HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-3-17, Page 7ne If your grocer were greedy • for profits he would not be content to sell and recom mend Red Rose Tea at a less profit than he males ori other teas. But it is a fact wthat he- does make less on Red Rose than on other te:.'<,9 and he reacoma mends it because he knows its quality is the best. Worry is Cowardly. Worry is really a form of oowamdlce. It is born of fear and comes from the. •oons•ciousness brat we are not equal to cope with the obstacles varlet), con- front its. In other words, it is a con- fession of weelaness, an admission that we are not meters' of the situa- tion; that our troubles are bigger than we are. It is evidenoe that we have lost faith in ourselves and in the •Power that sustains us, Consequently we do not get the confidence of other business men; they are not willing to - trust ns with inane or other assist- ;anes, because they see we do not have confidence in ourselves; that we are not large enough to meet a large emergency. . If you are a warier, my friend, in- st'ear! of regarding you as an able fel- low, as you may fohdiy think they do, people are more likely to look upon you as a weakling. They criticise you and regard your habit of fretting and stewing as an indication of inefficiency and a lack ot constructive ability fatal to_ leadership. And uutese you take the satne.attitudo toward yourself; un- less you receguize that Your worrying 1s nothing but cowardice and weak- ness, .and resolve to rid yourself of VEI. MBABIA Vie Vie *Be eine. Me %la 'EA lea '11211. Zit ea Me vsvilsoas ass:ssi the habit, there is nothing for yon but unhappiness and failure, There le silly one way. to get rid of the worrying habit, and that is to quit at onto, Yore know that worry lids never dons anything but reader you less able to cake with your difficulty. Courage is the natural foe of violi`'. When you lie down at night, instead of reviewing all the pe'rpioxities .and - problems andproblems with "which you have strug- gled during the day, thrust'all bids out of your mind and fill it with the con- sciousness that you are made in the Image of God, and partake of alt Ms divine qualities. Instead of cringing before the horrible shapes' created by worry and fear, assert your power to triumph over all the obstacles that stand in the way of your succese. For fear and worry, substitute courage and faith. Make a supreme call upon the Great Within of yourself, where you will find an infinite reeer•volr of peace, of harmony, of 'divine power and strength that will make you a master of circumstances. Try this mental treatmente not only before you go to sleep, but many times during the day, and you will be surprised to find 'tow quickly you can drive fear and worry out of your life, --y Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. • v HEALTH EDUCATION 0 BY DR. J. J. MrDDLETON ill Provincial'Board of Health. Ontario r0 `Or. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- gt tern through this column, Address him at the Parliament Ridge, 0 d Toronto. Great advances in Public Health work are being made at present not only in Ontario but throughout the Dominion and the world. It is rapid- ly 'becoming one of the most impor- tant functions of Government, and its progress or retardation will have a profound bearing on the status of citizenship. New avenuesof Public Health activity are being °pane& up from tine to time; because the subject is so broad as to include all the com- plexities of human Iife, Although the field is vast, the whole question of Public Health and Preventive Medi- cine can be convenienbly described in two words --Right Living. The Public Health objective Is to improve the health standard of all classes in the eommunity, and to this enol ways and means are being pro- vided for educating the masses along -elle lines of Pu'blia Health .and practi- cal 'hygiene, supp!1'ying practical mea- sures to :preserve bhe health of the expectant, mother, to bring home to mothers the importance of feeding infants rationally --•that is, at the mother's 'breast, or failing this, by scientific adjustment of cow's milk, envie and water; to correct physical defects in young children and to pre- vent the spread of communicable dis- eases. Alehough people of all ages are be- coming increasingly interested in Public Health ntatters•in this Prov- ince, the need for which has been strikingly demonstrated by the great Mises we sustained during the war, it is in childhood and youth that the most lasting impressions are made in teaching an important subject such as the preservation and maintenance of health. With this end in view the Public Health Nurse has stepped into the field., and her work is bound to bring more important results. She is tete pivot in every community around which and from which all public health activities will radiate, for she alone is in a position to get intimately acquainted with the needs of the district and to direct her ener- gies along the lines thee they are most needed. The duties of the Public Health Nurse will include home visiting, which will be carried out in a system- atic manner, and 'will enable her to stimulate local interest in child wel- ,fare, and alewo detect, if possible, any oases of communinable disease such as tuberculosis, that are not under Medical en'pervision. The Public 'Health Nurse will point out such dangers and will -also report any cases of venereal disease or lnem- tit defectives that come under her 0 notice. •In her demonstrations, and in the holding of child welfare clinics the duties of. the nurse will be, more- over, to work towards the ultiinate establishment of a Health Clinic, in which Maternal and Clitld Welfare conferences, nutritional classes, con- sultations for tuberculosis and heart affections, and