HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-20, Page 13 •r .Af1'--li e °LINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DEOEM R 20th0,903 l'lI5HE5 T'II1M3.RICT Wheat 11.00. Buckwheat :,75e. .Barley 55e. Oats, ;doe. Sutter $0e to 35e. Egg 25e. tri 60e, Live I -logs $7. STA.TUTORY MEETING • He town ear fl met on Mond ay evening to receive the •financial 'state - anent for• the year and to wind up^se- veral ':,natters oaf bus;neas. Night - Constable Grealis was granted a boii- us of_850,00,•a.fevr,rsb tee o taxes were; granted,: etc. Clinton has collected , an licenses during the past year the sum of 5137, in magistrate's finery, ' $250; :in -dog' falces, 8105: tot use o1 market scales, $295.90; hall rent, $222; for statute: labor, $92; :from tax sale, $75; front street collections for ?street oiling, $860.91; from; Public Utilities,' inter- est oil debentures, nter-est;oit'debentures, 52062.50; in taxes,, 923 $35811.57; 811.57; taxes, 1922 account, $345.79. The 'complete financial re- port ort will be, printed and will be a. vailable before nomination' clay:', ris as LlSolder( er `Cue. priate gifts than the many we haw awaiting for • the home, Cut Glass or China for your for your sweetheart: A wrist watch for rsbarp Pencil for the school boy. Christmas Records now ready Phone 174w Residence 174J istnias 1923 resident, Directors . and cers extend to the s and Friends of the it Best Wishes 'for a hrlstraas and a Pros-' env Year. fITINi : verec:tristritsYs fore Christmas, we -are going to easy ,by offering some SPECIAL Boys' Overcoats. coats$1...90 t from $10 to 512 for': 57,90 50 $16,50 to $18.00 for 513.50 cats , 25 at from 528 to 582:50 for ..525,00 oats 1.50`: reoa 31.50 weemeasealreemememeareivae • 'o for `n "CSI tri flocs a s ggy1a is, 1 ook over. this list e "Just the 'Thing," l�a &hie t7nderwear Umbrella Hat or Cap I 'Every Trs HEA�EflS, WENS THE IUOME PA " FAFL ANLiYERYBQ t, It Came Upon th Midnight, -, 9 ear That pp`'r , .: s Songof ,Ord."' 9 err hri st i6 PEACE. ON EARTH: GOOD WILL TO MEN." Two thousand years ago the• world heard that wonderful song, for which it had waited throughout the centuries, and the world took fresh courage and hope as its music fell upon its weary cars. g are But, after all, Peace and Good -Will . a e none'too• evident in the world even yet.With nation warring, with nation and suspicion and envy evident throughout the world; with great social problems still. unsolved and by many considered almost unsolvable, it would $eem as if the message of the angels had not borne much fruit. Still, there is hope for the world when so many are willing to atop even for a ;brief spate of time at this season to listen again ,to the angels' song; to forget self and tliinleof others; to take plea- sure in lifting a little of the burden from the back of those bowed dawn with/trouble. Every heart made lighter, every load lifted,' every kind word .spoken because: of the advent to this world of the Prince of Peace helps to bring about Iiie final reign. The w ld comes slowly, but it is coming, to the•knowledge that its great need ds just simply Peace and Good Will. •Ch ristmas is a' joyous time and it is a hard heart, indeed, which does not soften a little;. that doesn't grow a little glad at Christmas Lime. It is the.season when families are re -united or unavoidably absent members' are remembered especially, and for a short period of time cares and troubles are forgotten or pushed into the background. It is especially the time of .childish joys, for it is held in commemor- ation of the ,birth' of a child, but old and young alike enjoy Christmas, The young are in themidst of present joy; the old look back w ith faded, perhaps tear -dimmed, oyes, upon the joys of the past. But it is a happy season which can bring back so beautifully themem- ories; of the hast, and this year brings us one year nearer thel time: when: the song of the angels will have come true and Peace and world: inthe right S way 1 V 11 ave h h g s h Good -Will A "MERRY CHRISTMAS" TO THE WORLD:• EDWARDS-WILKEN Miss Laura Wilken of Detroit; daughter of the late A. Walken