HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-5-19, Page 5.71-1I•1JliSDAY A1AY lath. 1021 t... Ws -titer r Of Interest 'to you Next thing is to get ready for the eonses enumerator, I3e'ii be along =itny day after June 1st. s * b* There ist crack, they tell us, in the Sun's crust but judging from the temperature the past week or two there's not meth extra heat escaping through the crack. * * ' * Fifty years ago Toronto dry goods merchants fvere agitating for a mi- en o'clock closing, except on Satur- •day nights, daring the summer months, •t e * "Eat Canadian rhubarb rather than 'United States s'lrawberries," advises "Phe Wingham Advance, Good advice, too, and we'll ysnteee to' say you will find the rhubarb truer to flavor • .:at this time of Year than strawber- ries grown anywhere. Get oat your fisting tackle, Next. Tuesday is the twenty-fourth, the day when many an one takes his first day off for fishing, At least that used to be the rule. Now, of course, with a weekly half hoilday commencing the first Wednesday in May, customs have changed. k * * "Council members should not be too fearful about the tax rate," re- marks the Simcoe Reformer in making comment about the action, or in- action, of the town council. "The Reformer has watched the records of forty-three town councils and we have never seen one condemned for :spending money whieh gave the cit- -izens service." • * The Brussels Post suggests that "more sugar and less vinegar be used in debate and discussion" in the various meetings of the Church bod- ies. Bea. Kerr has bad a long ex- perience as delegate at eherch gath- erings, as well as at newspaper work, - and doubtless knows what he's talk- ing about. Anyway. sugar is more plentiful and not nearly so 'high - 'priced as it was. Holmes'"ille Mrs. .f. Lowery of North Bay was called home last week owing• to the serious illness of her father. Mr. Jos. Proctor of Iiolnnesviile. RaR1l'Ield On Sunday afternoon Messrs. Bruce "Moore, Don Murray and Frank King were out to Varna in the fortner's auto and when returning home op- posite D Leitch's residence, where the ditches are very deep, the car swerved to one side, upsetting •in the Glitch, turning over and injuring Bruce Moore and Frank King. The -car was badly broken, Mr. Robert; Elliot lost his cow on Thusrday forenoon of last week and had been scouring the country and village ever since looking for her. 'The animal was found by a lady .o f, 'London on Tuesday evening mired :in a hole in the bank .of the Lake behind Dr. Metcalf's res- idence in a very weak condition. She .had to be dug out and -drawn home t' on a sled. . The first dance of the season to be :held in Jowitt's Pavillion will be .held on May 24th. Music will be _furnished by Menestung orchestra of •Goderich. Rev. Mr. Quinn attended the Meth- odist District meeting at Blyth this week. Members of L. 0• L. No. 24 of Bayfield are busy malting prepara- tions for the holding of 12th of July 'celebration at Bayfield this year. Clinton Kilty Band has been engaged' •'to furnish music for Bayfield Lodge. Rev. J. G. Stuart of London oc- •eupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's+ •churcis on Sunday last in the absence .of Rev. A. Macfarlane, whto was at :Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. D. Oesch, Mr. and Mrs. S. Oeseh and Miss Laura Gascho of Blake were the guests of Mr, and Mrs.c, S. Kipfer on Sunday last. A fishing• party, comprising Messrs. Austin, ' Strachey, 'Newman, Melliek, Collins and Heidleburgh of Detroit -were guests at the Commer- cial a few days the past week. A social :gathering of the two con- gregations of Bayfield and Bethany was held in St. Andrew's church on '.Tuesday evening of last week, it being the tenth anniversary of the induction o fthe Rev. A. Macfarlane into the charge, The ladies had prepared a banquet, which was thoroughly en- joyed' by all present,.and :afterwards short and congratulatory addresses 