HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1921-1-6, Page 70 HEALTH EDUCATION i r r BY pit; J. J. M1E DLETQN Ontario -Board of Health 0oa eiieetlons on Public Idealth That- 0 Ar, lt'Itddloton will be gl>id t ~z ,wer q M' tern through this, colonel, Address him et the Parliament; illdgle, 1 Toronto, ., a► � '1Y r vil1911.‘► 4 i► lin iia. vviaL �►.'� these little pegs abeend, • Because of the spread of health knowledge, house,. wives now shun the dirty, fly -ridden pleat market, grocery store or .candy shop. Any tot in the kindergarten class will tele you that 'Mee are dang- orous, "hence the meat dealer of to -clay must have his meats' earofulIy protect, ed :from -flies, 'street dust, etc. The dust when dry can spread the .g0711(15 of tuberculosis very readily, as infect- ed persons have not yet learned to avoid spitting on the streets. Other ways by Which people ,get feeted with, disease germs include ac- tual contact with a patient or the bedclothes, and discharges from the nose, throat Or ears,- as in scarlet fever. Patients detained in an isola- tion hospital with eommunioab;e dis- ease should be free of any disohsi'ges from the nose, throat or ears before leaving hospital. Unsound food and impure water are also sources of infection. One of the commonest forms of food poisoning is through meat, the Gaertner bacilli, a gioup of organisms much resembling the typhoid germ, being generally. re- sponsible.� This infection sometimes gains access to the meat from outside sources either due to contamination of the food by carriers, or else the animal slaughtered was at the time. suffering from an, infection of the Gaertner group of haeilli, The danger of this bacillus in poisoning food -is that although infected meat may be coolced to a degree 'sufficient to cause the death of the. germ, a powerful toxin is produced which resists heating lip to 100 degrees C., and -which can cause an outbreak of food poisoning. Well cooked food is.therefore, not only -palatable, but is also much more likely to be free from infection: the cooking preserves the meat from putrefactive changes by heat sterilization and may somewhat in crease its digestibility. Saut'age. poisoning or botulism is now very rare in this country, but is worthy of notice. The sausage, especi- ally' the .large Cambridge type, is sometimesinfected with the 'baci'l'lus botulinus, but this infection also is found at times in horns soaked in. brine: The symptoms are those of in- tense nervous prostration, with -some- times impairment of vision, speech, and general lack of eq -ordination. This is in contrast to food poisoning by the Gaertner bacilli, which produce intesti- nal, disorders, severe diarrhoea, ab- dominal pain, etc. Although all infected meat, whether tinned or not, mist be condemned, raising the temperature to a sufficient height during cooking will kill off or destroy the virulence of infective ma- terial in food suspected of not being quite pure. An inspection of meat for human consumption, is now carried out in all cities and towns, and in addition all foods exposed for sale and intended for human consumption must be pure or the law can take action. It is said that every living thing on this earth has a definite purpose hn being here, What then, is the purpose of the eolmu'on house Sty that we kno' so well? If It is So spread disease and; death and be a general nuisance to man and the higher animals, its mis- Sion is fulfilled to the letter, Of .all The agencies by which disease genus are transmitted, few could show more definite results- than that ae- eomplished by the oommon fly, Yet, after• all, there may be a good motive underlying the presenee' of this pest, if humanity was only intelligent enough and educated enough to appro- eiate it„ One thing 'we :know definitely is that the fly will not linger long in a place that is clean and sanitary. It goes where filth, abounds; and in doing • so it is only acting in its own interests in search of food; If it gets the better of us and finds filth 'exposed it is more discredit to us than blame to the fly. Some day the presence of fifes in • any •localitjr" 'bring 'a blush of shame to the official face of the local sanitary authorities. Posters will im- mediately be displayed warning the public of the danger in their midst and offering a reward for the ap- prehension of the miscreant who was responsible for the coming of the fly, Indignation meetings will most probably be held, and the guilty,. parties brought to boot. This is as it should be, but up to -the present. there is no indication of this desired state -of hygienic