HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-6-2, Page 1i t No. 2100 -42nd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, 'I H1JRSDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1921 THE HOME PAPER Live usi,ress Firms know the value of a Good Line of Office Stationer 'fie News -Record Job Department turns out such work neatly and promptly ._______ r ciTAdding ifts veme to , ellgar's , eeweleri Mere, Our selection of articles suitable for the bride is complete, whether it is to be a ,Clock, Silverware, Cut glass or China. Our aim is to supply , Honest Goods at. Honest. Prices. We invite you to come in and inspect our stock. ENGAGFMICNT ANNOUNCED, Mr, and 'Mrs, Alberti Weymouth of 'veto, announce cc the engage- went of their daughter, Ann It, to Mr, Charles Sandercoek, the wedding to take palce early this menial, SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS, The 'following former Clinton etu- dents were suecosafixl in passim • g re- examinations at the Western University, ITnive>stty, London: Sebert G. Henry graduated in medicine; Laverne Churchill received his degreo as Bachelor of Arts and F. A. Mo3iardy Smith concluded his second year in the college of Arts, Congratula- tions are extended in all cases. HUNTER—COCKERLINE. Gerrard street Methodist church, Toronto, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday even- ing when Lilian Pearl, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Coe kerlilte became the bride of Mr. George Henry Hunter, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Jeffrey Hunter, Rev. Archer ,Wallace performed the ceremony and Mr. J. T. Brown presided at the or- The bride was given away by hex' father and wore, white crepe de chine 1 txum w h eor cite anci g g 1 ed 1' bug•le heads, sued white georgette hat. SweetheaShe et rosesd a ttand also t of 0pvo ea the , andMany groom's gift, a. diamond aril -nearl ring. After the ceremony a baif01 luncheon was served at the home of the bride's,. parents, which was `Very prettily decorated with white and. • pink roses. Immediate friends .,only were present at the reception, The bride and groom left the sante even- ing fora short honevmoom in the States, the bride travelling• in a' blue tricotine suit with hat to match and white ermine fur. On their return Mr, and Mrs. Hunter will reside at Island, Toronto, for the sunt. iter, The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents. THE WOLF HUNT ENDED, Sonie weeks ago there appeared in the columns of The Signal a re- port of a wolf having been seen in' the vicinity of Dunlop, •Sma11 cred- it was at first attae led to this re- port, untis two farmers suffered at- tacks upon their flocks of sheep, se- veral being killed in each flock. A few of the better marksmen of the community were summoned and kept silent watch at concealed, eta- tions in a barn while the sheep were allowed the freedom of an immed_ iate'o encloswre. After two ]on • g pa_ tient nights watching they'tvere sue- cessful in shooting and 'killing, on Friday last, a fully grown male coyote bearing a leather collar with plain nickel plate, but having no identification or inscription. The.:illi_ mal aroused much curiosity an spec- elation as to its origin. Manyd came to see it and verify the reports that seemed to savor of a fair tale y ' e wolf at largo in this part of the country being sotnething unknown to •the present generation. It is con- jeetured that it escaped from captiv- sty somewhere in the north and made its way down the Iake shore. The people of the vicinity are no doubt properly grateful to those who r' persisted d i 't e n n rut nut p the ani. to g al to earth. e t . It isthe believems that it was alone and that now it is out of the way the owners of sheep or poultry may have no Taal of further serious losses,—Goderich Signal. THOSE BALL GAMES. Monday was Clinton's unlucky day as regards baseball, the junior team losing to Exeter on the ]utter field in a score of 5-6 and the seniors getupg trimmest to the tune of 19-1 on the home diamond by the Zurich huskies. Anderson, W. Hovey, C. Ilovey ate Morris made the runs at Exeter, W. FIovoy making two, one in the third and one in the fifth nipping, It tFot dark before the game was concluded and the visitors were somewhat hand- d ieapped on a strange field but it was a good gauge and some 'of those who watched at