HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-4-21, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE , k C OA -F I l''', I' SH . IS GUARANTEE* Makes autos look like now. For Furniture, Pianos, Floors, A.utomobiles, and all Paint and Varnished. Surfaces A Real Finish No Polishing Required Lacoa does its own polishing, is odorless and harmless, Lacoa is guaranteed not to injure the finest finished wood, paint or polished work. , THE FINISH THAT LASTS R. H: JOHNSON ' Aweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store 1' NEW SPRING Bought at the very lowest are being marked very close considerably lower than they are very scarce' and at the ing GOODS stock and prices are staple goods good buy- piesent level sacrifice to I, »it 41),Rii prices, prices are now coming into for quick turnover. While have been, many lines of present low prices they are » Everything in stock has regardless »of profits and clear. , Dry Goods, Clothing and been priced down to the many lines priced at a big Shoes all at very attractive Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE TH AT SLS FOR LESS. PHONE 99 CLOTHING NEW IDEA PATTERNS, A FEW OF THE . Seasonable and Leading .. p i WE CARRY t I' Sherwin Williams Paints, Varnishes, Sher -Wil -Lae, Floor Floor' whit, Enamels. Floor oil, Automobile varnishes and esco, Jellstone and Flat -tone Finishes. Berry Bros. Liquid Floors, Dr. Hess and Clarks.Stock tonic, Calf and Pig meal, liens,' Roup Remedy, Heave Remedy, Instant Louse Killer. Agents for the celebrated Brantford Roofing, Asphalt slates, and roll, red and green. 2-3 and 4 Burner Oil Stoves and Ovens The Home and Vacuum Washing Machines—The Best in Screen Doors and Windows and screen wire, barbed, galvanized Bock wire, Poultry and chick netting. LAWN MOWERS—GARDEN ROSE—BEAVER. BOARD )1' OILS—Maciline, Cylinder, Polarine, Separaes, Gas Engine, lolled, Nests Foot, Castor, Black and Harness Oil. CARPET SWEEPERS-0'0EDAR MOPS, $1.00 and up—$6.50 RIC IRONS FOR $5.00 TO CLEAR. HALTERS, SWEAT COLLARS—TRACES AND WHIPS AD Liles Finishes, Finishes, Mur- Granite for Pan-a-cea for Slates, slab the Land. and -ALL KINDS Raw and ELEC- 11 a Stock HARLAND [ardware, Stoves and Novelties BROS. The Store With 7 F , te ft Si At R te . s, ro en IL as jo tit sec nu A( ro, sol bri am pe, no on the as, We are offering only, commencing 15 per cent 0 11 A', 11umirnuM G ll'ANITEWARE .. Don't Forget . for discount one week April and the •Sale Sutter HARDWARE ELECTRICALPo & Perdue PLUMBING BERRY a CAMERON Agents for Massey -Harris Implements. We do all kinds of repair work, and haven, num- ber of new and second-hand buggies on hand. We have now one second-hand wagon. We handle the celebrated FROST FENCE, staples, barb wire, etc. WILSON ELLIOTT'S OLD STAND The Clinton News -Record THURSDAY, APRIL altsts 1921 — Beady -Comfort IN TDD CANADIAN HOME IS A SUBJECT WHICH IS RECEIVe ING MORE ATTENTION. THE AR- TisTio STANDARD OF THE AV- ERAGE IIOME IS NOW HIGHER THAN IT HAS EVER 13EET. PEO- PLE ARE DEMANDING BETTER AND MORE CONGENIAL STJR„ ROUNDINGS. WALL HANGINGS HAVE MUCH TO DO WITH BRING.. ING ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGHTNESS, BEAUTY AND COMFORT. IF YOU ARE INTER- ESTED WE INVITE YOU TO VIS- IT MIR SPLENDID STOCK AT' REASONABLE PRICES. Tlie W. D. Fall Go. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best If licu Num out of town an,' I buu out of town What t€ gott g to borne ,,rf o town? DIEM' DOUAI] YOU SPED R CLITO WILL EVENTIMITI COME HOME TO BOOST IN CLINTON The Clinton News,-14004.5ra 1 Read these articles with care, they will present something you have not thought of before, Patronize the home merchants, they are your neighbors and will treat you right, The money you spend in Clinton' remains here and benefits the whole community, s I Sql1B1111111iall 011111ftli Mr. W. A. .Beacom o oarlock wa in town on Tuesday. Miss Marion Gibbings takes part in recital at London this evening. Mrs. Clarence Shepherd has returne from a visit with Toronto friends Mrs*. Ross, who has been visiting i town, returned to Toronto on Fri day. Mrs. Alex. McCarral of Lucknow i visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Dun ford. Col. 1VicCrimmon of London was i -town on Monday inspecting th Cadets. Miss Freida Wallis returned Satur day after a fortnight's visit in To sronto. Mr. Fred Thompson