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The Clinton News Record, 1921-4-21, Page 4
- •msesecm.;late#ancessunin x snnwiss nisch naissnacat W>ravra.+ay .sy; Tra .' sform Your Ho WITH N 1 W ALL:PAPEft-) It is wonderful what a transform 'tion you eau make at little expense with €t few rollsof wall paper,. Get your Wall Pap NOW avid get the work clone With such papers as these and such prices as we as1 there is no good reason for not decorating this spring Mag we show These ;P'apers to You? All paper trimmed (many lines ready trimmed r,',1 - A. T. COOPER. Agnt eCanadian National Railways and Telegraph Company Auburn A very large vote was polled in the village on Monday in favor of temperance. Miss Mabel Hickingbottom has re- turned to her position on the Penn- sylvania Railway in New -Fink. We. are pleased . to see Mrs. H. Govier is able to be out again. The play "Home Ties" given by the dramatic club of Trinity church, Blyth, held in the Forreste>'s Hall under the auspices of St. Mark's Church, Auburn on Wednesday ev- ening was a decided success. Mrs. Hilliard of .Wingham is at the Auburn house this week with a display of millinery. Porter's Hill We are glad .to hear that Mrs. Edythe McPhail is able to be out again. Our lovely spring weather got a terrible cold Saturday and Sunday. It will stop the seeding for a few days. Mr. Charles Cox lost a valuable, cow lately. Miss Marjory Burke has been . in bed with the cold bat we hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. Elwin Pickard accompanied by his sister, Miss Hazel Pickard, spent Sunday with ,Miss Pearl Edwards. Mrs. Clifton of Goderich spent a few days as the guest of Mrs. John Blair. We are glad to see Miss Sophia Lindsay, who was gelc; is able to be out again. Mr. Robert Beacom of Wichita, Kansas, is visiting Mr. John Tor- rance, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williamson spent Sunday with friends in Bay- field. D. McDougall has purchased a new car. Masters Ernie . Vanderburg and Murray McDougall have been un- able to attend school for some time owing to sickness. Our energetic merchant, Mr. W. D. Williams, gathered about three thousand dozens of eggs in this dis- trict last week. He intends buying another truck and putting in an egg candler hi the near future. Mr. Thomas Betties intends tak- ing a trip to England soon.' • Mr. William. Knox of Ottava spent Sunday with MacDonald Bros.. Mr. J. R. Sterling .has finished seeding one hundred and fifty acres with his tractor. Who says the trac- tor doesn't pay. Farmers in this district.are looking for% very dry weather since the re- ferendum. 'Weste,rn University London, Ontario • ne er Z cfloo • for firis and Sciences July 4th to August 12th For Information and Calendar write K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar 3 From Chrome Leather A Horsepower Hame Strap These two articles are made from chrome leather, the strongest, toughest leather known. They will not harden with sweat or water. They have great strength' and wearing qualities that ®will more than please you. May we show you our fine selection of halters and harness. a VARNA, ONT. :.";:y'•-;: fat, bi f61 j �• s To 7ht: WINNIPEG, 4atIDIti�i BRANDON, \W l1 RE©INA;. SASKATOON, /CALGARY, EDMONTON, PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA THE "NATIONAL" LEAVES TORONTO 11.00 P.M. DAILY vle CT., T. R N.O. and 0. 1.Rya. via Parry Sound and Sudbury heave Toronto 8.46 p.tn. Dally except Sunday STANDARD TRANS -CONTINENTAL TRAIi9 EQUIPMENT Ittoketa and hill In4ormation train nearest, Canadian national or Stand Trunk Railway agent. TuCltersnlit4l TOWnship Voting day was .a busy day at the West -end School, ars a good number turned otrt to vote, The land was not fit to do anythhig on so there wag no excuse for not gains. 1l1e many frfenils of Mrs, A, h1, .Matheson aro pleased to hear she -is improving slowly' :after 41nd/ergoing a very eritcal operation in Detroit, The telephone lines weror badly out of order en Monday owing to the iea storm, The 'adios Missionary .Helpers of Turner's Church • 'held their meeting at the house of Mrs. Howard Crich on Wednesday last and there was.n good turn out and a nice bit of work was accomplished. The heavy snow stoma on .Sunday put a sudden stop to seeding opera, Wens, A good many are half through and some were just starting, On Tuesday evening last a meeting to elect officers and teachers for the ensuing' year was held at Turner's Sunday School. The list is 'as follows: Superintendent, Mr. Herbert Crich, Assistant, Mr, L. Tebbutt. Secretary, Mr, Nelson Crich, Assistant, Mr, Howard Johns; :treasurer, Mr. John Turner, Organist, Miss Mabel Crich. Assistant, Miss Edna Crich. The following teeche;'s were ap- pointed: Junior Bible Class, Miss Hattie Turner. ' Assistant. Mr, L. Tebbutt. Adult Bible Class, Mrs. R. Fear, Infant Class. Miss Edna Crich.. Intermediate Girls' Class, Mrs. L. Tebbutt. Assistant, Miss Pearl Crich. Intermediate Boys' Class, Mr. Ce- cil Matheson. THE VOTE BY MUNICIPALITIES, IN HURON COUNTY GODERICH TOWN NO YES 1 89 175 2 113 141 - 3 71 161 4 08 . 