of Clinton, was married in' the City -of - the -Straits on November 29th, to Mr.. Lawrence J:e Edwards, also. -of: De- troit, in which city they, will make -their -home. Clinton friends of the bride waft good wishes:. AMONG THE CHINCHES The fpllowing program has been ar- ranged by the Ministerial Association for the week of prayer, January '7th to 11th. Eaeh minister is to have charge of the :service in his own church:':' „ Date Church Speaker Jan. 7: St.Paul's, Rev..,G.T,, Mioorhouse, Jan; 8: Baptist, _,'Rev: 0. L. Dillcey.' Jan. 9: Wesley,' Rev. J. E. Hogg.. Jan. 10: Willis, ` Rev. A. "A. Holmes. Jan. 11: Ont., St., Capt Clark. The following are the- topics; Monday, The Parable of'athe Soil, Matt. 13: 1-9. • Tuesday, The Parable of the' Tal- ents Matt. 25: 14-30. ;Wednesday, The Parable of the Great Supper, Luke, 14: 7-24. Thursday, The ;Parable f the Good. Samaritan, Luke 10: 25-37. Friday, The Parable of the Final Awards, Matt. 25 31-46. Baptist Church Subject: next Sunday. "Babylon," Willis Church Christmas services Will beheld on Sunday, sermons and music being ap- propriate to the day.` The minis- ter's' morning' subject will bee. Eno- manuel." Special Mamie: Anthem, "Glory to God in the Highest" Men's Chorus "Night rif Gladness." Ev- ening sermon: "The Magnificat" Anthem: "Jesus Shall Reign.' Solo: "Star of . Bethlehem,". .,Miss Annie Stewart. The annual Christmas tree enter- tainment ' was held. on, Tuesday even- ing and proved to be a very happy oc_ Basion. Santa•Claus was there with many gifts for the children and the childrenand young :people (rave a very ince and "appropriate little tiro- grain. Wesley Church The Brotherhood will meet., at 10. subject: "The 'Uniqueness of Jesus," introduced •bi the, Rev, T. J. Snowdon, A great theme and fitting on the eve of Cliristntas. o- The pastor's ,subjects on Sunday will be: morning, "A ,Great' Message to All Men:' - Evening, "The Great- est' Character in all history" The Christmas tree on 'Monday night, brought a large' crowd to. Wesley church, Santa Claus arrived in 'good time and was most generous with Inc` gifts: The Christmas songs and recitations by the children and Young people Were well rendered and hitch enjoyed .by all present, Many things depart and come not again; but, the 'Christmas tree, . and all that it ronreserits is ours to abide with us, Cone and behold. Hire, born tee King 5 o Angels; e f g f and Mr. W. and Miss Dorothy; Levis with a duet, Owing to the .holiday season next sleeting is withdrawn, but it hoped a full attendance will be Diesent at the Watch Night Ser- vice. Morning Service: Organ Prelude-011ristnias Prelude. Doxology. Invocation., teen n-121. Prayer and Lord's., Prayer. Anthem—"Worship Christ the New- horn King." .Responsive Lesson. Offertory. Solo -Miss Marion ted." Hymn -118. Sermon—"Inquiries Anthem --"Angelic ing." Hymn -126. Benediction. Organ Pestlude. Evening' Service: Organ Prelude—"The Tale," Hynin-116. Prayer. Anthem—".`Glory to God in the High- estd' Scripture Lesson. Offertory. Solo—Mr. Fred ;Steele. "Selected." Hymn -119. ' Sermon -"Parable of the. Net."' Anthem ----"The Star of Christmas- tide." Hymn --127. Benediction. Vesper—"Now the Day is .Over.". Organ Postlude—"Christman, Festi .Yat: ', St. Paul's Cautch • The Christmas services will be held next Sunday, instead of on Christmas Day. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8.30 a.m., and another at the close of the morn- ing prayer. At the morning service the 'rector's; subject will be. "The De- sire of all Nations," and in the even- ing he will speak on, "The Wonderful. Ohrist," _ The following is the onus, ical In og1 ain13i0, Morning Service' Gibbings, "Selec- about Jesus " Songs are Swell - Shepherd's. PLEASE SIGN NAME A nice budget of news from Bunce-. field, :signed• by a ledy'•s first name, received this week butcannot be, pub. fished without proper , signature, This is the second or third such, Please send your name, dear lady. We'd 'like to use your -.stuff if we only knew its source. PASSING OF MRS. 1VIacDONALD After a lengthy illness Mrs. T, J: MacDonald passed away yesterday at