HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-5-5, Page 1Na. 2096•--40n4 Yel4r CI4NTON,°ONTARIO,'TU :BRAY, MAY 5th, 11921 If you have anything you wish to self, the surest way to fund a purchaser is to advertise it in The News -Record. A live ad. backed by°;'The Goods". brings results. THE HO E PAPER I `Overworked Vrtes LIKE ANY OTHER PART OF THE HUMAN BODY, REQUIRE'1 A STIMULANT WHEN OVERTAXED' OUR STIMULANT FOR WEAK EYES IS GLASSES IF YOU NEED THEM CALL AND SEE US. SMALL CHARGE FOR GLASSES EXAMINATION FREE r ® IL Ye11qar Jeweler and Optician Phone 174w 11011.1. Issuer of marriage licenses Residence 1'74J IS YOUR MONEY SAFE? Hidden in your home it is a temptation to 'thieves. Deposit your money in the bank and rent a SAF-ETY DI~aPOSIT BOX for your valuable papers, Victory Bonds, etc. THE ROYAL DANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches 00.12, THE MOLSONS BANK The Moisons Bank wants. every farmer to feel that he has a seal friend in the Manager, thaf he will receive a hearty welcome and can safely discuss with him his money needs, H. R. SHARP, Manager 4 CLINTON BRANCH Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent READY -TO -NEAR l 2 he gfforrish CLOTHING Clothing Co. ORDERED CLOTHING A S e Just received this week a shipment of manufac- turer's samples of Men's Tweed Raincoats at HALF PRICE On sale Saturday torr II.25 Regular price $22,50 Come early and. get your pick. The are Genuine They rune Snaps Ask to see our $2.50 Trousers, they are cheaper than buying overalls. THE t.flflRISH CLOTHIN CO. Motto "A a Scll<a- e e Square Deal for Every flan. CLINTON MARKETS, Fall wheat. $1.60, Buckwheat, 800.• Spring Wheat, n gX1.25. Oats, 45e. Barley, 5QL. Eggs, 240 to 25¢, Butter, 34¢ to 350. Live Hogs„' Market unsettled: MARRIED AT TORONTO.• An event of interest to Clintonians took place on Thursday of last\week at 109 Dowling Ave, Toronto, the home of Mrs, James Beatty, when her youngest dang'hter, Jennie Louiser was married to Lieut. Thoinae F, Peekit$, R. N. V. R. Miss 13eatty is the daughter of the late James H. Beatty, owner of the Beatty. Line of steamers, and is an exceedingly charming young lady, while Mr. Peckitt is a native of Clinton, being a son of the late John Peckitt. The News -Record joins, with M. Peck- itt's old friendsin wishing hint and his bride the fullest measure of happiness. EDUCATIONAL MEETING. A large , and representative meet- ing was held in the council chamber yesterday afternoon in, the interests of education in the county of Huron. Representatives were present from al- most every municipality in the coun- ty, trustees, teachers and ratepayers. Also the two Public school inspec- tors. The meeting was addressed 'by Mr. Segsworth, field' secretary of the Provincial School Trustees and Rate- payers' Association, who gave an outline of the work aimed at by the. organization. Over seventy such or- ganizations have already been effec- ted inthe province and are affiliated with the provincial organization. Af- ter Mr. Segsworth's address some discussion followed as to whether one organization for the county should be formed or whether it should be divided the north fr•oni the south. It was finally decided that one organization should be formed to be known as Huron County School Trustees' and Ratepayers As- sociation, and the following o&rs were appointed: leon: Presidents, Dr. Field, J. El- gin Tom, Goderieh. President, Rev. A. Laing, Fordwich. Vice, J. J. Robertson, Colborne. 'Sec. -Treasurer, G. C. Shillinglaw, Stanley. The following committee of eight, four from the south and four from the north, were also appointed; T. C. Stewart, Kirkton; L. Knox, Goderieh; Mr. Fowler, Seaforth; R. N. Creech, Exeter; Mrs. Currie, Wingham; Mr. McQuillan, Lucknow, A. H. McDonald, Ethel; I. Proctor. Brussels. The executive committee was em- powered to complete the organization and each township will have a' local organization, responsible to the larg- er, central organization. An appeal will be Inside to the county council for a grant to carry on the work. W1SLEY CHURCH Miss Freida Wallis was elected president of the