'were given by the Rev R. C. McDer. Hud and Rev. James Hamilton of 'Goderich, Rev. • James Foote of Ex- eter and the Rev. G, • M. Chidley of 'Thames Road. Sonne music was heard and a very enjoyable evening was spent in a kindly, social way. Mr. :Macfarlane has always been popular -with all 'classes of citizen's inside and •-outsicle his own congregation. Constance Msr, (:. Tyrell rami ehildren- of Loudon are spending a couple ,of weeks with bee aunt, Mrs, II, Col- elouglt, Misses Munroe of Brucefield visited xi, 1 11 t rI t'a 11 l c cousin, Mrs, W. iVle t. s an tt , Sunday, 1VEr'a, Dan Ewing, Mo,- and 1Vird, Alex. Ewing and • baby and' Misses Rebecca and Lizzie Hennes of Brus- sels were visitors at Mrs. W, •Mein- Cosh's on Sunday, Mr. Jos, Taylor; and Mr, and Mrs. Uarry Taylor and .children of Hamil. ton spent Sunday at "the former's brether's, the Snell Bros. On Thursday Lieut. C. Hall's 'wife presented hint with a fine boy. All doing well. A foohell match was played Tues- day night between Clinton and Kin - nein, the latter whining. The W. F. A. football game be• tween Kinburn and Clinton was played Tuesday night, Kinburn win- ning by a score of 2, 0. It was a trice clean game, although two play- er got accidently hurt. The 'line-up was as follows: Kinburn, goal Scott Hawthorn; Back F. Armstrong and B. Dodds. H. Back, H. Taylor, Arm- strong "anti Stephenson. Fordward, Jas. Medd, J. Armstrong, Jinn Arm- strong, W, Dundee. N. Goveniock. Kinbm'n and Tuckerstnith will play at Kinburn this Friday night. We expect this will be the fastest game of the season. Don't miss it, Kippen Word has been received from Mr. Robt, Brownele and family that they have gotten comfortably settled in their new home. We wish them suc- cess" in their new venture, Mr. Duncan McGregor who spent fifteen years in the village but since the death of his wife in February has been living with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Workman of Tuckersmith spent the past week with his youngest daughter, Mrs. Robt. Cooper, just north of the village. We are pleased to say- that he is in the enjoyment of good health at present. . Mrs. Jas, Emmons and her twin daughters, Freida and Thelma, vis- ited over the- week -end with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Anderson. She and her sister, Mrs. Robt. Paterson, have been with their mother, Mrs. Wm. Webber They leave for their home -in Calgary on Saturday. A joint meeting of the ladies of the W. M.'S. of Kippen, Hills Green and Blake, was held in Hills Green on Wednesday of last week. At the close of the meeting the IIillis Green ladies served a splendid luncheon, Mr. Peter MeEwan of Goderich ac- companied by his mother, visited their relatives, Mr. George McKay, and Miss Marion, last week. _ A number from here attended the anniversary services in Carmel church Hensel', on Sunday lass. They were much delighted and edified with Rev. Dr, Perrie's splendid sermons on that occasion. Dr. Perrie has been. pastor of St. Andrew's church, 'Wingham, for the past thirty years. Word has ,been received that Dr. Births TOMLIN—In Clinton, on May 75, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tomlin, a son,—John Herman. HOLLAND—In Hullett, on May 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland, a son.—Clarence Wilbur. MASSE—In Stanley, on Mav 5th, to Mr. and Milky James Masse a daughter FORAN—At St. Helens, on May 7th, to lair and Mrs, Cornielus Farana twin sons. KARGUS—In Wingham, on May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin Fergus, a son, BECKER—In Stephen on May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Becker, a daughter. WALPER—In Stephen, on May 6th, to Mr. and 31 rs. Geo. •Wolper, a son. HALL—In' Toronto, on May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hall, a son. Marriages SIMPSON—ROSS`.In Toronto, on May 7th, by the Rev. G. F. B. Do- herty, St. Luke's church, Margaret