HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-3-31, Page 57k1URSDAT, MARCH 31st, 1921 Of Interest to You and lie ,Pht fellow yrosaYs Burn town' ' :is usually the town bnnz," —Brussels lost, M tb 4 Tomorrow: is the first of April but don't let anybody fool you into "tele- ' •ing them, or too soon. +. .r "Don't kill your wife. Let the So- olid' -so washing machine do flit work," reads all advertisement in a Vitneouvcr paper. That is not the 'kind of washers Clinton dealers sell ' at 411. No wonder "Harry" Erwin and all those Bayaeid•fellows are so brainy. • lust xead .the Bayfield news about • the great catches of fish. they have out there. We haven't n ghostof a, '•chance" in this inland town, .h e e ,N Must be rather frivolous people up 'in Wingham town. They're going to have no fewer than seven ice cream parlors there this summer, And in J. iiikhill a new butcher shop could not be opened owing to the lack of ice. a,m "The real point at issue/' re- -marks'The Farmers' Sun in discuss- ling the election -to -be in West York made necessary by the untimely ..death of Capt. Toni Wallace, "le that "West York shall send a man to Ot- rtawa to actually represent, not a •Tine `old family, and not a party, but West York electors and West York 'interests." Just so. We heartily ;agree. But should a representative •°of the U. F. 0. he nominated and elected will the U. F. 0.. which re- Desents only a part of the electors of West York, have power to "recall" him should be fail to carry out their -views as a repersentative of all the •electors of West York? ,n As a war measure the Ontario eGovergment put the Ontario '"Temperance Act upon the Statute books and later it was sustained by ;•a vote of the people of the province. ' The Dominion Government, after the e0. T. A. carne in force, passed all Or - ,dee -in -council in -council prohibiting the mann- -facture and importation and until that was rescinded in 1919 _Ontario Thad a pretty effective prohibitive Iaw. Since that, however, conditions have not been so good and in some parts of the urovince have been decidedly ':had. The trouble is that the law is not complete enough. The vote on April 18th, if it is a vote in favor, will make it more so. It will pre- vent the importation and put rich and poor upon the same footing. There is a sort of last-minute ag- eitation riowamongst the opponents of prohibition for government con• iron. This is for the most part t but . an attempt to confuse the hinds of people and to defeat the efforts of t'1*"•` the friends of temperance to control the traffic. The agitators are the people who have opposed every` tem- perance measure ever brought up :and if government control had been asked for by the temperance people before the open bar was .abolished -they would no doubt have opposed it . just as strongly as they now oppose • the O. T, A. What we want to do is to try out -.•this prohibitory law we have; snake it as good a law as possible and see "how it works. It has not failed: it ;11as never really had a fair trial yet, The vote on April 18th is a clear cut one. "Are you in favor of .pto- ' 3libiting the importation of intoxieat- ing liquor into the province?" Those who wish to give the 0. T. A, a` fair trial will vote "yes" and. the ?larger the majority given the more • effective will be the law, The Goderich Signal takes excep- • 'tion to our setting forth of the Hy- dro Electric situation in Ontario. It asys; "Suppose the county of Huron • owned a road -staking outfit and rent- ed it (.like hydro, 'at cost') to the municipalities in the northern part -of the county only, refusing to rent it to the southern municipalities, ex- • eept on terms with which they could not comply, would there not be a howl form Tucekrsmith, Stanley and the rest of the southern municipalit- ici;? Suppose, moreover, that the • county finaueod the purchase of the otufit, assuming the liability of loss from some unforseen mishap, (just pus the Province would lose if the • Chippewa development should be a failure.) Would not the neglected townships raise a still greater howl? Of course they would." We consider the illustration hardly true to fact. Suppose that the northern „municipalities said to the +County Council: "We will btiy a roadbuilding ;outfit if you will guar- antee der bonds for ti.certain sum ,,and we will use this outfit for the improvement of the roads in our • own inmlicipalities and will also rent it 