HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-3-24, Page 8the Gunton News•Recor# THURSDAY, NIARCII• .24th, 192t �. 01) NTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE LOA -FI ISH IS GU ;.,ANT `Eltb• Makes autos look like new. For Furniture, rialtos, Floors, Automobiles, and all PaintandVarnished Surfaces A Real Finish No Polishing Required Laeoa does its own polishing. is odorless and har x ss, Lacoa is guaranteed not to injure the finest finished wood, paint or polished work. THE FINISH THAT LASTS R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician antsvinzommmons3nnassrannoraravesianaussommememnmassmus Next Hovey's "Drug Store i nairaircammisavemems BPRINft BODS Bought at the very lowest prices are now coming ,into stock and" are being marked very close for quick turnover. While prices are considerably lower; than they have been, many Iines of staple goods are very scarce and at the present low prices' they are good buy- ing, - Everything in stock has been priced down to the present level regardless of profits and many lines priced at a big sacrifice to clear. , 1 { Dry Goods, Clothing .and Shoes' all at very attractive price.. Piumstee1 Bros. CLOTHING THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 11 . NEW IDE* PATTERNS. Il; SACO' 40,41110P'467; 1.34 Washes Finest Curtains i' f �S Without Injury The Time Saver Electric Washer will wash the finest.. scrum Cilrtaiti,S without injuri!. It will wash the most delicate garments just as carefully as you would wash them by 'hand. Get a Time Saver and avoid the wear alx$ tear to which the clothes are subject wheys sent S out to be washed or washed by washer• woman on rubbing board. On display at our store, come in and see its BEATTY BROS. LIMITED, • 4�2;' 3 rue Selby, 9We� Westmont 9 404; -Tr HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING t1 1 r ise Hot Cross Buns 20c per dozen Send in your order early. Meet your friends at our lee Cream Parlor We.handle NEILSON'S the Cream that satisfies Take Home a Brick. le aiF x P 44 s on i1. re '.cON FIDOTIoN R •For .SchoOT3oo1cs, and.; School Supplies YOU ARE INVITED TO IN- SPECT OUR STOCK -RDEL- ING ,CONFIDENT THAT THE ADVANTAGE WILL BE SHARED BY YOU. The B. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the i Best • li iillt'i illR numunu sail alai Mr, Chas. Potter of Blyth was m town this week. Mrs. M. D. McTaggart is visitin friends at Morrisburg. Miss Eleanor McKenzie has returne from a visit in Toronto. Mr. D. W. L. Cantelon of Toronto i visiting at the parental home Mown. Mrs. James Scott is visiting her s in Baltimore. Ohio, for a fi weeks. Miss Marion Harland was in Goder ich last week visiting Mis. Robt Ilautch. Mil's Viola Cook is expected hom for Easter and will remain for th summer. Misses Jean and Mary ChidleY ar expected from Toronto • for Eastertide. Misses L..A. Stone and B. F. War will spend the . Eastertide at th home of the former at Essex. Miss MacDougall of the Collegiat staff will take in the Educationa du Convention in Toornto rin Easter week. Rev. Mr. Davis of: London was i town this week and conducted th service in St. Paul's church on Tues day evening. Miss Emmeline Holland has taken, school at Mildmay and leaves al- ter the Easter vacation to assum her new duties. Mrs. 0. E. Erratt of Auburn is visit ing at the homestefid, Woodlands Farm, Huron Road, and wit friends in town this week. Mrs. Harry Twitchell and her win- some little daughter, Miss Betty of Windsor are visiting the lady' sister, Mrs. Murray McEwan. Mrs. J. H. Chapman' and Maste Harry Roulston of Staffa hav been visiting Mr. and. Mrs. Jame Walkinshaw during the past week Mr. D. S. Cook of Toronto, a for- mer well-known resident of Clin- ton, has been very ill but it i hoped he is now on the way to re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry ; Hall.and their two little sons; Edgar an Louis Pattison, left Tuesday for Victoria, B.- C„ where they inten residing. Mr. John Stephenson returned' yes- terday after spending a fortnigh or so with his son John in .Lon- don/ and London/and another son. Fred,.= 'Springfield. Miss Cameron returned from Mitch- ell last week and resumed her. mil- linery business. She was prevented returning as soon as she wished owing to illness. ' Rev. D. N. McCamus has been visit- ing near... Peterboro during the past week. He went to officiate at the funeral of an old friend. and 'then spent several days with rela- tives. Misses Edwards, Maughan and Helm - key of the C. C. I. staff leave this afternoon for their respective homes at Gananaqua, Kingston and Creemore, to spend the Eas- tEas- tervacation. Mr. B. J. Gibbings returned yester- day • evening from Baltimore, where he has been undergoing sur- gical treatment, and has wonder- fully recovered. It is hoped he will now have a rapid and complete recovery. Mrs. A. M. Chambers