HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-5-19, Page 7•
uaker Minister is
Grateful to Tanlac
Bev. Parker Moon
Nearly everybody in Southwest
Missouri, U.S.A., either knows or has
heard of the Rev; Parker Moon, who for
0 full half century has devoted his
life and talents to Sunday school and
organization work for the Society of
Friends or Quakers.
"Docile Parker," as ho is more fa.
nliltarly known; carne Irons fine old
rugged Quaker stock, and there is not
a better known or more highly re-
spected citizen in that part of the
state. In_ referring to his remarkable
restoration to health by Tanhte, he
'About five years ago I suffered a
general breakdown, My principal
troub]e was nervous indigestion. My
appetite was very poor and my food
seldom agreed with me, and I had to
live on a very restricted -diet, I suf-
fered a great deal from headaches and
dizzy spells; I had severe paints across
the small of hny back and was badly
eon,tipated most of the time. In fact,
I was so weak and rundown I was not
able to attend to my duties.
"This condition made ire very nerv-
ous and I could not sleep at night.
Frequently I would lie awake most
all night and was in that condition
more or less for live years. My
physician said he could not do any-
thing for lice and suggested, a change
of climate. I then moved to Texas
and wont back and forth three times
but did not get the relief I had hoped
for• Fivally I got so bad off I was not
able to get around with any degree
of comfort. I was also told I had
heart trouble,
"I had read about Tanlac and, as it
had been very highly recommended
to me, I decided to try it. I got a
bottle and had taken only a few doses
until I could notice a marked inhprove-
ment in my condition. I noticed es-
pecially that I was not troubled any
more with sour stomach after eating,
Which was a„great relief..
"I Icept on taking Tadao until I
fully regained my health. My appetite
is splendid; I enjoy my meals and 1
do not find it necessary now to take
any laxative medicines of any kind.
I can sleep much better and am not
nearly so nervous.
"I take great pleasure in recom-
mending Tanlac to anyone who, needs
a good system builder, or who. suffers
with stomach trouble. I have recom-
mended Tanlac to a great many of my
friends and 'ani pleased to - reach
others by giving this statement for
Tanlac is sold by leading druggists
Teaching Fut ure Fanners
With agriculture the first indaslry
of Canada and likely to remain so, the
farmer is a factor of paramount im-
portance in the Dominion's national
life, and the better farmer he is, the
greater the benefit to the country. His
sons and daughters aro the farriers
and farmers' wives of to -morrow, and
so their education is really one of the
most important problems of the coun-
try. To keep the children of the farm
on the land, a love of the farm and all
that pertains to it must be Inculcated
fa early years, and so it is incumbent
upon all who have national agricul-
tural progress at heart to make the
education of the young people. along
agricultural lines as pleasant as pos-
sible. Agriculture is a life profession,
,the study of which is never exhausted,
and the earlier one commences seri-
ously upon eruditionn, the greater are
the chances for the most absolute one-
ness in the pursuit. The ideal/, of in-
telligent farming cannot be infused at
too early an age, non the young idea
set too early with his feet in the right
And so boys and girls in Western
Canada are being taught in their early
years ]tow to farn`so as to obtain tlio
utmost Preen the earth 'end yet main-
tain it in all the richness of its virgin
state, and how to rear the best type
of animal, discovering for themselves
the fallacy of bringing to maturity the
scrub animal, Instead of viewing
farming through the drudgery of
chores, in which they see little ro-
mance, they become imbued with the
Debility of the agricultural profession,
and are keen to adopt the pursuit as
their life work.
This object is best achieved- by giv-
ing the child his own plot of soil to
cultivate or his own calf or lamb to
raise, playing upon the natural in,
stnet of love in possession, and the
inherent desire of creating. To fur -
Cher encourage the young idea, special
r .t
classes are arranged for at provincial
exhibitions, at which the youngsters
can exhibit the grain and cattle for
whose production and growth they are
responsible, and compete with other
boys and girls of the West, receiving
all the benefits of competitive criti-
cism.. The competition•»• cover many
classes of farm endeavor, and there
are equal chances for the youngsters
of both sexes in the awards. Though
girls, in many cases, are just as in-
terested in grain and live -stock entries
so their brothers, there are many
classes in which they shine alone, all
of which have relation to the multi-
farious duties of the Westerp farmer's
No one can doubt the 8000088 of
this system of education who is pre-
sent at one of these exhibitions and
senses the animation which .pervades
the atmosphere of i.he judging events.