said that Clinton had the best team, although it failed to score the most runs. 111 line-up was as follows: Clinton: Morris, pitcher; Bawden, Anderson, right field; C. Hovey, left field; Livermore,. centre field; W. Ilovey, 1st base; Munn, 2nd base; McTaggart, 3rd base; Elliott short• stop, s Exeter: Haines, pitcher, Salter catcher; Wblfie, •right field; StatUmn, well first' Wise; Thompstre on, on field; base; , l' ' Rivers, 3rd lyase, Medd, short stop * 5 5 * The home match by the seniors something in the nature of a' whitewash, None of the players on whitewash, the home team wore in good form. and the 'gripe went ch usually them from f t, ti l fronm the g Y • fight a t11 home teamm hard ht nd csTownship tori ad g has often failed to win against the southerners, who play ball to 'win,y bus it is seldom Choy get such it drub- bin as was administered oil Mon- g day. However, the season ,is yet to its infancy ani Clinton may show metal before the leaf fades. Following is the line-up: Clinton: Butler; LaVis and Tasker all took ati turn int 110 pitcher's box tied at first base; Cooper, catcher; Huller, right dell;Welsh; centre Feld; Eilbely left iieltl, McCitttghey; 2nd base; li'ttlft rd, 3rd bate; Draper., }meet stop, Zurich: h r ntcher� II t r Obet en Y » , .t right ; catcher; 131 aUi1 1 t fields Seibert, left heir Calfas, Intro field, Hoff, man, 1st base•, Wurni; end base; teal Huse, and base; Hoffman, short- step, A lama number were ptesent to witness ilio gamic, W. Y(. Ye1iqar. Jeweler and Optician Issuer of marriage licenses Phone 174w Residence 1743 FRIDAY BAND 00NOERT. The first band concert of the sea - son will be given tom rrow (Fri - day), evening, Friday is the even - ing chosen fel; the concerts this year, and it is hoped the choice will be suitable to all interested, DON'T BE TOO SURE, "The 'hoodoo' that followed the Goderich team all last sewn when playing against Clinton has been 'purified',"remarks The Signal in commenting upon the game played in county town on Victoria Day; But the seasons sail! Yoixng, I. O, 0. T. DANCP, FRIDAY. The Odd Fellows' • dance takes place on Friday evening in the Nor - mandie dance hall. Phelan's orches- tra tri furnishes the music and a nice time is anticipated. The proceeds of this dance will go toward furnishing a room in the Clinton Public hos- ghat• TARVIA GOING ON. • Please excuse our untidiness this Week. We are getting the tarvia on the streets and the town always looks more or less messy during "messy" that operation, generally more, thoughs a 1lesshisButawhen tlr it Reystuff lnclries to and becomes smooth and hard return to an appearance of neat - we'll gain, Hess again, which is really our na- tural appearance. Few towns have better lookingstreets than Clinton. CLINTON BOY MARRIED. The marriage' took place at Raitb. Ont., on Thursday, May 191h, of Mr. John J. McCaughey, eldest sort of Mr. and Mrs. J'. J. McCaughey of Clinton, and Miss Ruby M. Craig, the marriage ceermony being per - formed by the Rev, Father La Marche. Clinton friends of the bridegroom extend aongartulations and good wishes to the young couple for a long anti happy married life togeth- er, - TO CAMP NEXT WEEK. Httron Regiment goes into camp on Friday of next week at Carling regiment isdon, for allowed to nine takes sixty per cent, of strength and 't •is expect - p p well that it will come grotty well up to the required number. Clinton has the headquarters staff but has nota company officer, they being located at Exeter, Win ham, Wroxeter and Goderich S respectively The O,Q Col. Combe, second in command, Col. Rance, med- lest officer, Major Shaw, paymaster, Major McTaggart and chaplain, Capt, McKe> neY,'M. C., are all resi- dents of Clinton, and it is expected all will go to camp. A iARM1rR TO THE; RESCUE. 