The Clinton News Record, 1923-12-20, Page 7od Airtort.4
d of 14ealth, Ontario
ea hooatlons on Publm saoaith auat-
z'ess Sinn at Spadtua House, SiSiidiva'
t•lic elasticity diminishes} the Wal
thielcen and the inside width of the
tube gets =lose, In coneequenee, the
a blood flow in the tubes is orgies; too.
1 mach pressure., There is an Metre,
' meat for meaeuring, blood pressure..
Syreptoms -which suggest the need of
this examination are dizziness, cold
extremities, albumin in the urine, ir-
ritable hent. The treatment is to, pre-
vent constipation, unci live temperate-
ly in eating, drinking and in all other
ways;' avoid over -excitement or stimu-
lation and take plenty of rest Arid
Thelia is ro medicine that can hope
to effect a tame of this disease. It d, -
pends: on the patient's habits and the,
way, he litres froze day to day.
elect Your Hens for Breeding
By Sam W. Knife:
Too many poultry breeders leave the
selectionof their bleeding hens till
January or 'February, instead of -se-,
1ectiag them... In the fall, when ' they
go Into their winter, quarter's: Of
eouree it is not suggested that they
should be mated at then, but by Pick-
ing -out -the most desirable 'birds for
next ..Yeartat breeders 'they can be
separated, , allowed free range, if Fit's
available, until' real: severe weather
sets in, i0gge freni these birds during
the winter months should be a second-
ary ',consideration only. The main.
point is to have them Healthy and in`
good vitality when eggs are required
for hatching. Therefore mash 'and
other egg producing feeds should` be
limited, supplemented by a belly 'anti
musele building. ration. Care must be
taken not to over feed, or by spring
the tons will be too fad to lay.
If you have any hens which have
lased right up to October or bTovent-
ber,':hang.rlght onto them; also if you
have trap -nested keep your• 150 -egg
bii°ds and ever. If you have a 5urphts
Of hatching eggs from such stock they
are readily disposed of, and even if
they, only lay a couple of settings of
eggs you know you May havo chicks
well worth while from their eggs.
While your breeders .should haste
good care and attention, abundant ex-
ercise is absolutely necessary,,, with-
out which you cannot expect the
muscles and Functional organs to: have
the energy needed for subsequent
utilization or the power to , esist''ad-
:Verse influences:
Do not contemplate using pullets
and hens whichyou have"forced" for
•eggs, under artificial lights, as the -re-
sults, in fertility are'usually disap-
pointing. Keep' an eye oil' your cock-.
z'els, pick out ;the quick maturing,
•large :framed• and good typed birds to
head your pens... If two or more mates
are to be usetiin one pen, get them
accustomed toeach other before breed:
Ing'seseen; 'this will insure peace and
conteaitnrentin. your breeding quaiterg.
Breed oulY from good males, kir: re-
member, the male bird. is 50% of your
breeding nen.
It isestimated that the United
States_ holds 45 per cent. of the world's
total money: Of the remainder
.the British Eiripire holds about 121,
per cent; France, 11 per. cent.; Japan
6 per cent,; Spain, 5 per'cent ;;'and
Germany and Holland about 21/z poi
cent. each.
at -the .
462 Gric er St.
Buffalo, ' N.Y
868 beds for the reception
of every known disease.
Affiliated with the University of
Buffalo Medi tiLDepantment.
8 year registered course, fitting pupils
for Bedside,. Public IlealtIt and „Ad
ininistrative Nursing. '670 houre 'de
voted -to classes,' t•eeitations, demon
stratlons " and laboratory work in
Dietetics, Home Economics, Bacteri
elegy, Chemistry; Physiology; and Gen
eral Nursing subjects. -
Opifortunities for selected graduates
to 1111 paid executive positions or per
sue special study courses.
Entrance requirements; 1 year New
York high Sallee] or its equiva
lent. .
Salad, $15,00 a month, Food, lodging
unlforzns, laundry and books furnished
Straight eight hour duty. No 'Sniff,
watches. Opo whole day off every
seven days,
New Clete Now Forming. `.
th your Gift
THE art of aivintt lits in
the nppropl'luteness of
the gift. Few things lead
theinicives so Well, (Cr
Chrlstsazas presents, as Hot-
point Servabfs.
