HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-4-14, Page 2G. D, MeTADGART
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News -Record
Teacher Engaged in Rol Character Making Wheu
She Taught William to Fight His Rattles
In reeponse to a Plemmons, eelenue other boys steelier than Tote We wi
do thie no longer. 'You meet leern to
take your own part, fight our OW 1
beetles, etc:9 cryine. le you de not
know how to fight, Pll •thow 'you how,
"Bram up, Be a nun.. Take your
P lacie. len going to make epeeial
ellies tor WA fight. Oese is, Johnny,
you are not to leie William until he
hese yen a ipretty Med blow. Then you
can pith Neieh•er of you must hit
below the belt Or on. the face. All
reedy, Your first blow, Webliane"
end William stood in the effiee o4- tl.ie
Rcheol prineinal.
Johnny wes A fighter, Rnesian, In-
dian and Celled -Ian Mead flowed in his
veins ante he wed the aclopeed eon of
o Greek. This eambiniation of race
and environment could searcely peso -
duce -ie tame temperament. So letele
Sueueny loved the themming 04 fiste
,and the reeling of his •aniagonist. and
himself in the dire
William was not even a eelfedefend-
ate When attacked at school he usu-
ally ran to -shelter under his teacher'e
authorley; when not in wheel, to any
convenient protection. Pure. Swedish
blood counsed through William's
arterial system, but any Augustus
Adolphus Inatincte which wee MG by
rightful eacial inheritance wee° being
crushed out by the distipline of an
unduly pious father,
Johnny, undersized, alert, fame his
seleool ptinci,l1a1 with the assurance
that -comes front fighting /or self in
life's struggles. Williain, overgrown,,
phlegmatic'stood in the attitude of
one accuseonee,d et, dodging blows
eather than to parrying them or strik-
ing beck.
Mies Farrar eat letoking at the two
concrete footers in a problem which
had been troubling her for some time.
She had thought out ,a solution based
on a theory which she believed sound
and which she also believed would
give a true result that would be last-
ing. An event, in which the ewe boys
were the principal actors, seen by her
at the noon recess, had given her the
conditions ear testing her solution. -
"William," she apostrophized men-
tally, "you have always been a baby
but you are getting the look of. a
coward. I don't like the change in your
eyes and your hands have sneaking
movements. You will be striking in
the back next. •
"Johnny, you- are a funny littbe
bully! You are becoming insolent. I
fear you are even getting brutal. You
need to be conquered by ene of your
own victims. What you need, Wil-
liam, you baby elephant, is to be
taught that God helps bean who helps
himself. And it seems to be up to
me to •geve you both what you need."
The principal stood up and gave the
little bays a bong looke Miss Farrar's
long looks hod a reputation among the
pupils in the school. "Come with me,"
the said quietly.
Johnny wept with a swagger, wink-
ing knoWingly at shuffling William
Terms cf subscription -32.00 per year,
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until ail arreare are paid unless at
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tion. Small edvertisemente not to
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ed once far 35 cents, ateteach subse-
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Communications fntenued for public's.
Con must, as a guarantee of good
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G. le. BALL fl. CLARK,
Proprietor, Editor.
You ohould niwaYo kevo a
bottle of Cluitriberloun'o
• Stomach and Liver Tubloto
on the &hell% The lit tlo folic
Bo often need 11 mild and
itife cathartic and they do
'annecriato Chsmberisin'e
instead of nebulous olio and
Inbctureo, rot atom doh
troubleo and constipation, give onojusrbefore
going to bed. All druggists, Se, or send to
To.o reft•en the time of the tarit
woo4d-04, the etteterial it coin:eine, end
;lee value to th,e -hum ore leet enbirely
to thence. The farmer's problem is
Lo deterititto what parte of his touti
too ottibexl to wuatt rathee Olian rether
mops And to develop these peeeleng
foe woad etope juet ad he would ch.
velcip letscl for other ,6rotA,
"I -ceiat!" ineaelee Walleee• '
The fightineg blood ,of •Soottith an-
oeseore began to revolt in the mine
e inieles heart. Conquering a desire -to
ehalee the coward, the •eaed: . •
"Shut your fists this way. No,
tight. it's your 1ml:tee:les that hurt,
Now. think that you- are driving a
&take in the ground or splitting wood
and _draw back and hit Jehemy as
hexed as you can een the efhoet."
