HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-2-3, Page 5'TJIURSfAY, 1 I3, 3rd, '1021,
Gi` ff interest. to Yo12..
If Vett have ti talent for cathei i st1,
'-says an exchange, do eat :Call to use
it upon'yourself, Now, who ever heard
of such a thing?
.President elect Ilttrditis: Is wearing
his last t carr;' ov(1rcoat, so his tailor,
declares, liven at that he shouldn't
look too conspicuous
Boys will continue to leave the
farm as long as ae;riceltneal pnpen5
and reamers themselves continue bit-
terly to Cicery their own calling',
—Orillia Packet.
* • •
The Listowel Banner says that if
the town council will pass a by-
law compelling people who keep
chickens to keep them upon their
own property "'their names will be-
come •innnortal:" It would be a sim-
ple way to gain immortal fame. But
who'd see that the bylaw was en-
P1aiews of giappenMO
Ln the aCountu and
Dr, Mary Cowan, who v'eeerttty
Wen. the Beit seholurship, whiell is
open to the whole British Empire,.
Miss Cowan being the second Pall-
all-adie n to win it, was tendered 'the
congratuletiena of the town council
and of the Presbyterian) church at
-Seaforth recently and she was p're-
sen'ted with a steamer rue, Ur.
Cowan leaves almost immediately
for England.
St, Thomas Church, Sedate, col-
obrated its sixty-third anniversary 01)
Sunday lust, the Rev. (Capt,) McKeg-
ney of Clinton being the preacher of
the day -
Mr, -Thos. Brown of Senforth,
when turning his car in the yard of
Mr, J. Hedson of Tuckersmith re-
cently, failed to notice a clothes line
stretched across it, the consequence
was that he received a bad cut In the
face. This is the second occident of
the ]tinct happening in Huron county
within the past few weeks, Mr.
BrophyGoderich havingwith
ophyofG met
as1milat accident recently.
A sale of purebred stock will be
held at Wingham on Feb. 10th,
The annual meeting of the Turn -
berry Agricultural Society was held
in Wingham on the.2lst and the fol-
lowing officers elected:
Hon. President, J. J. Mofatt.
IIon, Vice, H. T. Perdue.
President, I, J. Wright.
lst Vice, R, S. Willie:es.
2nd Vice, G. N. Underwood.
-'Directors, W. J. Greer, Hugh GiI-
mour, J. E..Smith, W. A. McGill, F.
Henry, John Gillespie, Richard Wil-
ton, C. G. Campbell and A. G. Smith.
Lady Directors, Wives of officers
and directors.
•Associate 'Directors, W. J. Currie,
V.•R. VanNorman, J. A. Brandon, 0.
Campbell, W. G. Gray, Adam Robert-
son, John Tripp, Wm. Brydges,
Alex. McDonald.
Auditors, J. A. Mclean and Robt.
Mr. Richard Wilton and Mrs, W.
A. McGill were appointed' delegates
to the Ontario Fairs. Association
Convention at Toronto to be held
February 8th and 9th.'
The date set for the holding of the
1921 Fair is Sept. 27 and 28th.
Miss Margaret Alice Paul and Mr.
Wnr. J. Duff of Bluevale were united
in marriage by Rev. Crawford Tait
at the home of the bride : on Tues-
day of last week, The happy couple.
will reside at Bluevale,
-- Mr. F. D. Hutchison of Mitchell
has purchased the grocery business
of Mr. D. F. McKinnon of Seaforth
and has taken possession.
Mr. R. T. Cowell, who, has been
organist and choir leader in the
Presbyterian church, ch Winghan, for
some time, has resigned his position
and will go to Peterboro• Mr. F. J.
Hill has been appointed choir leader
in Mr. Cowell's place and will pro-
vide an organist.
Mr, G. A. Deadman and daughter,
Miss Kate, of Brussels have gone to
Florida for the remainder of the
The officials of Roe's church,
Grey township, are planning to build
an enclosed shed in connection with
the church.
Mr, Lewis Whitfield of Morris
township lost his barn and contents
from fire caused by the upsetting of
a lantern. The stock was saved but
much feed and implements were de -t
stroyed. A very small insurance was
A horse driven by Milton Lowe of
Grey township, wtihout any appar-
ent cause, broke its leg and had to
be shot.