perfection being reached, so we resort to "Stvat the fly' campaigns and other temporarily dras- tic measures, ' Theee, of course, relieve the trouble temporarily but do not strike at its root. When we learn to appreciate the fly in bis true Right we will pee -i vent his . breeding by abolishing his breeding places. The. real purpose of the fly, therefore. is to serve as a per- petual, tormenting, disgraceful re- minder of uncleanliness, and the les- son be will eventually teach us is one of sanitation. By far the greatest objection to flies comes front the fact that they spigot.' a tremendous amount of disease, as well as being a great discomfort and a oarrier of filth. Besides actually dropping the germs from the feet and legs, flies may transmit disease by dis- charging their vile 'disease -laden ex- creta either -directly or indirectly upon the food. .This is not only the most objectionable, but the most dangerous ieettire of the typhoid fly, and though we might get used to it as an irrita- tion and annoyance, we cannot over- look it in its death -dealing capacity. War must be . made cit the fly even outside the house and its environs. This fact is being rapidly brought home to the food purveyor, whatever his particular line may be, for people nowadays are beginning to avoid the food serving establishment where Where it is Really Cold, Most of the wild creatures are stronger and more active than man, and they are also far more healthy, Yet there is one point in which man oar beat them all—that is, in the mat- ter of resistance to heat and cold. When England sent an expedition into Tibet, that tremendous tableland north of India, winter brought a tem- perature of forty degrees below zero Centigrade, Tide is eleven degrees below the freezing point of mercury. The horses and cancels died, but the men resisted the terrific temperature. The coldest town in the world is Yakutsk, in Siberia, and here, during almost every winter, the spirit ther- mometer indicates forty-five degrees below zero. Horses and cattle perish; eve* cats die with the cold, yet a pope lotion of several thousand human be- ings survives, In Northern Alaska the cold is often so great that a bowl of water flung from a windew balks to the groutid In rattling ice crystals. Yet man lives and flourishes under these conditions. Mankind is equally tolerant of ex- treme heat. He can live 115 the Sou- dau, where temperatures have been recorded of 120 degrees 121 the shade, and where the Treat of the sun beating ou the sand is sufficient to roast an egg. More wonderful still, he can spend as much as ten or fifteen minutes at a time in the hottest room of a Turk- ish bath, where the temperature is thirty degrees above that of boiling w•atsr, and Which is au ordeal which would kill,, almost any other worm- bleoded animal. 1 Poland has seven women members in the national diet, and all women in that country enjoy political liberty. • Noblesas Navvies. Now that they can never regain their old glory, the exiled • lineal= =Witty who formerly adorned the late Ozar's court are enjoying the novelty of working for their living. There are in France hundreds of these nobles engaged in different in- dustries, and some are actually doing manual work as navvies. Morooyer, many officers who once held high rank in the Russianarray are now taxi driver's in Paris. Count Paul ignatiefr, who wee a cease friend of the murdered Tear, now sells milk in °arches. Nis wife, who was the most beautiful woman in Petrograd, milks the cows at dawn, while the Count's second soil grows mushrooms at Saint-Germain. Tho most dashing cavalry officer of Russia, Colonel Skouratoff, has ex- changed the sword far the hoe, and is becoming an agricultural expert. At a Paris garage another faunoun colonel may be seen any day in overalls, General- Nieolajeff, commander of the Russian troops in France during the war, now 'drives a motor -lorry for a wholesale arm in Paris. Two princes are bank clerics, and many nobles and oblicers have become motor Illechannics. Prince I oris paints lively interior decorations for Cha- teaux. In order to buy his outfit he had to pawn his jewels, • Rainbow Myths. ' In many countries the rainbow is spoken of as a groat bent pnlup or siphon tuba, dr•awing,'watel• from the earth by mechanical Means. In parts of Russia, in the Doe country, and, also in Moscow and vicinity, it is known by a name which is equivalent to "the bent water -pipe," OM Lo- ,U , into it • • tea or coffee drinkingds- tubs health or comort swich to r • , rST NT OSTIMI There's a •big gain toward health ,waith convenience; ecom on.Dr, and no loss in satisfaction GROCERS Evnerwatee SELLPORN French Industry in War Zone is Recovering. 