The Clinton News Record, 1921-5-12, Page 4Transform Hare
1/41AJ4 PAP.EH
It is wonderful what '.
transforixrtion ' you
cao make at little
expense with a
' few rolls , of
wall paper,
Get ;your Wall ?.aper
NOW and ,t the
work done
With such papers as these and sucla. prices as we ask
there isi o. good reason for not
decorating this spring
Mau we show These Papers to You?
All paper trimmed, (many lines heady trimmed
Agnt aCanadian National Railways
and Telegraph Oompony
An increased' demand by the pubiie
for information regarding ]ancl__sob
tlerneut is - reported by the Depart-
ment. of the Interior at Ottawa. This
increased interest is attributed partly
to the athat w fact Crown Lands in
Western Canada within fifteen miles
of a •raihvay, wh:c"]t heretofore have
been reserved for returned Men, ;be-
came available for civilian entry. on
the first of May.
Besides Oreivn Lands that may
be available, it . is .estimated that
there are about 200,000 .quarter sec-
tions of privately owned lancls lying,
idle in the Prairie Provinces; mostof"
'them within easy reach of railways. '
The seine condition `applies, though
in n lesser degree, to,the older pro-
vinces of Canada. - This condition is
not, however, due to lack of value in
the lend itself -on the contrary and
particularly ,in the prairie provinces,
much of this idle land is rich virgin
soil- when one considers Canada's
vast land and area andits is com ar ti [
p a vo y
mall population ' isat -
S pPP 0 It On Ce Ap-
parent that a large portion of the
area in private owership must be un-
occupied and available for purchase at
reasonable prices.
In addition to its activities' in'eon-
nection with the settlement of va-
cant Crown Lands in the Western
Provinces the;perartment• of the In-
terior, ht cooperation with Protaincial
officials, has :cotitpiled and published
very :full particulars regarding un -
A9� 6700//I✓✓%OO. tit. ✓ice✓®// freire7.45. ,7,4, SeezdeoZe,
derrick to Detroit and Return
";;.��x.- .m„--c:--r'„... "'.0 mow.=-
-.---- ...-------4----. "te -r---7-..:-.4"-----------
TUESDAY, ,JUNE '14, at 9.30 a.m.
Arriving Port Huron 2 p.m., Detroit 5.30 pen.
Returning leaves Detroit 1 p.m., Thursday, June 16th. The only boat
trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Children between 6 and 12
half fare. Visit your Michigan friends and see big busy Detroit. A
delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers
Orchestra for dancing in steamer's ball room. Three hours on beautiful
Lake Heron for `50c. Children 25n.
hast trip Goderich to Detroit, Friday; June 17th, at 0.30 a.m.
"Save the surface and ,
you Saves allj1U�:xc 1 n:,/
Prepared in Natural Varnish, also with stain combined,
giving beautiful imitations of all the hard woods, such as
Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany, Lt. Oak, Dk. Oak, Golden
Oak, Re d et
oa WOO , c.
Shows The Grain of the Wood
tis a wonderful finish for Floors, Chairs, Tables, Window
ashes, Bookcases,Desks and all other interior woodework
J h3�•)
Man orWoinan
Brave enough to Face the Future?
Big enough to Assume a Responsibility?
Par -seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune?
Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately?
Patriotic enough to Provide for your own?
Energetic enough to be making a good livelihood?
Healthy enought to pass a Medical Examination?
Then clip this advertisement.
Till in coupon ane send to
8. C. Cooper.
Box 5. .NEWS -RECORD OFFICE Clinton, Ontario.
NAME ......: . ... ............... . ....... .
ADDRESS ........ ... ...c....,..,,...• .......... .. .rx
Date Born, of in the year
ocenpied, privately owned, farm lands
in. Manitoba, Sasiratebewan, Alberta,
Novo Scotia, New Brunswick and
Prince l'lclward Island. This inform -
Oen which has been published by ilis-
ti'iets is issued free of charge and in-
cludes such details as the price at
which land may be surehased, the
terns of sale, acreage suitable :foil
cultivation, nature of sell, and value
of Buildings, With such information
in his possession the Intending,per-.
chasms' warty negotiate.with owners of
linin in any district in which he is
particularly. interested.
