HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-4-28, Page 7UL UL Ta RIY dl'♦fl liR `fit? TML,6L AUTO FSEPA}ii PARTES [DEALT EDUCATION or mask relics call anod'S s of ears.. i Xour 1101 onnitcu or risen nut parts. �i FA1'i��pF��,'tt I6;dS��t11Gy,� NA'pC111i't'4 iA@ �+/Y IIN r'rl,l"uad ld'rlto c,r wlr. us do.,;irtb A 0 ON +taliM O ARCTIC ing 1111100 yea vaali. �o Sgrry ells •---- laryett luni 1ll.ask oohirilete t,toelt ha •�,.,.� - - Catlildtl c!' Hlll;hkly nsMi Ur 111'V9 parts U DR. J. J. MIDDLETON 1 and tultolnubUo eduinnnlnt, "W" parts ahlp �q ; SJ•<7,1-a uuylvltaro 11a Chtnttda,, Sntis i Provincial board of Health, gntarlo �0 RICH F114DS ALONG MAC_, initory or refund In Yuu otu maSto. Dr. Afiddleton. will be glad to ahaWe.r questions gn`Pnblic lreallh zInatr. 4a• +• • _ �}llt,vt's R•gio lilalvagp .:}+ori iiapp}y, � 14K.f�.i ZIE l� IVER a,ld.sal Puff In sa ila}lnta ono teas, through this column. Address hint at the Parliament 1}Sdgs, .. -r-... _._.._..�... A Toronto. 0 dislonte of over two thousaaid nolo t ,t �a , r' Tretttelsd9tps l?i,ti, pes, and lu tele Qeatt oY vy)ntol', llttt'tltott It ilii • {vasa very Important event In tho wit i 'lal)isicnl, mental ,and mortal p,erfec- that.;hiis been called ,file' asp for tete Short' Sumui6r Sesason to be or if erns continent flight, tllolos tjqu for its People in iso far as it is breast of. the poor',.--je not driven to ) nothing leas made knotty of If, `Pit Cut rytiver}ti®riS. l. ilio des e1r111e cho'iee 0f lit=ins ordea01 Douitnkul Government Js 1 I 3iutttanay poeexbIo s the l,.ratrd ideal }) 1 repltiintc f { 03 suicide of Ovine, Tkno eyes of the world are rapidly pill oil ,t seaplane service to Carr 1 toward which the PuIb1Uc Health I See ary leach- wif:lt011L the •beggar's being foaussod upon the- suh-elastic org:alization of over l mail registry members of Ilia ) ora ort y progressive na- ou'tatretchetl p�tiltn, alto :mis'er's' he€tit• region of. nai't:hoi'n Ct(natlu along Clte uuilroglstry stliiTs wllic)r wjil gq Hort tion 9:s shriving.. Al; present the start leas, .Sony e'taxe, Calle pitemis wall of banks of Tile Miwkenv,lo R)trev at a tills ,9prillg, has only (been made dui Gauiada,and the want, the, livid lip of lies, the •ertrel point some fourteen hundred Infles The vnhao of Blit air route is !t number of urgently' needed reforms eyes of.seorn. I sec -I ruoo without from a railroad, from which stretches shortness, its front Peace River tow keeps cont' t. ll ' ' r ma a mare 1 in the more what P Y as . g h disease tia�sh or brain-shiilpely tluul l t uotyr af)Poars may develop into to the scene of ilio strike is only You 1 we see and icarn of actual' cov6iti.ons fafa', marmed harmony of forni anti one of the richest petroleilnr fields in huntlred niflos in as afrifuo, eui.tin to -day, . As Public Health. education function-nnd, as I look life lengthens, the world. The first hews (it the fill. the distance by 'river more thaii i I becomes nvore aril nvore widaas read • men. oPossibilitiesrecal e k nowt t P , joy dt'+ept.nts, love eanvopdeg':bhe earth, s became known o half. The AtllverSal Oil 'Cont}iauy has these 'people en 1 9h ri ' � the or �11 p . p a c t e sung alvcl over ,old in ilho: great dome •shines 1 . w ld at ]urge it} O01.oBalr, 1920, hangars at Peace River C1'ossdng l generation hry particular, Will. adopt the eternal sitar of human hope,"; when a discharged employee of the Lieut. J, Gaynor and Capt. Fred Mc beelth 'habits and gradually ,bring What 4ti contrast between this ideal- Iniperial Oil Company related at Ed Call, two famous Canadian aviators about a higher standard of public and ism and' what we see to -days Ono mouton-, Alberta, how the, company with notable records, have ordered ' personal health, When iniprovenvents infant out of every ten dying before had Brought in a gusher .averaging from England two specially designed 1 have been made in industria3' cora& receiving one year of -age, ,when ill about 1,000 barrels a day. passenger seaplanes, The quoted fare tions so iava't tvo,rk