HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-6-2, Page 8The Clinton News -Record . ,. 1114.1 urd+. >; a 14,vatwommagor ... .OLINTON'S LEADING JEW +'LtDRY STOR: A Mart arid, His Eyes The one is helpless without the other; have you considered that? NO MATTER HOW GOOD'' • a man you are physically, mentally or marat- ly, :a1l your energies count for little if, your eyes give out. QUR>ADVICE IS GOOD Let us examine your eyes and prescribe for your case before it is too late • IR. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store ...so✓.r.�.rr w✓✓rre✓y i r '� ih WHITE STAR L • . 'fi ra .,d.✓.✓' ..ttW.�6,re"." ///.F%%i''w'"/^c77"%7":f,,9- ,i,✓ I NEW r Bought at the very are being marked considerably lower are very scarce and Everything in stock regardless of profits clear. Dry Goods, Clothing Plumsteel (rHE STORE CLOTHING SPRING GOODS . to • lowest prices are now coming into stock and very close for quick turnover. While prices are than they have been, many lines of staple goods at the present low prices they are good buy- has been priced down to the present level and many lines priced at a big sacrifice • and Shoes all at very attractive Bros. TH AT 'SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 8s NEW IDEI PATTERNS, o • e PI!CSCI,7a41011 to it but a of _. MAY AND —Save the GOOD PAINT THE JOB. ' THERE IS SO MUCH arse that it is hard for Here it is in a nut shell: dy; it wont wear or give Remember it takes just does the right. Band it is impossible for any of thumb to make as good strictly scientific formula It is true economy to use ownesr everywhere have LIAMS products are thoroughly paint for inside and outside Enamels; Floor oil; Flat Granite for Floors. JUNE ARE PAINT MONTHS Surface and save all you --- AND VARNISH WILL DO INSIDE AND OUT • CONTROVERSY About which is the best one not a paint expert to arrive at a decision. Cheap paint is a poor buy: its cheap, its shod- satisfaction, so it is not worth considering. as much time to put on the wrong article as mixed lead and on is good as far as it goes, one with a paddle and bucket and working by ruse a paint as. that which is worked out on and mixed and ground by powerful machinery. a paint or varnish` of known merit and property learned by experience that SHERWIIN WIL- dependable, We carry a full Inci work,, varnishes; Sher'willac; Floor Finishes; Tone: Auto varnishes; Berry Bros. Liquid HARE}. Hardware. Stoves and t�BR ® Novelties The Store With a Stock Garden.Hose Watering Screen New Perfection If you are for rrst Needs l• y m M We crrry a full line of and; Lawn Mowers Cans, Rakes and Hoes. Doors and Windows and Florence Automatic Coal oil Stoves • going to paint this summer try our B. -R, Paint • interior or exterior work. • Sutter Perdue HARDWARE , ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Doan Throw Your Carpets Away w Nu ma ttor aro aid o _degp P h va' dilrt brow d to itiaf m 1 ed , y, N di! The Famous ‘`VELVETEX" Rugs Itevorslblo—•Will wear a lifetime—Prices reasonal1e We have lfundrees et reoommendatrons from Satis- fied easterners. Ask for 1,VELVE?GX" Prfaa Uof. We silty express both way e on large agora. One way oft ianafl orders, .Oetnbtfshe4 1000 phone !ryes CANADA RUG COMPANY :!e Sia CARLINQ.81118E7' ti LONOGNI,_.ON^,'. i Beauty - Co�fort IN THE CANADIAN DOME IS A SUBJECT WHICH IS RECEIV- ING MORE ATTENTION, THE AR- TISTIO STANDARD OF THE AV- ERAGE HOME IS NOW HIGHER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN. PEO- PLE ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR- ROUNDINGS. WALL HANGINGS IIAVE MUCH TO DO WITI-I BRING- ING ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMFORT, IF YOU ARE INTER- ESTED WE INVITE YOU TO VIS- IT OUR SPLENDID STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Tlie W. D. Fair Go. Often the Cheapest—•Always the Best EYE SPECIALIST. A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist; an Honour Graduate of the Canadian Ophthalmic College of Toronto, OFFICE: Masonic Bldg, West St., Goderich, Ont. Will be at the Hotel Rattenbury, on Wednesday, June 15th 1921 from 3 pan. in the afternoon to 9 p.m. in the evening, Friel 1��a1ALOlnlmousleau mMq, ,- Mr. Erskine Evans , is home from 'Varsity for the long vacation. Mrs. R. J. Cluff left this week to visit,, her daughter in Hamil�to Mrs.Jaynes Webster of Londesboro is visiting her 'daughter, Mrs. E. Saville, Mrs. W. J. Ross of Toronto visited her mother, Mrs. A, Couch, over the week -enol. Mrs. Johnston and children of Dray- ton are visiting the lady's sister, Mrs. E. Morrison. 