Will 13urges, who has been hag-
gageulan•at the G. T. R. station at
Brussels for some time, has been
promoted to Preston.
Rev. Father Tierney, who has been
pastor of the Mount Carmel church
for some years, has been removed to
-St. Michael's parish, London. The
Rev. Father Cocoran will succeed
Father Tierney et Mount Carmel.
Lir. and Mrs. Russell I-icdden and
family, stave been visiting friends
about Racier and will locate in On-
tario after having spent several years
in the west.
Go:It:rich is planning to have an
old boys reunion sometime during
the coming summer.
The annual meeting ting of the mem-
hers of the Dtun;ripnon Agriculiurcl
Society was held recently and officers
elected as fellows: Hon. presidents,
\\'illiam Bailie and Jas. Itlnllough;
president, I. Ii'etherington; ist vice -
re l:lent, .Jas. Hayden; 2nd 4:ce-
president, ,Jacob Recd; secretary-
treasurer, N. F. \Vhyord; directors,
Wart. Watson, \V. J. Thompson, D.
McAllister, Jas. Alton, Ed. Ander-
sen, W. A, Culbert, Rebt, Glen, Ross
McPhee, Mrs, Thos. Stothers, Mrs.
J. R. McNabb, Mrs. Jas. Hayden.
Honorary tl'i•LJCtors, Thos. Stothers,
-John Dustow, Chas. Girvm. Auditors,
J. R. McNabb and A. Bisbee.
The Rev. IL F. Kennedy of Ben -
miller addressed the Colborne Far -
mors' Club one evening last week.
Goderich council has decided toeol-
lect the taxes in two instalments, In
Jane and December. •
William Canirtbeil of the Hensall
Planning Mills, who is deaf and dumb,
was struck by a train at the Grand
Trunk tracks at Ilensall on Saturday
last and somewhat severely injured
about the Bead and face.
Wroxeter Rural Telephone Co.,
held its annual meeting recently and
the old officers were re-elected, The
attendance at the annual meeting
was not large owing to the condition
of the roads.
Mr. W. F. Coiutor, accountant in
the Wiesthan branch of the Lank
of Hamilton, has been trantiferred to
Clic Wroxeter branch as nutna *•et•,
Dr. R. 0, Redmond of Winham
has been appointed assistant corer-
er of Heron county. Wingham has
been without a coroner since the
death of Dr, J. P. Kennedy some
mouths ago.
tl,,Y .
, z
if ,
Sometimes city journalists call at -
tension to the pettiness of the
news found in countryweeklies, But
• we'd like to see anything. that would
beat a photograph. which appeared
in a' Toronto daily a few days ago,
it was of a woman in her nightgown,
• who lead just been rescued from a
'bburning building. The editor of a
- cc:unties weekly would have had snore'
regard for the feelings of the lady
than to have asked that she pose for
Such a picture. But there she was,
•an elderly woman of substantial
weight, • who had just been lugged
• downstairs, like a sack of potatoes,
' on. the shoulder of her son-in-law,
'with her hair all touzzeled and
in', the pink flannellette nightie
iii.' which . she had jumped
out of bed. We'd have scorned to
' take such an advantage of any unfor-
tunate fellow -creature. The' lady
•didn't look any too well pleased and
we didn't blame her a bit. In -fact
we wouldn't have blasted her if
she'd taken a hatchet to the camera
'and the broom to the camera man.
4,* • • _
Germany is , making a big fuss
.about the indemnity she has to pay
to the Allies and it is es-
timated that she will have to pay
for forty-two years It• would be well
to remember that of all the countries
engaged in the war Germany got off
the easiest. Her country was un-
touched and she bf ' all others
was best prepared for war as she
had been planning for it. We are not
much given to making predictions
but we are not afraid to say that at
-the end of forty-two years Germany
will be in a better condition commer-
cially than any of the other countries
Ma to whom she pays indemnity. Ger-
many is quite ready to put up a "poor
mouth" if it will save her any nton-
-ey and will laugh in her sleeve if
the Allies are silly enough to be-
lieve her. For our part we would
Bather expend what sympathy we
ran spare upon Belgium, France, or
eyen England, who suffered more
from the war than a good many peo-
ple have any idea of and who car-
ries off her troubles with character•
istio sportsmanship.
