HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-1-6, Page 8REcIR VEO,' a car load of Feeding Molasses J. HUTTO LOND SF;:r.RO CLINTON r1JNg. DEALER f'VYING ALL KINDS OF JUNK AND POULTRY, BIDES AND SKINS PAYING ''RE HI O'EST PRIDES M. RAMRA S Phone 187. ', !Albert St. CLINTON'S LEA.DING JEWEGERY STORE A Happy New Year To One and All R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician .. Next Hovey's Drug Store ComeSat.tic A,.�. j . f a''. en Saturdag 'Jan. 8th We are going to offer the titan. who likes good clothes, a chance to secure. his new Spring "Suit or Ov-' ereoat,'tailored to his'measure at about the price of or-, duiery ready to wear clothes. We are offering hundreds of 'cloths to choose from and an expert tailor to attend to the measurements and the prices are cut almost in half. Don't miss this chalice but come in and look over theseclothsand let us explain how it can be done ^l v SPECIAL PRICES ON, ALL LINES' FOR JANUARY, Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE VS CLOTHING NEW IDEA! PATTERNS, Our wish to all is a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Watch this space for the an- nouncement of our annual stock taking sale next month. HARLAND BROS. Hardware, Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock To our many friends and customers we extend The . Season's Greetings 111a+ws'sae TI -Iia ELECTRIC AND HARDWARE STORE Sutte.r Plumbers and Electricians Phone 1.47w. The We hope that is the NEW YEAR You will find much material prosperity and happiness Me . B: Fair Co.. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best , lI mamma wumaNyry ... enauf Ih, .Mil's' Viola Cook was up front To- rontn for th'e holidays. Miss Minion Pinning was up from Brantford for over the holiday, Mr. C. E. Andrews has been up from Toronto during the holiday season. Miss M, Taylor was clown from God- erich on Monday calling on Clinton friends, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lockwood of Striat- ford and Mr. L. Lockwood were visitors with Clinton friends over the holiday., Mr. and Mrs. W. Bagler of Toronto visited the former's parents in town during the vacation period. Mr. C. E. and Miss Cela Beacom of Toronto visited relatives in town -and vicinity over New Year's. Mrs. L. Grant was a visitor with her 'slaughter in London for, several days during the holiday season. Mrs. Sarah Ford, who has been vis-.. iting her sister, Mrs. Diehl of Stan- ley township, has returned to her hone. Miss Pearl Foster left Saturday, for Windsor after spending the Christ- mas vacation -with her cousin, Mrs. T. J. Watt. Miss Catharine Taylor of New York, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. Beaton; spent the week -end with Goderich friends. Mr. C. H. Holland is spending a :few weeks' holidays with his family in town. He will probably make a western trip later. - Mrs. Livermore, Sr., spent Christ- mas in London and has now_gone to Toronto where she will remain for the winter with her son. Mrs. W. A. Cunningham of Brussels sen few t a f w days during the hol- idays with her mother, Mrs. Gep. Nott, and sister, Mrs. Johnston. Mr. Billy Argent, who has teen con- finecl to bed for the past six weeks . or so, is now able to be about again, his friends are glad to see. Mrs. Win. East returned Monday ev- ening from Brantford, where she had been spending the mid -winter holidays with her brother and his family.acid Mr, Mrs. Ralph Hewson of To- ronto, who spent Christmas with the Iady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cook, returned to the city Thursday last. Mrs. E. E. Southcombe of Toronto, and her son Mr, W. Southcombe ,u Combe of Sarnia, were guests over the week -enol of the Misses South- combe of town. Miss Ennna Southcombe, C.P.R. telegraph operator at Niagara Falls, was horse for several days during the holidays, returning to Niagara Tuesday. Mrs. F. F. Gillies and her little daughter of Ii'.itchener have been spending the holiday season at the lady's parental home, that of Mag- istrate and Mrs. Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shaw and son of Toronto aro visiting the lady's sister, Mrs. H. Carter of Clinton, and her nieces, Mrs. J. E. Pepper of Stanley and Mrs:' Melvin Crich of Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gook of Grosse Ile, Mich., have been visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bagler of town. Mr. and Mrs. Bagler, will accompany them home this week and spend a month or Mr, and Mrs, W. Mead of Kitchener• attended the funeral of the latter's grandmother, . Mrs, H. Joyner, on Tuesday. Mrs. Mead is remaining and on her return home on Friday will be accompanied by Mr. Joy- ner, who will spend a month or so with her, Miss Tena Marquis, who has been teaching at Thames Road during the past year and who was i11 dur- ing the festive holiday season; re- turned