HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-1-20, Page 5:'1 HI.litSDAY,.. JA.N, .20th:. ,1021. Of Interest #o and ivle Mina ;lack . c et says the Cattacltatt goose is a yclty: intelligent bird, `IWe ray, "silly.geoee'•h said Mr, Mister, "I wonder what the geese call ne," Hon,. R. H. Grant, -who wortsed a couple of highwaymen who attaeked ilial, fn Queen's mark, 'Toronto, re- cerltly„ breaking his cane over their loads; has' been presented with sew- erai canes since, I•Iowever, we pope this will not be taken as an Intima- tion that Hon. Mr. Grano is expected to do all the fighting off of bandits for the• whole Province, . * * What sort of a' waterworks com- mittee or commission have they got in Wing/min, anyway? The creamery people there say they cannot get it bill for water, therefore,- cannot pay for the water used. Just as regularly os the quarter comes round just so re- gularly does the water bill conte to every" user in Clinton. There's" no •such easy excuse for not paying a water bill here. Then, if it 3s paid promptly you get a potcentage off. If it isn't? Oh, well,. thrifty. people take no ch altees: "The mills .of the gods grind'slow- ly." Although it is dye; four years since Sir -John French' honoured him by special mention in official" cde- • spatohes from .,the front Lieut-Gol. John Pringle, of Sydney, N. S., fore" merly General Moderator of the Pres- . byterian Church, has just been offic- ially notified of the honourary men- tion in a letter from Winston Spen- cer Churchill, War Secretary. Prob- ably "Winnie" has had a lot of eor- respondence to attend•to In the mean - dime, ho'ever. • *•* *•` "Farmers can't rule the• country," declares Premier Drury at,a public meeting held. at Milton. If Preinier Drury is not More careful what he says when he is out of 'reach of 'Mr, J. J. Morrison the scrap of the two American balloonists will be as noth- ing to the ectag'whicli-will. be kicked up one of these' fine days when Mor- a -leen arid .Diarymeet. Mr; Morri- son; when in 'Clinton -a -few weeks ;ago, emphatically advised the far_; iner's to "keep their erganizati'on ' a close corporation" and lie's now hot :foot after the 'Premier's 'scalp.+' . While it is the tashion•to •abuse the. 'Government at Ottawa, -over in the 'United States, when a new•„jpaper wishes to scarify something Wash- ington has or has not done, it points to the admirable example of Canada as something that should have been •F come The latest to under• discussion is Canada's great record in taking care of its returned sol- diers. According to New York ad- -vices, Ottawa's record should make Washington blush.—Sinicoe Reform - 'Bat they should Bear Comrade Flynn. talk. a Bea jfflel This village seems unable to se, - mare a council this year. The third nomination has been called for Mon- day evening next. - It might be well to nominate a few women. Women usually have to do the work that men do not want to do. Me. Janes. Eagleson, who has been visiting his parents in the village the !, past few weeks,"left for his home at Aberdeen, S. Dakota, the past week. Mr. John Darrow of Lucknow is 'the gues't"'`of his brother, E. Darrow, this week. The annual meeting of the Public Library was held on Monday of last week when: the reports of the pest year were handed in. The reports. showed 898 books in the Library and 3360 issued during the the'year. Af ter -which the following directors and: officers were appointed for 1921: Di-, .rectors Rev. A. Macfarlane, Rev. R. `- C. Pitts; John Fraser, F. A. Edwards,, J. H. Raid, H. W. Erwin, Mrs, (Dr.) Metcalf, Mrs." J. Ferguson. Librar- ian, Rev. A. Macfarlane; assistant,. Miss Hilda King, Sec. -Treasurer, G. E. Greenslade; Book Selection Com- mittee, Rev. A.. Macfarlane, F. A. Edwards, Mrs. Metcalf and Mrs, J. F -ti 'guson. In last weeks' issue of The News- Ilecord reference was made to the death Of Beatrice Mary, only daughter of the Rev. R. C. and Mrs. Pitts, who pfissed peacefully away on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 11th, • She was born at Neepawa, Mani- toba, on Jan. 28th, 1913. Rev. and Y cam Pitts anti family e to the village