HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-4-14, Page 4pinion News *Ae,t.or
TUU1 SHAY, APRif{ 14th, ig21, 1
-, r 't.in,sfortn o. v.
his wonderful what a
transform' tion you
can ii111•U*e at little.
expense with a
few rolls of
wall paper,
Get your Wall Paper.
"NOW and get the
work done
With such papers as these and such prices as we ask
there is no good reason for not
decorating`tbis spring.
Meg we show These Papers to You?
All paper trimined.(many lines ready trimmed
A. .Gs • COOPER.
Agnt.sCanadian National Railways
and Telegraph Cnlnpany
+4++++++•Fi•9•'F'i+++++++++.114+4 till'444M'F'f++++it4'Ni'MWI4 •
.-. $50 to $5,000 I..
—No better life investment available
—No better security obtainable
—Cannot be seized or levied upon for any caua
—Will be replaced if lost, stolen or destroyed
—Not affected by trade depression
—Free from Dominion Income Tax
—No medical examination required
Anyone over the age of 5 years resident or domiciled in Canada
may purchase.
Any two persons may purchase jointly.
Employers may purchase for their employees—school boards for
their teachers—congfegations for their ministers.
LApply to your postmaster; or write, postage free, to S. T. Basted°, Super-
intendant of Annuities. Ottawa, for new booklet and other information desired. T.
State sex Dnd.age last birthday,
via Y.T„ T. & N.O. and C,N.Rys.
via Parry Sound and Sudbury
Leave Toronto 8.45 p.m. Daily aitcapt Sunday
trinkets and full Information kp m nearest Canadian datasaal
or Oraad Trunk Rdlway Agent.
1 . - i Wonian
Brave enough to Face the Future?
Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? ,
Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune?
Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate inlmecnately7
Patriotic enough to Provide for your own?
Energetic enough to be making a good livelihood?
Healthy enought to pass a Medical Examination?
Then clip this advertisement.
Fill in coupon arm send to
S. C. Cooper,
Box 5. NEWS -RECORD OFFICE Clinton, Ontario.
NAME ...s
Date Born, day of t . • ,in •the year
- ,armaeam..a, .o n =.,,�.,s. .. AA5 ,.,oma
NO Smoking—iso Spraying—No Sufi
Just Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed
to restore norinalbreathing, atop mucus
gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give
long nights of quiet sleep; contains no
habit-forming drug, $1.00 at your drug-
gist's. Trial free at ouragencies orwrite
Tompletons, 142 Sing W., Toronto.
Sold by J. E. Hovey, Druggist
At. i U Its:?jI 1"y{
t / dGotw 1
TheDouble Track Route
Unexcelled Dining Car Service,
Sleeping ears an Night Trains and
Parlor Cars on principal •Day Trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent orC, Toronto, District Passenger Att., Toronto,
A. 0. PAT'TI$ON, Station Agent,
Phone 85W.
J. Ransford & Son, tfptown Agents,
Phone 57.
Trying Times
The reconstruction period after the
great war is characterized by what
may be called high pressure clays The
demands of business, the wants of
the family, the requirements. of so-
ciety,' are more numerous DPW than
ever before.
The first effect of the praiseworthy
effort to keep aril with , all these
things is commonly seen in a weak-
ened or debilitated condition of the
nervous system, which results in dy-
spepsia, defective nutrition of both
body and brain, and, in extreme eas-
es, in complete nervous prostration.
It is clearly seen that what is
needed is what will sustain the sys-
tem, give vigor and tone • to the
nerves, and keep the digestive and
assimilative functions healthy and ac -
tie. Many persona from their own
experience redomnrencl Hood', warsa-
parilla for this purpose, It acts nn
Die vital organs, builds tip the, sys-
tem, and fits men and women for
these trying times.
In cases where there is biliousness
or constipation, it is well to take
Hood's Pills. , They are a thorough
cathartic, a gentle laxative.
The teacher of S..,$. No. 2, Tuck-
orsmith nff'erocl a prize to the toy
malting the beat birdhouse, Emma -
seri Kyle of 1 ippon won the prize..
Why did you leave the farm my lad'z
Why did you bolt- and quit your
Why said' you beat it off to tower
Anel turn ygnr poor old father.
clown ?