a dental service for adults and children may be provided' for. The special province of the nurse is the health of expectant mothers, infants and children, and she will endeavor to impress en- mothers the fact that no food for infants ,is as good' as that which nature intended for it. In addition, the nurse, by means of home visiting, becomes ac- quainted with conditions in cher dis- trict, and gradually increases the sphere of 'her activities to include work along the various lines mention- ed, untii the health centre is a reel factor for good in the life of the community. - In order that the Public Health de- monstrations being given at present throughout the Preuince may prove of permanent value, it is hoped that each district visited will decide to appoint a resident nurse to carry on the work begun, Although the sixteen nurses in the field have just started' two or three months ago they 'have already demonstrated their useful- ness, and the important' results that will undoubtedly be brought to any community if their teachings and practical advice are carried out. In any instance where lack of en- thusiasm in the proposal to appoint a permanent nurse has been shown, it is only on account of the financial obligations that would have to be undertaken. The nurses have- found that thenlr demonstrations and the program they have in view are appreciated• by all classes in the community. Taking the standard of other - progressive coun- tries who consider •one nurse to every 2,000 of the population a reasonable estimate for tho •country's needs, this Province of Ontario requires 1,000 Public Health Nurses, The United States already has 10,- 000 of these nurses in the field, but are still 40,000 short of their ideal. Even with this shortage, authorities claim that 'a saving of 18,000 lives in one year has been effected. Ontario is not lagging behind in this important feature of Child Wel- fare, and although the Work has only just begun, the nurses are enthusiastic and predict important results front the work 'being carried on When the peo- ple have been sufficiently educated in Public Health to reoognize its perm- anent Value: And the old Men Shall Dream Dreams. The out men alt by the lire and done 'And dream to their amine content, They were gaitant enough i4 toot)! time, Ceti known'. But tine gold Of ,thele youth le spent, TheY wore rovers, louring and eager titan, ' In their lnainbiood's radiant, dawn; Tiley are rover's stilt, for Choir souls • at will - Go veneerlug Olt and en; The length and. breadth of the #Ie - brides, From the far north Ilelds'to the eoutli- ern sone, ' Past the austere Pillars of Hercules, Venturing on and ou. Tinny stir uneasily la their sleep, 7hey'shurfle their heart'' -bound feet;_ While the visions last they must hold them fast, For the ciream is sweat, Mewed! The old wives sit by tbie fire end knit Anel dream of ,their gtrlhoods gone; 'But the souls Uf the odd' mon seek the lands They never have trod upon: . For this languid beauty • of tropic shores, through the-sleroadiag mists of the far Azores, Pent the frozen cliffs thea are Labra - nor'% Venturing pa and on. We, too, shall alt by the lime some day When our blood runs chill and thin; And our mice swift feat are no, longer fteet For wandering out and let. We, too, shalt sit where the old wives knit And the old mew doze and. yawn, As bent and gray and as spent as they, When the flower of our youth is ' gone, We shall nod and dream as the yoam drift pee'[, Till we -sane to the otie great dream, the last, And then, with our bands on our hearts locked fast, - Go venturing farther on:. A Vernal Day. 1 know at heart that there wIU conn a day . In Springtime, when the old alluring call. Will thrill my oars, and, I shall fling the thrall Of care and Winter weertnese away The call of wandering, .and I s'hail stray- By trayBy shady slops. where trllltums grow tall, And pause beside a lyric waterfall That tosses clown the sliver of its spray. . And i shall sense the redolence of earth, The, fragrant breath of every grow- ing thing, Whether it be or fern or brier or vine; And thongh I solve no mysteries of birth, Yet shall I feel that something is divine to the widespread renascence of the Spring, LAXATIVE FOR THE CHILDREN Mothers—the surest way of keeping your .little ones well and happy; whether it le the new-born babe or the growing -child, is to keep their bowels regular and their stomach sweet. Nine - tenths of ail childhood ailments are the result of clogged bowels' and sour stomach. The most necessary and the best medicine for little ones is a gentle laxative—something that will relieve constipation; sweeten the stomach and promote rest and natural sleep. Such a ntedicitee is Baby's Own Tablets, They are a gentle buret. defeat laxative! are absolutely guar- anteed free .train opiates or other in- jurious druge and may be given to the youngest infant With perfect safety. They banish.conetlpation and indigestion; break up colds and simple Fevers and give the baby that health and happiness which all child- ren ehoild:.have. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams 'Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont. Sir Robin. Rollicking robin is here again, 'What Coes he caro for the mild spriu•g rata? Carefor it? Glad of it. Doealt'•t he know. That the warm s'pr'ing rain carries oil tete snow, And coaxes out leaves to shad,o•w hie nest, ' And washes his pretty, red Easter vest, And makes the juice of the 'cherry sweet, For his hungry little robine to eat? "Ha, lea, hat" Hear bhe jolly bird laugh, "Thab isn't the bast ot my story by half," Robin, sir robin, gay red -vested knight, Now youhave Come to us, summer's in sight, You never aroma of the wonders you bring— Vietoits that follow the dash of your wing; How all the beautiful by and by Around you and• after you seems to OYi Sing on or eat on, as pleases your mind, Well have you earned every morsel you find, "Aye, ha, eta, ha," whistles robin, "My dear Let us all take our own choice of good, cheer." —Lucy Larcern, 1 .1,71, the latest�forrn of war-7epr pelta and the largcert 411.914 actually ft-cd'rn, is 748 feet long, and has a tti.sttimum speed of 74 miles 'per hour, Site has been surrendered to Great Britain under the terns of the Peace Treaty. WHAT TO DO FOR STOMACH TROUBLE Good Advice From One Wito Hod Suffered Much. Nina -tenths of all forms of indigos• tion' or so-called stonlaoli trouble are not due to the condition of the stonee ach at all, but are caused by other in- fluences, Tho great contributing cause of indigestion ie tion blood,. good blood and plenty of it is required by the stomach to tette care of the Mod, If the blood is thin the etoinaah functions sluggish, food lies undigest- ed, gas forms and' causes pales in various• parts' of the -body. Instead of getting nourishment from the blood bhe system gets poison, Relief from this condition can be obtainer' by the 'tondo treatment which 14Tr, D. Shaw; Mt. Stewart, P.1?.I,, tried and now warmly a'econimends to others. Mr, Shaw says; "I suffered. from indigestion for over four years, and have tried many of ` the well- known remedies' for ouch troubles, but never obtained more 'than temporary relief. The trouble was aggravated by constipation setting in owing to the etontaoh failing to do its work, and laxatives' only gave relief to the bowels and lett the stomach in worse condition. The result was my blood was growing more and more anaemic, I did not sleep well at night and was growing despondent. 1 was in this wretched condition when a friend ad- vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got three boxes and by the time they were finished there was some change for the better. This greatly encouraged me and I can - United taking the pills for Some three months, by which time my e'toinaoh was all right again, my blood, good, nerves strong and Iife was again worth living. My advise to an who suffer from stomach trouble Is to give. Dr. WSRlama' Pink Pula a fair trial." ' Dr,'Wllliams' Pink -'ills can be ob- tained through any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents, a box or nix boxes for $2,50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Orit, The Boy Scouts Association. Boy Scouts. are organizations of boys and youths• betwoen the ages of twelve and eighteen years and up- wards, which aim to develop charac- ter, to aid in furnishing equipment for a career, and to train in service for others, physical health, and efficient cltizenahip, by utilizing the natural activities and interests of the adoles- cent period. Tho development of the Boy Stout movement in Engine:el Is. due to Lt.- General t:General Sir Robert Baden Powell, Bt., who during the siege of Mafeking, in 1899, '.tad Been the boys, under Lord Edward Cecil's command, organ -zed and drilled into an efficient mason - ger service, When Baden-Powell re• tuivod to England, in 1902, the idea was fostered anti received popular eupport, and n general plan of organi- zation was' adopted, The Rest Boy Scouts organlzauon was formed in 1908, and a royal charter of incor- poration was granted in 1912, the or- ganization being recognized are a "non- military, public service body," The Boy Scouts Association In Canada is non-military and non -see - taxi= In character, the movement be- ing supported bj' Roman Catholics, Protestants and Jews alike. Of late it has also been given consideration as an educational adjunct by well-known educators, some schools adopting the Scout programme in part or as a whole, while some of the universities and leading technical scitoolt conduct Special courses for Scoutmasters and other Scout officers. Local Associations or Troop Com- mittees are organized to supervise and extend the movement in communities upon application by representative citizens to provincial headquarters, Dominion Bank Chambers, Bloor and Sherbourne Streets., Toronto. Such Associations and Committees beconee responsible both to their communities and to•headquarters for the Ieader- ,ship of Scout troops in their area and, for their encouragement and support. The Scouts themselves are organ- ized into patrols of eight boys, two or three or four patrols to a troop under a Scoutmaster. Scouting Is now re- cognized as tate most natural and at once the most successful type of or- ganizatica for boys. Nearly 9,000 On- tario boys are now members, and inane. thousands more have had the benefits of Scout training duping the past twelve years. iy CORNS Lift Rifiht Off without Pain ,4,,.70fiAV .0 tlt=,)iie ;rt. Drop a little Freezone" on an ach- ing corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. It doesn't hurt a bit. your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, end the cal- luses, without a particle of pain. Ona on the Teacher. Arithmetic, according to the averago small boy, was simply invented in On der to give teachers a good excuse for punishing their unhappy pupils. And certainly little Tammy Smith found it tate unpleasant feature of Ills young life, Now, Tommy Smith," said the school teacher one morning, .during the usual hours of Icrture, "what Is one4talf of eight?" "W 'tion way, teacher?" asked the yottltgeter, cautiously, "Which way?" replied the astonish- ed lady. "What do you moan?" "Well, on top or sideways, teach- er?" said "foram. "Why, what difference does that snake 7" "Why," TointY explained, Iaiued, witl a pitying ail', "half oft the toll of eight. le nought, but half, of it sideways le three." Mtnard's Lrnlrttent Relieves -Colds, etc, Salt -Cellar Superstitions. The superstition connected with the spilling of salt has the same