207 5 118 115 6 121 206 .7 " 67 64 Advance Poll 14 6 691 1075 Majority, • 384. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP 1 32 109 2 20 80 3 14 203 4 14 78 80 530 bla,jority, 450. CLINTON TOWN 1 50 2 92 3 50 4 0:1 Majority. 361 • (SODER OH 1 2 3 4 5 G 172 172 167 120 270 631 TOWNSHIP 26 110 16 95 20 80 17 61 15 116 14 50 108 512 Majority, 404 HULLETT TOWNSHIP 1 17 138 2 n 25 100 3 30 49 4 34 119 5 19 34 6 27 97 7 17 133 169 670 Majority, 501 TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP 1 74 100 2 49 136 3 11 108 4 14 114 16 87 18 103 5 6 182 648 Majority, 466 EAST WAWANOSH 1 - 7 95 2 16 129 3 7 189 4 6 101 5 6 106 4j2 570 Majority, 528. WEST WAWANOSH 1 29 159 2 39 110 3 9 70 4 2 109 5 6 105 G 42 32 127 591 Majority, 464 McKI.LLOP 1 76. 2 38 3 68 4 21 23 189 138 203 426 Majority, 223. STANLEY 1 8 116 2 18 105 -3 29 153 4 10 03 5 55 74 124 541 Majority, 417, ASHFIELD 1 13 154 2 17 • 157 3. 8 131 4 15 125 5 66 44 (i 20 65 7 10 99 149 775 Maj. 626 County News A serious fire occurred at the home of Mr. Frank Stanley or 13ruce on Thursday morning last when his barn was burned, together with sev- en head of cattle, one horse, some bons, and grain, hay, implements, etc. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley were absent from home •attending arwodding and on returning home in the early hours of the rnbrning saw the fire and laid n M°d8+ r4414'cc'x4 `1'IIURSDAY, APRIL gist, 1:@2t itfir 1. LIl11 11111111i Buy a Weather -Worthy Roofing DON'T wait for your roof to I'll II DON'T Right now is the best time to make renewals or repairs. The heavy rains have not yet commenced. Be ready for them. At present labor is plentiful. You save money, get the better work- men and help relieve unemploy- ment by having the job .done at once. The pi'icesn of material are as low as they will be for many months. You will save nothing by waiting. Besides by having you,, repairs done in time you eliminate all risk of ruining the decorations and furni. tura of your home by a leaky roof. �IWVV�i�INVY1�iiWIW��IY��Ir�V�i .III vi 1"""11i444Aul9WV/•IIJt■(If Save time and labour by using ntford. lates For Sale by found the neighbors trying to control it. The house had been entered al- so and one hundred dollars taken from a pocket of Mr. Stanley's clothes. It is said that a ear was seen drive up to the house daring the evening and drive away again and it was after this that the fire was dis- covered. .Mrs. Mary L. Manna, a very well know citizen' of Wingham, died sud- denly. on Sunday last. Mrs. Han- na was a native of Colborne town- ship, her maiden name being Mary L. Young. She was a woman of rare business ability and eonnucted a general store business there for a number of years with narked abil- ity. One son, John W. Hanna, and two daughters, Mrs. Robt. Allen and Miss Priscella residing 'in Wingham and one daughter, Miss Maud, of To- ronto, survive. The funeral took place on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ramohr of Exeter have gone to Winnipeg, where they intend making their home in future. Mr. Wm. Baker, who was engaged in tearing down a barn at Exeter fell from the building and was some- what injured. Mr, W...1. Davies, late of Hamil- ton, has taken a position as band- master at Goderich. 'rhe marriage took place on Wed- nesday of last week et' Hazel F'., slaughter ol. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bissett of Usborne township, and Mr. Harvey Hill of. Sarnia. Mrs. Richard Davis of Exeter flied in Victoria hospital, London, last week in her fifty-first year. The re- mains were brought hone for in • - torment, the funeral taking place at Exeter on Thursday last. While clrliving a nervous horse, one clay last week Miss May Clarke of 'Rheumatism 'leuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Have brought. 