In their endeavor to find a suitable
location, proslieetive Homesteaders or
percheteis wilt find of molted value
the dual service which the Depart-
ment o'l.the Interior through its Na-
tural. Resources Intelligence Branch
is now in a position to render,
Manitoba . Court of appeal decides
a nude is not tt hoarse.
Theatre and contents burned at
Brandon, loss $20,000,
Western Congregational minority
Uli� i
No W4-+ff'eo, ,'it
Countao News
Mr. D. Faulkner, manager of the
Ethel branch of the Bank of fl1amil-
ton, has been ill and Mr. Gable of
Listowel has been temporarily , in,
Eire on Monday destroyed the
plant chid machinery of the Exeter
Flax Company, throwing twenty'
heads of families out of employment.
The fire started at noon and it is
believed that ,it originated in an ov-
erheated boxing. The firemen were
soon on the scene -but the infianable
nature of the contents Of the mill
gave the fire a rapid start 'and it
was soon out of control. Several
houses also caught but were ex-
tinguished by a 'volunteer bucket
brigade. Both building and. ma-
chinery were valuable, the loss bee
ing'estimated at about $50,000.
to appeal to .tbe Courts.
Victim of Bolsheviks, held as hos-
tage, is visitor in Toronto.
Hull police cells empty,f ascribed by
police to newlienor law.
Col, C. AV, Pack, V. C..M. P. for
Skeane, to command Canadian Bisley
A disturbance of the even balance
of health, which often occurs in these
trying clays of reconstruction may
cause serious hireable.. Nobody can
be too careful to keethis balance
up. .
When people begin to lose appe-
tite or to get tired easily, the least
imprudence brings on sickness, weak-
ness, or debility. The systim needs
a tonic, craves it, and should not be
denied it; and .the best tnoic that
many people 1'ecommend is Hood's
Sarsaparilla. What this' medicine has
done in keeping healthy people heal-
thy, in keeping up the even balance
of health, hives it the same distinc-
tion as a preventive that it enjoys as
a cure. It's early use has illustrat-
ed the wisdom of the old saying that
"a stitch in time saves nine"
Preventive treatment now and then
calls for the use of ,a goorl cathartic
or- laxative, like Hood's Pills, which
are Purely vegetable and act quickly
and thoroughly.
Five -cent glass of beer expected
soon on salol in Montreal owing to
removal of tax.
Serious bush fires around Capreol,
South of Cobalt, and in Timagami
Forest Reserve,
NO Smelting -Pie Spraying -No Snuff
Just Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAH h Guaranteed
, to restore normal breathing, stop mucus
gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give
long nights of quiet sleep; contains no
habit-forming drug, $1.00 ateronr drug-
gists, Trial free at our agenciets orwrite
Templeton, 112 living W., Toronto.
Sold by J. E. Hovey, Druggist
Tie Double Track Route
Unexcelled Dining Car Service,
Sleeping cars on Night Trains and
Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning,
District Passenger Agt., Toronto.
A. 0. PATTISON, Station Agent,
Phone 35W.
J. Ransford & Son, Uptown Agents,
Phone 57.
IIt1P. NO. I15122T (115711)'
Enrolled and Inspected
Enrollment No.' 3450
Will stanch for the season of 102l.
at his own stable
.Terms $10 Payable Jan. i, 1012,
Owner tend M=anagne
Pilots 8 on 030
Limo Sulphur Whiz Arsenhmuls for
life Orchard. .
A Combined i,algivide rind linnet).
else -.Get the ttient. At'slttutte uk
I.eaq - 14t0,tuach iVoh'ua lose'
(.Contributed by Oiltnrit, Aepertment or
earl eill tura Toronto.)