William wiped awaer the tetres 010
his left ,00at sleevei arid holding ont
Ins right arm limply, iteproached
Johnny as though he were a eleening
buliceog or a stick of .dynamite and
teethed him -en 'the cheet with the
Meek •of his bend.
Johnny -giggled.
"Goad!" eaciaimed the Bele-appoint-
ed pna,ilest trainer. "But keep year
fist &Alibied up and hie very herd—
like this," The prim:epee struck et
sample blow. on William's broad these.
"Just t� stir h•inn up,' ehe thought.
It wake& With a last •gasping sob,
William adjuebed his fist and warily
approached the indifferent,. amused
Johnny and planted something like a
blow on the small area of the fighter's
-chest. The youn,g pugilist, taken by
surprise, staggered. — . •
This -was firet blood to brawny Wile
linen. His •eye brightened, his big
hulking shouleers straightened, the
primal' Mall began to waiken. Than
the 'Meta was on. Fists fieev out
with more rapidity than skill. Johnny,
the experienced, kept hes head, used
his eyes and made leie. blows count.
William, drunk with eliee' joy of his
new-found power, struck blindly but
.eaeh blow increased in force. Per-
spiration instead of tears soon
streamed down his fece.
At the end of eight 1ninutes just
as Johnny seemed to be getting the
worst of it, the umpire called, "Time!"
"Rest a few minutes," she said, •
William, now a young animal, with
something of the man's sense- of
power of defence and offence aWaken-
bee the silent- ordeal in the office had ed, was restive under the enforced me
been trying. William's tears were terrupbion, Johnny looked with some
rionie none." Title conventienee soot
vae performed aith seine rehmeaneel
hie to eleYeeee peril:ire, titi ie Yetis
Ione With eelemnity if nob with deg-
Afeer Mite:nine their eallatee and
amenity their ties, Mies Farrar said
cheerfully, "Go walell 'Yew feces eeel
cemb yeer hair erel woke yoerschme
look like nice third-grade boys," •
it was ellat before diemeseal. The
third evaders, with hands deemed in
o devout net:Hu-de cc tale dasltS in
front of them and welt a Rapbael.
angel expression .cn their tam, set
waiting for the welcome elgrcI, when
the principal -come Mee the room with
two ditimp-letired, red -laced, theeleleb-
locecing Myr,.
"Mies HanbleY," she saki to the
teuichen "William well be wide, to
fight hes own battles heeeae.ter
will ceme to you with no more com-
plaints about leeing teased."
When the jubilant third gradePs
had filed into the freedom a ontdoors,
Miss Huntley turned to the prinelpal
with a look of ouriesiter.
',Do tell oee, whae were you doing
ready to teickle Awn his freckled
face and even Johnny's derk cheeks
thowecl red. •
Entering an empty recitation room
Miss Feeler Elati suddenly, "Who
licked in the scrap to -day?"
"Me," piped Johnny striking a
bantam -cock attitude.
"Is that so, William?" asked Miss
Farrar, turning to the lad.
"Yes, Mies Farrar," blubbered Wil -
fear and eoneederable -respect at the
aroused Swede, but as yet his then
dark face showed no sign el yielding
"I'm willing to lay .a stake of a
reenbles 'sainey that my solution•wile
turn eat'th be correct," thought the
principal. as ehe noted the changes in
the two human factors in her problem
"Well, William," elle eaid, "you can
fight foe nourself."
"Yes, Miss Famine I tank I can lick
lime. "I never touched him and I told -him if I try once again," William al -
him it was Ort the school grounds and most grinned. •
he must not fight but he hit like es
he always is."
"Why didn't you pitch in and lick
him? You are bigg,er than he is,"
s -aid the nrirecepal.
"Why," stammered the othonished
William, "my father lie says he will
liek me awful if I fight. He always
says that 01 01 :only bad and wicked
boys eike Johnny as fights."