of the Wester University spent the week -end a his home in town. Mrs. Shouldice of Brussels visite her father, Mrs. Cardiff, and sis ter, Mrs. Harry Bartliif ,this week Mrs. Fred Johnston has arrived fron Guelph and as soon as they can locate a house will take up house- keeping. Mr. Earl O'Neil was up from Guelph spending the week -end with his parents, who have just returned from Florida. Mr. A; E. Betts was in Ridgetown ov,er' the week -end visiting his brother.' who Was ill arfd who has since passed away. Mr. John Diehl and family have Moved in .from Stanley and have taken up their abode in their new home on Orange' street: Miss. P. Dinsmore, who has been staying with her • sister, Mrs. R A. Roberton of town, leaves this week for Vintage, Sask,, were she has taken a position as teacher. Mrs. G. W. Pinner left on Friday te 'snake her home in Leedon, where her husband has a position. Her sister, Miss A. Bartliif, aceompan: led her and is spending a few days in the Forest City.. Mr. Huchinson of Ottawe, a fax ex- pert, is in town this week in eons nection with the change of owner- ship of the Clinton fax mill. Mr. Huchinson returned from. Ireland a few weeks ago, where he has been looking into the flax business. r. and Mrs. Wilson Elliott expect to leave Monday for Edmonton, Alta., where they intend locating. Mr. Elliott resided in Alberta for several years and Mrs. Elliott al- so resided in the west prior to her marriage. Their friends wish them success. rs. H. F. Yeo, who was called home owing to the illness and death of her mother, the late Mrs. John Brown, left yesterday for her home at Glenavon, Sask. She was ac- companied by her sister, Miss Al- ma Jordan, who will probably make her home in the west, where all the' members of her family re- side. r. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil arrived home form Florida on Friday. Mr. O'Neil is very much improved in health and looks much better than before going away. They arrived in time for the winter's last kick and have been cornplaining of the lack of sunshine but before sum- mer is over Old Sol will probably make them "sweat" quite sufficient- ly even here. They thoroughly en- joyed their winter in Florida and it is hoped Mr. O'Neil has received permanents ben efit. ORIVER STANLEY TOWNSHIP IRL WEDDED IN MANITOBA An event which will prove of in- vest to many Stanley Township 'ends took place on April 6th at ver Springs Farm, the home of r. and Mrs. David A. Johnston, La ivere, Man., when the latter's sis- i', Miss Florence Agnes Stephen - 'n, daughter of Mr. Ralph Stephen - n, Parr Line, &effigy, was united marriage to Mr. Stanley H. Mor - w of Pilot Mound, Man, The cer- orty was performed by the Rev. D. warth, Pilot Mound, at nine o'clock 1. The bride entered the parlor sup- rted by her brother-in-law, Mr. hnston, ancl took her place beside groom while the wedding march s played by Mliss Jessie McLean. ie bride was married hi a snit of vy blue ticotine with hat to h, After the signing of the register bride led the way to the dining tri, where a dainty brealcfast was ved. The groom's gift to the de was 4 pendant eet with pearls 1 amethysts and to the organist a ail brooJ, r. and I01t, Morrow loft on the n train for a trip to Winnipeg. their erturn they will reside on groom's farm. They have the y best wishes of o large circle of adS for 5 hap/ and prosperous »throuthi lift a e n d 1 There is a lot of Satisfaction In" knowing that we look 'after your banking interests. Your businese, saving or private accounts, are solicited with the assurance they will be properly safeguarded at the Molsons Bank, Clinton. 11. IL SHARP. Manager A RHYME IN SEASON When days are chill and cold winds blow Anb all look blue and full of woe. What clears the chest with healthful glow Wampoles Cod Liver Extract. W. S. A:HOLMES The Rexall Store Regarding Stationery and office Supplies you will make no mis- take in buying from me. School supplies, fiction, magazines, newspapers, that you may need can be bought here. A complete line of Wall Papers kept in stock. W. D. FAIR & Co. Stationer. Jewelery Picture Books that is why all jewellery looks well in cuts. A 10c article looks just the same as a $10 articles -Trad- ing at home you do not need to know jewellery. You can see for yourself. R. H. Johnson, Reliable jeweller DRY GOODS AND LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR J. A. IRWIN THE OLD ROWLAND STAND The Centre Hardware Anything special you may re- quire that is not stocked, we'll get it for you. CORLESS & VENNER. Hardware "DOMINION CAFE" "LUNCH" High Grade Chocolates Oysters -- Fruit • Ice Cream Bricks E. WENDORF Confectioner We invite comparison of our .stock end prices before,you buy else- where. It has always been our aim to satisfy our clients . The line of Men's Fprnishinge and 'clothing cannot be dupliacted. •The MORRISH CLOTHING 'CO. Men's Osatfitters Buying Furniture Sin Clinton you will find our prices right, and our guarantee is behind every pieco of furniture we sell. Our undertaking parlors are well equipped for service night or ;stay. BALL & ATKINSON, Furniture GOLDEN GRAIN BAKERY A. E. BETTS, Prop. Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor ' Headquarters for Bread, Cakes NEILSONSS Chocolates Phone 204, CLINTON, ONT. Get our prices first on stoves and Ranges. We carry a large stock of the above as well as a com- plete line of General Hardware. Yoe will find you can do better trading with us -than any city store. Ranges insalled. HARLAND BROS., Hardware AND ADAM DID EAT This Adam was a particular Cuss But when his wife set JOHNSTON'S BREAD Before him, he fell too, just like his progenitor, and this Mrs. Ad- am lived contentedly ever after JOHNSTON'S BAKERY Nes FALSE ECONOMY HAS NO VALUE 1111.••••••••••••••••.••••• Guying Cheap Goode bet Be- cause They Are Cheap Dow Not Pay. QUALITY OFTEN OVERLOOKED Instance Seen In Case of Mail Order Houses Which Make Their Appeal Solely on Basis . of Price, (Copyright.) Economy is one of the greatest of virtues but false economy Is no more a ;virtue than anything else that is Salim. To be able to econotnize wisely is one Of the greatest blessings that one can have, for it is the prerequisite to thrift and well-being. Too many orGdr1fl r9 SteirtrrrOur tie irrari'm house, however, just because the price is $9 and not because he has any assurance that the stove will meet his needs. He thinks he is eavr Ing a dollar or two by buying this stove instead of paying *10 or $11 to the home merchant for one that he has seen and knows will give him satisfaction, The chances are that when the stove arriees and he has used it for a short time he will rea- lize that he has practiced false coon - only --that it would have been more economical in the end for him to pay a dollar or two more to his home merchant and get an article that was guaranteed by the dealer, The patron of the mail order house, also, often fails to take the matter of transportation charges in- to consideration when making his purchase. He sees only the price of the article as listed in the :nail orthir catalogue and does not think of the express or freight chargee, which with the cost of a money order and postage often make the total cost of the article greater than the price at which the same thing could have been Purchased at the local store. Another case of false 'economy. Buying merchandise of poor qual- ity because the price is low is often false economy when the purchase is made at the home stores but it is doubly so when the merchandise is bought from a mail order house, persons, however, who think they When buying at home one can be rea- have found thesecret of true econ- sonably sure of the article purchas- ed at a low price, while there is no such assurance when it is bought by mail on the "sight unseen" plan. Idea Is Exploded. - The id6a, that the mail order houses sell the same quality of goode at to pay $1.0 for one if he purchased lower prices than the home mer.. it from his home merchant, 16 Praa- chants is quickly exploded when one tieing a false economy, , ter -the learns of the largcr.profits that are chances are that he would 9a,Vdinore made by the majority of the mail or - than $1 in the .end,. if be ptirchased derthouses and m tey are thesublarge selli .SiegOt;. the $10 stove fro . the . local hard- h pense towhich The large mail . order houses spend wanreedreeaalrere,sevrai sens,'WhY..th' is . hundreds of thousand Of dollars an - Is false economy.