from Cochrane in March Iast. Some six months ago the, child was taken ill with diabetes and despite the best care and medical attendance nothing could be done to combat the disease, The funeral +took place on. Friday afternoon last and was one of the largest held in the village. Af- ter a short service at the rectory the casket was taken to Trttity 'church, where the service was conducted by the Rev. A. L. G. Clarke of London, ,assisted by the Revs. S. E. McKeg- vey of. Clinton/and A. Macfarlane of Bayfield. The church was packed to the doers, many being unable to gain admittance, During the service a beautiful and appropriate duet was sung by Mrs. W. H. Woods and Mrs. Buchan. in- terilient took place in Bayfield cemet- try. The pallbearers were Messrs. 'George Castle, Williar'd Sturgeon, ,'William McDool and Harry Baker. Under the direction of Miss Lizzie' Cameron eight companions acted as flower bearers. Ruth Higgins, Glady and Marion Davison, Lillian Marks, Annie McLeod, Margaret Barber, El- le, McKay. • and Grace Jow .ett, and :followed the re- ntable from the rectciy to the -church. The pupils of the Pulite. :School also marched. The floral Of- ferings were beautiful, wreaths and. •sprays being sent by the congrega- to ,{ ns of Varna Goshen and Bayfield, h'he Ladies Guild, London :friends, Miss Davey, 'Dr, and Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs, fiiilde, Miss Susie Westlake, Miss Nina Head, Misses Seeley and . the parents and brothers, A large-. , number :from the Va1'na and Goshen •eongrcgetioes" ettenclod_ the 'funeral: Mneit sympathy., is felt for, tete be- reeved faitii'ly rti , and tees. Pitts 'desire. fP press pebliely their sincere a l t - to) tine gratitude fa the widespread cad -,sympathy shown to thein and their two sons in their time of trial and be- reavement, e- r •avem nt It isimpossible 1 for them d. P t ibe ] s to. express themselves individually 'When so many are concerned. They trust, therefore, that all friends will accept this intimation, The Cemetery Company held its annual meeting. on Monday, receiv- ing the report of the segretary-troas- urer and appointing , the following officers and directors:. President, John Macdonald, Vice, T. Brownett, • •., Sec -Treasurer, A. E. Erwin- Directors, Ed. Johnston, Robt, Han- • lay, Thos. Cameron, C. B. Middleton, Wm. Scotchmer, Thomas Elliott, Sexton, Richard Elliott, +� Yesterday afternoon the Agricul- tural Society held its annual meeting, u goodly number being presentto hear the report of the auditors and transact 'othepr business. The euditois report was 'a very:en- •coureging one, too, showing the So- ciety to be in a fletirishing condition with a balance oh hand of $625, This. balance proves not only that luck has attended the operations of the Soci- ety but that thoroughgoing business methods have been used by the, officers and directors in the management of •its affairs, Mr, David McNaughton; who has, been president of the ,hociety for a number of years, resigned that posi- t1on, to the regret of the menebers, and the following officers and direc- tors: were appointed: ' President, 3. W. Reid. let Vice, W J. Stinson. 2nIcl Vice„Jeln Stewart. Secretary, A. 18..Erwin. Treasurer, F. A., Edwards. 'Directors, E. H. Wise, Johne' Mc- Clure, Sam Huston; R.,McMurray, W. H. , Talbot,, John McKinley, John Snowden, 3. A. Ferguson, John Rppth- Well, T. "M. Woods, R'of,t, Penhale, ltobt. Webster, Thos. Brownett. Auditors, Thomas ICa Peron, John Falconer. • • • Stanley Township -Messrs. Bill .Johnston and Orval •1ttcClinehey spent Friday I.with Kip- . pen, friends, •The Armstrong Orchestra went to Dashwood Friday evening last, hav- -ing been engaged to furnish music for an entertainment in that burg. j The young people of the Goshen line intend having a concert in the Methodist church on 'Thursday ev- r 1 I it will be large- ly ar e- enin�' next. We e o e 'hope g l y attended.. . Messrs, Roy Scotchnter and Har- old Penhale had the misfortune to freeze their car up on the road home from Blake on Sunday evening. They report the motoring dont for this winter. Mr, Henry Talbot purchased a new Ford