HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-3-3, Page 6frig w 711URSD4Y hi TtCTI SO, 1921 Clinton Views.wRegar4 Of interest t0 You :and me This le the time to study the heed catalogue And plan for the garden, * * ' "Don't advertise or fences says 'the .Winchester Press, "Cows don't •cio any buying and autoists go too last to retid",a. . • *e March came in lilce the proverbial lamb. Such a soft, little, woolly -.tenth couldn't possibly turn .into �rfiez'e lion in ono short: month, surely. "The Advertiser (London) is mean renough to wish that all its opposi- .tion .would die". says The Exeter 'Times, "and foolish enough to ex- press the wish." 1 The Orllfia Packet apologizes for shaving recently copied a couple or items from The News -Record and ••credited then) to oiu• local contemper•- :ltry, There are few things so bad but, :they might be worse, however. Sup- pose it had copied them from our 1, c, and credited them to us? **** "Why" asks The British West Indian, "should Great Britain wish to sell any part of•itself7" Great Brit- ain doesn't wish to do anything of the kind nor does any Briton ever :make such a suggestion. The' sug- gestion always comes from some out tsider who doesn't know what he's :talking about, * *** A. course in journalism is now in 'progress at the Western University, ::London, the opening lectures being :given on Monday. English literature and composition and journalism and :allied topics will be the foundation of the lectures and amongst the lec- turers" are Prof. W. F. Tamblyn, 'bead of the department of English in the University, Col, W. 3. Brown, executive secretary of the university; Mr. Arhur B. Ford, editor of the Free Press; Mr, Fred Langdon, head of the Public Library and lee- b'turer in history in the university, •114r. Edward Grange, a former news- paper man, and Mr. Finley E. Per- rin,;lecturer in pol. science. The course lasts ten weeks and at the end of "that time examinations will be held .and credit given candidates who pass. 'This is said to .be the first journalis.. ' tic course in any university in Cana. da and the time may come when any .one who hasn't got a journalistic •degree need not apply for a position -rot any reputable journal. In the meantime old-fashioned quill -drivers will just have to do the best they. scan to keep their heads above water. * * Those of us who know it well take it much as a matter of course hut :strangers are always impressed with .Clinton's Public Library, the size of comfort the co) t r of there g adin room 3t the excellent quality and the range of the magazines and periodicals sup- plied and the fine children's depart- ment. A very happy evening can he spent there by anyone who is fond 1. of reading and there is always a wide choice of matter from which to draw. And while other' and much larges towns are just trying out the "Story Hour" for children Clinton has 'had its "Story hour" every Saturday :afternoon during all but the hottest summer months for the past half dos- -en years. While the library is fairly well patronized yet there are many even ;yin Clinton who make little or no use • • of it. There are, according to the last report, 658 readers, which con- sidering the fact that Clinton has -something over 600 homes and the library serves the surrounding corn - counties as well, is not a large av- -•erage , During last year 18,269 books were circulated. There are 7921 books in the library, 349 having been added last year. Many people do not know -what they are missing by not patron- izing Clinton's excellent library. • Will Visit Huron Dr; Andrew S. Grant, of Toronto, ',Secretary of the Ontario Referendum Committee, will visit Huron County next week and will address meetings ..et Exeter, on Wednesday afternoon, March 9th, at 2 o'clock and Goderieh ..at