of Regina, Sask., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and • Mrs. J. B.Lind- say, for the past three weeks, loft for Toronto on Monday to join her husband and they have gorse to their home in the west. Mn McKenzie of the Agricultural 15epatrment, who is working with District Representative Stothers in the Better Stock Campaign, is in town this week and the campaign is going blithely on. Huron county will soon be the banner county for live stock, if Mr. Stothers has his way. • Mn and Mrs. Ralph Howson of To- ronto aro expected next week and will sjlend a short vacation with the lady's parents Mr. and °Mrs. T. H, Cook of town before leaving fforPasedina, California, Where Mr. Howson; ' who is a civil engineer, has accepted a position asc chief engineer in a large hospital. Mr. Howson Lias held a similar po- sition in the General Hospital, To- ronto, only'' as assistant, for some time. • Mr, H. Joyner, who has been dispos- ing of his household effects and settling up affairs in Clinton, leaves the beginning of the week for Kitchener, where he will assist his grandson -in-law, Mr. Mead, who is a florist, for the next few busy months. Mr, Joyner is right at home in the gardening line, and although he is not as young es he used to be is mover happier than when he is busy among the grove. ing things( g d s in on • ew e e • e th d e e 1 g n e a e h s r e s s a d t in [f:Yot bag out . of tovv it and I bug out of Mown What is gob g to htioottle of our town ? EVERY DMA YDJ SP[ iii .CIATON ILL EVEWTUA.1LY U OME BIOME TO NMT IN CLINTON Thp Clinton News -Record 1111 Read these articles with care, they will present something you have not thought of before, Patronize the home merchants, they are yrrur neighbors and will treat you right, The money, yogi spend in Clinton remains here and benefits the whole community. There is a lot of Satisfaction in knowing that we look after your banking interests. Your business, saving or private accounts, are solicited with the assurance they Will beproperly safeguarded at the Molsons Bank, Clinton. H- R. SHARP. Manager A REYME IN SEASON When clays are chill and cold winds blow Anb ail look blue• arid full of woe, What clears the chest with healthful glow Wampoles Cod Liver Extract. W. S. R.'HOLMES ' The Rexall Store Regarding Stationery and office Supplies you will make no mis- take in buying from me. School supplies, fiction, magazines, newspapers, that you may need can bo bought here. A complete line of Wall Papers kept in stock. W. D. FAIR & Co. Stationer. Jewelery Picture Books that is why all jewellery looks well in cuts. A ific article looks just the,,same as a $10 article. Trad- ing at home you do not need to know jewellery. You can see for yourself. R. II. Johnson, Reliable ,jeweller DRY GOODS AND LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR J. A. IRWIN This as the Electric Age. We carry a full line of electric grills, table stoves, toasters, limns, lamps and fixtures, also ail general hardware. Trading at home is the big idea. CORLESS & VENEER, Hardware "DOMINION CAFE" "LUNCH" High Grade Chocolates ° Oysters — Fruit Ice Cream Bricks E. WENDORF Confectioner We invite comparison of our stock and prices before you buy else- where. It has always been our aim to satisfy our clients . The line of Men's Furnishings and clothing cannot be dupliacted. The MORRISH CLOTHING CO. Men's Outfitters Buying Furniture""in. Clinton you will find our prices right, and our guarantee is behind every piece of furniture we sell. Our undertaking parlors are well equipped for service night or day. BALL & ATKINSON, Furniture GOLDEN GRAIN BAKERY A. E. BETTS, Prop, Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor Headquarters for Bread, Cakes NEILSON'S Chocolates ' Phone 204, CLINTON, ONT. Get our prices first Ion stoves and • Ranges. Wo carry' alarge stock. of the above as well as a com- plete line of General IIardware. You will find' you can do better trading With us than any city store. Ranges installed. HARLAND BROS., Hardware AND ADAM DID EAT This Aclam was a particular Cuss But when his wife set IIENDERS(ON'S BREAD Before him, he fell too, just like his progenitor, and this Mrs. Ad- am lived contentedly over after ' HENDERSON S Ti.A.I(TSRY nio oy undeF iiilad"lYe"lViiZ'CS""ffeyw- Pi TLJ E ARE T ever, if the 1ustomer buys a table �1"� whiokz loci¢. in a pl.ctura to be 9$ inolles wide, but which proves upon mm [� eessr n a�aa its arrival to be only 36 inches wide, LviA s � � he hese o legalgrounds upon vvrhich rl' to baso a eoznpiaint if the seller lily not told him in so many words that the table was' 48 niches wide. Some Mall Order, Houses Find Them Very Useful in Their Business. , CAN "DOCTOR" PHOTOGRAPH Concerns ba -n Give Wrong Impres- .Ions With 111ustratloije While Sticking tom Truth In • Descriptions. (Copyright.) "Figures never lie," it has