HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-6-16, Page 5TI1<I7It,SDAIY, JUNE iib192], Linton News-Reta rd O1' Interest to You, and IVIe A deter says we shotilcht't .eat, toe n"nteh salt. Perhaps some Of ns 'use • noire thou is necessary but we know al. lot of ,people who cetild •stand ,t little more. • * *** Geergetewtt town council has voted $ 00 eaels to the M'ethodiet and Pres- hyterlan .congregations in recognition of the use of their sheds by the general pit1.11ie• 'An old luau in, New Jersey was living ink poverty, forgetting that he had a deposit of $25,000 in the bank, If only one's overdraft eould.be for- gotten thus easily. The French are always 'so polite. The French Government is now send- _ ;Mg a special• tnissibn over to thank 'the Canadian people for their ,Help during the war. * A. North Brant, farmer nearly lost liis life the other day from getting a bit of egg shell in his windpipe while .sucking an egg. It is better to take ' •:o%les raw eggs from t. gla5sr no e at sprinkle of salt and pepper, * * Ni * Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux says we .shall yet regret giving- the franchise to . women. Indeed we tray. It were well to keep them in subjection as much as possible. But -how was it to be prevented,. my masters? They would have it and "when a woman will, she will." The Goderich Star rails against the person who insists on mowing the lawn at seven o'clock in the morn- ing. We are. surprised . We should .have thought any editor would have been awake and stirring by seven o'eolck, and in—June. too. Such slug - bard habits astonish and paint us. A reader asked a Toronto paper last week to re -print the story of ,the Birchen-Benwell murder, which took place at Woodstock some thirty year's ago. Queer taste some people .have. The Toronto papers have been printing enough, and 'more than en- ough, about present day murders and murderers to suit the majority of ng. .. * 1: * A number of Ottawa women went into the kitchen of the Hotel Laur- ier the . other- day and served up luncheon to the Members of ther`Lib- ere- Association after the cooks and Waitresses had "walked out." They -did it well, too, which will only the more strongly convince' some men that the kitchen is the proper place, for women. * * * * The editor of the 'Flesherton Ad- vanee, who can always' be depended •upon to note any strange or new de- parture in nature, tells about a white robin which has its nest on the farm of Dr. J. Ottawell, near the village, where it bas made its home for the :past three years. It isnot pure white -but there is an entire absence of red. Its song is said to be pure robin, however. When you get down to brass tacks --it is the prosperity of the farther :that controls the general prosperity of a country so .largely agricultural .05 is Canada, and if the purchasing power of the farmer is crippled by low prices of what he has to sell and high prices of what he has to buy, -there will have to be a readjustment 'before conditions can become satis- factory.—Ridgetown Dominion. "Either;June the 3rd or May 24th should, one of the other, be dropped' from the list of statutory holidays" remarks The Simeoe Reformer. ft is a good suggestion, too. The 24th of May and the 3rd of June conte too • closetogether for both to be observed, It has become so' much of a habit to •observe the 24th that it, would seem rather strange to have to "stick to 'our knitting" but it does seem rather :a pity not to more generally honour the birtlrrday of the king. Why could we not observe the 24th as Empire Day and then celebarte the king's birthday as a general holiday? Or, if we must stick to the 24th, observe It as the king's birthday, no matter who •the king or when his birthday ocenis? * * * * Some Wingham baseball fans who •went to Teeswater to witness a match were rotten -egged by the _friends of the Teeswater team when the match went against them, At least eggs were thrown and we pre- sume they were rotten for while eggs .have dropped in price to some ex- -tent, yet they are hardly so dirt -cheap that sane persons, even baseball fans whose home team is being "licked" by ball tossers from -a