Excitement waxes high as exhibit af-
ter exhibit is eliminated, and reaches
its piton in the culminating selection
of grand champions. And in regions
which are producing grain and cattle
rhi h carr
yoff world or1i n.
It can
readily be understood that these win-
ners aro most creditable examples of
their kind. •
But the most valttable feature of the
work is the love of good farming for
itself, which Is fostered in the minds
of the young generation, and the in-
spiration to raise more and better pro-
duce to their own and the national
An optimist is a man who is happy
when he is miserable; a pessimist is
Campers and travellers were res-
ponsi'ble for 246 fires.starting in the
British Columbia forests. This was
a considerable reduction from the pr'e-
vions year, credit for which is. given
to the educational work done by the
Better herr T 1 Drink
;t 1..s
a M„�
te,t.�p �
�,K, g��}yyJp
Made instantly in the cup
by addin hot water -
o delay -'
Itand no waste. Delightful ellghtfal aril
satisfying in flavor, with none of the harm
that someijlnes Comes From tea or coffee.
"There's a Reason"
Solid by grocers everywhere
s N11/ 1► VII 14114 1.01 14 NA ISA lie► eah wc► nils alt t
Prov(nctal ,Beane! of health, Ontario
Or, Middleton will be glad to answer questions oa Public health mate
p tors through this column, Address, him at the Parlsamont.Illdae., 0
Wei �3 o!c ® 110-711:002,11,111L111101,. e69 if>s ► ”
The fight against tubeh:eulosis is be- war the campaign against tuberculosis
ing yen. 1:t is now neeossary for was making remarkable progress in
everyone, whatever has walk in life, al't, civilized countries. In England
to co.cper'ntfe with the health aathor- at that time the death rate had de-
ities in their efforts to destroy cm- dined so consistently that Dr, Col -tett
pletely this terrible scourge, For it of Callbbridge, the eminent authority
is the little, everyday ,eirahlnstances on tiuberculesis, confidently stated that
and habits that count so iihuchin. eons in ten year» at the them rate of de -
trolling the di:»ease in any community. creases the number of cases of tuber-
All promiscuous spitting must be eulosfs would bo practically negligible,
stopped, for •many people who expec- .But along came the war and blasted
torate in trains, street -ears, on side- all these hopes. Celd', wet, exposure
walks, etc., have consumption, but do food restrictions, all tools their heavy
not realize what a danger they are to toll of human life; :ancl poison, gas
everybody round about them. These used ih the latter stages of the great
germs of tuberculosis let loose in this conflict 'brought on the inevitable.
way, dry in the air, and are easily aftermath of asthma, and tuberculosis
carried ispout in dust and breathed in of the lungs, The death rate from
by others. - consumption during the war 'rose tre-
mendously in all combatant countries,
Since. the cessation. of hostilities and
the return of the people to more or
less normal methods of living, the
mortality is again decreasing. This
happy condition of affairs is in no
small measure due to the anti -tuber-
culosis campaigns whieh'are resuming.
sativities after being side-tracked dur-
ing the war.
