The Clinton News Record, 1921-4-14, Page 8rhe oilmen Newe- eeerd CLINTON'S LEADING JE WE LERY STORE AC ,- PI.'*. 15 GUARANTEED Makes autos look like new, For Furniture, riauos, Floors, Automobiles, and all Paint and Varnished Surfaces Real Finish Jkk Polishing Required Lacoa does its own polishing. is odorless and harmless, Lacoa is guaranteed not to injure the finest finished wood, paint or polished work. THE FI'NI'SH THAT LASTS R. Ho JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Steri 1 NEW SPRIN Bought at the very lowest prices are now coming into stock and are being marked very close for quick turnover. While prices are considerably lower than they have been, many lines of staple goods are very scarce and at the present low prices they are good buy- ing, Everything in stock has been priced clown to the present level regardless of profits and many lines priced at a big sacrifice to clear. Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes all at very attractive prices. Plumsteel CLOTHING POS. THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE as NEW (DEI) PATTERNS. OUR WEEKLY' -LIMERICK o ,, l„ NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT TO PAINT --SEE US In the spring of the year Mr. Straint Decided to improve things with paint, So he came to our atere. , Where we sell paints galore ' And still he paints without 'any restraint We handle the following popular lines -Sherwin-Williams Paints for • inside and outside FLOOR PAINTS -Gold and Alluminun Paint; Campbell's Varnish Stain and Floorlac; Floor Varnish; Linoleum Varnish, and Johnson's Floor Wax; Berry Bros. Liquid Granite for floors. • MAGIC FURNITURE POLISH ONLY 254 Muruesco; Jellstone, and Flat Tone for walls and ceilings. Motor car enamel; Buggy Point, and Wagon Paint. O -Cedar Mops $1 and up; Liquid Veneer._Mops; Rubberset Brushes A BIG STOCK OF OIL STOVES -GARDEN SEEDS HARL 'A%4. ND BROS. Hardware, Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock We are offering for one week only, conrendng April 7 I 15 per cent discount utn and GRA 1 `I li Al IE W A .iR X1--4 Don't Forget the Sale Sutter & Perdue IL RDWARE ELECTRICAL' PLUMBING Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away Nolma.tter how old, how dirty, bow dIlapidatod, too a rope around theta and nowt to us to be made Into The Famous "VELVETEX" Rugs 'Reversible -WIN wont a into lme-l'rlces reasonable. Wo have hundreds o4 recommendations from satis- fied customers. Ask for ' VEt.vtTEX" PrIro List. We may express both ways on large orders. Ona way on small orders, Established 1909 phone 2480 CANADA RUG COMPANY 98 oARLINo 9•PREET 77 LONDON, (MT. i5 Beauty - Comfopt IN 'i'IIE CANADIAN HOME IS A SUBJECT WHICH IS RECEIV ING MORE ATTENTION, THE AR- TISTIC STANDARD OF THE AV- ERAGE HOME IS NOW HIGHER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN. PEO- PLE ARE DEMANDING l3ETTER, AND MORE CONGENIAL SUR- ROUNDINGS, WALL HANGINGS HAVE, MUCH TO DO WITH ]RING, ING ABOUT THE DESIRED BRIGIITNE;3S, BEAUTY AND COMFORT. IF YOU ARE INTER- ESTED WE INVITE YOU TO VIS- IT OUR SPLENDID. STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES. Tree W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best POP* AlIghWamPRIEWMg4TAPbgii. Mr. Lynn Mair spent the .week -end with friends in Tiverton. Mr, J. Gorbutt of Wingham visited friends •in town on Saturday. Miss Ferris of Blyth visited Miss Nellie Jenkins the beginning of the week. Mrs, Lewis of Niagara Falls has been visiting her mother, Mrs. E. • Merman., Miss Annis Bartliff has returned af- ter a week's visit with Wingham friends. Miss Dorothy Cantelon returned on Monday evening after a visit with London friends. Mrs. T. Murphy and Mrs. J. Stew- art of Goderich visited Mrs, J. B. Lindsay last week, Mrs'. Quinn and Miss Abrey of Lon- desboro were week -end guests with, Mr. and Mrs. T. Herman. Mrs. Abner -Cosens of Wingham vis- ited Clinton firends for a couple of days the beginning of the week. Mr. Vanstone and Mr. and Mrs. Do- bie of Wingham were guests of Mrs. C. H. Bartliff on Sunday. Rev. S. E. McKegney was in Toron- to this week attending a meeting of the G. W. V. A. Executive. ' Miss Jennie Holmes has returned to town :after having spent the win- ter with her brother in '°Goderich township. Mrs. 0. 