The Clinton News Record, 1921-3-24, Page 7dautell9inre or3eie.bysix ed'1 Galvanizing rclwareDe ' �' . '� &made ay. a ', run Weight Rolls ?lie Carlathan Site el - Fula, Length Rolls enc; Wire Compare 411Inik7•'+►M,_ Lasts at Ha iltort Ont. W ani .e Man. �ebime m i P 4� 4. --rte A33 2SSEC NT SY5TEzxThe Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, 34 Yearn of Sw00es Whole Faintly Insurance at Cost. 'Governments Standard Rattle. Total Puncta on .hand at 330 December, 2920-•41,205,957.77. SOIHN L. DAVIDSON, Grand Councillor, 340 Isuolid Ave„ Toronto, Ontario WM. P. • MONTAGUE, GrandmilRoeorderoand Acting Grand , Treasurer, For information Hatn, Ontario, - matron as to cost 0f joining apply to, IP, CAMPBELL, Grand Organizer, Hamilton, Ontario, The Wolf Cubs. God planted in the small boy a hor- ror of all that is dull anel slow and coltventionp.l. He made him a crea- ture of restless energy, with an in- quisitive, eager mind, a sensitive little heart, and a romantic imagination, Don't oppose God's plans Work with it --discover It—guide it! That is the Welt Cub Idea: In 1914, in response to continual de- • marls froth boys under 19 years of age for admission to Boy Scout troops, Sir Robert Baden-Powell. answered with the plans far the organization of the Wolf Cubs. And in doing so the Great Father of Scouting also met the need for a scheme of recreational edu- cation that would teach the snail hey those first Lessons in loyalty to the right, self-control, respect for authori- ty and kinduess to others, that are the foundation of good -citizenship. The programme of the Wolf Cubs, paralleling the plan of Scouting for older .boys, has been built up about the natural activities and impulses of the boy of eight to twelve years of age, The small bey likes to play at wolf, or bear; barking, growling; pur- suing, being pursued, Very well, let hint play at wolf andyouu play at wolf with hint. And into 'the play weave tate fundamentals of loyalty (to his Pack), obedience (giving in to the Old Wolf), and self-control (not giv- ing its to Ititnself). In a few words, this is the theory of the Wolf Cubs. Wolf Cub organizations and .packs may be formed in. a manner similar totheway In which Boy Scout troops are formed. Instead of -a Scoutmaster there is' a Citbntas'ter, who may be either a mbar or a Wolman, and Instead of a Troop Committee• there is a Pack Committee, Further particulars re- garding the organization, registration and chartering of Wolf Cub "Parke" and with reference to this most in- teresting branch of- the Boy Scout Movement may be had upon applica- tion to the Boy Scouts Association, Moor and Sherbourne Ste,, Toronto, New Kind of Silk. Discovery has been made of a pro - case by which the muscular tissue of horses and cattle can be converted in-. to silk—a use being thus found for. condemned cows and horses killed be- cause.of accident Or old age. The flash is softened by saturating It in a liquid, which separates the muscle fibres by dissolving the sub- stance that holds them together. Then it is soaked in another liquid, which strengthens the fibre and gives them a silky character. Silk thus obtained can be rubber- ized and made waterproof by soaking it fol; some haters 111.12_, bath of tubber. The British census will be taken on Sunday, April' 24111, at an estimated cost of ,$2,500,000. Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. a Tem mom® ma lin um, usi lielevia ® 1223 , 0' 0 0 Q HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON s� Provincial Board of Health. Ontario 0 Or. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- 0 tees through this column. Address him..at the Parliament Mdse. 0 0 Toronto. 0 aibISM NSA Ink ®In CsFavox i!sNIL ® WSW ma 0 Scarlet fever is a disease that is widespread throughout this country. It is sometimes called scarlatina or scarlet rash, but many persons think these names refer to mild cases' of scarlet fever, They do not. They are: simply other names for the same disease. It is prevalent among chil- dren of all ages but at four or five Years most eases occur. The disease also attacks adults, and in some in- stances -has been transmitted from a child patient to the mother if she acts as nurse during its illness, While there are occasional outbreaks at all seasons of the rear it is in the months of October, November and December that the disease appears in epidemic form. Scarlet fever varies in severity from mild or "missed" cases where only slight soreness of the throat is complained of and the rash hardly noticeable, to septic cases where the throat is. terribly congested and mucus -covered, the rash of a blotchy character and the patient in a semi - moribund condition almost from the