HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-4-14, Page 7Uri
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r y=irlrlr gsnlalw lr�rl tunic mom
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THE Canadian
eel &Wire Coit
A eound, substantial, endurmg
fence, built on elastic, !tinged -joint
principle—the most scientific! prac-
tical and perfect fence principle
known. Il yields to great and sud-
den pressure but retutvs again to the
original shape.
Thoroughly galvanized and pro-
tected against weather.
Ask for prices. They are
Living ' on MeatMono. 'vnn
I A.good maoY reputed authorities
Itay.e said that man cannot live- 00
0 healthy. TltoSe
Meat ttlotio and b
who make that eentention point fo
the 17sklmos, who••ave known to be
ditntnisbiu'g to numbers, But MT.
Burt•MOCotlnold, a member of Stearns•
sort's' exploring party, does not agree
with thorn, Tit an article- in Physical
Culture he gives hie views .as• follows;
While 1 wee In the Arctic 1 found
that a good deal of what I had learned
about meat eating and the high death
rate among Askinlos had to be 'un-
learned, I believed, for example, that
a man who lived on meat -alone could
not he permanently healthy. Later I
a : Co meet and study several arta width
mea who had lived in the- north for a
dozen of fifteen years on meat alone,
or on a diet ninety per cent, of which
was meat, without ever 'having a seri•
our !noose. Two 111911 who had done
so were Stefansson hinise'lt and Stork
er S•torkersen, lets navigating.officer.
Once a pereon has lived on meat
alone- he does• not lllee to return .to a
civilized diet, and atter trying it for a
while is usually glad to go back to
eating meat. Suck at least was the
experience of the members of the ex.
Decli.tion. The meat -eating Eskimos,
who live in the moat primitive way,
are extraordinarily healthy; they
have sound teeth, aro not troubled
with alerculesis, measles, infuoiiza or
other contagious• diseases and live to
a comparatively advanced age; onthe
other hand, their brothels in Alaska
and in•the Mackenzie River country,
who have oome into contact with the
white man and have adopted Itis diet,
are dying off faster than. the American
Accorein_ to official returns for the
year 1918, the sunt of $635 was col-
lectedhi fines for setting fire to for-
ests in different p'ttrts of C:'naido, and
one man received a jail sentence for
this armee.
fHnard's Linimact for Dandruff.
Tho North-West Fur Co. of Mont-
real was foamed in 1779, im op'poeitiom
to the Hudson Bay Go, It set up fur
trading posts in the •aoumitry west and
north of Lake Superior. A bitten 'trade
rivalry followed for senseyears, tinbll
ahoy -were amalgamated tin 1821.:
roe moat nto ,
x unit n
nls o
f oars.
Old, velemof upin nut part-
crplaced. Write
or wirer tis dnscrib-
Ing what you train. U o carry the
largest end most eegnIwloln meek 1,1
Ctttiada of slightly (mod nr new anile-
and autotttoblie equipment, Wo shin
0.0.B. anywhere In Canada. gaffs.
faetox'y Or rt`t'LlltdIItl full our motto.
/plows Auto Salvage ll
art survey,
alta -yet T)uticrin e4 Tomato, oat_
114 BY DR. J. J. 01
Provincial Board of Health. Ontario - 0
1. Or. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public health mate 0
0 ters through this column. Address him at the Parliament Bidge, 0
The .dangers from m ik borne dis-
eases, such ea tu,berculo's'ie, are aurth
a monstaalt menace to health, that the
neces's'ity of p•asteoriz:ng all tn;ilk with
the •exception o4' "ce'rtified," is be-
coming increasingly apparent. The
New York Milk Com'mi'ssion has re-
cently reeommemdod that no other
milk be sold to the public except certi-
fied ml.Ik and pasteurized murk, and
the same recommendation should OP-
ply to Ontario.
When e milk sutpeily is certified, it
means that every !mown precaution
has been taken to keep it pure, and
to prevent its contamination. The
ms:k, is able:seed from cows that are
tuborculi'n-tested and safe -guarded by
a very close veterinary inspection;
there is n medionl inspec'ti'on• of 'the
employees, 'sanitary inspection of the
dairy, and testing of the milk far
bacteria. •
Pasteurized milk germ-free—"Pat's-
teufnizatiun" is a process of heating
milk at a nho'derate temperatarre for a
short time, se that any germs it may
co'ntatin may be Milled off without de-
. etroying vibamines and other 'bene
tidal constituents of fresh milk. PaaS-
tetlinizabion may be defined as the ex-
posure of milk (proviously cleaned by
filtration or centtnifegaliization) to a
temperature not exceeding 158 deg,.