League -eon Monday evening, Miss Ruby Irwin not wish- ing to act, and Miss Daisy Necliegr was elected missionary vice presi- dent, in Miss Wallis' stead. At the quarterly meeting on Tues - clay evening Mr. W. H, Hellyar was aPno rnted delegate to the districtt meeting to be held in Blyth next week. The following were appdintecb a committee to confer with a like committee from Ontario street church regarding union and to pre- pare a report for the district meet- ing: Messrs. H. B. Chant, R. E. Manning, C. J. Wallis, A. T. Cooper and G. W Layton. The Ladies Aid entertained the choir to a sumptuous and well -served supper on Friday evening. When the good things provided had been thor- oughly enjoyed the following toast list was gone through. Mr. H. B. Chant acting as toastmaster: "The Ring", "God Save The Sling,"' "Our Guests," Proposed .by' Mr.. Mc - Canine, who . will .tell us what the Choir means to. the Minister. Responded to by J. E. Doherty,'who will tell us what the Minister means to the ,Cheer. "What I don't know about Choir Music" E. 'C. Andrews. Reading, Miss Baxter. • "JIow to create and maintain 'Esprit de corps' in a Choir,” Mrs, A. T. Cooper, "What the Choir thinks of 'the Con- gregation," Mrs, Fowler. "What the Congregation thinks of the Choir." C. .I. Wallis, Reaching, Miss Cuninghane. "Some reminiscences • by an Ex- metnber", R. E. Manning. The evening was very much en- joyed. The W. M. S. held its election of officers on Wednesday evening of last week. Those elected Were: President, Miss B. Porter. Vice -Presidents, Mrs. McCannus, Mike. Wallis, Mrs. Cuninghame, Mrs, French. Rec.-Secretary, Mrs. R. E. Manning. Treasurer, Mrs, Fowler, Cot, -Secretary, Mrs. J, C. 1VIcMath, Oupt. Ch. Stewardship, Miss E. A, Washington, Strangers Secretary, Mrs, Watt, Pianist; Mrs, A. T. Cooper. Assist t an Mrs.` M cCatnu s Miss F. Cunitighaene will be the delegate to tiie branch meeting which will he held at Listowel on May 25th, 2601, 27th. 1VIrs. A. T. Cooper will he the delegate to the District Oono vention to be held in Goderieh ori May altar. WILLIS CHURCH'. Next :Sunday the, morning service will bi. suitable to "Mothers' Day." The mihieter's' subject' will be; "A Tribute to Mothers," Evening sub- ject: "A Message for our Times Form the Epistle to the Hebrews." Anniversary services will be held oe Sunday, May 16th, when Rev. D, M. Solandt, B, D., of Toronto•will be the preacher. HAVE ENTERED TWO TEAMS. 'Clinton is "going infor" sports this season more seriously, than for some time, having~ organized both. football and baseball. Two teams have been entered in the North Wel. lington Baseball Association, senior and junior. it The senior group comprizes Credi- ton, Neustadt, Goderich, Kinctirdine, Hanover, Cargill, Walkerton, Tees, water, Wingham, Stratford, Zurich, ltbilverton, Lucknow, Durham, Mbltke,. Brussels, Listowel, Iiderton,' Ailsa Craig, Clinton, Lncan, Clifford, Pais- ley, Palmerston A. A. A.. Port Elgin, Mount Forest, Carlingsford, Elora, Lochlash, Palmerston, Arthur, ,Drew, Drayton, Harriston. Junior: Kincardine, Elora, Clinton, Teeswater, Wingham, Seaforth, ur- ham, Exeter, Stratford A. K. A., Mount Forest and Harriston. Next week we hope to be able to publish the schedules for ' both groups. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Thursday, May 5th, Ascension Day. Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m. Even song 8 p.m. Confirmation class 9 p.m. ' Sunday.: Morning Prayer at 11;: S. S. and Bible Class at 2.30. Even- song at 7 pan, The Diocesan Synod of Huron eyill meet next week in London. The Lay Delegates ' representing St. Paul's church at this Synod are Mr. John Ransford and Lt. -Col. Rance, The adjourned Vestry meeting was held in the Owen Memorial Hall on Monday evening, Rev. S. E. McKeg- ney presiding. The financial state- ments were read by Mr. C. G. Mid- Belton. These showed progress in every department, the receipts being well over four thousand dollars. In future the church books will close on the 31st of December in each year and the Vestry • will be held on tome Monday in January. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Guild was held on Tuesday.' The fin- ancial statement showed that over $600 had been raised during the year. Miss Doan, the retiring pres- ident and the other officers were all re-elected. A social meeting under the au- spices of the Girls' Friendly Society was held in the school -room on Tues- day even,ing, The programme con- sisted of the following: Pianoforte solo, Miss Rorke, Song, Miss Gibbings. Chorus, St.- Paul's Glee Club. Readings, Miss M. Argent and Miss J. • Woods. Song, Rev. C. M. Hallowell. Games brought a very pleasant meeting to a close. THE CHAUTAUQUA. The Chautauqua, which conies to Clinton on July 6th, 7th, Sth and 9th, promises to be very entertaining. The opening 'm g en ter amu eat on the afternoon of July 0th will be a con- cert, in charge' of the superintendent, by the Chester Scott Company. In the evening of the same day the Scott Company will also appear and a lecture on "The One Hundred Per Cent. Man" will be given by Dr. J. Franklyn Babb of Boston. The second afternoon here will be u prelude concert by Prince, "the prince of concert accordionists," and. a lecture: "Ped Russia With -The Lid Off," LI, W. J. Osbourne-Denip- stern M.. C., Ye. S. M., who rias just returned 'froiii a tour ' of Bolshevik Russia. 'In the evening there will be a prelude by Prince and ail exhibi, tion by Davis, Master Magician, TIie third afternoon a concert will be 'given by the John Qualen Trio and Henry Reed and a lecture: "Conn. enunity Nuts to Crack," by D. •Lee Fitzpatrick. In the evening the fam- ous comedy, "Contentment" Will be given by the Elias Day Play Com - pati * On the fourth day there will be a concert in the afternoon by Fergus-, ores Light Opera Quinitette and 1n the evening /a lecture ell "The Out kook in Europe" by Hon. Percy Alden, a member of the British Parliament, with musical selections by the Fer- guson Light Opera Quintette. The afternoon entertainments op, en at three o'clock and the evening et eight. Tickets for the afternoon are 500 and evening 7505 Children 256 and 1100, war tax additional. Season tickets. are $2.00, wale tax additional, children's season's tickets, adinitting children between the ages of six and fourteen aro $1.00. / Those wishing to purchase season tickets are asked to leave their names at O'Neil's, Fair's, Irwin's or Chaff's shoe store, The name of some member of the family✓must be written on the trek- et 01 ink, for the nroteetion of the owner in' y:ase of loss, but airy Mem- ber of the fancily may use it. Anyone wishingto take 'n 1 o1 aim most o. of the entertainments will find it very °coil-' omical to bties a 8ea8en ticket. No season tickets will be sold after the Chautauqua opons. Tib first two Wt/0 oftheirs will be teeerved for theee 'whose hearing: is defective, FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. A meeting was held on Friday ev- eninge nt • in the i a restsf o football and the following organization was made: Hon. -President, A. J. Morrish, President, Jack Innes. 1st vice, J. 13. NLustarc1. 2nd vise. P. W. Wigg. Manager, J. A, Sutter. See: Treasurer, E. Wended. :Ground committee, '2, Morgan, B,, Potter, W. Miller, Capt. Cook. Executive Committee, Carl Draper, Bruce Ben•y, ,Wm. McEwen. Practise every Tuesday and Fri- day evening. A SLIGHT MISUNDERSTANDING. St. James Square Presbyterian Church, Toronto is receiving consid- °rabic publicity at present, owing to some differences that have arisen between the, pastor and associate pastor, Rev. Dr. Turnbull and Rev: Mr. McKay and the platter is now in the hands of the Presbytery. Dr. Turnbull, who has had charge of this church' for over thirty-two years, conies from near Exeter. was educat- ed at Clinton Collegiate, and his de- ceased wife was a daughter of the late John Steep, of Clinton. He has been ordered by his physiciens to take a rest from active work. WILL LOCATE IN BLYTH. The Blyth Standard had the fol- lowing to say last week about a loan who for the past few Months has `been a resident of .Clinton: "Mr. W. Wedlock, who had the con- tract of. wiring the Memorial Hall Inas completed the work and