Marks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Ross, Goderich township, to Watson John Simpson, of Toronto. FIYTER--JOHNSTON—In Detroit on May llth, Mernie Maye John- ston, daughter of the late Samuel and Mrs. Belinda Johnston, Wing - 'ham, to Thos. Donald Fixter, son of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Plater. W inghani. Deaths • JENKINS—In Clinton on May 15th, • John Jenkins, aged 74 years and 4 days, CARRICK---In Goderich, on May 7th, Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tRobert Carrick, formerly of Clinton, aged 11 years' and 19 days. FLEMING—In Wingham, on May 10th, Albert Fleming, aged 61 Yeats, Aitken of Toronto, formerly of Kip- pen anent the week -end in holstein having gone there to meet his parents who were attending the golden wed- ding of bis father's brother there. The Dr's, parents would return by way of Toronto to spend a week with their galend fa family, Their home is at Cour'twrigltt, Llunbton County. llifrs Robt, Dinsclale -spent a week hi Toronto visiting her brother. Iter• beet, end sister, Miss Mabel White. Mina who hue not been enjoying good beptlh. We hope soon to bear of her complete recovery, Mrs. Robt, Bullard of Henstil,l, who spent a week with Mrs. Archie Mc- Gregor during the latter's illness hes returned to her honk. Seine of our farmers have taken the 'contract of gravelling the road near Ilensall, with Mr, Robt. Thomp- son es Supervisor, Tuekersmith Township Quite a number from the west -end took in the entertainment in Ontario St. church, Clinton, an Monday ev- ening to hear Frances Niekawa. Al] report an A 1 tiine as site is an ex- cellent entertainer. The farmers ane very much dis- gusted with the prices of eggs and butter at the present. It seems hard medicine to take, but I guess we have to be satisfied to take things as they come, Mr. John E. Ball has purchased a, Chevrolet car from J. 13. Levis, This is the nineth Chev, in the West end. The Chevrolet's Will soon need a pic- nic day once a year like the Ford's do. The Ladies Missionary and Home helpers held a very large and success- ful meeting at the home of Mrs. G. N. Toner Wednesday last, when a goodly number of quilt blocks were prepared. Odd Fellows Dance To be held in the Normandie Dance Hall, Clinton on June 3rd. Phelain's orchestra. Gents with lady, $1.00, extra lady, 500. This includes wean tax. Proceds fan decorating a room ,in the Hospital. Situation Wanted • A young married man wishes posi- tion as gardner or farm hand. .Ex- perienced, Peninanent position de- sired. Inquire at News -Record ofliee. 98.3-p For Sale A limited number of baby chicks by June lst. Frank Tyndall, Phone 2 on 630. —98-1 Money Wanted By June lst, on first mortgage on farm property, Inquire at News. Record office, —98-2 House For Sale Cottage, with garden and barn, on Princess street. Also square piano, stoves and other pieces of furniture, and a fresh cow. Apply on premises to Mrs. Argent. —98-tf Woodstock Band Cbming The Woodstock Salvation Army Band will give an entertainment in the local S. A. hall on Monday even- ing at 8 o''cock. A good time is an- ticipated. Do not miss it. Admission 25r'. 3 —98-1 At Home The Annual At -Home of the Wom- en's Missionary Society of the lLondesboro Methodist Church will be held in the basement of the church on Friday night of this week, May 20th, commencing at 8 o'clock. A programme will, consist of music readings and singing by local talent. Lunch will be served at the close. Admission 254' and 151'. Everybody come and enjoy the meeting. —98-1 Court of Revision Township of Hullett. Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township of Hullett will meet on Friday, May 27th, 1921, at the hour of 10 o'cock a.m., as a Court of Revision on the assessment :roll ofr 1921.