HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-6-23, Page 1..m ;14,,, No. 2IO --42nd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 11921 THE HOME PAPER Live ' `. usnness Firms know the value of a Good Linc of Office Stationery • True News -Record Job Department turn§. out such work neatly and promptly ---- - ER CLINTON MARKETS, Fall wheal, $1,G0. Buckwheat, 8$0105.. ,Spring Wheat, $1.25, Oats 40 8 Barley, 50e, 1 Butter 25d Eggs,. 34¢ to' 31r�, • Live Hogs, 512,00 , O, C. I. EXAMS. Promotion. Examinations, Form 1 to Berm 2; Honours: M. Courtice, S. Eaerett L Fraser, M. Lyon, D. Marquis, 13. Salter. , Pass: M. Aikenhead, B. Anderson, E. Atkinson, D. Ball, P. Carter, R. Carter,G. Churchill D. Cochrane. H. Cochrane, V. Cox, G. Evans, 8, Gibbs, C. Glazier, F. Bovey, W Bovey, E• Hunter, D. Jervis, O. Lawrence; J. McGregor, N. McNeil, M. Meyers, W. Nelson, E. Paisley, E. Plumsteel, E. Reid, H. Richards, W. Simpson, M. E. Stewart, K. Taylor, E. Tretiartha, L. Turner, E. Walter, M. Wright, J: DOCTORS 'WILL IIQLIDA�Y, Commencing Wednesclay next `the local lihysfciaus intend tarring a weekly ]tall holiday. One doctor will always be within call, however, The Iecal central telephone office, will a1- ways be notified which doctor is on duty. ANOTHER REDUCTION. A reduction of ten per cent. in passenger rate on the. Grand Trunk goes into effect on Juty 1st. This will bring the rates back 'to about where they were before the increase of fifteen per cent. three years ago. A. new timetable will' be issued on Monday next, giving summer changes. These Chan 'es do not effect Clinton g to any great extent except that the Buffalo train gets into Stratford in the evening in time for passengers to catch the Toronto to Goderich train. This will be a convenience and will be appreciated by rang: NOW IN NORTHERN ONTARIO• The following appeared in Friday's Free Press and has reference to a well-known former Clinton girl: "Dr. Annabel McEwen. who has been a guest this week with her mother in . this cit left yesterday y for Monteith, ..Northern Ontario, where she holds the post of medical officer at the new Government meld- emy, Dr. McEwen, who has spent a number of years in medical mission- ary work in India, took up this new task last January, when the resi- ilential school, established Iw the On- tario department of education for the children of settlers in Northern On- tario, was opened. At present aCRICH- staff of five are in charge, and it is expected that when the, school be- conies known there will be an influx of children from all parts of the,dis- trict to take advantage of the echo.- antic training which covers the en- tire public and high school ewrse. Dr. McEwen is returning to London in July to continue her holiday visit." MET IN CLINTON. The annual convention of the Hllloln County Temperance Association was held in Ontario street church yeater- day afternoon and evening. A large g number of delegates were present front all points of the county and successful meetings were held. The afternoon was taken up with the hearng of reports, etc., and ad- dresses by the Rev. Dr. Pidgeon of Toronto, Rev, Mr. Peters of Belgrave and Rev. Mr. Clysdale of Fordwioll, A banquet was served by the local W. C. T. U. in the lecture room' at six o'clock, which was followed by after-dinner speeches. In the evening the Rev. Dr. Pidgeon, who is presl- dent of the Provincial Social Service Council, again spoke, his subject be- ing "The New Citizenship". His 'ad- Much of the]odiscussioquent ndwaPlsupon social service work and all the speak- ers introduced new ideas in regard to the plains for such work throughout the county. During the evening the mixed quartette of the church ren- Betel a selection and Mr. L. Weirranee sang a solo. It was considered a sue- cessful convention. Following the the officers for the ensuing year: Hon.