HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-27, Page 8f,er `a five•ninitte, stroll: Ho could
eeknothing entailer titan nu tram on
mingle lino, arta that Duly if 'there;
re ne trans. He celhi neither harts
a nail, parry ass order, tie n knot;
inn Pro,iotiee aSne natural obieots
'sort food, nor use arty edge tools ex -
opting a'table knife,"`
And yet _'William d21tt010 SaWyer, Pat,
stupid and stolid as: lie seemed, Peas
se0sed 0 great talent witioli oven W11
flam had overlgolcod, but which was
plain enough to a seeing eye, For
William was a datura] Cook, Tlio man
oho, discovered lam, in describing,
William, Bald: 'Tee a -cook by build,
by inettnclt-- 'eavv, in the ruts, oily in•
ate 0 121, broad in the beam, short in
the arm, but, mark you, light on his
feet. That's the way Hooks ought to
be issued."
But every boy, :pas'tioularly these
who have not folind their own: talents,
will want " to read about • William
Glasse Sawyer for themselves. For
there are many boys• wile carry around
with thein the jewel of a great talent
whieh.is wasted because neither they
nor anyone else lcuoves it 14 there. It
is through disdovering; talents in the
boys wit hwhich it works, and develop-
iug.houx,• that the Boy Scout Move-
ment le
ovement'le making its great contribution
to the npbuilding of the nation,
Constipated children can ,; and
priniptrell:;Sthrough the use of` Baby's
Own;.Tablets. The Tablets• are ii. mild
but thorough laxative which never
rail to regulate the bowels and stom-
ach,. thus driving out constipation and
indigestion colds' and simple fevers.'
Concerning them Mrs. Gaspard Daigle,.
Demean, Que., writes: "Baby's' Own
Tablets have been of'great ,benefit to
my little boy, who was suffering from
constipation and indigestion. ' They
quickly relieved him and now he to in
the best of health.' The Tablets are
Sold by medicine dealers or by snail at
25c a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Present Time.
There was a. young 'girlie, by gum!
-Who ,Bald, with her sweetie she was
done, '
But beyond any doubts
She won't be on the outs
By the time dear old Christmas has
Powpeople realise that they nelson
themselves py unwisely combined
pure, wholesome foods, as surely as by
inipurg food, or that the mind,' as well
as,,,the body, may cause iarmlees
foods ands secretions to become in-
Thousar "s of people suffering from
acute and—chronic, disea'ees are killed
every year by medicine and -feeding;
We are creatures or habit and,
whether we need food or not, we sit
down to least' three. meals per day
and,'unconsciously, overwork our' di-
-gestive and other organs until Nature,
however long suffering she -may `be,
force le. enters a protest, This , pro-
tost. t • kes the. form 'of 'some complaint
or malady which, in its, severity, le
commeneurate with' the Infraction of
the Jews laid down for the jii'Oaerva-
tion df. the sufferer's health.
Physical, mental and physiological
rest usually constitute the only pro-
scription required by kh3 average suf-
In plain English, by wrOng or exces-
sive diet, soli` -poisoning has occurred
and -either fasting or moderate and
correct diet is'all that is needed to get
back to normal health.
If, on rising,: you have an unrested,
tired` and lazyfeeling, don't eat any
At Mid=day, if not feeling quite right
and honestly 'hungry, 'do not worry
your stomach wit hang duneh. Hot or
cold water Will relieve any discomfort
in the `ston.:eat;
If you do tint feel comfortable
throttghout.the afternoon, do not eat
_anything in the evening, .