neighboring town, would likely take to tossing about „perfectly good •eggs. .The Teeswater boys were. much annoyed and sent an apology to :"Wingham and proceeded to prosecute -the offenders. That's right, We be- lieve in clean sport and how in the world can .anyone be a clean sport with egg, rotten or otherwise, smeared all over one's best holiday eelothos? It's all night to cheer on your own team to victory, a cheer is •quite legitimate, but stop short of egg -throwing, There is nothing to commend it at all, ''Goderich Township t . and Mrs. Cleo. W Pearson and 'little daughter, Marguerite, of Wayne, Mich., are spending a rack - lion at the home of Op former's par. cuts, Mr, and Mrs. Itoht, Pearson. Mi:s, It. J. •Cantelon of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting Mende and rela- tives in Goderich township encs in Stanley, Varna The Methodist chutch is having its :annual garden party on Mi, Jame Steepe's lawn of: Friday evening of next week. In addition to the fine supper the Clinton Kiltie baud twill he peosent, • Ra917104, A large number from tite village r nli h xc r. f t r took i the no ti Jt a tsot un n o ig t the Groyhoui) tit Godei'ieh on Mon - fir day evening, Mae..", tiriing and daughter, Nurse Mtiud Stix'l,;tg, spent last week with ,friends 0t Port .E1801),• Mrs, Gilles entertained • e liLulibor Of her friends on 'Ehrn'sday evening last. lrrenk Glass, M. P. of London spent a few days 'this week with Mrs. Glass at their summer itonre ell the Ter- race, • Dr. Tillman of London spent Tues - clay in the village, Mr, and Mos. W, H. Shannonand daughter, Miss Gladys Shannon and Mrs, Harding and family,- London, and Mrs. F, C. ;Jennings and daugh- ter, Toronto, are occupying cottages in Lake Side park, Mt, Supnick and wife, Detroit, have takenaMiss itankin's cpttage for the sinner and are now occupying it Miss Josie Stirling is spending the week at ;Kitchener. .• Mr. and' Mrs. • Stanley Anderson and Child, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Cullough .,and Miss Mabel Tate -of Londonwere the geustsof Mr. and Mrs. Dhvid Sturgeon oh Sunday last. Mrs. Anderson and child • remained' Over and will spend two weeks with her -sister, Mrs. Sturgeon, Garnet and John Atkinson took 'in the excttrion to Detroit' on Tuesday. Confirmations on Monday next, June 20th, at St. ',tikes church Gosh- en, ad tentltirty aati. and St. John's church, Varna, at two p.m. by the Right Rev. David Williams, London, Bishop of Huron. Mrs. Heard and son and Mrs. Balk - well and daughter and son of London were the guests of Miss Ferguson d few days this week. Mrs. John and 'Mrs. Lewis Mac- Leod and Mrs. Ray Mnllinaux and Miss Marion Teese weremiso amongst those who took in the Greyhound ex- cursion. • Mrs. Best and family, of Seaforth are sciiumering in Mr. Geo. Weston's residence on Main street. Mr. Chas. MacDonald of 'oronto is visiting his brother, Mr. John Mac- Donald. Holmesville • • The young people of the Methodist Supday school and Epworth League are busy preparing for their annual strawberry festival, which takes place on Friday evening of this week. •Mr. J, R. and Miss Holmes had a family re -ration last week, when Dr. Holmes of Detroit and Mrs. Leech and Mrs. Howell of Goderich were their gusts. On Saturday they cele- bratd Mrs. Leech's birthday, Mr. and Mrs, M. W. Howell and daughter of Goderich coming out to, be present.. Mr. E. Holtzhauer of Preston has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Fred Potter. Amongst those wile tool: in the Greyhound excursion from this vil- lage were: Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. Fred Mulholland, Mrs. Frecl Schwarrtz, Mr. J. R. Holmes and Kr. Harry Ford. Miss Rebecca McGowan of Blyth was the guest over the week -end of Miss Verna Jervis, The Sunday school in the Metho- dist church --on Sunday morning last was the largest on record, one -hun- dred and thirty-two being present. On Tuesday 'evening the members of the choir and organized class of the Methodist church Met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tre- wartha to offers them congratula- tons on their recent marriage and dtuing the evening Miss Robinson read