F., for a short period, and theta rapid-
ly cooping it to a temperature as much
below 59 deg. F. as possible.
Where pasteurized milk cannot be
purdhaoed or where for other reasons
*1 is desirable to ;pasteurize milk at
Thome, the process can easilty,lbe per-
formed without special apparatus, ass
How to pasteurize—Take a deep
saucepan fit in at the bottom a ;piece
of wood about half an inch thick and
brood enough for two half-pint bottles
to stand upon; place the bottle or
bottles 'ccnbaineng the milIt, and stop-
pered, within the saucepan, and then
pour in some very hot (but not bal-
ing) water; put over fuse, and when
the water canes to the /boil remove
the'eaucepan end' set it geld& for fif-
teen inenutes, Then take it to the
slink and put it under the coed water
tap so that the hot weber gats rapidly
rep''taeed by meld. Keep the bottle in
water till a nneatlt has been prepared.
By this method the mioro-organismte
which are capable of being cultivated
ott artificial media can be reduced to
less than five per cert, of these
which • can be cultivated from
the original mince the fermmenta-
-`tion•'bacteria eon be destroyed or in-
hibited so as to 'delay the natural
Souring of the milk some twelve to
twenty -foam hours, the milt mean-
while keeping perfectly wlittlesonee.
Scouting and the Church
X's}llto'y }Qwle28.
1 '.to Toot
11' t ordered hie nleteLt sl
1Vi la l O
at the thlcltest pad of the 1'Citgllstt, so
`thcv shot ultWI,rdsl 50 Wet their ate,
rpws might fail en tate 1'inglishulett's
1kea urrntG
u(wilta! ter
abs in aflllhttlon with a
A011ed ilnepliale. New York 10t.e.
ezfers a titres you",00 10 ego of Trndn•
Int' to Yining' '',Milton, hating; ttt0 00.
(PAINS 0durt11011 un. 0 dswlroua of
(noting llureoe, Tele Beepita! law
heeds. adeete4 rho eight -hut s, xtele. The
' f a ". 1 atilt t of Che amtl'iit:r tit#ly�ls fnceb•s uull'at`n:e r,f flu+:niton/,
Pl1..S is , L m 0 1 6 o. uunttltl,v allowarica- inti t)•at•atling
tliistalcsa mild, in i, recent Ltietoj'y expenses to and from Now York. 1'',
test, Agroug Other "howlers" were fur.th{r lutnrnntilen apply to ilio
the following;- 4ttprtnfondenf.
Sir Walter Scott wrote Queen Due.
1 to havo been associated wird, Timeline, and Lmulsion,Goi'g(9O'iue Caves.
Many then wl litany ships use -Calcutta. es a ecal The a
with Scouting as well as other types Orogen eaves, which n hunter
bays' wol`lc, over a period of years, htg station—hence the term r'131ack stumbled upon la 107i, by no means
believe that It prertente greater opineHole of Calcutta,"genial the Manunoth Cave of 'Kentucky
Charles II, Mid the people they in extent, but tar sttrpashthat of any
tu'nities for developing the boy re
ligi'oesl'y than docs any other move-
ment instituted solely for boys. Its'
l a l l
s c Y,
develop boy L
aim to d v P the
mentally and morally Is being t8 realized
very widely.
The Boy Scout Movement has been.
developed on each broad 'lines as to
embrace all classes, all creeds, and
at the same time to allow the great-
est possible independence to d'tidtyid-
ual organizations, pilcers and boys.
The Boy Scouts Association' main-
tains that no boy can grow into the
best kind of citizenship without recog-
nizing his obligation to God. The re-
oogn.ition of -God as the ruling and
leading power is the universe, and the
gratetul•acknowiedgnletrt oe His favor's
and blessings, is necessary to the
best type of citizenship and is a whole-
some thing in the education of the
growing boy. No matter what the boy
may be—Roman Catholic, Protestant
of Jew—(and in Scouting there are all
three) this fundamental need of good
citizenship should be kept before him.
