HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-3-31, Page 8The annum ► Nem -Record CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELER"( r•STOR LAC A- ! 1 H IS GUARANTEE Makes autos look like new, For Furniture, Pianos, Floors, Automobiles, and all Paint and 'Varnished Surfaces A. Real Finish No Polishing Required Lacoa does its own polishing.. is odorless and harmless, Lacon is guaranteed not to injure the finest finished wood, paint or polished work. THE FINISH THAT LASTS I.® H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store i 1 NEW SPAInG GOOPS Bought at the very lowest prices are now corning into stock and are being marked very close for quick turnover. While prices are considerably lower than they have been, many lines of staple goods° are very scarce and at the present low prices they are good buy- ing, Everything in stock has been priced down. to the present level regardless of profits and many lines priced at a big sacrifice to clear. I , ...1 Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes all at very attractive prices, Plumsteel Bros. CLOTHING THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 9s NEW, IDEI. PATTERNS. VISINSISINS morOUR WEEKLY -LIMERICK, 1 NO MATTER WHAT YOU WANT TO PAINT—SEE US In the spring of the year Mr. Straint Decided to improve - things "with paint,' So he came to our, store , Where we sell° paints galore e And . stiII he' paints without any restraint We handle the following popular lines—Sherwin-Williams Paints for inside and outside FLOOR PAINTS—Gold and Alluminum Paint; Campbell's Varnish Stain and Floorlae; Floor Varnish; Linoleum Varnish, and Johnson's Floor Wax; Berry Bros. Liquid Granite for floors. MAGIC FURNITURE POLISH ONLY 250 1liuruesco; Jelistone, and Flat Tone fpr walls and ceilings. Motor car enamel; Buggy Plaint, and Wagon Paint, O -Cedar Mops $1 and up; Liquid Veneer Mops: Rubberset Brushes A BIG STOCK OF OIL STOVES—GARDEN SEEDS HARLAND 13ROS. Rardware. Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock 6a^ nu r We are offering for one week only, commencing April 7 15 per cent disc t rt Ailurni.num and GRA ?a A V IT E 7 Y `' 'RE Don't Forget the Sale Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE ' ' ELECTRICAL *HOW IT WORKS OUT 'An Ottawa man visiting in Toron- to reoontly poured the following complaint into the, sympathetic ear of Mr. Lynch, the widely known clerk of the P •.insc George hate], To- ronto: "Say ain't it fierce the way they soak you for berths on the trains those days," he whispered, confidentially, "I went into the Ot- tawa station last night and asked through the hole for a cot to Tnron. to. `Single?' says •tho man to me, PLUMBING 'No married,. I tells him, but 1 - aint taking her with me this trip.' 'Upper or lower?' says he. "What's the difference?" I asks him. 'Fifty cents,' says he. 'A lower comes high- er than an tipper. We sell the neper lower then the lower, Most people don't like an upper, although it's lower, on account of it being higher, and you've got to get up to an up per and get down when you get ftp. Guess you'd batter take a lower, at thought it fe higher than an upper. Of course if you don't thind going higher it will he lowed' Eos school Hooka and School $i ppilea .YOU ARE INVITED TO ,IN- SPECT IN—SPECT? OUR STOCK—FELL- ING CONFIDENT THAT THE ADVANTAGE WILL BE SHARED B7i" YOU. Tile W . D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -.Always the Best Miss Harriet Cantelon is in Toren this week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Henderson spe Easter in London.' Miss Annie Shobbrook of Toren came home for Easter. Mr. G. E. Hall was in Toronto ov the holiday and week -end. Miss Winnie O'Neil was in Toren the beginning of the week. Miss Kathleen McConnell of Walt is home for the Easter vacation Mr. Willis Cooper was up from 'Var ity spending Easter at his home town. Miss Mildred Cook of Toronto spending Easter week with frienc in town. Mr. Emmereon Mitchell of Detre was an. Easter visitor at his hom in town. Mr. Graham of Kitchener spent Ea ter Sunday as the guest of Mr Sheeler. Mrs. Fulton of Yale, Mich., visite her mother, Mrs. Robt, Thompso over the week -end. Master Jack Cooper of Toronto vi ited his grandmother, Mrs. Wni Cooper, over