h * :a a
Prof. Paul Shorey of Chicago Uni-
versity, addressing the Canadian
Club in Toronto on Monday, pleaded
with Britons "not to yield 16 the
temptation to retort in kind to the
Pro -German, Sinn Fein and other
anti-British propagandists in the Un-
ited States, You cannot possibly
deem," the speaker went on, "the Na-
tion newspaper, the committee of One
Hundred to investigate the affairs of
Ireland, a greater outrage upon the
courtesies due friendly people than
I do. You cannot possibly think
n worse then I do of any American
4 who acee,pts membership on that
precious - committee But you ]tad
letter leave it to be said by the
Americans of my way of thinking.
Every sharp answer, every smart re-
tort, every jnstifiab:e 00 irresi,-tahle
epigram at the expense of the States
by a British subject makes it harder
or your freiuds over there and plays
into the hands of the Germans,
Russian Jews and the Sint Feiners
rind provides trod headlines for the.
•-:l:ow Hearst nowspaners,"
"We are united to the British Em-
pire by language, literature, law and
political methods," be continues, "and
if we cannot live in amity with the
British we cannot live in 1u, i;y with
anybody. If we break with them we
break with evtryltody."
Now, we confess that the above
moved us rather deeply. Wo have
the friendliest feelings for the peo-
• ple of the United States and we want
to live on friendly terms with them
but we must confess that it has Peen
hard to swallow some cut the things
that have been said of Britain clueing
the years of the war and since by an
element which, whether stem* or
not, is certainly possessed of a good
pair of lungs and is not afraid of
making itself heard. We are all in
-•favor of being patient, of turning the
other cheek, as it were, but how long
is this thing to •go on? When it be -
mines innes necessary for a college profes-
sot' 'to come over here and apologize
for what is said and done in his ,own
country and to ask us, to overlook it
and not notice, we think something
should bo done to remedy tatters at
hone We feel something like the
wman Who was annoyed by the bad be-
haviour find malicious tricks played
upon him by the refractory son of his
neighbor Ile didn't want to quarrel
with the neighbor but he did want
that neighbor to take that bail boy
across his parental knee and admin-
• ister a good sound puinshment, one
which would tench hire manners.
Now,, if we could feel that Unclo Sam
was doing ,his very best to'eontrol
his wayward offspring we should feel
more lute, being paint, But Can-
atla's nerves have been left pretty
raw from the experiences, through
which she has passed and having had
many a good chance to "talk back,"
doubt often taken the
•chance. 'lwe've 'However, we'll tt•y to cul-
tivate a large and philosophical
• mind, which is not easily moved by
trifles, still hope .far a snappy turn to
• .affairs in the future.
Patrick Bryne and his three chil-
dren lost their lives through a fire
which destroyed their home at King.
Sten Friday night,
h• iihto4l. N7.ws-' lots rt ,
re.•in.. .w;r ' Vt100%* "'5500`+t!%ii0,iY� {?1dFwk+%1�MYkt�o1• ,t� P
Sealed Tenders addressed to 'the
Postmaster General, will be received
at Ottawa until noon on Friday, the
4111 day of March, 1921, for the con-
veyance of His Majesty's Mails, on
a proposed Contrnet for four y0d011,
48 times per"' week,' between
Ui]nton Post Office and -Grand Truett
Railway Station, from the ist of Ape
ell, next. ' •
Printed notices containing further
Information ns to conditions of pro-
posed Contract may be seen and
blank fortes of Tender may be ob-
tained at the,- Post Offices of Clinton,
Seaforth, Bruceftekl, Londesboro, and
at the office of -the Post Office inspec-
tor. Post Office inspector's Office,
London, Ont., 21st January, 1.921.
Chas. E, II. Fisher•, Post ,Office In-
spector, • —82-3
A New Fish
Treat for Lent
Delicious Dainty Salmon Snacks,
Cooked, ready to eat, per lb, 300.
B. C. Salmon per Ib. 300
Halibut,' per lb. 800
Lake Superior Herrings, per doz400
Fillets of Haddie, per lb, 25e
Finnan Haddie, per ib. 20t'
W. T. O'Neil
A New York despatch says: The
American dollar is at a premium in
practically every market in the world,
but the British poundsterling is ata
premium in thirteen out of twenty
markets of the world.