Thinkers of platform, pulpit, press
Ave wallawing in deep distress,
They seek to know the hidden dugs
Why 'farmer boys desert their pas,
Some say the silly little chumps
Mistake the suit -cards for the
IS wagering fresh and harmless lair
Againdt the smoky thoroughfare,
We're all agreed the farm's the place,
So free your miner and staatr your
"Well arranger, since yoe've been so
I'll roll aside the hazy bapk;
The misty cloud about the siker,
And show you where the trouble
I left my clad, his farm, his plow,
Because my calif became his cow;
I left my clad—'twas wrong of course,
Beeasue my colt became his horse.
I left my dad to sow and reap
Because my lamb. became his
I dropped my hoe and struek my
• fork •
Because my pig became his pork.
The gardentruck that I male grow
"l'was his to sell, but mine' ru
hoe. •-
It's not the smoke in the atmospehro
Nor the taste'for life that br.lt;ht
Inc here`
Please tell the platform, pulpit,
No fear of toil, 01: love of dr'os's
Is driving off the farmer lads,
But just the methods of their dads."
• Exchange.
• r
(Experimental 'Farms Note) ,
It is a well known fact that growth
in the orchard tree i.' made during
.the months -of 'June and July after
Which the growth fills out and ripens.
It is also known that early cultiva-
tion stimulates growth. The loosen-
ing up of the earth aids in the warm-
ing of the soil and snakes it possible
for soil organisms which -liberate
plant food to become active , earlier;
air will penetrate better and these
organisms will become active to a
greater depth than if cultivation is
not given. Hence the importance of
early spring cultivation to furnish
suitable soil conditions fore the tree
and the organisms upon which the
tree is dependent for the liberation
of plant food.
Uncultivated areas • may be made
suitable for trees by supplying nitro -
get in an available form early
through the use of Nitrate of Soda
and by using a mulch to conserve
moisture, but on the 'Whole the prac-
tice most suitable. for general or-
chard areas is early cultivation fol-
lowed by frequ.ont cultivation at in-
tervals of, a week or ten days to
the middle of Julie or July 1st after
which ore"tard cultivation should
The first cutlivation may be shal-
low plowing, four or five inches deep,
after which surface cultivation with
the disc and ' smoothing harrow to
maintain a surface mulch of line
earth is all that is required. Deep
cutlivation is not. desirable, as the
feed roots naturally grow in the
surface soil and sleep cultivation may
injure them. Shallow cultivation
prevents the formation of a surface
crust; thus checking excessive evap-
oration of moisture •nxi retaining it
for continuous growth of fruit, and
insuring a proper moisture supply
for the tree later in the seasons. As
soon as the Around is dry enough
after rain it is wise to start the har-
row, producing thereby a dust mulch.
After the.muloh of June a cover
crop should be seeded to occupy the
ground during the fall;. take up ex-
cess plant food, and develop humus
for the following spring. The com-
mon vetch becded at the rate of 1V'4
bushels to the mere is the best cover
crop. This plant can extract nitt'o-
gen from the air and increase the
store of nitrogen as a result. This
crop makes vigorous growth on most
soils hut will a'o better if the soil is
limed. It is a crop fairly easily turn-
ed under and it is . satisfactory at
pickng time, as it flattens down af-
ter marring considerable growth, This
cover crop may be plowed u11 -
der in the fall or not until the fol-
lowing spring, but the usual prac-
tice is'to fall plow and work with
the disc harrow in the spring, which
is considered the best method.
The area close •to the base of the
tree looks better if kept well culti-
vated, but the cultivation of this
area is not necessary and very often,
injury is clone to the main roots from
plowing too deeply close around the
tree, It usually is better to leave
this space untouched and keep the
grass cut to give a newt appearance.
Superint• gndent
Experifflental Station
.iCentville, N. S.
One of the practical advantages
of co-ordination of Canadian. National
and Grand Trunk lilies of railway,
is shown by a recent order which en-
ables the use of mileage books issued.
by one road en lite trains of tlic
other company if desired,
Previoshly, if a business man were
travelling, :from Toronto to Ottawa
:for example, his Canadian National
"book" would be valid to that 1)01111.