eight pan. and Thursday, March 10th, at Blyth '2 pan., and 'gingham .at 8 p,m. The Commercial Hotel will be de. molished, and all the materials will be for sale at reasonable prices. Applyon the premises. -The Mer- .eantile Salvage Co. Calves For Sale A number of calves..for sale from 'now on, Polled Angus and Durham. Apply Wm. Bedour, R. R. No, 3, Clinton. Phone 12 en 602. -87-tf For Sale Timber, joists, acantling and lutn- 'ber out of a house taken down. Ap- ply to P, 0, Reynolds. Phone 6 on '637. -87-1-p Stove For Sale Pandora Range, almost new. or :Aeme B Bonk stor,;, Call 14 on •620, Clinton. -87-1 Births. MACDONELL-In Goderieh, en knob, 23rd, to Dr, and Mrs, Maedonell, n daughter, ,Deaths SCARI,I.TT-•-In Clinton, on Feb. 24th, Ann Lovett, widow of the late John Scarlett of IVIeICillop, aged '73 years IYIAPTIN-lzz Turnberry, on Feb, 20th, Thomas Martin, in his 70th Year. IN MEMORIAM FA1 QUbIAR-In loving memory of Con," M. Farquhar, who departed this life, Fob, 26, 1920, ', "When alone in our sorrow the .bit- ter tears flow, T'here`ltealeth a dream -of the dear long ago; Bub, • unknown to the world, he stands by our side, And whispers these words, 'Death cannot divide.'" -Inserted by wife and children Farm For Sale Lot 35, on the 13th concession, Goderieh' township, 65 acres, bank barn 50 .x.50 and one -storey frame house; " Orchard, Spring creek, Well inside barn. Apply on premises or write Joshua Sherman, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. . -87-4 • Auction Sale Of farm stock, Implements, etc, The undetsigned'hee received instruc- tions to sell by Public Auction at the farm (known as the Fair Farm) ad- joining the Town of Clinton on Fri- day, March 11th, at 12 o'clock, the following; Horses: span. Pereherons, 3000 lbs. well matched, span Black General Purpose, well matched, brown mare in foal to Percheron, black horse, black Percheron mare, 2 years, show colt, grey gelding, 2 years old, driving mare by Spink Medium, ex- tra road. mare. Cattle: 2 Holsteins, well bred, calving about time of sale, 4 Holsteins, freshened with calves at foot, 4 Durhains, freshened with calves at foot, 4 Durahm spring ers, 2 Holsteins, due last of March, 2 Durhanis, due in April, '4 grass cows, 4 milking strain heifers, 2 years, 2 steers, rising 2 years, 3 heifer calves. 4 steer calves, 1 Dur- ham bull, 3 years, from milking strain. Cows have been sorted from herd of fifty and are extra good lot. Pigs: 2 brood sows, Poultry: 40 hens, Black Rocks. Implements: 8 -ft. Massey -Harris binder with pole truck in good order, 7 -ft. Maesey- Harris binder with pole truck in good shape, 71/2 -ft. Deering stiff tooth cultivator, now, 7' -ft. McCormick spring tooth cultivator, Bissell (16 disc) disc, four horse, 13 disc drill, good as new, steel roller, 12 ft., 2 walking plows, new, corn cultivator, scuffles, Deering 7 -ft, mower, Mc- Cormick, 12 -ft rake, hay loader, 2 hay forks, cars, ropes, complete, , 2 sets harrows, Massey manure spread- er, 3 waggons , 2 sets. hob' sleighs, delivery waggon, 2 hay racks, flat sleigh rack, cutter, Empire, 2 double unit milking machine, 8-h.p. Massey - 'Harris gas engine; galvanized lined water trough, steam feed cooker, 2 sets team harness with breeching, set team harness. set sin- gle harness, 15 tons Tim- othy, 'hay, 25 tons Alfalfa, 300 bus. seed barley, 1200 bus. oats, 150 bus. mixed grain, silage, manure and hay forks, hoes, shovels, chains and other articles too numerous to mention. -House Furniture: Imperial Oxford cooking range„ box stove, sideboard, refrigerator, bedroom suite, Wilton rug, parlor suite. If day is stomy sale will be held tin- der cover. 