1V;anufiletietnp lndustries are a'apld- ly resuming eperatlous In the devas- tated dlitrict, pays a Paris despatch.: This ld aliown by a report of the Op lion of Iudaeirial Reconstruction, which Itas been. l*vestigeting the re atoratlolt of factories and workshops which, before the wet, enspleyed more than twenty workmen. Or the 4,321 eatablishntents• i15 which inquiries have been made, 3,892 have, resumed work in whole or In part, A olassillcation of tile various tl'atdee concerned chows that 86.4 per cent. of metal works are again active; 81.5 of that potterlesy atone and brink works; 80.4 pa cent, of the cllenihpa'l. intluq+ tries and 70.$ for the textile iiidue- tries. The relatively slow tate of . progress ofthe, textile factories is said by the bureau to be due to the fact that, the looms, wer lellberateiy destroyed and it is' taklag setae time to replace the delicate psaelttttery, p These 4,321 establish -mettle ' employ- ed 779,915 persons 111 1914; lit Novem- ber, 1920, they employed 355,852, or 45,7 of their 1914 pensolm0L While the 9aetoriee heve.for the meet part beau r'ebuiit much as they. were in 1914, the houses which shelter the workers are mere wooden • huts, although brick shanties are springing up in the districts where iirioklaying is Practicable. Thus • the proportion of resumption of activity bears np relation to tate re- covery of the towns and villages, which it will be impossible to rebuild as. formerly, - EVERY DOSE SMILE IN �V B OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Baby's' Own Tablets are a regular Jay giver to the little ones—they never fail to make the cross baby happy. When baby is cross and fretful the mother may be 85055 something is the matter, for it is not baby's nature to be cross unless he Is ailing. Mothers, if your baby Is cross; if Ire cries a great deal and needs your constant attention day and slight, give him a dose of Babe's Own Tablets, . They are a mild but thorough laxative ,,high win quickly regulate the bowels and stomach, and thus relieve consti- pation and indigestion., colds and simple fevers aid make baby happy— there surely is a smile in every dose oa the Tablets, Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williains Medicine Co„ B.racktdlle, Ont. A considerable amount of social and religious interest lies behind the news that the fez is going out of popular use in Turkey. For a hundred years it has been the characteristic Turkish headdress, 'and in the beginning 'yas itself a reform, for it took the place of the turban, end the Sultan Mahmud II, wlio introduced it, Was called "the infidel Sultan.' At one stage of the Mohammedan prayers the true be- liever must touch his nose and fore- head to the floor, and, sinoe he must keep his' head covered in the mosque, a turban sot' a fez or other brimless headgear is ne0eseary. So heartily do the Turks hate the head covering of Europe that a common wry to ee- =Se a Turk ,of infidelity to Islam has been to nail a hat to his door. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup c8 Figs only --book for the name California an the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and mesal: harmless physic for the little stomachs, liver and bolfels. Children *love its fruity taste. Trull directioue an each battle. You mast say "California.", e Wordless Telephones. Au leventlon which makes it pas- sible to carry an a ccnversatiolf direct front the throat instead of the mouth promises to revolutionize telitphonic Conversation. Knows as the Laryngophone, the In- vention enables a person to 'talk in noisy surroudings or under abnormal conditions, and at the Anne time letave, the youth free for• breathing pur- poses,. - The transmitter le about the sire of ,x wrist watch, It gather's tip the vi- brations direct hem the vocals chords when it is placed in contact with the throat, and the statute are plisinly heard in the receiver. • A. apeclai appftrdtns •isaa bean de- signed for the brigades, enabling a superhstonalent to 1,e ie constant touch with his masked men, and to eonvel'so with them readily. 