her home, Bast street: Mrs. Mae - Donald was formerly 7fiss Ellin Finch and was well-known in ::town and vi- cinity. Leaflet notice will be given nest `week. The funeral takes ,place toniori•ow, Friday afternoon, the eec vice to commence at 'two o'clock. A GRACIOUS ACT A pretty little incident happened in thetax collector's office the other day, Usually one doesn't look for 'anything in a tax collector's office but,cold, cal- culating business, but oecasionally one gets a surprise. Two or three peo- ple'were in the ofiee'when a woman earne in to pay her taxes, She did- n't have the rightamount, was about n the ,c1 short and remarked that she didn't just know where she would get the remainder. Collector Stang was wolf but he could mil .accep t this o n account, couldn't give her a receipt in full Just then a gentleman stepped up to his desk, asked .him what the i d shortage was and on being, fol said: "Write out a 'cher_Ue f01 the amount and P11 sign it." This was quickly done, the woman received her receipt and everybody was happy. That ''was ,a nice' way of showing the Christmas, spirit and we'd be 'willing to wager. nobody was happier than the man whosigned the cheque, FUNERAL AT PEMVII3ROKE • Arrangements had been made for the funeral of the late Judge Dick- son to leave ;Goderich for Exeter this forenoon, the remains to ba in- terred in Exeter. But later: a meat_ 0 Collie., let is adore Him, Christ the Lord." Ontario Stroct Church We welcome home all our students and others 1 th rs to the Sunday services. Sunday morning' Will be our Christ- tnac service.. The pastor would like the whole family in the pew. The evening- subject.. will bo: "The. Parable of The Net." Our Mole ftian+. or Sunday will bo a unique attrac- The classes 'will meet at 10 o'cloelc. The vegeta): meeting. of the Young People e' League was held' Monday, ev- Wag i attar o 6V - ening. The iia tarn ova n g eft T g g" . of the Social ged Letcarary depart: raent, Mr. }Ti ',Tarns]' gave an exeollent talk; on the Rural Prbillem,, showing the ondoehnllle pointe of a city workinan'i life. Mrs. (Do) I3rawri. favoured the gathering with a solo Ryton-- 74, "Christians Awake, Sa- lute the iS.eppy Mon." Venite---10. Sir John Goss. Te. Deu�n Calves. ;3onedieius Gibbons. Communion Service—Maunder. Hymn -73; "Hark! the Herald An- 'gels Sing." 'Anthem---"Gloi.'y to God in the High- . est," Cooke. I3ymn•-•-712: "Once in Royal David's City." Gloria in Exeolsis—Zuner. Hymn --75; "While Shepherds Witt_ alma. Their Flocks by Night:" Evening Service Ilynvi--72: "0 Come, all ye F;aithf Magnificat Bu ntett. Nune Diutittis--Blfnnett. Hymnfrom tlt -79: "Angels, frae. Realms oe Glory." • Iiyann-80: "0 Little ',Gown of ' Beth- lehem." Anthem—"Glory to God iii the 'EIigh- est." Cooke. Hymn—' ---514: "It Came Upon the Midnight; Cleat:" ONLY GOT. DOG BITE' Mr. John Jervis who lives out on the Bayfield road, is very fond of a day's fishing. SIe takes a' day off during the.Suenter whenever he feels like it or can arrange his work ac- cerdingly, and he always counts on a day during "Indian Summer,"'There's one parttcuhir spot in Bridgewater creels, in the old' pinery, whore he hes beer: fartunate in getting a good catch almost every November, Ito .went this year, as usual, but sayg,lte'"had but bite dotting • the day amid that b Mr, Jervis daps.. d M MS froth a, doge". n't ,know ;Whether the mild Weather With i a not but rias anything to do wit t r � he's' convinced the tall haven t taken possession of their usual Winter Oar. tete anywayl ., lI' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Mr, and 104, Joseph G, Cxieh an- nounce the engagement . of their daughter, Myrtle Tlolen, to Ray Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Leonard Lee of Ruthven, the weddingto take place early'in January. WHAT. WE WANT Some of the things ..Clinton would like on thet community Christmas tree. Spnlebody page,_ Santa . Claus: A'firstolass comet for 1924, A;` year of civic ` good health and prosperity, A -spirit of community loyalty, and ,g•oo 1 fellowship. A resurrection of the dead -and -gone Board of Trade' or a brand new