'Everything must be sold as the proprietor has leased his farm, Terms: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over 'that amount, 7 months' Credit on approved joint notes, or a discount of 5 per cent. per annum for cash on credit amounts. A. E, Durnin, Proprietor. John Purvis, Auctioneer, -87 Rooms to Lot I have a number of furnished :roams to rent by the week or month, Apply Mrs. 7degridgo, Ontario street. —87-3' Crain For Sale '2000 bushels nixed grain, half oats 'anrl half. barley. Apply to Alex. Sparks Box 6, Seaforth,---87-2-p Men Wanted Two reliable men wanted for out - ting short wood, About 75 cords, Convenient to town. Apply to M. 0. Raesford. r17 1 Announcement Having disposed of the Comtner- •tial Hotel 'property will held sale of household effects eta., later. Look for azole date.-'-•Wilsoh Elliott. -81-•1 Sale of Farm and Farm Stock An auction sale of the following fain and farm stock and implements will take place at- lot 40, Con. 8, Goderieh township, on Tuesday, Mar. 15th, at 1 o'clock sharp: Horses: horse .rising 9, mare rising 7 years, driving mare, 3 years, gelding ris- ing 2, gelding rising 1 Cattle: cow 6 years old, due Mar. 20th, oow 0 years, due Mar. 18th, cow 7 years, due July 26th, cow 8 years, due May 14th, 2 steers rising 3 years, 3 heif- ers rising 2, 2 steers. rising 2, 3 spring steer calves. Implements: Massey -Harris binder, 7 -ft. cut, Cockshutt riding plow, new, Fleury walking plow, Maxwell hay loader, Massey -Harris berm seuffter, Massey - Harris cultivator nearly new, Massey - Harris. hay , rake„ roller, Success nt a n u r• e spreader, set harrows, set disc har- rows, walking scufiier, wagon, Man- itoba bob sleigh, gravel box, wagon box, wheelbarrow, hay rack, puiper, fanning mill, De Laval cream sepa- rates, stock rack, Chatham scales, 2000 lbs., rubber tired top buggy, steel tire top buggy, open steel tired buggy, 2 sets single harness, set double harness, 3 cutters in good shape, 3 buffalo robes, 2 blankets, knee rug, road cart, hay fork, hay rope, slings, pulleys, car', 2 sets fame pulleys, pig box, '2 wagon tonemes, buggy pole, somo,housohold furniture, tel r'ang'e, coal'heater, some cedar posts. quantity of barley, oats, hey and wood, 75 here, pair geese, pair ducks, 50 bus. ,potatoes, forks, chains, shovels, ere.. At the name time and place the farm, good clay loam, well fenced, and drained (lend frame, house,, bare and shed and driving shed. Ila:ni anti soft water. Close to Anglican and Methodist churches and school, on county road botweort Clinton and Hayfield, will be offered for sale. Terme: On farm 10% of per- chase money on day of sale, balance in 80 days. On stock and implement's,. All suns of $10 and under, cash; ov- or that amount 0 menthe credit will be allowed on approved joint notes or 4% straight for cash ort credit a111olmts, Fred C. Hanley, Propri- etor 0, It Elliott, Auctioneer, Mali Contraot Settled tender's, eddrossad to the Pate t Asner General, will be received Ottawa until noon; on Friday, the 1st April, 1921, for the' conveyenee of IIis Majesty's bIolis, on a proposed Contract for felts years, aix times per week ever Clinton No, 8 Rural Route from the'Postnraster General's Piea- sure, Printed notices containing fur- ther in'for'mation as to' conditions of Proposed aontraet may be seen and blank forms et Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Offices of Clinton, Holmesville, Brueefield; Seaforth and at, the office of the Post 0113ce Inspec tor, Post Otliee Inspector's Office, London, .February 18, 1021, Chas, E. H. Fisher, Post Office Inspector, -80-3 A ST. PATRICK'S DAY SUPPER WILL BE SERVED Under the auspices of Wesley League —iN— WESLEY HALL THURSDAY. MAR. 17th HIOT SUPPER FROM 5.30 to 7.00 Tickets 350 : : 2 tickets '600 SKATING PARTY A Union Skating Party, under the auspices of the Ont. St. and Wesley Methodist Leagues, will be held in the rink, Tuesday night, March 8. Lunch will be served. Band in