Irons, toasters, P44,,rcola
torri� curling frets, ehafitig'
disbe8; Jame -Mien Ttentcre,
rill of the /einem; He_tpahit
standard01' manut'a.cture,
enable you to select asuit-
able 1hft for cveryooa 01)
your Ilei, '
Boys of the Messenger Service Department of the Canadian National.
Telegraphs have been placed in uniform. The uniforms are of grey wool
serge, black leather leggings and grey uniform caps. '.('ire crest of the Com -
Parry adorns` the left sleeve between, the elbow and shoulder 'and is attached`
to the front of the, cap together with elle boy's number. In wet -weather the
boys will wear oilskin stapesand hats of olive color over their uniforms. No
other Canadian ?vaned telegraph service has uniformed messengers. The:
photograph showsoneof the boys in his new uniform delivering a, telegram.
A Sure Sign the Blood is Watery
and Imptare.
People with thin blood are•moro sub-
ject to "headaches than .full-blooded
persons and the form of enaenii'a that
afflicts growinggirls is almost always
accompanied by headaches, together
With distiirb'aneos .of the digestive or-
Whenever" you have constant or re -
earring headaches and pallor of ,the
face, they ehOW that the blood is thin
and. your efforts should be directed
toward ltuililing up your blood. .A. fair
treatment with Dr. Williams? Pink
Pills; will Io'. this, and the rich, red
blood made by these pills banishes the
More disturbances s nrliances to the health are
caused' by' their blood than inost'peo-
ple have any- idea of. When your
blood -is impoverished, the nerves„suf-
•fer' from lack, 00 nourishment, and you
may' be troubled with insomnia, neur-
itis, neuralgia or sciatica, Muscles
subject to strain are und5tnourlshed
and you may bane muscular rheuma-
tism,os' lumbago. I1 your blond lethin
and yeti begin tO show-syniptolns of
any of -these disorders, try.builddng up
the blood- with Dl, Williams' Pink
'Pills, and as the blood 1 rebstored to
itsnormal condition the trouble will
disappear. There are' many people
who owe 'their present state of good
health to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and
most of them do not hesitate to -say D.
If you are suffering -from any condi
tion''. due to poor, watery blood, or
weak nerves, begin taking Dr.:Wil-
liams' Pink 'Pills now, and note"how
your strength and health will .im-
preve, You"can' get, these pills' through
any dealer in medicine, or by nail, at'
50 cents a' box -froth The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
The Hill of the Wields.
we went to the Hill of the Winds
On en amber afternoon
Frestl'-its crestwe looked hettften ce-
dar files
Where a river ran for Winding miles,
Bs; ehelving banks anti _sedgy isles
Like a placid long lagoon,
There was never a cloud in the :vault=;-
The' vast blue vault of the sky,
For a winnowing wind swept ceato-
Outofthe west where the free w1 ds
And it sang sweet "songs to -us and we
Were glad as the wind went by. '•
We were glad of the wind and, sun,
OStheheights and the depths below—
Or the ox -eyed daisies with beck and
Of the glint and the tossof the golden -
Of the sheen of the moss and the scent
of the sod,
With the Joy that lovers know,
Now is the age' of the year "
When fho,heavees are; blurted. with
When the airs are chill and the mists
' are gray, ,.
Sweet, let us take the upward way,
Let us go back to that perfect day
And the 11i11 of the Winds again!
Chilton Scollard,
A good sportsman • makes a' good
worker, --herd l ylsadt,
Minard's Liniment ,teals Cute,
Every swan ,toned on British rivers‘,
or seas may be seized by the Crown
and become its property, unless it
bears its owner's mark. ",,The Icing's
birds are marked on the beak with
the Royal Mittel,
i'ilghoz5 Priebe Paid for
Skunk, Coon, Mink Fox; Deer
Sltflis, YicleS, ealfpkiiis, &e.