Pride illumined Johnny's little deek
face at this tribute to his fame and
peewees. t?
"Then you are going to keep on
letting 3 -ebony tease you and knock
.you around, are you?". queried the
"0 Mies Farrter entered William, meet be the Spartans part, so the
"My father he all time eays de nee kindly impulses were trampled down.
the Bible says ebout s -oft answers. The laughter thee had -been danger -
When Johnny -calls Inc.cry baby, 1 ousey near the surfa,ceanore than onee
say *oft, `Go chase yoerself up around during the active solution of her prob-
e tree once.' And to -day when lid lem WAS ehokeel back and 1VIiss Farrar
called me `Swed -e,' I s,ay soft to him, looked ,serieuely at the steaming lit.
'You're one by-goeh Indian like what tle primitives evho with having chests
lives cleven on the beach and -eats rot- stood eyeing each other.
ten fish.' Then Johnny rune after "How is it, William? Have you
nee and sleets nee." had enough?."
"Did he hit back, Johnny?" asked "He ain't said. I've licked him yet,"
MING Farrar. answered the Ind.
"Naw," eoseverect Johnny. "Ile jest The third round was -soon oven
beldered, 'I'll tell beachee!"" • Willinen closed with his antagonist
"Beers," Raid t5s priacepal, "bhe only clumsily but effectu.aley. There was a
way that 1 see to square things up be- eh -ort, fierce straggle, then down they
tween yet tenets a real fight. So far, Melt went on the floor, William on top,
Johnny, you have clone the fighting pinning his old tormentor. flat. "Say
and, William, you have done th,e cry- you're licked once! " Holler "tweet'
Mg, Sometimes the only way for boys. yet!" lee panted.
to settle their elearreis is ee eight it No answee front Johnny but a clow
out. 1 believe in fele fight where both like hand wriggled leeee end got held
bake part, The reason I hav-e brought of William's hair. -
you here is that you may heve plenty; "Shame!" called the umpire.
of room. You are to fight until one The son of eweden bore bard ten
of you is whipped. I am going to be his fallen foe, Anteing no sign of
umpire to -s.:ee that there is fair pley,emerei to Ilie enemy.
"Johnny, you stand on this side ee "Make him let me up," at lase gasp -
the line eed William on thee side." ed tho. under lad.
Johnny, eager for a fray, threw the' "Heller "nought' Holler you're lielc-
lock of heir oet of his left eyo with a ed elready yet!" grunted William,
toss of his Mad,- stepped into the Pressing ce liitte herder on Johnny's
"ring" and assumed an ateitude both +breathin-g apparatus,
offensive and defensive. I "Ave; go on! -Ain't you got me
WiNiann, fear in his ,eyes, Shrank down?'? The defiance 70055111ohn
baek. "0 Mies Farrar!" he boohooed,' weeds. There we libtle in his voice.
"My father he all time eays den_a_e I "Mac William whipped you, John -
"Stop!" &aid the principal seemly.' Me?" asked the principal:,
'Tour father Me nothing to do With' "Y -e -s," oame inebreken tones from
this." I the conquered tyrant +and bully of the
• Miss Fames blue epee grew steely,' primary ,grades. •
elie s -aid, "you are a big"Very said the umpire, "The
baby! For two years pout. teachers fight is "idea' Wee, W14'1'1011 Ithe Com -
end I have taken your part agninst queror."
IThey were two grimy, sweaty, gory
boys that eeood up. Block hair and
athecolered hair 'wee dripping area
Shiite Were tern open at the meek, elm
!were off and mete were Alined. Bet
- Waal* a neW kilt on hes Tete, bed
newer loeleme cso manly; and Johnity'e
braggart insiolenett end eisappeorecl.
The tears that Were el -inning down his
face '-the peinciptil pretendeel not iv
, "Nene bey•se' he evenentmed, "this
Should earl your quarrotang. Every.
thing is ell etpintie and eat:le& so
1 shake' hands eilce Men, :foe you ii,re
The next round was a battle royal.
Step by step the Swede backed the
Russion-Indien into a corner until at
last he pentad, "Let's stop!" His eyes
told the steey.