'Follow this plan until physiological
rest has proved sufficient to bring'per-
feet conifort1i'om one mealtime to the
An uncomfortable feeling "is the
first sign of food-pdisoning, It maybe
located In the Stomach about meal
tune --a symptom wbich some -describe
as hunger, others, 'ire an all -gone feel-
ing, while smite claim a gnawing oat -
Batton., Eating',relieve8 it, which is
why so many believe it`i,s due to need
of food: Tlsd food fiend continues to
thus find relief until bastritis, ulcer•
Med. Stomach or canoes' 'tutus such re-
lief into torture,
Those wife persletently break ,Na-
ture's zeniftcent laws can only -ate-
:seeds eventually, in being broken by
then:, The law of cothpensation Is
strictly Just, Outraged 'maitre will
readjust and again bodome normal, but
it takes time, 'effort .patience, self;=
denial 'and selbdiecipliae, to repair
damage thougbtIeealy done by :nixing
'foods which, by themsel't'ee,' are nus
ast health preservers.'
Then, 011 6th Oc,.ober hyst, 111 theirs
tolttmiis, I offered to frcely..lnail -idly
copyrighted Dietary '(i'eattneat to ;the
ii1.5t thousand readers IOW sniffled fol'
saute, I little tliotight 01'the extent, of
the demand, and now, as a final 'cited
in the: yoar spent in fighting against
the Cantor scourge, will ,gladly Cert.
three to niai1 Ply Dletary, without
eh:Iran, to ail whb Write for :sine bre
,fort: II1itt of December to Charlet
Walter, 51llrunewlele Menne, Termite,
Ontario, Canada.
Why�OYSOri �OUYSe]f?
The REM., CALTS11 of tllie• terrible
disease; how to treat it and how to
ovoid it, to fully explained by the
hook on ..
file tle,aiiaa,ssium 11',e°eaducat
which does away with the danger and
suffering caused by stunts:el opera-
tion, radium and X-ray,
In this hook are .a number of case
reports,' at home and abroad,' wliieli
prove the great.,.value of Cautasslnm
Treatment to internal and,te externals
cases ' of irregular 'heli-droWth: ansa
Why wait to be, stricken by this
rapidly,lncreaotng deyastating,sgourge
when You can learn how to avoid it by
sending for this F1UDE BOOL„, : Which
will he proniptly'ntailed to 7OIT, with.
out cost, by CHARLES WALTER, 61
Brunswick Avenue, Toronto, Ontario,
To meet the requirements of
limited number of Cancer euiderers
who desire complete rest while talcing
the Cantasslu7n Treatment, • arrange;
ments have now been completed fol'
their comfortable accommodation in
suitable premises in :Toronto, 'where,.
If they wish, they canbe attended by
experienced physiciahs.
Town Lot Poultry' Keeping.
BY S. W. Knife,
Only a emaI1 epee° •le required to
keep a few hone in which would .sup -
Ply table eggs'a11 the year..
But someone says, "1 have no one to
leek after them and, ram notable my
ae1f.” - This obstacle : has 'bees over-
come In many families where there
are no boys or girls.. I was much in-
ierested 1n: the poultry dieplaye at the
Oohed. fairs this Fall, and 1 had the
pleasure at visiting quite a • number,"
One small town in partloulao(of one
thousand >inhabitauts) had an exhibit
of close on.two hundred fowl, all col-
on and stages of growth. The-prleea
Were well deserved where they were
awarded and were in the form 'of a
setting of eggs In Spring,' from pure-
urebred stock,' thus' encouraging the
youthful fancier. We are al laware of
the' vim a youth• will put into any-
thing interested 1n;+' 'and boys and
girls In many eases have made a de-
cided, success -in -the poultry, taken in
as partners with their parents,
The following interesting items, by
courtesy, of The Reliable Poultry Jour
nal, wil show what two juniors did;
'both under'14 years of age. :At the
time of writing, - these" children ]ia(1
finished their 3rd year, In'the bnsinea0,
Paul and lilileen, Wai'ner,started poul-
try -keeping on a three -quarter -acre
town lot, with 20 White Leghorns, 120
Barred Rocke and. 20 Ithode Island
Reds. All .were good standard breeds
ung, as shown by the fact that the:`
tools: 31 first and 13 second prizes at
various, shows. A great many adults.
would be proud of such a record; both
in prizes won and net profits made by
these young poultry keepers.