attendance. Admission, 251. --87-1 Man Wanted Position open for an experienced man on a farm. Married or single, single preferred, Yearly engagement. Write Department of Agriculture, Clinton, Ont. --8,7-2 Men Wanted Apply Monday afternoon at Com- mercial Hotel, Clinton. -The Mer- cantile Salvage Co. -87,-1 Sale of Thoroughbreds Huron County Breeders Associa- tion have issued catalogues for their consignment sale to be held in Le- pard's shed in Wingham on Thursday, 1lfarch 10th. This is the last call for the Sale, The attention of those de- siring to purchase bulls and those wishing to purchase females of Ab- erdeen Angus, Hereford or Short- horn breeds is- called to this sale. Catalogues may be secured on appli- cation to the Secretary. Sale at 1 p.m. ;-S. B. Stothers, Department of Agriculture, Clinton, Ont. -87-1 Piano Tuning Jas. E. Doherty, experienced piano tuner. Orders for piano tuning, tone regulating and general re -building left at my address, Clinton, phone 160, will receive prompt attention. Also dealer in pianos andphono- graphs. -July 2Sth-p • • House for Sale 8 -room, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, good gar- den and chicken house. Apply on • premises: Corner of North and Spencer Sts. -A. C. Clarkson. -804f Auction Sale 01 Faust Stock and Implements': The undersigned has received instruc- tions to sell by public auction at Lot 45, Bayfield Road, 1'/ miles south- west of Clinton, on Friday, March 4th, commencing at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following: Horses: Grey mare in foal, bred to Brown's Percheron, due May 10, choice grey mare, a splendid worker, chestnut horse, gen- eral purpose, well bred driving mare. Cattle: black cow due March 1, grey cow May 17, cow due April 15, cow due April 10, cow due May 7, 2 far- row cows, milking, heifer rising 2 years, 2 black steers rising 2, year- ling steer,, yearling heifer, 3 choice spring calves, brood sow due March 27, 18 pullets. Implements: Massey- Ilarris Gasoline Engine, 41/2 h,p., mounted on trucks, Massey -Harris steel framed wood saw 28.inch blade, nearly new, mounted on trucks, Mas- sey-Ilarris ensilage cutter with blower, nearly new, Frost re Wood mower 6 -ft. cut, Massey -Harris cultivator, Cockshutt hay rake, 10 -ft„ Massey -Harris low down ma- nure 'spreader, nearly new, set bar- rows,' Cockshutt plow, good double plow with rolling coulters, set disc harrows, Maxweil scufller, Massey - Harris cream separator, set trucks, Adams' wagon, 21 inch tire, root pulper, hay rack and. stock rack com- bined, set bobsleighs, 2 neckyokes, logging chain and log ,bunk, 2 set doubletrees, set double hotness, 2 set single harness, light wagon and demoerai, one-horse wagon, driving belt for ensilage cutter, forks, shov- els, eatery stone driven by pulley, steel pig trough, wheelbarrow, belt, micas nettle, watering trough, steel lined, cross cut saw, crow bar and cant ltoolc, };:ravel bas, 2 bushel basket, extension lad- der, strm kettle, stone boat. Frnnitm•e: Dresser and stand, camp bed, 2 small tables, extension table, cite,t of drawers, Sinner sewing mac. lt;ne, parlor suite, .•gond churn, coal heater, 'washing machine, invalid their, about 25 yards g•oo,l carpet. Other articles too =morons to nten- tinn. Ilverything mast be eatisfae- torily settled for before being re- moved from premises. Positively no reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. •Teams: All suets of 510 and utd,er, cult; over that amount, 6 months credit on -approved • joint notes, 3 per cent, discount for Cash on credit amounts, Perrault, Chickens • and.'hrood sow, cash, .lt, A, •Rolserto,, Proprietor, Geo. 11. Elliott, Auctions 505, , .