1VIrs, Vertue of Lethbridge is visiting the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Torrance. • T. Percy Couch of Kitchener was in town this 'week and was greeted by many old friends. Rev, G. L Burns and Mrs. Burns and Master Carl and Miss Helen are visiting at Binbrook this week. Mass Edna Pennebaker leaves next week to spend. six weeks with friends in Toronto and Oshawa. Iiev. C. M. Hallowell has returned to town and will,take the Sunday services in his parish on Sunday. Rev. Dr. Mark Rumball of Morden, Man., visited relatives in Clinton and Holmesvile over the week -end Mrs. F. M. Holmes has returned af- ter a visit with her son at Tilson- burg and her daughter at Beams- ville, Miss L. Lindsay of London is spend- ing a vacation at the home of her mother, Mrs, Lindsay of Princess street. Mr. A. B. Wilson of Toronto is in town, acting as manager of the Royal Bank during Mr. Manning's absence, Mrs. Harold Zeats of Toronto is ex- pected on Saturday on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Rebt, Mennen, Mr. and Mrs. A. North recently ar- rived from England 'and are at Present staying with their brother, Mr. Win. North. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kemp and sons Anderson and Clinton, motored ov- er from Detroit and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, S. ,;Comp. ' Miss Daisy Nediger returned to Ham- ilton on Friday after a visit of ten days or so at the home of her •brother, Mr. W. J. Netdiger. ev; S. E. 1Vb Kegney is among the speakers who will be present at the opening of the new memorial hall at Blyth on Sunday afternoon, 1VIrs, Frizzell of Bognor spent a few days over the week -end with her ulster -,in-law, Mrs. H. E. Rorke. IS'Ire had been in London attending the annual meeting of the Huron Wooers' Auxiliary. ev. J, E. Hog;g,,,is attending the General Assembly at Toronto this week, as commissioner appointed by the Huron Presbytery.' One of the most interesting questions to be considered by the Assembly this year is the question of church union. is. D. N. McCamus was in Listowel last week attending the Branch meeting of the W. M. S, of the London Conference. Mrs, McCain - us is branch superintendent of the department of Stewardship and took part in the program at the meeting. ev. S. Anderson and Rev. D. N. Me. Canes, both of wllonl are mem- hers of the stationing committee of rthe London Methodist Conference, left Monday, afternoon for London to be ready :for the first session of the committee oe Tuesday, Con - bronco opened yesterday. :r. R E. Manning, manager of the local branch of the Royal Bank, leaves ,Saturday on a trip to the west. "iTe will malt his sistor, Mr a. Weir of Detroit, at Sarnia and tof,ethcr they will visit a brothernd n Mbar !friends in Man- itoba, being absent a month. iss Mary Turner of Winglm.r vis- itecl with L)r, and Mrs. Fowler and ei:ilbr friends in town over the week -end, Sire is visiting in God - ()rich and in Pucka/smith township this weolc and she leaves ;for the west about the middle of ,Trine and will be accompaniccl by her sister, Mrs. Cosens of Wingharn, and Miss Cows, Miss Tartlet will remain )11 the Weds, 611,60016,044.4044040424043444464•43 11,01�`��z�,,�"9� ,p'� ���PY��1ii4QI!'B��?R�+�7�r�� Ct'����16� 470 F ,TOWN HALL, CLINTON� B TU S' nett AY, JUNE 7th a{lik TliE GIRLS' AUXILIARY PRESENTS ' a rd 4 4' 4 4 44 44 4 i (The Darling of the Screen) IN HER GREATEST PICTURE 99 1 ta103. From the story by Eleanor 11:^"Porter. of the heart.inspiring influence of a little child Also the Coast to Coast Tour of H. R, H. the Prince of Wales, Adults 50c. Children 25c, War tax extra Seats now on sale at Fair's Book Store People You Know Miss Gertrude Wallis is 'home from Toronto University for the long va- cation. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tunney attended the- funeral of a friend in Dublin an Saturday. Mr. 0. W. Potter and Mr. J. A. Irwin are at London today attending the Methodist conference. Mr. James Tunney of Westfield vis- ited his brother, Mr. Robt. Tunney of town, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Wylie and babe of New York visited the former's sister, Mrs. •J. E. Hogg, at the manse during the past week. Mr. W. D. Streets returned home iSaturday after being absent since November last, , He left here for San Francisco, where he spent a couple of months; then spent some time in Seattle, Wash., and the last month in the Canadian west. It was while he was in Seattle that he was set upon by robbers while alone in the house of a friend and badly beaten up and robbed of a Victory bond. •Later the robbers were captured and his bond