Easter. Miss Nora Kennedy of Mildmay spending the Easter vacation a her home in town. Mr. Delos Dieher of the Royal Ban staff spent Eastertide at his hem at Dnngahnon. Miss W innifred Thompson of Fair prank is spending the Eastertide a her home in town. Miss Bertha Webster of Auburn i visiting her uncle 'and aunt, Mr and Mrs: G. E. Saville. Misses Mary and Jean McMnrchi tveice home from Toronto Univers • ity •for the Eastertide. Mi.' end Mrs. Frank Hill spent Eas ter Sunday as the guests of Mr and Mrs, George Jaclrson, Mr. W. Waugh of London was :th guest over the week -end 'of hi u a nt Mrs. W.J.N i ed er. g Miss M. McCamus of Toronto wa an Eastertide visitor at her hom in town. Wesley parsonage. Miss Hattie Livermore has return to London after spending• severe weeks at' her home in town. Messrs. Earl O'Neil and Stewar Scott of Kitchener spent Easte at their respective homes in town Missea Luella Walkinshaw an Mayme hall of the Royal Ban staff spent Easter Monday in Lon don. Misses Olive and Marie Watkins are spending the Easter vacation a the hone of their grandfather -at Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. John Crerar of Toren to spent Easter as the guests o the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs G. D. McTaggart. Mr. and Mrs, L. E, Doherty ant family were Eastertide visitors a the home of the lady's mother Mrs. W. G. Smyth. Mrs. Livermore, Sr„ who has been spending the winter with her son and daughter in West Toronto, arrived home on Thursday even- ing last. Mr. .Carl East of the Royal Bank staff, Brantford, and Miss ITath- leen East of Toronto, spent/Easter with their sister, Mrs. Gordon W. Cuninghaute. Mrs. George Jackson and Miss Berta spent Good Friday and Easter Sat- urday in London, and Miss Berta is spending Easter week with Wingham friends, Mr. R. E. Manning is attending the meetings of the Ontario Library Association and the Ontario High and Public school Trustees' Assoc- iation in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs, L. J, Wasman of To- ronto are spending the Eastertide at their parental homes in town, that of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Was - man and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wise. Mrs. A. Weatherwax and three 'chil- dren, Master Bruce and Misses Catherine and Dorothy Ray, of Orillia, are spending the Easter- tide with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Cantelon. Mr, and Mrs; J. R. Rumball of To- ronto and Mrs. Ilixsoil and two children, Miss Josephine and Mos - ter John, of Flint, Mich., were the guests of Miss Rudd from Thurs- day evening until Tuesday morn- ing. Mr. Robert Ilolmes of Toronto was an Easter visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. H. B. Chant. Mr, Holmes likes the city but he al- Ways onjoya a visit its the olds town lit which for 50 many years he was a prominent figure, Mr, A. EIeont 'of Tuckersmith, who, with Mrs. lilcont, lois been spend° ing the winter in California, was in town yesterday. IHo roporta tt very enjoyable trip. They spent some time alto in Utah and in ITaltsae, where they have friends. But most 'of the time was Spout S in Les Angelos, Calir'; THURSDAY, MARCH 31et, 1112 '@� bug T� y �r �c�7��' v� q M �{ty� Yt Lf 1.� o�;5 buWg out �{ f town and i a.4� '� kt W.Af IOWWa What is g:.er 1n j to become ,of our town? URI DOM YDS SPEND IN CGIVO1 VVIIG EVEnt ill COME HOME TO BOOST IN CU The b ton Nt ;w colla Asea ,aid 1 TON Read these articles with care, they will present something you have not thought of before, Patronize the home n,erehants, they are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend in Clinton' remains here and benefits the whole community. There is a lot of Satisfaction in knowing that we iook after your banking interests. Your business, saving or private accounts, are solicited with the assurance they will be properly safeguarded at the SanILR.HARP Clinton. ger A RHYME IN SEASON When days are chill and cold winds blow Anb all look blue and full of woe, What clears the chest with healthful glow Wampoles Cod Liver Extract. W. S. 13, HOLMES The Resell Store Regarding Stationery and office Supplies you will make no mis- take in buying from me. School supplies, fiction, magazines, newspapers, that you