HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-3-24, Page 5• ' THURSDAY, MARCH 241h, 1921 PPP/ 00 Otintos"News-Reco.rd Of Interest to You and Me "eoii Friday comes this ;meth, • the old woman rune. With one or two a penny hoe (Meet) buna 'Whose virtue is, • if yoe believe what's said, They'll not grow mouldy like the common bread." *55* "Sap'e rennin'," •but this is not .eupposed to be e very good sugar •year. 4, 8* * Tomorrow, Good Friday; is a gen- eral holiday, or "Holy Day," and Monday is a bank holiday. 5*8* Saturday afternoen and Sunday we had our first taste of summer. If that was a sample we predict a very hot summer this Year, * * * • The 'wind was in the north when •the sun crossed the line. That is iiipposed to be a sign that north winds will predominate for the next three 'menthe. If you believe in -signs 'watch this one work out. *5 * "Some people can't understand Mow folks got along .in the days be - ,fore the' telephone and the automo- Mile" says the Los Angeles Times. --(Ter one thing, they stayed at home -a good deal more and, wrote letters. Now letter-writing—except of the .formal kind—is becoming a lost art." * There is a growing feeling that -one of the great causes of unrest of • the world is due to the fact that peo- ple, especially young people, are fev- earishly anxious to "have a good -time,' and with the idea in mind -land that can only be attained by do- ing the minimum amount of work .and speeding the 'maximum amount .-of time in seeking pleasure, are per, -suing the phantom of joy with ail the zest possible and are thus wasting the best years of their with - .out adding anything either to the ; sum total of their own happiness or 'the welfare of the world. One is re- minded of a saying of Edison's: '"Pne great trouble with the world,. -.today," says the great inventor, 9s that people Jail to enjoy the, satis- faction and happiness which comes efrom doing a job, no matter what it is, absolutely in the best way within -their power. Failing to find the joy which they should find in accone, eplishing something, they turn to ev- ery imaginable forth of amusement. .Instead of learning to drink in joy -through their minds, they try to find et without effort through their eyes . and ears—and sometimes their stone- •achs." 'We sometimes sigh about the slav- ,•ery of work but the is nothing which brings the satisfaction .that congenial work, well and honestly performed, brings to a man or wom- • an. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," perhaps, but all • play and no work makes Jack a use- less, no -account and often a worth: Item and wicked boy. Marriages, • GEMMILL-130LT—At the parson- age, Wroxeter, on March 9th, by the Rev. A. McKibben, Gerrie, as- sisted by Rev. M. Lymberner, Eva Bolt to Jno. Genunill, Turn - berry tovviiship. 1,1EAHEN—IVIITCHELL—In Toron- to, on March 10th, Mabel Mitchell, daughter of Wm. Mitchell. How- ack, to Anthony • Meahen, Turn - Births ;STERLING --In Goderich township, on March 16th, to Mr. an Mrs. F. Sterling, a son.—Harold Lloyd. -JONES—At the Rectory, Geleriee_ou March . 6th, to Rev. R. and Mrs. 'Jones, a son. .PENHALE—In Exeter, on March Ilth, to Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pen, hale, a son. RERSLAICE—In Centralia, on March 15th, to•IVIr. and Mrs. Walker Ker- - a daughter. GAULEY—In Goderich, on March 1.5th, to Me.. and Mrs. Thomas Oatiley, Jr., a daughter. Deaths • .BAIRD—In Stanley township, on 'March 24th, Margaret A. MeDiar- wife of Mr. Thomas 13. Baird, • aged 36 years and 7 menthe. Fun- eral will take place from her late residence on Meech 26th at half past two in the afternoon. The 'service at the house will car/l- iner/ft at two o'clock. 'TORRANCE—In Goderich toweship, on Mareh 14th, Fanny Ada Lind- say, wife of Mr. J. Reid Torrance in her alth year. 