HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-4-21, Page 5IiUIbSUAX, lRIL 21st, 1021 Cintop >vit;w$.aeeora Of llntereat to Yell, and lvje • `.Grade follows the advertising, * 5 5 * If Jam Barleycorn were at all sensitive he would begin to under- stand that he's not wanted in On- �.tario. R, Nr a ,, Perth county eouneil has again voted down a motion to snake appli- cation to the Government to appoint za district representative for that county. 5 .5 * 5 - There's ,a little village in the Nip- 'issing district, by the name of Ver- . ner, er•.ner, which we would recommend to those who are tired of living among "drys", On Monday Verner cast 254 • votes, all in the "wet" column. A * 5 * "The way to get the farnar's at- tention these times," : remarks The Mitchell Advocate, when commenting • on the absence of advertising 00 • buildings, posts, etc., "is by adve:rtis-. ing in the local "newspapers," * 5 5 * "If your neighbor does not keep -chickens it is likely Aecause he • wantsto keep his lawn clean and probably grow some garden. Don't let yours spoil his plans," is the way .the Wingltan Advance puts it, N * At At The residents of the small town of 'Melbourne have not lacked for ex- •citentent lately, One clay last week •a company of armed bandits drove in- to the town in the middle of the fore- noon and Proceeded to• rob a bank and in a' Street fight which followed •a young business man of the place was shot and killed. Three days lat- er as the townspeople : were atten- 4 ding the funeral of, the murdered young man a couple of cars bearing constables in pursuit of some whis- key strugglers clashed through the .1funerai•-cortege as it proceeded slow- ly, as such' processions are wont to do, along the road. 5 * 5 "Who will be the first slobbering :saint that will plead to save the necks of the young murderers of Russel Campbell of Melbourne?" asks Tho Exeter Advocate. There is a good deal of reason in The Ad- vvocate's djsgust at the sentimental "slobbering" over young bandits who seem to hold life so lightly. If the infliction of capital punishment is too drastic a punishment for any crime, murder being now the only capital crime, then change the law. But while capital punishment is the penalty for murder in this country those found guilty of that crime -should be allowed to suffer the full penalty, except in unusual cases, .where there are extenuating circum- stances. But where young men go out, unlawfully armed to rob and kill, and life is taken it would be -difficult to find tiny extenuating cir- cumstances. * W . +, The secretary of the provincial ' committee of the Citizens' Liberty League is credited with saying that ' ""The people of the Province realize • that prohibition has been foisted on them by the Methodist Church." That is surely doing less than justice to 'the Presbyterian Church, a member • of which, Dr. Grant, the vigorous chairman of the Referendum Com- mittee, is, and which has thousands • of staunch prohibitionists in its -ranks, to ,the Baptist Church, which • .stands foursquare for temperance re- form, and to members of all the de- -nominations who have worked to- .gether for the passing of forward temperance legislation. The Metho- • dist Church was the first to take a •-decided stand for temperance reform but the victory of prohibition senti- ment in Ontario and all over Canada and the United States' is due to the enlightened conscience of the people •of all denominations, although we presume the Methodist Church will be willing to bear its full responsi- biity. And we venture to say that in ten years time its bitterest oppon- ents will be willing to concede that prohibition is a good thing for the •country. A traffic which enriches a few while it debauches the many can not •be anything but an evil which the ,country is well rid of. Marriages 'FERGUSON—PARSONS—In Stan- ley township, on April 19th, by the Rev. J. L. Foster of Varna, Mar- garet Elizabeth, youngest slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parsons, to Joseph Calvin Ferguson of Us- borne. :MORROW—STEPHENSON—At La Riviere, Man., on April 6th, by the Rev. D. Howarth, Florence Agnes, daughter of Mr. Ralph Stephenson of Stanley township, to Stanley H. Morrow of Pilot Mound, Man. Births „ •HEARD --In Clinton, on April 18th, to Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Heard, a daughter; Margaret Isabella. ,PI,EATZER—In Hullett, on A)tril 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pleader, a daughter',—Carrie Evelyn. iSLOMAN—In Hazelmore, Sask., on April 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sloman, a son, William' James. Deaths 'COTTLE—In Clinton, on April- 20th, Thomas Cottle, aged ,73 years. PRATT—In Winnipeg, on April 