HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-4-7, Page 5"ruIu:RSI'li1Y, APRIL 70h, 1921 Qf Interest *0 Y01u and Me.., The Bell Tolephene Company only ,„got about half whet rt gsked tor, Uut 'In'oiiabiy; had that expectation in view when it slid its rifting,—Toron- to Star, As' to the suggestion of Asquith. for Canada's neat Governor -,Genera], anucih would depend an whether Mar -- -get would come too, An empty house • is better than a bad Tenant.—Qrillia Packet, *•a. * as Had, Hon. Mr. Biggs advertised for tenders and bought those trucks in the proper way Last year several thotisands of dollars might have been 'saved to the province and no suspic- ion would have been aroused against 'flim, * }Ion. 114 nning Doherty milked a -cow in front of the Leglsaltive build- ings in Toronto on Tuesday morning, inaugurating the "Drink -More -Milk" •cantpnign. It is well to have a min- ister of agriculture who isn't above helping with" the "chores" when. •called upon. to ,i, $20,000 worth of gold and jewelery was found under the back verandah sof a house in Toronto the other day. We'll not state the amount but :there's. health and wealth hidden in the good ;brown earth of every back -garden in Clinton. Go eut and dig your share .up,_.; There are, men who appear to be- Iieve jihat.aso long as they are not in- -debted;:'to their neighhors for .goods purchased, or to. the. municipality or • the state for the last Aax-levy, they have discharged their whole duty and L'nothing more Can be asked 'of them. In reality a man's duty to his neigh - '.130,r is limited only by his power to do his neighbour good, and his duty ...to the community by his ability to be of service to it. The community in which the prevailing ' sentiment is "What do I get .out of it?" is one which- does not and cannot prosper. —Wiarton Echo >'t It is easy to see who are the law- abiding citizens of Toronto, During -the last Referendum campaign Wil- , • Bann Jennings Bryan was not allowed to speak in favor of prohibition as he .was "a pacifist during the war and his coming,to Canada was an in- : suit to the returned men," at least so said those who opposed his conning. On Monday night "Hon." C. A. Win- dle of Chicago, the editor and pub- lisher of a weekly paper of decidedly anti-British sentiments, spoke in the armories on behalf of the Liberty League and against prohibition. If the visit of W. 1. Bryan was an in- sult - sult to the returned nien the visit of C. A. Windle was doubly so, 'Where were the people who were so interested in their affairs in 1919? **** The other day from a palier corn- parry we received a little book which contained the story of a dream, prob- • ably a pipe dream, of a man who thought that owing to the explosion of a great reservoir of poison gas in New York, all the paper in the city was being destroyed. The gas had been freed of its effects as far as humans were concerned but when the fumes struck paper it immediate- ly shrivelled up and dissolved into grey dust, 'The clay's newspapers were reduced to'heaps of gray dust; whole libraries of valuable books were destroyed; (raper money dis- solved as soon. as it was exposed to the air: cartons and all sorts of pa- - per Coverings were „destroyed and the stocks of grocers, druggists, and all dealers who handle goods peeked in cartons, were rendered worthless; the telephone and telegraph lines -'were put out of commission because paper is used in some of the insul- ation material. The salve with the street cars, and the tickets' and transfers were all destroyed and no :business could be done, Banks 'closed and tried to protect, their vale- . -able papers by locking them away in airtight vaults; business firms were frantic as they saw their con- tracts and other valuable papers dis- : solve before their eyes. It \vas tut bnaginery scene but it wags a ter- rible one and if the' dream Caine true it would( work havoc in the civilized world. .Very • few people have ever stopped to consider that "paper sup Plies the, sinews of our modern oly- ilizetion.". Paper has for many years been so cheap, so plentiful ail so common that we live lightly re- garded it, but should anything hap- -pen to destroy the paper of our eiw ilized world ' the whole structure would totter, if it dill not