'TURNBULL—In Grey township, on March 9th, Agnes M. Milne, widow ef the late ex -reeve James Turn- • bull, in her 76th year. A MAN OF RESOURCE On ;Saturday last wind and amine teterms caused damage in various -gaits of the erovince, amongst the • many washouts being one on the G, T. 11. near Giltord in Simco county, ...Just about dusk a resident in the vi- cinity discovered this washout and 'almost at the mime Eine heard the _nibble of the North Bay Express tboued for Toronto, There was no • time to give the alarm but being it man of resource he bethought him- self of the red socks he wore and -quickly tore off his shoes, ripped off the red seeks and, running in hie bare „ feet, Met the oncoming train waving wildly the danger signal. The engie- eer whistled for him to get out of. wpf; the way hut lie kept right on• arel within a few lent of the nian the engine was beet/Ott to a et/theist:ill, 'There Were eight pessenger emIchee fe the teeth and rehotit We hundred •on board, The patieetigete immed- iately took up 4 collection for the men who flagged the train, A Floe township man was fined $1,000 and costs' for peddling Whie, key at a rude; 040 day last week. He paid the ,fine rather tnan go te jail for 'six inenthe. FESTIVAL A spring festival and' masquerade under the auspices of the Garden class of Willis Church, will be held in the school room, • FRIDAY, APRIL lst at 8 o'clock, Admiseion Proceeds ,to go to Mission Band. EVERYBODY WELCOME 'latching Eggs for Sale from bred -to -lay Strain Australian and Guild Strain Single Comb White Leghorns '90e for 15,, S5.50 per 100 FRANK 3, TYNDALL • R. R. No. 4, Clinton Phone 2 on 636. 90.tf Baby Beef for Easter • Conn to Castle's for Easter meat, VEAL PORK f • BEEF Specializing in BABY BEEF We can supply you with just what • you want. S. C. -CASTLE. • House For Sale -Comfortable 8 roomed house on Joseph St. with good stone cellar, new hot air furnace, town water, al- so soft water in the house, geed garden and small stable on prernie. es. Apply to Raney Armstrong, Clinton. —90 -If For Sale 3 acres on the London Road, 'S. mile south of Clinton, known as the Swinbank place, Brick house, kitch- en, woodshed, hen house, driving shed, barn • and stable. Large or- chard. Apply to J. B. Reynolds, Mgr. House of Refuge, or Inspector J. Torrance, Clinton. —904f For Sale A purebred Shorthorn bull, 13 months old. Also a quantity of sweet clover seed. Apply to Glen Cornish, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. —90-tf Farm For Sale 100 acres, lot 18, con. 1, Hulled, on the Huron Road 13 miles east of Clinton. Alt cleared, we/ watered and fenced. Well built 8 -roomed house, bank barn, 44x80, implement shed, drive shed, and hog house. 5 acres of fall wheat and 30 acres plowed,possession at once if desired. Apply to E. W. Rodaway, R. R. No. 4, Clinton, phone 8 on 617.-90-2-p Farm For Sale 100 acres, two miles east of 'Clin- ton on the Huron Road; fair build- ings, well watered and cultivated. 10 acres , of bush. For particulars apply to T. J. Watt, Clinton, —90-tf Londebsoro Pie Social The annual pie social given under the auspices of the Women's Insti- tute will be held Easter Mon. Mar. 28th. Supper served in the basement of the Methodist thurch. The services of a good entertainer of London has been secured to assist local talent and a splendid program will begieen in the To. Hall, —90-1 Hatching Eggs From Bred -to -1a- Barred Rocks, '750 per setting of 15 or $5,00 per 100 eggs. Fred Cook, R. R. No. 4. Clinton, Phone no. 14 on 617. —90-tt 3 Young Cows for Sale Carryng second calf, one due, other 28tht March, one due May 5th, Ud- ders guaranteed time of sale. Reason for selling, over stocked. Apply to Jno. B. Hyde, Lot 8, Con. 2, Stanley, oi Kippen post office. --90-2-p Concert A grand concert will be given in the town hall, Varna, on the even- ing of Thursday, Mar, 31st, under the auepiees of St. John's church, con- sisting of readings, dialogues and meek. All are cordially invited, Doors open at 7. 