origin as the ono concerning thirteen people at a table --tire Last Supper, BO there is n0 foundation for it in history. None of the accounts• of the Lest Supper records any spildiug of salt by Judas, and it is doubtful whether Leonardo da Vinci, in _els fatuous fresco•, intended to attach any e'ignifloauce to the overturned salt- cellar beyaad indicating nervousness on the pert of Judas'. Leonardo's painting having been accepted as an historic replica of the Suppe'rrit is only natut'oii that the tn- cldent of the overturned salt should have been implanted lu our minds as an integral part of the meal, and that it should have been connoted with Judas and his subsequent ill -fortune. The custom of throwing salt over the left shoulder in order to dissipate .any evil influence has an origin which 'antedates Seeonardo by hundreds of years, The pagan Romans consider- ed that salt was sacred to the Penates, the household gods, and that tp spill it during a meal would incur their wrath—'not upon' the speller, but upon the pers-on: in whose direction it was spilled. Casting a pinch of salt over the left shoulder—the shoulder of evil—was an act of politeness, for it was sup. posed to lift the curse from the per- son towarde whom the ,salt fell and to Mater. it open the spilder himself. It was probably this, ancient Latin belief which caus'ed Leou'ardo da Vinci to include the ,overturned salt in his painting of the Last Supper, ASPIRIN "Bayer" is only Genuine Warning! It's criminal to take a chance on any substitute for genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," prescribed by physicians for twenty-one years. and proved safe by millions, 'Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting As- pirin at all, In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, leh'eunlatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists .also aeli larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered he Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetioacidester of • Salicylicacid. His Outbreaks. A small, henpecked, worried -looking man was about to undergo a medical examination for life insurance. "You don't dissipate, do yott?" asked the physician, as he lnad'e ready for tests. "Not a fast liver, or anything of that sort?" The little man hesitated a moment, looked a bit frightened, then replied, in a small, piping voice: "I sometimes chew a little chewing- gum!" hewing•gum!" . "Cascarets" To -night For Constipation Just think! A pleasant, harmless Cascaret works while you sleep and has your liver active, head clear, stom- ach sweet and bowels moving as re- gular as a clock by morning. No grip. ing .or inconvenience. 10, 25 or 60 cent boxes. Children love this candy cathartic too,- Mount oo,Mount Everest, for sotto reason un- explained, has no, native name, as most of the gigantic peaks of the Himalayas have,ibut was named after Sir G. Everest, who was the first director of the Indian survey. MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dotnluion Express Money Order. It tat or Stolen you get your ntaney back. , The distribution trees from the Dominion Forestry Broach nursery stabions at Indian Head and Suther- land, Saskatchewan, for planting on farms oir the prairies 'continues stead- ily from year to year. It averages now about five million trees per year, the trees being sant out without charge, en condition that they are properly planted and eared for. A Health Saving REMINDER Don't wait until you get sick—USE Playing -carols printed by a wood - tut process are said to have existed in 1440, 'rut the earliest printed Illus- tration still lius-tration-still extant•is dated 1440, Typewriter Runs Itself, Promising foe office use is. the new "aatonustic typewriter," which tun nlshee its. own. dlatati•on, being open. ated on the same principle as• a player piano. Rolls of perforated paper, slmliar to the music rolls used on player -pianos, govern the movements of the type keys.. All that is ueceseary is to ad - Just one of these rolls in the machine and the writing "d'oes iteall," By this means perfectly written "form letters" are ,produced, with apace left for signature.; or the salve method may be employed nor taming out any other matter previously pre- pared. in the shape of • a- perforated roll. DANDERINE Stops Hair Corning Out; Thickens, Beautifies. Ciassif ed Advertisements, -ham FARM WANTED, j't 4851 WAN'roiD 0ImfD 7.)..1004117.)..10041154:P,..a^ 'riots/ end arise, 'lean 7.)..10041154:P,..iBlack, 0ltlneewa Fulls, WIs, LRYsq£# Lsamova W Got, fil'UN 11,170 MAK 015 �Fa, ahlnntntcete. Georgetown Wooden A7til, nerrxvxa wp.sngsiv. A MINTS WANT= 7 BLrB9 NArrvm ,CR I#erbr, Is a t•emnedy for the toilet of Cone tipallon, Indigestion, Uliipusneea, 1theutnattsm, Kidney 'Noumea It In welt -known, having neon extensive' ad- vertlsed, atnco It was fit'st manufasturea In 1808, by dlatrlbutlon of large qluant'- t140 Of Atrnanacs, Ogolc nooks, '0loaltlt- BBootcs, eto„ whlolt are fernlshefl to agents free of charge, The remedies aro sold at a pane that allows agents to double their Whey,Write Alonzo 0. 10110eA•lodleal Co., 124 9t. Paul ,gt, 1Aaat. Montreal, Mention this paper. glome -grown beef, pork, mutton, and 'bac'on to the amount of 700,000 tons were consumed in Great Britain In 1919. �^ Minard'a Ltntment for Burns, eta The Lord; Chief Justice, Britain's highest salaried! judge, receives $49,- 000 'a year. The Lord Chancellor re- celvets $80,000. egetable, ['arm, flower, Plew Improved Strains Ali toeiad,sureto grow Sent io`rCain loc. 3842 Jacquoa Cartier Square, PJlontreal HIES -WOOL -FURS lienee r farms—The handl- Ing of these aging le our spe- cially. 