HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-27, Page 11,4JNTO bNTMIIQ, T rd VVISHES ITS HEAEFI , is 40c.`' titer 30e to 35e. ge 5pc, to 68c. re ]logs 817,50, 1'0 ALT., •ND FRIENDS., tous,NEW YEAR elittar 174w i Residence 174J rdinary opportuni- „s, ordinary happen gs, these, yet how. any are ready -for to- orrow's big chance tomorrow's einerg- cy? The man with good bank balance always ready for e�unexpected. i pertanee to yourself and persistently, BANK DA MANAGER, /T e �'0P EV AND FRIENDS +ROUSNE.W YL+'AR; J]�II Eveey Man” l✓ ��ypt�� INSTALLATIONOFI+`IC> ikS • The ofeeersof .14/eeri L,O,L, NO, 710 ;tor '.:the. coming 'Year will. be in- stalled en' Friday evening Deeeneher 28th, ' full, axttendaneix is request- ed. Lu ell provided by the euezn" WAS NATIVE SOFT Me. Pere,' a1VIalGolmeon,e /barrister Jfrncerdino, whose death occurred on Christmas Day, was, if we mistake not, a native of Chnton,this father having carried' on a law practise bees: eeMe Years ago, before his appoint - anent to a government office at (lade - rich. ::Before his reniovalto 41:4ar- dime, Mr. Meleolmson peeeti tt,,4 ; at Luelrnow and for a thele'acted as\jun- lee' judge of 13ruee. ]Ie, was an ae- tive liberal, +politically, •`:\ GOES TO LONDON'UNIVERSIT'1 t Mr. Harry Shaw left on Wednesday for London, Engine, where, he Will en- ter on a new ceruse of study at the i Uni- Untvorsity . of London. Thi4 with it the 1 in connectionh vexsity res great London library where copies of practically every book in the world dlarrq graduated from Toronto Un- iversity .in Political Science in 1921 and the folheibing year took his !VLA., degree in Economies, We extend every possible good wishto Barry in his newwork in London. MONDAY THE DAY. Monday night next is nomination night. Everybody interested in mun- icipal affairs should be prepared to, attend and see that sufficient candi- dates are nominated for the 'various public Mikes. The "retiring school trustees this year-; are: J. A. Ford, St. John's ward; A. F. Cudmore, St. James' ward; 'F, Match,; St. Andrew's ward and Elton Reeell,'St. George's ward, All these are, eligible for re-election with the exception of Ivil. Cudmore, who has removed from St. John's to St. An- drew's ward., AMONG THE CHURCHES Wesley Chuch In the list of Ladies' Aid officers published a fortnight ago the name of the treasurer, Mrs. T. J. McNeil, was inadvertently omittted. T 0 SLOMAN—BE AOOlvf Oil ,'i'tioetiay ree Blykh; Cela Beaeonl and Fred Slor:an, Meth. foe - Met residents of Clinton were, Mai:- ried• by the Rev, Mr, I:iawletue, Thie marriage was a sneprise` to tie all ;beeauso we did not ejtpeet the happy event to be . eo soon but we shall make them,..paY foe„ stealing a 'mirth on us. The News -Record ex- tends'ite sincerest beet wishes ta• My. and Mrs. Slomar',,' it • COIyiMUNI,C'lf,CHRISTMAS TREE:, At '0,45 Fridee• night excitement WS!rife at the Grand Teak station. Santa',Cleus was ,cor`rfing en 'the London • train to help nes inaugurate • our Oorn uenii .Xmas• Tree cerebra. time Mx. A, T. Cooper 'met ham. and tookuhim' straight tin town..... ' All the school' children had been ane - ed Meet 'Santa at the p ostof fic e square in front of the big tree blaz- ing with red and green lights, What a, welcome lie got! The children sang :for Alin and then,:' as a great•fa- vo r SantaClauss r r du eedhis coxr et and sang for everybody. Then came the oranges, Oranges for every bey and girl there: Even then they wouldn't let Santa go.' They chased him into Mr: -Cooper's store, all through it, and otit-,ggain, and a- round it. But they were no natch for Santa :Claus and +he'bed to go so he just put on an invisible coat and— disappeared! Wesley Church • 10 a.m.: The !Brotherhood has charge of the service. Subjedt, "Church Union." :Introduced be'Mr. 3i A. Irwin. 11'a.m.: Subject, "A United Church -Hope of the World." 7 pen.: Subject, "Looking Back- ward- and Then Forward." Salvation Army ae Sunday morning Sunday school at 10 a.in.;'Holiness meeting at lleaan.; Praise 'meeting. 