ones A`spirit of determination on the part of a11• citizens to enake 1924 the best' year this old town has eyes seen. SEEKING ALDLRMANIC HONORS The 'Toronto Globe, in referring to some of the candidates wbo are as- pirants for Aldermianie honors in; Toronto, makes the following refer- ence to a 'former Clintonian, and na- tive of Iluliett township: "Another Aideem'anie aspirant in 1whostarts .off 0 1R W"ai•d6isJahnMo, his platform by bus opposition to. Single Tax and all level crossings: He wants a•five cent car fare, more play- grounds for children, eine :Alberta coal, "CtOMMUNITY TREE, Clinton a 1 0 al, n T Clint is havi» g n comma:1liiy Christcn e tree this year. No doubt s you'veseen it, -standing tall. aind-' gracefu hi the postoffice square. Only f r the ram' this Zooming it would ` ready bo wired for lighting but if O t tonight, then 'tomorrow night, it will be aglow with lights and on Saturday evening it is expected, if weather conditions allow, there will be earn1 hsinging by the school child. ren.. he mayor, we cnderetand, provides Jack's a hustler, too, and will likely "get there.;,, - CARRIED JOKE TOO FAR Up m Midland recently they had some trouble over a :practical joke played on the chief of police while on a visit to >Bellville. Someone in Mid land sent the Belleville chief a -wire asking that the Midland .chief be ar- rested, just as a joke. The repres- entatives of the law, however, resent- ed these liberties and perpetrators of the joke were reprimanded, and have orandum was found in his desk re- apologized. A little joke amongst questing that, in the event of his one's' own circle'. of acquaintances is death, his remains be taken seldom resented by a ratan with any to Pembroke, his 'former home, and sense of humour - but thisdid seem that a private funeral be held.` It like carrying a joke too far. is believed' that this memorandum ZI.MIES THINKS US "SMART" was made just before his death, as it the tree' and the Hydro Com- mission lights it. was noticed that he slipped a paper : Newspaper publishers of the County into his drawer lust as his last cal- will sympathize with The Clinton lers entered his ehanibers. Plans News -Record, upon its recent, Are were changed; and after a short ser whist, has caused the 'publisher and vice at noon today the remains will his staff considerable discomfort and be taken, via C.P.R., for interment inconvenience. However, Mr••Geo: E; at Pembroke. Hall, the proprietor, assisted by his Mrs. Dickson, who was prostrated indefatigable editress, Miss Clark, by the ci3ock of her busband's sudden with admirable pluck and energy, death, 'is . a "sister .of the late tars.'. soon set things going 'again, with the Bawden of 'Clinton. testa .that the paper was only a day, H. AND S. CLUB FORMED late—and it was chock full of live news id. ilea So that the subscrib; On Thursday evening last Mrs, ere received ample compensation for Becker of Toronto, organizer for 'tile the slight delay. Still for an that a' Home and School Club work, addres- bre is air joke; in a -printing office, it sed a meeting in the Public school on comes mighty close to being a trag- the aims and work of Home and edy,—Winghara Tines. School Clubs. The meeting had SOME INTERESTING FIGURES been called for Tuesday evening but had to be postponed because Mrs.' County Clerk G. W. Hiolman, who es Becker missed her train, but a num also chairman of the Mothers'' Allow"- ber were ,present . Thursday evening ance 'Board for I•I•uroti county, re- ancl much interest was manifested in ported at the meeting of the County Mrs. Seeker's address; Afterwards council last week that 226 beneficiar_ a club was organized as follows: les had received daring the past six President: Mrs. Walter Manning. months, the sum of 59262 from the Secretary, Miss Helen Rodaway. county and a like sum from the Pro- Treasurer: W. M. Erwin, vinelal Government. • Executive Committee: N. Geddes, A statement fs tt the Provincial Miss Graham, Mrs: Axon, Miss' Department of Education in connec- Draperr and Mrs. N. W. Tre tion with the grants to High Schools wartha• and Collegiate Institetes'in the coma- -The club will meet the third Tues- ty was filed as 'follows: Exeter, :512- day in each month from September 98.08; Goderich, 51484.50; Seaforth, to April, and as the object is to get $1482.50; Clinton, .