HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-6-16, Page 8rhe Eliz ton News -Record CLINTON'S LDING WE E Y ISTU RE Man and. His Eyes The one is helpless without the other; have you considered that? NO MATTER HOW GOOD) a man you are physically, mentally or moral- ly, all your energies count for little if your eyes give out. OUR ADVICE 1S GOODy Let us examine your eyes and prescribe for your ease before it is too late R. Ha JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Mori 1 1 Week/end Specials Two Verg Special Lines for Two Vera Special Lines for Fridag and ,Saturday Men's Panama Hats' All this 'Season's new styles, fedora and sailor shapes. Clearing Friday and Saturday et half price Choice $1.98 Dress 1uslins•and Voiles About 200 yards colored Dress Muslins and Violes. A nice range of pattrens to choose from, Choice Friday and Saturday 25c a gard Special Clearing lines 'in all Departments Shop here Friday and Saturdag lumsteel Bros. THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOIL LESS. PHONE B CLOTHING!. NEW, IDEA) PATTERNS. How Prcscnatioii MAY AND JUNE ARE PAINT MONTHS —Save; the Surface and you save all GOOD PAINTAND VARNISH WILL DO THE JOB. INSIDE AND OUT ' THERE IS SO MUCH CONTROVERSY About which is the best to use that it is hard for one not a paintexpert to arrive at a decision. Here it is in a nut shell: Cheap paint is a poor buy: its cheap, its shod- dy; it wont wear or give satisfaction, so it is not worth considering. Remember it takes just as' much time `to `put on the wrong article as it does the right. Hand mixed lead and oil is good as far as it goes, but it is impossible for any one with a paddle and bucket and working by rule of thumb to make as good a paint as that which is worked,, out on a strictly scientific formula and mixed and ground by powerful machinery, It is true economy to use a paint or varnish of known merit and property ownesr everywhere have learned by experience that SHERWIN WIL- LIAMS products are thoroughly dependable. We carry a full line of paint for inside and outside work, varnishes; Sherwillac; Floor Finishes; Enamels: Floor oil; Flat Tone; Auto varnishes; Berry Bros. Liquid Granite for Floors. HARLAND GS, Hardware. Stoves and Novelties 61.1.1913.33.6, The Store With a Stock res We crrry a full line of Garden Hose and ;Lawn Mowers Watering Cans, Rakes and Hoes Screen Doors and Windows New Perfection and Florence Automatic Coal oil Stoves If you are„ going; to paint this summer try our 13.-11. Paint for interior'ar'ext(rior work, Sutter & Perdue HA1lDWRE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away bre matter aaow'ib, bavr. adrt7,.A1aw ,Iitap4de;tod, (4a a rola aroma emu aaa mond to ue to be =AO Iritp I toers1bld-.-WW wear a it fettreit hest reasonable. Rugs The Famous VELV o�-•atI o9s� stl5 ' WA, taloa hundreds at raoommandatfone trdYn sally. flea eustoniere. Ask foe "VEt.vaTEX" ftrlca ].tat. We Way axttreo, Both ware on lona ordeze. One E tgt+f;eHad leasway ah, SotaAl *Meta, Pitons 2485 CANADA, NOG COMPANY s 9d,'OAALiW4 $TitE&T t f' LONDON ONT. Beauty Conifort IN THE CANADTAN ROME IS A SUBJECT WI-IIClt IS It.EO1Iv- ING MORE ''ATTENTION, ',[`];X]A AR- TISTIC STANDARD Ola THE AV- ERAGE I-IOMI7 IS NOW BI0IIIIR THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN, PEO- PI,E ARE DEMANDING BETTER. AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR- ROUNDINGS. WALL HANGINGS HAVE IYIUWI TO DO WITH BRING- ING ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMFORT. IF YOU ARE INTEIt- ESTED WE INVITE YOU TO VIS- IT OTJB SPLENDID STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES. The W D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Beet EYE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Ere Sight Specialist en Honour Graduate of the Canadian Ophthalmic College of Toronto.., OFFICE: 'Masonic Bldg, West St., Goderich, Ont. Will be at the.Hotel Rattenbury, on Wednesday, June 15th, 1921 from 8 p.m. in the afternoon, to 9 p.m. in the evening. i r,Iusn.