last week. The U. F. 0. Club of the Goshen line had a very successful "At Home” on Friday evening last. Stanley . Royal Scarlet Chapter, held its annual meeting on Friday evening, January 14811, when the fol- lowing officers were re-elected: W. G. in C., Ben Rathwell, E. C. in C., L. Clarke. Chaplain, W. J. Elliott. Scribe, Carl Diehl. Treasurer, George Beatty. Herald -at -Arms, Harold Stinson. Lecturers, Robert McMurray, Fred RathwelL • Conductors, G. C. Petty, Toru Stile. son. Inward Herald, Nelson Reid. Outward Herald, Albert Robertson. • Varna Stitnley District L. 0. L. held their annual meeting in Varna on Tues- day, Jan. llth, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing .year: ' W. M., Lewis Clark, - D. M., George Castles. Chaplain, George Clark. Rec.-Secretary, Ben. Rathwell. Treasurer, J. W. Reid. D. of C., Thos. Stinson. Lecturers, D. C. Galbraith, and Robt. McMurray. The following letter, of .condolence was sent by the members of Stanley District L. 0. L. to Miss Annie Fos- ter regarding. the death of her broth- er, the late -Chas. Foster: "To Miss Annie Foster. Dear -Friend—We, the members of Stanley District L. 0. L. take this opportunity ofconveying to yeti our heartfelt sympathy in the hour of sad trial' and llereavement in the death of your beloved brother, Charl- es. You have sustained a serious loss we, as members of this District Lodge of which he formed a part, feel that we have ,lost a valuable member of our Orden We shall miss him in our Lodge room. He al- ways toork a prominent part in -the working of the order. We .shah miss itis good counsel, his face we shall see no more forever, his va- cant chair. we cannot fill We mourn our loss but we know our loss is his Infinite gain. We pray that the great Divine Master will ' give you grace and strength to.enabie you to bear the affliction in this sacl hour and that you may be able to loop up and say, "Thy will be done." Signed on behalf . of this District Lodge.—Lewis Clark, W. M., Ben. Rathwell, Rec.-Sec," What Do You Think of This? (Toronto Star) Earl Beatty,,is it very proud man today, reports the Passing Show, In addition to the honors showered upon him by a grateful King and Country, he has lately been the recipient of a priceless document from 11ir. Joseph - us Daniels, tete American Navy Se- cretary, in which the thanks of the America: Government aro extended to Earl Beatty for the "able assist,. ince he has afoi'ded to the United" States Navy in bringing the way to qs successful ' cOnelusion," Ear Beatty is thinking out a sultnble frame for this hendserne, if some - What belated testimonial. Co*asl'aixee lyl1, and Mrs, llleArthur and baby Pf• Goderich shout Sunday and yMPn- t Mi and - ie son' da a Mrs. s a N hl s, l Wee would like to eared a slide- menti made in your paper last week to the effect that a robbery c to ok place et C.onstanee,' It was not here but five miles north, near IIarlock, Constance people are very quiet and law-abiding. Mrs, Pollard spent a few days in Clinton with her mother, Mrs. Cole.. Mr. Frank •Scholes and son of Al- goma are visiting in and around the village, The C. 0. F. gave a' ball in the hall last. Friday night. Mrs. Robt, Rogerson spent a rew days last week with friends in Glht ton, Mics Love of Walton epent Sunday wtih her sister, Miss Margaret Love. Mr. and Mrs. .1,'Grdmboldy and children. of the west spent • a few slays lase • week' with his brother, Mr. Root. Geimbolcly Of the village, An- Indian doctor from St, 'Marys is malting regular visits' to our vil- lage lately. • Mr. Jos. Mann's sale was held on Monday afternoon, Auburn -'Mrs, Armstrong visited hei par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm; Thoinpeen, over the week -clad. - . We are sorr'y' to report the serious illness of IVIrs. Wm. Dobie •and hope for a speedy recovery. Misses., Dora and Mary Lundy of Blyth spent the week -end with Mrs. Ed. Lawson. '• The next session of Parliament will be held in° the Forrester's hall on Friday night of this week, ,Mr, and Mrs. 0, E. Erratt enter- tained' the 'Harmony Class of the Methodist Sunday School on Wednes- day evening ' ' The