"Time!" ogle& the umpire.
."Are you beaben, Johnny?" she
"Well, William, he has learned to
light same and I'm kind, of tired," he
His 'backward trail across the room
was marked by drops of blood front his
skinned knuckles. '
The umpire ached to bind' up the
bands so pibifully email and tb bathe
the dripping faces of bath boys. Hers
It is the overflowing
fountain, not the one that
is half full or just full, that
makes the valley below
green and glad. It is
abounding health, health
that is bubbling Over, sup-
erabundant energy, that
counts. This is the health
that makes mere living a
Shall Joseph Attend
SurXdaY School?
• In 11ijii clay (a loweree saand+aree,
Of prevaleat Melee, or vbeioes forms
of eneertainmeet ef winch the average
Movie he et tam, We ne-e)1 to subject
our ebildren to every upleeting influ-
ence) that: makes for elean, Meese,
veering charavter, We need to eeelc
a permanent 'remedy._ for selliehness
which is causing the 'serif° between
labor arid -cannel AS well at ether
Strife, The Sunday School is one
medium foe this valuable training,
In many homce there eornes a day
when the question "Shell Joseph go
to • Sed -ay Scheel?" is raised en all
serious -neve by Jeeeph's llamas, Per -
letups they then -melees etlie members -of
it -aurae peeleaps elley are net even
church ateersdants. There is, h -ow -
Geier, a desire on, the part -ef all genu-
inely eanneet tethers end mothers to
seem° far theix Aachen not only- the
hi room nine this afternoon? You me. bast in education, but whatever bless -
looking uttealy fagged, but I knew' ing the -thumb may have to 32501570.
you clon't believe in using the rod and I They often express thee ambibion as
did One little Mother when she
brought her Joseph to Sunday Samoa
"1 vmnt my boy to be a geed boy," she
WWI° going bo Sunday Sehool is
nab synonyineue with being "a good
boy" any more then going to eleueth
bemires honesty in business, yet the
clurreh has been and is a fundament:4
agency in Meeting the ideals, the as-
pirations, the atelindes that -serve as
the motive power for right action. The
Bible seoey is a notent factor to th-le
end. Theeriore man) hod listened eag-
erly to the seery of David and Goliath
told by a Sunday School teather who
was an aetist in making this .old story
live en the imagination, remarked
"Gee, but lent David was a wiz!" and
then wistfully, "Do you &pose I could
ever he like him e"
Not alone the creating of Ideas -af
service but the .carrying -out of such
ideas is a proeninent feature of Sun-
day +School work to -clay. A eines of
ten -year-olds had heard with deep con-
cern -an account of the starving °hie-
dien of Armenia. They longed to help
And decided to solicit doughnuts, cook-
ies and canned fruit from their
mothers. They held a 9a1e with the
aid of the Sunday Seheol teacher and
realized eixty dollars with which to
support staeving 'Children.
The teaching of the Sunday School
is not eeetrieted to establishing a
right relation to one's fellows but it
includes acquainting the thild with
God as the Creator of' all things, thus
answering the neternial question at
Genesis satisfactorily. It also includes
the presentation of God as the Greater
Father ,and hence the friend, protector
and guide of every child. "Thank
you, God," said a tiny child, "for keep-
ing tare 04 me.'' The amine -There. of
reverence anel devotion makee a deep
impression upon the child. John's
father, ft man who never attended any
church, cemented to his boy's attend-
ance at Sunday School. One morning
a few weeks after John lead enter -ed
the Sunday School, the father betame
imitated at -a refractory oollar button
and "book the name -of the Lord in
vain." John, who apparently had been
asleep, sat up and M a tone of grieved
reproof sold, "Daddy, if you went to
our Sunday School you wouldn't speak
of God like that."
"Shall Joseph go to Sunday
School?" Web, lot no at least try
the experiment and watch the result.
21 )11070 do for Joseph what it has dome
for many smother lad. It may give
him a faith in the unseen, et vieion of
worthy manheoce -a love for all life
which will make his own life more
satisfying and a greater blessing to
his fellowmen.