'For the second time within a couple of months a passenger train has been saved fromssible disaster on the Midland di'visio'n by the quick action of a farmer, resident in the neighborhood. On Saturday after - noon last a cloudburst washed out a •lot of .track between Gilford and Bradford andfarmer a wades through the flood up to his shoulders to fiag the Toronto bound passenger train from Orillia. The train then backed into Allendale and went around by Georg•etown. Much dant- age was done to private property and to roads by tho cloudburst and the heavy and continuous rainfall fel- lowing. People in this vicinity have much cause for thankfulness that the needed rain came without damage resulting. FEW CHANGES THIS 'YEAR. At the first meeting of the sta. boning committee •of the London Methodally request rsoft eseveral cchurcl churchestohave ministers eemain a fifth ,year was ari- proved, The general session of the conference niay object however. Amongst the names of these to es - eeive ordination appear those of E, K. May and Harold W. Swann, This is not a "moving ,year" in ,this conference but the following are some of the changes In the first draft: Winghani, C. 10. Cragg; Brum- , C Tiflllln Witt Cons; Dungannon, A. V. Walden; Londes- bore, W. R. Osborne; Watford, R. J, McCornnfek; Milverton, T, E. Saw - yet, Changes may be made in the final draft, of course. Rev. S. J. Ailin of /Merton, formerly of Ontario street church, Clinton, will superannuate this year. Stan �� � The Stanley Maple Leaf U. F, 'W. O, Club laid their meeting on Tues- day last, at the home of Nits. Johtt Innes, when they entertained the 10 ladies of the London Road Club. The visaing ladies gave the programme as Fellows: p g Reading: „ g: "A Perfect .nay, by Mrs• Roy I�lunnsteel; paper, "Tho Ideal IT. W. 0. Mciobor;'sMrs, Tyndall; vo- ducat; Mrs, H. Smell end Mrs. 1' Mcylfrtiglnt; recitation, Mise Elva Nett; paper, "The Ideal U, F. W. 0. Woman," Mrs. r Davidson;; `The Maple L For „ "Happiness", on en her v sit tot"Tice Grange" at ° g the annual meeting, in Toronto last DCCCnnI)Cr. niter this excellent program the Stanley ladies served lunch, n IS YOUR i kms. r• b MONEY SAFE? Hidden in your home it is a temptation to thieves. Deposit your mon'ey in the bank and rent a SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX for your valuable papers, Victory Bonds, etc. THE ROYAL DANK OF CANADA n0•,21 INCORPORATED 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches THE E OLSONS BANK The Molsons Bank wants every farmer to feel that he has a real friend in the Manager, that he will receive a hearty welcome and can safely +discuss with him his money needs. H. R. SHARP, Manager, CLINTON BRANCH St`'i .0.44',+ Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent READY-T0•WEARhe OLOT$ING Moi''L'Sh Co, ORDERED CLOTHING t Fo Next 825 EIAL Saturday Suits 5 pr 4 '1'. ..�• �'R ay t fi z+x j s =r, •sfi Manufacturer's samples Men's Suits also some broken lines stock, not more than two of the. same pattern. worth $30, $35, $40 and Your choice of the entire lot for $25 of from $45 See display in our , . North•Window, 4 •, ;'. ,THE ss motto: � �� Square Deal � for Every Ma,n: O. si CLINTON MARKET Fall wheat, $1.50, Buckwheat, . 80• 4 ,Spring Wheat, $1. Oats 40e ses Barley, 50e. Eggs, 224 to 234. Butter :25d Live Hops $8.00 DEGREE FROM Co; 1VIr. F. Willard Gi and Mrs, Jesse GI township, who has be berte College, has sec Willard is a graduate legiate. H. T. and R. A, WIl The first meeting Trustee and Ratepay which was organize dew weeks ago, will Temperance Hall, Go nesday, June 8th, Association has for improvement of.o System and findino the community in E ters. Everyone in make it a point to a' Mg.. An excellent be provided. EARLY POTATOES. This is an early s Cation, everything be or so 'earlier than us Walker brought into Monday morning a bloom potato blossom plucked in his garde in May is pretty eat. blossoms. There use to the effect that w blossoms at the head tatoes at the root. the variety of potato blossoms were picked this was to -be anoti Year, FOR FRI.ENDSIjIP' Those western peel sive, resourceful peon can't do one way the The following copied ton, (Sask.) Phoehir refers to a journey the wife of a forme Wallace Irwin, now ]; of Moose Jaw. The mentioned was an o1 and his body was br interment: • "From,MJoose Jaw i by airplane, 240 miles 55 minutes, was the Lieutenant E. G. Mac Jaw aviator, who pa toon on Saturday to senger, Mrs. W. W. ing spell. It was death. At 1 o'clock noon Mrs. Irwin, wif Irwin, was summoned bedside of Frank I3 Albert barrister, wh girlhood friend of woman. Mr. Hallida; at death's door and pleaded with Mrs. Ira mediately. It would before a train e 1 ou d Albert, the muddy r the possibility of 8 trip, so Mrs. Irwin da an airplane" and•slie the evening a despatc Announcing Mr. Hall Tho jump from Mo katoon was made in e minutes. Leaving th 1.45, Lieut, MaePher, self aided and abett southeast