HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-6-23, Page 5Yr iiugSUA7, ACNE 23rd, 1921.
Cintop News -Record
Of biterest 14 You
and Me
Importation of. izttoxieating' liquor
Into Ontario will be illegal from mid-
::night pn July 18th. -
Some people seem to be terribly
afraid of the rettn'n of the "Bide
Sunday" of Puritanical flays, Hu);
there seems little cause for such fear.
W.0 are a gpo.d long way film the
strict -laws of the early New Eng-
The Farmers' Sun does occasionally,
indeed, quite often, differ with 'the
Furthers' Government, but The Toon-
.to Star nevot, According to The
Star it is the most perfect govern-
m.ent any :province ever had; its ev-
-ery act is commendable and Premier
Drury is ,a superman. •
* * rt r
The last official act of the Dake of
Devonshire before leaving Ottawa
was to sign the .order -in -council which
makes Ontario "dry" on July 18th.
The order -in -council was signed on
Saturday just before. the Duke left
for Quebec, where he and his party
will spend a month before sailing for
* * * c
"When the woman in question is
quite pretty this Suffragette business
does not seem so absolutely and en-
tirely objectionable after all."—Orillia
Packet. The Packet man has lived
Jong enough to have learned a little
sense bat he seems .as willing as an
,.eighteen -year-old boy to forgive any-
thing to an attractive woman.
* * * a
The News -Record acknowledges
with thanks the 'receipt of compli-
mentry tickets, admitting the editor
to the grounds, at the Walkerton
.and Listowel Old Boys' reunions, the
first to be held from July 23rd to
July 39th and the second from July
30th to August 4th. If we didn't
have this old paper to think about
two could have a jolly good time
amongst those gay old Bruce boys and
girls for a week or so. Hppe they
all have just as nice a time'as they
The people over in the United
States are very hospitable but their
hospitality is apt to be a bit -hard on
'their guests. Madame Curie, the
noted scientist, who has been visiting
in the States, was so over -tired by
the many. functions in her honour
that she was unable to meet the To-
ronto University Club the other day
at Niagara Falls, where they gave a
lunch in her honour, and now she is
advised by her physicians to take a
long rest. However, in Canada last
year when the Prince of Wales vis-
ited us we nearly shook his arms off.
We're very downright people on this
side the Atlantic. To be a success-
ful "lion" over here requires the
physique of a prize-fighter.
* * * *.
The Goderich Signal takes keen ex-
cention to the action of the Huron
county council in refusing to act upon
the report of the committee appointed
to look into hospital needs in the
county. It says: "The council seems
Milling to appoint committees to in-
quire into hospital requirements in
the county but undisposed to accept
the recommendations of those who go
to the trouble of ascertaining the
:facts." But that is just the point.
Did the committee "go to the trouble
of ascertaining the facts?" From what
we can learn they did not. As we
understand it this committee was ap-
pointed to visit the different points in
the county where hospitals were sit-
uated, confer with the boards and
"find out just what the hospital needs
of the county were.- It is presumed
-the committee visited the Goderich
and Wingham hospitals, it did not
come near. •Clinton nor mention hos-
pital needs` to the board here. It
was said to have had a car accident
,somewhere between here and Se::iferth
.and the members were obliged to
abandon the idea of coming- to Ciin-
ton. But surely between Januar./ and
.June there must have been ample
time for..a visit to Clinton hospital.
And was the committee so appointed
competent; to give a report without
•having made such a visit? Clinton
hospital has• during the, two years of
:its operation served this community
well. Its record will compare favor-
. ably with. any hospital in the county
•:and, considering the number_ of pa-
tients treated, has treated a much
larger percentage of county patients
•than some others. But during this
whole cainpaign the Clinton hospital
seems to have been ignored, Even
the committee appointed by the coum
cin seemed willing to. ignore it. Clin-
ton wants nothing but its fair share
but it does want that, It is more
important that there should be a hos-
»ftal here than at any other point
in the county; it is central; easy of
access; is approached by geed roads
from. east, west, north and- south and
also by railways .from east, west,
north and south. In eases of ei»er-
,rency Clinton can 'be reached easily
:and quickly by a very large section
of country.