- President, A. J. Irwin, Wing- .tarn. President, J. A. Irwin, Clinton. Vice Presidents, G. 31. Elliott, God- erieh; Rev. Mr. Edwards, Seaforth; J, B. McLean, Kippen;.Mrs. A. McGuire, Brussels; Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Clinton; Mrs. S. Fitton, Exeter. Sereretaty, W. H, Willis, Wdng$am Treasurer, A, M, Robertson, Gocl- eticln. Field -Secretary, A. T. Cooper, Clin- y ton Representatives, North Huron, S. Bennett; Centre IIuron, J. Cowan; South I3uron, •C, IIorney. DEATH OF NIRS. R. PEPPER. After a somewhat rolott ed ill- prolonged Mesa Mary Fairbairn, Wife o:f Mr. Roger Pepper•, passed away on. Wed- nesday evening of last week in her sixty-sixth year. The late Mrs. Pepper was born in Hay township and had lived in 71ur- on county all her life. After her marriage she resided in Tucltersmitin until about'two years ago, when they left the farm to their son and Cane into Clinton. Besides her Ins- band she is survived by a family of :four sons and two daughters: John of Stanley and Mrs. Frank Layton, Fred, Albert aper Roy and Mrs. How- old Crich all of Tuckersnhlth. Five brothers and six sisters also survive George Fairbairn of Tuekersinith and Walter of Stanley, Mrs. Tr. Walters of Clinton, -Mrs. A. Bell of Tatcker- smith and Mt•s. McTaggart, MIT. ,7: Moyer, Mrs, Dalrimple, Robert, Elliott and John Fairbairn, all of the, west: The deceased lady Was a Methodist no religion, being a meltber' of T11141- g >; er's church for many years white she was a resident of Tuokorsmttih, and of Ontario street church since coning to Clinton. She Was a k01dly, tnatli- erly woman, and was tenderly beloved byher family and high. esteemed by y ail who grew her. The funeral tools ..lace on Faraday afternoon, service Mein held at the house at half past two conducted by the Rev. S. Anderson. The pailbear- ors were four sons end two sons -in- law, interment was made in Cih.- ton eesnetery. >T 11 1T "4 ltitr. Ixtpner aLnri fanny wish to cit- tennd to 111e.. 'firiends. and ilei ghbors a .� their sincere thanks for i:he. 'kindness tam minimally shown during th.0'. ill- ries cd! Ws, Pepper and since her death, . . ,.: PEOPLE YOU KNOW,1 Mrs.J. E, Hen was in Goderioh on Tuesday evening giving a report of the provincial meetingins of the W, M. S. held in Peterboro Miss Della McCartney of ioornto has been visiting her cousins, Mr. A. McCartney of town and Mrs. G, B. Hanley of Stanley, AT GRAND LODGE.'" Messrs. H. W, Gould and T. H• Hardy represented Clinton Lodge L O. 0. F. at the Grand Lodge held at Brantford last week and they report a very enjoyable time. Joseph Oliver, Grand Sire i!br North America, was present and spoke, also Grand Mns- sere from Quebec, Nova Scotia, NevMacEWAN-STEVENS Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba, and several States of the Union. There was a good atten- dance of delegates and after the bus- iness of the meetings some time was spent in recreation. The delegates were taken to visit the Indian Reser- cation and other places of interest ad- jacent to the city. . SPORTS. On Saturday evening Tuckersinith football team defeated Clinton in a scorn of 1-0. This victor makes Y Milburn and Tilckersmith ties for group honors. A sudden death game has been arranged for Tuesday even- ing next, The game was hard-fought all through. Tucltersmith scored twice but one Goal was offside. This ends the football season in ,Clinton. 'Clinton hada good team brit hard luck scented to follow them. It was good Practise, however. Better luck next year, boys. ' * * * * Credjton defeated Clanton on Tues- clay evening in Crediton by the score of 12-5 It was a good game through- out. but the Olinton boys were not there with the hunch when hits were needed for runs, and that is a clecid- ing factor in any ball game. 5 * * * Tonight a benefit ball game will be played between the Seniors and Juniors. It is for the benefit of ail Players who have been hurt,'throngh- out the season. A band concert Mao takes Place at '7.30. Everybody should turn out to witness this game as 'it will be a .red-hot one, * * * * At a meeting held on Monday night Mr. Thos. Hawkins resigned as manager of the Juniors to ma.