HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-27, Page 9actor a- ilvoittirriltt strail. He could
track nothing entailer titan a train; on
a single line; and that only if 'there
wore no traffic. He could neither pain-
slier a nail, carry an order, tie ai knot,
light a fire, notice auYtte Aral pir9eats
except food, nor ase any teals ex,
eppting a table knife,"
,t And yet 'William Glasse Sawyer, fat,
stupid and stolid as he seemed, pos-
sessed a great:talc/it which even Wll-
iiam had :overlooked, but which was
plain enough to a.secingeye, For
William mal a natural cook. Th- man
who •diet-overed him, in :describing,
said: "E's a cook by build,
by lnstinels-'cavy in the run, oily in
the akin, broad In the' beam, short in
`tile arm, but, mark you, light on his
feet, That's the way cooks 'Ought to
be issued:"
But every boy, particularly those
who have not found their own talents,
will want to read about William
Glaisse Sawyer for themselves: For
there aretmany boys who carry around
with thein, the Jewel of a great talent
which is ..'welted because neither they_,
no0 anyoneelse known et Is there, It
la through discovering` talents' in the
boys wit hwlilch it works, anti d'eY.elop
ing-them, that the Boy Scalia ¥ova*
meet is malting its great onntribution
to the upbtillding of the nation,
Constipated children can find
primpt relief through the use of Baby's
Own -Tablets. ,Tire• Tablets are a mild
but thorough laxative which, never
fail to regulate the bowels and stom-
ach, thus driving out constipation and
indigestion; colds and simple fevers.
Concerning thein Mrs. Gaspard Daigle,
Domain, Quo;, writes: "Baby's Own.
Tablets leave been 61 great benefit to
my_ little boy, who was au.ffering from
constipation and indigestion. They
quickly relieved him and now he: is in
the best of health." The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
25c a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Present Time.`
There was a young girlie, by gum!
Who said, with her sweetie 'She wap
But beyond any doubts
She won''t be on the outs )
By.tile'time dear old Christmas has
come. -
Why. Faison Yourself?
Few people realize that they poison
themselves py: , unwisely , combined
pure, wholesome foods, as surely as by
impure -food,'. or that the mind, ea well
as ,• .the body, may cause ]laranless
foods', ands secretions to become in-
Tsousat "sof`-people suffering from
acute and chronic diseases are killed
every year: by. „medicine and feeding,
We are creatures or habit and,
whether we need food or not, we sit
down- to dt least three meals per day
and, unconsciously, overwork -our di.
-gestive and other organs until :Nature,
however long `suffering' she -may be,
force it' ent-er =a protest. This pro-
test t fres theform of some bomplaint
or malady which, in Its. severity, Is
commensurate with the infraction of
the lows laid down for the preserva-
tion of the sufferer's health.
Physical, menta) and physiological
rest usually constitute .the only pre-
scription required by the: average suf-
In plain lingllsh, by wrong or exces-
sive diet, self-poisoning has occurred
and either fasting or moderate' and
correct diet isall that is needed to get
back to normal health.
If, on rising, you have an unrested,
tired and lazy ''feeling, don't eat any
At mid:clay, if not feeling quite right
and honestly nest!
0 y hungry, do not worry
your stomach wit Isany Lunch. 1 -Tot or
cold Water will relieve any discomfort
in the stomach.
11 you do nbt feel comfortable
throughout the afternoon, do not eat
anything in the evening,
Follow ,this. plan until physiological
rest has proved sufficient to bring'per-
fect comfort from one mealtime to the
next. _-
An uncomfortable feeling is ;the
dist sign of footpoleonan'g. It may be
located in the stomach , about :nleal-
time—a symptom which sante describe
se hunger, oilers, as an all -gone feel-
ing, while some claim a gnawing sen-
sation. . Eating relieves it which is
why so many believe it is due to need
of food: The' fetid fiend continues; to
thus fled relief until bastritis, ulcer-
ated stgluach or cancer tarn -slush re-
lief into torture.
Those who persistently break b a-
ture's zeniflceee laws can only 'stili
teed, eventually, In being 'brolree 'by
then., The law of compensation- is
strictly just, Outraged Nature will.
readjust and wrath become normal, but
it takes time, effort, .patience; Bell -
a:631141 ahs eelhdieciplines to repair
damage thoughtlessly done by mixing
;pods which, by themselves,' are ono
,beat health preservers,
Witeie, en 6th Oceober last, In those
columns, I offered to freely !nail mj'
copyrighted Dietary 'ti''eatment to the
Mat thousand readers who, applied ler
tante, 1 little thought of^tho extent of
the demand, and now, 'as a anal effort
In the year spent in lightitttt' against
the Cancer scourge, will gladly coli.'
thus to moil my Dietary, without,
Charge, to all Who write for same be -
'fere ere 31.81 of December to Char de
Walter, ua Brunswick A.vcens, Torotitt,
Outnrio, Canada. •
The REAL CAIJI31I; of this tea'riblo
disease; how to treat it and how to
avoid it, is; fully explained by the
book on T
tulle (llitassiun tttl'catillent
which does away witlr, the danger and
su fi.`eringcaused by''surgical 'opera,
tion, radium and Kray.