home Monday and is recup- erating at her hone on the Base Line. IIer mother had been nurs- ing her for a couple of weeks. It is rather tough luck to be ill dur- . ing the Christmas vacation, Mr. J. W, Ilea.rn of Percival, Sask, arrived in town the other day tak- ing his brother, Mr. R. A. Hearn, completely by surprise. It is eighteen years or so since Mr. Hearn left Clinton, nearly a doz- en since he went west, having re sided for a time at Seaforth be- fore going west. He Ands so many changes here that it makes him feel rather lonely, so many strange and so few familiar faces. Mr. James Eagleson of .Aberdeen, South Dakota, who has been visit- ing his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wni, Eagleson of I3ayfield,' visited friends in Clinton on Friday and made The News -Record a friendly call, It is eight years since Mr. Eagleson last visited his native de- cality and his parents, who are now growing somewhat infirm owing to advancing years, both being ever eighty years of age. The remark- able thing about it is that both Mr, and Mrs Eagleson and thcir ten children, are all living, there never, leaving' been a break in the family circle, Minton News -Record e TIIUR$DAY, JAN', tiUil, 1 21 f You bun out of town and 1 bug outi .�f town What 'Is going ,to bedoine of our tIW» ? D IY 110111111 1011 SPENII IN CI.IIITON DICT TUIATA CONTE OOf TO BOO T 'ill CLINTON The etinton . News -Record Road these articles with care,'they wiIl present something you have not thought oatr the home merchants, they are your neighbors',' and will treat you right. 'The'money youofbefspenre,d illPClintoonizen remains here and benefits the whole community. There is a lot of Satisfaction In Imowing that we look after your. banking interests. Tour business, saving or private accounts, are solicited With the assurance they • will be properly safeguarded at the Molsons Bank, Clinton. H. R. SHARP. Manager A RHYME IN SEASON When days are chill and coldwinds blow Anb all look blue and full of wee, What clears the chest with healthful glow Wampoles Cod Liver Extract, W. S. R. HOLMES The Rexall Store . Regarding Stationery and office Supplies you will make no mis- take in buying from me. School supplies, fiction, magazines, newspapers, that you may need can be bought here. A complete line of Wall Papers kept in stock. W. D. FAIR & Co. Stationer. Jewelery Picture Books that is why all jewellery looks well in tuts. A 10e article looks' just t i to s ] s the 'same as a $10 article. Trad- ing rading at home you do not need to know jewellery. You can see for yourself. JL H. Johnson, Reliable jeweller We are offering exceptionally attractive prices for the month • of January on the remainder of our stock of ladies' and: Misses'. coats and dresses. J. A. IRWIN. When purchasing an article.rin yourtown you have the privilege of first inspecting it. If it does- n't suit your taste or fancy you don't have to • write away for a substitute, your dealer is pleased to have you inspect his goods. CORLESS & VENNER, Hardware HOME 1VIADE CANDY --IT'S PURE— ALWAYS FRESH --AND— "MIGHTY GOOD" TRY SOME TODAY E, WENDORF Confectioner We invite comparison of our stock and prices before you buy else- where. It has always been our aim to satisfy our clients , The line of Men's Furnishings and clothing cannot be dupliacted. The MORRISH CLOTHING CO. Men's Outfitters Buying Furniture in Clinton you will find our prices right, and our guarantee is behind every . piece of furniture we sell. Our undertaking parlors are well equipped for service night or day. BALL & ATKINSON, Furniture GOLDEN GRAIN BAKERY A. E. BETTS, Prop. Headquarters for: BREAD, CAKES and BUNS OUR MOTTO:— QUALITY AND SERVICE Phone 204, CLINTON, ONT. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL HARLAND BROS. Hardware Stoves and Novelties The Store with a Stock There is no better bread made in - Ontario than what you get right here in Clinton. The best of ma- terials are used in the production of my bread and pastry. Demand and get Home-made products. P. HENDERSON, Proprietor, Successor to II. Dartliff. RETS CEDED BY THE F ERS Presence of Thriving Cities Near By, Important to Residents' of Country. MERCHANTS D - TCiEaR PPJ T Town and Rural Community Are Dependent [1poli Each .Other -- Co-operation Alone Brings .. Prosperity to Both. (Copyright)' Residents of towns and cities ever t h rebeginning v e areto realize Y more 'acute1y the fact that,, execI t under very unusual conditions, their communities will prosper and develop only in proportion. to the prosperity and development that come s to the farming sections which surround them. Realizing this fact, eommer- eiat clubs; And chambers of commerce have in 'recent years been deputing as much , of their attention . to de- veloping the country districts as they have to securing new industries and attracting