Y. P. S. inteifcl holding a meet- ing on Sunday evening, the program- inc being in care of 'Elmer Robert- son: '. The U. F. 0. intend having an oy- ster supper and concert in the For- iester's hall on Wednessay evening, the 26th, CONFERENCE IN LONDON IN' JUNE: •• At 'a meeting of the program tom- mittee of the London Methodist Con- ference„ ]geld recently, it was decided ,to hold the annual meeting of the conference on' the first Thursday of Jtine, 1921, in the Askin 'street Meth- odist- church, Hendon. The last an- nual meeting was held in Stratford. The stationing committee will be tear - posed of the' chairman of the differ- ent• districts in theLondon or 1cl on Confer- ence and others selected to make a total of 22. This committee will meet in the early part of the first week in June. Marriage HOWES—SMITH—At Willis Presby- terian church, Clinton, on Jan. 19th, by the Rev. J. E. IIogg, Mary Katharine, slaughter of Mr. Donald Smith, to Edward Gordon Howes, son.of Mr. E. J. Howes of Ste. Therese, Que. MAIZE—AUG7`,'JSTINE—At Dungan- non, on Jan. 8th, by the Rev. G. Gomm of Pine River, hazel, only daughter of Mr. 0. E. Augustine, to William Maize, maager of the Sterling Bank, Varna, GIDLEY—WILSON—At Blyth; on Jan. 8th, by the Rev. R, J, McCor- mick, Russel S. Gidley, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gidley of Blyth to Priscella Wilson of Toronto, JOHNSTON—SI•HERIFF—In Toron- to, on January 4th, by Rev. E. F. Church, R. J. • Wesley Johnston of Toronto to' Susan Dorothy, • claeghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sheriff, of Winghain, DIPPEL—STACEY—At Biuevale, on January 4th, by Rev. R. L. Wilson, ,' Orion Cranson Dippel, of Kitchen- er 'to Mary ' Elizabeth Stacey, of Bluevale. births, RYCKMAN—In Stanley, on January 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Daviel Ryck- man, a son. WELLWOOD—In Wingham, on Jan. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Well - wood, a son, Deetftee GRAHAM—In Hallett, on Jan. 14th, Elizabeth Graham of Clinton, aged 62 years. ' BATES—At Detroit, on January 8th, Ann McLeod„ widow of the late George Bates. H LL Y In McKillop township, on January llth, Aaron Hailey, 10 his 68th year. WESTLAKE—In Howick, on January 3rd, Thomas Henry Westlake, aged 26 years and 10 days. MacLENNAN—In Ashfield, on Jan, warY 12th Kehneth I. MacLennan. an . WOODS—In Brussels, on January 3rd Ann Scott. widow of. the late Henry Woods, in her 75th" year. OYSTER SUPPER AND CONCERT The Auburn Branch of the 'United Farmers of Ontario will give an oys- ter supper aid 'cioncert in aid eV the Chinese Famine Fund on. Wednesday, Jan? 260. Miss Laura I. Miller. Reader ,.and Elocutionist, of Hamilton and Mr. Fred Chainbley, comedian, have been secured for the concert, Local tal- ent will also assist, Supper will be served in the Or- ange Hall 'from 5 to 8 ping and the concert will be given in the Forres- ters ITall, commencing at 8.15 p.m. Admission 750. Everybody welcome. Alsike for Salle A few bushels o:f' alsilse with a small percentage of trefoil, but free from any bad weed seeds, Will sell reasonably. George Beauregarcl, R, It. No, .5, Phone -4 on 617, —,814-p For Sale A pue° bred Aberdccn-A ngt abtr]l calf for sale, ready for service, A right, sleep, thiels, low -set fellow, sllowfnt the coefOr•nlation of the breed. 731ec1. :from , irrize-wimmeg. sleek, Ezra Fisher, R. It Ne, 4, Godertirh, Plume 1.211 I301nnillcr. ---5:1.-2-p Clinton News-Iteeinrd•, ,,yStar Starting a new. yea and' we should stat hitt, We lvit 0 asre b f your sii o this i bu t ss . ii Yea you Will find our niece right an r' aim iso ! I rt: and ant satisfy our metomere, Thle week w,e offer a few of oer :neck -taxing specials.' 8 bees Ivoi'k soap 260, • • SWEET EXTRA SPACIAL JUICY C 'ORANGES 8 cakes Paha Olive soap 1 doz. for 49e, • ter 25e DQIY'fI FORGAT a 'Wel have' Grit and 5 lbs, Rolled ;Oats 25e. 3 Bens Cleanser 25c. Oyster Shell for .hens. 2 pkgs. Corns Flakes 25e. 0 cakes Peerless Washing They need it to fill Valencia .Raisins for pies Compound" 25e, the egg basket: per. lb., 30c, GET THE HABI'1f OF DEALING AT The store for everybody JOHNS( N d CO'S GROCERY Phone 111' 3 bars Lifebuoy soap 25e 3 , bars Goblin soap . 