HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-5-19, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING JEW1i,I,ERY STORE An .d to Be4uty- Our Glasses:are an aid to beauty, as well as a safe and sure remedy for all defects ,Oi vision, • No o matter how fine looking the individual may be, a painful searching for light gives to the features . an expression of distress for which beauty is not sufficient compensation, The Cure is in our Properlg Fitting Classes -,1R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store 1 NEW SPRING GOODS r7• Bought at the very lowest prices are now coming into stock and are being marked very close for quick turnover. While prices are considerably lower than they have been, many Tines of staple goods are very scarce and at the present low prices they are good buy- ing. Everything in stock has been priced down to the present level regardless of profits, and anany- linea ,priced -at a big sacrifice to clear. Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes all' at very attractive prices. P1umste1 Bros. CLOTHING THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE aA NEW, IDEA! PATTERNS. i A FEW OF THE Soasollahlo aid Leading Lines WE CARRY Sherwin Williams Paints, Varnishes, Sher -Wil -Lae, Floor Finishes, Floor wax, Enamels, Floor oil, Automobile varnishes and Finishes, Mur-' eseo, Jeilstone and Flat -tone Finishes. Berry Bros. Liquid Granite for Floors. Dr. Hess and Clarks Stock tonic, Calf and Pig meal, Pan-a-cea for hens, Roup Remedy, Heave Remedy, Instant Louse Killer. Agents for the celebrated Brantford Roofing, Asphalt Slates, slab' slates, and roll, red and green. 2-3 and 4 Burner Gil Stoves and Ovens The Home and Vacuum Washing Machines—The Best in the Land. Screen Doors and Windows and screen wire, barbed, galvanized and Block wire, Poultry and chick netting. LAWN MOWERS—GARDEN HOSE—BEAVER BOARD -ALL KINDS OF OILS—Machine, Cylinder, Polarine, Separator, Gas Engine, Raw and Boiled, Neats Foot, Castor, Black and Harness Oil. CARPET SWEEPERS-0'0EDAR MOPS, $1.00 and up—$0.50 ELEC- TRIC IRONS FOR 85.00 TO CLEAR. HALTERS, SWEAT COLLARS—TRACES AND WHIPS • LAND (� S Hardware, Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock CALL AND SEE our stock of Electric Stoves, Plates, Grills, Toasters, Washing Machines, Sweepers, Irons. ;Our Stook of Electric Irons at while they last Electric Sweeper for Hire rani• mca Sutter & Perdue Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away . No matter howol,1, now dirty, new dilapidated, no a rope aretmd thorn and send to ug to bo enade ;into The Fatuous `*VELVET EX" Rugs 1ieverslbio—W10 wear a ittot1me-•Prices reason ffee. We have hundreds a recommendations from saris- died Customers, Ask for "VELVETEX" Price Llet. We Kray exoreee both way a on large orders, One Established 1008 y an email orders, Phone 2485 CANADA rtua COMPANY :s. 0s CahLiltici:s`t`aswePi i Lcihlticisf, rJ14 The Clinto ► News.Recard Beauty Comfort IN THE CANM A AN HOME IS A SUi3J17C'l' WHICH IS RECFIV- ING MORE ATTENTION. THE AR- TISTIC STANDARD OF THE AV, ERAGE • HOME IS NOWHIGHER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN. PEO- PDE ARE DEMANDING 13E7.'TER AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR- ROUNDINCi.S. WALL HANGINGS HAVE MUCH TO DO WITH BRING- ING ABOUT no, DESIRED BRIGHTNESS,, BEAUTY AND COMFORT. IF YOU ARE INTER• ESTED Wil INVITE YQU -TO VIS- IT 011R SPLENDID STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Tfte W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best EYE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canadian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. OFFICE: llMasonia Bldg, West St., Goderich, Ont. Will be at the Hotel Rattenbury on Wednesday, May 25, 1921 from 3 pan. in the afternoon to 9 p.m. in the evening. Mr. Geo. A. McLennan is in Toronto on business tills week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark of Goderich were in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gook of Toronto 'are visiting relatives in town. Major and Mrs. M. D. McTaggart were in Toronto during the past week. Mr. Morgan Agnew of Port Arthur has been visiting his mother in town. Mrs. Blanchard of Detroit is visiting Ther mother, Mrs. M. Pickett of town, Men.. E. B. Hill is visiting her mother and other friends in Col- lingwood. Miss Phyllis Cooper of Collingwood is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Morrish of town. . Rev. S. E. McKegney will attend the G. W. V. A. Convention at Brant-, ford next week. Mrs. H. D. Switzer of Brigden is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. F. Wasman of town. Mr, and Mrs. Walker of London were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holland. Miss Jean Scott has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Adams, at Windsor. Mr. C. F. MacKenzie was called home to Oakville on Saturday afternoon but returned. on Tuesday. Mr, T. A. Gerig attended a meeting of Massey -Harris officials in Lon- don the beginning of the week. Mr. Walter Lowe of Hamilton was in town over the week -end and assisted Willis clmrch choir with their anniversary music on Sunday. Dr. J. W. Shaw, M. 0. 