will be earned on many insbances the ,]little life couldl be Ednloaton is the city nearest to the to the all fields is one thousand dol. t unser conditions of ventilation and saved; appro cimately 120,000 recd- strike, a distance of 1,600 miles, but lars. sanitation ]ler r approaching the ideal its ,dents of Canada a•t bhe present time where the recording office for the Whatever be the outcome of this mush tis possible, When human .life, snore or, less afflicted mentally; veil- Nlortlrwest territories still is.. The latest oil field, the great northland to 1 safety end happtilvess 'a -re c•ognsidered ,ere�al disease sapping the vitality of news of the now field spread rapidly now to be invaded as never before by of more importance thaln materhnl thousands of nuen, wonnen and chit, until by March men in all parts of the white. men. The vast stretches of profits and •sorvthd greed, for gain; dreny smallpox, ddpliLheri•a, and other world bad begun preparing to rush country on either side of the majestic ,when people know 'how to live clean communicable diseases not properly to the sub _Arctic region as soon as Mackenzie will wake to life. The roar and heal0hy lives and -live up to their controaded because the general public navigation opens. of tire flying machine wild greet the ideals, then the can get a •gidmpse of :in some instances ,have not yet learn- ' The irony of the present excitement ears of Esidnto and Inidian and they the great goal in view. Though we' -ad to avail thernsolves of such pro- Is that the knowledge that the Mae will turn their eyes to see this latest r may never attain' to ideal condition, tective measures :as vaccine •aald amtd- kenizle River region is rich in oil pos- wander of the white man, which in an 4 tstild we can keep the vision before nus toxin; thirty per cent. of children ar- sibilitles is not at all a new thing, hour's time can Put behind distances I`ilii e's ear incentive. In the followi.ng.beau- TIV.ing at school age showing phys'itad Alexander, Mackenzie, the celebrated, that talcs them months of ardueils toil tiful words ,a noted American. orator defectis that ceuld, have been rectified explorer, made much mention of the to cover, And with the coming of the II and writer elesc'ribes .his N,islon of tile -in ch:ilti'hoold; many.exlpectant mothers oil seepages along the Alackenzie 130 aeroplane and the seaplane into gen. future civilization; " visicm of the dying •before or at childbirth bh0n,glh years ago, and Sir John Franklin also oral use the old romance of tire land future arises. The aristocracy of lack of mecthcal and nursling super- mentions how the oil exuded from the will vanish from this- last of North 1 iddtme s has perished front the earth, vision; these are •some of the pxobdems earth in great quantities-, The exist- America's, frontiers, The trials which I see a world with -out a shave, Man that are awaiting solution. The pros- ence of oil was also known to many faced the famous French Canadian at last is free. Na•tulra',s forces have pests are brig ll, however. The piub_ men in recent days, but the immense voyagers in their• canoes and Yorke . by coience been enslaved. Lightning lie, •corivedence is being awakened to distance of the field from rail head boats, and the scaw•men who came and light, wind and, wave, frost acrd the needs of our time, and. the .rising and the tremendous difficulties of later, will no longer trouble the mod• r. flame, and all the subtle powers of generaation is being recognized as the navigation and the shortness of the ern seeker after "black gold," travel. I the earth and ail• ars the ttre.less toil'- nation's :best asset, and good health season discouraged any hillvidual or ling fn ebmfcrtable river steamship or - e•s for the hunien race. as :one •of, blue r`da,da to happiness. small company from going into this. byYterial boat to the fringe of the Arc- . "I see. a world 1st peace, adoamed Every P.rovdme in the Domin on-hae so far field, lying Only 150 miles from tic Circle, where great