It is at a premium in virtually all
European markets, including Norway
and Denmark. In Brazil, Chile and
Paraguay it is also at a premium.
That is why a good deal of British
buying is being shifted to those
countries away front the United
LOVETT—HARVEY-At Londesboro,
on Feb. 2nd, by the Rev. James
Abrey, Edith May, daughter at
Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey of
Londesboro, to William Calvin Lov-
ett, son of -Mr. and Mrs. C. Lov-
ett, Clinton.
KERR—WAUGH—At St, Andrew's
Manse, Wingham, on January 20th,
by the Rev. Dr, Perris, Wm. J.
Stanley Herr, of Kelowna, B. C.,
to Rosanna S. Waugh, of Tees -
- Births
CUNINGHAME—In Clinton, on Jan.
31st, to Mr. and ilirs. Gordon W.
Cuninghante, a daughter.—Kath-
SMEETH—In Goderich, • on January
l0th, FrancesMarlton, relict ofthe
ate F. Sntceth,-in her 82nd year.
Skating Party
On Monday, Feb, 7th, under the au-
spices of Girl's Guild of St. Paul's,
Band in attendance, Admission 251'.
Lunch, for. —83-1
('.lathes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleated preescd and re-
paired, \•i'ooilen goods dry cleaned.
Ttcums over Heard's barber shop.
W, J Jago,—8:3-tf
Man 'Wanted
Young man, 19 to 18 years, to
work on fruit farm at London, Ont.
3 minutes from street ea. Will hire
by year.' Apply stating wages to R.
N. Welsh, 855 Maitland St, London.
Valentine Social
A valentine social will be held in
the basement of the Methodist church.
on the evening of Feb. 14th. Come'
and enjoy the program and, games.
People are requested to come dressed
to represent some city. Refreshments
will b served. Admission 250.-83-2
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that all per-
sons having claims against the estate
of Robert A. Bell in the County of
Huron, Marble cutter, deceased, who
died of or about the 26th day of
January, 1921, tiro required to deliv-
er to M. R. Sharn at Molsons Bank,
agent for the esteem:rix of the said
c:,lat0 on or before. the 250 day of
February, 1921, a :full :statement of
their claims together with particu-
lars thereof', and the nature of the
s00uritiee, if any, hole] by thous all,
duly verified by affidavit,
And Take Notice dant after the
said bet mentioned date the said ex-
oeutrix will proceed to distribute the
estale of the said deceased amongst
the. persons entitled thereto having
regard only to such claims as site
shall have received due notice and 111
accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, this 2nd day of
. 'ebtuaty, A., D. 1021. 'Florence ,I.
troll, Executrix. ' --83.8
:WE �lj Ly `A. i;i. NOW
Starting a DOW Year and
B1ofl d 'start i t
. We invite share
your business, this year you will find our prices right raid our. pint is to
satisfy our eustmmers. This weeg we offer a few of our stock -taxing
8 bars Ivory soap 25e.
0 bars Lifebuoy soap 26e ORANGES •
1 doz, for• 49e,
3 bars Goblin soap 25e. DON'T 'FORGET
We have Grit and;
3 cans Cleanser 25e, Oyster Shell for hens.'.
0 cakes Peerless Washing They • need it to fill,
Compound 25c. the egg basket,
8 cakes Palm Olive soap
for 25e
5 lbs, Rolled Oats 25c,
2 pkgs.- Corn Flakes 25e.
Valencia liaisitts for pies
per. ]b. 30e.
HABIT OF HALING AT pp�., (y The Stole for 4geverypbo`tdy
115(.1,' 114, Yc'W., 4:4 CO'O,:h 1',03$ C10ER.ilr Phone til
Fwv F`:;.M'.. F•,,,' - •t.:4.�.. a -....a. N .wi..•.,.-l'.•-M'FI.WW.wm,ni •-=�- ,mrwYwuuY,M
nt your command will render, the mu-
sic of your (Melee. Your evenings
will be more like something and
your fan Lies will be contented and
lioree Ivies made greater. 13e1I goads
Wive been used by the world's great -
t t mai for over 1'50 years and
you r...,' be. the proud possessor of
a:na Hit .ragh corresponding with me,
r,;: 1 g the sole agent for this ter-
t Ic[f : and will
guarantee to give
1.1 1�, , value,a I amselling
as di-
rect from factory to customer, sav-
ing expenses of travellers and whole-
sale houses 'which add in most cases
from 8100.00 up on your purchase.