new residents. They know that as the country about the towns become more thickly settled and as the farmers become more prosperous the more, money will be spent in the towns and the faster these towns will grow, It is largely for this rest - son that the residents of the towns and cities have been doing mere and more to aid the farmers in growing bigger crops and In improving mar-' Ireting conditions. The towns and cities have contributed more and more liberally a ly toward the building of good roads in the country districts and have paid a large part of the ex-' pense of maintaining agricultural ex- perts to assist the farmers in grow-, ing bigger crops and getting more money out of their crops when they are placed on the market, Not One -Sided Proposition. erry Tor a marwor 2Gr av rearm n s -per` isliable products. In tate language or the street, it a fifty*fl ty proposition,' The town needs the country and the Country needs the town. • The farmer needs the assistance of the storekeepers of the town in securing a market for his products, He needs the assistance of the 'storekeepers of the town in getting good roads' ever which he may haul his Products without los- ing more time than the products are worth, He often needs the assistance of 'the storekeepers iii helping him over a period of financial stringency. Storekeeper Needs Farmer's Trade. On the other hand the storekeeper needs the business of the farmer: He does not ask the farmer to sell him his products on credit even though at the time he may he hard pushed for cash and may need more credit badly. He does not ask the farmer to help him build a sidewalk in front .of his store. He does not ask for the business of the farther provided that he Can sell the farmer the goods he needs at as low a price as he can secure them for elsewhere. But does helwa s get, a the farm Y er's business? ass A sk the "mail tl order man in the big city or ask the post- master or the express agent in any town or city in the country, They could, if they would, tell of thou- sands of dollars sent away to the big cities to pay for .goods that could be purchased just as cheaply' and much more 'conveniently in the nearest town 'or city. These thousands of dol- Tars, when- sent to .the mail order houses in the big cities, •never come back, They do not help, to build good roads past the farmers' -rouses. When the next crops are harvested, the mail order man won't -buy any of the farm- er's products, The potatoes, the to- matoes, the melons and other things that the farmer' raises may lie and rot upon the ground so far as the mail order man is concerned. - No Credit From Mail Order Man The mail ,order man won't sell the farmer two cents' worth of goods on one day's credit no matter how badly the farmer may need the goods or how little ready cash he has to pay for them. - If the farmer's house burns down, the mall order man is not go- ing to sell liim any lumber on credit bo that he may build another home. Hoke ill take a what cash lie can get the farmer to send him 'and there his interest in the farmer ends, It the farmer has no money to pay for what he needs, the mail order man will find others to help swell the stream of dollars which is building up his great fortune and helping build up the, great city in witiob he lives. Let'the` home merchant help the -farmer when he needs it. And the local merchant does help 'the farmer when he needs it. And the local merchant does help the farmer as long as he can, but there comes a time when he cannot. He cannot make money without customers. Without the legitimate profit that he makes from his sales he cannot "carry" the farmer over the rough spots, he cannot contribute to the good roads funds, he cannot pay the farmer cash for his products! But this is not a one-sided proposi- tion. If the city is dependent upon the country, so is the country depen- dent upon the city. What the fanner raises is worth absolutely nothing to him unless he can sell it at a price that illn Yhim atii . return on the money and time invested in its pro- duction. The farmer, without mar- kets, would be in the same fix as a storekeeper without customers, In almost every case the farmer is cla- mant xieae by town qe LIVE MERCHANTS recognize Advertising not as an expenditure, but as an in- vestment. Persistent use or, THE CLINTON NEWS -RE- CORD will verify this. ' We have opened up in the Palace Brock and are now in a po- sition to take care of your needs, in paints, Oils, Wallpapers, in- terior and exterior decorating. All our work is guaranteed. Practise Buying -at -House. WOOD & TYNER, Painters These are the days of Specialists: I specialize in good jewellery as well as 'watch and cloak repair- ing. I endorse the Buy -at -Dome idea because it has merit.. Let us be loyal one to another and the success of Clinton is assured. W. It. COUNTER, Jeweller idamovimaarinamostalawriatopoirmoonnemaramormoompor jMCTAGGART 'BROS: BANKERS ERS Clinton, Ontario It has often been remarked that the line of Stationery, Wall 'l'a- per, China, etc. that can be pro- cured at my store is surprising. Come and see for yourself and be convinced• for all time to come that yon can do better here than elsewhere. A. T. Cooper, Stationer Quality and service has always been my slogan. 