onset. The infective material in scarlet fever is a virus of the„ kind known as a "filter passer," This means that if any infected fluid from a person suffering from the disease is put into a porcelain filter, and aepage occurs, the fluid oozing. through is still cap- able of infecting another individual with the same disease, But our present concern is to prevent its gain- ing any headway once it occurs. This can best be done by quarantine methods, that is, isolating the pa- tient, and disinfecting all materials, clothing, etc., with which the patient has come in contact. Scarlet fever frequently gains headway and is transmitted to others because the na- ture of the disease in mild cases is often overlooked. The term Scarlet Fever arises front the scarlet or bright pink rash which covers the body in characteristic; cases. This rash -consists of innumer- able tiny papules which are 'so thick- ly distributed as to be almost con- fluent on casual examination. The drying up and bursting of these little papules constitutes the "scaling" or. "peeling" which is such 'a valuable point in diagnosis. The onset of the disease is rather sudden, the incubation ,period usually being from 24 to 48 hours. The first symptoms are usually of headache and sore throat accompanied by a rise in body temperature. Generally, the child appears feverish and Complains of headache and sore throat often ac- companied by vomiting. The appear- ance of the tongue in Scarlet Fever is characteristic. In the early stages tho tip and sides are covered with whitish mucus dotted profusely with small red spots almost pin -point in size, which suggest the terns "straw- berry." A day or two later the whit- ish color disappears and the tongue becomes red all over and very moist in appearance. As a general rule the tonsils are enlarged and inflamer; and in severe cases are covered with a dirty -looking muaus. There may be a watery discharge from. the nose, and the neck glands are often swollen, These symptoms are very suggestive of scarlet fever, especially be the Fall of the year, but the appearance of the rash about the ,second day makes the diagnosis certain. The rash appears first on the neck and shoulders, gradually extending to the face, the body 'and the legs. The thighs usu- ally show the rash very markedly, One spot where the rash does not appear is round the mouth, and if the face is flushed with the scarla- tiniform color the white circle round the mouth, or circuttil-oral pallor as it is scientifically called, is an im- portant point to notice. (To be continued next week,) Its Up .to You. as a Parent whether .you Feed your boy,or girl real building Food,or some- thing that merely "tastes good" ra uts Furnishes exactly the rood. .val- ues needed to build. young boa,. ,. yes, end the taste is delightPal Grocers every -where sell this staunch wheat ands rrialted barley food, ear to ea' c-.Econom cal Conipl'orrusee The ettitutte et tltoroil,dh noneemprO- miso Is one of 4 -the moat splondid thi-nge ill the word, The groat Mara seule who See their way clear and go etraigltt along, without falterieg ar bending one hair's breadth to right or left, win the edmlrattan of peen and hold it, •I1 is by ouch firm, undying ppl'selstetice that the long lights are fought and the MMMg%) victories won, 1t is titose Who'etre po&ees&ed by the ideal, follow it • faithfully, cherish it unquenchably, with an Admission 0f the .elIglrtesb passible compromise, that eltauge the course of history and Make life over , Yet for meet of ars Gammon sonde eonlpremise 10 not only the easiest way, but the boat. It smooths life, turns aside frons little dttilculties in- stead of battling with them uselessly, makes the hard, rough road ploaealtt and delightful,• when those who can„ not comproinlse llud only bumpe and jolts, And for all its softness; com- promise isnot such ,e bad instrument for doing things It works elowly, sometimes eyeu seem. s to turn eta back upon what it is steadily seeking; 'but by gentleness by patience, by Insinua- tion et may in the end achieve results that are firm and -sure, ` The truebasisr uof eon premise, how- ever, that upon which it must test, if its profit is to be worth while anti to last, can never be deceit, chicane ar trickery, Those who try to gain ad- vantage by pretending to give 11 up aro bound to be ii -1 covered and to suf- fer. We care only compromise success- fully if our action Is founded upon humility and genuine respect for our neighbor's jtidginent. A certain course of conduct appeals to you, Atter cere- al! study and thought, you cannot see the wisdomof anything different. But, friends, or antagonists, wizens you. know and trust, look at the matter otherwise. If