HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-5-5, Page 7eacatigmeglenTesseseffeigMlia Made by The Canadian Steel and, Wire Co., Limited. HAMILTON, ONT. Ask Your Dealer ealQjfoeravtIheris better, stronger, galvanized fenc- ing. gncing.. He buys in large quantities, secureslowest freight rates and. can sell to you cheaper than anyone else. •k Nral Illhe VII WI IS NW 1111. et/A •111e.1ft le/ 11111111 'NOW 111111 HEALTH EDUCATION p BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health. Ontario Ir e MVOOr, 'Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health m tens through this column." Address him at the Parliament Bldgs; B 'ma 1 va Nal lax Vie vs. 131114 ye vi 'is ®®vs. va 7 Goitre is an enlargetment of the tlhyroid gland in the neck. • It is soma - what prevalent in Canada mid seems to affect a larger number of women A Toronto, than men, In India, however, where the disease is extremely widespread, just as many men as women are sus- ceptible. It de also frequently aveeal in parts of Switzerland, the majority of those affected living iai deep val- leys. The immediate cause of the die- eeee is not known but it seams to be associated with mineral pnodiicts con bained in certain dlr^inking waters, The great trcuble in arriving at any de- finite conclusion on this point is that the particular ingredients af the water that seem to cause goitre is some dis- tricts do not seem to have any such effect in other places. For instance, the carbonates end sulphates of lime and magnesia which are present in sante waters and have been credited with being the cauee of :goitre, are not found in the, waters of other are where goitre prevails. The disease is exceedingly ,common in India, and as a result of a very searching investigation of its cause -in that country and elsewhere, the opin- ion is held that goitre is+ caused by a germ that obtains admission to the I1mflan intestine and there ereabes. •a poison or toxin which so influences the thyroid gland that .ie undergoes enlargement. It would thus seem as if the ,gland was overworked and con- eedluently enlarged in trying to se- erete an antidote for the;poieons oulating through the system. For it is the function of the thyroid to pro- duce substances known as antidotes or antidotes that will neutralize poisons in the blood. ' This gexati in the intestine is supposed to poison the system to etueh an extent that the thyroid gland becomes enlarged through the strain of overwork, just similar to enlargement of the heart. Water can eerbainly,Ibe the means of communicating the disease, and certain waifs in European countries are actually frequented, fr uent d,w •ith this pur- pose ur-pose in view, by Hien who wish to escape military s'erviee. As these waters are rendered harmless by boil- ing, the idea of a causative germ be- ing in the- water seems well grounded, The goitre may be 'et the "simple" variety, that is 'mere -enlargement of the gland itself, in contrast to the kind where pulsation is noticed in the swelling,, and where the eyes are prominent or eipparently bulging in their. sockets. Cretinism or 'loss of function• of the thyroid is often seen children in countries such as India where the disease is prevalent Death from goitre it rare. The patient 'should be removed from the effected, area, or farting that'the drinking water !should be boiled before use. Great benefit has resulted from the use of ,the X- rays in this ,condition. Another remedy is iodine painted externally over the swelling and taken internally in the form of potassium iodine or tincture of iodine. In India biniodite of mer- cury is painted on the, swelling, fel- lowed :by exposing the neck for sev- ere' hours to .the rays . of the sun. Pressure symptoms may require a surgical operation. Ontario Rural Credits. The province of Ontario has decided' in favor of a system of ruraa.crediti to further agricultural development, and on the movement of the Hon. Manning Doherty, Minister of Agricul- ture, it has provided for the setting aside of $500,000 for the peirches° of bonds to be issued by the Agricultural Development Board for making long terns loans ear first mortgagee on farm property, Provision is also mode. Lor short term farm loans and for the for- mation of farm loan asseciaatfons in any township, Incorporated village, or unorganized territory in the province of Ontario. In