fall, We .are rdinhnded of a little poen by Holman T. bay: "I am paper; I.ani- paper, standing ready for your call White and silent and unspotted; I am serf and slave, to all. 1 -lave you thought of inspiration? Have you word to send er save? I am waiting, cater and patient, still your servant and your slave. Write( What it is, threat or sec- ret, bargain, pledge, or sale or boast? ;Signs Ah, mortal; I have bound you,, Mark you well the "forest's ghost! :Here I stand and threat and mock you, shade of promise, debt or fraud, 'Work and -pay; or pray- for mercy! Ybu ars servant, I inn Lord!" News of Ha . ngs .in the Counto and District Miss Aima Gathers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gathers of Howick, was married recently,to Mr, W, T. Jardine of Tugaske, Seek,' A little boy running an express wagon on the street in Wingham ran into a wagon. on the road and had, his face so badly cut that it A- quirecl ;twelve stitches to close the wound. Mr, G, A, Dcadniali (if l3rullaels has returned from California, where he has been ependilig the winter. 'My;••and Mrs. Rest. Messer of Mor- ris 'township celebrated' their silver weddinganniversary. one day last week by entertaining 'a number of their friends to dinner. Afterwards !t eongratulatdry address way read to them and 'they were presented 'with :a leather 'upholstered chair, a clock and some silverware, Tho new bank et Walton will soon be finished and will be en up-to-date building, • Mrs. Ross, widow of tri"e late John Ross of Brucefield, died at the home of her son, Dr. H, Ross of Sea forth, last Week at the advanced age of nienty 'years, filer remains were laid beside those of her hue - bend, who died thirty years ago, in Baud's cemetery on Wednesday last. The choir of Egmondvillo Presby- terian church gave a concert on Good Friday evening, wearing their new gowns for the first time. Dur- ing the evening the pastor, the Bed. Mr. McLean, was presented by the members of the choir and -the con- gregation with a new pulpit., gown. Loris Edgar Fanson and Eunice A. Down of Exeter were united in mar- riage at Lundy Lane Methodist church, Niagara Falls, on Murch 22nd and shave taken up their resi- dence at their'hoxne near Exeter, Fire broke out- at the Brussels Creamery at 2,45 on Saturday morn- ing and did considerable damage be- fore it was under cpntr,il. The fire is supposed to have started in the' upstairs „'from a stovepipe. The building, is of cement so that the damage Was to teh', interior and the roof. A large supply of butter had luckily been shipped out the day previous. The loss, amounting to several hundred dollars, is covered by insurance. A. L. Stewart, the pro- prietor, was out of town when the fire started.. ' Miss Lillian E. Pentland, slaughter of Mrs. S. J. Pentland of Dungannon, and Mr. Colin G. Campbell, son of Mr: and Mrs. William Campbell of East Wawanosh, were married at the hone of the bried's mother recent- ly.. The young couple have taken Up their residence in West Wawan- osli.- ' A fine of $300 and costs was im- posed on Dr. Milne of Blyth by Mag- istrate Reid of Goderich last week for a violation of the 0. T. A. • The County Court is in session at Goderich this week with Judge Dick- son presiding. The Presbytery of Maitland met Friday at St. Helens for the -induc- tion of Rev. Charles Cumming into the . united charge of St. Helens and East Ashfield. The sermon was preached by Rev. Hilton'.vampbell, of Dungannon. Rev. James -Stobie, of Whitechurch, addressed the min- ister, and Rev. K. A. Gollan delivered the charge to the congregation. At the close ofthe exercises the ladies of the church serveda dainty lunch. A substantial purse was given to Rev. Mr. Gollan, interim moderator of the vacancy.- The Presbytery will meet again on the 12th inst. in Belgrave .for the ordination .and .induction of 'Mr. 0. G. Jones, a student of Knox College, who has been called to that charge. - Marriages HERD—FRYFOGLE-.