3 p.m.; Salvation meting 7.30 p.m. Ovnng to giving way ofthe floor of the Salvation Army Hall, services continued in officers residence at rearm of the hall. Ontario .Street Church Morning service, subject "The Land of Forgetfulness." Evening service, subject, "Self Justification." The regular aneeting of the Young People's League on Monday evening, Following the League service, lunch will gibe served. A social hour and ties. a watch night service. All will be welcome, The play to be given by the Junior League on friday evening has been postponed. AGNE$ McPHAIL'S VIEWS The delegate front the _Tuekersmith U,F.W!•O. had a most 'interesting re- port from the press meeting in ,Tor- onto. Miss Agnes McPhail was one of the principal speakers and one of her topics was' the, educational sys- tem. She •states rnost: emphatically that she is not iii Eaves.' of eoesolidat- ed schools, Miss McPhail says too that a great Many of the ,studies taught in High schools are 'imprac- tieai.and in after life do /the student absolutely no good.. In this Miss' McPhail has strong areguments on .her side. There are several, com- puleory subjects on a High school, Collegiate or'Contirivaeion curriculum that are utterly useless'' to any stu- dent once they leave school, utterly useless, too, while they are at school. The necessity; of .passing in those subjects is a bar that keeps many of. these ;young people behind' in their work or sometimes the hopeless pros - poet, of passing in them proves ee -discoui'agiztg that they drop out. ,. Then, on the'other hand, it is ar- gued ,that% etudents between the ages of 13 and 10 have not always decided just what course in life they wish to pursue, For instance, after .some years some boy er girl pias decide to take up law. If eo, and they are without their Creek or Latin --very. much frowned upon "dead" languages they would be, ,deeidedly, out of luck., All these se -called unnecessary ;sub. jests go to :form a cultural foundation rfor.boys and eerie which is a solid es. set they always have. When people grow older and get out among their kine, these things they've learnt 311 school are there ready to broaden, with the least eneeileagenteixt, and this eneouragesneet 'usually forth., corning as one .gro'tW5 older. ter o•+ a , ethere,rehab n l t o r b err p d thing would develop as the nege, to create in the older person ie not; al- ways ee strong 0e' the ttrt;'o to dew velop, ,Atter;'/ill, the entirely 'prat tical Man misses a tot•, tef fun,' den't 1 you thiel 4 ‘„DEATH OF 'MRS. LAVIS On 'Saturday we were `shocked to hear- that Mrs. L. W„Lavin had died at her home in. Hullett township. Mrs. Lavin, had been in very good health, and so this bereavement was just so much .harder for • her friends on ac- count ^ .of 'its' suddenness. The little baby girl is living. - ,Mrs,, Levis,: who was a daughter `of Mr. and Mrs. Thornes Shipley, was born on June 5,; 1883, in Clinton and lived here until she ; was mar- riedto L. W. Lavis when they Moved to Goderich. Mr. and, Mrs. Laves' lived, in Oshawa and Wingham, re- turning :to, Clinton' four years ago. There was a private service at 1.30 on Wednesday afternoon' and the funeral took place from Ontario St., church at 2 pen. The pall bearers were Messrs. Herold and John Tur nee, Charles and Doug: Shipley,, Frank Jenkins and Arthur Groves. Mrs. Levis' leaves her husband end ten children, to mourn a belovedwife' and mother, :also her parents and one sister, Mrs. Currell_ of town. -- The News-Recordextends its sin- cerest sympathy to all those who have suffered this irreparable loss. E Eflrsoor, A LeTT.LE ,LQ,CIALS The Collegiate will nos ren? en' un- tit -1kondey ,,Jd wary '71,11. The fall reports will be in that week's iseue, : Nix C. S. Hawke •wishes to thank their friends of„Clinton for their kind - nese to Mrs. lJawke'while in the hos- pital and sinee her return house. • lVivah eredie le due Mr. A. T, Cooper' Dors firs teetirino' efforts to nnike the 'Coanbunity Christmastree a success. It would-be most ;ratifying to have this an annual affair. FIFTY YEARS MARRIED, Mr, and'; Mee. John Cue:Inghame on Cltristrngs Day celebrated, the fiftieth anniversary, ojf their marrrego, when a +happy,,gathering of their children and grandchildren enjoyed the day to- gether. The