1t will pay you to ship to tut-ifyou Itavo ttn•eo or more Rhin., but on a terse number the freight charges are too heal y. W!LLIAS8 STONE SONS LIMITED WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO ESTASLIGMED 1870 Pioneer Dog F,ernedloa Rook on (DOG DBSEASES and Row to Peed Mailed 'tree to any Ad- dress by the .Author. X. May (never 00., Ina. 110 V4'ent 31st Street New York, ti,S.A. CORSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO A few 'cents buys "Danderino," M- ier a few applications you cannot find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new We, vigor, brightness, more color and abaudance. Why You Say It. "A Red-letter Day" is an expression which arose out oe the old EccIestas- tical Calender, in which festivals and high holidays were priued in real ink These important days consequently became known as "Red-letter Days"— hence the terns to -day. "Murder will out" is a phrase which Geoffrey Chaucer originated, although in the first instance it was spelt, "Mordra wol out." "Truth is stranger than fiction" is a well -need saying, and perhaps it Is not generally known that It was orig- inaliy employed by Byron in hts "Don Juan." "Es -caned with the akin of my teeth," it is interesting to observe, originates in the Bible—Job, chapter 19, verso 20. "Field" ortginaliy meant 'land on which fires had been "felled" or "field," "Necessity is the mother of inven- tion" is well over two and a half cen tarries oil Them well-worn words were first found in Franelr's "North- ern Memoirs," written in 1868. "Daten her out of house and home,' a phrase, in view 01 the present price of food, undoubtedly repeated by wor- ried housewives, was originated by Shalceepent'a in his "Henry IV." "Anything for a quiet life" is au ex- pressing" which arose from a play by Middleton, bearing that title. "To turn over a new leaf," by no way, was first used In the same play. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative WHY LOOK OLD? When ono applica- tion or 21211ton's stair £eatorativa every 2months' keeps tits hair natural. No alt, oto dirt; the hair can be washed when desired. Try It. Slack or Prawn. Prloe, rs.00. Sent moonlit 10 any addrose ha Clanactn, tt, Pomaii I',va„ Ottawa Accept "California" Syrup ot Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you aro sura your child is having tho boot and most harmless physic for filo little stomach, liver and bowels. Cbil:iron love its fruity piste, Full directions on each bottle. You must day "California," Per two lovers the other people in the world haveabout the importance of figures in' a paintings Mliis'd'e Liniment Roli6ves olatofnpor Cold and catarrhal affections of the nose and throat use t4 l� G I �, . .. E 7 l hie Ap U for effective relief. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES stew a tub: THE LIEMING MILES GO„ tro, MONTREAL Agents for Dr. June nacguL RELIEVES PAIN WHEN IIITS YOU RAMS GI ' Ioutee Liniment should he kept, handy for aches and palms vrITY wait for a severe pain, an / ache, a rheumatic twinge fol- lowing exposure, a sore muscle, sciatica, or lumbago to make yon quit: work, when you should have Steart'u Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active, and Lt, and on the job? i iirout rub[ ing, for it penetrates, apply a bit today to the afflicted part. Note the gratifying, clean ,prompt relief that follows. Sloan's Liniment couldn't keep its many thousands of friends the world over if it didn't maks good. That's worth remembering. All drug- gista—three sizes—the largest is the inoateconomlatl. 35c, 70c, eflAO. Li i enf 1 Caber era Gilds Are Sweet and Dainty. p!exion, sola Whits hands,aatieplo cone luxdriant hair es Cuticura Soap, as's'ed by Cuticura Ointment when necessary. Cuticula Telenet la delicate, delightful, dist l atm i comps ableandneedierule person 8000115, Ointm,slbSandfiba. Tofasm2Ge. Sohl I,. non''. Limit d,, 3 411. t', l g ., W. Montreal. -outlaws soap shaves wriltout mien, UE No. 12—'21. r1 Wb When mirltia a rich ?-t,1at1y In Cereal " co. e'`d.1y61.. Vizeres ...,.,.at Better Drink for Table Use than rST• i. well boiled— twenty tee or more — it has color and, a partic- d light:chi .flavor. these respEeaS> �CStt1i is the equal o£' .Cine feet and a'I1uch batter For 1 81 Reason - ;, `+fry', i'0 I 24 l �.•" aRrat, u<`.,,., ra< ✓ .I, 1,E And the old Men Shall Dream Dreams. The out men alt by the lire and done 'And dream to their amine content, They were gaitant enough i4 toot)! time, Ceti known'. But tine gold Of ,thele youth le spent, TheY wore rovers, louring and eager titan, ' In their lnainbiood's radiant, dawn; Tiley are rover's stilt, for Choir souls • at will - Go veneerlug Olt and en; The length and. breadth of the #Ie - brides, From the far north Ilelds'to the eoutli- ern sone, ' Past the austere Pillars of Hercules, Venturing on and ou. Tinny stir uneasily la their sleep, 7hey'shurfle their heart'' -bound feet;_ While the visions last they must hold them fast, For the ciream is sweat, Mewed! The old wives sit by tbie fire end knit Anel dream of ,their gtrlhoods gone; 'But the souls Uf the odd' mon seek the lands They never have trod upon: . For this languid beauty • of tropic shores, through the-sleroadiag mists of the far Azores, Pent the frozen cliffs thea are Labra - nor'% Venturing pa and on. We, too, shall alt by the lime some day When our blood runs chill and thin; And our mice swift feat are no, longer fteet For wandering out and let. We, too, shalt sit where the old wives knit And the old mew doze and. yawn, As bent and gray and as spent as they, When the flower of our youth is ' gone, We shall nod and dream as the yoam drift pee'[, Till we -sane to the otie great dream, the last, And then, with our bands on our hearts locked fast, - Go venturing farther on:. A Vernal Day. 1 know at heart that there wIU conn a day . In Springtime, when the old alluring call. Will thrill my oars, and, I shall fling the thrall Of care and Winter weertnese away The call