Any county ,council of Huron when
considering hospital needs must•take
Clinton into consideration: •
,Newspaper writers, speakers and
lecturers lately have been spending a
lot of time criticising ,womens' dress,
mostly, adversely, We believe this
has been a subject of criticism since
Eve first wove together fig leaves And
fashioned herself a:spring gown and
probably it will be tmtil the last
woman is wrapped in her shroud and
her coffin lid scrawocl •down, or what
ever will happen to the last -woman,
bus happened. It is a harmless mode
of amusement :for both amen and wom-
en and, if not carried too far, hurts
no one. So, as almost everybody lino
taken a fling at it It is only fair that
we should be allowed a say. It is
our settled eonviction, from our own
-observation and from a careful study,'
of ftaehion mates and photographs
alad;ing hack before our memory
reaches, .jhet, never, has -it bean pos-
•radblo :fot'i'wort)en 'to Mese-nt once leo
comfortably,• sur gracefully,',.and se ar-
tist]cai]y ns at the present tune, and
The Real Flavour
office genuine "GREEN" Tea is in every
packet of
Superior to the best Japans, Gunpowder or
Young Hyson. Sample Free—Salada, Toronto.
many .of, them do so clothe them-
selves., Some vemen perhaps go to
extremes with short skirts and low
necks but women of good taste do not
do so. What indecency is there about
the sight of .the ankle of a child of
twelve? Then why should it be
thought indecent for 'a woman of
twenty to wear a skirt short enough
to expose her ankle? It makes them
more particular about having a neat
foot and nothing adds more to the
smartness of a woman's appearance
than well shod, neat feet. If women
were silly enough to go back to the
wearing of hoops, as their grand-
mothers did, o}; bustles, as some of
their mothers did in their youth,
there would be some cause of. com-
plaint. There was nothing either
-graceful or sensible about either
hoops or bustles. The styles of to-
day conform to the lines of the hum•
an body,. than which nothing ir na-
ture is more graceful or more beau-
tiful. We should be very sorry, indeed,
to see women show any tendency to
lengthen, unduly, the skirt, or to take
to putting five yards of width in it
of to putting a hump on her back
like a camel or to lacing in "stays"
until she gooks like a wasp. There
are always extremists but the great
majority of women wear really sen-
sible clothing for the first time in at
least a htndred years. And these
sensible women will never consent to
return to .the long, trailing, unsani-
tary and uncomfortable skirt of some
years ago. The short skirt is here
to stay, and a good. thing, :tee.
At the June meeting of the county
council all Members were pr'csent
with the exception of Councillor
Webb of Stephen who was de-
tained by illness in his family.
A conunnuication from the Central
Mothers' Allowance Board at Toron-
to gave the suer of $297.50 as Hur-
on County's share of the 1 :wanre,
On motion of Messrs. Elliott and
Erwin it was decided to hold the an-
nual picnic. at Bayfield on June .',.th,
Messrs. Erwin, Elllott, Trowartha
and Clerk Holman being appointed
a committee to arrange for sante.
Provincial Engineer Irwin was
present on the second clay and gave
some valuable information as regircls
road and bridge construction and
the working out of the Act as ap-
plied to county and township work.
Representatives were present from
Goderich, Clinton and Wingham hos-
pitals to speak in behalf of their sev-
eral institutions in regard to grants.
.A report was presented by a com-
mittee appointed at the January
meeting recommending the raising of
at tax of one mill, the fume so secured
to be used for county hospitals,
$25,000 of this money to be immed-
iately handed over to Goderich and
Wing'han hospitals. An am.enciment
to this .vas moved .that the money
be thus raised and divided amongst
the five centres in the county, God-
erich, Clinton, Scaforth, Wingham
and Exeter, for hospital •purposes. An
amendment to. this amendment was
moved and finally carried, that the
council aid the county hospitals by
grants, as .in the past.
The Council decided to grant $26.00
to each agrcultural fair in the
A bonus of $200 was granted Mr.