fortunes may with every form of art, with music's an active Pulblie' health Deparb'1leent •he Arctic Circle, this summer be made In crude petrol- mr3riad voices thrilled, while lips are avith an organization eayuippsd to dsaa Imperial ,Oil Co. In Field. (um, which is now more important to rich with words of love and trubll; a with the most res•sin problems in the world at large than the yellow s -pressing P' But the Canadian Government geolo- precious metal. world 1 u which no exile s'Ighs, no Pa'L�lic Health that now 'tsanframtt vs gists had not overlooked the region, pTl.Clt Cil Illatirlls; a world on which tits .as a nation. Moreover, tho siphere of and ane other concern, unhampered - giblo s shadiow does .not Pala; a wor?¢1 Public Health activity is being con- by any lack of means, and to which whore wank anal worth go hand In tdnu,ally widened, ae the used for a few years of waiting did not matter, HDP RHEUMATISM hand, where the poor girl, trying to1 further extensions of tat work be- went into the Mackenzie River region win bread with a. iitedle-t,he need) -I .m apparent. e co c app ems, a number of years ago-, and for the CAN DE OVERCAME "�`.---------- -- last five at least, as far as can be , Boy Scout Dotes, twits About!: Bells. known, has kept a number of men at ' Hamilton's Boy Scout Came will be work prospecting for oil, This con- The largest bell in the world, the cern was no less than the Imperial Oil Not by Rubbing, But by E1lrich- )laid this year at Weedlawn Park, ne.ir "Tsar Iaolokol," has never been rung. Company of Canada. With the de- in the Blood. Selkirk, on -Lake Erie. It wldl operate 1 It cracked in the casting, and now I wand for petroleum, and particularly g - during the while mouths of July and. stands on a pedestal in the Kremlin its by-product, Rheumatism is, a disorder of the gasolene, continually Augur,t and all equipment larger at Moscow, a place ever famous for growing to such enormous, Proportions blood, It attacks, people wires the enough to take care of one hundred I its bells, and its weight Is 193 tons, and to threaten to exceed the supply, blood fs overcharged with acid and im•_ iioys a day- will be installed. Harrill- This place still has the largest bell in it wits ]ant natural such a largo cam• Purlties', thus setting up inflammation �►- ton Troops under their own• Scout- use, however, one weighing 128 tons, Pany should eagerly seek a new field. In the muscles. and joints. Wet weath masters will go into Camp at dates , also two others, So and 57 tons re- So immensely Important did the Do. er or cold weather may start the now being assigned, specthvely. minion Government of. Canada con- tortures of rhelumatismv, but it is. not * * • * Our bells are small compared with rider the new field that on January 25, the Muse. The cause is in the blood. . folThe Boy Scouts Assocletiou is now these giants, says an English news- 1921, all previous, peroleum and na- Victims of this malady have every tea- ' the first time, @;living de'llu:te re- paper, but it will be news to many tural gas regulations were suspended son, to fear the first darn, ache in the OokliftiOn, to the place of athletics by people to find that our Biggest bell is by an order in Councll. Following limbs and joints., followed by sharp establishing a new Proficiency badge i not "Big Ben," which weighs 13% this on February 12, new regulations Pains through the flesh and muscles; for ,Colli a in• scouts sits 1n to certain. stand• ,+, gtons, s there been s i t o - u $ .Paul's that g t were made known which read.: ,,If oil these are the syurptoms of poison in aims of Proficiency along various ath• Is ].7r/2 tons. Groat Peter, in York is discovered the lessee will be allowed the b)rocd, which will shortly leave the Istle lines; .To qualify as a Boy Stout Minster, boasts a meagre 10x3 tons, to take out a twenty-one year lease victim painracked. and lielplese. Lint - Athlete a Scout must. pass, tests in, Peals of "swung" bells are never for an .area of one square mile the