been claimed, but this is far from the truth, The defaulter who has "doc- tored"'his books in such a way that he has esoaped detection for years, knows that figures can be made to lie." The shrewd politician, who knows how to juggle statistics, knows that they can be made to tell a story that is far from the .truth. But there is another medium of expression which is also supposed to be a stickler for truth, but which is a greater prevaricator than figures. That is a picture, A picture of any person or thing, supjosedly, ie an exact reproduction of the original, but this is frequently only a wild supposition. The photographer who did not make his picture tell a little fib now and then would soon go out of business from lack of patronage. This concern, however, adhered Pictures Better Than Word.. rigidly to the truth its the measure- ments included in the descriptions. Pictures have come to occupy a Customers who found, when they re- very important place in the life of ceived their goods, that they were the world in recent years. It has not what they expected, could kick, been said that for newspaper pur-, but it would do them no good. The poses a picture which tells its story, mail order house could -show that it strikingly is worth more than col -;had set forth the measurements lana of written words on'the same truthfully in catalogues, and there subject, Newspapers and magazines was no recourse for the customer. have realized the truth of this fact, There is no question but that pie - and as a result pictures are used pro -,tures will lie, sometimes without any fusely in illustrating the :news and.manipulation, and the person who fiction of the day. • • 1 Ibuys an article of merchandise from No one has been quicker to realize a picture is taking big chances, even the possibilities of the picture wifenithough the picture is not intention properly—or it might be said im-I ally altered to give a wrong impres- properly—used, than the mail orderlsion. Any amateur photographer man. lie has realized that a picturejknows from experience how the cam - will do more to sell his kind of mer- era often will give a wrong idea of chandise than a column of words andiproportions, figures: One reason for this Is that, The only safe method is to buy it harder to catch a picture in a from the local merchant where one lie than it is in printed words and fig -laces the article itself and not a pie - urea. For instance, if you sell a man,ture of it. The article itself cannot a table on the strength of a printed lie about its dimensions, at least. statement that it is 4.8 inches wide and it when the table reaches the The Newfoundlanders are said to customer it is only 36 inches wide, have the finest physique of any Eng - .the customer not only has a moral lish-speaking people. right to kick, but he has a legal -i-„,yam.-e.a tale -:au= erean ake :ee -Stick to 'Truth In Ii'iglucs. Some unscrupulous mail order izouses have taken advantage of this selling power of pictures in a very ingenioes way, They adhere strictly to the truth in the actual measure- ments given in their catalogues of the articled'wirieh they have to sell. They may employ descriptions which ex- aggerate the qualities and appear- ances of the articles offered, but when it comes down to actual measure- ments the descriptions given are technically correct. Then these con- cerns rely upon their pictures to sell the merchandise, realizing that a pic- ture will.liiake a far deeper impres- sion upon the mind of the prospec- tive buyer than the actual figures given. A picture of a wide, roomy bed will attract the eye and the reader probably will not stop to measure off the width of the bed as it is described in the catalogue to see whether it is as wide as desired. Figures, in the abstract,. mean little to the average reader and do not con- vey the impression that is given in the picture. A former manager of a mail order house tells how his coneorninanfpu- lated pictures in this way to suit its purposes. Pictures of its chairs were retouched so that the legs seemed to be an inch and a half in diameter When they were really less than an inch. It made narrow beds appear in the picture to be wide and com- fortable. Posts of iron that were real- ly an inch in diameter were made to appear as if they were three inches in thickness, These things are easy for any competent artist to do. Patrons Had No Recourse. LIVE MERCHANTS recognize Advertising not as an expenditure, but as an In- vestment. Persistent use oe THE CLINTON NEWS -RE- CORD wil14'verify this. ' MCTAGGART BROS, BANKERS Clinton, Ontario It has often been remarked' that• the line of Stationery, Wall l'a-' per, China, etc. that can be pro. cured at my store is surprising. Come and see for yourself and be convinced for all time to come that better elsewhere. can do Copr,herethan Quality and service