In tb'is boolr art c nunslier of cavo
reports, at".borne and abroad, :;w itieli
prove the great,,;ralne of Cantasstutn
'.l'reatntent to interna anti to external
eases of irregular cell -growth and
Why wait to be stricken by this
rapidly ineroasing deyaattctlua seem:go
when you Otto learn now'tc avoid it by
sending for this PRIDE BOG,- ,which
will be promptly mailed to 141.7,:, with -
oat cost, by CHARGES WALTER, 51
Brunswick Avenue, Toronto, Ontario,
`1'o meet: tate requirements - of a'
limited number 61 Cancer sufferers
who desire' complete) test while taking
the Cantaosium Treatment;` Arrange
nlonts have now been completed for
their comfortable accommodation 1n
suitable premises In Toronto, 'where,
if they wish, they can be attended by
experienced physicians- ,
Town Lot Poultry Keeping.
By S. W. .Knife:
Only a small space 1s required to
keep a few hens in which would.sua-
ply table eggsea11 the' year,
• But someone oat's,` "]: have nd.ono to
1Qok. after them and Lam not able my
self," This obstacle has been nn over
come in many families where' there
are no boys or girls. I was much in-
eerested in the Itoultry:displays at the
schooi.faira this Fail, and I had the
pleasure of visiting quite a•number.
Ono small town fn particular -(of one;
thousand inhabitants) -.had an exhibit
of close on two hundred Fowl, all col -
ere: and stages of growth. The prizes
were well deserved where they: were
awarded and were in the form of a
setting of eggs in Spring, from pure-
bred stock,' thus encouraging the
youthful fancier. We areal laware of
the vim a youth - will put into any-
thing Interested -in; and boys - and
girls in many cases have, made a de-
sided sueoes6' in-tlfe':poultry, 'taken in
as partners with their parents,
The following interesting items, by
courtesy of The Reliable' Poultry Somenal, wit show what 'two juniors did,
both under, 14 years of age, At the
time of• writing, - these' children had
finished their 3rd year in`the'buelness
Paul and IlileenWarner started poul-
try keeping on a three-quarteraere
town lot, with 20 White, Leg'ltorns, 120
Barred' Rocks' • and 20 _Rhode - Island
Reds. All were good standard: broct
ing, as shown by ;the fact that, .they
took 31 flrst and 13 second prizes At
various shows. A great many adults
would be proud of such a record, both.
in prizes won and net proflts made by
these young poultry keepers.
Their drst Yogi: they sold,, from 36
Elggs at local market . , 9120.12
Eggs for hatching 102.80
Chickens sold for breeding 81,60
Chickens sold ,for eating ... , 33.61
Feed and supplies cost .,
Profit .. ...... .. 9109.90
Second year with 75 hens; ..:
Eggs sold on market , . . 9280.07
Eggs sold for hatching . 125,80
Chickens sold for breeding 44,00
Chickens sold for sating .. 80,37
Premiums : front shows . , ..... 65.50
Feed and supplies cost ,: ,;,297.22
Profit , , , ..: .. 296,52
Tnerease in flock ,.,,.. .., 78.00
Third year flock contains 110 )rens..
Eggs sold on market ' 9431.38
Eggs sold for;hatohtng .. .. , 152,00
Chickens sold for breeding ,52:00
Cilioltens spl dfor eating , , -140.25
Premiums from 58 prizes 72.50
ll e,tiH
A Rubber 13:ind My cry
you'll shoal a rubber band and a
piece of string two Peet long• You')
run file string through the band and
ask a spectator to hold the string
one end in each band. ?'.our task
nowt' is to get the band off the string
without tete spectator letting go.
Than is, of course, ar.peaslbie—
but magic Is the doing or apparent
You will havo hidden' to your
band a duplicate of the rubber bend.
Borrow a match, Grasp the band
(which is on the string) ip the,
hand in which the dupiloate is Bid-
den. Berra cbe biddsu band around.
- the string and hold it there by
thrusting the match through it
Tile hand now aides the original.
band, ' Draw this baud toward the
end of the string, calmly pushing
the spectator's bands qty the string,.'
0& course, while you era doing this,:
you are slipping the band off the
string and biding Win your hand.