J. B. Reynolds, manager of the Hur-
on County Home, in recognition of
his excellent services during the year.
The committee appointed to look
into porperty Matters reported no
prisoners in the county gaol, The
turnkey was granted one month's
It was declded to build the arch
and sign for the Huron County Home
which was passed by the council of
A rate of 3 8-10 mills on the dol-
lar to raise the sum of $161,505.32
for general purposes, was decided
$5,00 per week will be charged for
paying patients in the ITuron County
Horne in future.
All monies paid by the present or
any former council for Red Cross er
patriotic purposes and not so expen-
ded must be placed at the disposal
of the reeve and council of the mun-
icipality to be expended as they
deem fitting,
New tenders fur the supply of
bread and neat for gaol were asked
for and considered at. the meeting,
J. W. Smith's tender for bread at el-
even cents, and Thos. W. Legge's
tender for meat at sixteen cents, be-
ing accepted.
Tuckersmith Township
The township council has opened
the gravel pit at Walter Layton's and
the municipal crusher is at work, The
second eonces.sion is being pu into
Haying is on and the farmers are
busy getting their clover crop in. The
crops aro looking well and a good
harvest is promised,
.Next Sunday will be observed a,,
"Flower Sunday" in Turners' church
and the Sunday school children awe
busy Preparing a program.
A meeting be complete the organiz-
ation of the South Huron Farmers'
Politdetzl Association- will be held nt
llenseil this afternoon and' a number.
front this locality intend going. The
U. F, 0. -will picnic at Bayfield • on
Saturday, too, so this is a busy week
for the farmers,
Mr. and Mrs, T. Alli n and Mr. and
Mrs, Mitchell of Colborne visited nt
Mr, S. H. Whitmore's on Sunday,.
June 22nd, by the Rev. J. Ed w.
Hogg, Margaret MacDonald, young-
er slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Torrance, to George Ferguson
Foote, son of Mr, apil Mrs, G. S.
Foote of Port Arthur, Ont,
of the bride's mother, on June 22nd
• by the Rev. W. D. McIntosh, An-
nie Gertrude, daughter of Mrs.
James Grainger, to William A.,
Wright, all of Brrucetield.
MacEWAN-STEVENS—At the home
of the bride's father, on June 16th;
by the Rev. W. D. Melntosh of
Brueefield, Lillen, dau Iter of Mr.
Walter Stevens, to John A, Mac -
Ewan, all of Stanley township.
church, Bayfield, on June 22nd, by
the Rev. R. C. Pitts, Eleanor L.
(Nellie) only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Townshend of Goder-
ich township, to J. G. Nelson Oriel),
son of. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crich
of Tuckersnrith.
ori.ch, .on June lith, l?y the Rev.
Moyer, Etta Lop, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. Challenger, to
.T.Backer. all of Cloderich. .
MajcDONAI4D—DeILONG,—In Goder-
ich,, or June 14th, by (the_ Rev.. R.
C. McDermid, Florence L., daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. J. De -
Long, to Albert H. MacDonald, all
of Goderich.:
ALL1N—CRAIG—In \Vi'st Wnwzun-
osh, on Jure 8th, by the
Boyle, Olive Emiline Craig, to irv-
ei'tt Allin, of Colborne township.
MAY—PARR-At Grenfel, Ont., on
June 15th, by the. Rev. S. Martin,
Rachel Louella, second daughter of
14Ir. and Mrs. W. R. Parr, to the.
Rev, E. Russel May, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. John May fof Toron-
to formerly of Clinton.
SWANN-13AMLIN—In Kincardine,
on June 1.5th, by the Rev. Mr,
Clarry, Donalda Janet, daughter
on Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hamlin, to
Rev. Harold F. Swann, son of. the
Rev. Francis and Mrs. Swann of
Vancouver, B. C.
DOIIERTY—In Stratford, on June
15th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Doher-
ty. a son.
HART—In Grey, on June 10th, to
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hart, a
EDGAR—In Wingham, on June 7th,
to 11/1ar, and Mrs. Frank Edgar, a
ROSS—in Wingham, on June 12th, to
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Ross, a son.