8th, Mrs. Pratt, widow of the late Si- las Pratt of Clinton, aged 70 years. Harold' Weeden, aged 26 years, in .stantly killed on farm near Bognor, ,Ont., ruts over by bvaggon, FOWL! FOWL!! • FOWL WANTED FAT HENS A SPECIALTY 'HIGHEST MARIUE'C PRICE PAID WESLEY MARQUES Phone Net 1.4488,,,.Lail, 95-tf. The Rest,Olt v>l' QD9r data's Referendum' in *furor*. CwtR The result of the .Referendum an Moizday was not a great surprise to anybody,, the "drys" confidently ex- pecting to carry the province by a big majority and the "wets" being also prepared for defeat, although hoping for greatly reduced ntajor- fty. The vote was not as large as it should have been but as there was' no other matter at issue except the re - fond= it was generally thought that the vote would trot be so large as that Polled in a Dominion or Pro- vincial election. In the case of Clin- ton in the last provincial election only ninety - three more votes were. polled than in Monday's referendum. These votes would probably have been di- vided in about the same proportion as those polled and the result would have been much' the sante. The ballot on Monday was very simple, being a clear-cut question as to whether the voter wished the no- portation of liquor into the province forbidden and ' the answer was clear-cut and as simple. The result of the referendum th taken will be the application of t Dominion law prohibiting the in portation from any other provinc state or country.- As a result ids the provincial government will p into operation the "Sandy Bill" pr hibiting "short-circuiting" or delive within the province of liquor man faetured in the province, as the ma ufactnre is not prohibited, althoug it cannot be legally sold Within tl province for beverage purposes. The vote aby municipalities in the county on Monday was as follows; Maj. Maj. Yes. No. Yes. No. 631 270 361 1075 691 384 444 357 80 204 225 521 89 463 '136 559 62 72 108 404 436 41 169 501 124 317 343 499 182 466 92 642 203 223 101 140 95 260 25 137 149 626 80 450 113 837 170 808 123 539 4.. 528 as p.c. of the amount of the tender. War Loan Bonds of the Dominion will al - us he e, 0 ut o- t'y u- n - h to TENDERS FOR COAL Sealed `tenders addressed to the Undersigned and etidorsecl —"Tender for Coel for the Dominion Buildings; Ontario unci Quebec)," will be re,• served at this office until 1.2 o'clock, noon, 1rr'iclay, April 89, 1921, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings thr'oug'hout the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Combined specifications and form of tender can be obtained from 'the Pur- chasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and from the Care- takers of the different Dominion Buntings. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the Department anti in accordance with 'the conditions set forth there- in, Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque one chartered bank payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works, equal to 7.0 Clinton Goderich Seaforth 801 Hensall .. , . 284 Winghan 746 Turnberry 552 Exeter 695 Bayfield 134 Goderich Tp :512 Hay 477 Hullett 670 Stanley ,,541 Stephen, 842 Tuekersmith , 648 Usborne ,,,. 734 McKillop 426 Blyth .. 241 Brussels .... :355 Wroxeter 162 Ashfield .... . , 776 Colborne ... 530 Grey 950 Howiek , ... 978 Morris . , , . 662 E. Wawanosh ., 570 • • • • W. Wawanosh . 591 127 464 .. Total .. , ....15582 4679 10903 It will be remembered that oe the ballot in Oct. of 1919 there were four questions, as follows: "Are You in favor of the repeal of the Ontarioto Temperance Act?" "Are you in favor of the sale of Iight beer containing not more than two and fifty-one one hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure through Government agencies and amend- ments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such sales?" "Are you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more -than two and fifty-one one hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure in stan- dard hotels in local municipalities that by majority vote in favor of such sale and amendments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such sale?" "Are you in favor of the sale pf spirituous and malt liquors through Government agencies and amend- ments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such sale?" In Clinton the vote stood as fol- lows: Question 1—negative 738—affirma- tive 153. Question 2—negative 718—aflirma- tive, 205, Question 3—negative 737—affirma- tive 180, Question 4—negative 648—affirma- tive 270. The.vote in the county at the sane time was as follows: Question 1, negative 19,856, affirm- ative 3.088. Question 2, negative 19,621, affirm- ative 4.049. Question 3 negative 19,611; affirm- ative 3,807. Question 4, negative 17,850, affirm- ative 5,073. The majority for the "drys" being as follows: • Question 1, 16.168, Question 2, 15,572. Question 3, 16,804. Question 4. 