this movement, Ontario ie fallow- ing the example set by Manitoba, where a system of rural credits has been In operation for some years, and has been responsible for loans aggre- gating $2,039,000 and the bringing un- der cultivation of about 66,740 acres of virgin soil. Whilst based upon the act of the western province, that of Ontario differs from it in some re- spects. It is provided that the capital stock of the association shall be made up of one share of par value for each member, and there must be at leant 'thirty members, . Subscribers shall be required to pay ten per cent. of par value at the time of subscription and the balance when called' upon, A board of seven directors, Wiesen by the Partners' organization, the pro- vince, and the township, shall pass upon all .loans ' whlch shall be In ef- fect for the year in which they are is- sued and may be renewable. The loans will be available for the pur- chase of seed, feed, implements and livestock and the erection of silos. The rate of interest is not_to exceed seven per cent. , Domestic Economy . Maid --"Please, sir, missus wants you to telephone for the plumber, 'cos she's dropped 'er diamond ring down the bath•plpe." Master --"Tell your mietrees not to be ridiculous—I'll buy he -r another diamond ring," Why Men Fail. Men fail for various reasoue, little and big, . Most men fail because they are lazy. To be Lazy meeons•—to be late, to be slovenly, to be a poor eaoriomist of time, to shirk responsibility. It means to say of anything that es clamoring to be done. "No, I'm not going to do that, because' it isn't my work." Lazines is at .the back of most of the lesser reasons for failure, The minor cause's and derivatives frons that one great Major cause. ' It is so easy to dream in the sun end let the world go by; to dawdle and procrastinate, till one wakes up—ton, late. Late and lazy are, in fact, first cousins. If you are •late, you waste other - people's time as' well as your own. Lazy people have all the time there is, and yet they haven't time to be polite.. They distrain the forms of ceremony that sweeten life, They are grouchy, surly, gruff. It Pains them to be pleasant, to say. thanks and to smile. Therefore they ,remain underlings. There ie plenty of room at the bot- tom for the boy who never has learned to be polite. To be deferentiel is not to be ser- vile:- . It is merely to be decently re- spectful. The biggest men are the 111osE un- assuming and the most unpresuming, 11 is the insignificant people who fluff themselves up with a false and foolish pride and are forever'forating from the flimsy and slipery platform. of their own touchy dignity. Failure is generally elective, It rests with the man himself to decide whether be cares enough for success to pay the price, Too Much Borrowing.. Neighbor's Son—'Dad waiits to know can your wife come over Sud help with the butcberin'?" "Weil, I don't know! I haven't got that plow back your pa borrowed of me six months age," ' Yatil1 Take More Pleasure in the Ixieal-time drink ifb -s" d e 1des ids Fine taste,you know. it makes for health. . ERE jjYf1L is a--twholesome and. ratanging CEREAL BEVERACE EARACE It hal a rich, furl -bodied E1avol', but contains nothing that can pos- sibly disturb nerves or digestion. Quickly Prepaf&d,—&cgno a.ical Soki by Grocera Eve yzlrhere - #7i Xrtesirl'S Next Premier, A�lisiiei} Chhuitlerlain's recent eleva- • tien to the. Wilder/00p Of the Gpvere- ment P••arty,-•dr rather, of the Cone servetive element, means he is'essur- ed of the sueeession of Mr. Lloyd George in the;pi'emiirshi'p, in the event of the latter': retiring through v11 - health, oe else in rase of any break up .of the .coalition, and the refsls'al of the Untenia'.ts•, •rind especially of the Tories, to give their approval to some of the progressive nneasutes of the present Prime Minister. There was • a close and inthilate friendship between Mr, Lleyd George and A,'Bonar Law, who preceded, Mx• chamberlain, especially during the last three .years. Mr. Bonar Law` was full o£' admiration for the Premier, as the man who was -more responsible than.