McTAGGART—In Clinton, on June
17th, Margaret Hart, willow of the
late Malcolm McTaggart, in her
Olst year.
House For Sale
8 -roomed frame house on Church
street, Clinton. Good cellar, town
water, all in good repair, cement
stable on premises. Two lots with
about 40 plum trees. Possession given
Sept 1st; nt' sooner if desired. A» -
ply on premises to Mrs. Hays, or to
A. Wiiken. —03-12
Bargains .
As my health is failing, I have de-
cided to sell the balance of my sewing
machines at bargain prices. Each
maebnie guaranteed to be right. Come
and get your pick while they last. At
my house, one door west of Royal
Bank.—A. Hooper. —03-4-p
For Sale
A Massey -Harris mower, nearly
new. Apply to George Colclough, R.
R. No. 3, Clinton, .•-03-tC
A Bargain
Second hand washing machine, with
wringer, for sale, only used a short
time. Apply at News -Record, -03-1
Bayfield Voters List
The Voters' List, 1921, for the
Village of Bayfield, County of Huron
.Notice i.s hereby given that I have
transfnitted or delivered to the per-
sons mentioned in section 9 of the
Ontario Voters' List Act the copies of
the list, made pursuant to • the said
Act, of all persons appearing by the
last revised Assesmeut Roll of the
said Municipality to be entitled to
vote in the said Municipality at el-
ections of meini3ers of t] e Legislative
Assembly and at Mun:ic!tal Elections
and that the said list was first post-
ed up in my office, Bayfield, on the
20th 'day of June, 1921, and remains
there for inspection. Andi I hereby
call unci ell vote'a to examine said
list and if any errors or omissions
are found therein to take immediate
proceedings to have the same correc-
ted according to law': Dated at Hay-
field this 22nd day of June, 1921. H.
W. Erwin, Municipal Clerk. —03-3
Horse Strayed
Four-year-old bay driving horse,
strayed from pasture early in May,
Information as t:c his whereabouts
+v11, bo gratefully received at War-
retteee Livery, Cimtell, --02-2
aid old Dau ,,.
Our 3'r'iets you will 'notice a fewhere ere getting back to the good
old iltays, Give es a call, '
2 pkgs Cori], 1!laltes 254 1 small tin salmon , ........ 104
2 picks Toy Geste ... , , .. , .• 254 i 1 large tin salmon ; 320
1 can Peas er 'Cern 150 11 jar Pure Jaaat. 204
7 wens for. ,, ,. ..,.„$1,00 1 Ib, I31k Tea ... '154
3 bars soap, ally brand 254 3 lbs, 131k Tea 9110
3 pkgs Ammonia 254 3 pkgs Jelly powder . , , , , , , , :354*
3 pkgs Rinso 254 3 cans Spaghetti • 254
250 •
2 Cakes Palm .Olive soap, 15i,; hash,
GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT The store for everybody
JOHNS( N & i.;O'S GROCERY 1Phone ill
2 pkgs Lux
A Gray Dort Special, has only got-
ten into nice running shape and used
by a private owner will be sold to
the first buyer at a right price. A
real car at the price. of a cheap one.
See cnn for demonstration and par-
ticulars at once. Your Ford taken as
part payment if you like.
Don't forget I will not be beaten
in Canada when you want 4 piano, or
player, Phonograph, cream separator,
or sewing machine and a business
chat will cost you nothing and make
you money. Also new pianos rented
for garden parties or entertainments.
09111119,0 1119.
For Sale •
A Ford ear 1917, extra equipment.
4 good tires, 3 nearly new Extra
good motor. Will sacrifice for $400,
cash, Inquire at News -Record. -03-2
Car' For Sale
2265 will buy a good used car.
Clinton make. Apply to W. Jackson.
Teadher Wonted
Experienced teacher wanted for the
Ilolmesville school, Duties to com-
mence Sept. i.st. Applicant to state
qualfications and salary expected.
Apply until July 4th, to John Huller,
Sec., R. R. No. 2, Clinton. —03-2
Auction Sale
Of Farm. Stock and implement,.