-At the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Daniel Fryfogle, Winghaln, on March 30th, by_the Rev. Dr. Perrie, May Fryfogle to Wmn. Herd of London. Births • ROZELL—In Clinton, on April 3rd, to Mr ,incl Mrs. Ernest Bozell, a daughter. BROWN—In Wroxeter, on • March 25th, to Mr. and"Mrs. Thos. Brown, a daughter. • • ADAMS—At Goderich, on March 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Adams, a daughter. . ELtIOTT—In Tuxmberry, on March 23rd, to Mr. end Mrs, J. J. Elliott, a daughter. McCALL—In Morris township, 'on March 27th, to Mr,` and Mre.' Arth- ur McCall, a son. JOHNSTON—In East Wawanoah, 011 March 24th, to Mr: and Sirs. John- ston, a son. MeCALLUM—In Morris on Marcel 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Finley 1110 - Callum, •a on. Deaths • BROWN—In Clinton, on April 4th, ,Sarah Manning, wife of Mr, John Brown, in her 67th year. HiA.LLIDAY—In Goderich, on March 26t11, Andrew Halliday, in his 59th year,, McCallum -4W McKillop township, or/ `March 29th, James McCallum, aged 80, years, '10 months and 4 days. PLENTY OF SALT. •• What is supposed to be the salt- iest lake in 'the world is at Senlac, Sask. Its' salt content 11.111S from 53 to 55 per cent. gas compared with 10,7 for Salt Lake' in Utah. The lake covers an area of 185 eters, but, is only 18 inches weep. It is, however, fed by living salt springs, and its lev- el is thus, maintained.—Conservation Pasture For Rent ' Pasture land to let. Apply' to William Bedour, 11. R. No. 2, Clinton.' Phone 24 on 602. —924'f • Watch Lost Iii Clinton, on April 2nd, between the railway and the Baptist church on the Huron Road, a silver wrist watch. Reward for its return to Mrs, A. B. Furniss, Chilton,—02-1.-p For Sole 8-year-olcl gelding, be Glenne. Ready for w6tk, Also 6 head . of ]M,ass cattle, Apply to F. H. 'Powell, R. R. No. 0, Phono 2 on 607. —92-2-p For Sale 1914 Forts Touring car in good running order. 5 good tires, de- meuntable wheels, 1021 license, Lev - alight lene, and all toole, Price, 00.ohtt Good reasons for selling. Jas. tea , R ti. No, 4, Phone 8 on 086. --92-1 ieweeepeeposemessoweeseeirisireappei Uatehiog Eggs for Sale frons bred-to=1a S r ain A,uatrolian and Guild train Single (Jom-b White ,Leghorns 90c for 15, $5.00 per 100 RANK J. TYND4LL .1..R.,No.4, Clinton Phone 2 on 636, 90-tf_. The Girls' Geilcl of..St. Paul's church Are Showing TOM MOORE In bis latest play HOLD YOUR HORSES And a 2 reel "HANK MANN" comedy At the Princess Theatre FRI. & SAT. APRIL 15 & 16 Two shows each night 7.30 & 9.15 • ADMISSION 25( SAT. AFTERNOON MATINEE At 8 o'clock ADMISSION 154 & 250 Come' Early and get a Good Seat For Sale ' 1919 Maxwell, fine shape, Box 488, phone 19, Teeswater, Ont, -92-tf For Sale Pure bred Durham bull, two years old. Apply at residence, ist farm 'on the Huron Road, East, or phone 175. Wm. Henry. Shawl Lost In Clinton or on London Road, South, on March 23rd, a heavy grey shawl. Finder kindly notify Mrs. W. J. Falconer, London Road, Phone 5 on 629. —92-1-n Eggs For Hatching Eggs from bred -to -lay White Leg - horns crossed with large white Robk cockerel. ° 5011 per setting of 13. — A, V. Quigley. —91-3 Hatching Eggs for Sale From choice Rhode Island Reds; $1 per setting of 15. W. J. Miller, phone 46. Clinton. —94-tf i For Sale Cheap 2 coaloil stoves, with ovens, and 3 hanging lamps. Inquire at News - Record Office, —91-1 Dog Tags The following extracts from the Provincial Act which comes c o esinto force on April 1st, are published for the information of. the public, "In a town, 'township or village every owner of a dog shall procure from the Corporation a tag for each dog owned by hint and shall keep such,tag securely fixed on the dog at all times." "Every dog which does not wear a tag, and which is found off the premises of the owner and not un- der control of any person may be killed by any person," "Every owner of a dog who ne- glects to comply with the provisions of this section shall incur a penalty of not less •than $10 and not more than 125 for each such offence." Tags for the Town of Clinton for the year 1921 may be procured from the Chief Constable. —D. L. Mac- pherson, Town clerk. Farni For Sale Lot 36, Con. 10, Hallett, 21/2 miles from Londesboro, convenient to school. Coita'ins 100 acres. About 5 acres of bush. Land in good state of cultivation. Brick house and bank barn with cement stabling. Apply on premises to Isaac Marwood, R.. R. No 1, Londesboro, —91-tf ' • Farm For Sale Lot 23, 4th con of Goderich town- ship containing 84 acres of good clay, loam, also 4 acres of bush and 8 acres of apple orchard; The farm forced with woven wire into ten acre fields. Also a good two story house, 28x38 feet -with concrete kitch- en 18x2Oft: Good barn on stone foun- dations with cement flooring in stable, never -failing spring well in the barn 'and at house, with wind- mill attached. Also 86 acres of good gravel and clay loam with about 3 acres of orchard,. this being Part of lot 25, Cut line. Farms are' within 'a mile and a mile and a half of school and church and 6 smiles from Clinton.' These places will be sold separately or together, For par- ticulars atitily to Win, H, Elliott. R. R. No, 2, Goderich.