For niy convenience I have discon-
tinued my store at Seaforth and have
Some people aro like the honey the goods for sale at my residence,
bee. They work hard all summer, Lot 23, tort. 1, H. R. S., Teelcersmith.
store away a great reserve for old Come in and spend the evening we
age and probably die through the will be glad to have you. Arrange -
winter. Lots of people are denying ments made by phoning 6-616.
themselves of one real necessity in
their home, which is music. If farm Agent for all lines of musical ins
homes were made more entertaining truments, sewing machines, and
by adding a Bell player piano which cream separators. •
Farm Help Wanted
Anyone wanting farms help please
communicate with Mr. J. Gui1l'3rd,
10 Tanyard Road, Quarinly Lindley,
Huddersfield, England., stating kind
of help wanted. —82-3
Motorcycle For Sale
-An Indian Twin Motorcycle_ In
perfect running condition. Apply to
A. Seeley. —83
Auction Sale
Of Shorthorns, horses and Pigs,
The property of Beatty Bros. Varna,
Ont., will be held at their fart n on
Tuesday Feb. 1551, 1921, conunenc-
ing at 1 o'clock p.m. the following:
Shorthorns: Varna Duchess, 8 years,
120262, with heifer calf; Gunhilda
Gift, 7 years, 151864, with heifer
calf; Roan Queen 3rd, 4 years, 158,-
511, with heifer calf; Nellie B, 3
years, 154095, with heifer calf; Gun-
hilda Jewel, 4 years, 154098, with
heifer calf; Varna Lass, 5 years,
128832, with bull calf; Varna Maid,
5 years, 128833, due March 30; Roan
Queen 2nd, 8 years, 154091, due July
5; Sample Carrie 3rd, 2 years, 154,
094, Nancy B. 2nd, 3 years, 1510:)11;
Varna Red Rose, 154097. Bulls:
Marry Champion, 134452, 2 years old;
Merry Duke, 143217, 18 months;
Merry Mac, 143218, 18 months old;
Merry Sort, 11 months old. 2 grade
heifers, 2 years old, 1 grade heifer
8 years old. Horses: 1 mare by
King Thomas, in foal to R. Mur -
dock's horse; 1 mare by Ring Thom-
as, 1 filly rising 3 years, Pigs: 1
Berle sow, due to farrow in March.
Geese, 2 geese and 1 gander. A num-
bee of barrels and 1 Chatham incu-
bator. Certificates or registration
in the Shorthorn Herd Boole will be
furnished with each animal. The
calves are sired by the hard sire,
Merry Master, 102493, (bred by R.
Mi•chell c&s Sons, Freeman, Ont.)
Merry Master, 103193, got 1,y Itight
8,-nt, 81)057. Right Sort sold for
"'311:0. at Mitchell's sale. Blurry Mas-
ter is a half-brother to the Grail
Champion bull at Toronto Eshibtiott
in 1919. TISRMS: All stuns of $10
and under, cash, over this amount 8
nnrniths credit will be given on bank-
able Paper. 4 per cent, will be al-
lowed for cash.
Capt. T. Robertson and George
Elliott, Auctioneers, Beatty Bros.,
Proprietors. • —83-2
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
Mr. George Elliott has been instruc-
ted to sell by Public- Auction on Feb.
10, at lot 40, Con. 1, Tuetcerslnith,
one mile east of Clinton,
at 1 o'clock, the follow-
ing: Horses—One black team, 0
years, 1 gelding 6 years, 1 driver, 8
years. Cattle -7 cows, due in Mach
and April, 4 cows milking good now,
G young cattle rising 2 years. Good
brood sone, due May 1st, 4 young sows
4 months old. Poultry -35 rock ]tens
and pullets. Implements—Massey-
Harris binder, 6 -ft out in good re-
pair, Frost and Wood mower, nearly
neW, 1 hay rake, 10 -ft, Massey -Har-
ris 11 -hoe thrill, Deering 12 disc tar -
rows 3 suction land harrow, 1 good
foul wagon, 1 handy low truck wagon
wagon box, Stock rack, hay rack, 16 -
ft,, Masscy-Ila ris spring tooth enl-
tivator, .sot 2,000 ib settles, Clinton
fanning mill, 1.' set of good double
brass mounted harness, 1 new '1 .melt
rope, :100 feet, also new car for wood-
en track, never used, washing ma -
011i111, almost new, also cool oil heat-
er, forks, eluting, shovels, and other
articles too tumorous to mention. A
quantity of good lumber and plank.