Mr. Geo. Elliott has received instruc-
tons from the undersigned to sell by
public auction at Lot 16, Concession
2, llu]lett, on Monday, June 27th,
commencing at 1.30 o'clock p.m., the
following: IIorses: heavy draught
horse 0 years old, heavy draught
mare, 10 years old, general purpose
horse 6 years old, general purpose
horse 12 years old, driving mare 8
years old (good single or double,
thoroughly broken to cars), colt 2
years old. Cattle: 3 steers conning
2 years, heifer coming 2 years, heifer
coming 3 years, 2 milking cows, 5
end 6 years old, 2 sucking calves.
Pigs: 2 Yorkshire pigs 3 months old.
Inrperal Oxford Stove, Honor Bright
stove. Implements: hay loader, side
delivery rake, hay fork, sling and
chain attachment, sulky rake, Inter-
national roller, cultivator, disc har-
rows, 2 sets of iron harrows, fan-
ning mill, binder, manure spreader
(to work either on sleigh or waggon),
sot bob -sleighs, 2 lumber •wag'gons,
buggy, cutter, set double harness, set
single harness. A quantity of grain
bags and other atricles too numerous
to .mention. Terms: All sums of
ten dollars and under, cash; over
that amount, 12 months credit on
approved joint notes or a discount
of five per cent straight for cash on
credit amounts. Chas. Peacock, Pro-
prietor, Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer.
• 02-2-p
Auction Sale
Of I•Iouse and lot and household
effects, on Ont, St., East, Clinton, on
Saturday, June 25th, at 1.30 o'clock.
10 roomed frame house, electric light
town 'water, cellar with furnace. '1.
acre garden, with plenty of small
fruit. House in first-class condition
and in ideal location. _Also, 2 exten-
sion tables, 8 cane bottomed chairs,
6 bed room chairs, 8 rocic'ing chairs,
parlor suite, sofa, 4 bed room suites,
5 sets springs, 5 mattresses, 3 toilet
setts, 2 wardrobes, sideboard, 2
kitchen cupboards, Davenport, almost
new, 4 small tables, hall rack, 2 coal
oil heaters, Happy Thought range, a
quantity of sealers, graniteware,
dishes, pots, .pans and other house-
hold articles. Everything must lie
sold as the proprietoress is giving
up housekeeping. Terms:—House-
hold effects, cash. Property, 10% on
clay of sale,.balance in 30 days. Mrs.
Mogridge, Proprietress, G, 11. Elliott,
Auctioneer. —02-2
NorihlilEl 'Siore
This ' Week
16 string ]froom, well made,
it real bargain at $1.00
Monarch Salmon (sockeye)'`
half pound tin 25e
Rice, 3 pounds for 26c
Iackgea, 4 pounds for 1.00
We Solicit a share of your
New Issue of Hydro -Electric bonds,
Guaranteed by Ontario Government.
$3,300.000 at 6%.
And all Municipal and Government
Bonds supplied at market prices and
delivered et your bank without
W. BRYDONE, Clinton
Professional Piano tuner and re-
pairer to the trade. Orders for tun-
ings left at Harland Bros. —01-4
Lightning Rods '
Dp not wait until your buildings
are struck before you think of rod -
cling: Do it now with a sot of Copper
Strand. Cable Lightning Conductors.
Roy Tyndall, R. R. NT%. 3, Phone 3 on
607. —95-tf
Piano Tuning
Jas. E. Doherty, experienced piano
tuner. Orders for piano tuning, tone
regulating and general re -building
loft at my address, Clinton, phone
160, will receive prompt attention.
Also dealer in pianos and phono-
graphs. —July 28th -p
For Sale
The frame of a barn 40x00, in good
condition. Inquire at News -Record
office. —00-tf
Rooms For Rent -
Furnished or unfurnished rooms:,
with garden. Inquire at News -Re-
cord office. —93-tf
Cottage For Salo
Roomy cottage on Huron street.
Totvn water, good cellar, % acre of
ground, some fruit tree. Apply to
W. Brydone or Miss E. Whitely -81
House for Sale
8 -room, solid brick house, town
water and electric lights, good gar-
den and chicken house, Apply on
premises. Corner of Norbh and
Spencer Sts,—A. C. Clarkson,-80-tf
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleanedpressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods • dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop.