from present appearances ' a ,satisfactory job has been •done. The lighting of the hall, with the varied colored lamps will meet the requirements of all. Mr. Wedlock knows his business, takes a pride in his work 'and guar- antees satisfaction in every instance. We understand it is his intention to locate permanently in Blyth When hydro electric is' installed here." DIED IN THE WEST. Mr. W. D. Fair received word. on Monday of the death of his brother- in-law, Mr. Neil Fox of Alemeda, Sask., after a short illness from pnueinonia. Mr. Fox was formerly a resident_ of Clinton and will be re- membered by many here. He was. a newspaper man, having served his apprenticeship as printer in the New Era office. Clinton. He was mayor of the town o f Alemeda and was identified with all public affairs which had for their object the wel- fare of, the town. His. death was most unexpected, as his illness was of short duration. At time of writing no particulars regarding the funeral have been received but it is expected it will take place at Alemeda or• at Mordan, Man., which was formerly his home. Clinton friends will sym- pathize with Mrs. Fox, who was for- merly Miss Josie Fair. ONT. STREET CHURCH. The installation of League officers took place on Monday evening. Next Monday evening the monthly mis- sionary meeting will be hent. On Monday week Miss Frances Nickavva, a full-blooded Cree Indian, a young girl of great gifts, who has been described as the "logical successor to Pauline Johnston," will give a recital. She is a singer and reader and gives many of Miss Johnston's poems. She will also assist thd choir at the Sun- day services. The annual. Sunday School teachers' meeting was held on Thursday last and the following officers were elec- ted: Superintendent, Wm. Welker. Associates, A. Hooper,'II. Wiltse. Assistant, Mr, Hawke. Secretary, Jazez Rands. Treasurer, Ilarold Pickett. Librarian, Amos Castle. The .average' attendance for the year was 180. The old staff of teach- ers were all re-elected, On Sunday afternoon next Moth- ers' Day will be observed and an open session held in the Sunday school. Mr. C. D. Houck will address the school. Special music will be given. LITTLE LOCALS. - " When a general meeting is called for Iluron county Clinton is the place to hold le I. 0, 0. F, menthol's are busy get- ting ready for their big dance on Friday evening. Yesterday the town was pretty quiet, almost every business place, with the exeeptiorf of the newspaper offices, being closed. Beginning next week the local post - office staff will also have 'a weekly half holiday on Wednesday. The wick- et will be closed but the mails will be attended to as useul and the post will be open to box -holders. The, tennis tournament, which was to -'leave been held on the C. C. I court, on Saturday, was postponed on account of the unfavorable weather, If conditions are favorable it will be held on Saturday this,week. Dr. Axon, who had such a serious illness, is now able to e'et about and looks very well; indeed. Hs is re- suming week again, taking it a bit easy, and it is hoped he will soon be altogether himself a"m y A large number of people weire in i Clinton yesterday attending 0 Meet- ing, in the interests of Edueatioli, When an organisation to be known as the " 1;tustees' and Ratepayers Assoc ration" was formed foe the county of Iluron: A WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Mr. and Mrs. Adam McCartney tertained a number of their friends dinner on Tuesday evening in h our of the tenth anniversary of the wedding day. A very enjoyable time was spent and Mr. and Mrs; McCar- tney were the; recipients of several handsome gifts and of many good wishes for continued happiness and prosperity • 'GREYHOUND COMING. Goderich Township ari -Niles Fannie Hibbs has returned to from a month's- visit with friends in he London, She was accompanfecl by it The annual Greyhound excursion from Detroit has been arranged for this year, leaving Detreit an Monday June 18th and returning to the City- of -the -Straits the following day. It returns to Goderieh again on the 16th and makes its fnal trip