Their first year tLi0Y 601d,• from 34
tens; '
Mega at local market ........$129,12
Eggs for hatching 102.90
Chickens sold for breeding 81.10
Chickens sold for eating 38.61
Feed and sttipplfes co
Profit. ,...,...........,,, `$109.90
Second year with 76 hens:
Eggs cold on market .. , .....$280,97
Eggs: sold for 'hatching' ,.125,30
Chickens sold for breeding ,., '44.00.
Chickens sold: fir. eating , . 80,37
Premiums from shows ,..,.. .65.bp
Feed and supplies coat ,.. ..297.22
Profit 296,62
Increase in flock-.,,. ......-"78.00
Third year flock contains 110 hens.
7Ogge sold on market .. , .. ....$431.33
Eggs sold for hatching . 162.00
Chickens sold for breeding 62.00
Chickens 501 (nor eating .... 140,25
Pt -emitting from 68 prizes , , . 72.50
1eed,and supplies cost 368,23
Profit 9481.90
Increase In flock ,. . 70,00
Total Profits—$388.$2.
Also an inventory value of $148' in-
creased flock.'
Another instance L Canis across was
a bey of 13, who had: the caring for of
26 pullets of real .good stoat. They
got finest care; and attention possible,
with the result that -their aversge pro.
Owner: for the year; averaged 216 eggs
each in a pen 10 ft. by 14 ft.
Get your boy 01 'girl Interested in
poultry and, .thereby instill into their
young minds a'feadamental kttoWiedge.
of business, 'also their ahility .to ass.
aurae responsibility.- It will ,benefit
then: mentally as wel las flnancialiy,
Mlnard's Liniment for Oandruft,
An Englishman was paying his first
visit to Scotland., .He arrived at a
small town and began to question the
porter. "I suppose you have a pro -
cost. here?"
"Aye," said the porter,a
"Avid does he have insignia like' our
mayors?" .
"Rave what?"
"Insignia --well, fortnetanco, dose
he have a chain?"
".''chain 7"` sato the astonished por-
ter, :"Na, na. IIs gaiie loose; but
Bina be feared, he's quite harmless,"
Gargle Several:tisnee aStay ivitlt M n-
arda. fn water,. It mita the fungus and
gives,;; t' 1108
T. d(,: !W
No 58a
A Rubber Baled llystery
iineW a rubber band and a
Mesa of strJug two feet long, You'll
run the string through the band and
ask a spectator eq hold the string'
ono end. In each 'hand. Your teak
now 15 toget the band off .the string
without the spectator letting go.
That is, of course,- Impossible
but magic Is the doing• of apparent
Imposaf bili ties,
You will have' hidden in your
hand a duplicate of the rubber band.
Borrow a match, -Grasp the band
(which Is en the strips) in the,
hand in wbich the duplicate 15 hid,-
den. Ben the hidden, baud around•
the string and hold it there by
thrusting, the match through It.
Pbe hand+ now hides the original.
band, Draw this hand toward x11e
end Of the string, calmly pushing-
the spectator's hands '111the.string:
'Op e0"arse, while you ar;e•doing this,
YOu are slipping the band off the
String and hiding It' In your hand,
As the ep'eetators think they eau
see the original hand on the string,
no attention will tie paid to this
movement; .especially If: you do.It
boldly. The other hand, ; In the
game manner takes the other end
of the string.:
The spectator is nests' asked to
take the match away, quickly. The'
rubber band, of course, fails to the
door. You haven't done exactly
what you promised: to do—but you
have donea mighty good trick.