wind, whist hind him throughout 1 The machine landed Iand aerodrome here Mrs. Irwin, practic the air, clinched out cockpit, stretched an clecliu etl 'the cross-eo never -to -be -forgotten it not been for the the object of her jou have enjoyed the fligl 'This is only my se airplane; she told a weeks ago Lieut. M me up for a sheet fi Jaw, It's a wonderful Had I waited .for a not have reached Pri Monday morning. more than hal# way hone less than two 11 value of this method cannot be reckoned f far as I am comer tshum- needs me and undergo ally hardship 010:0 t o ,. d n time.' r The flight t h between Moose Jaw was mad prairie land but Lieut land warned the Moos the balance of th fraught with mere country is thickly w Rosthern, with practic Golds available in the trouble. ' MacPherson and ame down •0n a ley he high walls of Pri tentiarv, a outdo of ity, and Mrs. Irwin ,f thettY by melte!ot°melte! etltia1y affords th spot adia0ent to Peinc l.igltt Prem Saskatoon riles; was made in 05 minutes, the plane hs it 4,06, pee• , . , . 's, 25, r I: LLEGE, sy; son• of Mr. ay of Goderielt to attending .Al- ured his degree. of Clinton Col- ,L MEE7i of the Huron ars' Association, in •Clixuton a be held in • the derich, on Wed- at 2 p.m. The its object the it Educational et the wants of ducational .Mat- ,crested should *tend this meet- nog'rantne will oasmt for vege- ing a fortnight sal. Mr, William this office . on bunch of full s which he had n, The last week ly for potato used to be a saying hien there were there were po- Irisk Cobbler is from which the . It looks as if ler geed potato l SAKE. de are progres- tie; what they ;y will another, from -the Saska- 0 of May 23rd. undertaken by r Clinton boy, Ir. W. W. Irwin Mr. Halliday Id Chesney boy; Iught borne for ;o,J'rince Albert an 2, hours .and achievement of Pherson, Moose used in Saska- Eve his stgvin, a breath - a race against Saturday after- of Dr. W. W b y wire to the alliday, Prince ose wife is a the Moose Jaw ' was reported Mrs. Halliday 'in to come it- be many hours teachP •i1 Prince ce 'Dads precluded In automobile sided `I'll lakethe did. Late in di was received lays death. se Jaw to Sas- ate hour and 40 e Mill City at ;on .found hint- ed by a brisk 1 remained be. ;he entire flighi at the McClel- 3.25. a novice it of t11 forward smiled. She mnUry flight a experience. IIao worry caused by rney, she would it even more. , Gond time in anatcher; reporter. `Two acP 01181 tools ght over Moose to travel train I would ice Albert until But here I am there -and I left ours ago. The of travelling n cold cash, as Heel. My school I'nn t+'tllim+ to s and risk to get ,�questions Sa nkta'n and s 0 e over open , B. S. McClol- aJawpilot thai e journey was hazard. The Defied north of ally po landing event of engine his »assettger el field, 101thtrl ice Albert pen- miles :(so,ui the went the rest s� h , iLeaf tem T renl.,Vor t c.,eWal e 1117 la110The . 501)11. 00 au('et' to i10Ur abut 15' hying' left 11011 , THE LADIES WHO BOWL, Ali ladies who are interested in the gentle art of1a n bo 1 g areLendo asked to meet in the council chain- her at half past seven tills evening (Thursday), for the purposeof re- organizing for /the present season, POLLYANNA ON TUESDAY, The Girls' Auxiliary stands sport. ser for the Mary Pieidfddd photo - play, !Pollyanna," which is being. put on in the town hall on Tuesday evening next This will no doubt be an attractive performance, Pollyan- na, the "glad" girl being agoner- al favorite, and a full hoose should be assured. The youngladies Make good use of any money so obtained. the town generally benefitting. They ay- are now endeavoring to filirsh pay- ola ing for the drinking fountain just installed at the station park, RED CROSS CANVAS. The committee in charge of the Rec1 Cross have arranged fora house to house canvas in Clinton and viein- ity, dating from June 001 to Jupe '20th. Membership fees, annual, $1.00 life, $25,00. Clinton and surroundinggap. Country aim through the aid of th Red Cross organization to establish a public health nurse. Under her dir- ection short courses in bogie nursing etc„ will be given .in the coming fall and winter, Under the direction of the Medical Unde he direction the a qualified sneakers will give g' a talks 'which will ainn to aid our healthy citizens to keep well and by general health e 1 °Catton aid the sick, and ,prevent disease.