•any oneelse for Great Britain's: victory iss,the late war, and was most loyal in his devotion to him. That intimacy does not exist 'between Mr. Bonar Law's sueeeseor and Mr, Lloyd George, Nor Mr. Chamberlain like- ly ever to obtain such a Bold upon his Tory followers as Bonar Law, who on several occasions, by mane of his quiet powers at persuasion, was able to prevent their -front deserting the Lloyd George administration. The question is being asked as to whom The Prime Minister really' wish- ed to have .in Bonax' Law's place. He alone seems to have known of the ,Conservative leader's impending re- sigtp&tion•;, A.slsumedly-if Lord Robert Cecil had ,known of it, he would not have crossed the ,floor of the House two months ago to throw in his lot with the opposition. While it is equal- ly .certain that .. Winston Spencer Churchill would . have . declined to undertake hie official trip to Egypt and tit Palestine had he Ihad any ink-. ling that Bonar Law wee about to vacate his leadership. It is more than probable that. Mr. ' Churchill would have beenelected, if he lied been_. on the •scene' insteitcl of away in the Levant; while Lord Birkenhead would have hada very good- chance if he had remained in the House of Commons as Attorney -General, under bhe name of Sir Frederick Smith, instead et yield- ing to the lire of the Woolsack and of the lord High Ohancellership. All these men would have been able to furnish to the Conservatives, whe constitube the overwhelming bulk of the Unionist party, a greater degree of inspiration and enthusiasm, and possess magnetism and qualities of leadership far superior to those of Austen Chamberlain. They made the mistake of their lives, the one inleav- ing England, the second in accepting the Lord High Chancellorship, .and the third" in eross5n'g the floor of the House; mistakes which cost ahem the virtual right of succession to thg- preniership. CHILDHOOD INDIGESTION Nothing is more common in child" hood than indigestion. Nothing is more dangeroes to proper growth, more weakening - to the_constitution or more likely to pave the way to dan- gerous disarm, Pully nine -tenths of all the minor ills of Childhood have their root in indigestion, There is no medicine for the Iittle ones to• equal Baby's Own Tablets in relieving this trouble•. They have proved of benefit in thousands of homes. Concerning then Mrs. Joe. Lunette, Imntaculee Conception, Que., writes: "My baby was a great sufferer from indigestion, but the Tablets soon set her right and now I would not be without thane," Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers.orby mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. ` 111lsins' vIedicine. Co.; Brockville, Ont. Slave -Holding Ants. The ant is Man's greatest rival in organization andindustrial civiliza- tion. 13e;fore man knew enough to take to agricultus'e some ants of America were farming the soil. Their numbers are not so great 1n this coun- try; nor are they particularly fierce, but in South America and in Atria, ants ase amazingly numerous and a danger to, man. The red lint is a typical soldier; he does nothing but fight, He has power- ful jaws, and fs generally strong, but he cannot get along..witliebt a slave to feed him. If he were left to feed himself, he would die. He continually raids the nests of weaker Meet's and brings thein back as prisoners, thus solving the .servant problem and keep- ing hlmsea2 well supplied with attend- ants. There is at species oftort la Aus• traria called the bulldog ant, because of its extreme pugnaclty. It will light anything and. everything. If one of these ants is accidentally cut in half, one -halt will actually light the other belt to the death. That ante should be able to kill a snake inay seem incredible, at first. When au enemy Is 'sighted the alarm is given at once and the whole com- munity of ants arises in a body. They set upon the.reptile, striking their nip- pers Into it at thousands of points. The attack is made with smell euor- medus numbers that tine snake leas lie chance of escaping. When the snake is dead the ants will tear off the flesh In small pieces, taking nil away with Mem except the bones and skin, In No Hurry to Aviate. A headset -ire, : smart -looking young fellow In uultorm was stopped on the streets of Baltimore ane day a• couple of summers ago by an equally young Negro woo had form ori y worked as chauffeur for the soldier's father, "My, Misteh Janes,,, exclainmed the da:rtry, as he gave an admiring survey of tee young mann; l,niforni. "Yo' sliore dote leak scrumptious lit; dat uniform!".' "Thank you, ,Fee," saki tete yottng