W. J. Jago.--83-tf
For Sale
Two six roomed houses on Fred-
erick street, near the new flax mills,
will be sold cheap, and on easy terms.
Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Hale,
The enforcement of the Headlight
Laws, means that auto owners must
equip their cars with approved lenses.
We have the following to choose
Shaler Roadlighter
Conopher Clear
Conopher Noviol
Cone in and l usfill outya-
n et yourap-
plications and show our lenses.
J. H. Paxman
Agent for Overland Cars.
Examiner for ]ieensod drivers
Phone 80 Res. Phone 140
We aro in a position to pay the
highest market price for bunter fat
and to give the best possible service.
Phone 1455
100 pounds granulated Sugar
3 pounds BBebt tea
4 pounds Good tea
7 Dans Corn
7 cans Peas
5 pounds Cocoa
10 pounds Prunes
14 pounds dolled oats
April this year presents exception-
al opportunity for the coal consuming
public, in tine advent of the Annual
Summer prices.
Owing to a slight reduction in the
price of straight-line coal at the
mines, we are now allowed to snake
this special offer so as to keep the
miners in work.
It is the entsom of the mine oper-
ators to raise the price each month
from now till fall, but we are going
to try to hold this special price for
This will give you an opportunity
to have the coal delivered when the
ground is fit to drive into your yard,
but be sure to place your order now
at the old reliable stand.
Vire guarantee satisfaction as we
already have our large sheds full of
our own coal of high class quality.
J. 'W'. lx'1 USIA I)
Phone for Clinton 74.
Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618.
Pbone 45
1 11
A full range of Rennie's Ferry's
and Steel Erigg's reliable seeds in
peelfeges, also Dutch sets, Garden
peas and Sweet corn in bulk.
Tea and Coffee
For good value try our bulls tea
or Coffee.
Fred ”: , 5Wigg
There is a vast difference in
grades of corn. Our Corn is No. 2
Yellow which we believe is the best
grade on the market. It is free from
broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Give
us a call and let us know your re-
quirements. Special
1 priees on large
Now is the season for Bran &
Shorts. The quality is good and the
prices reasonable.
Figured on present value of live-
stock and home-grown • feeds the use
of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will
return more profit to the hog raiser
than ever before in its history.
Blood, Tankage and Bones produced
by the large slaughtering business
of Swift Canadian Co. are almost all
used in Swift's High Grade Fertilizer.
Result: Large profit to you.
Our Steck includes: Purity, Five
Roses, White Seal and Golden City.
W. Jenkins & Son.
Phones: Elevator 199, Residence' 41
Boars for Service
Champion bred, big type Yorkshire
and Cheshter,'White boarafor service.
At home every forenoons—A, C.
Levey, phone 5 on 639. Clinton t-"28
Scranton Coal
We have on hand for immediate
Leave orders at my Residence,
Huron street, or Phone 155.
South 'End Grocery
A full stock of
Groceries & Provisions
Leve Stung
Having several cars of coal conn-
ing I will receive and fill all orders
for nut, stove and egg coal and de-
liver same at once.
Orders received at Residence
King Street, or phone 119
R. J. IM./111 LLER
Repairing of -all kinds
Promptly Done
Agent for Hecla Furnaces
Plumbing and Heating Phone 53
Shop over Corless & Venner'q
We are in the market for:
Flour and Feed always on hand,
Phone 123.
Liv Poultrg
Our advice to you would be to
market your poultry early this year,
while prices are high. ,
Our prices for poultry are expect-
ed to be much lower than last year.
Enquire of us for prices...,
N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager,
Phone 190; Holmeeville 4 on 141
The demand for our butter is in-
To supply this demand we require
more cream.
We request you to ship youe
We guarantee you the Higheso
Market Prices, accurate tests and
prompt service.
Our firm is known to you and needs
no further recommend.
We pay all express charges, furn-
ish cream cans and pay twice each
Write for cans or further intorma«
tion to the .