- age the Seniors. Mr. F. McCaughey succeeds him as manager of the Juniors, OLD RESIDENT PASSES. An old and respected resident of Clanton passed out on Friday morn- ing last when Margaret Haft, widow of the late Maleohn 14reTa ggart, one of Clinton's earliest business men, died at her home on Shipley street in her ninety-first year, The late .Mrs. McTa Bart was a g native of Scotland but came with her family to Canada in 1842. They set- tied fin Oxford County, near Inner -1 kip, whore members of the family still reside. She came to Clinton as a bride in 1859 and had been, there- fore, a resident here for sixty-three years. She is survived by two sons, Messrs. G. D. and M. D. McTaggart, both of town: A son and daughter precleeeased her, Mrs. McTaggart was tt Presbyter- ion, being a life-long member of Willis church. For several years site had been failing in health but until very recently she stained to are- markable cleg'ree her mental facul- ties. The funeral took place from her residence on Monday afternoon, the services at the house and graveside beim conducted by the Rev. J. E. g Hogg. The pallbearers were: Messrs, W. D. Fair, James Scott, :John Cmn,. ingihonhe, D. B. McEwah, J. B. and Chas. Lindsay. The remains were laid beside those of her husband in Clinton cemetery. Amongst those from a distance who were here 'for the funeral were: nlr, A. McTaggart of Woodstock; Mrs. Andrew Gunn, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Borland and Detre. Hart, Tuner?tip, and Mrs. and Miss Cuthertson, Mit- cthell, LITTLE LOCALS. The Clinton Chautauqua opens on July Gth. Departmental examinations are o1 at the Collegiate this week, Inspector .Finid being an charge• Have Yot1 eeticed the label on your paper lately? If not tape a look at it and see how it reads, Mee H. Baker has purchased the Turner cottage on the Huron Road, west, and inten05 thieving it over to hr`s Laltetnew p1opCttY, The saldfer boys arrived hone Sat wrday, tanned and hardy looking. Lt was a good'camp but all too short. All were sorry to return so soon, - 14lissa5 J. E. McTaggont and 1I, I, Ross fotmel• C. C• i, gi,ris weir, s1ic-• cessftil in tassftn, t air fitst year ex- t 1, an, in arts at Toronto University• Bo careful about diving in the til'- et, It is not deep in places and yott may strike a boulder. Jaok Wiggin- tort received a bad gash its the head from a dive nit a boulder the other evennt> .Audrey I).lio utaity nHends of Mr. Itoirt. Arnnati.'oli 5 o:f Huron street re;gret �' that he is not 1ii141oving iii health as rapidly as could be deSlra Nowa of et speedy recovery, would be wet- tome to ma4iitr, ; A ��ne Weddings in Clinton ai •1 V Y Elsewhere. a' ® 0 Wedatug�cene `Marr Mill J`3e a rGIIY o �p ,5� dery e/rr lr rrst pp ( J Received ,Also Wedding Rings and Wedding presents Including Cut Glass, Silverware, Clocks, China Etc. TISDA1L-•T ANNTNG The marriage tools place in St. Simon's churdh, Toronto, on Thure- day last of Amy Mary, :may daughter of the late Jtlmes •T. and Mrs. Fan- ening, Liverpool, England, and Charles Pentland Tiede/11, eldest son ell Mr, and Mrs. 3• P. Tisdaill of Toronto, formerly of Clinton. The Rev. J. E. Wiaa'd performed the marriage cane- mony. At the home of the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stevens of the second of Stanley, at high noon on Thursday last, June lath, the marriage was sol- emnized of their daughter, Lillian, to Mr. John A. MaeEwan, on of Mrs. Margaret 14racEwan, also of the sec- ond: The bride wore a pretty wedding gown of white silk crepe with trim- niings of beads and carried a bouquet of white carnations and ferns. The bridal pair were unattended and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. D. McIntosh of Brucefield. After the wadding luncheon Mr. and Mrs. MacEwan left on a motor trip, the bride donning a pretty navy blue silk dress and blue hat for the journey, They have now taken illi their residence on the secant. And they have the good wishes of their friends for a happy married life. TOWNSIIEND The marriage took place at Trin- ity church, Bayfield, yesterday of Eleanor L., (Nellie), only daughter of Mr. and Mrs .Albert Townshend of Goderioh township,, and Mr. J. G, Nelson Crich, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crich of Tuekersunith. The marriage ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. R. C. Pitts, ret- tor of Trinity. The bride wore her travelling suit of navy blue tri- catine with largo picture hat, also of blue and corsage bouquet of Ophelia roses. The young couple were neat- tended. At the conclusion of the ceremony and the signing of the register the bridal party, .including the brother of the bride and the sister of the bridegroom, motored to Elmdale. Farni, the home of the bride's par- par- ents, where the wedding luncheon was