tile' following address to ,Mr. Trewartha: • "Dear Friend:: We are here to- night to congratulate you upon your marriage. We wish you and Mrs, Trewartha a long and happy ms. -rid life. During the past we have been' led to appreciate your faithfulness to duty as a member of the choir and of the Sunday school class. in these days, even as in the past, faith- fulness is a great virtue, for we the promised that by being faithful we Shall 'win the crown.' And now we ask you to accept this chair as a token of: our friendship." Signed on behalf of the choir and chess: Mrs. J. W. Johnston, J. G. Schwantz, L. Jervis. Mr, Jervis then made the presentation of a very handsome easy chair. The pastor, the Rev. Mr. Johnston, and the Rev. Me. Fair each" spoke a few words of congrat- ulation and good wishes and Mr Trewartha, on behalf of his wife and himself, thanked his friends warmly for the kind wishes and the hand- some gift. The young people also had a hymnbook for presentation to" Miss .Myrtle Trewartha, who leaves Holmesville shortly, but she was not present to receive it. The remain- der of the evening was then spent in music, games.' and a pleasant so - cal tune, refreshments being served before the festivities came to an end. Little Miss, Daphne Marjorie, -slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Colelou h of Goderich township, t as baptised at the 5eovico in St. John's church on :Sunday afternoon, On' Sunday afternoon next at• three o'clock Bishop Williams will administer the rite of confirmation in St. John's church, The Rev. Mr. Fair took the ser- vices in the Methodist church on Sunday last. • Miss Myrtle Trewartha intends en- tering Clinton hospital as a nurse -in - training, starting in a few days or a week. Constance Quite a number from around here attended tine football game in Clin- ton on Friday between Dublin and Clinton, On Sunday the Rev, Mr, Sawyer will preach his farewell :tern -tort. On Thrusclay night the Bible 'So- oiety meeting 'will be held in the Methodist ehureli. .Mr. and Mrs, 'Fred Stephenson and children of llrussel% spent Sunday in the eilla>;n, Mrs, Ben Riley of <Chiselhunet is visiting' her relatives 111 the village. Mr. and Mrs, Ivy Henderson acid baby spent Sunday 118•the gueete of 1 Iter Osten M's I.,d l3'itroti ] t, a r Quit a ut,Ipber from t)tis, vicinity attended the 000lee,l eft Blyth on {Sunday. 1' k lir,. 04 Mrs; ; Tilimpt Adams sand •children and -Mrs. Win. Melntosh spent Sunday es tite "guests of the hatter's sister, Mrs. Angus McDon- ald of Stafi'it, iarriaggs GLUTTON—•ADAMS—in Colborne township, on June 8th, Margaret, eldest daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. James Bich: Adams', to William ' Hume Clutton, all of Colborne; beDOWl';LL—BR,AITHWAIT 0,-- At the hone of the bride's parents, on June Sth, by the Rev.' T. E. Sawyer, Della Marotta, youngest ;daughter of Mr; :and. Mrs. Marshall Braitlt- weite of Londesboro, to Alvn Clin- ton'.MeDowe)l, youngest son of Mr.. and Mrs. John McDowell of West- HARVEY JOKY—At Exeter, on Juice 1st, Laura,' daughter 'of Mr. and Jory, . D. Chester P. J y, t o Harvey. McLEOD—STOREY"-In McKillop, on June 1st, by the Rev. S. McLean, Malcolm McLeod of Seaforth, to Gertrude Storey, Births PENNINGTON—In Goderich, on June 7th, to Mo, and Mrs. Chas. Pennington, a son.—Murray. BISBANK—In Goderich township, on May 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bisbank, a son.—Dennis McPher- son. SWITZER—At Exeter, on June 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Switzer,.a 5011. • HEWITT-In Exeter, on June 4th, to Mi'. • and Mrs. Percy Hewitt, a son. SANDERS—In Grey, on June Gth, to Mr. and Mrs. David Sanders, a daughter, MARSHALL -In Morris township, on • May 296, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Marshall, a son. Deaths PEPPER—In Clinton, on Juno 15th, Mary Fairbrain, wife of Mr. Roger Pepper, aged 65 years and 2 months BOLAND—In Egmondville, on June 5th, James Boland. SELDON—In Exeter, on June Gth, Marjorie Pauline, daughter of Mr. and.Mos, R. G. Seldon. DEERING—In Cleveland, Ohio, on June 10th, Mary M. Tewsely, wife of Mr. D. 13. Deerit;g of Winnipeg, in her 61st year. IN MEMORIAM