I think you woulldn't use the thumb-
screw or the woter CUTO. What were
you doing with Johnny end William?"
"Making character," answered the
Children of' Armenia.
Thomism:di ofAeineneen children
aee homeless °nil starving, waiting
foe us -to decide whether they -are to
live or clie.
I Wonder.
I wonder if I have the right
*To let myeekf forget to oam
How ehildmen &aver in the night
Where all is dark end cold •and bare.
My letUe ones are freed from &gad
And sheltered safely from the
Theie eyes are bright, their theeks are
Their laughter glad, their clothing
But other little ones most weep,
'And fate new dread with eaoh new
Where Hunger's fangs bite very deep
And Want sits like a ghost hi ger.
If children who ale hunge.7 sigh;
If others who are cold complain;
NO •guiilt lies 071 my .00nscience—I
Have never wronged them for my
But, knowing hew they weep at night,
Where all es dark and coke and bare,
I wonder if I have the right
To let myself. forget to cane?
—S. E. Kiser.
$60 a year, $5 a month, will keep
an Armenian -child from starvation.
If you do not feel like adopting en
orphan foe yourself, get some of your
friends to join you in the finaocial
1:km1M:ta1eing. .
Send ooneeibutions to Treasurer
Canadian Armenian Relief, Mr. D. A.
Cameron, Canadian Bank of Com-
merce, Toronto:
Spring Management of Bees.
To seeme nmximum honey crop,
it is necessary for the bee -keeper to
have all his colonies up to maximum
strength in tiyakor the main flow of
honey. This can only be accomplish-
ed by -careful management during the
spring. •
Bees that have been wintered inside
should be taloen from the cellar at
the time the willows begin blooming.
To reduce drifting, a dull day should
be chosen for bellying them out. All
entrances should be 'reduced to about
ono inch; these ean be enlarged as
the season advances,
In same mute of Canada where the
spring is long and oeld the bees will
need protection when fleet eilaced out-
side. In -any place they should be
protected against cold winds by the
use of windbreaks.
• As seen as the weather permits all
colonies should be examined for stores
and queen. Each coleny should have
frometen to fifteen pounds of stores.
• Colonies wibh less -oan he helped from
those having a rplus. Before
equalizing Stone, however, be certain
that -American foul brood is not
present. H no colony has a surplus
and the beekeeper has no combs of
honey saved from bast year's crop,
the bees muse be given a thick sugar
syrup. If the bees have been well
holised end well suppleed with stores
in the fall, feeding and equalizing of
eberes will be unnecessary in the
Water, is essential to the bees for
brood rearing, If there is no water
near the uphill, it is ativanbageous to
provide a watering place ie se,me eleel-
tered place in the speary. Running
water is best. ,
Ale weak and queenless coloniee
ehould be united. One good strong
colony is worth in -any w-eak ones. Do
net unite two weak -colonies but unite
theeveak to theecelonies of medium
strength. Weak ecieonies having a
queen oan be united to eerong, queen -
less eolonies.
Brood thould not be taken from
steeng end given to weaker, colonies
boo early in the spring bub thee can
be clone later in the season &ter' the
hives are well filled with bees. Spread-
ing brood es not advisable as et may
result in a lot oe chilled brood,
Cotentee wintered °aside are all
the better H kept in their cases until
the first super is well filled with bees.
Hives in which the bees have died
Should have ale • the entrances ciesed
feb the first examinatien to prevent
+other bees from robbing them.
Clipping the queen's vvings lee ad-
vantageous in the control of swarm -
Mg end et is nevieable to clip the
queen's wings at the beginning of the
fine honey floev,
As the season advences and blie
que-en is leying to ber full capacity,
A single .brood ehember will not have
sufficient :space foe maximem mo-
deration of brood. As thee as the hive
becomes well populated with bees, the
brood chamber allotted be milerged by
fidelityo socOnTi atovey witheat
queen encludee.