• Mrs./James Scott is chairman of the canvassing committee and cat• tains have been appointed as follows for the town and surrounding viein- ity, who will in turn appoint can- vassers: St. Andrew's Ward, Mrs, WalterCentre Manning, St. Jellies' Ward, Mrs. W. D. Fair. tat. John's Ward, Miss Doan, Stanley, Mrs. Butchant. Holmesville, Mrs, N. W, Trewartha London Road, Mrs. G. W. Layton. Hullett; Mrs. James Flynn. Goderich T•p. West, Mrs. 3, R. Middleton The work is being carried on much as patriotic work was done during the war, covering the sante ground and many of the same workers being employed. It is hoped a hearty re- sponse will begiven the canvassers when they call upon the • people in the different locailties. AMONG THE CHURCHES. ' Trite two Methodist congregations in Clinton twill unite for the month, of July and August, the services etc be held in Ontario 'street for. the first month •and in Wesley church the second, each pastor to have charge of the services in his Divi etauch The two Epworth Leagues w: [ also• unite for the summer, a union picnic to be held on Wednesday afternoon newt at Bayfield and"the meetings tc continence the following Monday ev- ening. The first meeting, will be held in Wesley church. • St, Pail's Church .. Confirmation Class, 10.2D; Holy r 0, n 1,0 11.00; Evensong, 1 ni n g, Got unu o ,g cI a nevi Preacher, Rev. S. E. M f gd The Ladies Guild will hold its an- nual garden party on the 23rd. Ontario Street Church eLeagueg Next Monday evening the meeting will be in charge of the Christian Endeavor department. The members nee requested to answer to the roll Call with a Verse Of scripture, The Sunday school picnic will be held an July 27th. Wesley Church A pleasing open session of the school was held on Sunday and the exercises were enjoyed. The order of service issued by the Education- al Council was carried out, several pupils taking part', Mrs. Me renal gave a short talk. It was decided to have the Sunday school at ten a, m, beginning on the second Sunday in ,lune. WillisWiliiChurch The Rev. T, J. Snowdon will preach on Sunday morning and the preach Rev. W. D. McIntosh of Brucefield in the evening, the pastor being' Rb- sent attending the General Assent- bly in Toronto, Sunday school will be held at ten o'clock dulirtg the summer months, commencing on Sunday next. An interesting, session of the school was held on Sunday last, "Go - „ to -Sunday -School Dau , a „good re- presentation of the congregation be- n n program ai leas) x inpresent n d g p g p ge e throng cin • n t b o g g g The date of the Sunday school t>ie- nio has been set for July 18th.. Rural Deanery of Hurons 'These meetings wore held at Blyth on Tuesday. About thirty menthe -is attended. froth Clinton, The morning ,hex and afternoon sessions were held in the Blyth Anglican church, Owing to i the great number present, over 260, the Presbyterians kindly invited *1'e Deanery to 11olt1 their eves in meet- ing in the Presbyterian churci , which ing is a large building, This kind of-, tgratefullyacco ted, In ad= fo vas t p "' T total CF kers OUtiSide Y11°tl 1 0 r t0 OCa t tt s d p were the v, J. D, Pattei•sorn of To; 011±0•and the Very Rev, Beau T1101k- of London, 1 untllieall x112 SUIT- ter '001.51 served by the ladies of Slytlt, Auburn slid telgrave in the n.E1. Meitr0xiai Hall, • ENGAGFMICNT ANNOUNCED, Mr, and 'Mrs, Alberti Weymouth of 'veto, announce cc the engage- went of their daughter, Ann It, to Mr, Charles Sandercoek, the wedding to take palce early this menial, SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS, The 'following former Clinton etu- dents were suecosafixl in passim • g re- examinations at the Western University, ITnive>stty, London: Sebert G. Henry graduated in medicine; Laverne Churchill received his degreo as Bachelor of Arts and F. A. Mo3iardy Smith concluded his second year in the college of Arts, Congratula- tions are extended in all cases. HUNTER—COCKERLINE. Gerrard street Methodist church, Toronto, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday even- ing when Lilian Pearl, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Coe kerlilte became the bride of Mr. George Henry Hunter, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Jeffrey Hunter, Rev. Archer ,Wallace performed the ceremony and Mr. J. T. Brown presided at the or- The bride was given