30.Admission, adults, 25e, children 151i. Wm. Logan, Frank Weeks, wardens, —90-1 Chair For Sale • An invalid's chair, in geed condi- tion. Rubber -tired wheele, plush up- holstered, spring seat. Will be sold reasonably. Apply to Mrs. R. B. Carter, Victoria street, Clinton. -904f Hoinemade Cooking Sale The , Womens' Aexiliary. of St. Peelle church will have a sale of homemade cooking in Mr. Stothee's office en the afternoon of Saturday, April 2nd, eommeecing at 4 o'clock, For Sale .. hen Melees, liciegitin, roe quick sale, IL A. Holley, Clinton, —90-ef Miiekrat Skins Wented Will Pay 81.50 each for geed Able. Damaged skins at value, II, A. Hey. ey, WWI Contract Sealed Tenders, addressed to the toastmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, en Friday, the 11111, April, 1021, for the convey - inure of Hie Majesty'e Mails, on a proposed contract for four eare, six times per week over Clintou No, 2 Aural Mail Route. from the ?os - master General's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of tend* obtained at the Post Offices of Clinton,,Holmes- ville, Brucefield, Seaforth • and at the office of the Post Office Inspector: Post Office; Inspector's Office, London, Ont. 4th March, 1921. Chas. E. H. Fisher, Post Office Inspector. -88-3 Coming to Clinton TheLtican St. Patrick Society will give the play, "A Cheerful Liar” in the town hall, Clinton, on lelond4. evening, April 4th, under the aus- pices of St. Joseph's aura. Fur- ther particulars will be given later., —90-1 Auden Sale Of 'Farm Stook and implemenes. Mr. Geo. Vanderburg will sell by Pub- lic Auction at his farm, lot 24, •Cut Line, Goderich Tp., on Monday, March 28, 1921, at one o'clock, sharp, (if weather is bad sale will be held under cover) the following:, Horses: black Percheron gelding rising 3 years, black General Purpose mere, rising 5 years, aged driving mare, supposed to be in foal by Involude, gray Percheron foal, black Percher - on foal, driving horse, Missouri Chief, 9 years, driving mare, Royal Billy, 8 years, Cattle: newly calved cow, rising 5 years, with calf at foot, Durham grade cow, rising 9 years, due. April 3, Durham grade cow,' tieing 6 years, clue April 30,, new milch cow, Durham grade, ris- ing 5 years, black heifer, rising 3 years, '3 Durham grade steers, ris- ing 2 years, Polled Angus steer, ris- ing 2 years, 3 Durham grade heifers, rising 2 years. Sheep: 12 Leicester ewes. Implements: 12 -hoe doll, 13 - disc McCormick Drill, light wagon, steel tired open buggy. Terms: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint note. A discount of 4 per cent. straight for cash on credit amounts Everything advertised will be sold as the proprietor is giving up one por- tion of his farm. Geo. Validerburg, Proprietor,. T. Gundry, Auctioneer. —90e1 Clearing Auction Sale Of farm stock and implements. At lot 31, cm. 5, Hulled. Base line, 2%, ifdles north of Clinton, on Tuesday, March 29th, at 1 'clock, sharp, the following: Horses: Clyde mare rising 4 years, Clyde mare ris- ing 12 years, Clyde mare rising 8 years, all three mares in foal to Commodore Again. Imported Clyde mare, Buiston Jean, in foal to Dun- ure Gerdes', Clyde gelding rising 3 years, general puropse horse, 7 years old, colt rising 1 year, Clyde stallion, rising 3 years, (Commodore Again), sire, Commodore, Imp., dam, Buiston Jean, imp. Cattle: cow 7 years, due May 15th, cow 4 years due April 15th, cow 4 years due June 20th, cow 4 years, freshened Feb. 15; cow 3 years, freshened Mar. 10th, cow 4 years due July 20th, cow 4 years milking good, farrow cow, heifer rising 3 years in calf, heifer rising 2 years in calf, 2 yearling steers, 5 spring calves, 2 young calves. Brood sow due April 10th, 13 shoats, average 140 lbs. Imple- ments: Massey -Harris binder 74t. cut, in good repair, Massey -Harris 13 -hoe fertilizing •drill, Deering mow- er, Massey -Harris hay rake, Oliver 2 -horse scalier. 