GLAZIER—In loving memory of -Henry Glacier, who died one year " ago, on, June 15th, 1920. '"We often sit and think of him, When we are all alone. For memory is the only friend That 'grief can call its owls. More and more each clay we miss hits Friends may think the tuouncl has healed, But they little know the sorrow Tha( lies within our hearts con- eealed"—Wife and family. Strawberry Festival Cinder the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Ontario Street Church, will be held in the church on - Tue$dag, June 21st Tea served from 5.30 to 8 • Admission 25c 021 do y Having 'taken out a'livery license ant now prepared to accommodate those in need of auto service. Tet'nts on application. • , —02-1-p 13. LANCIFORD For. Sale Alfalfa corp. Farm located next to A. Whittingham's place, south of the Loudon road bridge. Apply on premises to Mrs, L. E. T3utler.-.02-1-p Auction Sale OS Farm Steele and implements. Mr. Geo. Elliott has received instree- tons from the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot 16, Concession 2, Hullett, on Monday, June 27th, commencing at 1.30 o'clock p,m,, the following: Horses: heavy draught horse 6 years • old, heavy draught mare, 10 years old, general purpose horse 6 years old, general purpose horse 12 years old, driving mare 8 years olcl (good single or double, thoroughly broken to cars), colt 2 years old. Cattle: 3 steers coining 2 years, heifer coming 2 years, heifer e ig 3 years, .2 milking cows, 5 and 6 years old, 2 sucking calves. Pigs: 2 Yorlcshire pigs 3 months ole), Imperal Oxford Stove, honor Bright stove. Implements: hay loader, side delivery rake, hay fork, sling And chain. attachment, sulky rake, Inter- national roller, cultivator, disc har- rows, 2 sets of iron harrows, :fan- ning mill, binder, manure spreader j (to work either on sleigh or waggon), set boh-sleighs, 2 lumber waggons, buggy, cutter, set double harness, set single -•harness. A quantity of grain bags and other atriclera too numerous to . mention, Terms:. .+ All sums of ten dollars and 'ander, cash; over that amount, 12 months credit 011 approved joins: notes or a discount of five per cent straight for cash on credit amotints, Chas, Peacock, Pro- ,prieter,' Geo, lii9Iott, :Auctioneer. —02-2-p Good old Daus Oiti. t?xiees yon will notice a :te w here ore getting baek to the geed old days d A us a call, i 2 lrlrgs Corn Flakes , 250' 1. small tin salmon „ 102- 2 ;plcgs Toy Gusto 252 I1 large tilt salmola, 222 292 350 1 oat 1as • r' Cor o k n 100 7 cans fez' , ,,. ,,:.,$1.00 3 bars soup, any brand 252 3 pkgs Ammonia 26.1 13 pkgs llinso 252 2 plegs Lux,..,,,25# ONLY ' RAND NIGH 1. jar Pare Sam 1 lb. l3lk Tea 3 'lbs, Bile Tett 952 3 pkgs ,felly powder 1'352 3 egos Spaghetti 252 `L' SPECIAL ONLY • 2 Cakes Palm 011 ive soap, 152,•005)1. GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT The afore for everybody JOHNS( N & CO'S GROCER -Y. Phone 111 0400000044410000000,64000.41 Cli' I Y DORT BARGAIN A Gray Dort Special, its only got- ten into nice running shape anel used by a private owner will be sold to the first buyer at a right price. A real car at the price of a cheap one. See Inc for demonstration and par- ticulars at once, Your Ford taken as part payment if you like, JONATHAN HUGILL. • Don't t t forest. T will not be beaten in Canada when you want a piano, or player, Phonograph, crettm ssparatoir, or sowing machine and a business chat will cost you nothing and make yeti money. Also. new pianos rented for garden parties or entertainments. Phone6-616. Box 229, SEAFORTH Horse Strayed Four-year-old bay driving horse, strayed from pasture early in May, Information as to his whereabouts will be gratefully received at War- rener's Livery, Clinton; —02-2 Garden Party The Ladies Guild of St. Paul's Church, will hold their annual gar- den patry in the Rectory Grounds. Frday evening, June 24th. Phelan's orchestra. Refreshments, Silver collection at the gate. —01-2 Applications for Assessor Applications will be received by the undersigned up to June 18th, in- clusive for the position of Assessor for, the Town of Clinton. Salary; $150.00. Duties to commence July 1st, and roll to -be completed by Oct 1st, D, L. Macperson, Town Clerk. —01-2 Reward A reward of $5.00 is offered by the Municipal Council of Clinton for the recovery of the night Constable's clock which was stolen from the Council Chamber on Saturday .even- ing, May 28th. The above reward will also be paid for information that will lead to the conviction of the guilty party.D. L. Macpherson, Town Clerk. —01-2 IVIR. WALTER LOWE Professional Piano tuner and re- pairer to the trade, Orders for tun- ings left at Harland Bt'oa. —01-4 Auction Sale Of House and lot and household effects, on Ont. St., East, Clinton, on Saturday, June 25th, at 1.30 o'clock. 