away by hex' father and wore, white crepe de chine 1 txum w h eor cite anci g g 1 ed 1' bug•le heads, sued white georgette hat. SweetheaShe et rosesd a ttand also t of 0pvo ea the , andMany groom's gift, a. diamond aril -nearl ring. After the ceremony a baif01 luncheon was served at the home of the bride's,. parents, which was `Very prettily decorated with white and. • pink roses. Immediate friends .,only were present at the reception, The bride and groom left the sante even- ing fora short honevmoom in the States, the bride travelling• in a' blue tricotine suit with hat to match and white ermine fur. On their return Mr, and Mrs. Hunter will reside at Island, Toronto, for the sunt. iter, The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents. THE WOLF HUNT ENDED, Sonie weeks ago there appeared in the columns of The Signal a re- port of a wolf having been seen in' the vicinity of Dunlop, •Sma11 cred- it was at first attae led to this re- port, untis two farmers suffered at- tacks upon their flocks of sheep, se- veral being killed in each flock. A few of the better marksmen of the community were summoned and kept silent watch at concealed, eta- tions in a barn while the sheep were allowed the freedom of an immed_ iate'o encloswre. After two ]on • g pa_ tient nights watching they'tvere sue- cessful in shooting and 'killing, on Friday last, a fully grown male coyote bearing a leather collar with plain nickel plate, but having no identification or inscription. The.:illi_ mal aroused much curiosity an spec- elation as to its origin. Manyd came to see it and verify the reports that seemed to savor of a fair tale y ' e wolf at largo in this part of the country being sotnething unknown to •the present generation. It is con- jeetured that it escaped from captiv- sty somewhere in the north and made its way down the Iake shore. The people of the vicinity are no doubt properly grateful to those who r' persisted d i 't e n n rut nut p the ani. to g al to earth. e t . It isthe believems that it was alone and that now it is out of the way the owners of sheep or poultry may have no Taal of further serious losses,—Goderich Signal. THOSE BALL GAMES. Monday was Clinton's unlucky day as regards baseball, the junior team losing to Exeter on the ]utter field in a score of 5-6 and the seniors getupg trimmest to the tune of 19-1 on the home diamond by the Zurich huskies. Anderson, W. Hovey, C. Ilovey ate Morris made the runs at Exeter, W. FIovoy making two, one in the third and one in the fifth nipping, It tFot dark before the game was concluded and the visitors were somewhat hand- d ieapped on a strange field but it was a good gauge and some 'of those who watched at said that Clinton had the best team, although it failed to score the most runs. 111 line-up was as follows: Clinton: Morris, pitcher; Bawden, Anderson, right field; C. Hovey, left field; Livermore,. centre field; W. Ilovey, 1st base; Munn, 2nd base; McTaggart, 3rd base; Elliott short• stop, s Exeter: Haines, pitcher, Salter catcher; Wblfie, •right field; StatUmn, well first' Wise; Thompstre on, on field; base; , l' ' Rivers, 3rd lyase, Medd, short stop * 5 5 * The home match by the seniors something in the nature of a' whitewash, None of the players on whitewash, the home team wore in good form. and the 'gripe went ch usually them from f t, ti l fronm the g Y • fight a t11 home teamm hard ht nd csTownship tori ad g has often failed to win against the southerners, who play ball to 'win,y bus it is seldom Choy get such it drub- bin as was administered oil Mon- g day. However, the season ,is yet to its infancy ani Clinton may show metal before the leaf fades. Following is the line-up: Clinton: Butler; LaVis and Tasker all took ati turn int 110 pitcher's box tied at first base; Cooper, catcher; Huller, right dell;Welsh; centre Feld; Eilbely left iieltl, McCitttghey; 2nd base; li'ttlft rd, 3rd bate; Draper., }meet stop, Zurich: h r ntcher� II t r Obet en Y » , .t right ; catcher; 131 aUi1 1 t fields Seibert, left heir Calfas, Intro field, Hoff, man, 1st base•, Wurni; end base; teal Huse, and base; Hoffman, short- step, A lama number were ptesent to witness ilio gamic, W, T, ELEC'Z' OFFICERS, At the annual meeting of the Wo ons, 0n Tt retavlast the officers were appointed for the 'ensuing year, The following is the list: Hon.