�Lit;Npinu9u1u1yu�_ illlgl Miss Wroxie Powell went to Detroit on the Greyhound. Mr. Melville Rudd of Toronto is the •guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Mason. Mrs. E. B. Hill has returned from •a visit to her mother in Collingwood.. Ltiss Jessie O'Neil . of the Aylmer ICollegete staff is home for the va- cation. ' Mrs. James `°Steep is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Collyer of London. Miss McDougall leaves this after- noon or tomorrow for her home in Giannington. Miss Edwards . of the C. C. I. staff left on Tuesday for her home at •Gananoqua. Miss Ettie Smith of Toronto is spend- ing a week or ten days with her aunt, Mrs. T. Mason. Mrs. Austin and her little son, Bobby, of Windsor • are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Scott. Mrs, (Dr.) Adams of Windsor is vis- iting at the home of her father, Postmaster Scott, this week. Mr. G. N. Davis took in the Grey- hound excursion to Detroit and al- so visited Ihis sister, in Leamington. Rev, E, 0. Forde and family, who went to Toronto last fall, have moved out to Long Beach for the summer. Miss Lillian MacRae and Mrs. J. Newnan of Detroit ere the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs, George A. McLennan. Rev, R. D. Mess of London was in town over the week -end, having charge of the services in St. Paul's church on Sunday.' Miss Edna Wasnan of Toronto has been visiting during the past week at the home or her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Whsti an. Mrs. Bushy and her son, Mr. Adam- son, of St. 0154 , Mich,, are visiting their cousin, 11 ,rs. S. J. Andrews, and other friends in town. Mr. Colin Shaw of Springfield, Ohio, was in town this week, being called hither by the death of his father, the late John Shaw. Master Worth' Jackson of ' Chicago is spending his holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Itodaway of the I•Iuron road. Miss Ross of Detroit has been the guest this week of her cousin, Mrs. Murray McEwan. They visited re- latives in Stratford yesterday. Mr. D. B. Deering and Mrs. Miller of .Winipog and Mr. Neil Fox of Cleveland, Ohio, have been visiting 1V11r. and Mrs. R. ,Fitzsimons this week. Miss Eelnkey of the C. C. I. staff has had her sister with her for a ;few clays and they leave this af- ternoon for their home at Cree- nt•ore. Mrs, Harold Zeats returhed to her home in Toronto on Saturday af- ter seending a week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. •Rabt. Kennett of Clinton. Rev, Floyd Sullivan and Mrs, Sulli- van and Miss Hattie Baker of Fullerton were guests of Clinton friends a few clays at the begin- ning of the week. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mutch were at Au- burn on Sunday attending the un- veiing of the memorial tablet in the Presbyterian church there in honour of Pte. William I. Carter, a nephew of Mrs. Mutch, Mr. W, R, McCamus, eldest son of Rev. D. N. and Mrs. McCanius, who has been teaching in Ottawa, has been appointed heats master of the classics department in the Brantford Collegato Institute, Mat. Janes A. Ford left Monday :for Toronto, where she joined her brother, the Rev, Dr, Rumba'', and accompanied him to his home „An Winnipeg. She goes on from there to Calgary; where site Will remain during July with her daughter, Mrs. Cambell. Rev, D. K. Grant of Middleton, N. 8., spent a few days in town this week calling on old frienda. He had been attending the General Assembly In ,. Toronto and just' rah up to see his friends here and, incidentally, en- joyed a game :of bowls; Mr, Grant says Some of his happiest *hours were spent on the Clinton bowling greed, Ile 'was the guest while in town of :Mrs and Mrs. Wm, Grant, People You Know Iva, to 1, M td Mrs, McGiiplia of. �>.etez were visitors at the ,anomie r es- tPrday. Mr, end Mrt, E, Morrison and Miss Violet visited Minima. friends on snnday, Mrs. G. L. C)ratpman ,of Toronto is visiting heir sister, Mrs, A. McCart- nay of town. • Airs, Holmes of Clinton Is visiting her sister, Mr's, Jellies Archibald--- Seaforth News," e Mise Alice Pickett of Detroit is vis- iting friends and relatives in Clin- ton and vieinity, Mrs. Wm. Glen, who has been spend- ing the winter in Toronto,, is Vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. 0, M. Elliott Mrs. Moore of 112iami, Florida, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. 