HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-13, Page 8CL TOWS I.4 -APING 3111WZ:'I+1L12y •S"tp11I
a1 e
4i New
Silverware for Cltristioas
We are showing a large, assortment of Silverware,
China ,and Glassware, : ivory, Goods, and everything
found h an up -to -eats ,iewelery-Store ;
Gpods'seieeted now will be kept ,till • wanted by paying
a ffmall'daposit #►11 At..
Watches; -Ne have a'lar'ge assortment from $S up
Giock8--Froin the best, rakers, and :are good thne
lir Aller e4ii
ouse ?<
Oen t -Oovep's )Drug Stora
�. ttfactj`v'
tier' IN®Fair.°
Often the Ch capes�.-Ai'Toys •iRte Best,
es io s
irOranges froaru, Calif ornia and our own'
are t, e best; quahty and cheapest we have ever h
large quantities coming; in and our prices cannot
our. Tangarines and . Grape.. Fruit from Florida
Christ Gift uggestio
.peen Onality Biscuits; Large' tins ,containing
Fancy"Biscuits,,a Beautiful Gft
hr suras Cakes decorated, 'almond icing and Men (-lolly Boxes:.
Christina's Gift Baskets of Fruit made to
basket: of Tangarines or kid glove oranges make
i'istrnas glum Pudding in floIly Boxes and bo
lmond paste. Icing in -lb tins
ew Christmas Nuts mixed
able Figs per lb 40c, Layer Rai[
e have not room,to tele you about 'our ex
beautiful Hines of candy, see our add nex
Christmas Stockings, Necklaces, Et
for,'the cold winter .:weather? You may need, a new sweater, a
new overcoat or some goon *grin underwear.
We are Showing a choice assortment of Sweaterst pure wool -a•
away bolow last year's price,, ,,IrG4'7r 'y" pa':, Jam,
tri i.•
The Overcoats are Going:.
Get yoUrs while the assortment is best. Our styles tare
materials are the best" and'the pr ices .the lowest;
right, the.
-ediry Stanfield, St. George and 'Eiger •brands of W9o1 under-
nd r -wean, -None bettsr at any prsce: j j y y}L�' , l,: -„,a
fir) $lE..•26
Three. Men WerePleased
with the suits we made' for them
and told :threeother men. That
Made six ,patrons and they will
Poring us more trade." If we'
hadn't suited' the first three We
would lose -all six. -• Let the.
numbers' multiply—we will'
glad : -td, clothe. as rnuny ,>,aen
from town` and . country as we
cam 'i:
If y,p,u!'re rn a hurry, see
i} opt, riyiekiy.we can turn' out a
suit: or,•overeoat %fon •you..=
avis.& Herman
• >'AS
y:. • �f^n
Wet have a.nlee assortment of the following lines, any of which
would make a .desirable and lasting gift.
COLI+7MAN LAMPS, end ei erythirtg, iri'AX,UMl-INUIVI'W 1RE
lso a full line o4411ISE
3. � t
Caine hi and look over our stock before buying' ,
Sutter Perdue
. 'a .VENWER, EleCtrician
Elee.tric. Ranges, Fixtures., Bulbsritecnis, rangy and other.
Wiring anti repairs
Phone 15lot
'The inonthly, mooting of the Wo;''
Mien's Institute, held irl the 'communi—
ty baIl last Thursdays was a. splendid.
;succus. The mooting was opened
in the usual way' by singing the open-
' ing "ode,"
pen-ting,"ode," followed by prayer by Mrs.;
7,..1.amblyn. The president, Miss I,..
Brigham, in the'•ehai�r•, Miss Lif:aie'
Maines acted as secretary. "Tho rnfti
Cites of last meeting were road nir(t
xoutitie Musiness.' transacted, after•
thei_lMletatos, Mrs. J. ri1'onnin
the r:etilainder''to be given at next
meeting, Following this s display
of fancy wark was shown. by Mitre. ,$,
Carter and Mlra:•W. Lyon (Sr.) ,bunch
was then served by .Mrs. I•I. ,Little
and Mrs. 1r, Johnston.
1. ,
BRITAIN P;r1%.'1`IdCr. Clilil COST
Old England has to pay something
for honestly payingher debts to the
United States. ": 'Taxation (direct rtsd•
indirect) per herd in Great Britain,
Prance ; and the 'United States as en-
' ,T : 'te 1
tyt,ittnmm, nntsumms
.1annali 111,-
112r, Jacob Taylor o ,Toronto is in
tome,- this week.