actual' date was Decenr- bee 17th ;but they had the gathering ori Christmas Day, Only their inti - nate friendsknew about the i t res - ing nature_of the celebration but from these warm congratulations- -Were received. Few couples an Clinton are held rn Higher esteem than Mr. and; Mrs Cuninghame and their friends wish for dune -many years continued enjoyment of health and prosperity. SALVATION. ARMY CONCERT The army held its anneal enter- tainment in their hall, on Fritley ev- ening. ' The program consisted of. songs, reoititions, drills, etc. The Scouts nut on an exhibition including hoop -jumping and the human -fan •spectacle. /During the program the floor gave away in the centre. Luckily 00 one was standing there and there were na injuries..' By kind consent of the Mayor, the town hall was thrown o- pen to the Army and the evening's fun' finished'. there. • Santa Claus appeared and gave tee• final touch to an enjoyable concert. THE LION TAMERS Persistent rumors and a' noticeable stir in' sporting circles promise the. formation of a new club with luxhr ious rooms in the centre of the town. It' is said t1at the members have a- clopted .the name of "The Lion Tani - mos Club," Club." Just how approapriate the name is.. we -cannot, or rather, dare not, :estimate but • judging from the personnel of the membership,. we ,'should think it rather a proper title; we all remember: the story of `."We Killed the Bear," The club we hear, is to be conducted on peeneeples 'to which the most straight-laced Gannet take objection. Mali Jong will not be heard of and the only use the mernbers will have for poker will be to stir the fire and settle minor differences—fir we hear there are Irish interested. :'Nothing will be allowed that will not stand the light of day; there will be no electric light -so a high potentate is eeport- ed • to have stated emphatically— checkers will be the orderof the day. Good luck to the new club. But when the bowling' season conies again —Pnng.!l! 1 ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE The :annual Christnas.tree of the Clinton Knitting Company; Lhnited, was. held on Thursday night in the clubrooms of the company. The de- corations of the yooms were both gor- geous and aytistio and were the work of Messrs. Morgan, Steepe, and Miss; Helen Charmer. A program of mus- ic, b song given in, elocution and ng g y. members of the company, and a great deal of talent was shown. Short ad- dresses were made by the' president, H. G. Harper; the vice-president,; Col. H.• -B. Combe, and the managing director, A. E: Vincent: These gen tleinen all expressed their high ap- preeiation of the splendid spirit of co-operation and esprit de - corps which existed' in their establishment. After the program Santa Claus ap- peared and took charge of the Christ- mas' tree. Each employee received an envelope with a cash present from the owners of the mill, and hundreds of splendid Christmas boxes were distributed from member to member of the firer. A pleasing feature of the spirit of good will which exists in this establishment was the present of .a choice box of cigars ,o each of the three owners .sof the mill by its employees. Supper was 'served to 80 emphoyees,by the girls of the Com- pany. The rest et the evening was spent in' dancing, the .lnusie being supplied by the, company's orchestra, under the able leadership of. Mr. Dan THE G I ISTIVZAS DANCE The most satisfactory end to the happiest day in the year perhaps was provided last night by the Pastime bbys at their annual Chirstnts chance in the town hall. The dea.oeations were beautiful, the color scheme of course, tieing the red and green. De- pending from the chandelior,.in the centre of the room to the wall: were alternate stritls of red and green pa- per making :a very effective -ceiling,, The big red bell . *hat '-hung below the light andthe green hem - leek trees filling, the windows .were the finishing touches to one ,of the prettiest decoratite efforts ever seem in due town hall. 