-Preaiclents, Mrs. Kearns, Mrs, Munroe, President, Mrs. Roy Ball, 1st Vice, Mrs. 0, L. Paisley. 2nd Vice, Nlrs. Chant, Secretary, MresH. Fowler, Treasurer, Mrs. J, Flynn. I cess Correspondent; Mrs. 3, E. Cook, •flue Auditors, Mrs. D. MaeEwan and Mrs. R, 1,1; •mons. D'is'trict Director, Mrs. Munro, DISTRICT W. I. MEETING, The annual district meeting of the Womens' Institute was held in Wes- ley lecture'rooms, Clinton, yesterday ••aftornoon, over one hundred delegates being present from the different branches in the district. The district president, Miss Thome- son of St. Augustine; presided, and the meeting opened with community `gi{ging and during the session Miss Annie Stewart sang• a solo very sweetly and Miss Emma PlumsteeI contributed an Instrumental. matters vital to. the organ- -- ization were discussed and the fol- lowing` officers were appointed: President, NI1s, Is irk; Clinton. 1st Vice, Mrs. Currie, Wunghatn„ and Vice, Mrs. Swanson, Goderich. Sec. -Treasurer; Miss Betty McAl_ lister, St. Aixi ustime; Delegate to Federated Womens' In stitutes; Mrs. Monroe, Clinton. Supper was served to the visitors by the local Institute, being ]aid in the dining hall, the table presenting a n1Ost attractive appearance. A very pleasant social hour was spent dur- ing the progress of the supper. AHANGE IN MARRIAGE ACT"' A According to an act passed by the Legislature at its recent session• all clergymen who wish to perform mar- riage ceremonies in future must be registered with the. Provincial Seen- tart', a penalty of $600 being fixed for failing to so .register. This law collies into affect about July 16th, af- ter proper proclamation by the Lieu- tenant -Governor. The idea is to keep 'tab on all those performing mar_ riages. In case of removal the min - is will probably have to notify the Provincial Secretary of his new place of residence, In a couple of months, also, the clerk of the municipality will be the only person qualified to issue mar- riage /Menses. Hitherto several per- g °' sons in a co 't •were usually ap- anci:ted, very often jewelers having the appointment, They often sold the wedding ring at the same time and an eneregtic and businesslike jeweler could ]seen tab on the whole performance, and no doubt some of them id. When a did. Young man bought an engagement ring the dealer could delicately call his attention to the fact that he could also supply a 11- cense and when the license was called for wedding rings could be displayed and before he knew where he was the prospective bridegroom was all fi . �c c up 1 with t t h n t i o h n to d o but talc speak to minister. nice line for a ter. It was a jeweler to Carry bit now anis changed and the cleric of •municipality, or a clerk em ow- p erect l - him, must prepare the official document without which a marriage cannot be Iegally per. f°rmed, LITTLE LOCALS. . Clinton town council meets on Monday evening. Entrance examinations on Jule 27th, 28tH and 29th, Muton County Council holds its June meeting next week The Clinton Model school and the .locel banks will observe the Ring's birthday tomorrow. The tower. of the Public Library has been painted, Clinton's eflieient steeplejack, "Jack" McCosh, 'vein the artist. R The septi -annual meeting of Southh Huron L. 0, I. twill be hent in the lodge rooms of Murphy lodge on Friday afternoon of next week. Cilntoi) football Leant tied with Tnrl,-nrs,»ith "t Saafm t t nn 'fnesriny evening. •Kmburn and Clinton play here on Friday, tomorrow, evening, NIr, ,Tobi Torrance, who Lias beer ill, is flaw recovering and is able tc mr°ends tor out occasionally. His many hot y will be topic] and hope his p The enumerators aro het rounds, have they strudk you t yet Ge t the Y Mose ' m ° you y ur o y t^11 xectiy aindegumlklto answer thein •eor- Miss Dorothy Watts, the little g - clan htee of, Mr. and Mrs. Peed W. Watts, lead a birthday party on Tuesday, eritet.taimtrg a number of ]ler 1U]o friends in honour of the event, The Rev, S. E. Nlclie ne, M. C. was re-elected to the executive ofFr the Pgovincia.l Cr, W. V. A. .cal at the animal 5neetiug tat Brmntrford. latst week. The executive was cut from sixteen to nitre to save expense. , 1 The drinking 15 fnmt ai by the Girls Auxiiiaiy rw4staIasi week installed in :the park at the station. It is quite a herelsonn,d fotmtein •a1111 1Vi11 prove a I1•eat cell- voidance to the traveiling public and to: those employed