25o. i • MORE MUSIC IN 01311 HOME Some people are like the honey bee. They work hard, all summer, store away a great reserve` 'for old age and probably die through the winter. Lots of people are denying themselves of one real necessity in their home, which is music. If fam. et Your command will render the )nu- sic. of ,your choice, Your evenings will • bit more like something and Your families will be contented and home ties made greater. Bell goods have been used by the world's great- est art)., s for over 50 years and you 1: a•, ee the proud possessor of one tli , ;,h corresponding with ate, as I , the, sole agent for this ter- ritory, wit} will guarantee to give you Lie,. e value, as I am sellin g ' di - reit from factory to customer, say- ing expenses of traveller's and whole- sale houses which add in most cases front $100.00 up on your purchase., For my convenience I have discon- 'tinued my store at Seaforth and have the goods for sale • at my residence, Lot 23, con. 1, H. R. S., Tuckersrnith. Come in and spend the evening we will be glad to have you: Arrange- ments made by phoning 6-616. - Agent for all lines of nnusieatl ins 1100105 were made more entertaining truntents, sewing machines, and by adding a Bell player piano which cream separators. • • JONATHAN HUGiLL. Box 229, SEAFORTH Cottage For Sale Roomy cottage on Huron street. Town water, good cellar, 'TA •acre of ground, some fruit tree. Apply to W. Brydone. . —81-tf Meeting of: Huron County Connell The ,Council. of• the Corporation of the County ,of Huron will meet 10 the Council Chamber; Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon 'of , Tllesclay, the 25th. day of January, 102E All accounts. against the County must lie in the hands of the Clerk not -later than Monday preceding the meeting 3f Council. Geo. W. Holman, Coun- ty Clerk. Goderich; Jan. 7th,'1921. House for Sale 8 -room, solid brick house, town gar- den and lights,good electric oocl ar- Glen and chicken House. Appty on premises. Corner of North and Spencer Sts.—A. C. Clarkson.-80-tf Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the McKil- lop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the Town Hall, Sea - forth,. on Friday, Feb. 71h, 1921, at two o'clock p.m. to receive DI annual statement and report. The election of three directors and two auditors and other business which might be considered at such meeting. The re- tiring Directors are R. G. McCartney, D. F. McGregor and 1vIalcejm Me- Ewan, who are eligible for re-elec- tion. James Connolly, Pres:dein, Thos. E. Hays, Secretary. • —80-4 Homemade Ceolting Sale The Women's Auxiliary of St. Paul's church will hold .a sale of homemade cooking on Saturday af- ternoon, all. 22nd, at 2 o'clock in Mr. S. B. Stotliers office. —80-2 ' Auction Sala The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public auction on Wednesday, Jan. 26th, on.;lot 56, 6 miles north of Clinton, at twelve sharp,' the following: Horses: 1 heavy mare, rising 6 years, General Purpose horse rising 6 years olcl, General Purpose mare, supposed to be in foal, team of Agri- cultural mares rising 5 and' 6 years, former supposed to be in foal, driv- er rising five, driving horse, spring colt Cattle: Thor- oughbred Polled Angus cow with pedigree; 4 cows supposed to be in calf to Polled Angus babe, 5 fat steers rising 3 years old, 3 steers ris- ing 2 years old, 2 heifers rising. 1 year, 7 spring calves, 1 young Polled'" Angus bull, five months old. Sheep: 18 well bred Leicester ewes, Pigs: Brood sow, due in Feb., 8 store pigs, three months old. Implements: Mas- sey -Harris binder, 7 -ft cut nearly new, Deering mower, Deering culti- vator, Oliver corn cultivator near- ly new. seed drill, manure spreader, hay loader; Toiler, sulky, rake, near- ly new, 3 buggies°, democrat, fanning mill, 2 cutters, 2 set double harness, set plough harness,' double set of driving harness. 