of wandering, .and I s'hail stray- By trayBy shady slops. where trllltums grow tall, And pause beside a lyric waterfall That tosses clown the sliver of its spray. . And i shall sense the redolence of earth, The, fragrant breath of every grow- ing thing, Whether it be or fern or brier or vine; And thongh I solve no mysteries of birth, Yet shall I feel that something is divine to the widespread renascence of the Spring, LAXATIVE FOR THE CHILDREN Mothers—the surest way of keeping your .little ones well and happy; whether it le the new-born babe or the growing -child, is to keep their bowels regular and their stomach sweet. Nine - tenths of ail childhood ailments are the result of clogged bowels' and sour stomach. The most necessary and the best medicine for little ones is a gentle laxative—something that will relieve constipation; sweeten the stomach and promote rest and natural sleep. Such a ntedicitee is Baby's Own Tablets, They are a gentle buret. defeat laxative! are absolutely guar- anteed free .train opiates or other in- jurious druge and may be given to the youngest infant With perfect safety. They banish.conetlpation and indigestion; break up colds and simple Fevers and give the baby that health and happiness which all child- ren ehoild:.have. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams 'Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont. Sir Robin. Rollicking robin is here again, 'What Coes he caro for the mild spriu•g rata? Carefor it? Glad of it. Doealt'•t he know. That the warm s'pr'ing rain carries oil tete snow, And coaxes out leaves to shad,o•w hie nest, ' And washes his pretty, red Easter vest, And makes the juice of the 'cherry sweet, For his hungry little robine to eat? "Ha, lea, hat" Hear bhe jolly bird laugh, "Thab isn't the bast ot my story by half," Robin, sir robin, gay red -vested knight, Now youhave Come to us, summer's in sight, You never aroma of the wonders you bring— Vietoits that follow the dash of your wing; How all the beautiful by and by Around you and• after you seems to OYi Sing on or eat on, as pleases your mind, Well have you earned every morsel you find, "Aye, ha, eta, ha," whistles robin, "My dear Let us all take our own choice of good, cheer." —Lucy Larcern, 1 .1,71, the latest�forrn of war-7epr pelta and the largcert 411.914 actually ft-cd'rn, is 748 feet long, and has a tti.sttimum speed of 74 miles 'per hour, Site has been surrendered to Great Britain under the terns of the Peace Treaty. WHAT TO DO FOR STOMACH TROUBLE Good Advice From One Wito Hod Suffered Much. Nina -tenths of all forms of indigos• tion' or so-called stonlaoli trouble are not due to the condition of the stonee ach at all, but are caused by other in- fluences, Tho great contributing cause of indigestion ie tion blood,. good blood and plenty of it is required by the stomach to tette care of the Mod, If the blood is thin the etoinaah functions sluggish, food lies undigest- ed, gas forms and' causes pales in various• parts' of the -body. Instead of getting nourishment from the blood bhe system gets poison, Relief from this condition can be obtainer' by the 'tondo treatment which 14Tr, D. Shaw; Mt. Stewart, P.1?.I,, tried and now warmly a'econimends to others. Mr, Shaw says; "I suffered. from indigestion for over four years, and have tried many of ` the well- known remedies' for ouch troubles, but never obtained more 'than temporary relief. The trouble was aggravated by constipation setting in owing to the etontaoh failing to do its work, and laxatives' only gave relief to the bowels and lett the stomach in worse condition. The result was my blood was growing more and more anaemic, I did not sleep well at night and was growing despondent. 1 was in this wretched condition when a friend ad- vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got three boxes and by the time they were finished there was some change for the better. This greatly encouraged me and I can - United taking the pills for Some three months, by which time my e'toinaoh was all right again, my blood, good, nerves strong and Iife was again worth living. My advise to an who suffer from stomach trouble Is to give. Dr. WSRlama' Pink Pula a fair trial." ' Dr,'Wllliams' Pink -'ills can be ob- tained through any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents, a box or nix boxes for $2,50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Orit, The Boy Scouts Association. Boy Scouts. are organizations of boys and youths• betwoen the ages of twelve and eighteen years and up- wards, which aim to develop charac- ter, to aid in furnishing equipment for a career, and to train in service for others, physical health, and efficient cltizenahip, by utilizing the natural activities and interests of the adoles- cent period. Tho development of the Boy Stout movement in Engine:el Is. due to Lt.- General t:General Sir Robert Baden Powell, Bt., who during the siege of Mafeking, in 1899, '.tad Been the boys, under Lord Edward Cecil's command, organ -zed and drilled into an efficient mason - ger service, When Baden-Powell re• tuivod to England, in 1902, the idea was fostered anti received popular eupport, and n general plan of organi- zation was' adopted, The Rest Boy Scouts organlzauon was formed in 1908, and a royal charter of incor- poration was granted in 1912, the or- ganization being recognized are a "non- military, public service body," The Boy Scouts Association In Canada is non-military and non -see - taxi= In character, the movement be- ing supported bj' Roman Catholics, Protestants and Jews alike. Of late it has also been given consideration as an educational adjunct by well-known educators, some schools adopting the Scout programme in part or as a whole, while some of the universities and leading technical scitoolt conduct Special courses