re- mon,ts,' hot applications and rubbing F eluding spriniting, jumping,, throlying, more than twelve in number, and the mainfng three-quarters going may give temporary eases but cannot the baseball, chinning the bar, push. number of changes capable of being q o g to the I g P g , Government. That is, though the man Possibly root the trouble out of the tip Prom floor, 8 -pound shot put, "Scout rung are according to the number in discover oil on 2,660 acres', which he sys-tem, That can only be done by en - paces" a- demonstration of prope'r the peal. On three bells, six changes is allowed to stake under his permit, nlohing the blood. This, new blood method of sitting, standing and tun. Can be rung; on six bells, 720; while three-quarters rentaln' Crown reeerve. drives out the poisonous impurities Hing, mathad. of starting in a race ani, on a full peal of twelve, as at St. and tiro rheumatism dLaa,ppears. If dieting and regular exercise, .A clif.- Paul's, 479,901,600 changes can be Location of the Strike. you are a sufferer from this• painful fereut set of standards is laid down rung. For those unfamiliar ,with bhe great maladly, beghe,the use of Dr. Wilddums' for ecac:h atge group Of Scouts, and to I "Chiming" bells -those that are northwest of Canada a good map of, Pink Pills and see how amll the p'ain's hold the budgie each boy must repass struck instead of swinging -are term. the region should be studied while ands stiffness of the joiwts• fads away. teas tests annualdv, ell carillon peals, and may number reading the following lines regarding Among those who have benefitted by * * * forty or more to a set, mechanical routes Into the new field. The oil the use of these rbor, is S., ho, s an says: Another troop which ,has already anettns being chiefly used for chiming strike is in latitude 65 N. and longi- Irving, Baxter Harbor, N,S., who, says: started its 1921 carni ling season is the them. Shoreditch, Manchester, and tude 126 west. In this vicinity begins "Some time- ago my blood was, in a St. Gearge's Troop, Sarnia, The Pa. Wol,cester .possess fine examples of the oil field, The most direct slimmer terrible condition', leaving me very trot Lenders and Soconds recently these, but in this respect we are still I route is covered by rail, steamer and much run downs and with boils break - held a very success'fui week -end camp far behind Belgium, despite' the rav- land portage. The new railroad into Ing out on my body. To add to my on the sbores Of 'Lake Huron•. ' ages of war. the northland rums some three bull. misery rheumatISM bet in, and I not * * * 1 _ _ dyed miles, to near Fort McMurra only suffered A Scout conference of far-reaching Y• greatly from the pain, The ©est Ford Story. Over, this, much of which is still but could only get around with the pusslbilities was -held last week in skeleton truck, a light auto runs on greatest difficulty. After trying sev- Toronto, bite participants, being neem- It 1s not perhaps generally ]crown roils. It can travel faster than n train oral medicine? without much success•, . hers of the Dominion -Headquarters that Mr. Henry Forel keeps a book in could with safety. Fort McMurray I decided to give- Dr. WilliamW Pink Staff of the Boy Scouts Assoeilit!on which are pasted .all the maty hull. traffic into the groat north goes down Pills a trial, ae•'they had been and of the National Headquarters dreds of different jokes that have ap. n vvaused neared in the- American anti English the Athabasca River, across Lake recommended to pre, 1 thine I used staff of t1iY Boy Scouts of America. 