'at cost' to any other mun- 9cipality in the county" Would such -a rental be conisderd unfair? Most ...assuredly net. The point insisted upon by both 'The Sun. and The Signal is 'that the hydro power belongs to the whole province and should be available to .all at practically the same rates. We ,don't dispute the fact that the pow- ,er belongs to the province. It has ,always belonged to the province, But for centuries that power was there, running overNiagara Falls, unused b anyone, y one It was only of use when •certain municipalities, seeing the pos- •.siblities, took it up and developed it. 011, gas. coal, eta., found in the province belongs in part or wholly to all the people but only those living :in the vicinity of these "finds" di- rectly benefit. It would be absurd for us tip herb near Lake Duron to sry to the government; "Those peo- ple down in Kent oounty have the use of natural gas. That gas belongs to the whole province, we want it .piped up here let use in out kitch- ens and to heat our houses." It would be absurd, aim, to -.ask •that Chir Fare on the nationally -owned railways should bo the softie from Goderich to Vancouver as from God- •erieh to Toronto, er that the same :rate should bo charged 00 a message -carried over the govevenent•ownocT ttelegt'aph line between points across the continent ne betweeaz towns 4 fow miles apart, The argument is sometimes used that as hc government carries ct� l I tots at .4 flat rate to so hydro should be .ppereted for the goes' of all tile people and' eelePiied to all at the some rets, Letters are carried at a flat rete but par'pols are not, They are graded as to weight and distance of carriage and charged accordingly. With regard to natural gas, of Bourse, there is eat enough to go all amend and the people living unr- est the supply get it first, This is natural and nobody melees any klek, The difficulty of supplying outlying districts with hydro generated"at Ni- agara lies in the fact that it costs too much to install it over wide areas whore only a few lhorsepower are used on each farm, That is, if we stick to the first principle upon which the hydro has been built up, that of power at cost. If we depart from that very much worse evils may creep We woolen like to•see every farts in Ontario lighted, heated and power - driven by hydro. That some parts of the province will be se served and shortly we have no doubt, but some Plan will havo to be worked out in order that it may serve the largest number Possible. But whatever that solution may be no good can come, as we pointed out in our former art- icle, by the stirring up of class hatreds. There must be co-operation, a willingness to see the other fellow's viewpoint,. and a *willingness to face facts. Marriages SPACIKMAN—PECK--.In Goderich, on March 29th, by the Rev. R. C. McDermid, Lillian Pack of Stanley to Robert W. Spackman of Bay- field. - Births GRAHAM—In Stanley township, on March 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Graham, a son. KEMPTHORNE—At General Hos- pital. 'Toronto, on March 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Kempthorne of Saskatoon, Sask., (formerly Miss Helen Doherty of Clinton), a son. HITCHEN—At 337 Crawford St,, Toronto, on March 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hitchen (formerly Miss Maida Cooper) a daughter, — Betty AIlneda. HIGGINS—At Hensall, on March 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hig- gins, a son, BELL—In Morris, on March 22nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bell, a daugh- ter, BOYCE—In Wingham, on March 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Boyce, a daughter. ADAMS—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on March 24, to:Mr•. and • Mrs, W. J. Adams, a daughter. Deaths BAIRD—In Stanley township, on March 24th, Margaret A. McDiar- mid, wife of Mr. Thos. B. Baird, aged 36 years and 7 months. HARTRY—In Seaforth, on March 24th, Mrs. William Hartry, aged 66 years. Dog Tags The following extracts from the Provincial Act which comes into force on April lst, are published for the information of the public. "In a town, township! or village every owner of a dog .shall procure from the Corporation a tag for each clog owned by him and shall keep such tag securely fixed on the dog at all times." "Every dog which does not wear a tag, and which is found off the premises of the owner and not un- der control of any person may be ]tilled by' any person." - "Every owner of a dog who ne- glects to comply with the provisions of this section shall incur a penalty of not less than $10 and not more than 325 for each such ofrence." Tags for the Town of Clinton for the year .1921 may be procured from the Chief Constable, —D. L. Mac- pherson, Town cleric. —91-2 Eggs For Hatching From single combo brown Leg - horns, 750 per setting of 15. Elmer Townshend, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth, Phone 2 on 614, Clinton. —01 -ti Hatching, Eggs For Sale White Leghorns, Guild and Barron strain. 