$1513 and Wing the co-operation . 'of the teachers, ham, 51594,67. trustees and parents, loolung toward the "eiieral<welfare of the children; Er CAREFUL it is hoped by those instrumental 111 The followingsuggestions estions in regard having the movement started that Sg many will take an interest and see to doing away with thea lions ate, that a strong club is built up. The . tending Christmas a le dereceiveds ore 1 egpied from a letter received from. next meeting will take place on Jan- the Underwriters' Association by Mary 15th. Clinton's fire chief,_ Mr. H. Glazier: LITTLE LOCALS "See that inflammable .material is clear of and not Ming over heating The Public school aiid - Collegiate and lighting devices, Steantpipes, close tolnori•ow, ,Friday, December stovepipes, electric light bulbs, etc. 21st, and open Thursday, Jan, 3rd, See that your electrolal circuits are 1924, properly fused' and not overloaded by - Mt': T. Churchill' has purchased the addition of temporary lights, from 'Mr, Alex. Eagleson the rosi- ,Examine your fire extinguishing an. deuce of the late 'Phonons Cottle, Jo- seph street. _ - If this mild weather continues the Hockey boys will have to take io the old-fashioned game of then fathers and' grandfathers--eid nne,y, SayfleId Mr. R. Penhale, who went west with a•car of apples in October, returned a Home last week after disposing of ,]tem. Mrs•. Erandon:left on Wednesday. £oi•London to .spend Christmas week with her son, Mr. W. II. Brandon. Mr. Robert Orr has purchased the flour and feed business from Mr. Jas, Johnston and took.it over on Monday.' ofthis week. Mr. E. Weston met with a very ser- ious loss on Monday afternoon when the building at :he river in which he had his fish boat and nets stored for the winter, was .completely destroyed. by fire. As there was no person a- round the river at the time the fire was not .noticed until at ,had got too fto yt g• inside fat save an bin • and but , for the timely assistance of a large numbei ,from the village other build- Ings `"dlongsdde would also have been burned. The building was owned by Mr. W. R. Jowett and was insured as was also the contents, the•property of Mr. , E. Weston. At the meeting of the W. M.S. of St. Andrew's church the elec- tion of officers forethe ensuing year tools .place, The election proved to be a re-election; all the officers re- taining. tltefr posts as follows: Presi- :!lent, Mrs. Fraser; vice:, Mrs: McKen- zie; secretary, Iltiss Brownett; tree._ surer, Mrs. D. Dewar; Messenger secretary, Mrs. McDougal; Strangers' secretary, miss. Mary Reid; BIente- helper's secretary, Mrs. Foster; Press seeretaay, -Miss Campbell; Expense fund treasurer, Mrs. J. Tough. Tlie Treasurer's report was a particularly pleasing one, as it showed that the society's allotment of $168.00 had been reached and even passed. In addition to this a fine bale of cloth- ing, a complete outfit for a boy, was `sent to an; Indian Boarding .School in the West. • • The Pubiic'Utitities lies stretched a line of lights across' the street trona - the Ilyclro. Shop to Aiken's harness shop. Clinton „streets are not any too well lighted. This helps some. Municipal, Clerk Murdock of Hen - sail Sent; the 011151• day, ,au behalf of the sottthern'village, a large bucket of candies as, a Christmas offering to the .minutes of the Huron : County Home. The new hospital is practically fin.. i'shed, with the exception of; the floors,' and as seen as.these are ready it will be teeuided.' The moving will prole: ably take place about the second week in the New Year. Only three shopping days • before. Christmas. The only thing to do, now, tardy" one, as to look ;Carefully over the bargains offered in this is- sue et The News•Reeolgl, eget up might- and early toi000rew acid try to' catch up with,the throng. the rink oWficrs are having Ilia gallery lowered .so that it Will seat in aro ouoolo and he eager for to