1 g Athabasca and down Slave River to Hilae baxe's a6togettver, but the results The primary purpose of the meeting newspapers concerning his ears. So for from resenting Fitzgerald, )lore is i sixteen th mile ]and nest my dewy expectation, is both tete was to decide ou the best possible ar• g they sly digs I r, )0 to a t0� Fart i boils I g Smith, cal the, bo 1s and he rh e Macken t ouhatiI disappeared. raugemcut of m:aterittl under eon• he rather welcomes .them, as afford- PA d. sIderaticn for use iu the crention of 11119 him a good free advertisement sic, whish portage r note traversed Ne Pills - t I Coed that I cannot praise and Yoce,n,bl 1 by modern caterpillar tractors and big the pills• tag highly," n,ety ail -Canadian• scouting literature, y he lufuuself 'bol,,] this ores lorries. You can gest Dr, «riIIiams' Pink Pi17s i 1'n discus'sdng the possibilities of scout- i11 publib, with the sites,] comment From Fort Smith through a den In that it was, the hest of the hatch, , the Slave Rivet, g any dealer in, Medicine or by g general•, emphasis was laid on Slave Lake and Mackenzie River oiler mail at 50c a box or six bexea, for e,couting as a con;munity activity, anal Tire head of a government dape.rt- easy transportation• to the Arctic Sea. $2.60• hom The Dr. Widl:iauis' Medi - One Of the great character building meat at Washington (sud,d Mr. Ford,) Ali alternate route can be taken from cine• Co., Brookville, Ont, r' factors in the life of the nation, To wanted a car, and tang up the. garage Peace River • Crass -ng, travelling 'via _ f I` The furtherance of these Ideals both where they were kept, the Peace ]fiver to Fitzgerald. Upon bile Can'adlian and the American or. `'Sorry," came -the repay, "We've both these routes steamers of very Population of Paris is p ganizatiotls are directing all their ef. only a couple of Fords in just now," Mght draft, gas boats old flat scow `�r$$Q,QQQ, torts'. Severna Important features of "All right, send one along. And I boats carry all supplies and. machinery r tiro Boy Scout scheme of organizatiodl seY, while you're about it, send a that goes- into tine north, The Atha. The population of Paris based on in Cauada have recently been udapted Squirrel with it, will you?" bases River this year's• consus figures in sixteen to the needs of the American orgadld- "Squirrel? What do you want A trpeng about May 1, the out of the twenty districts is in the radon, The most fruportant o8 these squirrel for?" asked the puzzled Mackenzie about May ed but Slays gar. Lake cannot be depended u neighborhood of 2,880,000 pergons, an The Products of Nova, . Scotia. SOIL Interacting facts In aouilooti< W ith 0'10 produots of the hrolrilioo I Nova Scotia .are eat .forth by A'!r, \' 11, Donu)z of Iltllifax, malutgJng dere for of the I•'lertlld, file Man and 0, Loader of Ihat ('fly, '1.`be,v indicate, i ;I grapple Inanilor, Lha. output of coo grion, flnitr Ash, wool, Inlnber, lite, s Cloal--A train of, coal cm o)Itall 8 flit; Nova Bootla s yearly output of eat Y Would ratiCh from New York City t It Salt Lake City. a Apples• --A year's Production of C, a piss fn standard bnrvels, placod en Y to elite, honed poneal fa cin New Yoa9c i I Irulla)apolls. h Lobsiers -• Nova Scotia' produce eigittY.per cont, of the world's suilpi; Its of lobsters. : n 1 of aloes -A d'ean•'s production of pa r tatoes flecked in barrels, end to end g would extend from New York to Den In ver. s Wheat -The wheat produced las yoal' hr Nava Scotia: would give t &tandard loaf of bread to every man woman and child in the States of New York, Penalsylkvaatda, New Jersey, Dela- ware, Maryland, Virgina, and the Dis• triet of Columbia. Oats -Enough oats are grown yearly In Nova Scotia to feed generously for three clays, every oats of the 21 miilioar horses In the United States: Wool -The wool produced yearly would make 600,000 suits of clothes. Lumber -The yearly lumber Out pro- duces sufficient material for 30,000 re• aldences of eight rooms each. A SPLENDID MEDICINE FDR THE CHILDREN Baby's Own Tablets, are -the best medichle a mothbr can give her little ones,. They are a mild laxative whioh quickly regulate the bowels, and stom- ach auld are, guaranteed to be entirely the from .any Injurious) drugs'. Con.