2 Fleury walking plows, Frost & Wood cultivator, Ver- ity miler, set of 4 -section harrows, set disc harrows, wagon, set. bob sleighs, tenon box, corn' rack, hay and -.stock rack, combined, Bell ensil- age box, 35 -ft. pipe, good as new, about 5 ton of Basic Slag, gravel box, wheel barrow, Clinton fanning mill, set of double harness, double set of heavy driving harness, set of plow, harness, 2 set of single harness, Melotte cream separator (450 lbs, capacity) cutter, set sling ropes, feed cooker, large 2 nozzle spraying out - small tank sprayer, 50 pure bred Leghorn hens, pair of geese, 4 pair ducks, 15 bus. of gold coin seed po- tatoes, 16 bus. of Irish white seed potatoes, 10 bus. of Timothy seed, 10 sheets of new corrigated -emoting, a .quantity of hay and grain, forks, chains, shovels, whippletrees and oth- er articled too numerous to mention. Terms: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months credit will be' given on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 4% per annuei allowed for cash on credit amounts, Everything to be sold without reserve as proprietor has sold his farm. Ezra M. Durst, Proprietor, George H. Elliott, auc- tioneer. Auction Sale of Farm Stock The undersigned has been insteue: ted to sell by public auction on let 50, Maitland cop:esteem •Goderich tp., on Wednesday, Mar. 80th, com- mencing a 1 o'clock, sharp, the fol- lowing: Cattle: cow 7 years old, due to calve April 30y cow 4 years, due to calve April 18, cow 7 years old, freshened in Dee. cow 7 years old due to calve June 15, 2 cows 5 .3mm% old with calves at foot, cow 6 years old, theeeughbrecl Shorthorn 4 • years old with cal$ at foot, Shorthorn, 4 years old, clue to calve May 20th, 2 steers 2 years old, 8 heifers 2 years old, thoroughbred ' Shorthorn bull 1% years old, 4 yearling calves. Pigs: sow, bred Mar. 10th, thoroughbred York boar 16 yeaes old. ImpIemente Ford Car in good running owlet 8 Galloway gaile1ine engine, corn cutter. Teems; (I'meriths credit 1111 furnishing approved joint 'EMUS Or 4 nee teet, straight, for COAL James Steddert, Proprietor, Thee, Gundry, Auctioneer, —89-2-p Easy to • Beat Eggs But its heed, to beat the quality of our Bulk Teee, You" can gat it In Bleck, Mixed ov Green.. in .3 grades, that ' suit the' taste also the puree, We offer you at pre -noir prices: , e Regal Brand ' ' '' SPRING •Quality Brand Bieck ' at 350 Per 18, CLEANING TINE P . • 2' 4.ibisb: ff:41746.451 King Brand '• ' Black or' rebeed pare kir the annual spring 2 lbs. for 65d. No(W)L°1e8Eth..:4/ .r thrill': Ntel:" Pre- -;------ f3orba2is50,of, Iveree Life- • buoy ' or Goblin seeP .21 lieelb!.470.5,64; 1 108111741EST PRICES FOR 1 men HOine Perk and 2 lake. jeliypowder 206 • , BUTTER AND EGGS Beane 22e. ' . GET TIM HABIT OF DEALING 'AT AT' The itore for everybody JOIINSCN & CO'S GROCERY Phone CU IMMO JONATHAN HUGILL. Special Dm you in a new ,piano in Mahogany ease, work guaranteed for 3 years, to go at $3504, cash or note. Also a new Edison Aonograph, table size, Regular price $62,00 with 7 records to go at $60.00. A drop - head Since sewing. machine to go at $30.00 (guaranteed.) Masney-Harris cream Separator, 600 lbs. capacity, like new, to sell at $50.00. Also a new Viking, just in, 600 lb. capacity, at $125.00 My headquarters are 3 miles west of Seaforth and 5 miles east of Clin- ton. and a call in or phone 6 on 616 you will save many dollars over other methods of selling as store expenses add to selling costs. Box 229, SEAFORTH Feeding - Molasses In 6 -bbl lots 36c pergallon In 1 -bbl lots 37c per gallon J. HUTTON LONDESEIORO EASTER* SALE ---0E--- ,HOME MADE COOKING MR. STOTHERS' OFFFICE MARCH 26th AT 3 O'CLOCK —BY—. GIRLS' CLUB WILLIS CHURCH For Sale About 20 bushels of good, clean, Alsike clover seed, free from any bad weed seeds. Apply to Ben Rathwell, R. R. No. 8, Clinton, Phone 10 on 606. --894f For Sale • One bull, Durham, eleven months old. Also a quantity of seed oats, 0, A. C. No. 72. N. J. LeBeau, R. R. No. 6, Clinton. —88-3 Farm For Sale Lot 85, on the 13th eencession, Goderich township, 65 acres, bank barn 50 x 50 and one -storey frame house, Orchard, Spring creek. Well , inside barn. Apply on premises or write Joshua Sherman, It, R. No. 3, Clinton. —87-4 _ Farm For Sale In Goderich Tp., 180 acres choice clay loam, in first class condition. Barn almost new, equipped with ev- erything to save labor. 