partaken of. The dining room was very prettily decorated with orange blossoms and roses. The guests at the reception and luncheon included members of the two families only. Mr. and Mrs. Crich took the after- noon train at Clinton for e honey - moon trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls and on their return will reside in Tue1 ersnlith' Hearty congratulations and good wishes are extended. FOOTE—TORRANCE , A pretty wedding took place at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Tor- at high noon ,yesterday when their youngest daughter, Margaret NracDonald, was united in marriage to Mr, George Ferguson Foote of Port Arthur. The bride -wore a hrcette me wedding gown of white georgette over satin, the conventional bridal veil with or- tinge blossoms and carried a bon- beet of Ohpelia roses and baby -or chic. sweet peas. Miss Quecnie Foote of Pmt Arthur, sister of. the groom, was bridesmaid. She wore buttercup gcolgette and lace and carried Rus- sol roses. Little Miss Helen Torrance niece of the bride, wearing a pretty g white frock of embroidered mull and carrying a basket of sweet peas, made a sweet and dainty flower girl. ell, John :l"orrateC of Lethbridge, brother' of the bride, was best lean, The bridal party stood in the bow window in the drawing 100111 before a bank Of ferns and flowers and the ceremony was performed by the Rev, J. Edw. Hogg. Miss Mande Tor- ranee, the. ..t'ide's sister'„ played the wedding music and during the sign_ fug of the register Mrs. (Capt.) Foote of Collina'wood sang 0 Fair, 0 Sweet, 0 Holy." 'When the newly wedded pair had received the congratulations of those present they led the way to the dill- ing-Toon where luncheon was served. The table was beautifully decorated with rases and streamers of tonic, the centre helmet being contained in the lovely silver flower basket pre- sensed to the bridle a few clays before by her lady friends in town. The Rev. Mr. Hogg proposed the toast to the bt'icle, which was responded to by 154' bridegroom, and 8Ii ,Crap- 51011 proposed rho .health of the bridesmaid, to which the best man re- spouleel. Mr. and Ili.'s. Foote left 011 the :1f- ternoet traits on their honeymoon, tAlt3ng a ta'ip clown the St: Lawrence. The ..1,1 e's going away costtnisC teas a suit of! bronze French crepe with mflan 1i0L, On their• return Mr. incl Mx's, P0017 •, will r ei& 1n Tort Arthur. .Realty gl'kittllatlal and goat. wishes are con. •Cxtendeci. Amongst those from tt distance „di, were here for the wedcihllt were: Mr, and Mrs, Cranston and Miss Q1leenie Footer Tort Arthur; Mr, and Mns, Melvin Torranao aid Misses and Veieu and IVCs. A, P. Torrnitce and plies Margaret, Toren- to; Mr, John Torrance, 1ettbridg( 117',x., Pdgoi Torranoe, Saul{ Ste, Marie: Miss Campbell, llamilton; Mrs. (Capt,) Foote; Collingweod and Cant,, ctrl Mrs, I�'�ttote, Sarnia, WRIGHT--GRATNG Jan. At the home of Mrs. Jar ger of Bruceneld the marri place at noon yesterday of 1 ter, Annie Getrrude, to Mr. Wrie'ht. The bride wore her navy of trncotine with bodice of ing blue, and black and She carried sweet peas a very sweet and slim. and gi bridal couple were unaceoln the ceremony was perform Rev. W. D. McIntosh. Mr, told gave the bride away After the eeerinony, whit nessed by only Mame-that the wedding luncheon was s and Mrs. Wright left on noon train for a short h trip and on their return wil housekeeping in Brucefiel wishes are extended for hap prosperity in their new rel SWANN—HAMLI A wedding which will into people in this community, at Hohnesville, where his f pastor ee the Methodist chu term, took place in I{inea Wednesday, June 15th, at of the bride's parents, Mr, p, F. Hamlin, when their Donalda Janet became the the Harold r . Swann, B. the Rev. Francis and Mn Vancouver, B. C. The bride; given away by her ,fath very winsome in her navy travelling suit, small blue in and corsage of Ophelia ro ceremony was conducted by Mr. Clarry, pastor of I Methodist church, and d. signing of the register Miss Berson sang "Until." After buffet luncheon Mr. and Mr left on ,the 1.50 train to sea honeymoon on the Kawart where they have taken a cot Swann has been appoints China Mission field and the China in the fall. MAY --PARR A bright event took place 15th at the home of Mr, Wm. R. Parr, Grenfel, Onta: their second daughter, Ra: ella (Ray), was united in to Rev. E. R. May, B. A., of Mr. and bins, John May, Avenue, Toronto, formerly ton. The marriage was s by Rev. S. Martin of Gre ted by Rev. J. J. Coulter, forth avenue. Toronto. becomingly gowned in with pearl .trimmings, veil ange blossmns, and carrying er bouquet of O heila roses p of -the -valley, entered the pa ing on the arm of her fath strains of Lohengrin's Bricla played byMiss Elsie Clou Y cousin of the bride. The attended by her younge: Alice, who wore maize s. corsage bouquet of Boss' The birdegroom was atende C. W. Cline, aferrety-studen toria College, Toronto, T groom's gift to the bride w hand -bag, to the bridesmaid set gold brooch, to the p sapphire ring and to the gr a pearl -set tiepin, During ing of the register, Mr. B. Allencluel, sang "Perfect ll ter a dinner and appmplia t he happy pair left oriel $ goner tvihes to spend a few Georgian Bay, after which visit friends at Exeter anti Ontario. On their return proceed after a short Limo atchewai, where Mr, May up his ministerial work. __ ____ _ • W O Yieilrgir Jeweler and Optician Issuer of marriage licensee Phone 174w 112. Residence 174J -' • The marks of unsuccessful Candi- dates will .be mailed to them in the course of a few days.—J. W. Tre- leaven, Principal, FIRST LIST OUT. Bayfield voters' list was first post- ed up in the office of Clerk. Erwin of that village on Monday last, the first • list . ;out this season so far as wa are aware, and over a month earlier than last year..The total number of voters lied aro 195,-101 in part one and 34 in part two, 59 being nualified to act as jurors. Contrary to the general idea the names of the new voters, such as women who are only quailfied to vote at elections to the Legislative As- sembly,.are not.fnclu(led m the new lists. Municipal clerks are expected to stake out such lists but to pigeon- hole then. until ordered to print them by the chief election officer. We do not know, of course, but we have a fancy that municipal celrks as a rule will not trouble to prepare such lists until they are needed, despite the fact that they are expected to do so each year. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Baptist Church &Lbrning service given up to the Sunday School, Flower day. A• pro- gramme will be carried out. Evening service: "Paul to the Eph- eian Church, Salutation." AlI are welcome. ' Willis Church The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be abserevd next• Sunday morning. Pre -communion service will be held on Priddy evening at eight o'clock when Rev. A. n'Lacfarlane will be the minister, The regular monthlymeeting. of g the Mission Band will be held nextprey Monday evening at seven o'clock. The ntite.boxes will be returned. Refresh- inents will be served at the close. This will be the last meeting before holidays. it is hoped there will be a full attendance. ' Street Church The monthly meeting of the W. M. 5, was held on Tuesday last, when there was a good attendance end Mrs. Govett, delegate to the Branch meeting', gave a helpful and istrue Live report, At the conclusion tea was served. 1t ]las been decided to bald the meetings in the form of pie - nfcs at the hones of the country members during the remainder of the :summer, the first to bo at the home a£ Mrs, Wm. Shipley a;l' the Huron road. The strawberry social given by the Ladies' Aid on Tuesday evening was quite a success, •between seventy and seventy-five dollars being realized,f Holy St. Paul's Church Communion, 8,80, Sunday School 10.00. M i'nillg Prayer, 11.00, Evensong, 7.00 • Preacher: Rev, S. E. 14TeKegney. The Girls' Guild. intend holding a Garden Party on the reetory lawn on the evening of July 24th. The Girle' Guild intend hey rig a picnic on the river flats on 1Ve,inos clay afternoon, June 29th. -='0n' Sunday inorning the 'lard Bishop of Mann, let. Rev. D. Wil. Haus,• administered the rite of. Con- firrnation. to thirty-seven candidates. A large con to atiml Was gement e ov. gWednesclay, The Rector Rev. S. E. McICe!