Ship to
widish Hide & Ltatllcr
Ltd„ Toronto, Ont,
The Indoors Season:
-The time of tho year' . is at hand
When the temperature and the state of
the atmosphere expose ue more par-
ticularly to the cliseases of the breath-
ing organs; Bronchitis, .broncho -pneu-
monia, colds, pneumonia, pleurisy, and
all'others of the relentless and- meroi-
Iess pulmonary troubles, The number
of people affected by these diseases in-
creases considerably during the fall of
the year, and the ravages made con-
tinue to exist anti', the spring. Those
diseases are often very easily spread
and they are always, 'dangerous. If
they do not kill they cause' misery
and Ions,
We must' net forget that these dis-
eases are Inc to germs which are
fromonepers6n. to an-
other and that therefore they are often
Badly heated homes, lack of'ventila-
tion, unsuitable clothing, threaten us
with decreased powers of resistance,
w rondos'
us more "liable to colds.
Patients suffering frons bronohitle,
coryza (cold In the head), sore throat,
even in a mild farm, must at once re-
ceive attention, : otherwise.tbey lay
themselves -open to complications, as
well as exposing to contagion the
other persons with whom they come
into contact.
-° Some people have careless manners,
and without consideration for, their
neighbors, .they conga without eover-
ing their mouths with a handkerchief.
They sneeze bit the smite manner or
Shit en the door,
Such facts are observed daily, either
-in public buildings, in the tramcars, or
in 0121, other form of public convey-
ance; not taking into account what
happens on the street.
Avoid these unhealthy practices; and
you will do your share toward the safe-
guarding of your own and the public
Left' it Unnamed, Perhaps
"Yes, we've been married for teh
years and have never lead what I'd
call a quarrel,"
"What do you call it then?"
IVTns. Alfred Tranchomontagne St,
Miebel des saints, Que., writes;---
"Baby's Own. Tablets are an excellent
nnedieliza, They saved my baby's Inc
and I can highly recommend thein to.
all mothers!' Mrs. Tranchemontagne's
experience ais that of thousands of
other suotihers who have tested the
worth oil Baby's Own Tablets. .Tice
Tablets are e, sure and saire,tnedicine
for little ones and never fail to regu-
late tbe
egu-late"the bowels and ,etonlaeh, thus ro.
Having all the miner ills frorii which
children suitor. They are sold by
medieinc dealers • Or ; by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. 4t ilIiants'
Medicine Co„ 13roclteilhe, Ont,'
About 100 species, o4 plants aro
curnhvarous.' Through modified leaves
they imprison .their prey, which is
subsegoontly digested and absorbed.
SundeW, flytraps, pitcher -plants,
bladder'cvarts, and butterworts are
among the chief animal -eating plants,
Remit by Dominion Express Malley
Order. If last or stolen you let your
nMonet bank,
AS Ap,�'. Tp,'y,�i' .I CFs
Magnetic Silver
TWO, Matches and a halt dollar
Etre teed in this trick which can
best be performed while yotl ar•
seated at the table.
One match is placed across th
other to that it is balanced, with
neither end touching the table. The
performer explains that a half dol-
lar acts toward a match as a magne
acts toward a Steel needle and pro-
ceeds to prove, by demonstrating,
that there is sense in that nonsense.
The half dollar. is held near the
end of the upper nnitch. The pen
former slowly draws it toward bine
self ---and the match .swings 'round
toward him. The spectators sus•
Peet threads but they can examine
the matches and the cola all they
The cola has nothing to do with
the trick—except to provide an ex-
cuse for the .batlislhness about lnag.
netlsm. A rot! magnet or another:
match would do just as well. While
the performer 1s holding, the ectn
near one end of the upper match,
he is breathing gently toward the
other end. That, of course, makes
the match swing around on its axis
-and` that's the trick.
(Moil) tMs out and,paste it, wit11
ot7her. 0f the aeries, in a scraptoolcJ
Wood -Fold..
Those who have lived near forests
ever. keep
Something within them kip, to every
Something of wind and rain and sun.
shine free;
Their vagrant thoughts roam far afield
to deep
And woodsy places where Pan's goat
,hoofs leap '
And dryads peor through boughs of
ash and oak;
Strange rustic memories thein'
dreams invoke
And etreyleavee rustle always through
their sleep.