When a Wood% toots face the sun
Yoo leave get hint 011 the eteit,
All elie ecleirernent in the poultry
ease 'snood ,be portable beeeuse thee
keeremest tine week of houeeeeleaning
leaves few plemee where mibes
led liee hiTio. The nest's 0.011 1)0
Mit in -smell seetions end hooked- to
be -stem, of lem walla. Then they can
'e taken oulside 401' running, Spray -
ng and rtifilliug with <eerie litter. It
s much better than having lin, flogs
tialitly to the walls or beneath
bus e oes ts.
Reeks van eoneise 04 two -by -three
Acne with the edges mended the
upper side, Theee can 1151 10510 Roeleets
11 the side WADS SO they clan •eeelly
be removed. We like to nail the roosts
11 eeetion ea three moths. Then the
croseepieces are 11110570)11 to the back
wall of the poultey house. .A.t clean
by time the roosting section is raised
and hoo,ked to theneeiling. Then the
meets can be painted on the under
elide or thoroughly sprayed, The old
stepelacider roosting system is net ne
goo -d as level roosts. Hens like to
reeve high and will always :be quar-
reling for the top meat if the step.
levadee -wystern tis.ed.
A small wooden liable es handy to
hold the wan. pail -and sour milk
crook. et leeep the litter from being
Sieratehed into bile -dishes. Either three
small hoppers or a temper divided into
Topics in Season.
A set of goad tools will often pay
for itself in one job on the farm.
If you must use locks, use good
ones, Not much protection in a cheap
lock. ' •
Plenty of wetter internally; extern-
ally -and eternally—all peesible ie you
head the slogan: "Running water and
a bathroom in every farm home,"
A remedy for erosion: To prevent
erosion on eandy hillsides, throw up
ridges of earth gunning acres -s the
hileside, when plowing. A few- such
ridg•es, ereebed at intervals of twelve
OT fifbeen wards, will help to prevent
the eail front being washed down the
hill by heavy rains. ,
Steep slepeenpoor soil, sandy land,
unusual corners, • gullied and wooded
trivet—ail these afford opportunity far
growheg timber profitably. Certain
leinde of trees like the amuse, build
up peer soil "through the nitrogen -
gathering b.aeteria in the root nodules.
Small gullies can be seenped ep by
•olosely peeked brush and tree -tops.
Large, epen gullies are checked only
by planting, over the cake gully
basin, eappeeme-reted by love brush
dams across the large units of the
A suggestion box WAS placed at the
entrance to a farm, and a beard was
put up inviting eritioism of meehods,
stock and business. The idea of hay-
ing -a suggestion box inside a store
is not new, but this was. Many novel
ideas were dropped in the box; not
the least helpful was one reading:
"Why don't you advertise .and hold
a sale el potaboes?" • The dem was
a good one, and the farmer used it,
with the resale; that many potatoes
even old. The person who mode tbe
suggestion told ins frieleces, with the
result that many became purchasers.
Disinfect Dairy Barns.
The peeing 00mm:time in the (leery
barn should include a good eprayen.g
with -disinfectant after the dose and
cobwebs have been remove& ef melt
things ate present, Let Al 11)111011 01155-
5111110 4.11 as 1/0901bli0 AS ,helpe to
-clean up the stanchions. Dark and
damp +comers Are goad disemeeneede
ing places and Where the aanthine
mend' reach, the speay dope 1510111(r
110 need ne_est
A well-icept wood lot •or aplalittio
tion of Nast Mem on the hilly poi --
teens of the earin Will make the pletee
More attractive.
pf Appetite, That Tired Feel.
ins ona sometimes Eruptions. ,
Tb4un4t ttli4itiaajireiaarasrigneoetra
tined reeling, nervoua weeknees
rehreP,r71:nhc'tlibQne7iti eal;'0 1E4 Ot .418:Traa's 'at1 "ren1Po eabrIkee04-
Spring debility is a condition IA
weigh it le especially hard to com-
bat disease germ, wheal Mewl°
the 'system here, there and every-
where. The white blood corpuscles,
00111Stirdefi called "the ilttle soltitere
in the 0100," because it is their
duty to fight dieeese ffer4n8, Are 100
weal( to do good tondo,
threeedn'teoeSetsrosiadergsiela ansan
them to repel germs of grip, influ-
enza, fevers and other aliments;
relieves catarrh and rheumatism.