8 acres of good young orchard, modern house, with bath room and pressure tank, new drilled well and elecrie light plaint. Also 220 acres pasture and timber land. This is one of the best combination farms in the county of Huron. Will be sold separate or in one block. Chas, B, IVIiddletere R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 2-606 —864f Piano Tuning ' Jas. E. Doherty, experienced piano tuner. Orders for .giano tuning, tone regulating and general re -building left at my address, - Clinton, phone 160, will receive 'prompt attention. Also dealer in pianos and phono- graphs. • —July 28th -p , House for Sale 8 -room, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, good gar- den and chicken house. Apply on premises, Corner of North and Spencer Sts,—A. S. Clarkson. -664f Farm leer Sale Lot 16, part of 17, Con, 1, Hul- lett ,in all 127 acres, This; farm is situated 1% miels east of the town of Clinton on the Huron Road, is well adapted for mixed farming. It is well watered with never failing spring and also by spring creek run- ning across one corner. It is mostly seeded, There are eight acres in wheat. • There is e two story brick house and a large barn with stone stabling, also drive shed, hen house and pig pen. The buildings are all compaitatively new and in geed le - pair. For further particulate apply on the gremines or by mail Id' John R. Noble. R. R. No. 4, Clinton, Ont, Phone 7 on 617, —864f Cottage For Sale Roomy cottage •on Huron street, Town water, good cellar, % acre of ground, some fruit tree, Apply to W. Brydone or Miss E. Whitelee-41 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry eleaned, Reims over Ileard'ia barber Oho. W. J. Jago. —88-tf House for Side Comfortable h-roorned house, on Albert street, North, with good stone cellar and toten water, Also stable on premises. Apply Miss Mooth, For Sele Tien sit teemed houses on Pre& crick street, near the new flax mills, will be sold cheap, alai on easy thrins, Apply to Jacob Taylor or a 13. Hale. w-'5441 VICTORY BONDS And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at your bank without charge. BRYDONE, Clinton Farm For Sale 10Q acres, Lot 12, con. 8, Hallett, adapted for cropping or grazing, 10 acres bush, balance in grass, Good well and windmill. If not sold will be rented -for pasture. Apply to R. J. Miller, Box 25, Clinton, or phone 119. —89-4 Spirella Corsets Spirella corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability, Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton. —89-13 abg Chicks —AND ---- Eggs For Hatching FROM HENS THAT LAY BABY CHICKS White Leghorns 180 each, Barred Rocks 220 each. EGGS White Leghorns, $5.50 per hun- dred or 75' per setting of 13. Considerable reduction in prices after June lst. N. W. TREWARTHA Proprietor —89-6 COAL +avow, Haying decided to go into the coal business will endeavor to look af- ter all orders entrusted to me at low- est possible prices. Orders received at residence, King street or phone 119, R. J. MILLER CLINTON GARAGE —AND— BATTERY SERVICE STATION The enforcement of the Headlight Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight Holophone Legalite Shaler Roadlighter Clamert Primolite Macbeth Conopher Clear Conopher Neviel Come in and lee us fill out your ap- plications and shove our lenses,. .14. I IV J. H. Paxman Examiner for licensed drivers Phone 61) Res, Phone 140 CREAM WANTED Fe* We alb in a petition to past the highest market price for butter fat and to give the best possible service. GATITEREItS WILL BE ON TM ROAD REGULARLY THE YEAR AROUND., WE WILL PRECIATE YOUR P,ATRONAGE, CLINTON CREAMERY LIMITED rho* I4 • Your Easter Breakfast FLORIDA GRAPE 'FRUIT • ROLLED. WHEAT ANA LAWSON'S CREAM FRESH HALIBUT SWIFTS' I3REAKFAST BACON • AND EGGS TOAST AND WAGSTAFF'S MARIVfALADE HOT (CBRiOTST,) 016088BUNS O'NEIL'S BEST COFFEE W. T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCERY I " Lower Prices Owing to an exceptional winter, we are now glad to announce the return of almost normal conditions in the mining industry, and the return of our old straight-line coal, the cele- brated