• cernfmg theme Mrs. A. D. West, Lore - burn, Saslc., writes; -"Baby's Own Tablets have, given me more satisfac. tion than anything edge I have ever given my children, They are easily taken; always work wall •and though I have given quite a few to my baby seer -they n to orlc I w as well ROW as at first, which is something other laxa. tiveD seldom da" The' Tablets are solei by medicine dealers, or by mal,] at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Wil. Hants' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Painting to Orden-. I have been clipping into Sir W. or. Pon's interesting book of war recodlec- tions, says, an Engl•ieh writer, One of thio points which strikes tare reader most Is the ga•eait artist's affection for Earl Hafg, Never once, during the whole time he was in Frances did Ire hear a sdugie word spoken against "'Arg,'' and• probably this record was uuegatulled by any o-.l�em general on � the field. "When I started painting him," says, Sir William, "Ire said, 'Why waste your ,time, painting me? Go said paint the men. They're, the let. lows who are saving the world.' " An amusing example of milUbary in. abilit to u u dot • an a Y st d n artist's e tem- perament, and ,Glee way in vv4,jch an avrtist work% occurred one day a sh&t while after Sir Williams Orpen went to France as am ofloNa artist. He had been gathering impresedonss when he received a sudden order to ring up the ",Colonel" -at Rallencourt. The fol- lowing louversation ensued: "Is that Orpen•?" "Yes, sir:" "What do you mean, by behaving in this• way?" "What way, please, air?" "By not reporting to me?" "I'm sorry, air, but I do not understand." "Don't you lonow you must report to me and show me what worn: you have been, dodng?" "I've Pdran•tieallly done nothing yet, sdr." "What have you been doing?" "Looking around, air." "Are you aware that you are being paid for your ser• - vices? Report to are. and allow me your work regularly." The •coIlome7l expected him to work E-11 day, and to motor 110 miles every elvenin•g be have his work passed! His attitude wasp not far removed from that of the officer who is said to have barked out to another official artist: "Right turn! Paint!" - What He Prayed For. The pastor was interrogating the pride of the faintly, "And do you always say your pray - Yrs. before you go to bed?" "Yes, air," replied. Johnnie. "And what are the things• you pray for•?" pursued the good man. "Wali," responded Johnnie, thought. ully, "mostly that pa won't find out IV I've: been lain' during the day!" ASPIRIN Only "Bayer" is Genuine c Ganges hoe been the establishment of age keeper. hon until increase of 40,000 since 1911, But • twaivY regional eC•wrcils cocas "To-'piolc up the ante," July 1. For neatrly three centuries Pais• Will retain her place in world $ Ing to the sliomd• these great waterways, have been Ira - provincial councils in t�-, statistics when the subway and street Canada. Yelled by white men, first the voyag- " eurs in their Canoes- and Yorks boats, car extensions are carried out as, pro - Thera ale three 10ii1ds of emailoy_. vided in the greater. Parts -plan, which r. p VV ER, eter''Y a ltutbltslies only this, that oes; the one who does it, the one, who then the later riveruien in their flat LQ) Bottomed scows. de including the suburbs of the Seine � "y ani' deter'114' to succeed' weal not wishes he 'hard dors 5t, suit tees once , department, will bring the total popu- strong• enough, --"Bovey a*ho pro•mdses to do it." Not since the I{londyke rush in 98 latlon to nearly 4,000,000. and '99; when I1ldmontan, Alberta, was � -' one point of entrance to the if • gold • fields, has excitement reigned so high. Might Be Litherl All bertha on steaalers have been A certain officer brought home with } booked for the first trip in tile spring• him from Africa an Intelligent but it- " � y -y Front all Barts of the world queries)ningi UiI ess: you see the name ,�r e q ohe Man Y Ff %ilops duties e f Kaffirafiit to ll he on when the 'Bayer" o•tv g •, A ..[ i a'e pouring into the northern metrop• duties of a batman he •lead learnt itf � package or on tablets yon alis. The Mudson's .Bay Company, the tile Service. are not gettintg Aspirin at all: Take 1listoric trading company of the land, One day the oil)aer wee• Leading Aspirin on0y as• told in the, Bader pack- I'�any foods,while pleasin j to taste, received so many queries it )lad to Het age for Colds', Headache, Netlraigia, contain but little noun tl when he became pninYUlly conscious S rent. 