the two methods of pro- cedure are absolutely contradictory, one or the other must be given up. But almost always there is some mid- dle course, combining the excellences of boot and avoiding the weaknesses. Is it no better to au -orifice your own opinion to some extent In order to get somethingdon; and well done, even if It is not eat you aim at and desire? This is true compromise. The wise Seek it, and the ,world profits by it, • RIIEDMATIC PAINS - HAVEDISAPPEA ED As a Result of Treating the Trouble Through the Blood. Tlteecltlef symptom of rlleuthatisnt fe pain. The most successful 'treatment is the one that most quickly relieves and banishes the pain. Many' rheu- matic people suffer pains that could be avoided by building up the blood; when rheumatism is associated with thin blood it cannot be corrected un- til the blood is built up. Mr, kld, Hall, Male -a -Dieu, N.S„ suf- fered front rheumatism for years, but was more -fortunate than many. vic- tims of the disease, for he found a remedy that so built up his entire system that he is now free front rheu- matism. Mr. Hall says: "I was taken down with rheumatism, and at times wee under the treatment of several of the best doctors in Cape Breton, but they held out no hope for my re- covery from the tuouble. I was con- fined, to bed for three years and a helpless cripple from the trouble. I could not move, and had to be turned in sheets. My Ings and fingers were drawn out of shape, and sores devel- oped on my body as the result of my long -confinement` to bed. I was in this serious condition when a friend "advised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I began taking them. The .first benefit I felt front the pills was an improved appetite, and then I be: gen to feel stronger, and was finally able to get out ot bed and go about on et'utat:se. I continued taking the pills for months, slowly but surely getting new strength, and finally I was able to lay the crutches aside. I will al- ways be lame, as the result of my long stay in bed my left leg has shortened soinewhat, but otherwise I am feeling fine and able to de In7 -Work 03 Fishery Overseer. I may add that When the rheunlatism came on I weighed 140 pounds, and when I be- gan going about on crutches I only weighed 67 pouuds, aid now I ata at normal weight. There are many here who know and can vouchfar the 1112111 of these statements." You can get these •pitta througlt any dealer In medicine, or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from -;rhe Dr, Williams' 11ledlciae Co., Brookville, Out. At Eve. At eve I walked Meng the well-known ways Of a deserted camp, There, a brief time ago, We marched and drilled throughout the crowded days, That bodies might be itt to match a foe. The barracks stood, rig then., in enda less row an mw— (bray..husks front wllioll the merry life had fled, AU else was changed. No squads marched to and fro; • No whistling details passed With cadenced tread. I missed the comrades Who naw carry one Back in the market place, the farm, tete tnikee, Ahd these ngross there in the d,'tu .Argonne Who've pitched eterttat comp on cotgtiered lines. When Lite blue Meek crept clown tate neighborhood hills • Afresze et other loss cause with the dew, rer gone from me were the old time leaping thrills Of 'Great Adventure •--, the High 11125 01 knew! .'here aro thirty varieties. of date.. pales to be found i11 Egypt, which country contains . neither 'node nos' &feats,. White Light. Eloclmle light is eomotlnleo spoken of as "artificial daylight," But day. light Is wlt(te, and °leetrlc light at its best is never quite that, Gas light is very yellow, and s0 ;like- wise is the light of an oil lamp, Thiel 10 becapso the temperature of the flame in either ease 10 low, As the tetnperetiil'e of tine &euros of light increases the color betimes Paler and paler yellow; but the most intense incandescent electric 115111 is. decidedly yellow compared with sun- light. Recent .experiments made, at the Untied States Bureau Of Standards appear to Provo that light produced at a sufiloiont!y high tepiporaturo would in color Match Sunlight, and that about 10,000 dogree3 Irahreniteit would' presumably do 11, Noon sunshine, says he bureau, ap- proximates white. But, nobody post. tively knows wlletiier the suit itself is White, yellow or blue, The late Profaner S. P. Langley said: "If we could rise above the ear'th's atmosphere to view it, we would See' that the sun isblue—mot merely bluish, but positively -and dis- tinctly blue." CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION Constipation is one of the most Common ailments of childhood and the child eufferin•g from it cannot thrive. TO keep the children well the bowels