'Tia color'seherne with the streamers was carried out on 1ihe stage where the`orcliestra, Fry fegle's seven -niece melody 'iibixers Were iiiaced, Mr.. Prefogle has es- tablished . a .wonderful reputation carne Neu M1. I evold Baty is hero for holidays, Miss Amy BBellyer is home from Mas- sey, Miss Pearl Gould is bone' from Tor. Miss Jewel Baxeliif is home from Tor.. onto ler ° Xmas. Mr. John °Oantolon is spehding ar few' weeks in town. Mise Lottie and Mr, Will Slornan are home Prem Termite. Miss Beatrice Jervis is a guest under' the parental ,'oof; r Miss Clark spent Christmas with Col- lingwood friends. Miss Marne Hall of Hanover is visit- . ing with her parents, Miss Minnis Rudd spent Christmas holiday week with 'friends at Sea- iwIth Torontorelatives: forth. Mesars,. Fred and Ray .Rumball are Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hart' and. Mr. in town for/ the holiday. Ford IGng . of Toronto are spending, Miss Annie Shobbrooke was borne the Christmas holidays at the lattor's. froth Bufa1oforCh rstines. .. hone inthe village.e. Miss Luella Walkinshaw was home Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dyrnont and family of Detroit are the guests of .Mrs: Dyrnont's parents, Mr. and Mr's. 3:' W. Tenet, over the holidays. Mrs. Wendaxi left on Christi -me a f Me Messrs, Lawrenee and Fred Fav - tornoon for foie her horse in Ohesley lie of London are holidaying under 1V1rs,,Rath and her sons Wllson and the parental roof. Grant spent the holiday in Loudon'. Mr. Harold Pollock of Toronto is Master; R. J. Phoenix is up from Ha- spending the holiday in the village. :Milton visiting with Mrs. R. 3. Wilber and Frank Erwin of Kutch +Cluff, r ener spent the holidays at their home Mr. Arthur Cook' left Friday last to in the village. spend the winter in Hamilton and Charles Ferguson who has spent - Toronto..., e the past summer on the' lakes return. Mrs. James Martin is visiting in Tor- ' ed to his home last week. onto' with leer son, Mr. Austin:: J. Mr. E. Johns, Manager' of the Steel Martin. i ing' Bank :spent Christmas at Miss. Grace Cluff and Mrs. McBride, his home in Wiarton.., are 'Tiding at the honie of Mr. D. i •lVliss Izetta 112erner of St. Agatha is S. Ciufi. home spending her -Christmas holi- ,Mr. and Mrs. Morley Counter . and days. babe were here last week -end from ; - /lir. and Mrs: W. Townsend of Man - ;Buffalo. i illa, Misses Annie, Bessie and Flare Miss Marion Gibbings and: Mr. Stew- ence Elliott of Toronto are spending art MaBrian are home from Orillia their' holidays under the parental Model School. \e, Mr. Wilbur Ford of Peterboro,, is Mr. Harry Baker of London anil spending the. holiday peeltod at his Mies Greta Baker and Miss /May home in town.' I Howard of Toronto are .spending Mrs. Fraser and children are visiting Christmas with the former's parents, with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker. Mrs: R. Walton. / Mrs.. W. Bal'kwell and family of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wasman visited London are spending the Xmas hole. over tbe week -end with their many days at herhome in the village. friends in tewn. 'Brown Higgins of Hamilton is. Mrs: Fred Paulding of Buffalo is a home .on his Xmas holidays. guest at the home of her brother, 1VIr.: Wigle, wife and daughter of Mr, Hugh• Milder, , Windsor, are theguests of Mrs. Mrs. John Cluff and Miss Mayne Wigle's mother, Mrs. Brown. spent Xmax at Mr, Robt, Cuff's, MVers. Bait and child of London is Goderich township. spending the Xmas holiday with her I1iss Jessie O'Neil of the staff of Ile parents, IV1r. and Mrs. Fred Baker. Kitchener Collegiate is home for BMs. Green of Colborne and Mrs, the holiday period. Barton and family of Goderich spent Mess Margaret Davies of Chicago is Christmas with their parents, Mr. spending Christmas week with her and Mrs. John Falconer, parents, Mr. and Vers. Geo.' Davies, Miss Ruth Houston of London is home on her Christmas holidays. Mr. Robert Bailey of Toronto spent. the holiday with his mother, Mrs. Badley. Mr. and Mrs. Smith ..and Willie Parker of London and Miss Louisa Parker of St. Thomas ate spending Xmas with the latter's parents, l'dr. and Mrs. Charles Parker. Miss Nina Heard of Conn near Mt. me is Forest 'h " t o for the holidays. s. BrucefieJd Mr. and Mrs. Hugh and