The Bay Scouts Aeaoeintion, as tui
organized body, recognizes the religI-
•ous element in the training of a boy,
but it !s absolutely non-sectarian in
its attitude toward religious training.
Itss policy Is that the religious organi-
zation or institution with ' which the
Boy Scout is canneoted shall give
definite attention to his religious lite.
If lie be a Raman Cathodic Boy Scout,
the Church no which he Is a member
is the best channel for his training.
If ho be a Hebrew boy, the Synagogue
will train hint in the faith of his
fathers. I1 he be a Protestant, no
matter to •what denomination of Pro-
testantism he may belong, the Church
at which he is an. adherent or a mem-
ber will only perform its full duty
when it accepts this responsibility.
It i ' t t• to note in this con -
specific organisms of. tuberculin's,
diphtheria, enteric fever, cholera,
dysentery and diarrhoea, It is there-
fore a valuable measure of protection
against the recurrence of those milk -
borne outbreaks which figure in the
.epidemic re'cord's off this c.ou'atry.
Overcoming objections—One ob-
jection in the past to pasteurization
was that it' was a substitute for
cleanliness. I1 was claimed that
farmers land dealers would be inclined.
to be lax in their efforts to keep the
milk supply 'clean and pure, if they
knew that the mink was afberwarrds
to be pasteurized. Such laxity can he
entirely controlled by testilhg the raw
milk before it is pasteurized, and
keeping it up to a certain' definite
standard of parity. Anything below
this standard will 'indicate that the
milk is of questionable purity and
cannot lye recommended.
Epidemics sometimes result—It is
the duty of Public Health authorities
to educate both thecomlautner and the
dealer to bhe danger of non-pasteur-
deedmilk, and the liability of m'ilk-
borne diseases being eonive'yed by it.
The quickest and m:out effectivefoont
of.•education'is, of course, an epidemic,
es in Poughkeepsie, New York, where
a few years ago a serious epidermic
of scarlet fever ,broke out due to un-
pasbeuriGed 'mills. This at anise start-
ed an agitation whidh resulted' in
Poughkeepsie a'do'pting 'ordinances
compelling the pasteurization of all
milk with the exception of "certified."
It certainly seems 'too bad that we
must wait for epidemics to stimulate
public interest in such mlatterg, but
at true present time this appears to be
the only route by which -drastic and
up-to-date milk legislation is brought
about. Education, 'however, we hope
will change this per:nt bf view; and
show the value of prevetrtie'n of Nal:
titmice rather than their cure.
W. E. C. asps if flat feet can be
Answer: Yes, in many oases where
the condition has not become chronic.
Both flat :feet anti weak ankles are
dependent upon weak and poorly de-
veloped muscles es much as changes
in the shape of the bothers. What is
requ red to prevent this fi3 proper
exercise for the feet and lower part
of the legs; auto shoes that permit
the toes to be moved and that do not
push, cramp and bend the toes. Cure
of cthron'ic oases has been efle'eted, but
it is a slow and tedious process.
Rheumatism is sonietime3 the con-
tributing eauee of fiat feet, light shoo
another, peer muscle tone a third.
Consult a reliable ortho•pedtic surgeon
before getting a foot s'uppo'rt, or be -
Pasteurization will also destroy the fore starting the foot exercises.
It's " ally Amazing
the amount of nourishment
you'll find in a small dish of
with cream. or good milk added
Sweet with itS own sugar,
debdloped from. the grains in
the making, this sturdy blend
of wheat and malted barley
eontains,in compact form and
at low cost, the nutritive and
mineral elements needed, to
build health and, ltrentth.
s ut ores mg
Rection that Boy Scout Headquarters
statistics show that the great majority
00 Scout Troops la Ontario are con-
nected with Churches, Scouting activi-
ties. being specially promoted by the
churches concerned as real worth-
while activities for their boys. And
experience shotes ,that the Sunday
School or Church School class organ-
ized an Scout lines has better discip-
line, Netter attendance and greater in-
terest than was evidenced before' the
Boy Scout !dee. was put into it.
oouid get drunk or gamble or do whet/
they liked. antis was called ,the Reis-
to'rationi. •
Magna Cbartasai
d that the king,
was pot to order taxis without the,oan-
sant of P'illament.