for Scoutmasters and other Scout officers. Local Associations or Troop Com- mittees are organized to supervise and extend the movement in communities upon application by representative citizens to provincial headquarters, Dominion Bank Chambers, Bloor and Sherbourne Streets., Toronto. Such Associations and Committees beconee responsible both to their communities and to•headquarters for the Ieader- ,ship of Scout troops in their area and, for their encouragement and support. The Scouts themselves are organ- ized into patrols of eight boys, two or three or four patrols to a troop under a Scoutmaster. Scouting Is now re- cognized as tate most natural and at once the most successful type of or- ganizatica for boys. Nearly 9,000 On- tario boys are now members, and inane. thousands more have had the benefits of Scout training duping the past twelve years. iy CORNS Lift Rifiht Off without Pain ,4,,.70fiAV .0 tlt=,)iie ;rt. Drop a little Freezone" on an ach- ing corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. It doesn't hurt a bit. your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, end the cal- luses, without a particle of pain. Ona on the Teacher. Arithmetic, according to the averago small boy, was simply invented in On der to give teachers a good excuse for punishing their unhappy pupils. And certainly little Tammy Smith found it tate unpleasant feature of Ills young life, Now, Tommy Smith," said the school teacher one morning, .during the usual hours of Icrture, "what Is one4talf of eight?" "W 'tion way, teacher?" asked the yottltgeter, cautiously, "Which way?" replied the astonish- ed lady. "What do you moan?" "Well, on top or sideways, teach- er?" said "foram. "Why, what difference does that snake 7" "Why," TointY explained, Iaiued, witl a pitying ail', "half oft the toll of eight. le nought, but half, of it sideways le three." Mtnard's Lrnlrttent Relieves -Colds, etc, Salt -Cellar Superstitions. The superstition connected with the spilling of salt has the same origin as the ono concerning thirteen people at a table --tire Last Supper, BO there is n0 foundation for it in history. None of the accounts• of the Lest Supper records any spildiug of salt by Judas, and it is doubtful whether Leonardo da Vinci, in _els fatuous fresco•, intended to attach any e'ignifloauce to the overturned salt- cellar beyaad indicating nervousness on the pert of Judas'. Leonardo's painting having been accepted as an historic replica of the Suppe'rrit is only natut'oii that the tn- cldent of the overturned salt should have been implanted lu our minds as an integral part of the meal, and that it should have been connoted with Judas and his subsequent ill -fortune. The custom of throwing salt over the left shoulder in order to dissipate .any evil influence has an origin which 'antedates Seeonardo by hundreds of years, The pagan Romans consider- ed that salt was sacred to the Penates, the household gods, and that tp spill it during a meal would incur their wrath—'not upon' the speller, but upon the pers-on: in whose direction it was spilled. Casting a pinch of salt over the left shoulder—the shoulder of evil—was an act of politeness, for it was sup. posed to lift the curse from the per- son towarde whom the ,salt fell and to Mater. it open the spilder himself. It was probably this, ancient Latin belief which caus'ed Leou'ardo da Vinci to include the ,overturned salt in his painting of the Last Supper, ASPIRIN "Bayer" is only Genuine Warning! It's criminal to take a chance on any substitute for genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," prescribed by physicians for twenty-one years. and proved safe by millions, 'Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting As- pirin at all, In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, leh'eunlatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists .also aeli larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered he Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetioacidester of • Salicylicacid. His Outbreaks. A small, henpecked, worried -looking man was about to undergo a medical examination for life insurance. "You don't dissipate, do yott?" asked the physician, as he lnad'e ready for tests. "Not a fast liver, or anything of that sort?" The little man hesitated a moment, looked a bit frightened, then replied, in a small, piping voice: "I sometimes chew a little chewing- gum!" hewing•gum!" . "Cascarets" To -night For Constipation Just think! A pleasant, harmless Cascaret works while you sleep and has your liver active, head clear, stom- ach sweet and bowels moving as re- gular as a clock by morning. No grip. ing .or inconvenience. 10, 25 or 60 cent boxes. Children love this candy cathartic too,- Mount oo,Mount Everest, for sotto reason un- explained, has no, native name, as most of the gigantic peaks of the Himalayas have,ibut was named after Sir G. Everest, who was the first director of the Indian survey. MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dotnluion Express Money Order. It tat or Stolen you get your ntaney back. , The distribution trees from the Dominion Forestry Broach nursery stabions at Indian Head and Suther- land, Saskatchewan, for planting on farms oir the prairies 'continues stead- ily from year to year. It averages now about five million trees per year, the trees being sant out without charge, en condition that they are properly planted and eared for. A Health Saving REMINDER Don't wait until you get sick—USE Playing -carols printed by a wood - tut process are said to have existed in 1440, 'rut the earliest printed Illus- tration still lius-tration-still extant•is dated 1440, Typewriter Runs Itself, Promising foe office use is. the new "aatonustic typewriter," which tun nlshee its. own. dlatati•on, being open. ated on the same principle as• a player piano. Rolls of perforated paper, slmliar to the music rolls used on player -pianos, govern the movements of the type keys.. All that is ueceseary is to ad - Just one of these rolls in the machine and the writing "d'oes iteall," By this means perfectly written "form letters" are ,produced, with apace left for signature.; or the salve method may be employed nor taming out any other matter previously pre- pared. in the shape of • a- perforated roll. DANDERINE Stops Hair Corning Out; Thickens, Beautifies. Ciassif ed Advertisements, -ham FARM WANTED, j't 4851 WAN'roiD 0ImfD 7.)