Frank Mc- Greg'or are spending tree holidays at hone. ]tfr•. Wsii. Baird of Toronto spent Xmas at Mr. ,Baird's home' in Stan- ley. Mr. Wm. McQueen of .Toronto vis - -Red at the home' Ge. bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jae, McQueen. Mr. C. Simpson and Mr. Jl.Jiohuter are spending the holidays at their home here. Mi. John G, Kaiser and son here, sold out:their business. The black- smith shop and the garage are sold to a man from Dashwood, Mr. Hugh Barry, oui, arnibtious new store keener sent out invitations to the ehildr:•en of S.S. No. 3 Tucker - smith and No, 10 Stanley to come to his store ono night last webk, when good old Santa Claus, presented each with a fine orange. It took 8 dozen to go around. The treat was much appreciated by •the boys hili .girls. `Mr•,.A, Wheeler' of Detroit is spend- ing the holiday at his Borrie- here. The liafr.: iesees reeeiaad the guests of :the/club and danehug eoanmeneed at nine` o'clock to last until the "we' erne' hours." In fact, ate the time 'of writing about 11 rent. Wednesday morning, some of those most prominent among the' merry-.` marcors were still, well—resting,', Supper was served in the council chamber between 11,80 and 12,30. The petronesscas ' presided' .here and the club members served their t guests, vox- oredit is situ the eSruzent etnienrittee who slated no effort to Make the drogu, a 'etteeee, r 'They" bane the 'satisfaction' of knowing it was 'pili iuouiieed "one al the host ems A ew a glf` eld Mrs, Green' attended the ei n:rat of her brother-in-law ear. John. Mb ler at, 2,•T,arriston last weep, Norman Tones' of Detroit is home spending his Christmas holidays, Miss; ,Dolly BOSS of Philadelphia, U.S„, is home en her holidays, Me,' W, 'Brandon wife and child: spenttwistmae wptb -Friends at. Winghain. Mess Annie Dewar who is attend. ing the Normal at Torotito 1s home for her holidpys, . ' Mr. R. Parlduaon, pastor. of ;the Methodist .church is spending this week at his home in Granton, liffes; A, E. Erwin is spending the from Toronto for Chnitsmas. Missos -Gladys and Sadie' Draper are home front St Catharines. Auburn miss Alma iMuteh of :Toronto is spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mrs. and Mrs. Jas. Mutch. Rev.. P. and Mrs. Banes motored to Centralia on Monday' to ,spend Christmas with Mrs, Banes' sister,' refiss Margaret. Jackson of Toronto is spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Ferguson spent Christmas with Mrs, Ferguson's mo- ther, Mrs. Stewart at Wingham. Miss Margaret- McLeod .of Strat- ford, and Mies Annie McLeod of Guelph spent Christmas at their home here, !Mrs, 0, E. Berate went to. Clinton on Saturday to spend Christmas with 141r, R. and IVliss` Jenkins at "Wood- lands Farm," , Mr, and Mrs. Alouc. Matting of Coolcsville;are spending a week visit- ing friends hero. Mrs. Derham of. Brantford came. tie/ en, Saturdayto visit bee parents, Mr, and Mrs. 3. Ferguson, Mr. and •Mrsa Frenrlin of Clinton spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs, Fergusoli. Rove W. lee. and ltxrs. Alp motored to'. Granton to spend' Christmas with Kee, Alpe mother„ The Christmas serv1ee ie"the ,leree- t. as o.. t ut da w w 1 tarhan +sl arch an. Sunday b,Y y. ed byall end li ena Attended, nt /nuc i y prosont: '']rise music by the choir was well rendered, especially M'r. McBee's softs, troy. W, ti. Alp. ill Vltd Dyke's story of "Tile Clthtr 'Wise to distribute the presents to the lit - Math,' Lie fent, ' Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Tanner and Miss Agnes Walker from Kingston aro in,town for Xmas and the New Year, Miss Daisy Nediger and Mr. Jack Bawden, whoare attending. Normal in Hamilton are in town for the holiday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford, who have just. returned "from England, are visiting My. 