home ort the 17th, This has always been a popular excursion, many taking ad- vantage of the trip both ways. WILL START BUSINESS HERE.' Mr. W. D. Williams of Porters' Hill has rented the Cantelon Bros. store and •intends taking possession about the middle of May. Mr. Wil- liams will deal in groceries and pro- duce, keeping a .team or two on the road gathering the latter. He has quite it successful business at Porters,' Hill and will continue it as well as the Clinton branch. BIRD WAS DILIGENT, On Saturday Mr. Jack Passmore commenced the work of putting a new service in the town hall, the old wiring not being heavy enough for the moving picture machine. The work was not finished on Saturday and on Monday morning When they commenced work they found that a bird had built a nest in the opening in the wall. —Hensall Observer. I. 0. 0. F. APPOINT DELEGATES. At a recent meeting of the Odd Fellows Messrs. T. W. Hawkins and Caryl Draper were appointed dele- gates to the district meeting to be held in Clinton on Tuesday next, and Messrs T. H. Hardy and II. W. Gould were appointed to attend Grand Lodge in Brantford in epee. A,couple of loads of Odd Fellows went' to Brucefield Sunday evening to attend church parade. HAVE.A CARE, HOUSEWIVES. The Walkerton Telescope tells a story of a lady who put some cloths with which she had been polishing her woodwork on a shelf. The cloths bad been saturated with linseed and tur- pentine and shortly afterwards a smoke was noticed in the house and the polishing cloths were found to be red hot and ready„rto burst into flames from spontaneous combustion. Housewives who use these polishing mixtures should take care that no eve it results follow. EARLIER TRAINS. The changes in the 0. T. R. time- table made on Monday last af- fect Clinton somewhat, The morn- ing train going east, No. 28, is due in Clinton at 6.28, instead of 6.33, as formerly, and will carry a par- lor buffet car. So anyone wishing to go to Toronto by the early train can get breakfast en route, provided lie has enough cash left after paying for his ticket. After Stratford no stops will be made except eP tatKitehet Kitchen- er, Guelph, Georgetown, Brampton and West Toronto, and the train is due at Toronto at 10.15 instead of 11.10, as formerly. The night train comes in earlier, also, being due here at 3.0.03 instead of 11.18. This train leaves Toronto at 6.10 instead of 6.30 and also carries a parlor buffet. car•, Those of us living west of Stratford have not had tine advantage of.a par- lor ear 'since before the war. But then few of us could afford the lux- ury, anyway. MUST BE PAID ADEQUATELY. The rural snail routes Nos. 3, 4 and 5 have been let, No. 3 to W. Crich, No. 4 to R. A, Hearn and -No. 6 to Mr. A. B. Stephenson Some difficulty was experienced in getting the contracts let this thele as the'first tenders were considered too high and the Department advertised than the second time However, the time has come when a living wage must be paid the men who carry the mails on any ,mail route and the elan who tenders below a fair living wage is '.doing a very foolish thing, The conveyance of the mails is 011 important part of our social and civil"fabric. It is work which has to be done by responsible people, who must give heavy bonds for the per- formance of the work and the con- tract is bidding upon a man's bonds- men even after, his demise, as was proved in this town's short One ago. Mail couriers are a necessity of our civilization and they 'should be prop- erly remneerated. If the Govern- ment finds it necessary to yeconomize there are many places where it alight be done to advantage. The rural post- masters and rural mail couriers have been working for meagre salaries too, long. It is time they were paid a fair wage. They serve the people well, they deserve falx remuneration. Goderich Township Mr. II. Baker has sold his farm of eighty acres on the 4th eon. to East- man Bros. of Toronto. They take possessioir at once, This farm is well eitttatod and has splendid tlnildings, Mr. T3akcr gots a fair. figure .fee the farm'. Mr. Baker is erecting a neat fence on his property ori 60 18t 0011- cessioli whieh' will he a gi.