In -Ontario, practically all the cost
of the effort against tuberculosis, with
the exception of an annual grant of
$10,000 from the Dominion Govern
ment to the CanadianAssociation for
the Prevention of Tubereulos:is, has
been borne by the Province, but much
assistance has been received from
voluntary societies and froth the ef-
forts of the Canadian Society for the
Prevention of Tuberculosis. But this
is not enough. The prevention of
tuberculosis is a national problem and
should be undertaken in .the broadest
spirit by the Government of the Do-
minion with the co-operation and
Every chance must.be given to chil-
dren to escape the disease by keeping
the milk supply absolutely free from
tuberculous germs, and pastouniaation
=that is, Subjecting the milk to a
temperature of 65 or 70 deg. C. 301'
five minutes—should be resorted to in
every instance where there is the
slightest ,possibility of contamination
of the milk supply. By this means all
dangerous germs 'will be killed off', and
any likelihood of conveying tuber-
culosis or other diseases removed. A
large percentage of gland end joint
tuberculosis in children can be traced
directly to tuberculous milk, and the
public health departments in •city and
province are now adopting rigorous
measures to segregate, make tests for
tuberculosis and even destroy or iso-
late all cattle condemned, or suspected
or carrying disease..
During school h'our's, well -ventilated.
class rooms must be provided, vyith
intervals for deep breathing in the
open air allowed regularly during the earnest support of the entire country.
school day. A scheme of physical cul Even Under present circumstances
tare graded to suit school children of the campaign in Ontario is being car -
every age should also be made coin- lied on energetically. The number of
pulsory, and by this means encourage Sa.nitoria in the Province has increas-
chest development and adequate ex- eel from ten in 1910 to twenty_ -five in
pension of the lungs. the present year, and an amount of
At home the welfare of. the children $4„000 is provided by the Government
should be fostered by medical inspec- towards the cost of building a sani-
tion of the houses for poor sanitation, toriunn, and the sum of $3.50 weekly
ventibation, overcrowding, dampness,
insufficient sunlight and any objec-
tionable features that would tend to
develop tuberculosis in the young.
Healthy ]tonne surroundings, coupled
with rigid inspection of factories,
workshops and mines . in regard) to
ventilation and sanitation as well as six 'hundred and fifteen, now it is
protective measures for the individual about two thousand, mid in addition
in genie of the dangerous occupations the Government has given during that
where the air of the workplace is filled period the sum of $32,000 towards the
with unhealthy dust or vapors, are establishment of these institutions.
doing mucin to reduce the toll of Let every individual give the Gov -
deaths from consumption in every eminent all the help and encourage-
civiliaed land. If' a government ment possible. Learn to protect your -
scheme of com'pnlnory physical culture self ,from tuberculosis and teach every
for youths and young adults can be tuberculous person you know to .pro -
inaugurated, the benefits front a tent himself and. others. The fight
health point of view will be enormous. against "The White Plague" is being
Before •the outbreak of the world won.
has been donated towards the cost of -
each patient. As a result of this
policy the annual grants for mainten-
ance have increased year by year from
$20,073 in 1910 to $279,491.22 in 1919:
Ten years ago the aecommod'ation for
patients in Sanitoria in Ontario waa
With the Boy Scouts.
Grimsby Boy Scouts recently had
their funds augmented to the extent
et $535 through the action of the Vil-
lage of Grimsby .and Towuship of
North Grimsby Councils whichsinade
grants to them of $250, and $50 re-
spectively, and of the Grimsby Civilian
Rifle Association, which made them a
grant of • $235. The -Scouts of New
Toronto were also the recipients of a
grant from their municipal council,
this one amounting to $50.
1' d e
Toronto Scouts are holding their
first annual bicycle road race for the
"Rdttepayer Cup" and prizes 011 Vic-
toria Day. Thereto already a large
entry list for the event, •which will
cover an elght-mile course.
e• c 1
A Brookville merchant offers a very
do drable piece of )3oy Scout equip-
ment for each of the first twenty hays
of the lst Brockville Troop to qualify
es First Class Scouts.
* 0 M
Sudbury Scouts have. entered a
strop team in the local Junior g Ju or 1 aot-
ball League and are expecting to make
o, good showing when the. playing sea-
son commences,
0 .0 7,
Miss Ethel iMacL,aahlan, Judge of
the Saskatchewan Juvenile Court, Is
a• real Boy Scout enthusiast. In a re-
cent article contributed to a Sas-
katchewan paper she writes: "191e
Scoot training eucoau'ages play and a
life of activity: Sonld of the saddest
cases I have haft before me are the
boys who do 110•t know show to play --
the little boy with the bent 'back and
chucked hands, with no smile on his
face -;the boy who knows nothing but
hard work and thus becomes discern,
aged -and runs away from home and
finally finds his way into the Court.