2 sets single harn- ess,e:set of show bridles and back /bands, 2 walking ploughs, Z gang ploughs, 2 waggons, 1 waggon box, nearly new, 1 hay rack, wheel bar- row, 1 hay fork, rope, slings, 2 pair sleighs, 1 gravel box, set scales 2,000 lb., 3 Loads oat sheaves with sweet clover, 20 tons hay, 12 bush. clean red clover . seed, quantity of corn on cob, some green feed, 400 bu, oats, 300 bushels mixed grails, 50 pullets, 30 hens, 1 lawn mower, quan- tity of. lumber, 1 cook stove, cook range, burnt coal or wood, coal grates never used, horse pails, )Wilk pails, De o Laval cream separator, 1 cot, 1 cradle, 1 wash stand, 3 bed steads, 2 springs, 1 mattress, 1 extension table, forks, spades, ahoy - els, chains, 1 bookcase, TERMS:— Hay, grain, and fat steers, cash; otherwise all, sums of $10 and under, cash,' over that amount, tell months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of. 4 per cent. al- lowed en credit amounts,: All must he sold as the proprietor 'itas rented his farm, Thos, 1{, Mair, Proprietor, Thomas Gunclry, Auctioneer. —80-2. icor Sale The comfortable, economically heated, " nicely situated, 9 -roomed house, 'electric lights, double base - muff, hard and soft water, good barn, garage, lion house and garden 011 M- Bert St., Clinton. Apply to C. II. llolhind, Clinton; Ont. —79.3-p Caston Sawing Will be done by the undersigned at Clinton as soon as "spring opens. For further particulars call McEwan Bros., Bayfield. •-80-tf Farm For Sale In Goderich township, containing ninety-three acres of -first-class lai)d,, nearly all tile -drained; 35 " acl'es Plowed, 22 acres Lucerne clover, 11 acres' clover and"' timothy, 8 acres sweet clover. Small amount of bush. Two acres • of orchard and small fruit. Story -and -a -half red 'brick house with all modern conveniences, including bathroom, furnace, hard and .soft water: Good spring well with wind- mill which pumps water to house and barn. Gooch bank barn, 50x70, with steel roof; good drive shed. Barn and house have lightning rads. Situated three miles from Goderich, on Huron road. Apply to Alfred Tebbutt, R. R. No. 1, Goderich. Phone 18 on 601. —79-4-p • For Sale Good driving horse; also steel range, nearly new, Apply to A. Mc- Cartney. 80-2-p House For Sale Desirable cottage, formerly occu- pied by the late Mrs. MacRae, on Rattenbury street, west. For partic- ulars apply to Mrs. G. A. McLen-`. mm, administratrix. 78-tf Farm Icor Sale Lot 30, Con. 5, township of Mullett, 21/ utiles from Clinton. • -Convenient to school. Contains 117 acres, 100 acres cleared, 17• acres bush lot. Land is all clay loam and ingood state of cultivation. 5 acres fall wheat. Good brick house and bank barn with cem- ent stabling. 2 good wells and never failing spring. Apply on premises. Ezra. M. Durst, R. R. No .1, Clinton. —76-tf Puncture Proof Inner Tubes Have your car fitted with the Areo Cushion tubes. No punctures, no blowouts. All sizes of tubes kept in stock. W. L. Peffers, Albert street, Clinton. —74-tf House for Sale Comfortable 8 -roomed house, on Albert' street, North, with good stone cellar and town water. Also stable on premises. Apply Miss Moore, —69-tf House For Sale 8 -roomed house with 3 piece bath room, Hot Air Furnace, Town water, good garden and chicken house. Ap- ply on the premises. W. S: Har- land, Princess street. east —61-tf C WANTED We arc in a position to pay the highest market price for butter fat and to give the best possible service. OUR GATHERERS WILL BE ON THE ROAD REGULARLY THE YEAR AROUND. WE WILL AP- PRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. CLINTON CREAMERY LIMITED Phone 145 Mr. Car Owner This is to remind you cold weather is with us and you must care for your storage battery. Send it to us we will keep it in a charged condi- tion ready to go to work in tete spring all ter only $1.50. We repn}r any plaice of Battery and carry a full lino of parts. Have us give you a price -on 3 and 5 coat work when you want your car painted, All work done by experienced workman, Clinton Garage and Battery Ser- vice station, J. Paxman Res, Phone 140 Phone 80 VICTORY BONDS And all M 1 ici a n 1 t 1Government u t ! '}t d And p 13oilds' supplied at market prices and delivered , at Your, bank without charge, , W, DRYDONE, Clintei% GRINDING GRAIN CHOPPING DONE AS USUAL, EVERY WEEK DAY. SWEET CLOVER SEED HULLED, PRICES REASONABLE, g- F. W. ANDREWS No Trespassing Persons found trespassing on lots 23 and 24, Con. 14, Goderich town- ship will bo prosecuted. James Fer- gusson: —69-18-p • n For Sale Two. six roomed houses on Fred- eriek street, near the new flax mills, .will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Hale. —54-tf Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Cheshter White boas for service. At home every forenoon.