fellow. ".By the way, why don't you go In yourself? You are a good me- chanic altcl would come fn handy In an airplane, . Ede iveuld you like in fly amoisg the elands a mile high and drop bombs 00Um'Germans?", "1 abn't in no < speuia1 /lima to avlate," said the deriry, "When we le 51p 511001 a mile high, srlpposo de he, jibe stops end do white man says, 'Olt out en' crank, nigger!' " tliitiarcl'S Liniment for Burns, etre • THE FATEFUL YEARS FOR EVERY WO AN How to' Overcome Troubles `hat Afflict Women Only. So far as a woivan'e' health is eon agrned, probably the meet -fateful yearsin her life aro those between .411 and 50. Many women enter tine period under depressing conditions, through overstrain In household cares, or a negleeted Condition of the blood, and so• :they_ suffer heavily.. Antong the commostes•t enneltoms at thire time ere headachses, paha In the back atnd ,sides; fever flushes, pal1to tion, dizziness and depression. ,11 is well to know that these variations of health can be relieved by home treat - meat. What women stand in need of all their life, but never more'. so than in middle age, is rich, red blood., As a tonic' for the blood and nerves, Di-. Williams' Pink Pills are always 'dole- ful, but eeeeclalby will they help wo- mien at this time. Among those who have found benefit through the nee of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pifle le Mrs. J, A. McDougall, H.ltodena, N.S.; who says.: "I was greatly troubled with nenvous- nese, palpitation of the hear+t, dizzi- ness., and a generally run down condi- tion. It was only with difficulty that' I could do my work, and although I had been taking nzedleine for some time I did not Improve, lO wally. a friend advised Dr. Melange Pink Pills, and I got a supply and began taking theme. The result more than met my expectet'ions, and I am feel- ing better than I have done for years, sleep well, eat welly and do my house': work much more easily. In my case the pills certainly did what you claim for then).." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine, or you can get their by0 mail a t 6 cents s a box or six boxes for 52,50 Pram The Dr. Williams' Medicine • Co., Brookville, Ont, Scouting Notes. Scouting is now world wide. Japan has recently taken up the work. The leading educationalists of Great Britain and the United States aupport 11. The Leading men of Ca=nada are be- hind the genre, - Scenting is to supplement present boy activities, not to supplant them. The activities wili fit with Sunday Schools, They Scheele, Church Boys' Clubs,. and call aleo be made a com- munity work if desired,' Its results are sure if properly applied. Scouting is no longer an experiment or a fad. Its twelve years' history' has more than demonstrated its worth- whileness, Several hundred thousand Canadian boys and young mem have been Boy Seout3, sometime during their career and will be and are better mea be- cause of the training they received. There le a junior movement for boys between the ages of 'eight and twelve years known, as the Wolf Cuba. Over thirty thoutiand Canadian boys are now members of the "Great World B•rrotherhood of Scouts" and their num- ber is increasing every day. If you are interested and .feel that Scout training eheuld be made avail- able to the boys• of your community, a letter addressed to the Executive Secretaiy, The Boy Scouts' Associa- tion, 131oor and She'bourne Sts., To- ronto, will bring yon fuff information. Over one hundred and fifty Ontario villages, towns and cities have found he Scanting a solution for their "boy problem." I3as your town yet done anything really constructive for its. boys? The Honor of Thieves. Soviet Russia again invitee the world outside to become a receiver of stolen goods, This time the plan isle take the art treasures rifled from the private col- lections• and' galleries of the nation and put Hien' on the world market in exchange for food. The Bolshevists are adepts in dis- posing of that which does not belong to them. There is no question of the market value of these exquisite ac- cunmlations they desire to 'sell. But there Is every question of the title. At the vary time that the commis- sars are tellin'e the earth what a fine conunorcial system they have, they are giving it the poorest possible ad- vertisement. There n1ay be Honor among thieves, but whet respectable dealing can there be' betwixt thieves n.'id honest inen? - 24 !nerd's Liniment Co., Limited • Sibs,—l. have Utied your 5,5 NArtD'S 11N1.V17NT Pot' the past 20 year's and whilst t nave neonalenadly used other liniments t can safely say that 0 have Bever used any 0, eat I yours. 