'M. Bezzo of Kitchener was here last week attending the fun- eral of her sister, the late Mrs. J. Brown. Mr. E. E. Brown of Petrolea was in town. last week, having come . to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. John Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Geo,•Hills and daughter and Mrs. Habkirk of Seaforth were the guest% over the week -end of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lindsay of• town. Messrs. E. Ratz and Charlie Brooks of Mitchell were week -end guests at the home of the latter's grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wnr. Can- telon: Mr. Adam Cantelon, who has been spending the winter with relatives in Clinton and vicinity, left yester- day for his home in the Maple • Creek district. Messrs. H. W. Gould, G. E. Hall, T. J. Managhan, J. Livermore, T. Hawkins and R. Tasekr ,visited the I. 0. 0. F. in Goderich on Mon- day evening, the latter being put through the Srd degree. Mrs. Couch and Mrs. Ross have ar- rived home from Toronto and are occupying their own home on On- tario street. Mrs. Couch will probably move to her Bayfield cot- tage as soon as the warm weather comes. Miss Lily Kennedy was in' London on Monday and Tuesday attend- ing a conference of chief oper- etors to discuss matters connected with the change in telephone rates, which conies into effect on Thurs- day next. Mr. E. E. Hunniford and Miss Stel- la were up from London last week calling on old friends. Mr. Hunni- ford came up to take in the horse Show. Ile still has a warm spot in his heart for Clinton, as its citizens have for hint. Mrs. J. E..Johnson and two children, who have been spending the win- ' ter as guests •of the lady's mother, Mrs. Geo. Nott of town, left Tues- day for Winnipeg, where Mr. John- son has bought out a business and were they intend residing .in fu- ture. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. 'iJhitmore of Hamilton have beefi visiting the hone of the former in Goderich township, that of Mr. and Mrs. F. Whitmore, and the home of the latter in town, that of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Iiearn. Mrs. Whitmore of Goderich township has been ill but is now recovering. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil, who have been spending the winter in Flor- ida, :are expected home in the course of couple of weeks,a or may be already on the way. Sometimes people have to wait for train ae- cormnodation. Mr. O'Neil is much improved in health as a result of the change, but Mrs. O'Neil has been suffering from a slight at- tack of rheumatism just' `recently. -_-s- • Stalrnieg Township Following is the report of S. S. No. 3, for March: , c 5th,-Arciell Garinger, 81%. Sr. 4th -'-Harold Taylor, 80, , Alma Rathwell 75, Sr. Slid -Blanche Taylor, 383, Sar-, all Reid 361, Sr, 2nd --Murray Grainger, 434, Lillian Marks, 400; Marie Grainger, 306, Louis Taylor 320, Russel Helmer 204: (absent). Sr. 1st -John Marks; 98, Harvey •� Taylor 90, Primer -•Margaret Chuter 110. Margaret Pock, 'z'eacitor. CLINTON COLLEGIATE RASTER 'TERM REPORT FORM 1 lionoulta: M. Lyon, 86.5; I. Fras- er, 84.5), M. Courtieo,84,2;,,13. Suitor, 80,5; K. Taylor, 78; C. Evans, 77,7; S, Eadrett, 70.9; 11. •Marquis, 76,2, Pass; 111. Aiiconheat9, 73,7; E. Hunter, 73,2; M. Stewart, 72.5; M. Wright, 71,7; E, ?lumsteel, 00; D. Jervis, 083; E. Trewartha, 67:8; R. Carter 67.2; 3, Yesbeo, 60,8; M. Meyers, 66.8; 0. Pepper, 60; F. Hov- ecy, 05.9; 0, Lawrence, 65 5; V. M'il ler, 65,4; E, Paisley, 64.7; N. Mc- Neil, 64,7; Wm. Simpson, 64.5; G. Churchill, 64; E. Reid, 63; W,r Nel- sen, 62;22; J. 1VlcGregor, 60.4; D. Ball, 60,2; 1 Carter, 59.9; E. Walter, 59.1; M: McDougall, 59; II. Richards, 58; J.• Nediger, 67,6; K. Roberton, 57,1; C. Glazier, 57; II, Cochrane, 55;•H, Quigley, 55.2; J. McEwen, 55,1; IL, Dale, 51;7. FORM 2 honours: N. Treleaven, 85.1;' R. Hale, 82; R. Biggins, 803; 0. S'choenhals, '76.8; K. Beaton, 76.4; F. Johnston, 76.1, Pass: M. Potter, 73,4; F. Contel- on, 72.9; F. Sterling, 72.4; L. Ned- iger, 72,2; M. McIntosh, 72.1; A. Mustard, 71.9; G. Ferguson, 70.2; J. Bawden, •70.1; B. Lindsay, 70.1; C. Tebbutt, 69.6; L. Taylor, 69.5; G. Snyder, 69; L. Aikenhead, 67.6; J. Aikenhead, 67.6; M McTaggart, 67,5; M. Armstrong, 67.4; M. Mair, 67.4; F. McTaggart, 66.8; L. Levy, 66.6; G. McCowan, 66.2; W. Grant, 66; B. Stewart, 64.6; J. Farquhar, 64.5; F. Elliott, 63.1; J. Higgins, 63; H. Rob- erton, 62; C. Munn, 60,7; J. Woods, 59.7; M. • R. Stewart, ' 59.5; A. . Macfarlane, 58.9; K. Rorke, 58.7; A. Combo, 56.4; R. G. Thomp- son, 56.1; E bIcKiniey, 53.5; J. Wig- ginton, 53.5; A. Forrest, 53.1; A. Mc- Intyre, 62.7; S. Middelton; 52,3; C. Shipley, 50.8; 0. Cook, 50. FORM 3 Honours: I. Merrier. 