..1004117.)..10041154:P,..a^ 'riots/ end arise, 'lean 7.)..10041154:P,..iBlack, 0ltlneewa Fulls, WIs, LRYsq£# Lsamova W Got, fil'UN 11,170 MAK 015 �Fa, ahlnntntcete. Georgetown Wooden A7til, nerrxvxa wp.sngsiv. A MINTS WANT= 7 BLrB9 NArrvm ,CR I#erbr, Is a t•emnedy for the toilet of Cone tipallon, Indigestion, Uliipusneea, 1theutnattsm, Kidney 'Noumea It In welt -known, having neon extensive' ad- vertlsed, atnco It was fit'st manufasturea In 1808, by dlatrlbutlon of large qluant'- t140 Of Atrnanacs, Ogolc nooks, '0loaltlt- BBootcs, eto„ whlolt are fernlshefl to agents free of charge, The remedies aro sold at a pane that allows agents to double their Whey,Write Alonzo 0. 10110eA•lodleal Co., 124 9t. Paul ,gt, 1Aaat. Montreal, Mention this paper. glome -grown beef, pork, mutton, and 'bac'on to the amount of 700,000 tons were consumed in Great Britain In 1919. �^ Minard'a Ltntment for Burns, eta The Lord; Chief Justice, Britain's highest salaried! judge, receives $49,- 000 'a year. The Lord Chancellor re- celvets $80,000. egetable, ['arm, flower, Plew Improved Strains Ali toeiad,sureto grow Sent io`rCain loc. 3842 Jacquoa Cartier Square, PJlontreal HIES -WOOL -FURS lienee r farms—The handl- Ing of these aging le our spe- cially. 1t will pay you to ship to tut-ifyou Itavo ttn•eo or more Rhin., but on a terse number the freight charges are too heal y. W!LLIAS8 STONE SONS LIMITED WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO ESTASLIGMED 1870 Pioneer Dog F,ernedloa Rook on (DOG DBSEASES and Row to Peed Mailed 'tree to any Ad- dress by the .Author. X. May (never 00., Ina. 110 V4'ent 31st Street New York, ti,S.A. CORSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO A few 'cents buys "Danderino," M- ier a few applications you cannot find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new We, vigor, brightness, more color and abaudance. Why You Say It. "A Red-letter Day" is an expression which arose out oe the old EccIestas- tical Calender, in which festivals and high holidays were priued in real ink These important days consequently became known as "Red-letter Days"— hence the terns to -day. "Murder will out" is a phrase which Geoffrey Chaucer originated, although in the first instance it was spelt, "Mordra wol out." "Truth is stranger than fiction" is a well -need saying, and perhaps it Is not generally known that It was orig- inaliy employed by Byron in hts "Don Juan." "Es -caned with the akin of my teeth," it is interesting to observe, originates in the Bible—Job, chapter 19, verso 20. "Field" ortginaliy meant 'land on which fires had been "felled" or "field," "Necessity is the mother of inven- tion" is well over two and a half cen tarries oil Them well-worn words were first found in Franelr's "North- ern Memoirs," written in 1868. "Daten her out of house and home,' a phrase, in view 01 the present price of food, undoubtedly repeated by wor- ried housewives, was originated by Shalceepent'a in his "Henry IV." "Anything for a quiet life" is au ex- pressing" which arose from a play by Middleton, bearing that title. "To turn over a new leaf," by no way, was first used In the same play. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative WHY LOOK OLD? When ono applica- tion or 21211ton's stair £eatorativa every 2months' keeps tits hair natural. No alt, oto dirt; the hair can be washed when desired. Try It. Slack or Prawn. Prloe, rs.00. Sent moonlit 10 any addrose ha Clanactn, tt, Pomaii I',va„ Ottawa Accept "California" Syrup ot Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you aro sura your child is having tho boot and most harmless physic for filo little stomach, liver and bowels. Cbil:iron love its fruity piste, Full directions on each bottle. You must day "California," Per two lovers the other people in the world haveabout the importance of figures in' a paintings Mliis'd'e Liniment Roli6ves olatofnpor Cold and catarrhal affections of the nose and throat use t4 l� G I �, . .. E 7 l hie Ap U for effective relief. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES stew a tub: THE LIEMING MILES GO„ tro, MONTREAL Agents for Dr. June nacguL RELIEVES PAIN WHEN IIITS YOU RAMS GI ' Ioutee Liniment should he kept, handy for aches and palms vrITY wait for a severe pain, an / ache, a rheumatic twinge fol- lowing exposure, a sore muscle, sciatica, or lumbago to make yon quit: work, when you should have Steart'u Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active, and Lt, and on the job? i iirout rub[ ing, for it penetrates, apply a bit today to the afflicted part. Note the gratifying, clean ,prompt relief that follows. Sloan's Liniment couldn't keep its many thousands of friends the world over if it didn't maks good. That's worth remembering. All drug- gista—three sizes—the largest is the inoateconomlatl. 35c, 70c, eflAO. Li i enf 1 Caber era Gilds Are Sweet and Dainty. p!exion, sola Whits hands,aatieplo cone luxdriant hair es Cuticura Soap, as's'ed by Cuticura Ointment when necessary. Cuticula Telenet la delicate, delightful, dist l atm i comps ableandneedierule person 8000115, Ointm,slbSandfiba. Tofasm2Ge. Sohl I,. non''. Limit d,, 3 411. t', l g ., W. Montreal. -outlaws soap shaves wriltout mien, UE No. 12—'21.