'All work and no playmakes ,Tack a
dull boy,' but while a boy should Have
•lots of play he should also have work
mixed in with it in his leisure ]hours,
In many small towns in the province
the hor'
u s front after school until bed-
time are spe0tin wandering aimlessly
around the streets.; in pool rooms; or
in Chinese restauraltts, the result be-
ing that the boys have• too much time
on their hands for planuiing mischief.
Tho Scout training is 17pposed to all
this and provides ploy, work, and na-
ture Study for the boy in leisure
hours." Flow about your town? Is it
doing anything more for its boys than
the town Miss McLachlan doscribes7
Canada has the largest combination
elevator in the world, at Port Arthur,
Ont,, withh a capacity of 10,000,000
bushels, 1t was built by the Canadiah
Northern Railway, and naw belongs
to the Canadian, National Trailways,
Nova Scotia Was the first of the
orligietsd Canadian Provinces to have a
Provincial Goverment, founded by
Great Britain, in 1719,
fiittnard'e LInfntont for Uandrtifie
If the Blood is Kept Rich and
Red You Will Enjoy Health.
More disturbances to health is
caused by weals, watery brood than
mast people have any idea, of. When
your blood is impoverished, the nerves
suffer from lack of nourishment and
you may be troubled with insomnia,
neuritis, neuralgia or sdatica. Mos -
dos subject to strain are under-noui•-
lslled and you may have muscular
rheumatism or lumbago. If your
blood is thin and you begin to show
symptoms of any of these disorders
try building up •the blood with Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills. These pills have
a special action on the blood and as
it becomes enriched your health im-
proves. The value of Dr, Williams'
Pini: Pills in cases of this kind is
proved by the experience of Mr, D. J.
McDonald, L Or
II laid No •
hth RiverN.S. Bridge, A
who says: "For some years I suffered
severely with headaches, pains in the
back and a' run-down condition. At
threes the pain in my back would be
so bad that I would sit up in hod all
night, From time to time doctors
were treating me, but did not give ire
more than _temporary relief, "Anil then
one day when I was suffering terribly
a neighbor came to see me, and urged
me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
After taping two boxes I felt relief.
I got five boxes more aril before they
Were all gone I felt a0 though they
were giving me new life,, al in every
way they built tip and improved my
health and strength. 1 am naw' work-
ing as a barker in a pulp Knill, ten
hours a day, and feeling none the
worse after my clay's work, I say
with pleasure that tilts condition is
due to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,"
Yon can get Dr. Williams' Plahlt-Pilis -
from any medicine dealer or by snail
at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
02.50, from The Dr, Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brookville, Ont.
"Nuffink Yeti"
Little 'Teddy was being taken lhonie
by hie aunt to view the baby sdster
Who had lad arrived the day before.
011 the way they met a lady friend
of his, count's,
"Well, my little man," said the lady,
"have you any brother's and sister's?"
"Yes," said Teddy. "I'se got two
brthvvei',s 511(1! one sister.'
"And ]how old is yoof• sister?" asked
the lady,
"Site's n1dlnit yet," replied Terldy;
"but l'm two years old."
Imam's Liniment Reffeves .''.olds, etc,
Oharaeter is made up of moll du-
ties !faithfully performed, cif self&
deniitls, o3 »cote-sa04ii'i105 and kindly
acts of ]rota and chatyr
TbouSande of Mothers state posi-
tively that Baby's Own Tablets are the
hest )nediciue they' know of foi' little
eau., Their experiehhee has taught
them that the Tablets always do just
what Is claimed for them and that
they ea11 be give11with perfect safety
to children, of all ages. Concerning
them Mrs. ,Joseph Therrle.n, St. Gab-
riel de Brandon, Quo,.writesi "Baby's.