'idose leen working on ladders and actor tops Can keep iii telephonic touch with those working inr otherparts of a burning builin g. The invention' can also be used be- tween chauffeur and motor -car pas- seltger, between air pilot and pas0011- ger, is noise Workshops, in raaihway tunnels, and in marine engine•roonns. The submarle worker can talk to lues on the surface, 1,r inalto signals te the opetattot' by simply dropping his jaw to the full extent, this movement Working a switch, The brewories of Great Britain have n oembined annual output of between 16,000,000 and 20,00000 'stalndard barrels of ,beer, EIIESIUENT OEADACIIES' A' Sure Sign That the Blood is 'Watery and Impure. People with. thin, Bleed are nlliCII nsoro subject to headaeiles than fon- bloodeci persons aud the forst of luieen 1a that alfllo(s growing girls 10 0111 0 . a 0 't an t was 1,e Tl )A1 le ea • s always a l) d by head- aches, aches, together With disturbance of the digestive organs. - , Whenever you have constant or 14)- earring e-ea ring lteadaollea and" pallor or tire face, they Show that the blood is thin and your efforts • should. be directed toward building up your blood, A fair treatsnent with Dr. '9iritliante' Pink P1'Lls will do this effectively, and the rioli red blood mime Py thaae.1411s Will reprove the headache. More,dle!tuibanpes to the health are caused by their blend than moat eeolde have ally idea of. When your blood is impoverished, the nerves''. suffer from lack of nourishment, and you may be troubled with insomnia, neuritis, mew - or sciatica, Muscles subject to strain aro -1usdemtourished' and you may - stave muscular tlleuinatisn or luin'bago. If your blood le thin and you 'begin to show symptoms of any of these disorders, try building up the blood with As Williams' Pink Pitts, and as the blood is restored to its icor- mal condition every symptom of the trouble will disappear, .There are 'more people who owe their present state of goad health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, than to any other medicine, and most of then do not hesitate to: say BO. You can get Dr. Williams' Pinit Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 90 cents a'box or six boxes for $2.60 from The Dr, Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. The Boy Scouts Association. As an organization, the Scout Move- ment is neither militsulftc in thought, form nor spirit, although it does• 1n8till in boys- the military virtues' each as honor, loyalty, obedience and patriot- ism. - The purpose of the Boy Scoat Move- ment is to develop character, initia- tive and 'resourcefulness in boys by, cultivating their interest in the fas- cinating outdoor. activities of the Scout program. • It is in the wearing of the -'uniform and doing of things •together, as Scouts, that they absorb the force and truth of the Scout law, welch states: "A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout." ,The Movement aims to supplement thee various existing educational agencies, and to promote the ability in boys to do things rot themselves, and others, It is not the aim to get up a new organization to parallel in its purposes others already establish- ed. The oppar'tunity is afforded other organizations, however, to introduce into their own programs unique fea- tures appealing to interests which are universal among boys. The method is summed up in the terns Scoutcraft, n211 5,3 a combination of observation, deduction and handiness, or the ability to do things. Scoutcraft includes in- struction in first aid, l•Jfe saving,. track- ing, signalling, cyoling, nature study, cansperaft, selnuartehip, woodcraft, chivalry,- patriotism and many other subjetcts. This is acconlpletbed in games and team play, anti is, pleasure, not work, for the boy. All that is needed is the out -of -door's, a group of boys and a competent loader, "Something to de, sonseth.ing to tisitilc about, and something to enjoy, with n view always to. character build- ing; for manhood, not scholarship, is the first aim of education." The Boy Scout Movement is develop- ed in practically ervery country of the world, as well as in all the overseas dominions and colonies of Creat Bri- tain and the United States, Accord- ing to a pamphlet just issued by the Provincial Headquarters of the Boy Scouts Atsoclation, Bluer and Shen bourne Streets, Toronto, there are in Canada alone some 22,692 registered Scouts, 4,288 Wolf Cubs (junior mem- bers), and 1,645 mimed Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters who give at least 52 eights a year, and 24 half slays or days to the personal loader ship of their boys. Quite a citizen- ship contlibn'flois, "DANDERINE" Stops. Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its; Beauty. c A few (lents buys "Dandoriu'e." Af- ter a few applications you cannot f121d a fallen hair or any riandraff, besides every flair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance. Canada hits the second largest tele- seopo in the world, near Victoria, B.C. It is second in point of size arid equal to the best hi efficiency, Minard's Liniment for Burns, etc. Ifou are a real sales y man you will Work; if you don't work you will be a "nearly enc" alt your idle, -l3. It. Wardel'i,' Canadian Song Writers To protect you from fraudulent SONO+ WRITING STUDIOS,submityour song poems to pie, and 1 will advise yeti at to musical settings, International' copy- rlpiits aid publication of your song. Residents of Canada communicate only, JULES BRAZIL, Professional Sang Arranges', 41 GORMLESS AVE, TORONTO CAN REDUCE UNEMPLOYMENT BY CLEARING 'NO.RTR- LANDS By. A.LFitldl2 I+'I'l'4PA'1°51201(, I'rincipai P'rcu'tlex Coliogo. 0115 1110a45 of s'olying the probheni 5.081 part lis tii.is Dermauont folic' for of unesui)1oyinont is for the Ggyern- relieving unemployment. Let thou H .nests .of Cantida to begin the long. Ikeda of individual farmers apply for 4 event= tusk of pre'paling its •bush bash lots of 160 acres such in the clay' Nude for settlement in the play bolts lauds. Ail appt105ttious should be lo - of the North, Owing to s'illnnmet' aalized hl townebilis meet 'suitable for. (rocs, 10150)10,5 of northern elity 1al)i1a suture settlement, At convenient htms largely been a waste 1,r time auil centres in such townsh11%1 the Clo5el'n- ele'ney. 01117 be (11ea1•Ing whole areas meets etiould provide comfortable anal will dila barrier to aettlenlenit ever be attractive cennnunity camps, Pima 01'e1'ca111e, 'Pea'ml'ng colder present hands should be hired by the year,. conditions, whereby each settler cleara instead of being turned- atlrlrt wizen is s531(511 patch, is putting the cart be- the busy 8eesgn lu over, to oongregale lore the lial's0, and is whollyAnwar- he the towns and cities, they -could go ranted, At least 65 per cent• pi each Borth rot a short period to help in lot In oarefuwy selected townships (1100211115 the bush lets of their em- shoul'd be cleared 31y means Ca large players. They would not, of course, gangs liv'in'g hal community camps, be asked to live 151 shacks on 1151 in - Herein Ilea one solution, or unelnpleY- dividual Lots. They w'culll reside at meet, now etalking before no daily In Cie nearest cone nsuity camp, and the breadlines .of the cities. Work share in all its social actleiti'os.. Gould thus be provided, Pal•tierlhtrl'y There need be no elaborate uu'epal'a- in the fall and winter .months, as well tion for this work, 'Men In charge of as during special periods of =one a practical bush foretneu could be sent ploynsent, 'Phis policy of extended .tenth at encu with warm eto•ihtng.: land-c1oa1'issg should uotbe simply 1111 tents a11d'sm5511 portable sawmills A emergency measure, but should en- suitable site for a camuruulty mune gage the attention of the Federal and could bo selected in the centro of each looal Governments the whole Year tOWlhshdp opened, aid the necessary round. Should any or the workers at buildings erected. The work of tell - these community camps wish 10 re. Ing trees, cutting ties, pulpwood and main on some or the Cleared lots they ,;as' 'ember could be started im could be sold to them on easy terms. ntediateiy.`, eller the next 20, 30, yes, and for 60 Because of e sst r; ssditions o3 year's, fan !.clearing in, preparation for settieihent many . )nen. even amen; future setblensont should be an<urgeut the tinemployecl, are =thralls' laatli and essential "department or every to face the.,harclships involved. The Government in the Donminion. writer is at the opinion that this pre - The big industrial plants of the Do- judice can largely be overcome whoa minion, as well! ts the Governments, the elan are well Clothed and housed can assist in this great undertaking. in fully equipped community -05501505. Every large industry should apply for Why spend so much on able-bodied a whole township or more in the beelt men in the .elties, when an equal ex lands. Land -clearing might be made penditure In well -organized efforts a business department of,masy Cana- would provide stimulating employ- dian enterprises employing great num- meat to many thousands in the bees of workers: Instead of "laying- healthier environment of the north, off" sten when aL pinch comes, they Well-fed men in comfortable cont could establish large ' land-olearing munity camps, not the bread lines 01 camps and homestead by proxy. 