D. L. & W. SCRANTON This permits us to announce also NORMAL QUOTATIONS And another reduction of $1.50 PER TON • Making the price of the prepared sizes $17.00 DELIVERED This price is rock bottom, and is based on present wages, freight rates and American exchange, which from all appearances will not probably be any less, Place your order with the only dealer in town displaying a Govern.. ment License. Would also ask all those with out- standing accounts to kindly arrange for settlement this month as 11 15 the close of our coal year. J. B. MUSTAR CLINTON and BRUCEFIELDO Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. THE CORNER STORE Phosie 45 Special Price Dinner Sets AT THE CORNER GROCERY • I A white end gold complete dinner set at $28.50 is exceptional value, also a beautiful set of serni-porcelain at 338.50. Half dinner sets of a stock pat- tern are very popular now, especial- ly at the low price of $17.95. Cheap Teas and Coffees are dear at any price, but when you buy our 606, 70e, or 800 Special blend of Teas and 506 and 650 blend of Cof- fee you are getting value hard to equal. LIVE AND LET LIVE Fred W.Wigg CORN There is a vast difference In grades of corn. Our Corn is No. 2 Yellow which we believe is the best grade on the market. It is free from broken Kernels'Cobs and Dust. Give us a call and let us km* your re- quirements. Special prieee on large quantities. • BRAN. SITORTS. Now is the season for Erato & Shorts. The quality is good and the prices reasonable. SWIFT'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Figured .08 present value of live- stock and home-grown feeds the use of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will return more profit to the ling raw than ever before in its history. SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS Blood, Tankage and Bones produced by the levee slaughtering business of Swift Canadian Co. are almost all used in Swift's High Grade Fertilizer, Remit; Large profit to you. FLOUR Our stock includes: Purity, View Roses, White Seal and Golden MY, W. Jenkins & Son. FLO.Ult AND FEED Phones: Elevator 100, Ittaidence 14/, Boateefor Servlee Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Cheihter White boars for service, At homo every forerieon.—A. 0, Levee', Phone 6 on d814, Mitten -'g0 • Scranton Coal Don't forget to leave your order for Spring delivery of coal or wood with E. WARD. If you want satis- faction, We will look after yosn wants. Leave metiers at my Residence,/ Huron street, or Phone 155, TERMS CASR • South End Grocery te;em A full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGRl *see Levi Stong PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY) GIRLS liPANTED for knitters and learners ALSO WOMEN for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED PLUMBING, HEATING AND FURNACE WORK • Repairing of all kinds Promptly Done 0.4111,1141•444.4*.... THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for, Hecla Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 0,4 Shop ever Cortese & Veiweer/ai • _me 'We are in the market for: eteg WHEAT •BARLEY, eleeelj OATS MAPLE ALM BASSWOOD AND WHITE ASE LOGel Vieux and Feed always ern head; j J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123, Brooder Stove We have a limited number of Brooder Stoves on hand which we ' are selling at a considerable reduc- tion, the price being $25.00. Thesei stoves will brood from 800 to 4061 Chickens. just what you need he get early pellets and chickens fog the high summer market. wad.* GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Metemeterde Phone 190; Holmeeville 4 eta 1411 CREAM WANTED The domed for eur butter lc tob. greasing. TO supply this demand we remain* more cream. We request you Ve Ship pts Peen cream. We guarantee you the MAW Market Priam, aecurate testa and prompt service. Our firm fe known to YOU and Mudd no further recommend. We pay all express chcbtge60 fame ish etetne cans and pay tudeo (Mat month. Write or cans or further infinitliee thee to the SEAPORM CREAMERY 0,0!, 0,74,