recov- ered. He had a fine trip and en- joyed it very much. Hollmesville Mrs. Dever, who has been matron of the W. M. S. Heine at Edmonton for some time, visited Mr, and Mrs A. J. Courtice on Friday and Sat- urday. Rev. J. W. Johnston and .Rev. Mr. Fair Are in attendance at the London Methodist Conference in London. Mr J. Sehwantz is the ,lay delegate. Mrs. Lorne .Tervis as delegate fox the Circle, Mrs. Alcock as delegate for the Auxiliary and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha and Miss Holmes as vis- itors, attended the Branch meeting of the London Conference W. M. S. at Listowel last week, Rev. Mark Runvball, D. D. of Mor- den, Man., and his sister, Miss Geor- gina Runiball of Cbinton, spent a few days as the guests of their sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pick- ard. Dr. Runball came east as a delegate to the Presbyterian General Assembly, which is in session at To - onto this week. Mr. Rivers,, of Goderich, a proba- tioner, preached his trial sermon it the 1NIethodist church on Sunday ev- ening. NIr. Giles Jenkins and Mr. J. W. Yeo of Goderich were in Holmesville on Sunday. They aro always wel- come visitors. Miss Bailey of Goderich was a Hohnesville visitor on Sunday. Miss Gould of Godoricli spent a few days with Iiolmesville friends dur- ing the past week. The following announcement of an engagement appeared in Saturday's Globe. The young man in the case is a son of the Rev, F. Swann, former- ly pastor of the Methodist church here. The family will be renlenbe:ecl by many in the neighborhood. "Mr, and Mrs. P. F. Hamlin, Kin- cardine, announce the engagement of their daughter, Donalda Janet. to Mr..Harold F. Swann, 33, A„ son of Rev, Francis and Mrs. Swann, Van- couver, 13. C„ the marriage to take place in ,lune." agfield Nurse Maud Stirling and Miss Robinson of Toronto are the guests of: the former's mother, Mrs. W. Stirling. 1VIrs. Lawrence and daughters, the Misses Lawrence, of London were the guests of Mrs. Lawrence's brother, Mr, Richard Smith, over the week -end. Miss Lula Beacon and sister, Miss Margaret Metcalf of London were the guests 0f Miss Mary Reid over the week -end, Dr. Scullard of Chatham arrived on Monday and has opened rip an of- fice in Dr. Smith's old stand on Main street. Mrs. Welsh and daughter are spending a few weeks with friends at Toxon to. Rev. S. Quinn of 'the Methodist church is attending eonuerence at London this week. •1t 11 M1 Rankin of Detre rc Misses an r spent the weekend• in the village A grand concert will be given in the town hall on Friday evening oil this week under the auspices of the 'Pewit Hail Furnishings Committee, when quartettes, trios, solos ancd duets will be given by 'the Elite Ladies' Qtratrette of London; readings by Miss Marie Westland, elocutionist, 001111e selections by Har•oid Payne, comedian. This will be great treat. Proceeds :for town hall furnishings. Mr, and Mrs, Vitnclyke and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome of Detorit are the guest of Mrs. Stotts at her summer hom on Main st. Prof, Beale of London is a gue at Miss Ferguson's. Rev, Mr, Pitts and wife, Rev,. M Macfarlane, Misses Lizzie Camero Hilda Ding, Ethel Gemh hartd and Alice Stinson and doh Howard attended a Deanery meetin at Blyth on Tuesday, Mr, Fred Crane and friend, M Chapman, of Detroit are the guest of Mr, and Mrs, It, "Weston. Right Rev, David Williams, Bine of Huron, will conduct confirmation at St. Luke's church, Goshen, a 10.30 a.m, and at St. John's chime Varna, at a pan. on Monday, Jun 2001. The following clipping from th Milestone, (Sask.) Mail, refers t 'tile marriage of W. G. Johnston' eldest daughter and granddaughte of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Eagleson o the village: "A wedding of more than usual in serest took place in the Methodis church yesterday, when Miss Lillie Ruth Johnston, eldest daughter o Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Johnston, be came the bride of Rev. Merril Thema MacPherson of Franklin Grove an son of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Mac Pherson, Erie, Pa. Promptly a four o'clock the groom came dol the aisle to the strains of Mendel sohn's wedding march, played b Miss Maragret Metheral, of Moos Jaw. The bride followed closely be hind, leaning• on the arm of her fath er. The groom was attended b James Johnston, brother of the bride while Miss Fern Ruckman, of Erie Pa., acted as bridesmaid. The ceremony, which was ver simple, was performed by Rev. W H. Colter, now of Avonlea, but forst erly of this place, assisted by Rev T. Jackson Wray, The church was beautifully dee orated with house plants and fcli age. • The color scheme of pink an white was carried throughout. The bride looked charming in he dress of white charmeuse satin, witl tulle veil, and carried a bridal bon - quet of Ophelia roses. The brides - maid was attired in pink organdie and carried a bouquet of sweet peas. Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party left in automobiles for the commodious farm lronre of the bride's parents, just north of town, where a buffet lunch was served to immediate relatives from Wilcox, Corinne and district, 'including the farmilies"0of the officiating clergymen. Misses 1Vletimed and Isobel Johnston poured tea and assisted at the buf- fet. During tiro 10110110011 Miss Ruck - man delighted the guests with sev- eral solos for the occasion. Tile happy couple left at about 0.30 for Regina by motor. From there they will go to Morse, Sask„ where they will be the guests of the bride's aunt and uncle, Mr. 'incl Mrs. E. G. Eagleson. The bride's going away costume was of nary tri- cothre with sand georgette blouse and 'hat of pink satin braid trimmed with black Wroth roses. They will return ]sere in 0 short time for ,a few days, after which they will leave for the field of the groom's labors, at Franklin Grove and Ashton, Ill•, stopping for a few days on the way at Aberdeen, N. D: The bride is almost a life long resident of this district and is weds and favorably known by everybody. She is a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. The groom is also a graduate of the Moody Biblci Institute and of McCormick Theological Seminary of Chicago, and is now in charge of the Presbyterian churches at Franklin Grove and Ash- ton, Ill. The Mail joins with a very liirge circle of friends in wishing the happy young couple a long and happy wedded life." Misses Robertson and Mackenzie Canadian golfers, won in England. STHABERRIE5 Strawberries will be rine next week. Get your order in early if You want Ihave orders in now for the most of my crop, Pickers Wantea I want 100 good pickers to be on .the job every day, I have 1.2 acres of berries and will require good steady help, Pickers will get good pay and lots of berries to eat. --00-1 P. W. AtNDVZH WS TTIURSDAY, ,IUNII 2nd, 1921 st r. n, r. h, a ,, Y a r ddrri>✓� r✓✓ rig ...so✓.r.�.rr w✓✓rre✓y i r '� ih WHITE STAR L • . 'fi ra .,d.✓.✓' ..ttW.�6,re"." ///.F%%i''w'"/^c77"%7":f,,9- ,i,✓ I :. I. ANNUAL od.erjch to { ,fir- .r LOW F'AIUT EXCURSION Detroit R' -__/..- and Return lo, I.: r •„ f M rl, r ii iii r J"�Y.mn, "n s a e,iriiif itur,.-6Ye it dka r -.y,,...•._..-.-rsr •.,rlr. YwtZkt .., ^t. -K lid.. 5 THE BIG STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND 83,00 SAFE, SPEEDYCOMPORTABLE $2.00 ROUND TRIP WILL LEAVE GODERICU ONE WAY TUESDAY, JUNE 14, at 9.30 a.m. Arriving Port Huron 2 p,m., Detroit 5,30 p.m, Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m„ Thursday, June 1.6th. The only boat trip front Goderich to Detroit this season, Children between 6 and 12 half fare. Visit your Michigan friends and see big busy Detroit. A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers GODERICH BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICII, MONDAY, JUNE 13t11, AT 8.15 p.m. Orchestra for dancing in steamer's ball room, Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 50c. Children 25c. Last trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday, Juno 17th, at 9.80. amt. e -- P4�44�4�• 1 ''' di! 444444444> ilt6 f ell ! ' t — in i'l�O40 7' . , e . s 4 ihe�--- is p NORMANDIE, DANCE ;:ALL Friday Evening, June 3rd 4 Phelauis Oichestra Dancing 0 to 2 .. �,„ �Hi'��� f 4 & ICKETS �f'" p�4 TICKETS t Gentleman with lady t,00 Extra Iady 50c ' f cam, - lig'E.VEBYBODY WELCOME t 4 t, 4Proceeds to decorate a room in the Hospital is "Art Craft" Roofing o put ART CRAFT Roofing on your building and make sure of your roof. With ART CRAFT you have a roof proof against fire as well as leaks. No need of removing your old roof, and best of all, we apply it. - ART CRAFT is guaranteed, come i1 and ]earn all about it. Corless & Vernier { HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 53 rrOMIL...*ra ,.. SZE.Oat r...PA,•s., Bayfield Garage An Old Stand under new Management First class work by a competent mechanic. Gasoline, Oils and Accessories Complete stock of genuine Ford repairs �y�,ryyn VI . E. JS Open evenings y, jj�t g �py(-�'g1, �Sp�/,Yy� � /y R E r.J6, E f E .8. 'Your patronage solicited Ort. let 4 � r I.'',. neral •A r [6.t t '.�•1I1: "f , �9 AO 'x, v. Geo. T. Jenkins Ford CLIN'I'ON, ONTARIO 6' aper