111 the cities, is the solution. • tide way an outlet would be provided Let Canode for a•11 time :tbauclon the for a considerable percentage or the foolish policy of homesteading her able-bodied employees now turned in- bash clay lands by individuals, work - to the streets. If as ably handled as ing separately .against einegual bar - other departments of the business, the rims. Rather let her undertake now. land -clearing department would un- a great permanent laud clearing policy doubtedly prove remunerative. ,2111.1- by using largo gangs of unemployed bsr, ties and pulp cv1l1 always find a men, living in cosnnlunity Camps, sup- ready market in Canada as well as in plied with every facility for eduoateln the bordering States, and eutertuiumeut—the movies sot Tho farmers, too, can take a very excepted, What Thought Force Has Done. Have you, who are beating ssgaluat the iron barn of poverty, ever etopped to thin., what marvelous, things the Creator has everywhere provided for -ns, Itis children? 3usteint'a1ine the entire` universe, the great, cosmic ocean of creative, intelligence, packed with all the riches, all the glorious things, the magnificent possibilities the Minute mind can conceive, and then try td Malmo what it would mean to you and to alI who are cone plaining or lack and want 5'f by some magic they could Cali out or this versal supply of creative intelligence anything which would match their desires, their heart lougiugs, Imagine this vast universe, this ocean of Creative energy, packed with possibilities front which human beings could draw everything which the wildest imagination could cau.ceivo, everything they desire in life, every- thing they need far comfort and con- vect -once, even luxuries,—also cities, railroads, telegraphs and all sorts of wonderful inventions and discoveries., Every discovery, every invention, oven" improvement, every facility, every 110500, every building, every city, every' railroad, every ship, everything that man has created for our use and benefit he has fashioned out or this vast invisible cosmic ocean of intel- ligence by thought force. Everything we tee, everything• we have, every achievement or ratan is preceded by a trental vision, a plan. Everything man has accomplished on this earth is a result of it desire, has been preceded by 0 mental picture of it Everything he has produced on tots plane at existence has been drawn out of this invisible ocean of divine intelligence by Itis thought force. HSI imagination first pictured the thing he wanted .to do; he kept visualizing this mental conception, never stopped thinking, creating, until his. efforts to match hie visions-vith"thelr realizes drew to hitu the thing on which he lied canteen -- t rated. anteentraced, TAKE NOTICE. We publish simple, straight testa. 0onlals, from well-known people, not. press agents' intereiewsw From e11 over America they testify to the merits of IIIINAED'S LINI- MENT,. the best 01 Iloasehold Rento- diee. • MINARETS LINIMENT CO,. LTA Yo,rtnanth, 2512,. Broach Factory,. $L John's, Nfld., Needed a Horse. A prosp0rous grocer in a certahi town had oreeaien recently to engage a 110W errand boy for the Christmas rush.' Trade was very britlt, and the lad bad a great demi of work to do in deli-Veriag the parcels in diffeeeirt parts- ofthe town, "Well, George, how did yen get on on Satttrdiay?" asked the grovel' on Mondaay morning. "Olt, fine; replied the hey; "but 1'11 be' leavin' at 1115 end of the week." "Why, what's pp now?" queried his. master. "Aro 'the wages, not high enough?" "I'm not Milan' any fault with the pay," replied the bay, "but the fact is, I'm'doing a Morse out of a Job !rare," fdiinerdel Liniment Relieves Goide, ate, The British Mtitsetint contains more than 10,000 oopitos"of the Bible. Say, "Hello!" Stop a minute and say "Hello" As down Lire's Road you go; D'or a kindly word and a cheery smile' Will shorten the way by many a mile' 1101' some 1100r fellow wkio'B proving 81010'. Stop a minute—anti say "Hello." ASPIRIN "Bayer" is only Genuirie AVT42 BPARa. PARTS for most fn,Ftce' and raoel i, nf- pore, Tour old, brakes 1,r worn-out 5e1'50 515911101,55, Write or quire UN desertp. !plc what Yin) went, Wo msr)'y 5113 largoat and mast eem lets stock 11 Canada of slightly 41`90 51' new bar's and eUtonroPlle egniisnlent. We stllp• 0,0,0 anywhere In (Sentr is 8atin- faotary or refund in 1511 our s'5ss. 02 931 Duffer! f t 18 , Toronto, n Oss , • • One of the moat cps.tly fur gens'.' J ever netile was the ermine mienge nr - 'selded to the lute Esnpresti of R"'"1 bv netherin ,of sables hadvalu,.1 al .