HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-3-3, Page 91,44444444404044444444444444011 3 1.R E A D i Will help You Serve More Appetizing Meals . t Properly used,fit is the key'to ahundred dainty it and appetizing dishes that cost but little and will add 4 immeasureably to the charm and zest of your meals." 4 Bread baked by Henderson's Bakery is bread at 'c 4 its best, always pure, tempting and nutritious. . l illif CLINTON'S LEADIN( •JEWEEZ4Y, STORE GO... TO Johnson's Jewelery Store for Gramophones, Records and NeelUes, Silverware, Jewelery, Out Glass, Etc, Agent for the 1C evelight Auto Lens s $2 pair all sizes, Absolutely legal, passed by the Minister of Public Works and Highways. ------•Repairing.••--- ---- Re Ha J11HN Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store rhe QY ntoo News -Record TIIURSPAY MARCH ;9111, 1921. asMonsapaliestelaaseutauswoompseriataxnennymeeratasre FEBRUARY SALE Dry Goods and Clothing Boots and Shoes Big reductions during the, balance of the month Extra Special For Saturday Men and Boy's Winter Caps, Regular up to $2.00 odd lines and sizes to clear at 75e Boys Odd Vests for 09c About 100 Mens Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers to clear at $1.89 each Balance of Felt Boots and Slippers to clear at wholesale prices Get our prices on all lines before you buy—We save you money. Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE TH AT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE BO CLOTHING NEW IDEAl PATTERNS. SPECJAL FOR 'ONE WEEK OiNLY WE ARE OFFERING FOR SALE TC''' MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW STOCK - ONE TIME SAVER ELECTRIC 'WASHER , , 9110.00 ONE' SEAFOAM•'ELECTRIC WASHER. $90.00 ONE 1900 ELECTRIC :{MASHER ,,..;,,875.00 THESE ARE EXCEPTIONAL .BARGAINS IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING AN ELECTRIC WASHER. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING EAT "TwoSlices for One." Sanitarg Bakers 7 s At your Grocers, or phone 1 and our wagonlwill call ,r�� �n aatt��r��, sA� s4r Ine,Sea sLn i ^.,7e�a '7iT eitt9'�BTiti�'�a eliv ' �w i''Q;Si '2I elr�4n'�"3s' ii Pais'at�i1 CLINTON JUNK DEALER BUYING ALL RINDS OP JUNK AND I'OUJ'LTRY, , Hints AND SKINS PAYING THE III 111EST PRICES M. fA1V11tAS Phone 187 AIbert t� vormerootememEr 111011118011014 The Commercial Hbtel will be 'de- molishecl, and all the materials will be for stile at 'reasonable prices. .pply en the pretiizscs• ---81-2 Tits! MERCANTILE SALV.A'01.3 CO. For School Books and School Supplies YOU ARE INVITED TO "IN- SPECT OUR STOCK—FEEL- ING COt+'IDENT THAT THE .A,DVANITAGJ8 WILL BE SHARED BY you. Tl � W.1. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Rev. J, E. Hogg was in Toronto ov- er the week -end. Mrs. G. W. Pinner was in London over the week -end. Mr. Oliver G. Crich of London was in town on Saturday.. Miss Jean Scott is home from To- ronto for a few weeks' holidays, Miss Annie Foster of Varna is now with her. sister, Mrs, Sarah Ford. Miss Maude Torrance was.in Toronto last week and on her return was accompanied by her little niece. Mrs, C. Akam has returned home' after spending a couple of months with her daughters in Torotno. Mrs. H. Bartliff attended the funeral of her uncle. the late Mr. George Cardiff of Brussels, this week. Mrs. Geo Bunsch of Seaforth is a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. B. Kaiser. Miss Marion Gunn was home from Macdonald Institute, Guelph, over the week-encl. Mrs. Geo. Quinnell of Toronto is visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Argent of town. Mrs. R. A. Bell left Tuesday for a ' visit with her daughter, Mrs, Carl Mair of Allendale. Mrs. W. S. Downs leaves tomor- row to visit friends in St. Thomas and Si. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nediger re- turned on Saturday evening from their wedding trip. Mr, J Stephenson t r heinso ro n leaves tomer • 1 w to visit his sons at London and Springfield, Mass., and will probe - ably be absent two or three weeks. Mr. M. Scarlett of Toronto was xtt town over 'the , weekend; having come•_yp. to attend the funeral of lits mother. Rev. Mr. Snell of St. Paul's church, Wingham, conducted the service in St. Paul's church, Clinton, yester- day evening. Miss Minnie Cooper loft Tuesday for Collingwood, where she will spend a couple of weeks with her brother and his family. Mr. Henry Dempsey, who has been with the Doherty Pianos for some time, left last week for his home in Prince Edward Island, Mr. H. Hunt of Galt is renewing old friendships in Clinton and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hain- blyn. He has just come from Lon- don. Miss Alta Glazier of Hullett is spend- ing a few days with her aunt, Mrs. 0. Crich, who recently returned to her own home and who is, her friends will be glad to hear, in an improved state of health, Mr, W. N. Manning pf London, of the Sherlock, Manning Co., was in town for a few days last week and was one of the speakers at the ag- ricultural banquet on Thursday ev- ening. Mr. D. W. Hamilton was down from Auburn on Thursday and while he renewed acquaintances in town and surrounding vicinity he also did a stroke of business as he • delivered a number of his favorite brand of music boxes. "D. W." is as cheery as ever and is an enthus- iastic salesman. Ba>Sfleld Miss Davey, assisant in the Public school, spent Friday and Saturday last at her home in Kincardine. M. Louis McLeod left this week for Port Dover to be married and on his return with his bride will take up house keeping in the residence adjoining Mrs. Ross' millinery shop, Miss Smith of Hamilton is the guest of her cousin, Mr. H, Darrah. Miss Floy Edwards is spending a few weeks with friends at Kitchener. Mr. John Cameron, who has spent the past two months in Toronto, re - tinned home'Saturday Iasi Mrs. A. h. Erwin spent the week. end with friends at Winghatn, Miss N. .Ferguson is spending a few weeks with friends at London. 4 The Commercial IIotel will be de" molished, and all the matezials will be for sale at reasonable prices. .Apply on the promises. The Mer- cantile Salvage Co, Kipper Mr, Enctnerson Smith was in Zur- ieh on Monday visiting his mother, who has been in poor health for seine weeks. Mrs, W. French was called to Hen. sail" on Monday owing to the death of her uncle, Mr. 'rhos. Peart, The *posed had bean an invalid for the past three years. owing to paralytic strokes, He was an old and esteemed If You bung o of town arid hug out of town hat 15 lilt 4 to become of our town? E ERY DRUB YOU REL ilk Cillan WILL EIIE T INI COLLIE HOME E TQ 01111ST IN CLINTON The Clinton New 4 ecord Aar 1.,ce Read these articles with care, they will present. something you have not thought of before, Patronize the home merchants, they are your neighbors and will treat you right. The money you spend' in Clinton remains bore and benefits the whole community. • There is a lot of Satisfaction in knowing that we look, after your banking interests. Your. business, saving or private account', are solicited with the assurance they will be properlj* safeguarded • at the Molsons Bank, Clinton. Ii. R. SHARP. Manager A RHYME fN SEASON When days are chill and cold winds blow Anb alt look blue and full of woe, What clears the chest with healthful glow Wampoles Cod Liver Extract. W. S. R. HOLMES The RexaIl Store 05 Regarding Stationery and office Supplies you will make no mis- take in buying from me. School supplies, fiction, magazines, newspapers, that you may need can be bought here. A 'complete line of Wall Papers kept in stock. W. D. FAIR & Co. Stationer. Jewelery Picture Books that is why all jewellery looks well in cuts. A 10e article looks just the same as a $10 article. Trad- ing at home you do not need to know jewellery. You can see for yourself. R. II. Johnson, .Reliable jeweller We are offering exceptionally attractive prices for the month of February on the remainder of our stock of ladies' and Misses' coats and dresses. J. A. IRWIN The "1900" Washer is a marvel f It will wash anything from the heaviest blankets to the moat del- icate wearing apparel. Coma to our store and learn all about this washer or enquire from our satisfied customers, CORLESS & VENEER, Hardware "DOMINION CAFE" "LUNCH" High Grade Chocolated Oysters — Fruit Ice Cream Bricks E. WENDORF Confectioner , We invite comparison of cur zteek- and prices ^baa bre you buy else- where. It has always