81.8. Pass: II. Ball, 74.3; D. Nediger, 73.8; V. Pepper, 73; A. Dewar, 71.3;, A. Hamilton, 70.4; A. Mustard, 70.3; M. Flynd', 70; C. Matheson, 67.9; A. Reynolds, 67:6; G.. Venner, 66.4; M. Finelon, 61.9; W. 1V cMath, 01: A. Reid, 60.6; E. Dewar; 60.5; E. Jow- ett, 59.3; A. Hill, 59.1; J. Hogg,. 58.9; G. Anderson, 55.1; K. Carter, 54.5; M. McEwen, 54.4; S. Jackson, 52.3. FORM 4 Faculty Entrance -Part 1. . Honours: N. Anderson, 76.5. Pass: A. Ilellyar, 72.5; E. Fer- guson, 69.5; G. Fowler, 68.4. Faculty Entrance -Part 2. Pass: C. Tyndall, 72; M. Bone, 67.6; N. Anderson, 64.3. Honour Matriculation. First class honour standing: E. Livermore, 88.8. Second class honours: F, Wallis, 73. , Third class: C. Gardiner, 61:7; K. Hamilton. 52.1. Pass: ' Z. Jackson. 49., a • , • Brucefield • The community was ,shocked on Tuesday to learn of the death of Mrs. Drew Swan which took place. at Clinton hospital on that day. The deceased lady was is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Bowey of Kippen •and she leaves besides her young husband one child of two years and an 'infant of days. She was but thirty years of age' and her early death is keenly regretted and much sympathy is felt for the bereaved ones. The funeral takes place this afternoon, service being he18 in Brucefield church and interment to be made in Baird's cemetery. • The regular monthly meeting of the Kelly Circle was held on Wed- nesday last, ,Miss Beth Forrest gave a very interesting paper on "The New Testarnent on Missions". It was decided that the. Circle would again collect old papers and maga- zines and any one having any are asked to keep them and some one will call around for tem in May. The Easter Thenkofering for the Kelly Circle amounted to $58.00, in- cluding one Life membership. The offering for the W. M. S. and Home Helpers was $76.00. t Varna Mrs. Alf. Austin and Master Wil- lie, who have been visiting at . the home of Mr: and Mrs. J. J. Ward of Woodstock for the past two weeks, returned house Saturady •evening last and reprt a very pleasant time. Tuckersmith Township Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Matheson left last Wednesday for Detroit, where Mvs. Matheson was to undergo an operation, on Saturday. We under- stand she is doing as well as could be expected. Mr. Matheson will Te- tttrri home as soon as she is otit of danger and Mrs, Matheson will re- main with her son till she is stroil'g enough to come home' . Mr. Melvin , Crich .purchased a bunch of young cattle from Mr. Frank Coleman last' week. Melve says he has all he wants jhst now. Mrs, T. Livingston of Hullett spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Ira Johns. The many friends of Mrs. Frank Layton are pleased to hoer she is doing fine and will soon be able to get around on crutches. Kippen We are called upon to chronicle the death of another of our citizens, this time one young in year's, Master Walter Workman, oldest son of lir, Thos. Workman. The young lad was stricken with diabetes ,about a year and a half ago and although his' fond parents spared no expense or trouble ,to have him restored to health again, the end came rather etuldenly on Saturday evening last, In fact he had only returned on the Tuesday previous from Logsdon where he had been under a doctor's eats. Ile was a bright and promising boy, TIIURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1921, • If TOROK'tMarch 28th, 1921. DEAR SIRS We received to-daythe carload of bulls shipped down by your organization from Clinto :. I believe I am expressing the feeling of all of those in- terested in the stock yard work when I state that we appre- ciate the effort being made to encourage the farmers to ship this class of bulls to the stock yards and have them replaced by good pure bred sires. ' It will surely have a very good and permanent effect on the cattle breeding operations in that community. To show our sincerity in this work we are not charging any commission on the sale of these animals as shown in our accompanying statement. We have. gone to considerable trouble to get as much money as possible for these