•eakimprove- ment o his Lakeview property, Master "Bobby" .Doherty of 01intons At the council ,meeting en Monday afternoon the treasurer, J, E. White- ly,' stated that he had received k check from the Provincial Govern._ melt Highways- Dept., anioilnting to $870, being the twenty per cent. al- lowed on road and bridge construe: tion and maintenance last year Treasurer Whitely stated that the cheek was forty dollars short of the right amount due the township and he was instructed by Council to write the Deputy Minister of Highways :for this balance. Road • Superintendent S. Eminences is busy this week trimming the roads with the grader in No. 3, This week Mr. Jas. Connolly, caune ty patrolman, commenced work'on the Bayfield Road between Clinton and Bayfield. This road. has just been re- cently taken over by the County. At the meeting of the Board of Health held on. Monday, the Health officer stated that the Township wax entirely free of contagious diseases with the exception of a few cases of. mumps. 'A few complaints were re- ceived by the Board regarding'dead animals not being buried by the owners and Dr. Whitely was instrtiee ted to investigate. Ba fle1d • Beginning next week' Bavfied -vial observe' Thursday as a weekly half holiday during the summer months,. Next Sunday the Rev. Dr. Larkin of Seaforth '-will preach in St. An- drew's church, the occasion being the tenthanniversary of -the induction of. the Rev. A. Macfarlane into the charge of Bayfield and Bethany churches. On the following Monday' evening a congregational social vvfl! be held in honour of the event. Miss Nettie Reid, eldest daughter. of Capt. and ,Mrs. Ed. Reid of Ower. Sound, but well known in Bayfield, underwent an operation last Monday in the General and Marine Ilospitai, Owen Sound. Her litany friends are pleased to know she is doing well. Mr. Harold Brandon and -wife spent Sunday last at Belgrave, Mr. John Fraser occupied the red - Pit of St. Andrew's church on Sun- day last i11 the absence of tlteepaa- tor, Rev. A. Macfarlane. MT. Daniel McDonald of this vil- lage was united in marriage to Miss Jane Smith of Stanley Township lase week. They will reside on Keitis Crescent. Mrs. fDr.) Atkinson of Detorit ar- rived last week. and is now occupy ing her summer cottage on the Ter- race. ]tlr. A. McGregor, son and daugh- ter, Mr, Ilerb McGregor and Miss Maud McGregor, spent Saturday last at London. Mrs, Herd of London and Mrs. 1)1 Brown Martin of. Detroit spent a few days last week in the village. Mrs. James Ferguson is visiting her sister at Belgrave. • Rev. A. Macfarlane is spending n fortnight's vacation. with his sister at Col]' m• gwood, :- A. E. Erwin, reeve, who is a mem- ber of the County Road and Bridge, Committee, along. with the other members met the Perth committee at 73enfryn on Monday to look over some bridges on the boundary, Messrs, Harold and Abe Brandon attended the funeral of their grand- mother, Mrs. Budges, at Belgrave o11 Thursday last. The Oficial Returns in the Referendum The following returns for Soiree Huron aro official, the returns of the Returning Officer of the Elector!' District. The returns for North Huron are not the official figures but are nearly correct as can be obtained!, at the present moment and are sub- stantially correct: Municipality ` No Yes Maj.. Bayfield .. .. .. 62 134 72 Clinton ... .... 270 631 , 382 Exeter . .. ., .. 136 695 55i Goderieh .... .. 683 1088 Hay Tp. ..438 476 31 Hensall .. , . . , .. 80 284 204. Hullett T,p.. , .. , 170 654 48'4 McICillop Tp ''. , .. 203 425 222 Seaforth ,... .. 266 592 225 Stanley Tp. . , . , 124 541 411 Stephen Tp .",.. 814 • 858 544. Ttickersniith Tp, 182 648 466 Usborno Tp 92 734 042! 2445 7197 4752' a s e '0 Ashfield Tp..... 101 728 Blyth .. \ i,01 241 Brussels 95 355 Colborne . . . , 83 580 Goderieh Tp .,688 108$ i Tp 96 870 1•loevick Tp 170 078 Morris '.rp - 128 002 Turnber'ry Tp , . , X91 552 W await1 ash W.... 2 6. 17 2 Wawatiosh . lJ 48 570 Wingham .... . , 228 748 Wroxoter , , 25 162 Total ......,.2087 8080 6043 Grand Total ..,,,4582 15277 107961