750 for 15, 34.00 per 1.00. F. Elliott Powell, R. R. No. 3. Clin- ton, Phone 2 on 007. —01-12 For Sale Several Hundred bushels of early Sprain choice white blossom wheat clover seed, free from wild seeds, cut for; hay on June 8rd last year, Price 33,50 ner bushel. 10 bushel orders delivered. Ezra Fisher, R. R. No. 4, Goderich. Phone 125, Ben- rnfiler. —91-2 Farm For Sale Lot 36. Con. 10, Hulled, 2% miles from Londesboro, cotive:nent to school. Contains 100 acres. About 5 acres of bush. Lancs in good state of cultivation. Brick house and bank barns with cement stabling. Apply on premises to Isaac Marwood, R. R. No 1, Londeeboro. —917tf Farm For Sale Lot 23, 4th eon of Goderich fowu- ship containing 84 acres of geed clay loam, also 4 acres of bush and 8 aeres of apple orchard. The farm :Concoct with woven wire into ton acre fields. Also a good two otomy house, 28x38 feet with concrete kitch- en 7.8x20.ft. Good barn on stone foun- dations with cement flooring in stable, Never -failing poring well in the barn and at hoarse, with wind- mill attached. Also 86 acres of good gravel and clay loam with about 8 acres of orchard, this being; pari; of lot 25, Cut,limt. ]'arms are within h mile and a anile and a half of echool incl chnroh and Fi lnilos from Clinton, Those places will he sold separately or togother, For par- ticulars aptly to Wm, II, 'Elliott, it, It. No, 2, Goderich,-01-tf LST iv L A. spring festival and masquerade u e c. ander the axis ices of t a Garden Class of Willis 'Gimreb, will be held i11 tate school roomy FRIDAY, APRIL, 1st et 8 o'clock. Admission 254. Proceeds to go to Mission Band, EVERYBODY WELCOME Hatching Eggs for Sale w. . from bred -to -lay Strain r -- Australian and Guild Strain Single Comb White Leghorns 90c for 15, $5.00 per 100 FRANK J. TYNDALL 1B. R. No. 4, Clinton Phone 2 on (i36, 90-tf Eggs For Hatching Eggs from bred -to -lay White Leg - horns crossed with lame white Rock cockerel. 500 per setting of 13. — A. V. Quigley. —91-3 Hatching Eggs for Sale' From choice Rhode Island Reds. 31 per setting of 15. W. J. Miller; phone 46, Clinton. —94-tf For Sale Cheap 2 coal stoves, with ovens, and 8 hanging lamps, Inquire at News - Record Office. —91-1 Aucton Sale Of Farm. Fano Stock and imple- ments. Mr. George Elliott has been instructed to sell by public auction at Lot 17, Con, 8, Babylon Line 2% miles from Varna, Stanley township, on Wednesday, April 6th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following property: Farm: The farm contains 50 acres, north half of Lot 16, Concession 9, town- ship of Stanley. On the premises there is a farts -class 1% story frame house with good cellar under it and woodshed attached: frame barn 20x 40ft., implement shed, -lots of good water. The farm is ell cleared and in first-class working order, with 10 acres of good fall wheat; 15 acres plowed, the em inder in grass. Horses: 1 good agricultural tent of mares rising 5 by Earl O'Clay, ag- ricultural grey mare rigjne 7 years old, Agricultural grey gelding 5 years old, draft mare 10 years old, craft Hare rising 5 years old, ag- ricultural mare 12 years old, agri- cultural mare rising 5 years old, good driving mare 5 years old. Cat- tle: One pure bred bull, Nonpareil Pride, No. 132487, 2 years old, cow 7 years old freshened in November, bred in December, cow 4 years old freshened in December, bred in Jan- uary, heifer 3 years old freshened in January, cow 7 years old freshened in February, cow 6 years old due to calve in April, cow 4 years old, due to calve in May, heifer due to calve in May, cow 8 years -old due in Oce tabor, cow supposed to be in calf, 2 heifers 3 years old due to calve in May, farrow cow, 1 cow 7 years old to calve in April 10 steers 2 years old, 3 young calves, about 40 )lens. Implements: 4 h.p, Ideal Gould - Shapley -Moore engine, Joliette eight -- inch grinder, one Deering six foot cut