1 rubbed between the handy and. in- haled frequently it Will never fail to relieve '-old in the Road In 24 hours. It is also the best foo bruises sprains, etc, Tours 5111v, ,1• t,. IJ731,110. Da vitriol/ t h. "An unfair clec eicn by the ulnpire is usually enough to vela the crowd's favor, at lenst to rporwa ily, for its victim;" says the wolli-ci-ans'pien ten- iris player, "Such d',_ision might not to he piatc-seed, but the man who lets the benefit f one f •r , ^ c o o ihrr .h"uld promptly ogeeiize n'at'ters by u004- teniatioasly Iceing a point. Ire should not hit the ball into the net with a tallOtee air of'Tiene "Til are,'—tri bit cd playing for effect that tho erow•cl re cents, -butt should contrive to miss by a bare margin," Tient is the Illi•. rude of a gentleman and therefore of a goad sportsman, Minord'a Linlmant for DAndrult. Cannula 1•:ata water power' equal to 20 000;001) hereiepower; 00 per cent, is still running to we're. Mrive mole can manly hold downs a lion, but nitre are require. to 'Iroki e tier; Clasef't ed Adyertisemeit,.. m •� Ac imus wnsssap,.. ] AT APJEX A1tllvC 1 A1)Y '.r0 ALT I AN ot,r repreeeq td the letl'Odln.lml$ nset551 line of fact sailing-arttciea, �yrlto �.ndcrtlon ) enunieturing Oonl- Peen, '.ancon, 0nterle. • . .. „ . . Oil -Burning Locomotives as Used in England. Zn Bnglaaad, the London, and North- Western itailsuay Co. has converted some of its coal. -burning locomotives into oil limenees. The lire bore .has been lined with fire Ibriek, god "'soatubt•' oil burners, of the type in which the oil is atomized by a jet of stearal, hfeve been in5'alled so that there are three burners in a rew eas'aae the fire box, The 'burners are supplier .with oil 'by means oe a pipe line running from an' oil tank, 'with a capacity of 1,1100 gals., which is installed in the tender, in the space, which useJ to be occupied by the coal. Adjaeent to this tank is a heater, through which the elf passes. on Its way to the burner, end in which it is warmed ,sieffieiently to make it flow xeadillty through the redwing valves, and to atomize free- ly. • ASPIRIN "Bayer" only is Genuine' iiiiiiiumunri strain II fl 1 manna h ie ih,iumnnrnenr' Have Your Cleaning Done by Experts Clotting, household draperies, linen and delicate fabrics can be °leaned and made to look as fresh and bright as when 'first bought, 4 Vie Cleaning and Dyein ' Is Properly Done atParker's It makes no difference where you live; parcels can: be sent in by mall or express. The same care and (Atop, Hon is gives the work RS though you Lived in town, We wilt be pleased to advise you on any question regarding Cleaning or Dyeing. WRITE' U$, q Parker s Dye Works i.Ili1E$C Cleaners ars Warning! Take no chances with subatitutes for genuine "Bayer Tab- lets of Aspirin," Unless yen see the name "Bayer" on package or on Tab- lets you are not getting Aspirin at all, In every Bayer package are directions for Made, Headache, Neuralgia, Rhein madam, Earache, Toothache, Lum- bago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents, Drug- gists, also sell larger packages. Made In Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of, Bayer Manufacture of Moneaceticaoidester of Salicyllcacid. .y The one great passion of the Japan- ese is hot-water' bathing, and: no ooun~: try in the world ctzn rival Japan in the natter of hot apringa, Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Dsatempor Nine hundred and fifty of LontIonis elementary schools are to' be provided with war :shrines in memory of old scholars killed in the war. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. A Swiss has arrived in Paris after travelling round the world on a bi- cycle. IIs covered 35,000 miles, and took seven years, Mlnard's Liniment Relieves colds, eta Light up—or light out. A well - lighted store says, "Come buy;" a d!elmtal one says, "Go by." ...ANNVNIONMAINN• COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF TORONTO HIDE - IOOI.'