canvas Running Shoes regular 2.50 for 2.00 Mena Brown Canvas Running Shoes regular 2.76 for 2.25 Ladies Silk anlde and Lisle Inose in white or black ropier .75 for .45 Mens fine Shirts regular 3.25 for 2.650 Mens fine Shirts regular 2.60 for 2.00 Men's Bldbriggan Underwear regular 1;00 for .'Y5• Men's Porosknit Underwear regular 1,00 for .i3 0 Men's Panama hats regular 3.00 for 2.00 100 pounds Granulated Sugar (limited)...... , 10.00 Special lir noes an all Boots and Shoes Overalls 1,00, 1.60 and 2.00 a pair Eggs taken as cash --We do not buy butter Store closes at 0 on •Tuesday and Thursday evenings E. A. McAsh &, V r,