sot; the. tae.', T'leey•are else building a`'' p1°ivieto' dressing reoln for the hoe'•key been, This : will be a greet. epirvenicnert to ,thri attack, ehu er;il, "Winter colons i' r.r� • ?.. Auburn Miss Margaret Ellen. Roberton, daughter of the late Robert Roberton and Mrs. Elizabeth Roberton, of Au- burn, was quietly anarried at Knox church manse,-Goderich, on Wednes- day, December 6th, by Rev, R. Q. Mc_ Dernud, to Mr•. Daniel B. Wiggins, son of the late J. B. and Mrs. Wiggins of 'Goderich. Tho bride, who was given in marriage by Sheriff R. G. Reynolds, Wore a brown travelling suit and carried a 'shower bouquet of Sweetheart. roses. Miss Claire Rey - Holds, 11ayed. the weddixi g march, h> the e bride having been .for years in the • honsehold of, Sheriff and Mrs. Rey-. not'ds. Following a dainty wedding' breakfast at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Oliver Clark, South street Mr. .and hfrs. Wiggins left on the' ;afternoon train on a honeymoon trip to Galt and Toronto. A large crowd • of friends extended best wishes to Mr, • and Mrs. Wiggins, who, on their re- turn will reside on West street, Gode- rich. ode -rich.. A Christmas service will be held in the Presbyterian church on 'Sunday evening, December 28rd, at 7.30. The old familiar Christmas hymns will be sung and the, choir will also render appropriate music. The minister, the. Rev. W. R. Ala will conduct the service. The pastor's' subject at the Baptist • church next Sunday will be, "'The Law of Shine, Past, Present, Future_." • Baptismal class, Thursday at seven o'clock. r Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. As so many of the children in the village have whooping cough the us- .. oral Sunday Schee' entertainments are •• pliances and see that they Are milt- to ba less pretentious than in other cient,,ha good order and readily aa- years, The Baptist ehurcn on Tl urs- cessible. day, December 20th, in the basement See that all exits are plainly mark - ed and not obstreeted. ,Remember that nothing can render these displays absolutelylutelY safe, and that if accidents inn not to afar the festive season, constant vigilance and care must be exercised." L tl.T3,A,. ELECT OFFICERS 1-Iuron Lodre No. 377 L,0.i3.A., met last- week and elected the fol- lowing officers: Past Mistress: Mrs. Roy Ball. Mistress: Mrs. J. I, •Paxntan. Deputy: Mrs. G. 13. Hanley, Chaplain. Mrs J. 111. Cools. ,Roc;-Socretary::'Miss A. Ireland.. Fin.-Seeret'y: 1VMrs. W. McClinchey.' '.Treasurer; Mrs.' W. Clement. Lecturers: Miss Leona Taylor, Miss M..Judd. D. of CO Mrs, J, W. Shobbrook, Inside Guard: Mrs L. Stephenson. Outside Guard: M. J. Ii; Paxuian Committee:,Mrs. G. Taylor, tiers; Craw 'Coale„ Mrs. J. holland, bi ys, 'Nr. Muter , Ml's. 11. JIa.. ki, ootn e: Mr's, Roy 11011, ' Ilartii?sq i5 ` ole: i 1a}rivt: Aliso;Aliso;r�� e �`, •;Guardian: Mervin Hartley si Olt otos' At the ootlrt.lti an of t. t lnoeh WWI SONO.;aftfl the: morale enjoyed '1t Moclal half hrtfr, :1. of of them church; the Presbyterian on F.fiday, December 21st, -in the base- ment, and the llathodist on Friday, December 28th, in the ,Forester's stall. A Christmas tree isto be the special feature at each of the entertainments, Mass.. Rae Andrew came up from Toronto, on Ve dnesday to spend the holidays at lief' home here. .Mr. Jradio, antes JohnstonJohnstontou has lite rao phone installe,i and is now entertain- ing his friends to concerts in Chicago, Newark, Milwaukee and other places; Mr. O. E. Erratt• is, about again, though not so well A8 his bony friends would, like to see him, MA Russell King, who has had an attack, of pneumonia, is recovering.. Miss Pierce is, we are glad to say, recovering from her recent illness. Several from our village attended the White Gift" service in llythMe- thodist clttu•eli' last Sunday evening. Mr. O. E. Eiratt unleaded a car of. limnsand feed, also one of Balt: this week, Manley has, we understand, fatten a Position in Orangeville =end 'leaves shatilfor that town, Mrs. Ilanley and Master Billie intend left leave next week' for lEnp'land tar vis?I, 'tLei,ley"s 3'atlien her mother having passed sawsty quite :tuddellly at