Siamu do MOntfort was a true Eng -
nehmen because be fought against the
king acrd put him in prison,
The Duke of Marlborough was a
great general who always' commenced
a battle with the Axed determination
to win or lose.
The Fire ofnLomdon did a great deal,
of good. It pulled the city front the
Dregs of the Plague, and burnt down
eighty-nine churches,
A Toronto boy who won the 2 1/3 -
mile Ward Eight School Boys' Run-
uing Road Race, held on March 30,
1921, He is '16 years 'gage and lives
,at 201 Kingswood Road. He is the
Patrol Leader of the 61st Toronto
Troop Boy, Scouts.
Mrs. Cieorges Lefebvre,, St. Zenom,
Quo.. writes: "I do not think there is
any -other nteiiclne to equal Baby's
Own Tablets tor little ones. I have
used them for my baby' and would use
nothing else." What Mrs. Lefebvre
says thousands of other mothers soy.
They havo found by trial that the Tab-
lets always do just what is claimed
for them. The Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative whiolh regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach and
thus banish indigestion, toustipation,
colds, colic, etc. They are sold by
.nnodichte dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box Crone The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Hie Excuse.
Gus Stevens, the village white-
wasite.r and' loan -of -all -work, Was a
eloquent borrower of small sums from
his neighbor, Major Norton, aied as a
rale he repaid these little debts at
the appo&itted time, But on one occa-
sion whet/ he had been accommodated
t , 2 which he pro-
a loaf of ,60
1 .
t' in a fewdays, he al-
lowedto return y ,
lowed two or three weeks to pass with-
out. making any mention of his in-
debtedness, acid, in fact, seemed to
avoid his creditor.
One morithig, however, the major
unexpectedly encountered Gus at the
post office,
"Hello, Gus!" he exclaimed. "Didn't
you borrow a little =they front me
several weeks ago?"
"Tltat'e right, major," said the old
roan. "I shorely
"'You told oto you'd pay It back In
three or four Clays. 'Have.you had bad
"No, suit;" said Clue, "I'll tell yo'
stow It was, major. I lacked jest $2.50
et haven' $$10 le de Bath's bank, ail' I
need it to' dat. It's all fight, iiajor,
en' I woe t remit it."
Y•— -
other known cave In the Tinted States !,
in natural splendor. .
Water, saturated with carbonate of
lime, s e f the round above,
n a p int • h from h g
has slowly Incrusted the whole sur-
face et the cavo, Callings. attd wails
am frescoed; alcoves, halconles. and
corridors are triaged with tate meet
Immaculate of draperies; floore have
the lustre of silk and'io01c as 1f never
meant for the tread of mortal feet
The forutations are curious; many
bear actual or fancied resemblance to
objects of various kinds—weird, fan-
tastic, •awesome. Everywhere crystal
facets gleam in response to the ex-
plorers' light: TIere the walls .glow
softly as if with the sheen e-1 velvet;
there they blaze an it with the twinkle
of distant stars reflected in myriad -a
of lnh'o'drs; everywhere diamond -like
paints and facets scintillate with fire
The caves have not been wholly ex-
plored, but the visitor can travel per-
haps three miles and a half under-
ground, The tl'iii takes three hours.
Loss_ofStrength Follows When
the Blood Becomes Thin.
Anaemia is the medical term for
thin, watery blood. The sufferer loses
strength, becomes short of breath and
complains of palpitation of the heart
after the slightest exertioai, such as
walking Up stairs. The lightest task
becomes a burden. There is a lose
of 'ambition., the victim loses weight
and as the disease progresses the ap-
petite is affected, corer fades from
cheeks and lips' and fainting spells
may occur.