Everything mast be sold as proprie-
tor has; sold his farm. Torras; Sumas
of $10 and tinder, eash, over that
amrount, 8 morons credit on approved
joint: notes, or a discount of 4 per
cent, straight, for cash, George
Elliott, Atnctionoer. George holland,
Proprietor. —82-2
Opened Barbar Shop
I have opened a barber shop in
Varna and will be in my shop every
Wednesday evening and Saturday af-
ternoon and evening, until further
notice. We J. Ward. —81-2
Notice To Trappers
A Government Inspector was here
several days ago. He said: "You
can tell the farmers they don't need
a license or permit to trap on their
own lands." Highest prices paid for
raw furs. —II, A. Hovey, Clinton.
Phone 89. •---82
Alsike for Sale
A few bushels of alsike with a
small percentage of trefoil, but free
from any bail weed seeds. Will sell
reasonably. George Beauregard, R.
R. No. 5, Phone 4 on 617. —81-2-p
Cottage For Sale
Roomy cottage on Huron street.
Town water, good cellar, °fi acre of
ground, -some fruit tree. Apply to
W. Brydone. —81-tf
House for Sale
8 -room, solid bride, house, town
water and electric lights, good gar-
den and chicken house. Apply on
premises. Corner of North and
Spencer Sts.—A. C. Clarkson.-80-tf
For Sale
A pure bred Aberdeen -Angus bull
calf for sale, ready for service. A
right, deep, thick, low -set fellow,
showing the conformation of the
breed. Bred from prize-winning
stock. —Ezra Fisher, R. R. No. 4,
Goderich, Phone 125 Bemtniller.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the McKil-
lop Mutual Fire Insurance Company
will be held at the •Totem Hall, Sea -
forth, on Friday, Feb. 4, 1021, at
two o'clock p.m. to receive the annual
statement and report. The election
of three directors and two auditors
and other business which might be
considered "at such meeting. The re-
tiring Directors are R. G. McCartney,
D. F. McGregor and Malcolm Mc -
Evian, who are eligible for re-elec-
Hon. James Connolly, Presttent,
Thos, E. Hays, Secretary. —80-4
Custom Sawing
Will be clone by the undersigned
at Clinton as soon as spring opens.
For further particulars call Mctiw-an
Bros.„ Bayfield. -80-tf
Farm For Sale
Lot 30, Con. 5, township of Hallett,
214, miles from Clinton. Convenient
to school. Contains 117 acres, , 100
acres cleared, 17 acres bush lot. Land
is all clay loam and in good state of
cultivation. 6 acres fall wheat. Good
brick house and bank barn with cem-
ent stabling. 2 good wells and never
failing spring. Apply on premises.
Ezra. M. Durst, R. R. No .1, Clinton,
,b —76-tf
Puncture Proof Inner Tubes
Have your car fitted with the Area
Cushion tubes. No punctures, no
blowouts. All sizes of tubes kept in
stock. W. L. I'effers, Albert street,
Clinton. —74-1f
House for Sale
Comfortable 8 -roomed house, of
Albert street, North, with good stone
cellar and town water. Also stable
on premises. Apply Miss Moore.
Wo elle in a position to pay the
highest market price for butter fat
and to give the best possible service.
k'lton5 115
And all Municlpnl and, Government
Ilonds sttppliet1 at market prices and
delivered at your bank without
W. BRYDONB, Clinton
For Sale
Two six roosted houses on Fred-
erick street, near the new flax mills,
will be sold cheap, and on easy terms.
Apply to Jacob Taylor or 0, B. Hale.
Boars fur Service
Champion bred, big type Yorkshire
and Cheshter White boars for service,
At home,every forenoon.—A, 0,
Levey, Phne 5 on (339, Clinton —28
Mr. Car Owner
Tltis is to remind you cold weather
is with us and you must care for
your storage battery. Send it to us
we will keepy'it in a charged condi-
tion ready to go to work in, the spring
all for only $1.50.