13. atten- ded the Provincial health Officers' Convention and the National Public Health Convention in Toronto this week. Mrs. Mary McIntyre was called to Listowel last week owing to the death of her cousin, Mrs. A. G. Houghtonson, formerly Miss C. Wright. Mr. and 1\irs. Chas. Pollard and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knight of Morris township were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs..1. F. Wasman. Miss Helen Ross of Toronto visited her grandmother, Mrs. A. Couch, for a few days over the week -end. Miss Helen has just finished her first yeAr at University. Miss Christian, who has been stay- ing with her sister, Mrs: (Dr.) Ganclier for several weeks, left Tuesday for Tornto and sails •next week for Scotland. She will be absent most of the sum- mer. Mr. Jack Wiseman, who has been with the New York branch of the Bank of Montreal for the past two years, has been transferred to the Hamilton, Ont., branch and has re- turned to Canada. IIe spent the week -end with his pareitEs in town. Mrs.' J. A Irwin is in Toronto vis- iting a son and daughter, the lat- ter, Miss Marion, graduating in her social service course at the Uni- versity this week. Miss Marion leaves almost immediately after her graduation for Montreal, where she will engage in social service itindergarten work amongst foreign children for the summer months. • Capt. Allard, who has had charge of ,.the local corps of the Salvation Army for the past year, finds it necessary to take 0 rest owing to ill-heatlh, and left this manning for her home in Parry Sound, where she will holiday for a time. In the meantime the work is being carried on by Lieut Bradford. It is -hoped that Miss Allard will speedily find recovery. Rev. S. Anderson, Rev. D. N. 11ie- Catanis and Rev. T. .7, Snowdon attended the Methodist district meeting in Blyth Tuesday and Wednesday Meters. W: 11. Hen - Far and, Oliver Potter were the lay -delegates from the two local congregations. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Brooks of Mitchell motored uta on Sunday and and spent the, day with the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Win. Can - talon. TtAIIAM HOUSE 'SOLD, THURSDAY MAY 19th, 1021 Mr, William Coy, wlao a year ago bought out the Graham Douse said has been conducting it ne a house .of entertainment, has sold out to Mr, J, Dorsey of Soaiortli, who willtake it over in, 0 week or so. Mr, and Mas. Cay' will return to London. „ The Graham House under the management of Mr Gay Isis be eine very . popular with the travel- ling public acid at: is generally re- gretted• that lie has found it neces- sary, owing to his wife's ill -health, to give it up. It is hoped that Mrs. Gay will improve. •We bid welcome to Mr. Dorsey arid hope the house will contiue to win the favor of those who have need to snake nee' of its accommodation. LOCAL ENUMERATORS Ally, W. R. Reid, census commis- ssioner for,the riding of South Huron, who is here today and tomorrow con- ducting classes of instruction for the enumerators of Clinton, Goderich township and Stanley, has appointed the following enumerators for the different municipalities: CLINTON—Guy Hicks, A, J. Grigg, Clarence Johnston, Fred Ford. SEAFORTH—Ray Holmes, Ben. Johnston, Win. Ballantyne, Aubrey Crich, • HENSALL—Tied Simmons. EXETER—Ernest Elliott, Archie Davis; W. 3, Carling, Jas. Saunders. BAYFIELD—Harold Brandon. .. 'M KILLOP—Deo Holland;t Beech- wood; James Scott, Roxboro; Charles Case and Robert Scarlett. n:ULLETT—E. S. McBrien, A. L. Watt, James Johnston, Prank Fing- land, Ephriam Snell. E. R. Crawford, A. Manning. TUCKERSMITH—Gordon McKay, James Hays, (Herold Turner, Ross Mc- Lean, Paul Doig and L. Hill. • GODERICH TOWNSHIP — Keith Ross; Robert Sloan, Alfred McGregor, J. Cooper, H, Stoddart, A. Towns- hend, STANLEY—Woilter M,oiialt, Mr. Aikenhead, Mr. Seeley, Lorne Arm- strong, Fred Watson. USBORNE—Sam Dougall, Jackson Woods, Richard Pooley, Win. Pollen. `Coderich Township Dr. McDwan of Detroit spent the week -end as the guest of his sister, Mrs. John Pearson. Varna Mrs. Jones, wife of the Rev, J. E. Jones, a former pastor of Bayfield and Varna Methodist circuits, died at her home at Sombre last week after a lingering illness. She leaves her husband and three small .children. Rev. Mr. Jones gave up his pulpit work a couple of years ago to take over the management of his father- in-law's farm at Sombre. Etrucefiel 1, Ma'. RIIoY, who was so badly.. crushed in the road grader a couple oil weeks ago, was able to go to his home at Wilburn an (Saturday, Tho funeral of Mr0 Cartwright, wlriela took place frim' her late res. iclonco on the London Road on Satur- day, was 'very largely attended. The floral trihntee were many and beaut- iful. Much sympathy is felt for Mt'. Cartwright and his small 'family an their: sad bereavement, Mr, George McCartney has return- ed to his home at Hardisty, Sasic, Miss Grace McIntosh is quite.