must be kept regular and the stomach sweet. To do this nothing can equal Baby's Ov-n' Tablets They are a rand but thorough laxative; are absolutely safe and never fail to re- lieve coastipatlon and 'indigestion; colds and simple fever. Concerning them Mrs.. Jules Fauquereau, Noiuln- in'guo, Que„ writes:—"My baby was terribly constipated and suffered day and night, I was advised to give him Baby's Qwn Tablets. , and from the first they helped him and now at the. age of thirteen months he is a big, healthy, happy boy." • The Tablets are said by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents. a box from The Dr, Williams* Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . --- Green Green Old Age. Two delightful glimpses of vigorous and happy old people are given 111 Days Before Yesterday, by Lard Fred- eric IIamtlton. One glimpse Is of Gladstone; the other is of Lord Fred - mice mother, who lived well lute her nineties, and who at the time of her death had no less titan onehundred and sixty-nine direct living descend- ants--childrett, granlichildrea, great- grandchildren and great -great-grand- children. • With all her descendants she kept in constant touch.' 'At the age .of eighty-six she was discovered peram- bulating the garden on stilts for the benefit of a tiny great-grandson who could not manage stilts and who had conte to his great-grandmother for Mesons. Surely such it spirited and athletic ohs lady deserves to rank in the annals -of longevity with that fam- ous Irish noblewoman, the Countess of Desmaad, who Lived to the age ot a hundred and ten And died from a fall from a cherry tree then! Lard Frederic's recollections of Gladstone do not include any reinark- able physical feats on his part; they merely convey a pleasant impression of the aged premier's vitality and un- dying youthfulness of spirit. In the house where he was staying a number of young people had gathered round. the piano. Mr. Gladstone jollied the group and asked it they would allow an old man to sing bass with them. He had still a resonant base and read admirably. It was curious to see the prime minister reading from the same copy as the Lton boy of sixteen years who wee singing alto. It was Sunday, and they went ou singing hymns until nearly midnight; there was no getting Mr. Gladstone away. Mrs. Gladstone declared the next clay that Mr. Glad- stone had not for many mouths •en- joyed himself so heartily. New Concrete Mixer. The moving element of a new con- crete mixer is a. heavy metal tub which revolves horizontally, carrying the material with it. The tub is sup- ported on a circular ball race. Fixed• to the bottom of a large bevel -ring gear which meshes with a bevel pinion at- tached to the horizontal drive -shaft, A discharge hole through the bottom of, the tub is closed by a cover having a conn -shaped top, which, projecting upward an the inside, prevents the mixture front accumulating In the centre of tate apparatus. To dump the mixed contents, the cover ban be raised by a lever without hit )rrupifng the continuous working of the ma- chine. Four stationary scoops, spaced about Alio interior' of the tub, are so arranged that two of them constantly shovel .the mixture toward the out- side and the•other two push it back, "Cascarets" If Sick, Bilious, Headachy To -night sure! Let a pleasant, harm--' less Cascaret work while you sleep and have your liver active, head clear, stomach sweet and bowels moving re- gular by morning, No griping' or 1n- convenienco. 10, 26 and 60 oent•boxes. Children Iove this candy cathartic too, Two of a' ind. An aged officer was one day visit - lug the trenches somewhere la France when a Written message was heeded to him. Not leaving his glasses he held the paper first far, then bear, but could not read it, I. -Landing then to a soldier wito was standing by he said: "Read this for ate, my man," "I can't, sir," said tate soldier, "I'M as ignorant as yerself, sir," s MONEYOR0ERs, Fay your out-of'tovnl accounts by Llominion Llvprese Money Order, rive Dollars costs three cents, Barley gave' much better results titan bats as n sheep 'fattening foal in tests conducted by English glish fanners, Minard'e Liniment itclicvos Oistci1psr Tba Toronto rros,ltal Tor snow'. Wows, in affiliation with liellorue and Aliled SIU»pltala, .New YorkCity, ofbora a three yeertl' Course of Train, Ins. 1° young women, bevies rho re, Weed edueetlgn, and desirous of co - comma` nurses, This I3ospital luta adopted the eight-hour (1Ystont, The pupils FFeeelvo unlfortns or She 501,eol, e, monthly allowance and travelling exponees to and from New 'York, For further infor,nation apply to the $uperintendent. a FiRTS LIM FROM F:&!RE &MERE Obeying Orders. Mistress --"Why, Bridget, what 0n earth are .you doing with all the broken dishes on the shelf?" Bridget -"Surd, mum, yoz towid me 01 was to replace everyone 01 broke." • Progress, "At "any rate, the war did away with the Tentonic names in the comic SUP- pimento." uPpi mento." "That's a start in the right direr. tion. The next war rimy succeed In eliminating the supplements, An Early Tragedy. Adam found Eve in tears one day. "What's the trouble?" he asked. swmpathetleally, "I do have the very worst heck, mourned Bye. "While L.was in bath - leg, a caterpillar .came along and ruined my new fail wardrobe." • Not in Cold Storage. "No cod ieft, Mr. Brown?" asked the lady, looking at tee empty coma ter. "Well, Mrs, Snipes," replied the fish- monger confidentially, '-I'll oblige you, I always keeps a -,bit up my sleeve for reg'lar customers," Garden Advice. "What's the best way to grow Pota- toes?" asked the amateur gardener of his more experienced friend, r "Plant onions above them," was the reply. "The onions will makethe po- tatoes' eyes water, and that% . save you a lot of work with the watering can!" • Halifax, N.S. l\Zinard's. Liniment Co., Ltd: Gentlemen,—I have used Minard's Liniment &ltd have found it a good remedy. After the explosion . I was pretty well shaken. up, .having quite a number of bruises and cuts, but thanks to Minard's Liniment 0 am my old self again. It, healed the sores and bruises and gave me much 'relief. It 1`s true to its name as the Icing of Pain, for 1t stopped the pain almost at once.. 1, first noticed the ad, in the Montreal Standard and decided to invest In a battle, for which I am not sorry, but can say with truth that I am thankful .for 1t having done all It claimed to do, and in my case much more, and a satisfied custom- er is the best ad. one can possibly Mut l That is my view of it and I think you will agree with me too. Yours very tidy, (Signed) ALFRED BLAIN, 134 Agricola St., Halifax, NS. He Knew the Effects. The dry wit of a certain London magistrate shows 'delightfully in an anecdote told in the Tatler. The magistrate was taking coffee in his club one sunibier evening, when a fel- low member remarked that hot coffee was not a good summer drink. "You should take cooling drinks," he added. "Have you ever tried gin and ginger beer?" ' "No," answered the magistrate, but I've tried a number of num who have." The wood known as Circassian wal- nut is too heavy to float. Seven M.P.'s are returned by Eng- lish Universities. CUTICURA HFALS BABY'S FACE Coaled Not Sleep Ertipliola Itched land Burned S0. "I noticed a little pimple on my baby's face. -I thought it was from the sun but it kept getting worse and the skin was red and very hot. He could not sleep or rest the eruption itched and burned so, and it caused him to scratch. I was quite dis- couraged- "I saw an advertisement for Cuti- cure Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I bought more and "afterusingtwo cakes of Cuticura Soap andtwo and a half boxes of Cuticura Ointment he was healed." (Signed) Mrs. S. D. McGuire, Clarksburg, Ont„ Dec. 18, 1918. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcumfor every -day toilet purposes. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 end Sas. Sold throughoutiheDondnioa, CenedianDepot: t, mans. Limited, St, Paul St., MonireaL Catleuws Soap shaves svitauut mug. MOTHER! :'California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Wild Life, Destroyed, Cermet be Replaced.. No natural resource needs th-e ap- piloatlon of greater +foresight for its conservation then aur wild 'lite, It ealln0t be reply sed 01100 it is des. 1r0yad, and its destrueftiwt on only be avoided by wise provision. Ill the pant it has been an almost invadable rulo to watt until serious depletion of wild life has taken place before considering its protection. The 1191. gratory Bird Treaty, the Northwest Game Act, and time mare stringent pro. vin0181 game acts, together witis the striates enforcement of hese regtlht- tioirs by game guardians with an ap- preciation of the value of wild life aro evidences 01 a more' eyinpathetle pub- lic interest in what Is cue of Canada's valuable and meet interesting natural mammas ,. Mlnard'a LinimentRellevee Colds, etc, Russian Money. The Bolshevist official, who had sue• reeled in fleeing the Iand of the Soviet with 100,000,000 rubles, landed in San Francisco. His precious satchel of atoneyclasp- ed 115htfly to his bosom he entered the largest bank in the city specializing in foreign exchange, -"Change tills into American money for me," he demanded of one of the tellers, squeezing the satchel under tate lattice work of his window. A half-hour passed. Then the tetter reappeared. "Here you a1'0, ate," he said, polite- ly. "You gave me 100,000,000 rubies, didn't you? 