7, 1+1. Hogg, at the manse over .;the (week -end. - Miss Marion McCamus has been ap- pointed to the staf of the Jarvis street Collegiate Institute, „Toron- to, as science teacher. Col. Combe took the Huron Regi- ment •to London on Friday but was obliged to return owing„ to (business. He left again on Tues- day. Major Shaw was called home from Carling heights on Tuesday morn- ing owing to the sudden and un- expected death of his father, the late John Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Winer of'Mor•- ristown have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Johnston dur- ing the past week. They were on their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and family and Mrs. Watson of Drayton vis- ited )VIrs. Johnston's sister, Mrs, E. Morrison, for a few days. Mrs. Johnston had been here for a week and her husband carne up to take her home. Mr. Samuel Owen of New York has been in town this eyeek on business in connection with the Clinton Knitting Co, The Company is be- ing reorganized and the factory . will resume operations, it is hoped, very shortly. Miss Ruth Pirt of Uxbridge, who is addressing the su'nuner.meetings of • the Womens' 'Institute throughout this district, was in town over the week -end. She went on to Londes- boro on Monday, where she ad- dressed a meeting in the afternoon. Mrs. E. E. 'Brown, who has been vis- iting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. . Neilans of,,town, and sister,, Mrs. W. Shaddiek of Stanley, and with other friends in the vicinity, left Saturday for 'her hone in Petrol - ea. ' Mrs. (Rev.) James Hamilton, Mrs. (Rev.) R. Q. IvfeDermid and Mrs. Redditt of Goderich were in Clin- ton on Monday attending a meet- ing of the program committee of the W. M. S. arranging for the meeting of the Presbyterial to be /old -in September. Rev. David Rogers of St. Thomas was the guest • of the Rev: T. J, Snowdon on' Saturday. Mr, Rogers is well known in all this part of the country, having served charges at various points. He was pastor of cthe Seaforth Methodist church 'ten years ago. Messrs. W. Brydone, H. R. Sharp, J. Scott, Dr Gandier, Mrs. N. W. Tre- wartha, Mrs W. Manning, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs Mason, Mrs. Hunter, Mss. J, Flynn, Mrs. H. Jenkins and Misses Winnifred O'Neil, Luel- la Walkinhaw and Lucile Grant composed the deputation which waited on the county council on Wedn'esday afternoon of last week in the interests of the hospital. ' Local News CO1vIE "TORRID" GENTLEMEN The Girls' Auxiliary would like the car owners who last year prom- ised to take them out into the sur- rounding country to sell Chautauqua tickets to "report for -service," as it were, The Chautauqua rs less than three weeks off and the young ladies would like to get their perlinrinary work done in good time. LITTLE LOC -ALS, The soldier boys come home on Saturday after a nine day camp. A large number of young people took in the "Moonlight" on the Grey- hound Monday evening. The examinations are on at the Collegiate and the students are on the rack. First form finished writ- ing last week. Percy Livermore and Joe Yesbec are each carrying an arni in a sling these days. A baseball accident was the cause of the first mishap, -a "cranky" car of the second. Tho W. 0, T. U. will meet at the hone of Mrs, C. J. Walils this (Thursday) evening. Every member is urged to be present as there -is important business to arrange. • TEMPERANCE CONVErNTION. Those who attend the annual Tem- perance Convention which is to be held in Clinton, on Wednesday after• noon and evening, June 22nd, will have the opportunity of hearing Dr. George C. Pidgeon' of Toronto, pastor of Blur St. Presbyterian church aiid President of the Ontario Social Ser. vice Council, as he 'will speak in the afternoon en "Social service plana and opportunities" and in the ev- ening on "The New Citizenship." The reports of the officers will ra- view the work of the past year and outline plans for the future. An interesting item of the pro- graznnte is a banquet .at 6 o'clock, followed by after dinner speeches. All the churches of the County aro entitle to send delegates and any parson will be made welcome. Your rnf`nistor has 'received programmes, .Huron County stands well to -the front iii agressive social service work, and should be 'kept there. "AS TTHERS Sl3E US," ' Miss R. Pirt, lecturer at the sum - vier meetings of the Womens' liisti• titutes, Who spent the week -end in Clinton ;on her way to Londesboro, where All ' A 0 AlS] os. sada mooting Monday afternoon,. zno om,. was much z1 ];Messed with rho appeeraneo oi' ti towel. F'It is autch a pretty town She exelahnod '!and you have over. thing: paved streets; (it was thus t. described otic splendidly macadamia roadways);,so much cement wall those lovely green little parks a na less than three public clibikin fountains; a Mee postoillce; (we d' not tell her it was wofully small if our needs, and that it was solely a tug to the Christian patience and to waren of the staff that they ma aged to get along -in it at all), a f)' Pnublie Library, with a children's d ,nartnlent and a children's story ho every week, a hospital and such lot (f nice, cosy hones and wol kept lawns. '1t is•really the mettle and most up-to-date and attraeti . town of its size I have come upo so fat," concluded Miss Pirt, "Yo must have a very eflleipnttown cou cil;" she continued;, "tri look after et erything so well." Then we endea ored to give "honour to whom lie our was due," and told her that succession of town councils were r sponstble for such improvements a the streets, waterworks, hydro i stallation, ere. That the Womens' I stituto and Girls' Auxiliary each pr rented a drinking founteizi to th town and a group of merchants th third one; that the hospital was star ed and maintained by the efforts o a number of women; that the eifi ioncy of the library was dqe for th most part to the painstaking libra Ian, that the Horticultural Societ had much to do with the beautifyin of the town and establishing of th little "beauty spots" and that th fine home-tnakin'g instincts. of ou citizens was responsible for the mea cosy hones and well -kept grounds o almost every street "Well the tow is a credit to its citizens," said Mis Pirt, "You ought to be proud of it' It is a pleasure to have such a visi or as this and we ;night say tha while Miss Pirt's hone is in U bridge she has tiavolled over th most of Canada and the Unite States. Her conlcusions are not thos of a -person making a first journe outside her own county, put those o one who has travelled .and has o served, EXTENDING SERVICES. Clinton's Public Utilities are be coming increasingly popular. The fol lowing citizens have recently in stalled electric lights, one of these i a new house, some are newly ac quiredand the others have been oc cupied for some time but have neve until lately made application to lights: James Carter:, A;•Seeley, Jas Manning, J. •Stephenson, R. B. Fitz shnons, J. Ilucas, Miss Flora Cools Mrs. Geo. Pickett, W. J. Paisley, Mrs Akan:, J. McCailuln: And .tows water has recently been installed b the following householders: Jame; Brown, b. J. Andrews, Chris. Bea com, R. Cree and J. A. Irwin. COUNTY COUNCIL'S, DECISION. The' mesial Cotnsnittee appoints at the January meeting of the Coun ty Council, , consisting of Messrs Gordon young, ,John McNabb an Wnt. Currie to visit the hospitals i the county, confer with the board and report at the June meeting, mad the following report: ' "That a levy of one mill be mad on the equalized assessment of •th county, to create a fund fronr.which grants may be made as required when the hospital boards meet th provisions attachedIto the paynlen of the grant. The conditions' -are: Each hospital board be required to contribute an amount equal to the grant, either in cash or its equival- ent. That one-third df the hospital board be from the adjacent rural districts, Each hospital board sub- mit `a full report of its receipts and expenditures and also of work done each year to the county council. From the fund provided as above the hospitals of Goderich and Wing haat, being now prepared to meet the Above conditions, receive a grant of $25,000, to be divided as agreed upon by the two hospital boards in pro - "Portion as their needs and general conditions may to them seen just" Mr. Young, chairman -of the com- mittee, spoke in favor of the adop- tion of the report and was backed up by -Messrs. McNabb, Currie, Tipling and Davis. Dr. Milne led the oppo- sition and Messrs. McQuaid, Tre- wartha, Neeb and' others opposed the report. Messrs. Beavers and Grieve moved in amendment that a mill on the dol- lar be assessed' for hospital -purposes, Huiron County Temperance Association, ANNUAL. CONVENTION will be held in Ontario St. church, Clinton Wednesday, June22 Commencing at 1.3Q p.m., - Addresses will be given by DR, GEORGE C. PIDGE0'1, of Toronto, President of the Social -Service Council of Ontario. and prominent County Workers 6 p.m. Banquet and after dinner Speeches Tickets 50 Cents The Public is invited. J. A, II7WIN, Clinton, President W, H. WILLIS, Wiaghsni, Sec. 