- ill with the fin. Mr, George Swan is slow1Y ,y ov- ering from his recent severe Mmes. The girls, are looking, forward to and making preparations for the can- tata that the- Blyth Choir are going to 'put on on Thursday evening in t110 church. Mr. John Mustard has bought a new , Mrs.earD. McIntosh, who has been quite ill, is much improved. The' Rev, (Capt.) Edwards of Sea - forth preached in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. McIntosh taking the service in the 'Methodist church, Seaforth. Mr. Amos Cartwright and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the kindness shown them and the flowers sent by the Kelly Circle, U. F. W. 0. and S. S. No. 3 also the neighbors and friends and all who so kindly helped during their late bereavement., Weekly Half -Holiday The grocers of Clinton, commen- cing on May 4th, will close at 12.80 each* Wednesday afternoon during the months of May, June, July, August and September, except in weeks in which a public holiday occurs, when the stores will remain open on Wed- nesday, —95-4 CLINTON JUNE DEALER BUYING ALL KINDS OF .,JUNK AND POULTRY, HIDES AND SKINS PAYING THE HIGHEST -PRICES M, RAMRAS Phone 137 Albert St. WH ITE STAR Li NE ANNUAL LOW FARE EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit and Retui THE 83.00 ROUND TRIP BIG STEEL STEANIEIL GREYITOUND SAFE. SPEEDY COMFORTABLE 82.00 WILL LEAVE GODERICH ONE WAY TUES >r AY, JUNE fl 4, at 9.30 a.m. Arriving Port Huron 2 p.m., Detroit 5.30 p.m. Returning leaves Detroit I p.m., Thursday, Juno- 16th. The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Children between 6 and 12 half fare. Visit your Michigan friend, and see big busy Detroit. A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers CER/CH r AN Itz MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH, MONDAY, JUNE l3tii, AT 8.15 pan. Orchestra for dlincing in steamer's ball room. Three hours on beautiful Lake Huron for 50c. Children 25c. Last trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday, .Mine 17th, at 9.30 a.m, Ta ^+'�'�Nllllii Altn 1971 ASSORTED CARAMELS What memories that name awakens! They were the "treat'ofyour childhood- You will find tlieln unchan6ed to-Q.ety W. T. O' N E tit LSI..O' AGENTS 0011 estein niversity London, Ontario Summer Sc. ool for ris and Sciences July 4th to August 12th For Information and Calendar write K. P, R. NEVILLE, Registrar 3 IMP Red Cross Amps In Ontario 4. To act as a voluntary auxiliary to, the Ontario Government in its health work, 2. Tc; di -operate with local Boards of Health, School Boards, and volun- tary organizations working for good. health. 3. To enlist the support of Ontario, citizens in helping to establish Out- post Hospitals and Nursing Services in remote parts of the Province. 4. To create and maintain a reserve of money, garments and medical sup- plies, and to enlist voluntary aid,. for emergencies, such as epidemics and disasters. 5. To create public opinion in favor of sound health measures. ' 6. To promote better health among children by the organization of Junior Red Cross auxiliaries in the. schools. ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22-2g "In the field of Public Health, the harvest is ready and the laborers are few."—Prof. Winslow. Enroll with your local Red Cross Branch or Enrollment Committee, or, it there Is none in your community, with th6 Ontario Provinoiar (Division, 410 SHERBOURNE STREET, TORONTO. Canadian Red Cross Society - Ontario Division "Art Craft" Roofing put ART CRAFT Roofing on your building and make sure of your roof. With ART CRAFT you have a roof proof against fire as well as leaks. No need of removing your -old roof, and best of all, we apply it, ART CRAFT is guaranteed, come in and learn all about it. • �;®rless & Vernier HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 53 • 11, JOH 9.11ZUMBRIZMUTAIRSIVMS, Chevrolet Motor Co. will refund $70:00 all "430" Models sold since October 1st, 1920, Also announce new price 95 for 49 To ri g C ' See us before purchasing. 0L I.a VIES Chevrolet Dealer Phone 1SSj and 1Sftw AFr•,.«: Geo, T. Jenkins Ford CLINTON, ONTARIO eale.r'