10 roomed, frame house, electric light town water, cellar with furnace. '2a acre garden with plenty of smell fruit. House in first-class condition and in ideal location. Also, 2 exten- sion tables, '8 cane bottomed chairs, 6 bed room chairs, 8 rodding chairs, parlor suite, sofa, 4 bed room suites, 5 sets springs, 5 mattresses, 3 toilet setts, 2 wardrobes, sideboard, 2 kitchen cupboarcls, Davenport, almost new, 4 small tables, hall rack, 2 coal oil heaters, Happy Thought range, a quantity of sealers, graniteware, dishes, pots, pans and other house- hold articles. Everything must be sold as the proprietor'oss is giving up housekeeping. Terms:—House- lhold effects, cash. Property, 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Mrs. 1Vlogridge, Proprietress, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneers. —02-2 Lightning Roda Do not tvait until your buildings are struck before yon think of rod- ding. Do it now with a set of Copper Strand Cable Lightning Conductors. Roy Tyndall, R. 1'b. No. 3, Phone 3 on 607. —95-tf Piano Tuning . Jas. E. Doherty, experienced piano tuner. Orders for piano tuning, tone regulating and general re -building left at my address, Clinton, phone 160, wi11 receive prompt attention. Also dealer in pianos and phono- graphs. —July 28th -p '-----The.-- -k North-efld Stare :•,e4 Formerly occupied BuCantelon Bros. Was opened for business On Monday, June 13th with a full Line of Groceries - We Solicit a share of your .- Patronage Williams & Mdlveen 444.00.04.4140000 VICTORY BONDS And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at your bank without charge. W. BRYDONE, Clinton For Sale The frame of a barn 40x60, in good condition. Inquire at News -Record office. —00-tf Roosts For Rent Furnished or unfurnished rooms, with garden. Inquire at News -Re- cord Mae. —23-tf 1INS AryACII .� This 100 pounds granulated Sugar 3 pounds Befit tea 4 pounds Good tea 7 cans Corn 7 cans Peas 5 pounds Cocoa 10 pounds Prunes.,, 14 pounds Belled oats $10.50 1.00 100 1,00 1,00 1.00 1.00 .60 W. T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCERY 04400040 1 SUMMER PRICES April this year presents exception- al opportunity for the coal consuming public, in the advent of the Annual Summer prices. EGG, STOVE & CHESTNUT" AT $16.00 DELIVERED Owing to a slight redaction in the price of straight-line coal at the mines, we are now allowed to make this special offer so as to keep the miners in work. It is the cutsom of the aline oper- ators to raise the ..price each month from now till fall, but we aro going to try to hold this special price for APRIL, MAY & JUNE Cottage For Sale Roomy cottage on Huron street. Town water, good cellar, ''/s acre of ground, some fruit tree. Apply' to W. Brydone or Miss E. Whitely -81 House for Sale 8 -room, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, good gar- den and chicken house. Apply on premises. Corner of North and Spencer Sts.—A. C. Clarkson.