'l'HUli.SneareaJ 'Y, JUNII 16th, 1.021 "1 w . Il , z the same to be divided e ciao y among perry at Ilarp;lrhe , on rho Cliltoi y n. the Ave 0 0' i Gdol o ^' iu1 l Wi �.. pia road, and with a few lane log'11aiv le halm, Clinton, SeaaIorth And Exeter, )lens began raising poultry thla ," to be given when each of the above spring, 134th ineubeiters and horn y, centres contributes the same amount were used to hatch the eggs, Tho lle 'lax conatrnetian, - chickens Were then .given to hens fol ed A'lessi''s, Txewartha and Neeb moved brooding, about thirty to each. Spa c; an antondment to the amendment to 'tial runs and betides were built an:: n1 th erred that the council give Ina- as then as able, the chickens AN g torial assistance to the hospitals of placed on roosts. At the present d the • county by way el grants, time there are 1,200 in the yard, Tic ori '' The amendment to the amend- whole time of one person is "take; vr- anent was carried by a veto of 19 to 111 looking after theist, The plaeo it 1-' 11,. - • ideal for the purpose, hong rolling n CHICKEN INDUSTRY. laud with perfect drainage. The siglrl of these active young birds, all white e- Few people in. Seaforth are aware is a very pleasing one. Mr. Helium ur of the existence of a new industry is Dominion. Inspector of Poultrl e, which has been started: tins year on and travels from coast to coast in 1114I- the very edge of the town and which work. The chickens are shipped or it promises to attain conilderable pro- order to 'the cities as soon as they ve portions.,- Tho writer was not aware reach the broiler stage.—Seaforth n of .;this .growing establishment until News. . u he happened' to walk past it one day Mr. and Mrs, Holland were, until I- recently, and was surprised to see this spring, residents of Clinton. ' the number of young chicks in all They always "favored" the chicken - stages of growth, from the- tiny fluff business but while hero were cramped L. ball state to plump broilers, On in- for room, Wonder if they would a (Nixing, it was learned that Mrs. Rol- treat an old friend to a chicken din- e- s land, the proprietress, and her ,hus- nor if one were to happen in tome n- band had purchased a. six -acre pro- fine -day. n- , e - e ( t e el to y � Western University f G,, 1,41/4, r „ g fag K -.London, Ontario Y tIV - Summer Scho ti. s, for n s a its andSciences i- • July 4th to August 12th x For Information and Calendar write . K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar 0 0 f b ,Ret ,sec.'nw 4 :! i i{ I� up : (Ilii , .r . • 1111 IU��I1I . ti D jlii.ii#I�� 1pjIIir 'Il- , x 11 I i, Iinn„„„nn"/'4, . F • ' A 14 IF �'.plm FIYY (�v ..4j.ii4 �5 3.f4.A q'•^! �'� 9 . rSf."�{i'.'tiiv�ein."i \ , s1 r- j ie''''tom^?; t . �„, s Geo. T. Jenkins Ford Dealer CLINTON, ONTARIO d s New Eleetie- Fixtures e c , And Shades just arrived, also e ` t GRILLS, TOASTERS, FANS and IRONS to be sold at latest Prices - MARTIN—SENOUR PAINT is selling fast Blighty spraying mixture is also going at 25c a lb u t. Corless & Vetier ., HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 53 li Rayft0d Garage Au Old Stand gander sew Management First class work bya competent mechanic. Gasoline., Oils and Aeeeessories Complete stook os genuine Ford repairs Gr a E. EHE"EY- 4 ti Open evenings Your patronage solicited Oct. 1st • STRAW `* ERRY FESTIVAL Annual Strawberry Festival given by the Holmeaville Methodist Epworth League and Sunday School takes place on the evening of Fridag, .aline 171h.. Tea, with strawberries and Bream, cake, pie, etc.. served from six to eight Booth on grounds with ice cream, etc. Good program afterwards supplied by the Hi. onio Male Quartette and other talent, Come -and enjoy a. good supper, good program and a, pleasant evening. Admission, Adults 50e Children 26o STRAW `* ERRY FESTIVAL Annual Strawberry Festival given by the Holmeaville Methodist Epworth League and Sunday School takes place on the evening of Fridag, .aline 171h.. Tea, with strawberries and Bream, cake, pie, etc.. served from six to eight Booth on grounds with ice cream, etc. Good program afterwards supplied by the Hi. onio Male Quartette and other talent, Come -and enjoy a. good supper, good program and a, pleasant evening. Admission, Adults 50e Children 26o