'It has been ex- tremely difficult" to supply your needs from time to time but you can rest assured it was due so conditions beyond my control. Let the know your wants, I will do my best for you. J. 13. MUSTARD, coal & Wood Good clean competition ,never in- jured any town. Education is as essential as our daily meals, You a c nno t travel four directions at the • sem e time and n arrive at a given point. The same is true of the dollar spent out of town. DOHERTY PIANOS LTL. The best is the cheapest in "the end. Let' your next job of Paper hanging or redecorating be clone by me. My long experience in this line is your assurance that. what I undertake to do will be done right. J. E. COOK, Decorator If -we think an article is not what you are looking for we tell you so. If we, do not have what you are looking for we will get it for you.,Look over our line of stove, furnaces, cutlery, electri- cal fixtures etc. and be convinced SLITTER & PERDUE, Hardware To satisfy the individual house- hold has been my motto for years. If you are looking for fresh, clean groceries, give me an opportunity to prove the merit of the line of groceries'I keep in stock. Prices are right. F. W. WIGG, Grocer In the line of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes you can do no better" than by purchasing these at our store We try at all times to keep in stock what our clientele desires If we have not got it we will get it for you. PLUMSTEEL BROS. Dry Goods In the line of Fresh and . Smoked Meats we cannot be surpassed. Everything we handle is `proven best by every test." We invite your patronage with the assur- ance that you will be satisfied. Our business is on a cash basis. BUTLER BROS., Meat Market Cleanliness Is next to Godliness It is here we invite the general public to visit our creamery and see how sanitary our plant is kept: Every improved method will be found here in the manu- facture of the Clinton Creamery Products. S. E. Rozell, Manager Photography is an art a -id re- quires a constant application and study to be able to get the re- sults that meet the approval of a satisfied clientele. I also devel- op your films. Let your next photo be done by ROY BALL Photographer A good place to eat and sleep, is what they all say of the Nor- mnndie-Rattenbury Hotel. I make it my business to see that you ' are satisfied. It is the home of the travelling man. Como in and make yourself at home. S. S. COOPER, Proprietor SIIMICEIMMUZZIUNISINAILLI Where there's ti kj ��kk a rl�ilF i'lifuiiiiiiilllll�No' " 1 ilk In a home there is good cheer—there is reading and culture— there is a happy family' •4 that's what our farm lighting plant dous for you. Don't be satisfied with any other light. See the "SilentAlamoIf in operation in our store Corless & Vernier HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 53 Auburn . ,rnrt.,., fr. Mr. Britton of Walton preached in the Methodist church on Sunday while Rev. Mr. Wilson preached an- niversary sermons at Walton. The concert in the hall on 'Wed- nesday was largely attended. The proceeds were in aid of the Chinese Fanzine Fund. A debate was held the Baptist inat8t church last Thursday night, Frank Raithby and Glen Ralthby of furs, Robertson's class taking the affirm- ative and Elden Stotiz and R, Mc - Lead of Miss King's class the negtt- Live, The subject was "Resolved that Alcohol has done more injury to the State than war." The ,judges Were Mrs, Andrew, Rev. Mr. Millsort and Mr. 3, J. Robertson. The decis- ion' was given in favor of the nega- tive, IMiss Edna Raith y euterta4netl the Mission Band at her home last Friday night. Rev. Mr. Veesey of Rorer spolte in the Presbyterian Church- on Sun- day evening. -. Capt. and Mrs, Fingland of To- ronto spent the holiday with Rev. It, 3, and Mrs. Ross, VIIIMIELIESIMCK Do it O Nov is the time to brighten up your hones Try our LEMON OIL for your furniture --makes it like new. Once used—Always used. We will hang paper at the follpwing prices during the winter Wall paper 13c roll, ceiling 13c roll, border 2c yard Painting :D,epartm.ent Buggies, cutters, automobiles. etc., repainted at the following prices t, Buggies $11,00. Cutters $8,00. Automobiles $.0.00 (this includes three coats) Refinishing all kinds of furniture PAINTS, .OILS, VARNISHES, ETC. KEPT, IN STOCK, A Shepptirdton woman recently sold a' turkey for $15.30. Looks as if it might pay to raise turkeys, r>rswat*: `"1101 & TYNER PRONE 146,