�:,eV and the fret/. C. 14I, (ITallowall look part in the xcrvfce. The Bisholi delivered an impressive address basin;; his re- marks on these words in the Con- firmai;i011 sel,•Pice applied to the candidates: "Polson", "Child," and "Servant". During the offertory Mr. Chas Cools sang a solo, ,, * * * ' :l'he uirlteci Leagues of Ontario and ahurclnes seem determined to make their union gatherings asue- cess, if one may judge front the ewe initial meetings. Last week they hat. to addition to a varied program of music, a speaker from Singapore, ant. on Monday evening in Ontario street churelt the Rev. Mr, Hogg gave a .most eloquent and stirring aid- dress on "'The Claims of Christ" Mrs• batter and 11/lite N. Holland k15 convenors of the committees in c'horge of the, sleeting, presided, and during the evening Muses Mar- an(. Nof snit Treleaven G%15biti,gssaltg a dust, Miss Rhea Iliggins sang Salo anMiss V'era.Gould p1aye ain tl Played intrmmemtal, Nat N(otld,aY's timet- Ih will be in. charge, of the gond lit- i'n ship . departnhents and will 150 meld in Wesley church, . ;; e S OW • ai. Nr_j „= YRUR DUTY TO YOURSELF IS TO SAYE , ,. ' The man with a Savings Account need never' • worry over the future. Saving, backed by determination, is one of the most satisfying habits„to acquire:. A Savings Department at every branch of iTHE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA R. E. MANNING, MANAGER CLINTON BRANCH "'f2f INCORPORATED 1555, Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches T1 -1E M O LS O N S BAN o 'There is no safer or surer way of Safeguarding surplus money than placing it in a savings account with ,The Molsons Bank, Why not begin today?, M. R. SHARP, Manager CLINTON BRANCH Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent --- " READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING 2 he Morrish , Crvthing co. OnnEBED CLOTHING al} �t/q� o 'e'en a_ �1�.®1 �� bib, special Saturday' 3^ 1' * f 1,fi, ,Aird Ci ® • la' I A3,i > with or and 131n� ,� tp9 the . Buy RECITAL AT LONDON. i4lise Edna nir.CaugheY o' and miss ]dna i1Ta['01 1110 c fdh are salting part in a pia recital to be given in St. Pet London, on Monday evcni Miss McCaughey is a very T young pianist and Mies Met' said to be a clever violine splendid program is antio1 BOWLERS AT MI:PCIILLI,, Two rinks of Clinton bow to Mitchell yesterday to col the .Faiil Trophy but they di eeed in carrying it off. Ind crier. was greedy enough to trophy and also the SOCOnd prizes. '.They're some bowler ehcli. The Clinton rinks eon N. Ball, A. J. Grigg, T. T and A. J. Morrish, ship. J. etsoh, Frnink Lfbbv, Dr. Ti, ii„ Sharp, skfp, ' dozen Overalls, ��`����t black for stripe, o N® �, Time.toWesley Goderich 'Il"(��ItJ9 ytalion pica On Tueeda 10 James church Middleton, Sc stens 9 ond. 10 ctrl -St. John' IIolmesvllle, was held at Grove Bayhe]d. At 3 e'cl nava were started :for the the prizes being donated school trustees. Following same a football game, elhdf t:ic, 1-1. Then tlta crowd, a�1a over two .hundred aat ciowlt�� crone supper• provided by 11 At 7.30, When i:hoY eonurton home, everybody agreed had enjoyed a 5pleiulid tihn0 �tt�... : e COI. {�• )11 forEvery for d,�j1 a v. Al ail, J Mail, ,,her s1:111111SH CLOTIIING 'j�p.s_�.-. 6R S Ao►p, a Deal Square Grain - age took ter daughe William A, blue suit Mrs. 1:tard. blue hid. nd looked t'lisle The ponied and oil by the J, B. Mus. h was wit - e friends, erved. Mr. the after. oneymoon 11 take up d. Good ham and ation. N rest many especially other was rah for a rdine on the home and Mrs. slaughter, bride of A., son of Mr: Swann, who was or, looked v tailored. ohair hat, sea. The the Rev, :incardinc wring the, Mary An- a dainty s. Swann end their ha Lakes tage. Mr. 1 to the v sail for on June and Mrs. rio, when hef Lou - marriage only son of Fulton. of Clin- olelnnized nfel, assis- of Dan - The bride georgette and or- a show - and lily- llor lean- er to the 1 Chorus, ghler, a bride was st sister, •..tin with ter 1'0505. d by sir. t of Vie - he bride - as a sills a peart- ianiste, a the sign - Allen, of Dr " Af- t0 toasts, hewers at days at hey will Clinton, they will to Sask- e ill take f Clinton. f Getter - no -violin er's Rall ng next. remising. arlane is ,i, so 1; rted. lets went; npetc Pmt het sue - eel, Mit-, keep the cul third s in Mit- aissed aft 1. Hardy W. Stev-. Lion and fsh p ie of Si:, hoot see. s church, Jewett's ock the kiddies, by the the races lig in a iii inhering to a Ron- ne ladies, ;ed to go that they