We repair any make of Battery
and carry a full line of parts.
Have us give you a price on 3 and
5 coat work when you want your car
painted. All work done by experienced
Clinton Garage and Battery Ser-
vice station.
J. H. Paxman
Phone 80 Res. Phone 140
$1.50 per Ton Off All
Coining to this, the windy and cold-
est time of the year, this sale ought
to be a real bonanza for our citizens.
Owing to what might be called a
panicky buying craze, we were last
fall forced to go into the open coal
market, and buy coal at whatever
figure we could, to meet the wishes
of our customers.
The winter has been an exceptional
one, and had we known it was to be,
we might have gone on and given our
people enough coal from our straight-
line shipments, kept the price down,
and been upheld as the "right kind
of a coal man," as some of our coal-
men within the county nave done.
But on the other hand, had the win-
ter run its usual course, we would
certainly have leen up against est it.
However facts are stubborn, things,
and 14e find ourselves with a heavy
stock of- dear coal, which we are go-
ing to sacrifice at this special price
regardless of cost
Let us have your order to -day, and
do not forget to place your suinmer
order with us now.
Orders and settlements taken at
Wiltse's store.
Phone for Clinton 74.
Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618.
Phone 4 5,
This 1s The Season
For loot Drinks
We have prepared Chocolate, Co-
coa, Coffee, Bovril and Oxo cubes,
ready to serve by pouring hot water'
on them.
Frys, Cowans and Bakers Cocoa.
Also a good bulk Cocoa at a special
price per ib,
Jams ami Marmalade.
Fred W.Wi
There 18 a vast difference in
grades of corn, Our Corn is No. 2
Yellow which we believe is the best
grade on the market. It is free from
broken Kends, Cobs and Dust. Give
us a call and let us ]snow your re-
quirements. Special prices on large
Now is the season for Bran &
Shorts. The quality is good and the
prices reasonable,
Figured on present value of live-
stock and home-grown feeds the use
of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will
rcturu store profit to the hog raise:
than ever'before in its history.
Blood, Tankage and Bones produced
by the large slaughtering business
of Swift Canadian Co. are almost all
need in Swift's 11igh Grade Fertilizer.
Result: Large Profit to you.
Our stock hteludes: Purity, Vivo
Roses, White Seal and Golden City.
W. Jenkins & Son.
Phones: Elevator 199,,,Residenee 141
ENDS FEB, 28111.
Richards Polar White El-
ectric Soap 11 bat's for $1
Seeded Raisins per lb. ,,,250
Rolled Oats , 5 lbs. 25c,
Broken Sodas , , .2 lbs, for 25c,
-2 pima.. MoLaren's Jelly .25c.
2 lbs. good black tea .. , .0150.
2 lbs. cooking Figs 23c.
3 lbs, Babbitts Cleanser -25e.
Peas, per tin 1.5c.
5 this Salmon ,,,. ,.,,43,00
The Hub Grocery
1 i
Any who wish to leave their order
for future delivery can do so by leav-
ing their orders at my residence
Huron St. or phone 166. Terms
strictly cash. E. Ward. —34-tt
South End" Grocery
A. full stock of
Groceries & Provisions
Levi Stong
for knitters and learners
for menders and inspectors
Clinton Knitting Co.
Repairing of all kinds
Promptly Done
Agent for Hecla Furnaces
Plumbing and Heating Phone 53
Shop over Corless & Venner's
We are in the market for:
Flour and Feed always on hand.
• J. A. 1" -ORD & SON
Phone 123.
Special Prices
Will be paid by us for
Large Fat Hens
During the next few weeks.
Top prices will be paid by us fol'
Strletla>f New Laid
Enquire prices before you sell.
N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager„
Phone 190; Holmesville 4 on 141
The demand for our butter is in-
To supply this demand we require
more cream.
We request you to ship us gone
We guarantee you the Highest
Market Prices, accurate testa and
prompt service.
Our firm is known to you and needs
no further recommend.
We' pay all express charges, furn•
ish create cans and pay twice each
Write for dans or further informs.
tion to the
- 0. A, BARBER, it4ANAGli3.li