'and Mrs. Hawke for a few weeks: Miss Lola Elliott and Miss Lucy ]McLeod of Detroit are home for their holidays. Mrs. R. J. Muff, Mabel, Eva and Mas - 'ter' R. J. phoenix spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs., George Hudie in Goderich township. Mr. E, E. Hall of Toronto and Mr, Gordon Ball of Sault Ste. Marie are spending the Christmas vaca- tion .at their home in town'.' Mr. and Mrs. Dean Courtice .And Miss Bettie of Hamilton are spending the Christmas vacation time with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, 0. Courtice. Dr.. and Mese H. Fowler and Miss Gertrude were the guests of the .former's hrether. Dr. Fowler of Guelph, foe Christmas Day. -Miss Gertrude remained ever for a lit- tle longer 'Visit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slorean, formerly Miss Cola Beacom, who were near tied in Blyth on Tuesday, are visit- ing at the home of the formers: , lather and with other relatives in town. They leave in a few days for their new home at'Keugerclors, New Ontario, where Mr, Simian teaches. Mr. H. E. Cutler, of Straffordville, Ont., accompanied by his daughter, Mrs.:: L. E. Park, of .1+'airgrounds, has been visitinghis nephew, Mr, W. S. Dowers, whom he had not seen for over twenty years. M,r. Cutler being eighty-one years 01 age and realising* that his remaining years were likely to be few, is endeavoring to get 3n touch with as many of his kin as possible while still enjoying a good ineasurre of health. $ ohnesvflle • i' Rev. Will Courtice and family are evisiting at the former's father's Mr, A. J. Courtice, Mr. J. B. Lobb of Gelt spelt Ciu'itsmeseve with Mr, and Mrs. A. Jarvis. IVIr. Dennie Glidden is home from Detroit far, the Christntt.stide. Mrs..; Herb Bennett and babe are visitingat her sister's, Meet. 'Edgar Trewartha. Mr, ,7oltn Gliddoe united home from the west last week - Miss.. Marion Cudmore who has be,en visiting in Chicago arrivedhome last week. Mies ° &Melon Aleock is vsititig !MytIh friends, Mr. Lowry our school teacher is spel�rding his holidays at his home itr Monsey, Ont., • tiolnresv111e hold their S. S. Chri.st- HstMich was a r rets aon the 20th w success's the proceeds amounted to over thirty dollars:, Santa melt with tin accident but Was there in time V Stale j °A'hwnsh p The Methodist Christmas tree will be held on Friday night, Dece. 28th, in the Varna town hall at 8 o'clock. Mr. Clifford Scotchmer of ,.Detroit is spending his Christmas holidays with his father and mother. Mi:, and Mrs. John Scotchmer. Miss Freda Talbot of Stratford Normal School id spending her holi- days with her parents in the Sauble line. Mr. Fred Watson visited friends in Goderich on Tuesday last. Mr. Janes McGee who has accept- ed, a position in T. Eaton & Co's. .store' Toronto intends starting 'early In January. Mr. Edwin Hobson who has 'been visiting his uncle, Mr. Harold Pen - hale for the past few weeks has re- turned to St. Themes. Mr. John Penhale left. on ' Monday for St, - Thomas. There departed this life on Sunday,, December 23rd. one of Stanley's most respected citizens, in the person of Mrs. Mary Campbell wife of the late John Campbell of the Bronson' line, Stanley, Mrs. Campbell who was -.8 ream bersof the Presbyterian church, Bay- field was a kindly affectionate woman who had won the respect and esteem of neighbors and a large circle of friends and will be much missed in the coranutnity she leaves tomourn' her loss. One son, Me. Colin Camp- bell also three sisters and three bro- thers: Mrs. Sparks of Ilensall, Mrs, Melts. : of :Rgmondville and Mrs. ,Thompson of Toronto. II/lessee. Rob- ert Delgaty of Bayftell, Alexander. and James of the West. Mitch sym- pathy is 'felt for the !bereaved son, also the brothers and sisters, Ar raegomeets for the funeral aro not yet known. Mr. and Mrs. Herny Diehl enter- tained a muskier of their friends to dinner on `Christmas evening to tele - brace the thirty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. About thirty guests assembled end after all had partake - en of the good things provided, the evening was pleasantly spent •gin games and mueic, An interestingfeature of the oeoasien was the open- ing of a, quart sealer of maple syrup Made r. Diehl ` : he spring " of iia e M t d b in y 1 . h groat ' 8 which, it spite of its r. 7 and t 1` $ td x p groat 41.5,;e was round to retain the genuine 100;10 flavor.: The gathering; broke up about midnight, after wishing Mr. and 'Mrs, Diehl many more years of 1ntrrieji life.