been our aim to satisfy our clients . The line df Men's Furnishings and clothing cannot be dupliacted. The MORRISH CLOTHING CO. Men's Outfitters Buying Furniture in Clinton you will find our prices right, and our guarantee is behind every piece of furniture we sell. Our undertaking parlors are well equipped for service night or day, BALL & ATKINSON, Furniture GOLDEN GRAIN BAKERY A. E. BETTS, Prop. Having installed an Eleetrie mo- tor and power mixer I am now in- a position to give the public better service than ever. Phone 204, CLINTON; ONT. Get our prices first on stoves and Ranges. We carry a large stock of the above as well as a com- plete line of General Hardware. You will find you can do better trading with us than any city store: Raciges installed. HARLAND BROS., Hardware AND ADAM DID EAT This Adam was a particular Cuss But when his wife set HENDERSON'S BREAD Before him, he fell too, just like his progenitor, and this Mrs, Ad- am lived contentedly ever after HENDERSON'S BAKERY '[BEY : NO DANCE LST PAY FIDDLER People Cannot Taka More Out of a Community Than They Put in. COLLAPSE IS . INEVITABLE Town Will Not Survive Long If Its Commercial Structure is Torn Down Faster Than It Can Be Built Tip. (Copyright.) He who dances must pay the fid- dler. That is an old saying which is full of truth. The primary idea in this saying, of course, is that one can- not have any pleasure without paying for it in some way, but this is not the only sense in which it may be construed. It means that we cannot pursue any foolish policy indefinitely without paying ?or it in the end. No man can overtax his physical strength indefinitely without risking ultimate 'disaster.; Dissipation or overwork may be continued for a time without any noticeable results, but if continued tor'a sufficiently long time the inevitable comes to pass. The laws of nature cannot be vio- lated with impunity. If ane takes out of life more than he puts in, if ho tears down his physical strengtli faster than he builds it up, he must eventually pay the fiddler. What is true of the laws of natt,?ra is equally true of economic laws. The1 DSDle of a community may for a time tear' down ,the commercial structure of a town faster than they build it up without meeting disaster, but it cannot be continued indefinitely. In the end they- must pay the fiddler. Exhaust Resources of Community; The person who makes his living in a community, receiving the money of the community for his labor or the products of his' labor, and then spends his income outside of his com- munity is helping to exhaust the re- sources of the community just as the man who expends his energy through dissipation or overexertion faster than he builds it up is exhausting his physical resources. One man may do this, of course, without noticeably af- fecting the economic strength of the community, but when a doeentnen watnea do ii.t a•.a ai haccmes zi titiedbT4 -Aran oli-ft' 7liit: ; aIL•d'e "ft the resources of the community be- come exhausted to the point where collapse is inevitable. Those who are responsible for this situation may think that they have proflted indi- vidually by their actIone, but they have not realized that in the end they must pay the tiddler. There aro some persons who seem to be able to get through life with- out much effort. There are some who proceed on the theory that tile world owes thorn a living and they proceed to coiled it. They take what they can get and give nothing tri return. St1ich persons, however, age not very Amorous. Most of us must Day for everything that we get. Some may have to pay more than their share and these are carrying the burden of those who get more than they pay for. The fact remains that, as a gen- eral rule, one cannot have much worth while without paying for it. The merchants of any community are the backbone of that community, so far as its prosperity and progress are concerned, Individually there may be some of them who do not exert themselves to boost their com- munity, but collectively they are the men upon whom the living of every person in the community depends. The success or failure of an indivi- dual merchant may not 'be of parti- cular concern to the people