As the spectators 'think they can
see the original band on the string,
no attention will be paid to this
mOvotuent, :espeolafy 1f -you do it
boldly. . The ,other hand, In the
same mariner takes the other end
of the string.
The spectator: is now asked to
.take the mate!) away, quickly. The
rubber band, of course, fails to the
floor. You haven't done' exactly
what you promised to do—but you
have done -a mighty good trick.
(010 this ant and paste ft, faith'
other of tate series, in a serattbook,J
Allriost Always Due to Weak and
Iltipoverishel Blood.
Apart from accident or illness due
to infection, almost ell Ill -health arises
from one or two reasons, Tho mistalte
that• people- make. is 1a • not realizing
that both of these have the same cause
at the, root, namely poor blood, Either
bloodlessness •orf some other trouble
of the nerves will be found to be the
reason for almost every -ailment. If
Yen are pale, suffering from headaches;
er hleathleesness, with.palpitation of
the heart, poor appetite and weak di-
'geetlon, , the cause is almost always
poor blood,_' If you have nervous head-
aches, neuralgia, sciatica and other:
nerve -pains, the cause is exhausted'
nerves. But run down nerves are also
a result of poor blood;'so that, the two
chief causes of illness are one -tnid the
If your health is peer; if you are
pale, aetvolts or dyspeptic, you should
give Dr. Williams' Pink pills• a fair
trial;- These pills act; directly on that
Mead, and by enriching Itgive new
strength to worn eat nerves. Men and,
• 802,03 Women alike greatly benefit through
192,13 the use of this :medicine. If you -are
weak or ailing, give Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills a fair trial' and you will be
pleased with the beneficial assaults
that will speedily fallow. .
If your -dealer does, not keep these.
pals you can get. them by mall at 501
cents a box from, The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.' `i
Geed, and supplies cost .. 366,23
Profit 6181.90
:Increase in. hoofs . , .. •... , 70.00
Total Profits -9838.32,
Also au inventory value of 9148' in-
creased fiook.
Another instance I' dame across was
a boy of 13, who haia the caring for of
25 pullets of real good stock. ?`hey
got finest dare and attention possible,
with the result that their average pro-
duction for the year-uveragod 216 eggs
eaclt.,in a pert:' 10 ft, by 14 ft,.
Get yowl' boy 00'3101 interested iu
poultry and thereby instill into their
l young minds a fundamental knowledge.
of business, also their ability to as -
1 soma, responsibility, It will benefit
them mentally as wee las financially,
ilnard's Liniment for Dandruff'.
� r
An Englishman was paying his first
visit to Scetlanrt, • -,IIearrived at a
small town and began_to question the
porter. "I suppose you have a gro-
vost here?"
"Aye," said the pdrtoi•.
"And does he have insignia like our
"Have what?
"Insignia --well, for instance, does
tie •have a chain?"
"A chain?" said the astonished pen
,tell ' "Na, no. He wane Iooee; but
dine be feared, he's quite, hal :awls,"
Qarg)e seeerai times; to -day With. Mitt•
melee in water.: " It cuts the fungus and
,gives relief.
t+I11Q1 MIAee,
'His First Vice.
The Serpent—"What's that smudge
corning.out of your but?"
Eve --"That's. Adam smoking a shirt
I made Por, him out of theleaveset a
nasty tasting weed."
Mother! Give Sick Baby
"California Fig Syrup"
Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver and
Bowels of Baby or Child,
Even constipa- 1;
ed, bilious, fever, .5. . s
ish, or stele collo-,.� ra''��D'es
Babies and Child-
ren love to: take
genuine "Califor.
nia. Trig Syrup."
No other laxative
regulates •the ten-
do.little bowelss.
30 nicely. It At A.. . -.
sweetens the stematli and ;!tarts the
liver and bowels acting Without grip-
ing. Contains no narootlos or'Booth-
tag drugs. Say "California" to your
druggist and avoid counterfeits! In -
east upoil genuine "California frig
Syrup" which contains directions.
Tit for Tat.
She was a very gaudily dressed
lady, and she tendered the bus cola
duoi.or half a grown for her penny
fare with, the ulr•of a grand duchess:
r'i'm sorra," she drawled, "but I
have no asiinies," •
"Don't you worry, lady," replied the
coudttctov affably, "You're going to
have twenty-nine in it minute."
The scala had been pawed to every-
one at ills tablet but Bobbie, thine and
one -kill* years alta,
Bobbie' -,'"Iii take 0. piece oft, enitt,
pl01006 '
Mother--°ljo, dear, banana cake is
toe heavy tot little boys,"
Debbie ,(after sovdOi1 strands of
17,nighi)--•'ti'tell, 111 use both 1tends,"'
Minard'tt Lhllmont.Neale Cato, i
and in
. ..
acka g
Mantd'actured by :Imperial' Tobacco Company of Canada Limited
The Anoerican Discipline.