may need can be bought here. A complete line of Wall Papers kept in stock, W. D. FAIR & Co. Stationer. Jewelery, Picture Books that is why all jewellery looks well in cuts. A 100 article -looks just the same as a $10 article. Trad- ing athome you do not need to jewellery. ewellery. You can see for yourself. R. H. Johnson, Reliable jeweller DRY GOODS AND LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR J. A. IRWIN This his the Electric Age. We carry . a full Iine of electric 'grills, table stoves, toasters, 'irons, lamps and fixtures, also all general hardware. Trading at home is the big idea. CORLESS & VENEER, Hardware "DOMINION CAFE" "LUNCH" High Grade Chocolates Oysters — Fruit Ice Cream Bricks. E. WENDORF ' Confectioner We invite comparison of our stock and prices before you buy else- where. It has always been our aim to satisfy our clients. The line of Men's Furnishings and clothing cannot be dupliacted. The MORRISII 'CLOTHING CO, Men's''Oath dere Buying Furniture in Clinton you will find our prices right, and our guarantee is behind every piece of furniture we sell. Our undertaking parlors are well equipped for service night or day. BALL & ATKINSON, •Furniture' GOLDEN GRAIN BATTERY A. E. BETTS, Prop, Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor Headquarters for Bread, .Cakes NEILSON'S Chocolates Phone 204, CLINTON, ONT. Get our prices first on stoves and Ranges. We carry a large stock of the above as well as a com- plete line of General Hardware. You will find you can do better trading with us than any city store. Ranges installed. HARLAND BROS., Hardware AND ADAM DID EAT This Adani was a particular Cuss But when his wife set HENDERSON'S BREAD Before him, he fel} too, just like his progenitor, and this Mrs, Ad- am lived contentedly ever after HENDERSON'S BAKERY MANY PUT TRUST IN THf.UNNNOWN Never Satisfied With Those 'things With Which They Are Familiar. iNCUNEB TO TAKE CHANCE Curious Traits In Human Nature Have Made Possible Growth and Development of the Great Mail Order Houses. ( Copyright. ) A curious trait in Iruinan nature makes itself apparent very frequent- ly. That is an inclination to trust in the unknown rather than in that with which one is familiar, - A per- son is very apt to take a chance, even though he may know that the odds are 100 to ono against him, in- stead of being satisfied with lesser rewards about which there ie no pos- sibility of doubt. It Is, possibly, the faring up of the ever-present gambling instinct, but there is something more in it than that. There is in it the unexplained mailtrowp !dIP.Ie"rtme+Bneeess '[7s tine great mail order houses in the big cities. A knowledge of psychology is as important to the mail order man as a knowledge of business practices, He plays upon these tondoncies of man to take a chance, to trust in the Unknown rather than the known, to place confidence in thestrangerrather than the friend. Hope to Draw Prize. Those who buy merchandise from a mail order house are moved partly, whether they realize it or not, by that trait in their nature which prompts them to trust in the un- known rather than in that with which they are familiar. They are hoping, it may be unconscipusly, that they willdraw a prize. They do not know what they will get, for it is impos- sible for one to know what he is going to get when lie orders mer- chandise from a picture and a colored descriptions in a catalogue. He is taking a chance on the un- known. Buying merchandise from the local merchant, on the other hand, con- tains none of these elements of chance that enter into the dealings with the mail order house. When one buys a stove from the hardware store in his home town, he may get none of the thrills that come from taking a chance but he will get a stove that, will last longer and keep him warmer than the one that he might get from the mail order house and to the average individual these things are likely to be more import- ant than the thrills., Using Your Eyes. When you buy from the local mer- chant you see the thing that you are buying, you inspect ;t carefully, ex - tendency on the part of most people amine the workmanship and tate to reach for the chimerical and ig- quality of the material of which it Is nose the tangible and substantial