The titin, is agalns t hand for lay,
ing plans for the summer caro`of the
orchard find garden and nothing
that can be clone will be found to
give better haying totems than the
careful control of insect and fungus
'attacks. It has' beetir'toienuted by
reliable authorities that an. annual
toll of. 50 per cent, • is taken by the
inroads of these enemies of the farin-
a' on his vat•ipus crops and that this
loss lncreasee many/fold where pro-
par preeautlous are not taken. 10
.extreme eases complete destruction
-'o8 some erop has - soinetiines been
known to oeeur through failure to
give caro; or through uegiect o1 the
right -steps at the right time, •
In thio connection It will be found.
that there is nothing that can bo
done that will give more satisfactory
returns on the investment then a
small„ outlay in money •and time on
spraying and dusting, But it must
bo done intelligently or time .and
n)pney will be squandered; and the
leading essential here is the choice'
of the proper remedy and the correct
compounding and applying of it.
One of the. tnost outstanding and
effective remedies in' use to -day is the
lime- sulphur solution mixed with an
arsenical. This combination gigs a
combined insecticide and fungicide
effect, a team play which is very fre-
quently required during the growing
season, insects and giv-
1 often tv--
ing trouble et the same time on._ the
same plant. The advantage of mix-
ing the ' two and applying thein
together is obvious - .the cost of
applicalion is exactly one-half what
it wodl'd bo had they to be separately
But care in making this combined
spray •must be exercised. Some
arsenicals cannot be mixed with limo -
sulphur. Paris green, lopg the most
popular bug. exterminator, and still
extensively used where quick results
are desired, will destroy fully 55 per
cent. of the • efficiency of ' the lime-
snlphur wash if mixed. with it, and,
what is far worse, this mixture will
badly damage leaves and other ten -
dor parts of plants. itfollows, there-
fore, that Paris green, though a
powerful poison insecticide; cannot
be used along with lime sulphur wash
as a combined spray. On the other
hand arsenate of lead has given de-
cided satisfaction. in this respect and
13 is quite probable that the newer
arsenical, calcium arsenate, is also
suitable to combine with lime
But the cilief purpose of this arti-
cle is to draw attentionto the
hitherto little -recognized fact In
,connection with the use of arsenate
of lead along with lime -sulphur that
there are two kinds of arsenate of
lead, chemically,` one of which 10
more fitted for combining with lime -
sulphur than is the other. Acid ar-
senate of lead destroys nearly 30 per
cent. of the efficiency of the lime -
sulphur, whereas neutral arsenate of
lead, the other kind, only destroys 9
per cent. In other respects, these two
forms of the lead arsenate are
equally useful to combine with lime -
sulphur solution to get a dual pur-
pose spray. I1, however, when using
the acid arsenate of lead, 3 IA pounds
of finely sifted, and fresh hydrated
time be mixed into the limo -sulphur
solution along with every 1 pound
of the arsenate used (which is us-
ually 1 every 40 gallons of
the lime -sulphur solution) the de-
structionof the efficiency of the lime -
sulphur is reduced to 8 per cent.
(practically the same as the neu-
teal). If this practice be followed
when the acid variety of the arsenate
is being used it does not matter
which of the two forms of this me,
senieal is used iii malting Arne -
sulphur arsenate spray, as equally
satisfactory results are obtained with
This precaution in connection with
combining lime -sulphur and load ar-
senate becomes especially important
in view of the fact that practically
all the leach arsenate now put on the
market is of the acid variety. It is
therefore recommended` that when-
ever using arsenate of lead and lime -
sulphur as a combined spray, unless
the kind of arsenate is known to be
neutral, the practice of using hydrat-
ed lime along with it be always
followed. -H. L. Fulmer, 0. A, Col-
These Require,,,a Warm Soil at
Planting Time.
Different Types of Melons Require
Different Bundling -- How to
Grow .G'ucumbers and Squash --
Raising Rhubarb,
(Contributed by Ontario Deps.rtment of
Agriculture, Toronto.)
Melons are in the class of vege-
tables which require a warm temper-
atture for their growth. The length
of time that they require to mature
'any quantity of fruit is longer than
our period of freedom from frost.