Own Tablets are the best lnodiente 1
know of fur little ones. 0 thought I
would lose my baby before trying the
'tablets1 hut they soon made him
healthy and happy and now I would
not be without them." The tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25 cents a box front the Dir Williams'
Medicine Co;, Brockville, Ont.
Your Height.
Whenever a number of pe180n8 are
gathered together earl have enjoyed a
good dinner, one Is alinost sure to re-
"Isn't It extraordinary that a man
weighs no -more after eating a heavy
meal than he dad before?"
It would be extraordinary in the ex-
treme If, true, but it isn't. The man
who tucks away two or three or three
pounds of soltld food, or of ltctuiti, for
that matter, will show it on the scales,
This does not mean that if are eats,
say, two pounds of food, he will weigh
exactly two pounds more after limier
than before, but he will come very
near to it. The slight difference le
due to the fact that the body is con-
tinually losing weight, whether' one is
eating, taking violent exercise, or do--
ing nothing at all, by perspiration
through the skin and by rho moisture
and carbon dioxide gas exhaled from
the lungs. The more exercise, the
greater the loss of weight, of course.
At a certain athletic club records
were kept for some time of the weight
of members before and after dinner,
and it was found that the average in-
crease doe to dinner was two pounds
three ounces.
The average man will weigh one and
a half pounds less after a Turkish
bath•tliau before, and a very fat man
may lose two or three pounds. Men in
good health who do very hard work
not infrequently lose five pounds
weight during the day and regain it
during the night,
Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper
Births_and marriages in England
and Wailes during 1920 were the high-
est ever recorded. The number of
deaths was the lowest since 1862,
when the .population was only about
20,,000,000. There were 957,994 births
and 466,213 deaths.
Only "Bayer" is Genuine
Douglas lira, tate finest timber 'trees,.
in the West 10 Amerieti, often grow
so large that .011e'•tleo 'wdt1 land up a
train, Specimens of those trues 1G.
feet in, diameter and up to 300 feet
high lldvo been fouled,
Doinl11lon Express Money Orders aro
on sale in tivt0 thousand offices
throughout Canada,
The world's sugar crop estimate for
1020-21 is more than 1,700,000 tons
greater than the production for 1919-
M,nard's Liniment for Sump, ere,
The danger of Mood pressure lies
in the weakening of the arteries, due
usually to age.
With the coming of spring, you
will be having -wool, hides,
sklne and horse hair to sell.
Ship 1t tg us or write for
prices. We will use you right.
AtoCfN •80
Bulk Cai'lotb
J, 41,11t7 • TORONTO
Anieriga'a PIonees Pee RemaaI4a
Doak on
sad Iiowto (rood
ruled xeroo to any Ad.
vtrese by the Anther.
dlav roves 0e„ 'tea.
110 west 81st $trust
New York, 17,9.A,.
For anything to Fancy Goods, Cut
Glass, Toys, Smallwaree, Sporting
Goods, Wire Goods, Druggists' Sun-
dries, Hardware Specialties, eta.,
to MAIN 6700
on a Reversed charge.
Torcan Fancy Goods Co.,
Major Harry Cameron, Man. Dir.
Better than the Best!
To keep your shrug ed roofs and buildings free
from the Inroads of moisture, protect them with
Shingle Stain
The time -tested product backed by
seventy-nine years of experience
-save ty�,,,glw oythj-'n
Larger Wires
Heavier Galvanizing —
More Dttrable,Flemb e Weave,
Manufactured by
Hamilton _ _ Car,aKra
Warning! Take no chances with
substitutes for genuine "Bayer Tab-
lets of Aspirin." Unless you see the
name "Bayer" on package or on tab-
lets you are not getting Aspirin at all.
In every Bayer package are directions
for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu-
matism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago
and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of
twelve tablets cost few cents. 'Drug-
gis•ts oleo sell larger packages. Made
in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark
(registered in Canada), of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoaceticaciclester
of Salicylicacid.