bulls, and have brought it to' the attention of the different buyers that it was to their direct advantage to offer every encouragement to the shippers of these bulls to ship them in and they have agreed with us to the extent that they have been as generous a's pos- sible in their purchase of them. No doubt'the farmers of the district of South Huron quite appreciate the valuable assistance which the Live Stock Committee is doing in this Live Stock Campaign, and can assure you that my firm here will do everything in our power at this end to assist you in a practical way in this work. Yours very truly, (signed) A. W. ATWELL. Dominion and Provincial Departments of Agriculture BETTER BULL CAMPAIGN S. B. STOTHERS, B.S.A., District Representative i very lovable and kind in the .home and was .in his fifteenth year. .,Thoe, funeral on Tuesday was largely at-• tended by many sympathetic friends, and neighbors, many coming from a distance. Mr, and MTs. Workman' and two boys who are left have the sympathy 'of the whole community in their severe trial. Rev. Mr. Fos- ter of Varna and Rev. Mr. Lundy of Kippen officiated at the services at this hnuse and grave. Interment - took place at Hensall Union Cern- etery. Miss Hazel Elgie, who has had a position in London for some time, is making an extended visit at her home in Tuckersniith. Miss Sadie McCloy is in Toronto this week with friends. Her moth- er, who has been 'very ill and con- fined to her room, has been recover- ing her health lately. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mx.' and Mrs. P. Bowey and faintly in the death of their dear daughter.ancl sister. Mrs. Drew Swan of Brucefield, which sad event occurred at Clinton on Tuesday. A young infant some few hours old, al- so a little daughter two years and her sorrowing, husband are left to mourn her sad taking away. Rev. McIntosh of Brucefield will Preach in St. Andrew's church on Sun- day: He and Mr. Lundy are hav- iisg a friendly exchange that day. Mrs. Wrn. Johnston of Eexter at- tended the funeral of the late Wale ter Workman on Tuesday. Mrs. Hugh McDonald and Mrs. Le - peer of Hensall visited with their Cousin, Mrs. J. B. McLehn, on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Jas. Md iyniont •a •tuiided the funeral of the late ;Mips.- Richard Davis' at Exeter on Thirrsdaar;- ' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reid of London attended the funeral of their nephew, the late Walter Workman, on Tues- day. BRTISH EDITORS' OPINION The News -Record has just received a booklet entitled "What British Ed- itors Say About Canada," which has hist. been issued by the Canadian Department of •Immigration and Col- onization. It contains brief Corn• meats on Canada made by members of the Imperial Press Association who visited this country last sum- mer. The booklet has been issued imainly for circulation in the Old Country, thotigh•it is exceedingly in- teresting for Canadians, ,too, and readers of this paper may have cop- ies forwarded to any friends in the Old Country who are interested in Canada by sending the names and addresses to tho Director of Public- ity Department of Immigration and Colonization, Ottawa No charge is made for the booldet or for postage on it. w CLINTON JUNK DEALER BUYING ALL KINDS OF JUNK AND POULTRY, RIDES ANDISI';INS PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES 1VC. RAMltA9 Phone 137 , ;Albert St. YOUR HOUSE and OUR PAINT THEY GO WELL TOGETHER As you will admit after your house has had a coat or two. of Martin-Senou'ri ready -to -apply house paint,, What about Varnishes - and Wood Stains, Auto . and Carriage Paints? We have them Corless & Venner HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 53 THIS QTRITY TEAM HARNESS ONLY $45.00 -Y� 'nA•, Made of very best harness leather and carefully finished. Other styles of harness also on display - some for even less money. Come and see them. You will find a style of harness for your re- quirements at the price you wait to pay. t . McKown Huron's Harness House Clinton Repairs Made Quickly and Neatly Get Eggs Next Winter Wodehouse Poultry Invigorator should be fed to young birds now. Two or three weeks gained in growth during summer months will make them lay earlier in the Fall Of course you 'are using Wodehouso Baby Chick Feed for your baby chicks Sold' by J. A. FORD & SON, Grain Dealers, Clinton