For this reason we generally start
the seed in a hotbed -and give it at
least one transplanting before setting
in the Add. There are two methods
of g1'owing melons: one which Is used
with the small or Rocky Ford typo
of melons, the other Cor the largo
Montreal, Tb.e young plants are
started the eamo way in either ease.
The seed should bo started about
the list -15th of May in small pots}
tilled within i. 01 an inch of Um top
with loose mellow loam.; place the
seed on 1.111s and cover with f4 of an
Inch or sand, Hem) them at a tem-
perature of 75 deg, with sufficient
water. When they have outgrown
this small pot they should be Cane -
planted to 8 -inch pots. Wo grow two
plants of Rocky mord melons In a pot,
but only one of the Montreal type,
I'M' the small melons We generaily
plant thollt in hills four feet exert.
We dig oat a hole at each place, fill
it nearly to the top with fresh horse
Manure prepared as .If fol' ft hotbed,
thele cover with six Inches of soil, In
.til ii ,c set tho ;yomig planl.s
... kir, w•irr.,ppr "n','.Iopwe,
wish tbollt it litllu earlier, wo"mar
covet' them with a email cold frame
about 00 Inches squ'ar'e, After three
or Nur melons have set it is well to
Idlp off the ends of the growing
shoots. Tiiis forces all of lire food
pito the fruit, and makes them grow
'More rapidly, Tho melons should be
;Mimed on a board or berry box to
ices) them ate Lao ea,rllt, and turned.
frequently 'to nuke thorn ripest more
The seed of the Montreal melons
Is fitai'tod between the first and rnrtdr
dle of April and the plantesa'p shifted
to larges' pots as they regta,h'e, About
the middle of May we dig out: a fur-
row where the row is to 50, about le
inches wide and 18 inchoo deep, the
iengtt.of the patch. This we 1111 Dear -
1r to
etar-1rt.o the top with manure, prepared
as it would .be for a hot -bed, cover
with six inches of will and cover over
with frames and each, The plants are
set in those about every two feet in
the row. Thews frames are Rept over
them unlit all danger of frost is Past:
Mach day, if the weather is fit, they
must be carefully aired, After a time
the glass is left off • entirely during
the day, but held eloae at stand to
be, replaced 18 useded, The plants
must be kept carefully watered, as
this is , very necessary to produce
strong growth, melons and cucum-
bers should not be grown close
Cucumbers are generally planted
in hills three feet apart. Seine of the •
soil is dugout, the hale, 01100 with
well rotted manure, three or four
inches of soil ate placed over the ma-
nure, and the seed planted- on the
south side. The seed may be planted
in many sections by May 2511s, as
danger 'offreezing will, in most sea-
sons, be over before it is up. Plant
8-10 seeds in a hill and thin the
plants down to three after danger
from cucumber beetle is over. We
may start some seed in pots as we
did our melons, and transplant them
into the field after danger of frost
v ire sen time
1s" f we e ct to d the irn
we m trim the plants i donein
may P as s
the greenhouse. This Is very simple,
once the fruiting habit of the cucum-
ber is understood. The cucumber Sas
its male and female parts in separate
blossoms, tite male flowers being
borne much more freely. Female
flowers are generally borne in the
leaf Joints near the end of the main
Stem or•in the first leaf joint of the
side shoots. The leaf. joints 'nearest
them bear clusters of male flower,
If we nip' off the end of the shoot
just past these male flowers, at the
leaf Joints new side shoot will appear
bearing cucumbers. Continuous
trimming, if carefully done, will pro-
duce many more cucumbers and less
Squash seed is planted in the same
way as cucumber. We must, how-
ever, give more space between hills
on account of their stronger growth.
Six feet will be sufficient. We seldom
trim squash, 13u1 if we wish larger
specimens it is welt 10 stop all growth
after a Saw aceizel2e2iv`_.e-eel;..