—A. C. Levey, Phone 5 on 639. Clinton —28 have St�ok taking Sale Continues smsnowarsrmod 11 Bars Electric soap . , , ' $1 11 bars Polar White soap, $1 1 tits Peas 150 7 tins Peas , , . , . , $1 (While they last) 5 lbs. Rolleci3Oats ., ,. ,. 25$ 2 lbs. sodas . , , .. , , . 250 2 lbs, B. tea .... , .. , . • .650 FRESH LETTUCE FRESH FISH 1( ry e The Hub Grocery 1 SCRANTON COAL ALSO WOOD • Any who wish to leave their order for future delivery can do so by leav- ing their orders at my residence Huron St. or phone 155. Terms strictlyecash. D �"y r. Ward. —3 - A'���� 41f yVl South End Grocery I'll say we have, all kinds of it including: 'CHESTNUT STOVE ,"EGG BUCKWHEAT PEA CANNEL COAL • COKE' • . - SMITHING And • SOFT COAL Try a ton of Beckwheat or Pea Coal to ,bank your fires. 'Twill :save your coal and keep your fires from being too hot dur- ing."lnild spells. - . We also have a variety of wood, cheap and dear, but all worth the money, • e The winter is still young. Difficult transportation andnlAmerican demand d may yet cut off our supply, so conte across with your orders now while we have the goods. Orders and settlements taken at tViltse's Store. We are now book- ing orders for summer delivery, and respectfully solicit your patronage. We do not want all the business but would like to have yours. J. 1i1..1` . MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD, Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. THE CORERSTORE Phone 4 TEA You can buy tea at almost any price these days but if you want qual- ity try our Blends at 600, 700 and 8011 per pound. They are especially blended for us and have that rich ,1avoe. only found in good teas. -- -_-.,,m .. -010xi._--- DISHES We have a few setsof dishes that are good value especially one set of Meekins Semi porcelain in white and gold. . LIVE'AND LET LIVE Fred W.Wigg F!or and Feed FEED 'CORN If you are feeding Poultry Hogs, Cattle or Sheep try some of our Kiln dried Corn which we are selling at very reasonable prices.. SALT Now is' the time to lay in your supply'of Salt. We have it for Dairy or Table use and also for- feeding • purposes. FLOUR As the Flour Mills have just re- cently been allowed to return to their Pre war grade of Flour, we aro tow prepared to supply you a high grade of Flour for. Bread or Pastry. Try a sada ttiad see for yourself, W. Jenkins & Son• FLOUR AND FIIRB Phones: Elevator 109, Residence 141 a •lees full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Levi St ;+r rag PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY GIRLS itirT for knitters and learners ALSO for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED PLUMBING, HEATING AND FURNACE WORK Repairing of all kinds Promptly Done • THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 53 Shop over Corless & Vonner's W0 are in the market for: WHEAT BARLEY OATS —ALSO— MAPLE ELM BASSWOOD AND WHITE ASH LOGY Flour and Feed always on hand. J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. Special Prices Will be paid by us for Large Fat Hens During the next few weeks. Top prices will be paid by us for Strilextla New Lail, Eggs Enquire prices before you sell. GUNN, 'LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager„ Phone 190; Holmesville 4 on 141 CREAM WANTED The demand for our butter is in. creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream. We request you to ship ua yearn cream. Wo guarantee you the Highest Market Prices, accurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend. We pay ail express charges, fume isle create cans and pay twice each month. Write for Bans or further Mama* Lien to the 1 THE SEAI1ORTTI CREAMERY Co. 0. A. BARBER, MANAGER