Anaemia is not a disease that cor-
rects' itself, and if uncheolted it pro-
gresses steadily. But it can be com-
batted by good food, fresh air and a
proper tonic tor the blood. As the
blood becomes rich and red under
this treatment, the s'y,,mptoms disap-
pear as in. the case of Mies' Evelyeen
Joyce, Westville, N,S., whose mother
says: "Almost from infancy my
daughter was very delicate, and was
often under the doctor's care. Ae her
father lad' died of cansutnption my
friends feared ,she would X11 a vic-
tim to that dread disease. As the
years went by and she was merging
into womanhood I began to fear that
I would lose her. Then I decided to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I
could aeon see a change for the bet-
ter. I'm the next three years,'at iu-
teryalst ,she took the pills, always
with the beat of results. Now at the
ago of sixteen she As a fine healthy
girl, and I never tire of telling those
who see the wonderful change In her
condition that she owes it to Dr. Wit-
liams' Pink Pills."
Miss Joyce herself says: "It gives
me` pleasure :to confirm the state-
ments made by my' mother. Since
using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I have
gained in weight, and from a sickly
girl, suffering from headaches, dizzi-
ness and a languid feeling, I am now
as well as othetl girls of my age, and
I owe it all,to Dr. Williams' Pink
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob-
tained through any medicine dealer,
or by plai'l, at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine' Co., Brockville, Ont.
Ntinerd's Liniment Rellevca folds, Ate,
entrance• to the caves is twenty -
miles from the nearest railway
Only= "Bayer" is Genuine
Seriousness of' the Housing
The high cost of building material,
the rapidly increasing population, and
the enormous annual destruction of
dwel'iing houses, in which there were
-5,644 fires last year in Ontario, have
combined to 'make the housing prob-
lem one of most serious and acute
. Ontario is noted for its extravagance
through unnecessary fire waste, which
le nothing short of an economic crime,
canted chiefly through our careless
habits and indifference.
Statistics show that 64 per cent„ or
practically two out of every three
fires which occur, are in our /tomes;
eighty per cent. of which are prevent-
Tho ()Merle Fire Prevention League,
in affiliation with the Fire Marshal
Department, has inaugurated a Pro-
vince -wide publicity campaign for the
purpose of conserving our hones as
well as ourlives from destruction by
fire. The boys and girls of the Pro -
niece will be called upon to assist :n
this most desirable- and patriotic
movement,Through -the principals
and teachers 0t our saline's, the
League wilt distribute 250,000 copies
of a "Home Inspection Blank" so that
the pupils with the help 'or their
parents, may answer the questions.
The primary object. is to cleanup at-
tics, cellars, back yards and remove
hazardous conditions. The underly-
ing'thouglit being to prevent fires by
removing the oaten and thus save our
homes. •
t Off
with Fingers
11•4.IN,N,NINIMNw 1 •„',-.1 A,,.n.I1,lUr„I "•e
Drop a Tittle "Freezond" on an aeln
Ing corn, instantly flat corn stops
hurting, then shortly You lift it right
off with fingers, 19 doesn't Burt a bit.
Your druggist sells to tiny bottle of
"Freezono" for a few ciente, sufclent
to remove every hard corn, soft Corti,
or corn between Otto toes, and the cat-
kins, without a particio of paln,
Returned In Kind..
• 1n. 1 avisitoGla
All Irishman laid t
ile wog ciulck•tetllnerod and it was not
long before lie•had an urguutent with
a na.ttvo who spoke 'rerY broken Eng
lists. Seizing ti dish front a eoulttor
close et !land. Put let fly with it and
the Chtttttnlittl's !lead was elft. On be-
ing brought before the English consul,
he was asked why he had Insulted the
"Bare," replied Pat, "Ite spoke
broken Engl,isit and I just gave hits
broken. China In return."
MONEY oneens.
Buy youir out-of-town supplies with
Dominion Express Money Ordeal,
Five Dollars costs three cents,
The high cart, of living is increased
'by forest fires. Every citizen should
help to keep down files.
Warning! Take no chances with
substitutes for genuine "Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin." Unless you see the name
"Bayer" on package or on tablets you
are not getting Aspirin at all. In every
Bayer package aro directions for
Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu-
matism, Earache, Toothache, Lum-
bago and.for Pain. Handy tin boxes
of twelve tablets coat few Bents.
Druggists also sell larger packages.
Made in Canada. Aspirin is- the trade'
stark (registered la Canada), of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoaceticacid•,sten
of Salicylicacid.
Minerd's Liniment for Burns, etc.