'aside a special staff to attend to 0121 of Pets constantly peeping over his R)vatldiva.tisau, Earache, Toothache, work. Many firms are working on Ishoulder, Lumbago and• for Pain. Then you weal b large ordePs to go !n in ike spring. "what do you want; Pott?" he asked lie following the directions and dosage 1p1 worked out by pluyslclan's• ,]•acing " 1W _ p Short. at lcngGh, Nu Air lane }ionic twenty-one years• and I. �.�..; .0tvP.r G. , J. m 7..."' .-« , - ,r Y proved safe by a 4 ,Ira:v 1L., , ,. 'rhe feature of greatest interest to ,I wants ter ask yor a quesham, millions:, Handy tem boxes of twelve the �verag0 m'a>L and particularly to 1 g Combines with its rich 5 eek flavor the aah,' ropllod the nigger, grinning,' Well, what is It? Invited the ofi,- ll tger few I °•�1 • � the historian fa tele part tete aeroplane oer kindly.�� Bayer 7!ablots• of Asl>ir ,4 - tents. Druggists also sell largos pack- 111 filll nutriment of wheat and ln`ltet barley will play this summer in conquering Which snakes if ail `ideal food."` "I has eon folks reading books and chest Madre 1:11 egistere 'spina f) ,this last frontier, this 4astnes�a of Na- the trade marls (registered. in Cn•uatt141,) "'' '� M � sir wIilcll batt . or` this strike ,,light de like, an' I fess wants ter know f of Bayer Manufacture of Mo,ioaOetie. 1t has 1�s:81i t 1Pe. tTOTl +'i�r -M-ealt which it is, yea ieatis-de white or tee a�a N lnained orovor Ole haunt of 3Y a,, biaclrf„ ncitlester of SaIloYldcacld. " ,! bile In Ian and baa Nr tradin white r , ", .•-•.,j,_ '11W Jcereal fo` �t"y�uilarter of a Ceni man, The fmpYrial oij 6om ny No • — 1 " 61 ,the mon in the Girenadliler end '"� of s'i. tar ,hoe lad all atlrei's' In re apstlU>3�' Mihhrdto Linlmont for pantlruK per mit, Ni^`o }/,.� . r y� p p GbY t' llAmd 9 • , dL + Jerre ( -�asi, [ a � it • las, two ail steal monops;Ants ready r Engssh'arn G s to 'go north, Vies machdnok were Why ds vi; that ra Maid l don+sadealg itis•. � WB I extu^a alt } h. ! flown from New York to Ednidntort a Vito va when s e sjientTl� � , M Harte A Lf)silriont Rellaves Distampor , ...' .., ..s••., ., dlald'ttx aitii dtlim'self prwd!ent 'ttnha9l, I},o `"°a1k- mjnard'a Unirnent poild d Qolddt A spellido five? ..." ,„ r��aa Na. 1,1 . ;) , Made by It t11'HE /, Canadian 1• Canadian Steel a. Wire C . Li . . ed HAMILTON, CANAIDA The I 1st Without Ia Fault. o , S t t i 0 d a s c f 8 a r 11 c It I tl a g, "' �neri�an 97 GALVANIZED Steel Fence i . Naturally. Mrs, A. -"My husband admires everything about me -my hair, my eyes', my hands, my voice-" Mrs. B,"Well, what do you admire about him?" Mrs, A -"Why, his good taste." r.n.n.".,..r 0.r.,•.,•w.,'.,•"•.r.,n•n.".n.rr.n.,..a. CORNS a ii qqt Lift Right Off I I t(t without Paln [", m ... w+.•.""+.rnr.,•.n„•rrr✓r,nrn.n,rr.n.n.r Magic!r Drop a little FreeZane" on all acbillg corn, instalbly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Doesn't hurt a bit, Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of 'Freezone" for a few cent% sufficient e remove every -hard corn, soft Corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses. Your job its your :best friend. On the vay you treat it, the way you manage t, dc'pmvds ylour whole future. Your mental attitude towards your job, your expectations, yo'na• cmrvictions regarding it, will influence your fu- ture, one way or the other. The humlileslt job may be the beginning f a •grea't career. It may be the foun- u.tion of marvelous th.ingsl. For years I have never eonsid red ray tock ee household u rernedle. ern p]ete aloes a bottle of Ba8b r ns Liniment was included. For burns, bruises, prains, frostbites or chilblains it ex - els, and I know of no better reinedv or a severe cold in the head, or that will Iva more lmmedlate relief, than to In. ale from the