about t110 station. FRIDAY BAND 00NOERT. The first band concert of the sea - son will be given tom rrow (Fri - day), evening, Friday is the even - ing chosen fel; the concerts this year, and it is hoped the choice will be suitable to all interested, DON'T BE TOO SURE, "The 'hoodoo' that followed the Goderich team all last sewn when playing against Clinton has been 'purified',"remarks The Signal in commenting upon the game played in county town on Victoria Day; But the seasons sail! Yoixng, I. O, 0. T. DANCP, FRIDAY. The Odd Fellows' • dance takes place on Friday evening in the Nor - mandie dance hall. Phelan's orches- tra tri furnishes the music and a nice time is anticipated. The proceeds of this dance will go toward furnishing a room in the Clinton Public hos- ghat• TARVIA GOING ON. • Please excuse our untidiness this Week. We are getting the tarvia on the streets and the town always looks more or less messy during "messy" that operation, generally more, thoughs a 1lesshisButawhen tlr it Reystuff lnclries to and becomes smooth and hard return to an appearance of neat - we'll gain, Hess again, which is really our na- tural appearance. Few towns have better lookingstreets than Clinton. CLINTON BOY MARRIED. The marriage' took place at Raitb. Ont., on Thursday, May 191h, of Mr. John J. McCaughey, eldest sort of Mr. and Mrs. J'. J. McCaughey of Clinton, and Miss Ruby M. Craig, the marriage ceermony being per - formed by the Rev, Father La Marche. Clinton friends of the bridegroom extend aongartulations and good wishes to the young couple for a long anti happy married life togeth- er, - TO CAMP NEXT WEEK. Httron Regiment goes into camp on Friday of next week at Carling regiment isdon, for allowed to nine takes sixty per cent, of strength and 't •is expect - p p well that it will come grotty well up to the required number. Clinton has the headquarters staff but has nota company officer, they being located at Exeter, Win ham, Wroxeter and Goderich S respectively The O,Q Col. Combe, second in command, Col. Rance, med- lest officer, Major Shaw, paymaster, Major McTaggart and chaplain, Capt, McKe> neY,'M. C., are all resi- dents of Clinton, and it is expected all will go to camp. A iARM1rR TO THE; RESCUE. 'For the second time within a couple of months a passenger train has been saved fromssible disaster on the Midland di'visio'n by the quick action of a farmer, resident in the neighborhood. On Saturday after - noon last a cloudburst washed out a •lot of .track between Gilford and Bradford andfarmer a wades through the flood up to his shoulders to fiag the Toronto bound passenger train from Orillia. The train then backed into Allendale and went around by Georg•etown. Much dant- age was done to private property and to roads by tho cloudburst and the heavy and continuous rainfall fel- lowing. People in this vicinity have much cause for thankfulness that the needed rain came without damage resulting. FEW CHANGES THIS 'YEAR. At the first meeting of the sta. boning committee •of the London Methodally request rsoft eseveral cchurcl churchestohave ministers eemain a fifth ,year was ari- proved, The general session of the conference niay object however. Amongst the names of these to es - eeive ordination appear those of E, K. May and Harold W. Swann, This is not a "moving ,year" in ,this conference but the following are some of the changes In the first draft: Winghani, C. 10. Cragg; Brum- , C Tiflllln Witt Cons; Dungannon, A. V. Walden; Londes- bore, W. R. Osborne; Watford, R. J, McCornnfek; Milverton, T, E. Saw - yet, Changes may be made in the final draft, of course. Rev. S. J. Ailin of /Merton, formerly of Ontario street church, Clinton, will superannuate this year. Stan �� � The Stanley Maple Leaf U. F, 'W. O, Club laid their meeting on Tues- day last, at the home of Nits. Johtt Innes, when they entertained the 10 ladies of the London Road Club. The visaing ladies gave the programme as Fellows: p g Reading: „ g: "A Perfect .nay, by Mrs• Roy I�lunnsteel; paper, "Tho Ideal IT. W. 0. Mciobor;'sMrs, Tyndall; vo- ducat; Mrs, H. Smell end Mrs. 1' Mcylfrtiglnt; recitation, Mise Elva Nett; paper, "The Ideal U, F. W. 0. Woman," Mrs. r Davidson;; `The Maple L For „ "Happiness", on en her v sit tot"Tice Grange" at ° g the annual meeting, in Toronto last DCCCnnI)Cr. niter this excellent program the Stanley ladies served lunch,