of a com- munity, but the success or failure of the merchants as a whole is a matter of the very greatest concern. Provide Market for Fanners. The merchants of a town, In the first place, provide a market for a large part of the products of the farmers in the territory surrounding the town. They buy the produce of the farmers in small quantities, in accordance with their need, and some of them buy in larger quantities for shipment to foreign markets. If the merchants could not do this there would be no market at least for the small quantities except at ruinous prices, If the farmers could not rea- lize areasonable profit from their pro- ducts, there would be no money for them to spend and there .bo no mercy to pay Int' your products or to pay for your labor. It is there- fore of the greatest importance to everymember of the community, o unity, whether a resident of the town or a farmer in the country surrounding the town, that the merchants. be en- abled to provide this market for at least a part of the farmer's products. Every dollar sent away from a town to a mail order house helps to diminish the ability of the local mer- chants. to provide a market for the far -inert products or to do any of the many other things which the mer- chants of every town do for their community. 'Business in a community cannot be conducted on a one-sided basis, A man cannot take out of his common• ity a good living for himself and family and give nothing in return. He may do so tor a -short time and get away with it, but in the end he must pay the fiddler, The Best Policy. It is better to be persimonious than dishonest. LIVE MERCHANTS recognize Advertising .not as an expenditure, but as an In- vestment. Persistent use se THE CLINTON NEWS -RE. CORD will verify this. VozAlcrsraN (`p muv{y These are the days of Specialists: I specialize in good jewellery as well as watch and clock repair- ing. I endorse the Buy -at -Home idea because it has merit. Let us be loyal one to another and the success of Clinton is assured. W. R. COUNTER, Jeweller Jades MCTAGG.A.RT IiR08; BANKERS Clinton, ' Ontario It has often been remarked that the line of Stationery, Wall Pa- per, China, etc. that can be pro. mired et my store is surprising. Come and see for yourself and be convinced for all time to come that you can do better here than elsewhere. A. T. Cooper, Stationer Quahity and service has always been my slogan, It has been ex- tremely difficult to Time your needs from time to time but you can ditionsasbeyorred dt was control Let me know your wants, I will do my best for you, J. B. MUSTARD, Coal & Wood Good clean competition never in- jured any town. Education is as essential as our daily meals. You cannot travel four directions at the same time and arrive at -a given point. The same is true of the dollar spent out of town. DOHERTY PIANOS LTL. The best is the cheapest in the end. Let your next job of Paper hanging or redecorating be done by me. My long experience in this line is your assurance that what I undertake to do will be done right. J. E. COOK, Decorator If we think an article is not what You are looking for we tell you so, If we do not have what you are looking for we will get it for you. Look over our line of stoves, furnaces, cutlery, electri- cal fixtures etc. and be convinced SUTTER & PERDUE, Hardware To satisfy the individual house- hold has been nay motto for years. If you are looking for freeh, (iexfi gri,.o.le;, giti. An opportunity to prove the merit of the line of groceries I keep in stack. Prices are right. F. W. WIGG, Grocer In the line of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes you can do no better than by purchasing these at our store We try at all times to keep in stock what our clientele desires If we have not got it we will get it for you, PLUMSTEEL BROS. Dry Goods In the line of Fresh and Smoked Meats we cannot be surpassed. Everything we handle is 'proven best by every test." We invite your patronage with the assur- ance that you will be satisfied. Our business is on a.eash baste. BUTLER BROS., Meat Market Cleanliness is next to Godliness It is here we invite the general public to visit our creamery and see how senit:ry our