—John Fingland, clerk. —98-2 COURT OF REVISION • For the Township of Stanley Notice is • hereby given that the Court of Revision will be held in the township hall, Varna, on Monday, the 30th day of May, 1921 et the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- noon, for the purpose of hear- ing and' determining complaints against the Assessment Roll of the said township fon the year 1921, Persons having business at the said court will please attend at the said time and place without fur- ther notice. All dogs in the municipality not certified as destroyed and the tags returned on or before the above date 'will be changed in the 1021 taxes. Anyone wishing dog tags may obtain same from the clerk. J. E. HARNWELL, Township clerk- VARNA May 18th. 1021, —98-2 YANco VER Qv w ' tom ` -> 0.Or 4 .2 ce p k to The "NATIONAL" Lye. TORONTO 10.30 p.m. ' DAILY For Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort William, Winnipeg . sTANI D Edmonton, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, and Victoria - Alternative routing ; Through Standard Sleeping Car Service to Winnipeg, Leave Toronto $.45 p.m, Deily via C,T.i North Ray; thence "Continental Liinited" via '1", $c N.0.: Cochrane and CN. 17ys. t Tithes and ihfaitnation front any Agent; Canadian National or Grand Trunk Railways, et . _. 119 AVE:YOU LOST Anyihing'1 IIow about year appetite, What about a Bottle of Tomato Catsup,Try a bottle with your next 0xd01,,,9l'ices 150, 260 and 350 pet bottle, according to Alae, ;f Bars Laundry soap , -2500 2 plea, Corn Plaices , , , . . , , , 21e (AnyBrent!) } at 3 Am I' r ) of owrlo .., 5 1 g L 3 rakes Palin Olive soap , . , , 260 7. jar 12 oz Pure dam 221' 8 enkes Ivory or Lifebuoy soap 250 7 eerie corn . $1 00 2 cans Dutch .Cleanser 25d 1 ]b. ..1311c Tea , , , , , :r , , 350 3 pkge Ammonia ,'. , , , , , , . , , 250 8 lbs, for 950 GET TIIE' HABIT OF DEALING AT JOHNSC lel aft CO'S GROCERY Phone fit The store for everybody JONATHAN tiUOILL. Spedial for you in a new piano in Mahogany ease, work guaranteed for 3 years,. to go at $350,00, cash or note, A:so anew Edison phonograph, table size, Regular price 362.00 with 7 records to go at 360,00. A drops head Sin811' sewing machine to go at 810,01 (guaranteed.) Maesoy-Bari-is cream Separator, 000 lbs. capacity, tike new, to sell at 330.00. ,also a new Viking, just in, 600 lb: capacity, at $125,00 , My headquarters are 3 miles west of Seaforth and 5 miles east of Clin- ton, and a call in or phone 6 on 616 you will save many dollars over other methods of selling as steno expenses add to selling costs. Box 229, SEAFORTH "Save the surface and •)n01.1 Save all. Carmote Linoleum Varnish Renews and Brings out the Pattern Dries Hard Cleans Easily le Waterproof Harland Bros, CLINTON BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Owing to our having such large hatches of S. C. W. Leghorn chick- ens we still have 200 for sale in May at 318.00 per hundred and our June hatches at $15.00 per hundred. inglenook Poultry Yards HOLMESVILLE, ONT, E. J. TREWARTI•IA, Prop. Phone 22 on 611 —90-tf Calves For Sale 4 black yearling calves. Apply to Joshua Sherman, Lot 35, Cott. 13, Goderich township, R.R. No. 3, Clin- ton. Boar For Service Pure-bred large white Yorkshire, bred by J. E. Brethour of Burford. --Fred L. Potter, Huron Roar]. —98-4-p COURT OF REVISION. For the Township of Goderich. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision will be held in Holmes' Hall, Holmesville, on Thurs- day, the 26th day of May, 1921• at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore- noon, for the purpose of hear- ing and determining ; complaints against the Assessment Roll of the saill township for the year 1921. Persons having business at the said court will please attend at the said time and place without fur- ther notice. All dogs in the municipality not certified as destroyed and the tags returned on or before the above date will be charged in the 1921 taxes. ADAM CANTELON, Township clerk R. R. No. 3, Clinton May 6th, 1921, 97-2 Half Holiday at Auburn The merchants and business men of Auburn, including the chopping mill, have agreed to close their places of business on Wednesday afternoons during May, June, July, August and September. —97-3 Hay for Sale. A quantity of ,first-class hay for sale, Apply to Thos. Venner, Clhn- ton. Phone 3 ori 638. 