They never lose their rove of wander-
Though Fate should stay for years
their town -bound feet;
They never fail to hear birds.:caroling,
Although no wings sweep through
the street;
And, hid within their inmost souls
apart .
They hold the magic of the forest's
—Charlotte Becker,
"Pape's Diapepsire is the 'quickest,
surest relief for indigestion, gases,
flatulence, heartburn, sourness' or
stomach," distress' caused by acidity,
,A few tablets give almost immediate.
stomach relief. Correct your stomach
and digestion now for a few cents,
Drpggists,sell millions of packages of,
Pape's Diapepsin.
A Stt.Idy>i12 Fitness.
Light, 1 bow thee
When bay Is here;
And, Twilight, thou
When LoVe is near..
Come softly Twilight,
I hear -Love s conning;
Get thee gone, .Day,
With your whirrilig wings
Ask for Minard's'and take
The ,Alberta provincial mines
branch reports that the coat produce
tion of the provirico for 1922•exceeded
that for 1921 by 50,484 tons, the fig-
ures fel' these years being 5,959,651
and 5,909,217 tons respectively.
and your
K, Dekky..
no other.
roZfll yoycut.
aslk f(oY
Broca lobo()
--v 51,
The_Declding Factor
"An expert• says gas will be the de-
oid ng factor In the wars to come."
"Doubtless he has noted' how effec-
tive it Is in the political battles of the
35 -Cent "Danderine" Does
Wonders for Lifeless,
Neglected Hair.
A gleamy mass
of luxuriant hair
full of gloss, bus.-
tre and life short-
ly follows a gene -
bus toning up of
neglected scalps
, with dependable
Palling hair,
-s itching scalp and
the dandruff Is
corrected immediately. Thin, dry,
wispy or fading hair is quickly invig-
orated, taking on new strength, color
and youthful beauty. "Danderine" is
delightful on the hair; a refreshing,
etimulating tonic— not sticky or.
greasy! Any drugstore.
Don't complain. 'Don't explain. The
first won't be understood, the secondr
Won't be believed.
Mlnard's Liniment tor;'Danprui4.
There are three million books in the
library of the British Museum, and if
the bookshelves were laid out end to
end they, would extend to about thirty-
five miles.
Most of the success to the world: has
been won because of the spur of op-
Self starter., Saves transferring
stitches. Price $8. Agents wanted,
Theyare easy to sell after demonstra-
tion. -_Circular' on request. Booklet
(40 cents) telling bow to speed up
knitting and toe -closing,' how long it
takes to kelt a pair, how much can be
earned, hints on selling sox, "etc. Jars
man, Woodland' Park, Iiespeler, Ont.
Ings; Rings, Baldwins. • Special
prices to farmers' clubs .in car lots.
Beaver Valley Fruit Growers, Camp-
erdown, Ontario.
slab wood stove length. ReidBros., Bothwell, Ontario.
ti 0000•='00cs004C:›0000 0%
Bad Breath
Overeo • e e
"Bad breath is a sign of decayed
teeth, foul stomach or unclean
bowels." If your teeth are good,;;
look to
your digestive iv
e or
once. Get Seigel's Curative
at druggists. 15 to 30 drops after
mea l
s clean o foodpassage
ur f a
p e
� •
E and stop .the bad breath odor.
50c. and $1.00 Bottles, Do not
buysubstitutes. tes
Geft e genuine.
h e
America's, Pianoef Dog Remedies
nook" ea
YEA- nom to Feed
ifaned Preo to Dal Address
by the Anther.
N, ear .e405ee 50,, ,rte.-
us - Wed: 24th Stroh'
tam/ York U.9,Ri
Say "Bayer" and -Insist!
Got a °;+LD?
Take a small' pan of boiling water
and put Half a teaspoon of MEN-
THOLATUM In the hot water, then
breathe the steam. It's the best
and also the quickest way to get
For sale at .ail ,Prue Stores,
Write. for FM Sampan,
erldesb515, opt. eoX 63
Mother! Give Sick Child
"California Fig Syrup"
Harmless Laxative for
a Bilious,
Constipated Baby or Chtld.