- The -.Onually.for advertisingand the selling, at one is expenses of the smaller -conderias are: that dollar for dollar, the greater -past proportionately' as large. Their other of the merchandiee sold .by .tbe. expenses, • such as rent,- taxes and order houses is of less :Value than labor, are also higher than • those of that sold by the- retail -maithants of the. local retail merchants, in. prepor- the. smaller, communities: The mail tion 1-8o the business. which. they order .busineas; . a do. In spite of these heavy upon , cheapitess.. In..ordSt. ti),..ittract expenses, the mail order ' hciudes cus touters the 'catalogue lto eines Must dis- tribute millions of dollars in' divi- dendsamong their stockholders, In one large Titan order concern the to fits of the - stockholders, in 'cash and stock dividends; have aggregated as utt/c1 as 1,000 per cent -on the .capi- tal. invested in ,,the- short Period of nine years. This does not Indicate that the, mall order houses are in business for their health and are ey- ing away merchandise to their cus- tomers. -The . mail order houses have capi- tween price. ssui quality. • talized the desire to economize that omy are practicing a faits economy which is worse than wilful waste. For instance, the man who buys a stove from a mail order house for $9 because he thinks he would have sell goods cheaply and in orderto do ,that they must sell cheap goods. Their butiness is built up on ,price and not.on quality. 'The retail hard- ware dealer, like retail dealers in ether lines, probably can match ..the prices of the mail order houses. He Probably has a $9 Stove which he can sell to the man who wants to get a stove for, $9. The trouble is that the man who buys from the mail or- der house does not distinguish be- • Thinkalle Is Economizing, • Theman, who bays .the *9 stove from the mail order house probably would not buy a $9 stove from his local merchant, for in the latter case he would. see just what he was buy- ing, and. might l'ealize that the *9 is inherent in almost every one. By Placing price above quality and mak- Mg cheapness the fundamental ele- ment in their business they have in- culcated in the minds of their pat- rons the idea that they are economiz- ing when they buy cheap goods at stsme...rsauld.mot nmei.....his needs. ail ebeaPPrices'- LIVE MERCHANTS recognize Advertising not as an expenditure, but as an in- vestment. Persistent use o. THE CLINTON NEWS -RE- CORD will verify this, INONcrovevat, ComiveovM.y I•nommommieca, POPULAR YOUNG HULLETT These are the days of Specialists: I specialize in good jewellery as well as watch and clock repair- ing. I endorse the Buy-at-Hoine idea because it has merit. •Let us ho loyal one to another and the success of Clinton is assured. W. It. COUNTER, Jeweller MCTAGGART BROS. , BANKERS Clinton, Ontario It has often been remarked that the line of Stationery, Wall Pa- per, China, etc. that can be pro- cured at my store is slirsaising. Come and see for yourself and be convinced for all time to come that you can do better here than elsewhere.A. T. Cooper, Stationer Quality and service has always been my slogan. It has been ex- tremely difficult to supply your needs from time to time but you can rest assured it was dile to conditions beyond my control. Let me know your wants, I will do my best for you. J. B. MUSTARD, Coal & Wood Good clean competition never in- jured any town. Education 15 as essential as our daily meals. You cannot travel four directions at the same time and arrive at a given point. The same Is true of the dollar spent out of town. DOHERTY PIANOS LTD. The best is the cheapest in the end. Let your next job of Paper hanging or redecorating be dens by me. My long experience in this line is your assurance that what I undertake to do will be done right. J. E. COOK, Decorator If we think an article is not what you are looking for we tell you so. If we do not have what you are looking for we will get it for you. Look over our line of stoves, furnaces, cutlery, electri- cal fixtures etc. and be convinced SUTTER & PERDUE, Hardware To satisfy the individual house- hold has been my motto for years. If you are looking for fresh, clean groceries, give me an opportunity to prove the merit of the line of groceries I keep in stock. Prices are right. F. W. WIGG, Grocer In the line d Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes you can do no better than by purchasing these at our store We try at all times to'keep in stock what our clientele detires If we have not got it we will get it for you. PLUMSTEEL BROS. Dry Goods In the line