Educationisthe leading of human
souls to what is best, and making
what is best out of them; and these
two objects are aiwtays attainable to-
gether and by the sante means. The
training which makes men happiest in
themselves also makes them most
serviceable to others.—Buskin.
Fishermen and Campers,
Quick Relief.
Unmarried women axe now permit-
ted to serve as clergy in Switzerland;
they must resign in the event of their
lVIrsa Lilian Taylor
Tells How Cuticura
Healed Her Baby
"Our baby was two weeks' old
when his face because very red and
terribly itchy, and he
was fairly crazy rib-
bing and scratching
till the skin broke and
bled, He could not
sleep, and did nothing
i but I3f
as though be might be disfigured
for life.
"I thought I would give Cuticura
Soap and Ointment a trial. I found
the free sample so good that I bought
more and two cakes of Outicora Soap
and a fifty cent box of Cuticura Obit,
meta healed him." (Signed) Mrs.
Lilian lil, Taylor, Box 99, Brace-
bridge, Muskoka, Ont., Dec, 30, 'ie.
Cuticura Roan to citauto and
rIfY, Cut]cUra Ointment to soften
and sootllo and Cutictna'i'alcum to
powder and perfume are ideal for
daily toilet purpoets,
Soap 25d, Ointment 25 and 50c. Sold
throuahoa t tit aDorninion, CaaadianDeaeti
li :inane, Limited, St. Paul St„ Montreal,
Gat sura Soap ithieWee Wrt outmud.
ISSUE No. 21=-•'21.
A Sure Grip on
.•. 010
a Narrow Road
Dominion GROOVED, CHAIN and NOBBY TREAD Tires give the
small car owner the non-skid type of tire built with the same care,
the same time -tested materials, the same workmanship found in rho
largest sixes for the heaviest cars.
You get DOMINION qualify, DOMINION service, DOMINION
comfort, DOMINION MILEAGE in Dominion Tires, whether you
buy 30 x 3'a tires for a Ford or Chevrolet or the biggest tire,^, made
fez the largest cars.
Dominion Tiros, Dominion Inner Tubes and Dominion Tire
Accessories are cold by the best dealers from const to coast.
oral.— c•.
Now isthe time yea fart 'greatly Improve the appear -
:Mee of your home with a touch of paint hero and
there. Don't neglect yoyr furniture and woodwork.
A ''coat of protection Will work wonders. Save the
surface and you cave alit
For the Wall, and Ceilings ' For fdardwood Floors
1,4013-7010 the winnable, • MARBLE, ITE—The refiner
ranleary finis, that will put fade door finish that withstands dro
'or rub oE. Many plasm truth hardest ue,00. Allard finish that
and ausnestien, for, wedged ,ill net mar War scratch white.
bdtdcra. 11 can be washed el•', soap and
For Woodwork, etc. wnur.
TIARTIN S WHITE 0/1/4131, For Funriture
s on 100,11!- WOOD -LAD STAN— tunny
-tlAc them l A fuse) In n nY
fill s, et for bathrooms, led ole 0 ve k Mahogany.expensive Cherry,
roams, etc. It stays white, els, Gives to r inexpensive woods
For Floors •lis apPparnen f tin more
SENOUO'S 9Loohf-il'Ati•(1'--h' cosily. haw to use.
n aldc range deniers. It dries For hs
bard with a limntifut Hansel OUTSIDE 5108 tOR(0ll TA.NT
finish dart Weirs and Wean and dries hare) In a In' lours Orin
Wean. wears like bon,
fieri i, a skald MAR71Jm s1 NOUR tract l for
every todere and for terry by pate, C onmh oar
kora Darr"lord, nr ands F, direct, Our booklet
Toon and Canny Homes" mailed Jsa anugnut.
Yo MAIITi+6®SEa3Ka"OUR iGa
panatKspr cY Mg; APO YAh111tMI.Y
'y iro'uv.n M0I71ISEA4 tV°.uonTI
Vit', the �,` " �" t
'9-y'rd)11., ireaurld
^' - -, .: • 1,' ..d....,onF�r^tSuer3y,.'4P..N r 'anhx H