But if he wished to continue his jour-
ney to Montreal over the Grand
Trunk, it would' not have been good
on the 0, T, R. trait,
The order just issued wipes out
the distinction, in a mileage -book
sense, between C. M. it, and G. T. 11,
Books' issued by the Brand Trunk
aro good over .all eastern lines of
the Canadian National and, Iikewise,
those issued by the C N,.11. aro val-
id ort the trains of the G.T,11:, One
capital outlay takes the place o.f two
which should be; a matter of satin
faction `to the travailing public.
tI' Olaf) 101SlDEN'1' OE JIULLT"1"r
The death occurred on Sunday ev-
ening at her hone, the fifth eonces-
slon of I•luliott,., on Sunday, evening
of Elizabeth Button, widow of the
late Edward fiends,
Mrs. Rands had been enjoying her
usual health and bad not compla'iued
at all 'hut she was Suddenly ,Strieken
with paralysis Sunday "'morning and
never again regained power of
speech or motion. Death came the
'sauce evening, She was seventy-
three years of age,
The late Mrs. Rands was a native
of England but had been a long
time resident •of this countvy, hav-
ing resided on the farm on which'
she died 'for forty-nine Years, She
is survived by six sons and two
daughters: William, Joseph and
John of. Saskatchewan, David pf
Wickersham, Wash„ Jabez of Clin-
ton and Wilfred on the homestead,
and Mrs. Thomas Murray of Sas-
katchewan Land Mrs. E: A. Rumball
of Clinton,
The funeral took place on Tuesday
afternoon from the home to -Mait-
land bank cetnetery,.Seaforth. Ser-
-vices at house and graveside were
conducted by the Rev. S. Anderson
of Clinton and the .pallbearers were;
two sons, Jabez and Wilfred, E. A.
R.uinball, a son-in-law, Jabez and
Oliver , Rands, grandsons, and J.
Scott, a nephew.
The remains were laid beside those
of her husband, who cried six years
Mrs. Thos. Marks, aged 90, moth.
er of the five Marks brothers, theat-,
deal nien, died on Saturday, April
9th, at Christies Lake.
Augusta Victoria, former Empress
of . Gerinany, died at . Doorn Castle
Holland, which had been her home
for the nest year, on Monday morn-
ing. The former German Empress
had been in poor health for some
Samuel Beaver of just north; of
Exeter died last week aftf/.r a short
illness. He had lost a little daugh-
ter, of,scarlet fever just two weeps
ago and other children were ill at
the time of his death, the cause of
Which was quiusey, He was in his
forty-second year.
Sonic fish, such as salmon and hal-
ibut high, because of great de-
mand—majority of fishes low-
priced with high food values •
A s7,pmltaneous Movement seems to
have deveolped in all parts of Can-
ada to increase our fish eensunlption.
Whatever has been the immediate
cause of it, the. basis of the move-
ment rests on solid reasoning.'.
There is a general appreciation of
the fact that it will 'require well
nigh a quarter of a century for
mankind to restore the world's food
supply lost during the war years.
Scientists point, out that to accom-
plish a recovery even in that per-
iod every new or undeveloped source
of protein must be worked. Cana-
da's copious fishery resources offer
an inexhaustible supply of protein
and the extent to which sea food
may help to retrieve the losses of re-
cent years is measured entirely by
the use_we make o•3' ft. '
People have apparently been think-
ing along this line, or else the pe-
culiar economic condition prevail-
ing has compelled them to shrink
their expenditures .to come within
their revenue. Fish is a cheap source
of nourishment.
During recent weeks the fisheries
authorities at Ottawa have received
several letters complaining about the
retail price asked for fish. Almost
invariably the writers have quoted
figures for halibut or sahnon, which
have undoubtedly increased consid-
erably in recent years. And prices
for these fish and other sea foods in
their class will continue to remain
high just as long as the demand for
then forces fishermen to search for
them to the exclusion of other good
edible species. As it was recently
pointed out, we have Something like
six hundred edible fish in the waters
adjacent to our shores or in inland
stretches. Of these not more than
twenty or twenty-five are commerc-
ialized,. Why? Because the people
do not know them. They are unfam-
iliar with their flavor.
Upon 'receiving a' complaint re-
cently about high fish ,prices in Ot-
tawa, the Department secured quo-
tations for that day from one of elle
largest dealers h1 the city, anis they
were as follows: steals cod, 10 cents
nor pound, hendless cod, llcents, fil-
lets, 28—cents, fresh haddock, 121/2
cents and -•tomcod, 8 eonts,
A local resident Writing to one of
the papers draw attention t0 a news
Item of the previous day that cod
was sold from the boats at Sydney
at 1.1/2 cents per pound and he asks
an explanation for the differenco•be-
tween 1110 bolded cost and the retail
prices asked in Ottawa -12% cents
per pound.