Constipated, bit -
Sous, feverish, or
sick, colic Babies
and Children love
�Jl to take genuine
"California F 1 g
An,' y ': Al y Syn,s ." No other
laxative regulates
the tender tittle
•`- bowels s0 nicely,
It sweetens the stomach and starts
the liver ,and bowels acting without
Contains no narcotics
griping,00 a Or
soothing drugs. Say "California'' to
your druggist and avoid counterfeits!
insist upon genuine .:'California F'Ig
syrup" which contains dis'ections:'
Tr ih young , Canadians for nus)esatut
shit 110,,, St11dr. Coarses urs strongly realural.
1i lin for 101 and ruht nnrtleularn a10,0 any
Massa 1n 10111)11 you nro. interested.
Addross1 as .1', 5A1115n, )i8tl15T11An,
41 1h100r' west. Toranta
'T, : M A , d
foo Uses,
[It'eIyer'tot*ueauaaey grttvi&e, Savouryieltest meat jellies; beef tea, and
41tgrietgthedlsvor toleft'ovekdishes.
In Soo vt4, 10, GO nsa 100.
Not h Tiger Man'
Roadie 'f aw•-1 m', thine the
brute lbl t" lee.
Al 12-- No, cloth 1)))' you'ee not
his stripe."
drly waerfyoused
051 L't(11 rt !&i 'vN!'Yta'sit
t',At1Mh 1.
Thin Ppople
Thin, nervous, ;underweight people
tibt,s 0n healthylla8li and grow sturdy
and ensbitiOde when nitro -Phosphate
as glzarantoed by ilrugglsta is taken a
few weeks., Trico $'t per plcea. Arrew
Chelnicab CO., ,211 Front St, East,,
.Toronto, Out, ,
Rub the feet` well with Minard's,
A fIor applications' and the some-'
iut158 is 'gone:,
18SU No.80--'2:
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on
package or on tablets you are not gala
ting the genuine Baye: product proved
safe -by muttons- and prescribed by
physicians over twenty-three years for
Colds IIeadaohs
Too teams Lumbago
Earache itheumatisra
Neuralgia Pain, ,Paha•
Accept "Bayer Tabieta of Aspirin"
Only. I6a0h unbroken package :con•
tains proper directions. dandy boxes
of twelve tablets .cost few cents, brag«
ghats also sell bottles of 24 and 105.
Aspirin: is the t.ade mark ;(registered
Jo Canada) Of Bayer Manufacture of
',ionoaeeticacidester o+: Salioylitiaoit/.
While it is well known that Aspirin
means, Bayer Manufacture, to assist
the public against imitations, the Tab-
lets of Bayer Company will be etai`mp-
ed with their general trade mark/ the
c�ni�u Hsu us
SSpreadToNeckan'dArms, Itched
and Burned, Lasted 3'Mlonti's.
"114y troubleb g with a rayl;
breaking out on my back;, 151)' cloth..
ing aggravated it, awl it kept spread.
Ing to my neck and arras. .It itched
and burned ett that I spent inany0
sleepless night. The trouble tasted
about three months, 5 trice different
remeoles without succees. I read an,
ndvertlsement for Codeine' so,q, an,1
bintmt:nt and s,:rzt for erre," sample
which helped ane, 1 hough: more
and 1st three weeks wes' healed,"
(Signed) II, M. ltramner, 566 1lertat
Ave,,, nattai0, N, Y), Jnu. 24, 100.
Cutictira Soap to Matinee and puts
riry, Ctttlnzrra Olnttaent to eootltd
find heal and Gntheura Talcum, to
powder and pirfatite Era ideal for'.
dady' toiler purposes
os, 155 Ati 41! 1, 05,,dinsra*o,"1'1'}oa
ve arioa01ntmnn15s,ea77i0,7Yrna,Rr,fa,
Ctdihutst 50'ap 0l,amap v5thaul ,kohl',