'TtlU1iS1)AY MAY 120., 10;
`6�t }'HEN you require a roof, the measurement
VVV will be in squares (100 square feet). A.
basis for analysis of the costs of Brantford
Asphalt Slates is given below:
—INITIAL COSTS OF MATERIALS—Ernntford Asphalt Slates are
▪ sometimes higher in Initial cost for the matorsaL
NAILS REQUIRED -Brantford Aohl1,italt Slates require ONLY 084
w nails to lay a square. Brantford Aspt,alt Slab Slates require ONLY
400 nolle. -
c' --COST OF LAYING -Brantford Asphalt Mai/Mates are four on
one ship—require only one operation in handling, one operation
in sppacing—Individual slates ere 8 z 1211 inches—Cut: easily, tit
Welly, tit
oneatsioein and
bend over round surfaces. You save
30 to 50A'
NO PAINT OR STAIN REQUIRED -The surface of Brantford
Asphalt Slates is in nature's permanent colors, green and red,
unfedoable, always anraetive,—requiring no statin to produce
artistic effects, no liquid coats to make them fire-resistant.
so G
SAv3NOF INSIIRANCE-Brentford Asphalt Slates are classed
as non-combuseble by Bre insurance com anies—e direct caving
of from 10 to 20 per cent. on premiums is affected. In cortaln
localities fire regulations demand asbestos paper under someroof
materials. but Brantford Asphalt Slates are fire-resistant and are
immuno from special regulations.
c! COST OF REPAIRS—Tram-the day they are laid Brantford
" Asphalt Slate roofs show almost 100 per cent. ofdie original roof un-
touched. Brantford Asphalt Slates do not curl, split, crack or rot.
foCompleterdAsphalt protectionSlsteRoand porraenent protection aro built into Brpat-
Compare these, roof costs with those of any other
roofing material; it is your money you are spending
and you want value for it—then buy
• ;rr..
'..Asphalt Slates
.Distributed under Brantford Roofing Trade Nfarks,:
through Brantford Roofing Dealers. Stock 'carried,
. information furnished, service rendered by our. dealer
in your district.
Brantford Roofing Co. Limited
Brantford - Canada
Branches at Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Winnipeg
F Sate by H. d BLAND .B
Pe4*.A.-0000, `40(0: rx" Sti',•t'uxw�az, 'ice'-•S{f
"100% PURE"
The paint for wear
and weather.
It wears and wears
and wears.
beautifies and pre-
serves Oil Cloth
and Linoleum.
Improves the new
-renews the old.
The sanitary, wash-
able Flat Oil Pairrt
for Interior Decor-
Nothing adds so much 'to the beauty of a home
as floors that ere properly cared for; on the
other hand, floors that are not protected are
unpleasant to look at,
are hard to keep clean,
and become injuredthrough wear. Don't
neglect your -floors, beautify them and save
them. Save the surface and you save all.
MARBLE -ITE Floor Finish is the perfect .
treatment for floors of all kinds. It is the one
floor finish that has a money -back guarantee
attached to every can.
In 24 hours MARBLE -ITE dries hard with a
beautiful finish that will not show heel marks.
It has a high gloss, yet is tough enough to stand
any amount of wear without injury. It can be .
washed with soap and water and it will not
mar nor scratch white.
We invite you to call and discuss this method
of beautifying and protecting -your floors. We
can give you full details regarding this or any
other painting or varnishing problem. We have
a complete stock of MARTIN-SENOUR Paints
and Varnishes. For every purpose -For every
Corless & Venner
Clinton, Ontario
�Q` ie.!
ah! 4
The "NATIONAL" Lve0 TORONTO 10.30 p.m. 'DAILY
For Sudbury, Port Arthur, Fort Williaari, WinnipegSTANDARD
Edmonton, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, and Victoria TIME
Alternative routing ; ,Through Standard Sleeping Car Service to Winnipeg, Leave Toreni'o 8.45 p.m. Daily
via G.'1'., North Bay, .thence '.Continental Limited" via T. & N.O.; Cochrane and C,N. Rys. ,
Tickets and information from any Agent; Canadian National or Grand Trunk Railways, cy+t