-FURS OILUSSORATB Big money can still be made on these skint), Ship your lot to us and melte sure of re- ceiving the right price. Re- turns sent the same day as shipment is received, WILLIAM STONE SONS LiMITED W00DSTOCK. ONTARIO ESTABLISHED WO TORCAN FANCY GOODS CO., Ltd. 7 Wellington St. East TORONTO Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Fancy Goode, Cut Glase, Earth- enware, Fancy China, Toys, Sport- ing Goods, Smallwares, Hardware Specialties, Druggists Sundries. Travellers Exerywhere. Wh0lesate Only Ame'ba's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book 011 DOG, DISEASES Mailed Row to any Ad- elress.by the Anther. nit 0 ',Veato8lst Strsnaat New York, II.S.A. Miss 8I1ao hh nso Jn Tells How Cuticura Healed Pimples 'My trouble began as small pile- pies end in a few months they got worse and itty forehead was just a masa of large pin- pies. They ware hard and llred and caused me' to ' 1lCretch, and I was ddslg- \ 1.e ured for the time. They Vie, made me ombarraseed when out In company. 1 tried sassafras tea but it was of no Help, Isavia`CiitictiraioapandOlnt- mentadvertisement and sent for a free sample. After using them' I bought more, and when I bed used one cage of Cedars Beata and one box of Cut] - cure Ointment for about a month 7 was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Elia May Johnson, Box 65, Camas, Idaho, March 9, 1020. Otetioura Soap, Ointment end'I'ai- cum promote and =liras—do akin pure ity, skin comfort and akin health often when all else Mile, WV 255, O!nlm,ni 25 end 50c. Vanua 25c. S01d throughoatthaDonnnion, 0anndiariDepot; • i. ' no. Limited, 314 Sl rani St. w Monitccl. Cutinura Soap ahai!ca w tlloutinil5, ' ISSUE NO. 10'—'29; ill`' rlu r Irl to ,l"(r t � ` _ .- ., -nom-•. SII I Illlll 1)II11�1111111111,111 �m►i� , udnn,tl .� Cheapest Trouble Insurance that a car owner can carry is a spare DOMINION TIRE and an extra DOMINION INNER TUBE. Then—if accidents or emergencies arise; you can ;quickly change tires ani -reach your destination without delay or inconvenience. While you are fitting out your car with new DOMINION TIRES, be sure to get the extra one for your tire holder and an extra DOMINION INNER TUBE in a carrying case. No matter what make of car you drive, or whether you use it for' business or pleasure, you will find that DOMINION TIRES will give you a service and mileage that prove their supreme quality ' and workmanship. Sold By The Best Dealers Throughout Canada, DOMI t t 1 ARE GOO AIRES s tier elite" .. h {S►v only Imperial Mica Axle Grease contains just enough powdered mica to form asmooth, hard surface on the axle which relieves friction and enables grease to do its work better. It prevents hot boxes and scored axles, and outlasts othergreases two to one. Ifg11�1111i hit 1000 a 4m fT� °OJ�c Imperial Eureka Harness Oil penetrates every fibre of leather, thereby excluding 'moisture, dust and sweat. It preserves harness, and prevents cracking and break- ing of stitches. Harness that is treated with it lasts for years, looks well all the time and requires little repairing. Ask your nearest dealer about these two high quality • products. Fra has both in convenient sizos. Now LThe Time T If you have delayed painting, your property has suffered. Do not put off any longer. Save the surface and you Save all, Look around and youwill find many places,, both inside and out that call for a coat of paint. Now is the time. Nature is re -decorating, get in line and do the same. The most economical method is to use guarantee We guarantee the 1000 Pura t in Palm (except inside White end A fee, dark nhad,A that cannot be prepartd om lend and tine), 10 he mode hem • pure white lend, pure of zinc with colo ring mat' ter in proportionate gnnntltita net". Nryec 0050.00r res tiva shades and ti t, with pure Unwed ell and tar• pentine dryerAllti to be entirely' PENH front water, hen. rine, Whiting and- etheraIuhernllons, and sole s0ntnev 70 CHEL11CAL AN. 010911, a. MNlnttle l0un 0. MARTIN -SEN 100% PURE PAINT AND VARNISHES • Their coveringpower and tinting'ga5)050 ore very ctlnq 5,,!!! Day you to Innis ongetilngBth, papular rime, 1'er wherever ttmminanq� or vornleltieg you do, g uar amn end tolbeaIA rve the tNOUn Product, - sh one guaranteed w bent serve the Duper for which ris made Thur, is i ,aid i(ART1»- SNOURhrodarl nareveres bade Agent, or wile uret etTIY �ed. bar dbooklet ',Town and Counrry Nara"waded free on ague,'. gA4" MARTIN nSENOUi? 6w pnoeeealn 01 AIT? ANn WJ1111005 """rt"'"" MONTREAL 0T0tn 0n Paint 1 1