12,777. Engineer F. Phillips of Owen Sound was instantly killed at Palmer.; ston G. T. It. station. Paul Martin blown to pieces in ex- plosion at Dominion Cartridge Co.'s plant, Brownsburg, Que. INAment so be accepted as security, of war bonds and cheques if required to make up an odd amount. By order, R .C. DESROCHERS. • Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa,- April 15, 1921. —94-2 Mali Contract Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 27th of May, 1921. for the convey- ance •of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contract for four years, six times per week over. Varna No. 1 Rural Mail Route, from the lst of October, next Printed notices con- taining further information as to conditions of proposed contract niay le seen and blank fortns of Tender may be 'obtained at the Post Offices of Varna, Brucefield, Clinton and Bayfield, and at the of1ee of the Post Office Inspector; Post Office In- speotor's Office, London, Ont., April 16, 1921. Chas. E. A. Fisher, Post Office Inspector. —94-3 League Social The League intends holding a "Snipping Social" on next Monday night, April 25th. Each Leaguer is requested to bring a small article, value not more. than 150, to be sold, Each Leaguer, in turn, is to buy one of these articles for 250. The ad- mission fe for visitors e v sttors i s 150. o An excellent musical and literary pro- gramme will be given, after which a, light lunch will be served. —94-1 Auction Sate Of household effects and balance of Commercial Hotel Furniture on Sat- urday, April 23rd, at corner of Vic- toria and Cutter Streets, at 1.30, sharp, the following; Book cases, Chairs, Mirrors, Tables, Beds, Stoves, Springs, Mattresses, Linoleums, and other articles of furniture. Granite - ware Toilet Sets, Dishes, Pots, Pans, etc. Everything to be sold without reserve as the proprietors are leav- ing town. Elliott and Pearson, Pro- prietors, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Garden Peas For Sale Extra early clean garden peas for sale. Apply Lewis Crich, Huron road, or Mrs. J. Manning, Princess Theatre, Clinton, Pasture For Rent Pasture land to let. Apply to William Bedour, R. It, No• 2, Clinton. Phone 24 on 602. —92 -ti Rooms For Rent Furnished or unfurnished rooms; with garden, Inquire at News -Re- cord office. a ._p8af Wanted Capable housekeeper, at once. Ap- ply to C. H. Reid, Brucefield.-93-2-p Hatching Eggs for Sale From choice 'Rhode Island Reds. $1 per setting of 16. W. J. Miller, phone 46, Clinton. • •-•••94-til • Eggs For Hatching From single combo brown Leg - horns, 754 per setting of 15., Elmer Townshend, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. Phone 2 on 614, Clinton. —91-tf Hatching Eggs I+'or Sale White Leghorns, Guild and Barron strain. 754 for 15, $4.00 per 100. F. Elliott Powell, R. R. No. 3, Clin- ton. Phone 2 on 607.--91-tf Harness Prices and you'll be surprised how reasonable , Griffith Harness and repair parts are. Don't wait until the Spring rush of work starts, Repair your worn and broken harness now with Harness Repair Parts There's iur inexpensive Griffith "part" for every break. Why worry along with broken harness? Wo ]rave Billets, Breast Straps, iislartin. ales Baine Straps, ete, G l[tlron'AA.arMcon House, Clinton Now is the Proper ,rinse to secure your seeds for your garden vegetables, We have a ehoiee assortment of well known tied tried garden seeds. We 01so• have 'a new brand this year, which is a good one, We offer at 74 per pkg. or 4 plegs for 254, 3 pits Jelly Powder 85c CORN SPRUP Tea Special r Any flavor ]3Y THE POUND 13 lbs. R. Oats 250 3 bars Gob}in soap 25e Bring in a jar and let :us 3 bars Lifebuoy 25c fill it for' 104 per lb. We have big bar N. P, soap 25e. • Equals A SPLENDID FIT SUB - three of any other, STTTUTERU 1 lb, Bulls tea 35e 3 lbs, bulls Tea $1.00 1 lig. Bllc 'tea 65c fl lbs. bllc Tea $1.00 lbs broken sodas 25e 2 pkgs 0, starch 25c GET . THE HABIT 410 DEALING AT The store for. eyerYbody JOHINISC N etk CO'S GROCERY Phone 111 Special for 'you in a neW piano. in Mahogany case, work guaranteed for 3 years, to go at $350.00, cash or note. Also a new -Edison phonograph, table size, Regular price ,$62.00 with 7 records to go at $60.00. A drop - head' Si•t':fer sowing machine to go at 210.0) (guaranteed:) M t ,aey Harris cream Separator, 600 lbs. capacity, like new, to sell at $50.00. Also a new Viking, just in, 600 ib. capacity, at $125.00 My headquarters are 3 miles west `% l!1♦, \�� 1'" of Seaforth and 5 miles east of Clin- ton, and ti call in or phone 6 on 616 you will save many dollars over other methods of selling as store expenses add to selling costs. JONATHAN HUGILL, Box 229, SEAFORTH Hatching Eggs for Sale from bred-to=lay Strain Austrsilian and Guild Strain Single (comb White Leghorns. 