--86.2 Tour Attention Ts drawn to these specials we of Por this week, You will find • our prjee8 right with to -days, market in ,these linos :and others' the wine; Our aha is to satisfy enstomers, EXTRA SPECIAL. OUR BMG OAR with another purchase er N, P. SOAP our store, Equal in weight of 8 of Any other Laundry e large cans Heinz 1 can Tomatoes 15e. soap for 25e. ?Rork & Bens S..22(1, SUPPLY LIMITED iSee window Saturday 1 to each customer ,for other specials ,2 picgs. Jolly Powder 25c,. GET TOTE HABIT OF DEALING AT The store for everybody 8 bars Ivory Soap .,25c, n 0 3 bare Lifebuoy eb oy s a p 25e. 3 bars Goblin soap 8 bars Palm Olive soap 2 picas, 0071 .Flalxes 250, 1 lb, Val, Raisins ..28c, 1 lb, Mince meat . , ,22e, JOHNS( 14 k c 8 GROCERY JONATHAN HUGILL. 'Ille a 1111 Special Th6s Week A Bell piano used only 2 months, owner leaving. This style piano sold fon 5600.00 this past summer. I now offer for quick sale at 3385.00, for cash or note. Other terms may be arranged. Also 1 square nienein fine condi- tion, se::: price $75,00, or 'will rent for term of nrbnths. Phone 6-616 at once or write J. E. Ilugill, Box 229, Seaforth. Deal at home if you value your n)oney. ' Agent for Phonates, sewing ma- chines, cream separators and pianos. Box 229, SEAFORTH ■.rte Feeding Molasses In 5 -bbl lots 36c per gallon In 1 -bbl lots 37c per gallon J. HUTTON LONDESBORO Attention We have on the premises of the Commercial Hotel, 1 large two story frame barn, approximately 40x6Oft. also Driving shed 20x9Oft. These buildings will be for sale immediate- ly. -87-1 THE MERCANTILE SALVAGE CO. }Sant For Sale In Goderieh Tp., 180 acres choice clay loam, in first class condition. Barn almost new, equipped with ev- erything to save labor. 8 acres of good young orchard, modern house, with bath room ,and. pressure tank new drilled well and elecric light plant, Also 220 acres pasture and timber land. TMs is one of the best combination farms in the county of Huron. Will be sold separate or in one block. Chas. 13. Middleton, R. R. No, 3,•Clinton, Phone 2-606 -86-tf Auction Sale• 01 Farm Stock and Implements. The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public auction at Lot 15, Con. 17, Base Line, on Tues- day, March 8th commencing at one o'clock sharp, the following: Horses: black gelding 6 years, bay 'filly 3 years, black filly 1 year, bay driver 10 years. Cattle: cow 9 years due March 20, cow 0 years due April 16, COW 6 years due June 14, cow 8 years due May 1, cow 0 years due in July, cow 6 ysr. supposed to be in calf, 3 steers rising 2 years, heifer rising 2 years, 3 spring calves, 2 fat calves. About 30 hens. Implements: McCormick binder 7-11. cut, Cross & Wood mower '7, -ft. cut, Massey -Har- ris spring tooth cultivator, 10 -hoe seed drill, Massey -Harris disc har- row, set 3 section diamond harrows, set spring tooth harrows, Cockshutt riding plow, hay rake, Cockshutt walking plow, nearly new, wagon box, wagon, hay rack, scutfler, fan- ning mill, root pulper, set sleighs, cutter, rubber tired buggy, steel tired buggy, 2 set double- harness, grind stone, set single harness, sugar ket- tle,' DeLaval cream separator, near- ly new, boring machine, barn jack, churn, quantity of hay and grain. Other atricles too numerous to men- tion. Terms: All sums of 510 and under, cash, over that amount, 8 months credit on approved joint notes, 4 Per cent, discount for cash on credit amounts. Clnis, Beacom, Proprietor, Geo. H. Elliott, Auc- tioneer. -86-2 Turnips for Sale Quantity of good, clean turnips, at reasonable price. Fred McCool, Londesboro, R. R. No. 1; Phone 2S- 14, Blyth. -86-2-p Cottage For Salo Roomy cottage on Huron street, Town water, good cellar, % acre of ground, some fruit tree. Apply to W. Bryclono 017 Miss E, Whitely -81 Farm to Rent Grass farm to rent, lots 84 and 36, Oth concession, Cloderich township, containing 120 acres, with plenty of water. For further Particulars ap- ply in bars, Walter Weston, Mayfield, 11, 11.. No. 2. Mono 0 on 600. -86 -if Farm For Sale Lot 1.6, pest of 17, Con. 1, Ilul. lett ,in ail 127 acres. This farm is situated 1/ minis oath of the town of Clinton on the HI05011 .Road, •,is well adapted for mixed favmin•g. It is well watered with never failing spniug and also by spring creek run- ning across one corner. 