97-tf - Found OneaClamert Lens on Friday, May 6th on Huron Road, Mrs. A. Currie. ---97--0 Fertilizer For Sale A couple of tons of fertilizer at a greatly reduced price. Apply to J. Cuninghame. —06-tf Wanted The Continental Life Insurance Company will be pleased to consider applications from men of good ohm: - cider, and selling abilities, to repre- sent them in Clinton district. A lib - earl contract will be offered to the right man. Apply in confidence to Knights Cooper, Dist. Mgr,, . 818 Do- minion Savings Bldg., London, Ont, --96.8 Lightning Rods ' Do not wait until your buildings are struck before you think of rod- ding. Do it now with a set of; Copper Strand Cable Lightning Conductors. Roy Tyndall, R. R. ,Flo. 8, Phone 3 on 607. Room For Rent Furnished or unfurnished rooms') with garden. Inquire at News -Re- cord Mice. —93-0 Piano"r'ttnittg Jae. 11,', Doherty, experienced piano tuner. Orders for ,piano tuning, toric regulating and general re -building loft at my address, Clinton, phone 160, will native prompt attention. Also dealer in lfian05 and phoilo- •graphs, -•-July 28th -p VICTORY BONDS And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at your bank without charge. W, BRYDONE, Clinton Chair For Sale An invalid's chair, In good condi- tion. Rubber -tired wheels, plush up- holstered, spring seat. Will be sold reasonably. Apply to Mrs. R. B. Carter, Victoria street, Clinton. -9041 Cottage For Sale Roomy cottage on Huron street. Town water, good • cellar, % acre of ground, some fruit tree. Apply to W. Brydone or Miss E, Whitely -81 House for Sale 8 -room, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, good gar- den and chicken house. Apply on premises. Corner of North and Spencer Sts,—A. C, Clarkson,-80-tf For Sale Two six roomed houses on Fred- erick street, near the new flax mills, will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Hale. --54-tf Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over ITeard's barber shop, W. J. Jago. —88-tf Spireila Corsets Spire]la corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton. —89-13 Wanted • Lady's driver. Must be very quiet. Inquire at News -Record. —95-tf COAL Having several ears of coal com- ing I will receive and fill .all orders for nut, stove and egg coal and de - liven same at once. Orders received at Residence King Street, or phone 119 R. J. MILLER CLINTON GARAGE ---AND--- BATTERY SERVICE STATION The enforcement of the Headlight Laws, means that auto owners Hurst equip their cars with approved lenses. We have the following to cheese from: Levelight Holophone Legalite Shaler Roadlighter Clamert Primolite Macbeth Conopher Clear Conopher Noviol Colne in end let us fill out your ap- plications and show our lenses. +es J. H. Paxman Agent for Overland Cars. Examiner for licensee] drivers Phone 80 Res. Phone 140 CREAM WANTED We are in a position to ,pay rho highest market price for butter fat and to give the best possible service. OUR. GATHERERS WILL EE ON THE ROAD REGULARLY TII•E YEAR AROUND. WE WILL AP- PRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE, CLINTON CREAMERY LIMITED ,, Phone 145 -wt....... ff iig � :• zt id, '{ �, ,: f a 1 ay 24fh.-1 Pineappios at 25o40c 85c (We believe this is the week for oaanzling) Sugar at less than.wholesale price. Corn, a limited quantity, per. can 15e Cocoa 5 pounds , for $1,00 Prunes 10 pounds for $1,00 Black Tea 3 pounds :for r $1,00 Fresh Fish Daily Agents for Hugler''s I3o111 Bons. Fresh Suppe! for Mall 24th. W. T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCERY fimosasgravrommarmarsomaanomearmoma SUMMER PRICES April this year presents exception- al opportunity for the coal ccnsttming public, in the advent of the Annual Summer prices. EGG, STOVE & CHESTNUT AT 316.00 DELIVERED Owing to a slight reduction in the price of straight-line coal at the mines, we are now allowed to melte this special offer so as to keep the miners in work. 