'Here it is in. American money." He shoved the currency toward the Bolshevist. It was $1.03. A e➢Ieii for Headache A headache is frequently caused by badly digested food; the gases and acids resulting therefrom are absorbed by the blood which in turn irritates the nerves and causes painful symptoms called headache, neuralgia, rheuma• tism, etc. 15 to 30 drops of Mother Selgel's Syrup will correct s faultydigestion and afford reli of. OOARSE SALT LAND SALT Baulk CarIotn TORONTO SALT WORKS 0. J. CLIFF • TORONTO Amorlea'd Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on D00 .DISEASES, aud•How to reed Matted Fre° to any Ad- dress by the Author. U. (nay Glover 00., Ina 118 West 31st Street New York, V.S.A. DEACON MCI:XTS—The handl- Ing of these skins is our spe- cialty. It will pay y00 to ship 10us if you have three or more freight ;charges; less too heavy WILLLAM STONE SONS LIMITED WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO CSTASLI3H£D 1370 s•�.s:w„ .. w -s.. �,...antr�, ASPIRE Only "Bayer" is Genuine Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" ou package or on tablets you are not getting Aspirin at all. Telco Aspirin only as told In the Bayer pack- age for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothacre, Lumbago amid for Pain. Then you will be following the directions and dos- age worked out by physicians during twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Handy tin boxes of 1lvelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few Dents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade marls (registered in Cana- da) of Bayer Manufacture of Motto- acetica.eid•estor of Salicylieaeld. Classified Advelrtir-.r mesiad. ^�• HELP W47(OUMD, 9 ADII±S WAN'9tiD 1110 1)0 1'I,.AT14 1 and light sowing at trona; whole 01( nl,aro , 115002 200(1 0071 Worif sent Ray dietetic() obarges prepaid. bsi, pend ottani) for pertemiers, National Menufactar- Ing 00,, Montreal, U 001 SruN 1090 1AlINN cit binnlcela, Goorgotown Woollen ills, Ont, Made a Difference, Teacher --"Why, Oyi'it, how can you come to e011001 when your little broth• or has got the scarlet fever?" Cyr11 leierise, teacher, he's only my half-brother." Minard's Liniment for earns, etc. British farmers make about $1,500,- 000,0004h, year more now than they.did in 1014, 1 *9 Soothes tired nerves. For restful sleep at night apply 1 .. .4 M ENGUE on the forehead and back of neck. BEWARE 01 SUBSTITUTES 91.00 a tube. TUE. LEEM150 MILES 00„ 100. MONTREAL Agouta for Da Tubs 11,0ge0 RELIEVES PAIN rt /AT Send for list of inventions wanted by Manufacturers. Fortunes have been made front siittple ec?eae, "Patent Protection" booklet and "Proof of Coneeptbo11°°on r (quest. HAJ OL.I C. Sl- ;lent ?afal el CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS se IHIPMMM CHANORWO • • OTTAWA. CANON 6611.!'A DE0AINg..9' Girls! Save Your Haire Make It Abundant! :e.' ,, Immediately atter a' "Danderine" massage, your hair takes on new life. lustre and wondrous beauty, appearing twice as heavy and plentiful, because each hair seems to buff and thloken• Don't let your hair stay lifeless, color• less, plain or scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 35•eent bottle of delightful "Date derine" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimu- lating- "beauty -tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful bright - nese and abundant thickness.—All druggists! 701 11.40 At ail dra gists - Stop •`that pain! VICE, wermin�ecothltur. comforting relief foilo,vxeo application of Slran'a Liniment. ,lust slap 0 en the strained. overworked muscle, flood for rheumatism, too. Pcnelmtes Without rubbing, 1,inizraen Raids oneray kussozaressososzoassion At Your :Mee Wherever You Live. Tho women: In town, or country, has the same advantage as her sister is the city In export advice tram the bolt -known firm of Cleaners maul Dyers in Canada. Parcels from the country- sent by marl or •=prose receive the same careful attonteenee work delivered personally. Gleaning .._tad Dyeing j f Clothing or Household Fabrics. For years, the paters of. "Parker's" has siyatillefl perfeetbon In this work of making old things look Me new, wlietho• personal garments of even most fragile materiel, ar house, hold curtains, draperies, rugs, etc.. Write to us for fnrtber particulars or send your parcels direct to Accept "Califorale" Syrup et Figs only—look for the name Califarttia oa the package, then you aro stu•0 your ehlld f 3 having the best andmost harmless physic for the Tittle stomach, ii'Ver and bowels. 01111 iron love its fruity taster I''ltll ditectious'011 caul f cttle, 'Yea must say "Oa11fornlay" ISSUE 'No,