—91-tf', 0 0 0 0 0 a '0 R. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e 0 0 0 a ' TEAM HARNESS o FOR SPRING a O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 o ti 0 O 124.00 0• o and up, All o latest reduced o materials and o ed. o It will pay o harness. 0 0 0 0 0 a o 0. 0 O 0 Clinton News-Xlecmrd Don't 'Forget That we will have our mind 'specials for Clinton's Annual Spring Show Day, Thruschty, April 7th, Make our store your headquarters. This week we offer you— EGG CONTEST 1 3 pks Jelly Powder 85c For Thursday April 7111 Tea $pocial t�,, Any fiaver (Show Day) we are (derive. 5'W lbs. R. Cate 254 in addition to reguler Isar 1 lb, Bulk tee IiSa 8 bars Gobiin soap 20e ket price to person bringing 3 lbs, bulk Tea 11.00 3 burs Lifebuoy 25c in heaviest doaen of fresh 1 lb, Blk tea 550 We have big bar N. eggs (single Yokes) 2 lbs.,, bllc Tea ."$1,00 P. soap 25e, Equate lst prize 1 lb. B. i3lk. Tea 2 lbs broken swim 25a three of any other. 2nd prize % lb, Coffee, 2 pkgs C. starch 2-5e Names of winners will beannouncod in our window SAT, APRIL nth GET THE HABIT 08' DEALING AT The store for everybody JOHNS( N a CO'S GROCERY Phtne 111 1......111111.1.00.1116.101{ imamoauilortsairmanirumialftrearoaer.p0}1141110.10ala Special, for you in a new piano in Mahogany case, work guaraxiteed for 3 years, to go :W4350.00, cash or note. A:so a new Edison phonograph, table size, Regular price $62,00 with 7 records to go at $60.00. A drop - head Sinner sewing machine ' to go at 820,01 (guaranteed.) MaimeyHarris cream Separator, 0?:) las, capacity, like new, to sell at $110.00, Also a new Viking, just in, 000 lb. capacity, at 1125.00 My' headquarters aro 3 miles west f Seaforth and 5 miles east of Clin- ton, and a call in or phone 6 on 616 You will save many dollars over' other methods of selling as store expenses add to selling costs. JONATHAN HUGDLL, Box 229, SEAFORTH For Sale Several .Hundred bushels of early Sprain choice white blossom wheat clover seed, free from wild seeds, cut for hay on June 3rd last year. Price $3.50 per bushel. 10 bushel orders deli,eecd. Ezra Fisher, R. E. No. 4, Goderich. Phone 125, Ben- i -Rider. —91-2 Eggs For: Hatching .From single combe -brown Leg - horns, 754 per setting of 15. --•-Elmer Townshend, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. Phone 2 on 614, Clinton. —91-t£ Hatching Eggs For Sale White Leghorns, Guild and Barron strain. 754 for 15, 14.00 per 100.- F. 00.P. Elliott Powell, R. R. No. 3, Clin- ton. Phone 2 on 607. —91-tf For Sale A purebred Shorthorn bull, 13 months old. Also a quantity of sweet clover seed. Apply to Glen Cornish, R. It. No. 1, Clinton. —90-tf Farm For Sale 100 acres, two miles east of Clin- ton on the Huron Road; fair build- ings, well watered and U VRHMC c lti ! . 10 acres of bush. For particulars apply to T. 1. Watt, Clinton. —90-tf • Ilatching Eggs From Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks. 754 per setting of 15 or 15.00 per 100 eggs. Fred Cook, R. R. No. 4. Clinton, Phone no. 14 on 617. —90-tf Chair For Sale An invalid's chair, in good condi- tion. Rubber -tired wheels, plush up- holstered, spring seat. Will he sold reasonably. Apply to Mrs. R. B. Carter, Victoria street, Clinton: 90-tf For Sale 2 hen houses. Bargain, for quick sale. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. —90-tf Muskrat Skins Wanted Will pay $1.50 each for good skins. Damaged skins at value. H. A. Hov- ey. —904f Farm For Sale In Goderich To., 180 acres choice clay loans, in first class condition. Barn almost new, equipped with ev- erything to save labor, 8 acres of good young orchard,' modern house, with bath room and pressure tank, new drilled well' and elecric light plant. Also 220 acres pasture and timber" land: This is one of the. best bombmation farms in the county of Huron. Will be sold separate or in one block. Chas. B. Middleton. R. R. No• 8, Clinton, Phone 2-006 • • —86-tf _Piano - Tuning Jas: E, Doherty, experienced piano tuner. Orders for piano tuning, tone regulating and general re -building left at my address, Clinton, phone 160, will receive prompt attention. Also dealer in pianos and phono- graphs. —July 28th -p - House for Sale 8 -room, -solid brick house,- town water and electric lights, good gar- den, and chicken house, Apply on premises. Corner of •North and Spencer Sts.—,L C. Clarkson. -804f Farm For Sale b- E.ot 18, part of 17 Con. 1, Hul- lett ,in all 127 acres. This farm is situated 11/2 mills east of the town q of Clinton on the 3-Iuron Road, is o well adapted for mixed farming. It is well watered with never failing spring and also by spring creek run- ning across one corner. It is mostly seeded. There are eight acres in wheat. There is a two story brielc house and a large barn with stone stabling, also drive shed, hen house and pig pen, The buildings are all comparatively new and in good re- pair. Vol. further particulars apply on. the premises or by nail to John R. Noble, R. R. No. 4, Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on 017. —8641 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A SET' o 0 new stock and o prices. Of best o carefully finish- 0 0 you to see my n O 0 A.14Ie1{OWN o Huron's Harness House o 'CLINTON, ON's'. o 0 0000000000000 0 Repairs Weil Dono o . 6 0. 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cottage For . Sale Roomy cottage on Huron street. Town water, good cellar, % acre of ground, some fruit tree: Apply to W. Brydone or Miss E, Whitely -81 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms( over Heard's barber shop. W. 3. Jago. —8341 Pot Salo Two six roomed houses on Fred- eridk street, near the new flax mind, will be sold elheap, and on easy terms, Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. )3. HAI: 1-5444 VICTORY BONDS And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at your bank without charge. W. BRYDONE, Clinton Farm For. Sale 100 acres, Lot 12, eon. 6, Hullett, adapted f$r eropping',0r grazing, 10 acres bush, balance in grass. Good well and windmill. If not sold will be rented for pasture. Apply to R. J. Miller, Box 25, Clinton, or phone 119. —89-4 • Spirella Corsets Spirella corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure. -Mrs' Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton.—89J-13 aim) Chicks • —AND— Eggs For hatch(( -g FROM HENS THAT LAY BABY CHICKS White Leghorns 184 each, Barred Rocks 224 each. EGGS' White Leghorns, $5.00 per hun- dred or 654 per setting of 13. Considerable reduction in prices after June 1st. N. W. TREWARTHA Proprietor —89-6 COAL. Having decided to go into the coal business will endeavor to look af- ter all orders entrusted to ole at low- est possible prices. Orders received at residence, King street or phone 119, E. J. MILLER' CLINTON GARAGE —AND— BATTERY SERVICE STATION The' enforcement of the He idlight Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight• Holophone Legalite Shaler Roadlighter Clamert Pr.'imolite Macbeth Conopher CIear Conopher Noviol Come in and let us fill out your ap- plications and show our lenses. •s• H. Paxtnan Agent for Overland Can. - Examiner for licensed drivers Phone 80 Res. Phone 140 CRFAM • WANTED We are in a position to pay the highest market price for butter fat and to give the best possible service. OUR GATHERERS WILL, BE ON THE ROAD RIGIILARLY TkIII YEAR AROUND. WE WILL AP= I'JUdCIATE 'S'OUR PATRONAGE. CLINTON CREAMER7t' LIMITED Phone 148: _ 1 i Suga--- $0r ShowDay For ten days until anti ineluding April '7th we will sell granulated sugar at Wholesale price. Sugar has already advanced and this is your oppor= tunity to buy your season's supply, (Not more than fiva,:beg's 'tp one cnetomer,) . We are unloading to pay for a ear bought before the advance, —ALSO—. Our wonderful value in Black Tea The whole county has gone crazy over this tea, 8 The, for $1.00 5 lbs. of good rice for 5 lbs. Tapioca for 504 20 lbs, Rolled Oats for ' $1.00 Special price by the Sack 10 bars of Gold, Comfort