'It is the eutsom of the mine oper- ators to raise the price each month from now till fall, but we are going to try to hold this special price for APRIL, MAY & JUNE This will give you an opportunity to have the coal delivered when the ground is fit to drive into your yard, but be sure to place your order now at the old reliable stand. We guarantee satisfaction as we already have our large sheds full of our own coal of high class quality. ORDER NOW �. =m MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD;w Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. THE CORNED STOKE Phone 45 Call On Us FOR YOUR GARDEN SEEDS rs?-e A full range of Rennie's Ferry's and Steel Brigg's reliable seeds in packages, also Dutch sets, Garden peas and Sweet corn in bulk. Tea and Coffee For good value try our bulls tea or Coffee, FredWaWigg LIVE AND LET LIVE CORN' There is a vast difference in grades of coon. Our Cern is No. 2 Yellow which we believe is the best grade on the market. It is free from broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Give us a call and let us know your re- quirements. Special prices on large quantities. BRAN. SHORTS. Now is the season ,for Bran '& Shorts. The quality is good and the prices reasonable. SWIFT'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Figured on present value of live- stock and home-grown feeds the use of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will return more profit to the hog raiser than ever before in its history. SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS Blood, Tankage and Bones produced by the' large slaughtering business of Swift Canadian Co. are almost all used in Swift's High Grade Fertilizer, Result: Large profit to you, FLoi1R Our stook includes: Purity, Five Roses, White Seal and Golden City. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR, AND FEED Phones; Elevator 190, Residence 141 Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Cheshter White boars for service, At home every forenoon, ---A, C. Levey, Phone 5 on G39, Clinton 1--28 Scranton Coal We have on hand for immediate delivery CHESTNUT and STOVE COAL Leave orders at my Residence. Huron street, or Phone 155. TERMS CASH E. WARD South End Grocery leteea A full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Levi Stong, PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY, FOWL ! FOWL! ! FOWL WANTED FAT HENS A SPECIALTY IIIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAIR WESLEY MARQUES Phone No, 14-638,-t,95-tf PLUMBING, HEATING AND FURNACE • WORK Repairing of all kinds Promptly Done THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Heela Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 62 Shop over Corless & ;Venner'a We are in the market for: WHEAT BARLEY. OATS ALSO----+ '"-11 MAPLE ELM ii 5i BASSWOOD AND WHITE ASH LOGO Flour and Feed always on hand. j J. A. FORD 6 SON Phone 123. Live Poultry Our advice to you would be tri: market your poultry early this year, while prices aro high. Our prices for poultry are expect- ed to be ankh lower than last year. SELL NOW Enquire of us for prices,, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. - N. W. TREWARTHA, Manage><'.t Phone 190; Hoimesville 4 on 144 CREAM WANTED! The demand for our butter is creasing. :a;, 19,11 To supply this demand we require more Bream. We request you to iship ne yeah( Cream. I '�:: k'a ntablak` We guarantee you the Highes0 Market Prices, accurate testis and prompt service. -" Our firm is known to ,lou and neede no further recommend. We pay all express charged, furn- ish cream carts and pay twice eac61 month. d Write for caul or furthher, nferred• tion to the ' VIE SEAFORTH CREAMERY CC;ir. q, Ac BARBER, MANAGE/II