has always been my slogan. It has been ex- tremely difficult t0 supply your needs from time to time but you can rest assured it wets due to conditions beyond my control. Let me know your wants, I will do my best for you. J. B. MUSTARD, Coal & Wood Good clean competition never in- jured any town. Education is as essential as our daily Meals. You cannot travel four directions at the same time and arrive at a given point. The sante is ''true of the dollar spent out of town. DOHERTY PIANOS LTD. The best is .the cheapest in the end. Let your next job of Paper hanging or redecorating be done by me. My long experience in this line is your assurance that what I undertake to do will be done right. J. E. COOK, Decorator • If we think an article 3s not what you are looking for we tell you so. If we do not have what you are looking for we will get it for you. Look over our line of stoves, furnaces, cutlery, electri- cal fixtures etc. and be convinced SUTTER & PERDUE, Hardware To satisfy the individual house- hold has been my motto for years. If you are looking for fresh, clean groceries, give me an opportunity to prove the merit of the • line of groceries I keep in stock. Prices are right. F. W. WIGG, Grocer In the line of Dry Goods, CIothing and Shoes you can do no better than by purchasing these at our store We try at all times to keep in stock what our clientele desires If we have not got it we will get it for you. PLUMSTEEL BROS. Dry Goods In the line of Fresh and Smoked Meats we cannot be surpassed. Everything we handle is `proven best by every test” We invite your patronage with the assur- ance that you a . will 11 be satisfied. Our business 1s on a cash basis. BUTLER BROS., Meat Market. Cleanliness is next to Godliness It is here we invite the general public to visit our creamery and see how sanitary our plant is kept. Every improved method will be found here in the manu- facture of the Clinton Creamery Products. S. E. Rozell, Manager Photography is an art and re- quires a constant applieatiun and study to be able to get the re- sults that meet the approval of a satisfied clientele. 1 also devel- photn be donlelss. Let yournext by ROY BALL Photographer These are the days of Specialists: I specialize in good jewellery as well as watch and clock repair- ing. I endorse the Buy -at -Home idea because it has merit. Let us be loyal one to another and the success of Clinton is assured. W. R. COUNTER, Jeweller A good place to eat and sleep, is what they all say of the Nor- mandie-Rattenbury Hotel, I make it my business to see that you are satisfied. It is the home of the travelling man. Come in and make yourself at home. S. S., COOPER, Proprietor " Hach ': T40) Rupert Hughes famous story ' ,i 99 Chang cale 9.Ye ,aw a 2 -reel detective story. Princess Theatre, Frfj'atg and Srfturdj Evenings gs aril! Friday Matinee, this week Friday Matinee, commencing at 2 30, additional feature • THE c' AR ANL) THE BALLOT a propaganda picture to better conditions, the object being to stop bootlegging. USUAL PRIULS. CLINTON JUNK DEALER BUYING ALL KINDS OF JUNK AND POULTRY, RIDES AND SIUNS PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES M. RAMRAS Phone 187 Albert St; The farm home of John Logan, southwest ox Ili'oose Jaw, was de- stroyed by firo, due to a dog upset, NOTICE Having bought out Mr. Bd. Sera- ton's dray and cartage' business I wolild kindly solicit the patronage of ,his customers. Will try and aeaom- modate all customers to the Bost of my i1' y ability. When needing anything in this line kindly call on the new drayman. Yours. —90-2 RO T. A. ROBERTON ting a lantern that had 000 been Mitskakeo Lake, Sask., is being hung tip.'i`bis should be a warning to dovd46ped ' for ei'0nl0 salts° . f,laubet' salts, magnesium carbonate, soditlhi Others, cbioride and potassium salts. G>J3'"�9.r4r....'^' sr...: 4RP1GLdFS?AY.^5?!Sr.-v'V•P:?.T:VS.`.smwtKG'.`,.:zexays. ztf'u `t.i° Are Hardware Prices Comnn.g ' [Thwra- The question is some- times asked, are hard- ware prices coming down `1' The fact is, no one at present knows just what the future holds in regards to prices, but rest assured that, should the prices come down our cus- tomers will at once reap the benefit. Come and see oar Electric Appliances and Fixtures Corless & Vomiter HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 53 Sf 7 ffi'6Ta SIMM141Yi6S1'M1210 4XASIN&M+uIGM1P5ista \'odehouse's Creameal for Caves Because only the highest grade feed, mixed with powdered milk enters into our Creamcal, it is the most economical feed on the market. It should feed at least one quarter less than other brands. We guarantee that a calf will do as well on Creameal as on its mother's milk Other Wodehouse prepalrations sold by us— Wodehouse Animal Invigorator Wodehouse Poultry Invigorator Baby Chick reed Zenoleum Soto by 1. A. FORD ? SON, Grain Defiles,Clint., •