made and in many cases you have the privilege of testing it before pay - thing which is near ,at hand. Man ing for It. You have not only your is seldom satisfied with those things own eyes and knowledge df values that are within his grasp but is to rely upon, but you have the ad - reaching always for the unattainable. vantage of the advice of the merchant Too' often, he loses that which he who has an expert knowledge of the might easily gain by 'blindly'pursii- merchandise which. he Is. selling and ing that which'is always lust out of who, .in 99 cases out of '100, can be his reach. I relied upon to tell the truth • about Wl,y "Con'.' man Thrives, 1 its Thlertyou have the guarantee that Coupled, in -a way, with his faith is backed not only by the retail mer- in'the unknown'is the tendency on: chant, but in many cases by the the'parti of so nmaily people to place manufacturer, U the article which OU can eonflden-e in a stranghr in `prefer -1 you buy. .does not prove satisfactory ence.to'one who is known and hastake it bafter it is ck to the store iven a swhere you been tried and proven. • It is this ten--ibought it, in moat cases, and get dency which makes possible the oper your money back. The retailer may ations of the "con" man, the get-,; get his money back from the mane - rich -quick artist,' the unscrupulous facturori•but if he doesn't he stands promoter and the salesman of worth-' the loss. In any event you are pro - less mining stocks. The man who tested, Jones would not think oor ne g of .trustingi BanillldRdenca in a stranger rather than a Why a person will place his con- hbor g fellow his ne church member, will confd-friend or will trust in the unknown ingly turn over his life's savings to rather than in that which is tangible, a stranger who unfolds a tale of is something that is hard to under - riches to be won. Dill Sones might stand. Even the mail' order house talk his head oft in behalf of a legi- does not pretend'to know why it is timate proposition without getting so but it accepts conditions as it tinds a dollar where the slick' -stranger them and makes the most of. the op - with the worthless proposition can portunities that they offer. • get thousands. It Is these two tendencies which, Tlie'-man who believes all he says apparently, are so widely prevalent doesn't always say all he believes. amm'n' eU..ci: ,. o. ide,l a.ihL..>lave LIVE MERCHANTS recognize Advertising- not as an, expenditure, but as an in- vestment. Persistent use of THE CLINTON NEWS -RE- CORD will verify this. ;x McTAGGART BROS. BANKERS Clinton, Ontario It has often been remarked that the line of Stationery, Wall Pa- per, China, ete. that can be pro- cured at my store is surprising. Come and see for yourself and be convinced for all time to coma that you can do better here than elsewhere. A. T. Cooper, Stationer Quality and service has always been my slogan. It has been ex- tremely difficult to supply your needs from time to time but you can rest assured it was due to conditions beyond my control. Let me know your wants, I will my you. .MUSTARDCoal & Wood Good clean competition never in- iured any town. Education is as essential as our daily meals. You cannot travel four directions at the same time and arrive at a given ,point. The same is true of the''dollar spent out of town. DOHERTY PIANOS LTID. • The best is the cheapest in the end. Let your next job of Paper hanging or redecorating be done by me. My long experience in this line is your assurance that what I undertake to do will be done right. J. E. COOK, Decorator If we think an article is not what you are looking for we tell you so. If we do not havewhat you are looking for we will get it for you. Look over our line of stoves, furnaces, cutlery, electri- cal fixtures etc, and be convinced SUTTER & PERDUE, Hardware To satisfy the individual house- hold has been my motto for years. If you are looking for fresh, clean groceries, give me an opportunity to prove the merit of the line of groceries I keep in stock. Prices are right. F. W. WIGG, Grocer In the line of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes you can do no better than by purchasing these at our store We try at all. times to keep in stock what our clientele desires If we have not got