1n reply it was pointed out that
local dealers do 110t purchase direct
from the fishermen. For cod they
pay about five cents per pound to
the dealer in Nova Scotia. But mind
yon; this Nova Scotia shipper nnist
pack his fish in Wooden boxes, which
are expensive now, and he roust care-
fully ice the fish. Landed in Otta-
wa it costs about eight cents per
pound. : Tho local dealers will t11 -
pack and sell that •fish at ten cents
a pound per whole fish For cleaned
codfish he charges 121/2 cents per
pound, but one Must remember that
he bought the fish uncleaned, so
that the retail ,prices cleaned indust
be based on the weight of the whole
1n addition to this there is a con-
sldcrfahlc shrinkage in flail shipments,
sonlotiines amounting to twenty per
These facts are not sot forth to
justify any prices asked for fish in
as retail store. ifoet competition is
necessary. Our present system of dis-
tribution is sly no means perfect, and
no doubt there are many moans of
eliminating waste, Let 111nre' peopto
get into tho business if tI1ey believe
'AA ¢yf 111,"'" slefib
f.: '•",�:•itl,al4}'r .,� ,�'� _a'.F r d. tow,—de, 4A.4•i , t P
,. '..l,r.F1.415.r,.. ,!{,"+
Shall the importation and the
bringing of intoxicating
liquors into the Province . NO
be forbidden?
Shall the importation and the
bringing of intoxicating lire
liquors into the Province
be forbidden?
r Vute
You Voted against the SALE-
-Vote Now against the IMPORTATION
THE people on April 18th decide by the ballot reproduced
above whether liquor for beverage purposes shall be allowed.
to come in, or whether the door shall be shut.
Earnestly we ask you to vote—vote to clinch your former.
By your last vote against the Sale of liquor you made Ontario
safe from within.
Now vote against Importation, to make Ontario safe from
Prohibition should apply to all alike.
Take nothing for granted. Every temperance vote is needed.
Every temperance vote must be cast..
See that your wife and every Inernber of your household, with
a right to vote, gets to the polls.
Let us roll up a decisive majority today and settle this ques-
lit he
Mark your ballot •with an "X" and an "X" Only
after the word V S
Ontario Referendum Committee
1 1 "siw,lipi, ; a. ti 1 'i�''Q DiY f i Fun• " 444,
FOR "1)1
Now is the time you can greatly improve the appear-
ance of your home with a touch of paint here and
there. Don't neglect your furniture and woodwork.
A coat of protection will work wonders. Save the
surface and you save all.
Ii pig
i[ wSEN
For the Walls and Ceilings
NEU-TONE—the washable,
sanitary finish that will not fade
or rub off. Many pleasing tints
and suggestions for stencilled
For Woodwork, etc.
—(the enamel de luxe) a beauti-
ful finish for bathrooms, bed-
rooms, etc. It stays white.
For Floors
a wide range of colors. It dries
hard with a beautiful enatuel
finish that wears and wears and
„dl uircoD'• ^ •yi
FLOOR PO/42 a,
For Hardwood !Floors
MARBLE- PPE — The perfect
floor finish that withstands the
hardest usage, A hard finish that
will not mar nor scratch white.
It can be washed with soap and
For Furniture
shades, Oak, Mahogany, Cherry,
etc. Gives to inexpensive woods .
the appearance of the more
costly. Easy to use.
For Verandahs
dries hard hi a few hours and
wears litre iron.
Come and consult us on any painting you contemplate.
We will be glad to advise. We have a full range of
MARTIN-SENOUR Paints andVareishes—theeasiestand
most profitable to use, For everypurpose—for cverysurface.
Corless & Vei er
rlistribt tion c1)1)10cs can he lessened.
Nothing would assist the industry
more. Let lisp br. suppliers to p001)I0
in every nook and earner of 111(7 Do -
rhinion and distributed as cheaply as 1
possible. That is what fisheries
officials will encourage.
Put really, cod steak at 15 emits
E .
a pound is an extremely cheap food.
I It furnishes 17.1 per cent. protein,
the chief food constituent, whereas
heel, veal and mutton average 115
per cent, Tho 5111)10 applies to other
species in the above quotations: I1
fish could bo made, still cheaper so
much the better, \ttrt a point that
should not be overlooked is this1—the
greater the &mend, the cheaper ltjs
the cost of distribution. It costs
less per unit to handle largo quant-
ities than entail nutuatities: A big-
ger demand is a factor to be consids
Dred in reducing prtcos, -_-Conserve.