11 is mostly seeded, There aro eight acres fir wheat. There. is a two story brick house and a large barn with :atone stabling, also drive shed, leer house and pig pen. The buildings are all comparatively new and in good re- pair, For further partieulars a )ply on the premises or by mail to John It, Noble, R. 11,. No. 4, Clinton, Out, Phone 7 on Gil. .- S6-tf m VICTORY BONDS And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at your bank without charge. W. BRYDONE, Clinton .CLINTON GARAGE —AND -- BATTERY SERVICE STATION The enforcement of the Headlight Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight }telephone Legalite Shaler Roadlighter Clamert Primolite Macbeth Conopher Clear Conopher Noviol Come in and let us fill out your ap- plications and show our lenses. J. H. Paman Examiner 'for licensed drivers Phone 80 Res, Phone 140 C -REAM WANTED We are in a position to pay the highest market price for butter fat and to give the .best possible service. OUR GATHERERS WILL BE ON THE ROAD; REGULARLY THE YEAR AROUND. WE WILL AP- PRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. CLINTON CREAMERY LIMITED Phone 145 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop, W. J. Jago. -83-11 Farm for Sale 80 acres on Cut line, 'An mile from Holmesville.' Well improved, good buildings. Apply on premises to W. Pickard, or. phone 8 on 611. -86-tf Farm for' Sale or Rent ;Farm, lot 40, Con, 8, " Goderieh Township, Good clay loans well fenced and drained, Good frame house, barn with shed, also good driving shed, lots of hard and soft water. Close to a19nglish and Metho- dist churches, 1/ miles from. school. On County road between Clinton and Bayfield. Fred C. Hanley, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield, Picone 12-608. -85-tf Farm For Sale Lot 30, Con. 5, township of Mullett, 21/e miles from Clinton. Convenient to school. Contains 117 acres, 100 acres cleared, 17 acres bush lot. Land is all clay loam and in good state of cultivation. 5 acres fall wheat. Good brick ltouso.and bank barn with cem- ent stabling. 2 good wells and never failing spring. Apply on premises. Ezra, M. Durst, R. R. No .1,•Clinton, -76-tf Puncture Proof Inter Tubes Have your car fitted with the Areo Cushion tubes, No punctures, no blowouts. All sizes of tubes kept in stock. W. L. Peffers, Albert street, Clinton. -74-41 House for Sale Comfortable 8 -roomed house, on Albork street, North, with good stone cellar and town water. Also stable on premises. Apply Miss Moore, - •69-t1 . Par 'Sale Two six roomed hooses en Fred- eriek street, near the new flax mills, will be sold cheap, and on eaay terms, Apply to ,Jacob Taylor ox C, 13, Hale. • O'NEIJ:'S PRICES and Eaton's e Eaton's sell Rolled .Oats at 7 lbs. for 380 O'Ncils Bell. Rolled Oats at 7 lbs, Tor 361 :Eaton's sell Black to at ,,.,,.,,..1 1b. for 400; 3 lbs. for 31.15 O'Nei1's sell Bleck tea at 1 lb. for 551; 3 lbs. for 41.00 • Eaton's sell Seeded raisins O'Neil's sell seeded raisins Eaton's sell Canned peas at O'Nell's sell Caroled Peas at 1 Ib for 820 1 lb. for 300 180 per can 150 per can EATON'S DO NOT QUOTE SUGAR AT ALL O'NEIL'S SELL AT WHOLESALE PRICE W. T. O'NEIL THE HUB GROCERY Lower Prices Owing to an exceptional winter, we are now glad to announce the return of almost normal conditions in the mining industry, and the return of our old straight-line coal, the cele- brated D. L. & W. SCRANTON This permits us to announce also NORMAL QUOTATIONS And -another reduction of - 81.50 PER TON Making the price of the prepared sizes $17.00 DELIVERED This price is rock bottom, and is based on present wages, freight rates and American exchange, which from all appearances will not probably be any less, Place your order with the only dealer in town displaying a Govern- ment License. Would also ask all those with out- standing accounts to kindly arrange for settlement this -month as it is the close of our coal year. J. B. MU,,,; FAR CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD.' Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brueefield 11 on 618. THE COHNEH STORE Phono 45 This Is The Season For Plot Drinks We have prepared Chocolate, Co- coa, Coffee, Bovril and Oxo cubes, ready to serve by pouring hot water on them. Frys, Cowans and Bakers Cocoa. Also a good bulk Cocoa at a special price per lb. Jams and Marmalade. SEE OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL BARGAIN COUNTER LIVE AND LET LIVE FredWeWigg CORN There is a vast difference in grades of corn, Our Corn is No. 2 Yellow which we believe is the best grade on the market: It is free from broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Give us a call and let us know your re- quirements. Special prices on large quantities. BRAN, SHORTS. Now is the season for Bran & Shorts. The quality is good and the prices reasonable. SWIFT'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Figured on present value of live- stock and home-grown feeds the use of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will return more profit to the hog raiser than ever before in its history. SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS Blood, Tankage and Bones produced by the largo slaughtering business of Swift Canadian Co. are almost all used in Swift's high Grade Fertilizer. Result: Large profit to you. FLOUR Our stock includes: Purity, Five Roses, White Seal and Golden City. . W. Jerkins & Sod. FLOUR AND FEET) Phones: Elevator'109, Residence 141 Boars fir Sbrvlee Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Cheshtor'57hite boars for service. At home every forenoon. -A. C. Levey, Phone 15 on 689, Clinton t--28 Scranton Coal Don't forget to leave your order for rim deliveryof coal or wood Spring with E. WARD. If you want satis- faction. We will look after your wants. Leave orders at my Residence, Hunan street, or Phone 155, TERMS CASH South End Grocery A full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGL1 Levi stong PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY CIRLS NED • for knitters and learners ALSO for menders acrd inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED PLUMBING, HEATING AND FURNACE WORK Repairing of all kinds Promptly Done THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Uecla Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 53 Shop over Corless & Vermeer' We are in the market for: WHEAT .• BARLEY • OATS i —ALSO--- ,MAPLE --ALSO---MAPLE ELM • BASSWOOD AND WHITE ASH LOGS] Flour and Feed always on hand. J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. 1 Special Prices Will be paid by us for Large Fat Hens During the next few weeks. Top prices will be paid by us for Sttlrictlhn New Laid, i ggs Enquire prices before you sell, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Managers Phone 100; Holinesville 4 on 141 CREAM WANTED 1 The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require • mere cream. We request you to ship its yowl cream. We guarantee you the Higbeet Market .Prlecs, accurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and neede no further recommend. We pay all express charges, furn- ish cream cans and pay twice each month. Write for cans o0 further informae .tion to the THE SEAPORTII CREAMERS 00, 0. A., RARI31i1lt, iltANAGta4