-80-tf Spirelia Corsets • Spirella corsets for healthfulness, style, eomfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton. —89-13 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W. J. Jago. —83-tf For Sale Two six roomed houses on Fred- erick street, near the new flax mills, will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Hale. —54-tf COAL •d Having several cars of coal com- ing I. will receive and fill all orders for nut, stove and egg coal and de- liver same at once. Orders received at Residence King Street, or phone -119 neo R. J. MILLER CLINTON GARAGE —AND— BATTERY SERVICE STATION The enforcement of the Headlight Laws, means that auto owners must equip their ears with approved lenses. We have ,,the following tochoose from: Levelight Holophono Legalite Shaler Roadlighter • Clainert Primolite - Macbeth ' ' Conopher Clear Conopher Noviol Come in and let us fill out your ap- plications and show our lenses. J. 11. Paxman Agent for. Overland Cars. Examiner for licensed drivers Phone 80 Res. Phone 140 CRI9AM WANTED We are in a position to pay the highest market price for butter :Pat and to give the best possible service. OUR GATHERERS WILL BE ON THE ROAD REGULARLY THE YEAR AROUND, WE WILL AP - This will give you an opportunity to have the coal delivered when the ground is fit to drive into your yard, but be sure to place your order now at the old reliable stand. We guarantee satisfaction as we already have our large sheds full of our own coal of high class quality. ORDER NOW J. B. tt.9 '' TARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD; Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. • THE CORER STORE Pbone 45 FOiR YOUR GARDEN SEEDS A. full range of Rennie's Ferry's and Steel Brigg's reliable seeds in packages, also Dutch sets, Garden peas and Sweet eons in bulk, Tea and Coffee For good value try our bulk tea or Coffee. FredW5Wigg LIVE AND LET LIVE w CORN There is a vast difference in grades of corn. Our Corn is No. 2 Yellow which we believe is the best grade on the market. It is free from broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Give us a call and let us know your re- quirements. Special prices on Iarge quantities. ,BRAN, SHORTS. Now is the season for Bran & Shorts. The quality is good and the prices reasonable. SWIFT'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Figured on present value of live- stock and home-grown feeds the use of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will return more profit to the hog raiser than ever before in its history. SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS Blood, Tankage and Bones produced by the largo slaughtering business of Swift Canadian Co. are almost all used in Swift's High Grade Fertilizer. Result: Large profit to you. FLOUR Our stock includes: Purity, Five Roses, White Seal and Golden City. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED' Phones: Elevator 192, Besidence 141 PRECTATE YOUR PATRONAGE. a Boars for Service r.. Champion bred, big type Yorkshire CI:IPTTtDh" CltliAl4C)C}}lt2 >r.>riItITEI and Cheshter White boars foil service, .—A. C', t'liortta 146 . <...-.w,. Lover, Phone 5 on 0x39, Clinton t home every forenoon ,—A. Coal We have on hand for immediate delivery CHESTNUT and STOVE COAL' Leave orders at my Residence, Huron street, or Phone 155. 'TERMS CASH B. WARD South End Grocery 1.w � A full stook of , Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Levy Sto g PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY FOWL! FOWL !i FOWL WANTED FAT HENS A SPECIALTY HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID WESLEY MARQUIS Phone No. 14-638. —95-tf PLUMBING, HEATING AND FURNACE WORK Repairing of all kinds Promptly Done • THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 68 Shop over Corless & Venner'a We are in the market for: WHEAT BARLEY OATS —ALSO—•—: MAPLE ELM 01 BASSWOOD AND WHITE ASIS LOGS Flour and Feed always on hand. : .1 J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. Live Pouitrj Otir advice to you would be to market your poultry early this year, while prices are high Our prices for poultry are expect- ed to be much lower than last year. SELL NOW Enquire of us for prices. GUNN,. LANGLOIS CO, N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager. Phone 190; Holmesville 4 on 141 CREAM WANTEDI The demand for our butter is 121 - creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream, We request you to ship se yens cream. We guarantee you the Hlgheas Market Prices, accurate teats and prompt service, Our firm is known to you and need* no further recommend. We pay all express charges, furn- ish cream cans and pay twice eacki month. Write for cans or tdrther informa.' tion to the THE s1EA8'O1fl atEAPNEivit CO, 0, Aa BAEB1B,; MANAGE*