90c for 15, $6.00 per 100 FRANK J. TYNDALL R. R. No. 4, Clinton Phone 2 on 036, 90-tf Farm For Sale Lot 36. Con. 10, Hullett, 214 miles from Londesboro; convenient to school. Contains 100 acres. About 5 acres of bush. Land in good state of cultivation, Brick house and bank barn with cement stabling. Apply on premises to Isaac Marwood, R. R. No 1, Londesboro. • —91-50 Farm For Sale Lot 23, 4th con of Goderich town- ship containing 84 acres of good clay loam, also 4 acres of bush and 8 acres of apple orchard. The farm fencedi w tl woven t wire w re int o ten acre fields. Also a good two story house, 28x38 feet with concrete kitch- en 18x20ft. Good barn on stone foun- dations . with cement flooring in stable, never -failing spring well in the barn and at house, with wind- mill attached. Also 36 acres of good gravel and clay loam with about 3 acres of orchard, this being part of lot 25, Cut line. Farms are within a mile and a mile and a half of school and church and 6 miles from Clinton. These places will be sold separately or together. For par- ticulars apply to Wm. H. Elliott, R. R. 'No. 2, Goderich. —91-tf Farm For Sale 100 acres, two utiles east of Clin- ton on the Huron Road; fair build- ings, well watered and cultivated. 10 acres of bush. For particulars apply to T. 3. Watt, Clinton. ' —90-tf Farm For Sale In Goderich Tp., 180 acres choice clay loam, in first class condition. Barn almost new, equipped with ev- erything to save labor. 8 acres, of good young orchard, modern house, with bath room and pressure tank, new drilled well •and eleerie light plant. Also' 220 acres pasture and timber land. This is one of the best combination farms in the county of Huron, Will be sold separate or in one block. Chas. B, Middleton, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 2-606 —86-tf Farm For Sale Lot 16, part of 17, Con. 1, Hul- lett ,in all Id7 acres. This farm is situated 14. miels east of the town of Clinton on the Huron Road, is well adapted for mixed farming, It is well watered with never failing spring and also by spring creek run- ning across one corner. It is mostly seeded. There are eight acres in wheat. There is a two story brick house and a large barn with stone stabling, also drive shed, hen house and pig pen. The buildings are all comparatively new and in good re- pair. For further particulars apply on the premiges or by mail to John R. Noble, R. R. No. 4, Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 an 617. • —86-tf Chair For Sale An invalid's chair, in good condi- tion. Rubber -tired wheels, plush up- holstered, spring seat. Will be sold Apply . r y ply to Mrs; It.. B. Carter, Victoria street, Clinton,-90-tf Cottage For Sale Roomy cottage on Huron street, Town water, good cellar, ' 5 acre of ground, some fruit tree. Apply to W. Brydone or Miss E. Whitely ---81 Piano Tuning Jas, E. Doherty, experienced piano tuner. Orders for plane tuning, tone regulating and general re -building left at my address, Clinton, phone 160, will receive • prompt attention, A1ao dealer in pianos and phone. graphs. —July 28th -p House for Stile 8-roo10, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, good gat* den and chieken house, Apply on premises Corner of North and Spencer Sts,•A, 0, 0iarkson,--.8O.b . VICTORY BONDS And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at -your bank without charge. W. BRYDONE, Clinton For Sale Two six roomed houses on Fred- erick street, near the new flax mills, will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Hale. --54.tf Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W. J. Jago. —83-tf Spireiia Corsets Spirella corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton: —89-13 Babu Chicks • —AND— Eggs For Latching FROM HENS THAT LAY BABY CHICKS White Leghorns 184 each. Barred Rocks 224 each. EGGS White Leghorns, $5.00 per hun- dred or 654 per setting of 13. Considerable reduction in prices after June 1st. N. %V. TREWARTHA Proprietor —89-6 COAL Having several cars of coal coin- ing I- will receive and fill all orders for nut, stove and egg coal and de- liver same at once. Orders received at Residence King Street. or phone 110 yes R. J. MILLER CLINTON GARAGE —AND -- BATTERY SERVICE STATION The enforcement of the Headlight Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight Hoiophone Legalite Shaler Roadlighter Clamert Prhnolite Macbeth Conopher Clear Conopher Noviol Come in and let us fill out your• ap- plications and show our lenses. J. IL Paxman Agent for Overland Cars. Examiner for licensed drivers Phone 80 Res. Phone 140 CREAM WANTED h We are in a position to pay the highest market price for butter fat and to give the best possible service. OUR GATHERERS 'WILL BE ON THE ROAD REGULARLY ',CIH YEAR AROUND: WE WILL AP- PRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. CLINTON CREAMERY LIMITED )Phone. 