$00 000, 6 MONEY ORDERS, Remit by Dominion Heiress ltierey Order, If lost or stolon you get yrdr 11101100 back, / Pise founcler of the Bank of Eng- land died in poverty, 'Alnard'e'Llnimont. Relieves DIlttemeer Classified Advertisements, 7 FARM WANTED, �,i'T ABM wrA.NT1C1), S1,ND 10L1'SL'RII'- tlen. and price, John J, Black, Chippewa Falls, -Vis, SM.oSzrIG TOBACCO .fl li Y YOUkt SB4CIICSNC1 TOISA 'L''0 silrect them ;tc1X1r. eamin far iudeea, talar; Barnard, Leamington, Ontario, 859510015 WANTED, Awo w, 1VANIlSCU: J1LISS NA IVB herbs 1s a remedy for the relief of 5-,u,ss tlpatloru,Indigestion, J:111ousness, Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles, It is we1I'.!cnown, having 00en extensively act.. vertised,,,R51nee ft was first manufactured In 1888, 11y'dlstrlbssiion of la'•^• quanti- ties LIE Almana.rs: •.Coos-)loolcs, Health 000011s, etc„ which are -furnished to agents free of charge. The rdme iap,are sold et a plica that allows agents e double their money. Write 11onzo O. Bliss MaIliral Ce„ 12.4 St. Paul St: Cast, l,fnntrenl. Mention thlq paper. ifklesItflon99Furs FOR 50 YEARS we have been giving oar many shippers fair and satisfactory Fattens', WILLIAM STONE SONS, LTD. . Woodstock, Ont. OOAND SAi� LSE SALLTT .A X2111 a (Iarlatn o'OIQONTO GALT WORKS O. J. CLIFF • TORONTO America's Pioneer Dog Etemedles Boole on IMO DISEASES and-Iiew to ibed Mailed 14'ree to any Ad- dress by the Author. 20. 0100 Glover Co., sec. 118 -Vest 81st Street New Fork, Warning! It's Criminal to take a chance an auy substitute for ge'nulne• "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," prescribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Unless You see the naive "Bayer" on package' or on tablets you are not getting As- pirin at el. In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets ccost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada, Aspirin is, the trade mark (registered in Caste da), of Bayer Manufacture or Monoa- ceticacidester of Salicyiicaciii, The bagpipes are by no means mere- ly •a picturesque survival of os bar- bara'us age. One hundred and' fifty pipers performed individual feats of heroism dating the world war, and o piper of the Scottish Borderers wan the Victoria Cross by standing on a parapet during a gas attack at Loos and piping his battalion together with Blue Bonnets Over the Border. There A.—something that, quickens time blood ih such tunes as Blue Bonnets and The Oannpbells .aro Coming;;' there is something profoundly stirring; in the wail of 'a pibroch. So long es therel are fighting Highlanders, we need have no fear that • the "Cannpleell'e' will cease to eotne, "Pape's Diapepsinr' Corrects Stomach. Papa's Dlapepsin" is the quickest, surest •re'iieer for Indigestion, Gases, Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness. Fer- mentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity, A few tablets give alinese immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach he corrected so you can oat favorite foods without fear. Large ease costs only 60 cents at drug store. _Abso:lutely harmless and pleasant. Malone , helped annually, *Largest 55021illg ,stonterals cflrreetor in world,— Adv. Deliberate long before deiug lvhnt it is impossible to tilde. Minard's Liniment For Dandruit High heels for women's 5110es were, first used 00 years ago, It is estimated that there 410 1550 .Aburioan ibratch factories ill Oanadia, 200 of which have been established since fho War,' •s 'AI .E Send for list of inventions waste by Manaisctatrers. Fortunes have been made, from iw►ple ideas. Patent Protection"booklet and "Proof of Conceptions" on request. HAROLD C. HIPMAN fk CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS" i 90 sat'MAN CHAMeeCO • • 011AWA, CA wAmA 0 Caught in draught --stiff neck or back won't last long if is applied. Immediate effect. e BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES sees a tube. THE LEEMING MILES CO„ LTG, MONTREAL :lgoate for Dr. Jules Dengilu RELIEVES PAIN OLD ST :, ,x. DBYY FOR ACHES AND PAINS Any man or woman who keeps Slowest handy will tell you that same thing SPECIALLY those frequently attacked by rheumatic twinges. A counter -irritant, Sloan's Lmi. ment scatters the congestion and pene- trates without rubbing to the afflicted part, soon relieving the ache and pain. Kept handy" and used everywhere for•reducing and finally elitninatmg the paiusand aches of lumbago, ncuealgia, muscle strain joint stiffness, sprains, bruises, and the results of exposure. You just know from its stimulating' healthyodor, that it wilt do yon good t Stoan's Liniment is sold by all drug. gists -35c, 70c, $1.40. CUTICUR F'sI R HAIR AND SHIN For promoting and maintain- ing beauty of skin and flair Ctiticura Soap and Ointment are unexcelled. Cuticura'ial- cu111 is an ideal powder, re- freshing and Cooling to roost delicate skirls. Soak Oletaoat$apdS8e. Toleem25e. Said tilrou8 odtthsDelnlinlon. ;9n diorii)epotc LmCU5cnS4p 2"4 9owl6M*lrru ,