bottle through tho nasal rgan. And am to my supply of veterinary emedies it is essenital, as it line in very zany Instances proven its value. A re - ant experience fir reclaiming what was uDDposed to be a lost section of a valu- blo cow's udder has again domonstratad s great worth and prompts mo to 1.0- ommend it in the highest terms to all vhe have a hard of cows, large or small. think I am safe In sayingg•• among all ro patent medialnes there is none that overs as large a, field of usefulness as oes Minard's Liniment. A real truelsm A waster sent a poem to an editor, who, it seems, had Iittle use for verse. Dhe title of the poem. wars, "Why Am I Alive?" The editor wrobe, when he reburned the poem, "Because you sent your poem by mail instead of dedfver- ing it in person.." MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. Gernian guns were recently be)nb lleestmyed under the Peace Treaty at oho rate of 1,000 a week. . Mlnard's Liniment for Burns, stn There dsno inferiority or depravity J sbbut the neat that Godmade. HIDESVOOL-FURS .1 1Y USUA,0.'Pa Big money can still bo madI on these spina, Sill]) your lo to us and make sure of reaiving rho right pries, Rtwvls sent the same day a shipment 1s received, [WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMIT WOOpSYOCK, ONTARIO ESTABLISHED la�o r:,ffi4MAa Amerlca's Pioneer ]log Remedies - rary Book onp ®Q6p ®le��✓t4 r�lti� and How to Foed Mailed Free to any Ad- dreas by the Author. rt.,clay (}lover Co" Vac, 119 t'tyast Slat Street New York, tJ.S.A. �4�y /moi p����p g �yt� Q,d V P`L I'i - � �'\ tom 1 LAND SAL" Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS O. J. CLIFF TORONTO g _ I - C)A N� `� FANCY GOODS CO., Ltd. 7 Wellington St, East TOIZOPVT® Importers a -d Wholesale Dealere in- Fancy Goods, Out Gloss, Earth- enwaTe, Farley China, Toys, Sport - Ing Good's, Smallwares. IIardware Specialties, Druggists Suu:dries. Travellers Exerywhere 'Whole sato only I Y OLD STMDRY r� � ACHES 141D PAINS Any man or woman who keep® Sloan's handy will tell you that same thing SPECIALLY those frequently, attacked .by rheumatic twinges. A counter -irritant, Sloan's Lini- ment scatters the congestion and Vane. Crates without rubbing to the afflicted Part, soon relieving the ache and pant.' Kept Landy and used everywheral for reducing and finally eliminating the pains and aches of 1_i mbago, neuralgia; muscle strain, joint stiffness, sprains, bruises, and tiie results of e:<pcsure. You just lenow from its stimulatinsr I healthy odor that it will do you gootl'f Sloan's Liniment is sold by all drug.' gists -35c, 70c, $1,40. - - sloR 4D Li mi'me ene.,* 111 6=1 I Luxuriant ubil- Promoted Cuticura kills dandruff, stops itching, the cause of dry, thin and failing hair. Treatment: Gently rub Cultcura Clint - rent with the cad of the finger, on epots of dandruff and itching. Follow next morningwith a hot shampoo of Cuticura Soap, Repeat in two weeks. Nothing better than these frogt:nnl, super.c1'aamy emollicats for all skin and scalp troubles, Soo925c. 0intmen125end50c, Tnkun Eye. Sold throughouttheDominion. Canndianllepot: Lraenv, ).invited, 344 St. P-1 S,., W,. ffiontreal. jR'CuNcura aoep ehave5 without mug. Ou can always tell the experienced motorist. He alias on 11 DOMINION TIRES and always carries a opare DOMINION TIRE; In case of emergency.. He judges quality by performance. 'He keeps a record of tire coat. He knows that DOMINION materials and DOMINION workmanship show up in the mileage he gots} in DOMINION TIRES. 'There are DOMINION TIRES best suited to your car, no matter what the size or what you use It torr -and you get DOMINION quality in the 30 x 3Xs tires as well as in the big "Royal Cords"am(L "Nobby" Treads for beavy cars. k'rwn coast to coast, the Leat dealers Fat Canada carry DodlFnloa TFrog, DombilorD INNER TUAWS Dominion rin ACCESSORIES. Asia for th ,UI . . � � I � ,4; � , - I IM -11, zi, . I N, . �w ARF, GOOD TIRESS µn'ryy srr.->nvecsmxur"M%1•aamextrtrr i 14'','A1F.�1cJYr4une�9eM>f+A1W`rNFsuttIHViNl74[i3Yib.._"'1 ,1