(OUip dais oat anti pa8te it, with•
other of tie sertcs;'in a 8orapbook:l
A.hnost Always Due to Weak and
Impoverished Blood. •
Apart from accident or illness due
to infection, almost all i11 -Health arises
from one or two reasons. The mistake.
that -people .make : 95 in not , realizing
that both of these have the same cause
at the root, namely poor blood, Either
bloodIeszness'orf some 'other` trouble
of the nerves Will be found to be the
reason for almost every- ailment, If
you are pale, suffering from headaches,
or, bleathlessneas, with palpitation of
the heart,' poor apgettte and weak di-
gestion, the
i-gestion,the cause'is almost always
poor blood: If you have 'salons head-
aches, neuralgia, sciatica .and other
nerve pains, the cause is exhausted;
nerves. But run down nervesare also
a result of poor biotid,'se that, the two
chief causes 0f illness are one and •the
If your health Is poor; if you are
pale, nervous orr dyspeptic, you should
give Dr. Williams' Pini, Pills a fair
trial. These pills act directly on the
blood, and by enriching it give new.
strength to`wornaut-nerve!;•:. Men and;.
women alike greatly benefit through
the use of this medicine. If' you are
weals or ailing; give Dr.. Williams' PInlr
Pills a fair trial and you will be
pleased with . the beneficial results
that w111 epeedijy •follow,
If your dealer does not keep those
pile you can get them by mall At 60
eents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Mediefne Go„ Brockville, Ont. t
18' •IC! 11• flll�
-s', e..
Has First Vicq.�
The Serpent—"'What's that smudge
coming; out of your but?"
Eve --"That's Adam smoking a shirt
I made for hint out of the leaves of a
nasty tasting weed."
Mother! Give Sick flaby
"California rig Syrup"
Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver and
Bowels of Baby or Child.
Even eonctipa- • "t
ed, bilious, fever- ( t°
Ioit or siolc, collo '42 11 (-
Bab -lee and Child-
ren love to take
genuine , "Calitor-
nia Fig syrup.'
No other :axative
regulates the Inn-
dor little bowels„ .�
530 nicely. It :11 h
sweetens the 8tomacly and starts' the
Baer and boWels acting without grip,
lug. Contains no narcotics or sooth-
ing drugs. 'Say "California" to your
druggist and avoid counterfoitsi • In^
stat spot{ genuine "California Pig
Syrup" which contains directions.
Tit for Tat.
she was a very gaudily dressed
lady, and she tendered the bus con-
ductor half a crown for her penny
fare with the alr.0f a growl dn0hess.
"I'm sorry'," she, drawled, "but I
have no pennies,"
"Don't you worry, lady:" replied the
con doctor affably, "Vetere.; going to
have twenty-nine in a 'Mouth,"
'1'lio t,nito had boon passed to every -
verytine. of the table but Bobbie, three and'
one-half years ctrl.
Bobbie---".i'll twice a' piece of.eake,
Mother- -"No, dear, banana' Dake is
too heavy for little boys,"
Debbie (after' several soo(nds of.
t10ught)--"'Well, 1'll neo both hands,"`
fainard'e Liniment Reals Cute,
=factored by imperial Tobacco Company of Canada Limited
The Aniericax Discipline.
'Bnglieh naval °Moore were delicht-
`ed with, the proinpt appearance, of
ntericani destroyers In. European
waters • after the United States had
deplored war. op Qermany-and have
.many times expressed their admiration
of the -effective way the boats carried
out their assignments, The English
officers, ;betrayer, --must have been.
amused many times. by , the lack or
formality they detected in the dipole-
-line of tile "gobs" on • the American
veasels. • Copt, J. (5. Sutherland in
Al Sea With Joseph (Conrad, tells alt
incident Illustrative of 'their free and
easy ways.
A commander, he writes, hadjust
completed adjusting the compass of an
American destroyer when he politely
asked ;the lieutenant in charge If he
would .kindly lend him a binocular.
The 'lieutenant shouted down the for-
ward hatchway, "Anybody down
there?" •
• ":Cep," came the answer.