It has given math:Motion to three
generations, Get it today, and for
a laxative take Hood's Pills.
three entente should be used for
thermal, grit and oyeter thelte. A.
larger hopper is'neeried for the .ery
wale, the size depenclireg upon the
number a Meta. But make f.he dry
mash hopper lane eneugh to held
about two weeks supply. Then the
birds will seldom be without mash,
yet the poultryman will not always
need to be waeching the hopper.' We
like the broad, low-down hoppers bet-
ter than tall narrow hoppers, as the
broad hoppers permit more of the
hens to feed at ono time.
Address communications to AD1'0110trirSt 73 .4delAlde 011, West, T,..ronts. •
Spraying Recipes.
Spraying apples: Four m five
eprayings are neeessery, depending on
the season and how badly the -orchard
is infested with insects and diseme.
First spray: Apply just after leaf -
buds burst but before bleseems open.
Use either Bordeaux mixture 4-4-50,
or commercial lime -sulphur testing
32 degrees or 33 degrees Bennie dil-
uted 1 to 40. Add two peunds
lead -arsenate to -each _fifty gallons of
the spray mixture. Teas spray is for
control a sca,b, curculio and canker-
Second spray: Jape; after the blos-
soms fall use same materials as for
first spray. This is for c.ontrel of
the codling -moth, and must be applied
with a great deal of force. A power
sprayer is best.
Third spray: Two or three weeks
later than secane spray. Same Ina-
terials as for firet speny. If blotch
is bad in th.e orchard-, use Bordeaux
mixture 4-6-50 instead of time-
sulpleur; add two pounds of lead-
areenate to fifty gallons of spray -ma-
Fourth epray: Nine weeks after the
third spray. Us -e same meterial as
for first spray. This is for cannel
of scab, brown nit end seceend broad
Fifth spray: This neeeseeny only
where blotch, black roe, bitter pot and
other fungus diseases are trouble-
some, Use seme in.ateriels as for
third spray and -apply two weeks after
fourth spray.
Pears and quinces need the same
general treatm-ent as apples, exeeeet
that when tines -sulphur is esect it
should not be quite fie strong.
Spraying peaches: For control of
San Jose south .and leaf -curl, peachne
should be snraye.d in March with lime -
sulphur. The summer eprays 1105 fue
f ollowes :
First spray: Use ansernte of lead,
two pounds te fifty venom of water,
when the shucks are beginning to fall
from -the little peaches. This is for
the control of cueculio.
Second replay: Use seefebeeled lime-
sfinetur 8-8-50 two or three weeks
after the firth spray. Add two pounds
of leadearsen.ate for each fifty gallo.ns
of the spray mixture. Nev-er nee come
ntercial lime -sulphur ae a summer
spray for peaches or Janan plums.
The second Riney is for control of
brown rot and curculio.
Third spray: Same a 3 second, ap-
plied three or eeour weeks later.
Fourth spray: Same as third, 11P -
p11011 to late varieties of peaches one
month ,befare ripening, if brawn rot
is troublesome on the trees.
Spraying plums: A dormant spray
of lime -sulphur is applied for San
jose scale any time during the dor-
mant sateen. During the growing em-
cee several sprays ars ince-sewer.
First spray: Just before blossems
open apply Bordeaux mixture 4-4-50,
Add two pounds ef leadearrenate to
each fifty gallons of emery neaterial.
This is for -control of 'mown rot and
Second s -pray: Sese, after blossoms
fall Use ssune materials as for first
Third spray: Same materials as
second spray, three weeks after petats
Cherries need the same general
treatment as plums.
Sprouting ancl Planting Potatoes for
Earliness and Yield.
When the mangin -of profit in po-
tato growing is narrow, as it was ut
mine places.daring the pest year, it
is insportant to adopt nny inethei -
which will inerease the profits, arta
the *routing of potatoes Merge
planeing, particularly where it is in.
tended to dig potatoes fee an cerly
market, should be much more general
in Canada than it bias been.
In 1920, Irish': Ocrbbler potatcs.s net
sprouted yielded at the rate of 418
bushels pee time, while 'theta which
had been sprouted yielded 506 buthele
per -eere, es a 11141 0191219 of 88 bushels.