6- &ion health to halt oufferora. Ahealthful, mone Avingremedy, well known for fifteen years, pre. scribed by doctors, field by drug- gists, 51.00 a b x. ak our agents 5 r41 r write for a yo t _package. Trnipletono, 14YC W.. Toronto Sold by J. E. Hovey, Druggist kw. niaSIf4reV TheDouble Track Route BETWEEN- MONTREAL TORONTO DE1TROI'I' and CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service, Sleeping ears on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. rull information £fora any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hornung, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. A. 0. PATTISON, Station Agent, Phone 85W. • J. Rumford & Son, 'Uptown Agents, Phone 51. HARLAN €li BROTHERS, 21911 CLINT N g istad; nee Service Is Now Classified HE Classifications on long distance telephone calls in effect from midnight, April 20th, are of interest to all users of that service. It is possible, by a study of your long distance requirements, to effect savings in your long distance bills that are well worth while. Station -to -Station Service Appointment and Messenger o Service Appointment calls and Messenger calls are special kinds of person-to-per- son calls. An APPOINTMENT CALL rate, which is about 50 per cent higher than the station -to -station rate, is quoted for service when an appointment is made by the calling party to talk at a particular time. When a.person who does not have a telephone is called over long distance and a messenger must be sent to summon the party to the telephone, the MESSEN- GER CALL rate, which is about 50 per cent higher than the station -to -station' rate, is charged, and to this is added the necessary messenger charges. Station -to -Station service should be, used when you are willing to talk to ANYONE at a distant telephone - that is, when you do not need to get a particular person on the line. Station -to -Station service is not only cheaper, but more rapid and accurate than Person -to -Person service. On Sta- tion -to -Station service 'the call can be completed as soon as the distant tele- phone is answered, while on a Person -to - Person call the particular party wanted must be located and summoned to the , telephone. The charge for a Station -to -Station, call cannot be reversed - that is, it can- not be charged to the telephone called, for in that case the telephone operator would have to locate a particular person to approve the charge, which would make it a Person -to -Person call. Person -to -Person Service When you make a call specifying that conversation is desired with a particular person at a given number, Person -to - Person service is used. As this service requires greater oper- ating labor and circuit time than a Station -to -Station call, the rate is about 25 per cent greater. Examples of Different Rates Following are examples showing' the station -to -station and person-to-person rates for distances up to sixty-four miles: Miles i 0-12 $0.10 $0.15 12-18 .15 .20 118-24 " .20 .25 '24-32... ` .25 .30 32-40 .30 .40 40-48 .35 .45 48-56 .40 .50 56-64 .55 Station -to- Person -to-' Station Rate Person Rate The Report Charge When you place a call for a particular person or persons and for any reason they cannot be reached the salne day at the address given, or will not talk, or if you make a call and you are not ready to talk when the other person is ready with- in an hour, a REPORT CHARGE is made. The report charge is about one- fourth the station -to -station rate. It is intended to cover part of our expense of handling the uncompleted call. Special Evening and Night Rates The EVENING rate, between 8.30 p.m. and 12 midnight, on station -to - station calls, is about one-half the day rate. The NIGHT rate, between mid- night and 4.30 a.m., is about one-fourth the day station -to -station rate. However, no evening or night rates are quoted on station -to -station calls where the day rate is less than 25 cents. On such short -haul calls the day rate applies. For longer distances special evening and night rates are quoted. Because it is difficult to reach particu- lar persons at night, when many are away from their homes and places of business, there are no special evening or night rates quoted for person-to-person calls. They apply only on station -to - station calls. Every Deli Telephone is a Long Distance Station The Bell Telephone , Company OF CANADA Usborne struck the animal with the Whip to steady it and the animal kicked, striking her on the arm and breaking it. The W. C. T. U. tendered an en- tertainment to the crews of the boats harboring in Goderich bar - hot. After a nice program refresh- ments were served and a "Comfort Bag" was presented to each boat. Seaforth Lawn Dowling Club has been re -organized for the, present season, Don't Throw Your Olaf Carpets Away No matte,r how old, how thirty, dines allapidated, (do a, rope around nom and send to us to be+anarlo Into The Famous i'VELVETEX99 Rugs 7�t-overatble-Will wear a lifetime-i'rdoos reasonable, We have hundreds of rodommendatlons .from satis- Plod customers. Ask for "VELVETEX" Price List, Wo dray express both ways on Large orders. Ono way on email orders. Established 1909 Phone 2488 CANADA RUG C iWPANY 89 OARLINQ STREET r+ LONDON, ONT.'