"Well, say," continued the lieuten-
ant, "one of you go down to my cabin,
and In the middle drawer on the right-
hand. side you'll And -a pair of binocu-
Iars, Bring 'em right along."
"It shall' be done just exactly as you
say, lieut.," was the reply.
• It is: easy tq imagine the difference
onboard a British warship, where a
bluejacket would have bounded up a
ladder two steps at a time and, on
reaching the top would have sprung
smartly to attention, sainted and with
an "Aye, aye, sir," carried opt. his
etrootione. There's an old saying,
"Different ships, different . long
splices,", and.I suppose it 1s the same
with nationalities,: "Different coun-
tries, different customs."
If .'you are not afraid of failure it
is very probable you will never have
to face it. .
Keep Mlnerd'o Liniment In the house.?
If the cells of the lungs were spread
out flat they would form a surface of
280 square feet.
Pay your outof-town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Order. Five
Dollars smote three oento.-
Vienna possesses an orchestra all
the members of which are doctors of
Ask for Mlfard's and take' no other.
Mrs. Blank (visiting) "Really,
James and I meant to call long before
this, but somehow, we kept putting off
the evil :day."
slab wood stove length. Reid
Bros., Bothwell, Ontario.
If interested 511 wagons or repairs, send
In your: name with thio acl; We will
send you an article worth 91.00 to $5.00.
Finest Parra Paper, la offering you
over $2,000,00 in cash prizes, In a
moat Unusual and .attractiveunder-
This is the big question,
HOW "AP ;�
Overheard by J. P. M.•,
Conductor -"How old is that child,
Mother -3131r, that lie an impertin-
ent question."
Conductor—"Excuse me, madam,
but it's a fare question,"
Say "Bayer" and Insist!,
Unless you see the, name "Bayer" on
package or on tablets you are not get
ting the genuine Bayer product proved
safe by millions and prescribed by
physicians over twenty-three y,ears'for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago'
Raraeheo Rheumatism `
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
A.coept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
pnly. Bach Unbroken package con-
tains proper directions,' Handy boxes
of twelve tablets 'goat few cents. Drug-
gists also sell betties of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade' mark (registered
in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture'. of
Monoaceticaoidester of - Sa11cy11cacid.
While it ie well known that .Aspirin .
means Bayer Manufacture, to assist'
the -public against imitations, the Tab.'
lets of Bayer. Company wil be stamp-
ed with their general trade mark, the
"Bayer Cross."'
-,itu,imoi"i,tniu,a, .441441,10! !MI
tn"Huu],YY, t 1,
gravies, savoury dishes, and in
hundreds of different ways Ozer
beef' cubes will snake food more
testy and nutritious.
la tiro at 4,10, t50 and 100.
Send to Putnle Editor, The Faris
ars' Guide, Gerdenvsle, Que., for.
iu1 a12e`copies of the big LION acid
full details, enclosing ,51 'postage
stamp, 'Lack ot space iu'events
givtug the ctftails bore.
Here Is a fascinating pastime for
the whole fancily- for the-wit/ler'
evenings: sin not fail 10 take ad-
vantage, of this sltrnetive offer of
Cnmitia's ,Fines ?Arm Paper.
You Will etiyoy it.
Clear Your 'Skin Restore
Your Haig Witt! Cuticura
Pally use of the Soap keeps the
skin fresh end clear, while toucher
of the Ointment now and thew obi
needed soothe and Beal the flet plea.
pies, redness, roughness or scalp
irritation. tjutiouta Talcum ie excel.
lent for tho skirl,
So,Dl6c..O(nhaiot2,",,,ntGnc, 'filen 6Se.. Sold
thrcushontthcuuomin(on. CatngdfenDcp tt
L ,noenee, CieUed, 344 Si. Pnol 81„ Nt, Mbg4oitb
idas('nUsOxa app b119Voewltt�out Mut:,
ida,UE,No, 01;,.' 2. •;;':