mower, Massey -Harris 13 -hoe drill, new, farm wagon, set of sleighs, Cockshutt two furrow riding plow, Fleury walking plow Chatham fanning mi11, with bagger, rubber tired top buggy, steel tired top buggy, road cart, 16 -ft hay rack, set of team harness, set of golden mounted single harness, 26 -inch horse collar, 24 -inch horse collar, wheelbarrow, scoop shovel, post hole auger, grass seed sower, pig crate, pipe wrench, about 75 cedar posts, new. DeLaval cream separator, wash- ing machine, nearly new, new Daisy churn, coal oil heater, new Perfec- tion 3 -burner coal oil stove with ov- en. Terns for farm: Ten per cent. of purchase money to be paid on day of asie, the balance in 30 days. Por particulars apply to the undersigned or phone 17 on 623. Terns of sale: All suns of 310 and under, cash; ov- er that amount 8 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent., straight, for cash on credit amounts'. George Elliott, Auction- eer. -John A. Reid, Proprietor. a —91-1 House For Sale Comfortable 8 roomed house on Joseph St. with good stone cellar, new hot air furnace, town water, al- so soft water in the house, good garden and small stable on premis- es. Apply to Raney Armstrong, Clinton. —90-tf For Sale A purebred Shorthorn bull, 18 months old. Mao a quantity of sweet clover seed, Apply to Glen Cornish, R, R. No. 1, Clinton.—00-tf Farm -For Sale 100 acres, two miles east of Clin- ton on the Hleron Road; fair build- ings, well watered and cultivated. 10 titres 02 bush. For particulate apply to T. 1. Watt, Clinton. --00-21 Hatching Eggs Froin Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks, 750 per setting of 15 or 35.00 per 100 eggs. Fred Cools, R. R. No, 4, Clinton, Phone no. 14 on 617. —90-1f 8 Young Cows for Sale Carryng second calf, one •clue, other 28th March, one clue May 5th. Ud- ders guaranteod time of stale. Reno for soiling, over stocked. Apply ,to Jnio. 13, Hyde, Lot 8, Con, 2, Stanley, our Kippon post office. ,---•90.2-p Cli ton 1i:Rws- goonr4 Don't Forget That we will have our usual, specials for Clinton's Annual Spring Show Day, Thrueday, AMU 7th. 'Make ouv More your hsadquartora. This week we offer you— EGG CONTEST: 3 Phi Jelly Powder 85e For Thursday Amrii 7th 'Cee SpecialAny flavor (Show Day) we are offering' 5 lie, R. Outs 254 in addition to- regular leer- 1 lb. Bulk tea 35e 3 bars Goblin soap 25e ket price to person bringing 8 lbs, bulls To 3100 3 •bars Lifebuoy 250 in heaviest ' dozen of fresh 1 lb, B1k 'tee 550 WI have big bar N. eggs (single yokes) 2 lbs, bile Tea 31.00 •sop 25e. Equals 1st prise 1 lb. 13. ?Ilk. In 2 lbs broken sones 25e .ee of any other,' 2nd prize let lb, ,Coffee. 2 pkgs Q. starch 25e Names of winners w 11 beennouneed in our winclow SAT. APRIL Kb. GET TIM HABIT OF DEALING AT The store for everybody JOI-INSC N & CO'S GROCERY 'bone 111 JONATHAN HUGILL. r,mx. 'Special for you in a new piano in Mahogany ease, work guaranteed for 3 Yeel% to go at $350,00, cash or note. Also a new Edison phonograph, table size, Regular price 862.00 with 7 records to go at 360.00. A drop- beacl Singer sewing machine to go at 330.0e (guaranteed,) Massey -Harris cream Setiarator, 600 lbs, capacity, like new, to sell at 350.00, Althea new Viking, just in, 600 lb. capacity, at 3125,00 My headquarters are 8 miles west of Seaforth and 5 miles east of Clin- ton, and a call in or phone G on 616 you will save many dollars over other inethode,of selling as store expenses add to selling costs. Box 229, SEAFORTii 'Feeding Molasses In 5 -bbl lots 36c per gallon In 1 -bbl lots 37'c per gallon i J. HUTTON LONDESBORO Farm For Sale 100 acres. lot 18. con. 1, Mullett, on the Huron Road 131 miles east of Clinton. All cleared, well watered and fenced. Well built 8 -roomed house, .bank barn, 44x80, implement shed, drive shed, and hog house. 5 acres of fall wheat and 30 acres plowed,possession at once if desired. Apply to E. W. Rodaway, R.R. No. 4, Clinton, phone 8 on 617.--90-2-p Chair For Sale An invalid's chair, in good condi- tion. Rubber -tired wheels, plush up- holstered, spring seat. Will be sold reasonably. Apply • to Mrs. R. B. Carter, Victoria street, Clinton. -9 - tf Homemade Cooking Sale The Womens' Auxiliary of St. Paul's church will have a sale of hotienlade cooking in Mr, Stother's` office on the afternoon of Saturday, April 2nd, commencing at 4 o'clock, For Sale 2 hen houses. Bargain, for quick sale. H. A. Hovey, Clinton, —90-tf • Muskrat Skins Wanted Will pay 31.50 each for good skins. Damaged skins at value. H, A. Hov- ey. —90-tf Farm For Sale Lot 35, On the 13th concession, Goderich township, 65 acres, bank barn 50 x 50 and one -storey frame house. Orchard, Spring creek. Well inside barn. Apply on premises or write Joshua Sherman, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. , —87-4 Farm For Sale In Goderich Tp., 180 acres choice clay loan:, in first class condition. Barn ahnost new, equipped with ev- erything to save labor. 