Norway has established a national
domestic science soltcoi for girls lit
Minaret's Liniment rSeflevet Distemper
Tan net away from lite man who
has beaten you, bub stay and study
him, You may moot itis Mee again,
CHOOSE your Homo from our
new Catalogue containing over
fifty illustrations of modern. attrac-
tive Home,. for which we supply
material to build complete (masonry
cand aving
�$500k cePled) at a
a ingof0
A complete Set of Plans end
Specifications is supplied free of
cost with every Homo.
lntend(ng Home -builders should write at
once for our new Catalogue No. qew
The Halliday company'
Hamilton Limited
Fisher arra' Friend.
Use CuficuraTalcum
To Powder and perfume
An ideal face, skin, baby and dusting
powder. Convenient and economi-
cal, it takes the place of other per-
fumes. A few grains sufficient.
Soap2Se. Oiatwwatt5and 30c. Talcom25c. Sold
throughouttheDominlon. Canadlanlcpot:
Cantons, Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W. Montreal.
5'Cuticura Soap shaves withoutmug,
t healthy;
just tell byits You can t IY.
stimulating ixl',ting odor, that it is
going to do you good
IF I only had some Sloan's Lint-
mcnt!" How often you've said
thatl And then when the rheu-
tnatic twinge subsided—after hours of
suffering—you forgot it!
Don't do it again—get a bottle to-
day and keel) it !may for possible use
tonight! A sudden attach may come
on --sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles,
backache stiff joints neuralgia, the
pains end aches resulting from wipes -
ere. You'll soon find warmth and re-
lief in Sloan's, the lmtmcnt.tIat jiefle-
tra s without rabbiat . Clean, ecottwis-
teal. Three sizes -38c, 70c, $1,40
The Original alta Only Rennin()
Classified Adyertisernentu.
E T ".....
AG 1.Q >s ON
w et )tD
A s011N'i'S wA.N'1.1ej)t 01.140 NA'1'EVj5
to 1 erbs 18 a remedy Yer the- relief of
Uonstlpatlou, '1ndli eetion, l)tlioueneda.
Rheumatism,1(ldnoy nssubleu, et tot
well-known, haeme been extensively ad.
rectified, slltoo it was tlrst manufaeturol
n 1560, by distribution of large 9uantl.
flee of Almanacs, 05011 ISooks, Health
13oo11o, ole-„ which Are furnished 10
agents Eros of allurgo, '0ite'remodlox aro
sold at a price that allowo agents to
double their money, Write Alonzo 0.
Mos itledieal Co., 321 Sr. PAW 01. Vast.
Ti nnl' real. Mention this napnr.
7 Wellington St. East
Importers and Wholesale Dealers
In Fancy Goode, Cut Glees, Eartll-
euware, Ltaney China, Toys, Sport-
ing Goods, Smallware e, Hardware
Speolalties, Druggists Sundries.
Travellers Ilxerywhere
Wholesale Only
America's Pioneer Dog Remedios
Boots on
and Flow to Food
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
30. Clay Glover Co., Yeo,
112 West S1.et Street
New Yoric,
Muscular fatigue
quickly yields to
the use of
r a+
Try a tube today
sloe a tube.
Agents for Lr. Jules Dengus
Bulk Carlots
iiiBES-WOOL"FU se't-'•i
151g money can stilt be toad".
on lheOe skins. Shin your lot
to us and matte sure of re-
i,elving the right price. Re-
turns Gent the Game clay as
shipment is received.
The Paint for Brighter Homes i
vo na-dawn Il "• The Right :yzit F(,,' 11aii0 Rigid"
Burnt I
THIS phrase is used to epitomize the con-
ditions which exist throughout the
Every hour of the day and night the TORCH
OF CARELESSNESS brings destruction to
somebody's property in Ontario.
Two out of every three fires occur in our
homes. No wonder the housing problem it
Eight out of every ten fires are preventable.
Fire waste is an economic crime, caused
principally . by carelessness and indifference.
CLEAN UP accumulations of waste material,
rubbish, boxes, shavings, papers, and con-
ditions that create disorder.
In affiliation with Ontario Fire Marshal's. Office
153 University Avenue, Toronto
GEORGE F. LEWIS, Secretary
Information and text -books, "Censervatlon of Life and
Property from Fire," "Lightning, its Origin and Control,"
free on request.
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