and P. & G soap for 89 Garden seeds, all new or..4 pkgs for 250 2 lbs. Broken Sodas for 204 9 lbs, Prunes for $1.00 EVERYTHING ELSE IN TIIE STORE AT SPECIAL • PRICE FOR TI -IE DAY - W: T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCERY: SUMMER PRICES April this year presents exception- al opportunity for the coal ccnsuming public, in the advent of the Annual Summer 'prices. EGQ, STOVE & CHESTNUT AT $36.00 DELIVERED Owing to a slight reduction in the price of straight-line coal at the (nines, we are now allowed to nuke this special offer se as to keep the miners in work. It is the cutsom of the mine oper- ators to raise the price each month fron'i now till fall, but we are going to try to hold this special price for APRIL, MAY & JUNE This will give you an opportunity to have the coal delivered when the ground is fit to drive into your yard, but be sure to place your order now at the old reliable stand. We guarantee satisfaction as we alreaclx have our large sheds full of our On coal of high class quality. ORDER NOW J. a MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD., Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. - THE COONEB STOOE Phone 4 5 w Bargains In Everything for Horse Show Day Make our Store ,your head quarters and get your share of the bargains we are offer- ing. FredW.Wigg LIVE AND LET LIVE 11110•••W.• r CON There is a` vast difference in grades of corn. Our Corn is No. 2" Yellow which we believe is the best grade on the market. It is free from broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Give us a call and let us know your re- quirements. Special prices on large quantities. BRAN. SHORTS. Now is the season for Bran & Shorts. The quality is good and the prices reasonable. SWIFT'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Figured on present value of live. stock and hone -grown feeds the use of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will return more profit to the hog raiser than ever before in its history. SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS Blood, Tankage and Bones produced by the large slaughtering business of Swift Canadian Co. are almost all used in Swift's high Grade Fertilizer. Result: Large profit to you,. FLOUR Our stock includes: Purity, Five Roses, White Seal and Golden City, W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED Phones: Elevator 199, Residences 14, Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Cheshter White boars for service. At borne every forenoon.' ---A, C: LOAMY, Phone 5 on 039° Clinton r•-28 Scranton Coal Don't forget to leave your order for Spring delivery of coal or woo& with E. WARD. If you want satis- faction. We will look after, your wants. - Leave orders at my Residfinee. Huron street, or Phone 155. TERMS CASH ' South End Grocery .d1 full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Ses Ole L,;> vi Sto g PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY GIRLSr fur knitters and leainers ALSO U�IJMEN for menders acid inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITER PLUMBING, HEATING AND FURNACE WORK Repairing of ail kinds Promptly Done THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 53 Shop over Corless & Veneer's Wo are in the market for: WHEAT BARLEY OATS !•---ALSO—=-1 MAPLE ELM (l' BASSWOOD ' AND WHITE 'ASH LOGS Flour and Feed always on hand. , J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. ' 7 it ' leder Stoves Wo have a limited number of Brooder Stoves on hand which we are selling at a considerable reduce tion, the price being $25.00. Thesa Stoves will brood from 800 to 400 Chickens. Just what you need to' get early pullets and chickens for the high summer market. • 1 GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Managers Phone 190; Holmesville 4 on 1<• CREAM WANTED l' The demand for our butter id Irl. creasing. 1 To supply this demand we requir3 more cream. We request' you to ship as yens cream. We gaiaranfee you thea Highese Market Prices, accurate testa and prompt service. Our arm is known to you and needs no further recommend. We pay alt express charges, furni• ish cream cans and pay twice eack month. W rte r r further inf z. `' rat for cans o orma tion to the THI€i SEAFOR•TH CRFAMIR' Cita. tis WA BARBER, iitANAG iii 0