8. acres of good young orchard,, modern house, with bath room and pressure tank, new drilled well and elecrie light plant, Also 220 acres pasture and timber land. This is one of the best combination farms in the county of Huron. Will be sold separate or in one block. Chas. B. Middleton, R. R. No.' 3, Clinton, Phone 2-606 —86-tf Piano Tuning Jas. E. Doherty,, experienced piano tuner. Orders for piano tuning, tone regulating and general re -building left et my address, Clinton, phone 160, Will receive prompt attention. Also dealer in pianos and phono- graphs., —July 28th -p House for Sale 8 -room, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, good gar- den and chicken house, Apply on premises. Corner of North and Spencer Sts.—A. C. Clarkson.-80-tf • • Farm For Sale Lot 16, ,part of 17, Con. 1, Mul- lett ,in all 127 acres. This farm is situated 1% minls east of the town of Clinton on the Intron Road, is well adapted for mixed farming. It is well watered with never failing bring and also by spring creek run- ning across one corner. It is mostly seeded. There are eight aeres in wheat. There is a two story brick house and a large barn with stone stabling, also drive shed,, hen house and pig pen. Tho buildings are all comparatively new and, in good re- pair. For further particulars apply on the premises or by mail to John R. Noble, R, R. No. 4; Clinton, Ont, Phone 7 on 617.-••-80-tf Cottage For Sale Roomy cottage on Huron street, Town water, good cellar, % acre of ground, some fruit tree, Apply to W. Brydone ox Miss E. Whitely -81 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Ilenrcl's barber shop. W. J. Jago, ---834 For Sale Two slat roomod bonsai on Peed- etick street, near the now flair mite, will be sold cheap, avid on easy torms. Apply to Jacob Taylo' er C, R. Hale, td d .!Sneer Lwao,.,. l,....,.a-.. ,. ,... 1-44-0 VICTORY BONDS And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at your bank without charge. W. BRYDONE, Clinton Farm For Sale 100 acres, Lot 12, con. 6, Mullett, adapted for cropping or grazing, 10 acres bush, balance in grass. Good well and windmill. If not sold will be rented for pasture. Apply to R. J. Miller, Box 25, Clinton, or phone 119. —89-4 Spireila Corsets Spirella corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton. —80-13 abj Chicks —AND— Eggs For hatching FROM HENS THAT LAY BABY CHICKS White Leghorns 184 each, Barred Rocks 224 each. EGGS White Leghorns, 35.00 per hun- dred or 654 per setting of 13. Considerable reduction in prices after June 1st. 'N. W. TREWARTHA Proprietor —89-6 COAL se. Having decided to go into the coal business will endeavor to look af- ter all orders entrusted to me at low- est possible prices. Orders received at residence, King street or phone 119. ono R. J. MILLER CLINTON GARA GE —AND— BATTERY SERVICE STATION The enforcement of the headlight Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved lenses. We have the following to ehoo`be from: Levelight Holophone Legalite • Stealer Roadlighter Clamert Primolite Macbeth Conopher Clear Conopher . Noviol Come in and let us fill outeyour ap- plications and show our lenses. eee J. II, Paxman Agent for. Overland Cars, Examiner for licensed drivers Phone 80 Res. Phone 140 c E A WANTE We are in a position to pay the highest market pride for butter fat and to give the best possible service. OUR GATHERERS WILL 13E ON THE ROAD REGULARLY • THE YEAR AROUND. WE WILL AP- ?RECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. CLINTON' CREAMERY LIMITED i'1ipne 144 (,c�afgxnrnectureeeemee sateareesee i. -.y ,'y t,, i�h 4. x i� S. ,;owDay For ten days until and iitoluding April 7th we will sell granulated sugar at wholesale price. Sugar has already advanced and this is your •oppor- tuinity to bay your -,seasons supply. (Not more than five bags to pee customer.) s We are unloading to pay for• a ear bought before the advance, —ALSO--- Our ALSQ--Our wonderful value in Black Tea