it we will get it for you. PLUMSTEEL BROS. Dry Goods In' the line of Fresh and Smoked Meats we cannot be surpassed. Everything we handle is "proven best by every test." We invite your patronage with the assur- ance that you will . be satisfied. Our business is on a cash basis. BUTLER BROS., Meat Market Cleanliness is next to Godliness It is here we invite the general public to visit our creamery and see how sanitary our plant is kept. Every improved method will be found here in the manu- facture of the Clinton Creamery Products. S.E. Rozell, Manager Photography is an art a -ad re- quires a constant application and study to be able to get the re- sults that meet the approval of a satisfied clientele. I also devel- op your films. Let your next photo be done by ROY BALL Photographer These are the clays of Specialists; I specialize in good jewellery as well as watch and clock repair- ing, I endorse the Buy -at -Houle idea because it has merit. Let us bo loyal one to another and the success of Clinton is assured. W. R. COUNTER, Jeweller A good place to eat and sleep, is what they all say_ of the Nor- tnandie-Rattenbury Hotel. I make it my business to see that you are satisfied. It is the home of the travelling man. Come in and snake yourself at home. S. S. COOPER, Proprietor ildt Ci!esbeiro. • The regular monthly meeting of the Wantans' Intsitute will be hold in the Forresters' Hall on Thursday, April 7th. The topic "Present day needs" b°v Miss Mains, music by Miss R, Woodman. Miss Anne Abrey. returned home Thursday after spending the win- ter in Toronto. Sho was accompan- ied by her nieces, Misses Doreen and Betty Wilson. Yliss Alice and Mv. Frank Fingland spent Eatser at their home here Goderieb Township ',Miss Rodella McKenzie of Toron- to is visiting Mrs. Roy Tyndall. Mr. and Mrs.. H. L. Wise have got settled in their new home, the Trick farm, They are heartily welcome to the neighborhood. Messrs. James Russel and N. Lloyd Makins left on Tuesday for Moose Jaw, Sask. They will visit 'various points in the west, and will probably be absent all summer. Miss Flossie Making has returned front London, where she has been spending several weeks visiting friends. Miss Pearl Matins has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Fred Sterling, The high cosh of living is increas- ed by forest fires. Every citizen should help to keep down fires, There are stow foils forest schools organized as departments of Caned - inn universities. These In order of their ctsablishmetit aro, Tprento, La - yid; New iit'nfswiCli and British Col- umbia. The last named school was organized in the past few months. The transformation of productive . forests by fire into idle wastes int- poYerishes the nation, damages the individual, is wholly needless, and I COMIng DoWil must be stopped. Are 11.rdware Prices CLINTON JUNK DEALER BUYING- ALL KiNDS OP JUNK AND POULTRY, HIDES AND SKINS PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES M. RAMRAS 'hone 187 'Albert St. NOTICE I•Iaving bought out Mr. Ed. Sam - ton's dray and cartage business 1 would kindly solicit the patronage of his customers. Will try and accom- modate all customers to the best of my ability. When needing anything in this line kindly call on the new drayntait, Yours, ---10.2 4.sw ROOT. A.1110 14 ToN The question is some- times asked, are hard- ware prices corning down ? The fact is, no one at present knows just what the future holds .in regards to. ,1,f NM prices, but rest assurPd that, should the prices. 'RDW p come down our Cos I ARL' tamers will at once ," reap the benefit. Come and see our Electric Appliances and Fixtures Corless & Vernier HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 03 itraramtazarrazina One Gallon of Zenoleuln Makes 100 Gallons of Disinfectant Zenoleum is not only the best disinfectant dip .made --it is also the most economical. For disinfecting .your stables, ben houses or hog pens, one part Zenolcun to 100 parts water is the proper dilution, This guarantee goes with every wive of Zenoleum—"If &nal- etini is not ail YOU think it ought to be, you can have your money back. No letters. No talk. Just money back," This guarantee is your protection. Sold by J. A. FORD A SON, Omit, Dealers, Clinton cwwwwwwwwmawaiwelswwwwwwwww