'Hagfish naval' officers were delight-
'cd with the prompt appearance, of
American destroyers In, European
waters • after the 'United States had
declared war an Germany and have
many times expressed their admiration
of the effective, way the boat carried
out their assignments. Vie English
officers, hoWever, --must have been
amused many times, by : the lack oil
formality they detected 1n: the dieeip-
line of rife "gobs" on the American
vessels. Capt, J. (#. Sutherland in
At Sea With Joseph Conrad, tells sit
Incident illustrative of their free and
easy ways.
A commander, he 'writes, had just
completed adjusting the compass of an
American destroyer when he politely
asked the lieutenant in charge if he
would kindly' lend flim : a binocular.
The lieutenant Omitted down the for-
ward hatchway, . "Anybody flown
"Top," came -the answer.
"Well, say," continued the /lepton -
ant, "one of you go down to My cabin:,
and in the middle drawer onthe right-
hand side -you'll find a pair of bineou
Jars. 13ring 'em right along."
"It shall' be donejust exactly as you
say, lieut.," was the reply. •
It is easy to imagine the difference
on board a Britishwarship, where' a
bluejacket would have bounded up a
ladder two steps at a tithe and,' on
reaching the top; would have sprung
smartly to attention, saluted and with
an "Aye, aye, sir,: carried out.his ins
gtruetiona. There's en old saying,
"Different ship's, different long
splioes, ". and I suppose it is the same
with nationalities; 'Different coona,.
tries, different customs."
If you are not afraid of failure it
is very probable you will never have
to face it. ,
Keep MInard's Liniment; in the house.
If the cells of the lungs 'were spread
out flat they would• form a surface of
480 square feet.
Pay your out-of-town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Order, Five
Dollars costs three cents,
Vienna possesses an -orchestra all
the members of which are doctors of
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
Mrs. Blank (visithig)- -"Really,
James and I meant to call long before
this, but somehowwe kept putting off
the evil day."
slab wood stove length. Reid
Bros., Bothwell, Ontario.
if interested in wagons or repairs send
an your name with this 40, We W11)
send you an article worth 91.00 to 95,00,
t5 'L
Finest 1=arm Peper, Is offering you
over 92,ODOAO to cash prizes, in ,8
most unusual and attractive under-
taking. :
This is the big question.
!Tow +; +;
Overheard by J. P. M.
Conductor -"Hove old Is that child,
Mother—'131r, that is an impertin-
ent question," , • :
Conductor -"Excuse me, madam,
but it's a fare question."
Say "Bayer" and Insist!,
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on
package or` on tablets you are not get-
etting the genuine Bayer product proved
oafs by millions and prescribed by
physicians, over twenty-three years for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago"
Earache. Itheumatlsm
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Acoept "Bayer Tablets of Aapir1n"
only. . Each unbroken package con-
tains proper directions. Handy boxes
of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug-
gists also sell. bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin le the trade mark (registered
in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of
Nfonoaoeticaoidester of 8alleylicaeld,
While it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer Manufacture, to 'assist'
-fa:a-'public against imitations, the Tab-
lets of Bayer Company wil be stamp-
ed with their general trade mark, the
"Bayer Cross." •
'e1I1i} tiffs.
,4e4, 91 t,Yta,ehi
-always satis4,
the housewife
a1RntXWiiRRlt IM CA0lADn
Asti Ion reals 0)1 mess .
gravies, savoury dishes, and
hantlreds,of different ways Oxo''
beef cubes teal make food more
tasty and nttttihous.
In ties of 4, tread and 300.
Send to Puzzle Editer, T)to Farm-
ers' Gutde, Garclenvale, Que., -for
full'0105 eoples of the big LION and
:tull details, 0110031ng a _postage
stamp. -Teich se ' space prevents
Wyllie the details here.
hero is a f0eclntta.g pastime for
the Whole family' for the,-wietot'
evenings. Ifo not tail to take ad•
vantage of this attractive oaer al
Cauetta'o'Fleece .tarot Paper.
Yon.‘ will enyoy
Clear Your Skin Restore
Your Hair 'With Crrtiiuora
Baily nee of the Soap keeps the •
skin fresh aril eleer, while touched
of the Ointment now and then es
needed seethe and heal the first pim-
ples, -redness, roughness. or scalp
Irritation, Cutkctie Talcum le excel.
lent lot the skin,
800p25e, 0lntmrnt25nnl564'eleust25r, Sok4
ttrouahouttlteDontinkan $ Can dfitn�llepppti `-'an. timed, 344 St. Peal 5t„ 1 . MattiteeP
ea Sono alsea:without taus,
SUS'No, 31..,.0„-.