The whole county has gone crazy over this tea. 3°•lbs, for $1,00 5 lbs. of good rice for ,,.,.,. ,.800 5 lbs, Tapioca for , ... . . •500 20 lbs. Rolled Oats eor .. . . , , 31.00 Special price by the Sack 10 bars of Gold, Comfort and .1?. & G. soap for 890 Gardenseeds, all new ....4 pkgs for 250 2 lbs. Broken Sodas ,for 204 9 lbs. Prunes for 31.00 EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE' STORE AT SPECIAL PRICE FOR THE DAY W.LO'NEIL THE HUB GROCERY SUMMER PRICES April this year ,presents exception- al opportunity for the coal eensuming public, in the advent of the Annual Summer prices. EGG, STOVE & CHESTNUT AT $16.00 DELIVERED Owing to a slight reduction in the price of straight-Iine coal at the mines, we are now allowed to mance this special offer so as to keep the miners in work. It is the cutsom of the mine oper- ators to raise the price each month from now till fall, but we are going to try to hold this special price for APRIL, MAY & JUNE This will give you an opportunity to have the coal delivered when the ground is fit to drive into your yard, but be sure to place your order now at the old reliable stand. We guarantee satisfaction as we already have our large sheds full of our own coal of high class quality. ORDER NOW m ••, r -s. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD,' Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brueefield 11 on 618. THE CORNED STORE Phone 45 Bargains In Everything Y g for Gorse Show Day Make our Store your head quarters a,ncl get your share of the bargains we, are offer- ing. Frei. Wee LIVE AND LET LIVE C`iRN There is a vast difference in grades of corn. Our Corn is No. 2 Yellow which we believe is the best grade on the market. 12 is free from broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Give us a call and let us know your re- quirements. Special prices on large quantities. BRAN, SHORTS. Now is the season for Bran & Shorts. The quality is good and the prices reasonable. SWIFT'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Figured on present value of live - stook and home-grown feeds the use of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will return more profit to the hog raiser than ever before in its history. SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS ' Blood, Tankage and Bones produced by 'the large slaughtering business of Swift Canadian Co. are almost all used in Swift's high Grade Fertilizer. Result: Large profit to you, FLOUR Our stock includes; Purity, Five Roses, Whito Seal and Golden City. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141. Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Ghoshter White;boars for service, At hong every forenoon. A, O. Levey, Phone 5 on 689. Clinton u'-•28 Scranton Coal Don't forget to leave your order for Spring delivery of coal or 'wood with E. WARD. If you, want satis- faction. We will look after your wants. Leave orders at any Residence, Huron street, or Phone 155, TERMS CASH South , End Grocery -*eV A. full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE ern* Levi Stong PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY SIMS WNTED for knitters and earners ALSO WOMEN for menders ala inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITEI'I 1 PLUMBING, HEATING AND FURNACE WORK Repairing of ail kinds Promptly Done THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Plumbing and Heating , Phone 53 Shop over Corless & Veneer's We are in the market for: WHEAT BARLEY OATS ALSO—; MAPLE . 1 ELM BASSWOOD AND WHITE ASH LOGS Flour and Feed always on hand, - J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123.• oder St 11 VCS We have a limited number of Brooder Stoves on hand which we are selling At a considerable reduc- tion, the price being $25.00, These stoves will brood from 300 to 400 Chickens. Just what you need to get early pullets and chickens for the high summer market. GUNN, LANGEOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTRA, Manager, Phone 190; Holmesville 4 on 141 CREAM WANTED 1 The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream. We request you to ship us yowl cream. We guarantee you the highest Market Prices, accurate tests and prompt service, Our erne is known to you and needle no further recommend. We tray all express charges, fern. ash cream cans rind pay twice each month. Write for cane or further inform* Cori to the THE SEAFORTR CREAMRJ7Ii' co, 0, :e., BAIW R, MANAGE!ii