In this -cave potatoes were laid out
for sprouting on April 21st etelle
pi -anted on May 19th, or for but freer
weeks, It is usually best to allow
eix weeks for sprouting. Not nay is
the eeiele greeter when potatoes are
sprouted, but the map reachee a
marketable size earlier in the seanne
The theme early patatece me en the
market after they fore nearketnele •tee
Mere eteney win be made out of them
AB a rule.
To "sprout" potatoes, meditun 152:1
tubers are eeleetee before they he :e
eprouted to any extent in the melee,
and are either pleaed in fliAlIC1V 1.11,10 4
Or trays, preferably with the in 1 cr..1
up, or spread shallow on tee fner of
a room where there ie, bright light
Either method Will give almeet equel.
ly good resultd. At fies•t the temper-
ature 'should be cool enough to pro -
vent snrouting. The skin wili then
turn green and become rather terase,
The temperature is now raised enough
for the tubers to sprout, and when
treated as tieseribed two or • three
Str011ig sprouts will .develop from the
seed end, the other eyes venue:line
dermane Growth will thee be con-
centrated in these few sheets MAI. 113
a rule, there will ,M a larger peeper -
I tion of marketable potatoes where
there are a few good rheas than
*here there are many. If the pota-
toes are given plenty ef light -and the
place ahem they are lcept is fairly
cool, the sprouts will become very
sturdy and etrengly attachel to the
When, will lee green in mem,
, and will not be broken off in handling
, unlees very careleeeiy used. Thus
i given a start before planting they will
.usually come along rapidly and tukers
' will develop neere quickly from
sprouts which have grown slowly it
a bright, mot place than from sprouts
1 which have grown in a dark place,
i the latter, more -ever, usually breakirg
' off at the time of planting. Sprouts
shoula be about two inehee in length
at the time of planting.
The warmest and 'beet drained soil
that is available should be used fee
extra early potatees, end the son
I ehoulci b•e planted shallower than for
the mein crap so that they will gat
the advantage of tee heat from the
- surface soil. In - Great Britain the
potatoes are planted whole whee
enrontedi growth being more vigerms
1 when this method is followed,- but
this is not neceseary in order tie get
an increene in yield. It has been
fou.nd that, taktag one year with an-
other, the earlier potatoes ere planted
in meet -peaces in Canada efter the
ground is dry enough to work ane
danger of very severe frosts aro over
the larger the .erzp will lee,
The foleowing is given as a general
rule.ef ',guidance for planting potatoes
in Canada fee- hiahest ;keit:Ids. Where
the spring is early and autumn frosts
early, plain evilly; where the swing
is early and summers are dry, plant
early; wleere the spring is late awl
'autumn frosts late, e.itely plenteng is
not so important; where the epring ia
lath and autumn feasts are early,
plant as seen as nil is dry enough,
—W. T. Macou,n, Dominion Horticul-
AnkSuccmcslat eYoungT
Rend rhos, Amazing
Station of Success
fronng Onn frOtino
1 Pon now onion nunro nlon n
?eilieiecee eeteeeeleee egniel 51)
N:or co'nin on Tann no OHO On PM
' teeeeteleei
Whet these Mon heve done, yen Can dal tit rout era tittle
Sint Women. Windom' your exocrine° hag been—whatever
yott May be doing nint—Whether or not you thine you can soil—
just answer thls euOtioni Ate you ambitions 50 earn 510,0055
yeat? 'Mon got in SOU.% tylth Me at ono! I will prove lo you
without Oat or Obligation that' you can easily become Star
Salesman. I will you how tho_Salenti.innsh.in firAtning ond
Free Employment Serviet of the 4.5,1. A. will bolp yen to quick
Suttees In sans,
at hOule you Call tnsily master the•aecret4 or oe trlat Make
i10,000 A Year Selling Secret's
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ditinflondOi 01,1100n. overnight, to lento 1,511,1 0,0 Wet 61 iiniftory
and onto11,tiot of olisil.suoy jeer that lood nowhere. 010avatar 00,1roe
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