plant is kept. Every improved method will be found here in the manu- facture of the Clinton. Creamery Products. S. E. Rozell, Manager Photography is an art and re- quires a constant application and study to be able to get the re- sults that meet the approval of a satisfied clientele. I also devel- op your films. Lot your next photo be done by ROY BALL Photographer A good place to eat and sleep, is what they all say of the Nor- mandle-Rattenbury Hotel. I make it my business to see that you are satidfled. It.. is the hone of the travelling man. Come in and make yourself at home. S. ,ti. COOPER, Proprietor resident. Two sons and two Baugh. ers, also his widow, are left to mourn their loss. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Glen, south of the village, entertained a number of their friends on Friday evening last. Mr, Henry Daynan has bought the farm lately owned by Mr. Cadieux for which he paid a good figure, Mr. Lorne Moffat has also dispos- ed of his farm on the London Road to Mr. George E. Thompson of Hay. It is the intention of Mr, Moffat and fancily to go to .the West where he has land, We are sorry to lose the family. Mrs. McMillan, an aged lady who lived with her son, Mr. Hugh McMil- len, in Tuckersnith, passed away on Sunday morning, She had reached the age of ninety-five years. The W. 141, S. of the Presbyterian church was entertained at the home of Mrs. Isaac Jarrot on Wednesday last. Some of the people who had teaming to do were quite delighted to see the nice fall of snow on Sat- urday last but at time of writing it is quite mild and by all appearances we will soon have rain, The roads were very mucic drifed between here and ILensall in some places. JImi. and Mrs. Dan Kiipetrielc, who have been spending some months with relatives here, left for their home, Old Wives, Sask., on Friday of last week. Mrs. Ids. Fowler has engaged with Mr. Harry IToggarth of Tuckersmith as house keeper. Mr, and Mrs. Sterling McPhail of Porter's Hill .visited their relatives here on Tuesday, - Mr, Eric Mrt(ay of the tenth con- cession, Tuckeramltli, is now alto- gether confined to his ream, Ills tress has been of two years duration. Referendum Vote on April 18th It s now definitely settled that the vote on the importation of liquor will be taken on Monday, April 181h, as Parliament has passed special Leg- islation ,for this purpose., The Ontario lists of 1919 will be revised by registration in villages and towns of over 1000 population, but there -will be no revision in town- ships and small villages. No one however, living in rural places who is twenty-one years of age (man or woman) will be deprived of a vote, as provision has been made for all who are British subjects and residents of Canada for a year and of Ontario for two months previous to 'February first May demand a bal- lot, when they go to the polls, Persons living in towns must see that their names are put on the lists by the revising officers, 130X SOCIAL, Under the Auspices of VILLAGE COUNCIL TOWN HALL, HAYFIELD —ON— TUESDAY EVENING, 'MAIL. 15th ,ALSO—, EXHIBITION OF FAMOUS PAINTINGS ANT) CURIOS MUSICAL 'PROGRAM Adniiesion to A.rb Museum b PROCEEDS TO GO TOWARD FURNISHINGS FOR TOWN HALL The Commercial Hotol will bo de- molished,and all the materials will be for sale at reasonable prices. Apply on the premises, ---The Mer - candle Salvage de. iii "Silent Alarno" Farm Lighting Plant is the smoothest, quietest run- ning, and the most econom- ically operated plant on the market today. Owing to its famous rotating sleeve valve which is so simply construc- ted that it does with seven parts what other motors need twenty-six parts. to • do. We sell and install it. Cone in and ask to see it run. osammanamszausrlerawrozwegar Corless ,. Veraoer HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 53 6WDa+iSerm c. AIDiU' 77Aux'^a+. e�JAAs"•P1h�••4 TICO'ry,XStiAIVA'ikS:!'wt;a�s' 3iaim SALE OF BUTTERMILK The season's butte rmilk4will be sold by Duction t the Chalon Creamery at 2 30 p m.,on ."'- SATURDAY,'MARC .. I2t1 Sale conducted olt''salmi plan 'Se'hist :Vona' (rtril•ge .II, Elliott, A1,t'iiouet0r, ANIS i7eratd At^:gra' seemasemonceratmammuermanazoornarasimatememaraosemstawase