of Fresh and Sleeked Meats we cannot be surpassed: Everything we handle is "proven best by every test." We' invite your patronage with the assur- ance that you will be satisfied. ' Our business is on a cash basis: BUTLER EROS., Meat Market Cleanliness is next to Godliness It is here we invite the general public to visit our creamery and see how sanitary our plant is kept. Every improved method will be found here in the manu- facture of the Clinton Creamery Products, S.E. Rozell, Manager Photography is an art Ind re- quires a constant application and study to be able to get the re- sults that meet the approval of a satisfied clientele. I also devel- op your films. Let your next photo be clone by ROY BALL Photographer A good place to eat and sleep, is what they all say of the Nor- mandie-Rattenbury Hotel. I make it my business to see that you are satisfied. It is the home of the travelling man. Come in and make yourself at home. S. S. COOPER, Proprietor' 1•01N21,03pranneVAMMI. COUPLE MARRIED Ws this was the first wedding ev- er solemnized in Burns! church the officials presented the bride and groom with a beautiful bible. ' • The bride was 'prettily attired in a gown of white silk crepe -de -chine and satin, embroidered with ornamental silk and silver. She wore a bridal voil of silk embroidered set, held in place by a wreath of orange blos- soms, and carried a showor bouquet of Pink Ophelia roses and fern. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. Janice Abrey, paster ef both bride and groom, and during the signing of. the register, Miss Anne Abrey, Phone 131 A very pleasing event took place in Burns' church on Wednesday of last week, when Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Redd, of "Maple Shade" farm, Hullett, became the bride of William Norman Shep- herd, sen of Mr. and, Mrs. William Shepherd also of Hullett. Precise- ly at twelve o'clock, to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding merch, played by Mise Katie ,Reid, sister of the bride, the ushers, Mrs Will Hemilton and Mr. Edward Reid, cousin and brother of the bride, respectively; ushered the invited guests who num- bered over forty, to the reserved seats, daintily decorated with a spray of evergreen and knots of cream rib- bon. As the last strains of the wed- ding march were dying away the bridal party advanced to the altar, the bride leaning upon the Atm of her father. where the bridegroom waited before a bank of evergreens, daintily touched with knots of rib - boil, and before which nestled a mass of potted plants. ...assess. daughter of the pastor, sang very sweetly, "0 Perfect Love," after which the guests retired, as the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march peeled forth. A sumptuous wedding breakfast was served in the dining' room it the home of ;She bride's patents which was daintily decorated in plink - and white, with a gay wedding bell and steamers suspended over the bride's cake. The groom's gift to :the .organist was a handsome necklace of Orient- ssAmmute tie espnos Dm. on Weed ei netelanis-and to the bride a costly pearl pendant. The presents were both numerous and useful, among which were $100 in cash. The bride's travelling costume consisted of a navy blue Botany serge suit, sand coloured satin hat, with spring coat and gloves to. match. Amid showers of confetti and old boots, the bride and groom departed on a short mo- tor tip, before going to reside on the groom's farm on the 13th con- eession of Mullett. Congratulations and good wishes are extended by their many friends. CLINTON JUNK DEALER f -- BUYING ALL KINDS, OF JUNK AND POULTRY, FADES AND SKINS PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES M. IOAMRAS ;Albert St Y 41 0 f OUSE and OUR P FEW:ERNI= fl Varesnainaesearmewmpaistswa. eigimentelaresmitalmmt. sntentrarm...130,,,..trimemsams THEY GO WELL.. TOGETHER As you will admit after your house has had a coat or two of Martin-Senour ready -to -apply house pain t. What about Varnishes and Wood Stains, Auto and Carriage Paints? We have them Corless & Venter HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 53 0,6110111S Ontario Dental Conventi 11 Meets in Toronto, Man 2, 3, 4, 5, 192f All Ethical Practioners Invited, Hear all about Intelligent Dental Inspection GNP Every Child a•Fair Chance WATIfteltleAliklaMMIMPUIRMIERPTEMMIla6}0011M11.