14g Special Sale Fritray nil Saturday Canned Pineapple, reg. 50o or 10 bars soap any kind 8 pounds black tea 6 pounds rolled oats 4 packages new garden seeds 4 packages pan shine 4 packages babbjtts 85c 89e 1,00 25c 25c 25c 25c Granulated Sugar Jess than wholesale price by the bag Many have Nought 11 Hays you ? T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCERY SUMMER PRICES April this year presents exception- al opportunity for the coal consuming public, in the advent of the Annual Summer prices. EGG, STOVE & CHESTNUT AT $16.00 DELIVERED. Owing to a slight reduction in the priee of straight-line coal at the nines, we are now allowed to stake this special offer so as to keep the miners in work, It is the cutsom of the mine oper- ators to raise the price each month from now till fall, but we are going to try to hold this special price for APRIL, MAY & JUNE This; will give YOU an opportunity to have the coal delivered when the ground is fit to drive into your yard, but be sure to piece your order now at the old reliable stand. We guarantee satisfaction as we already have our large sheds full of our own coal of high class quality. ORDER NOW J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD,' Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. THE CORNER STORE Phone 45 Call 4u tis FOR YOUR GARDEN SEEDS i -tea A full range of Rennie's Ferry's and Steel Brigg's reliable seeds in packages, also Dutch sets, Garden peas and Sweet corn in bulk, Tea alvei Coffee For good value try our bulk tea or Coffee. Fred . ,5r .Wigg LIVE AND LET LIVE CORN There is a vast difference in grades of corn. Our Corn is No..2 Yellow which we believe is the best grade on the market. It is free from broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Give us a call and let us know your re- quirements. Special prices on large quantities. BRAN, SHORTS. Now is the season for Bran & Shorts. The quality is good and the prices reasonable. SWIFT'S DIGESTER TANKAGE • Figured on present value of live- stock and home-grown feeds the use of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will return more profit to the hog raiser than ever before in its history. SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS Blood, Tankage and Bones produced by the large slaughtering business of Swift Canadian Co. are almost ail used in Swift's High Grade Fertilizer. Results Large profit to you. FLOUR Our stock includes: Purity, Five Roses, White Seal and Golden City, W. Jenkins & Sona FLOUR AND PEED Phones: Elevator 109, Residence 141 Boars for Service Ohaniplon bred, big type Yorkshire and Cheshter White boars for service, At home evert, forenoon, --A, C. Levey, Phone 5 on 639, Ciinton �- 8 Scranton Coal Wo have on hand for- immediate delivery CHESTNUT and STOVE COAL Leave orders at my Residence, 'Huron street, or Phone 155, TERMS CASH E. WARD South End Grocery A frill stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE mew Levi Siong PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY? 11R15 Y1i'MtITCD for knitters and learners AI -Su t0MCN for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIM/TEJ1I RPLUMBING, HEATING AND FURNACE WORK Repairing of al! kinds - Promptly Done THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Heela Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone C8 Shop over Corless & YYennor'a , We are in the market for: . WHEAT BARLEY, i.,_':12 OATS ••LL; i:''y1'3n F--F.• MAPLE ELM BASSWOOD AND WHITE ASH LOGO Floor and Feed always on hand. J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. Brooder Stoves We have a limited number of Brooder Stoves on hand which we are selling at a considerable reduc- tion, the price being $25.00. These stoves will brood from 300 to 400 Chickens. Just what you need to get early pullets and chickens for the high summer market. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager„ Phone 190; Holmesvilim 4 on 11411 CREAM WANTED The demand for our butter id 1*' creasing, To supply this demand we requitS more cream. We request you to Ship as Nona crealn. We guarantee You that Sighete Market Prices, aecurate testa laid prompt service, Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend. We pay all express charges, :turn» ish cream cans and pay twice eaok nenth. tioWn ritetorhforo cans or further inforinform**inform** TOE SEA.roWCiI O1 EAbiER f" CO,, &i, W5 EA OI",I, l[ANAGEM