Mrs. I3ugh, .Miller left' this week to
visit 'her son in. New York City.
Miss Clete : Ford of Alma' 'College
staff, St.- Thomas was home over
the week -end,
Mei. H. T. 1Vfoor, of Taranto is the
guest of her siseter Mrs. (Rev.) J.
E. •Hogg, at the manse,
Mfrs. Long and Miss Mamie: returned
the end of the week after ii lengthy
-With Highgate and Detroit
Mr: Harry Bartlifii ' •returned (borne
' front Vancouver, 13.C. this week. to
• ,upend the, 'yuletide holiday season
with his family. "• -
Mrs. R.;Walton, who has been vis-
iting friends in England for the
past three . mouths, is expected
home this. week.
Mt% L tree acid 1Vfiss Margaret at,.
tended the •funeral.-o£,the fernier's
sister-in law, Mrs..M•urphy•,of Ex -
der, on Friday- week.
Mrs Mary 'McIntyre returned Friday
, after spending ,abeht four months
'in Calgary with her sister, who hes
• been quite' ill and who is not yet'ity
any means better.: -
Mr. ,Frank` finds of 'Sarnia, Miss.
Nora ,Statham of Brantford and.
Mrs. W-.] A. Mair': and children of
Ripley, and Dr. -arid Mrs. Mair; of
Chesley were guests at the'McEwan
al'Lair„wedding in,town yesterdaY.
Mr. Writ. Buntball visited his ..sisters
]Miss Georgina Rumball, Mrs- W.
Pickard and Mrs. 3. A. Ford ever
the - week -end, ,coating up to attend
the funeral of the late. Albert Rum
hall '
Messrs Harney and;. Stewart Doherty
-of London and Chas. Cole of Han"
Ilton came up to be present ab - the
funeral of their grandfather, the
late Chas.. Cole,: 'which took place
on Sunday last:
l\4rs, Aiseott.pf Lon,don has been the:
guest , o i,her , brgther, .-lyir. Murray
•.1VIc$.1wan• of total,this week,..com-
ing" up to be,'present at -the' stair-
'iiage•of her brothel', Mfr„J. W ble-
Ewei >•yesterday. •
The rnarriage • toolsplace at Ug -
land; California, on Tuesday, Dec. --
4th, of Mr,. John Awdrey ;:.Arm-
strong, son''of•`MIr, and Mrs, lahn
Armrtroirg.• of Ontario, California,
formerly of Clinton, 'and Miss-.ititfh
Adelaide Harrison2,, daughter;' of Mr,'
and "11frs,;,Cteolge .fl. Harrison of Up-.
The bridegroom visited in Clinton, •
aecotnpanied'by his mother; early
this summer, and will be rernember•
ed -by many. The old Clinton friends
of his father and mother extend good
wishes .and congratulations on this
happy. occasion.
Taxes are clue and payable tomor-
row.; . *, \:
Mrs, C. S. Hawke is now improving'
after her illness; {
Hydro 'played up int us today, de-
laying us several hburs;
We're having the first taste of win,
ter today. Some snoW and a eglri'
Mir J lJ, boherty has been laid up
for the nast week or to. Hope he'll
Spon bA his,.put moa ,?again.
'Prere tbwii c' u rci 'i e
o r l r tS pn l4Yonday`
evening to :receive the • finantlal re-
port and wind np tha,bttsitiess of 141a -
Mrs. 'Phonies Vernier has purchased
the ]Eagleson pottage on Rattenbury
street west and -will' take possession
shortly, -,
IVI'rs. L, Cree, who has been very
ill since September, is; now iinprov-
ing and forthe past', few days has
been able CO get outside a little. Her
friends hope' she will continue toiln
The C 01.a;- members in this'viein(-
ty, while regretting the itrereasc lu
rates to go' into effect the begimiitng
of the year, are for 'tire most part
Imaging on until the meeting of the
C+rand Lodge, when some. arrange-'
in, may be nrado to ease off the old-'
er poliey'holders,
Rol ►ustab Cl
Quitd "a mnrtbcr paid their taxeg oat
Mnudity AOS, the tax` nu n was Al the
village to collect there. .
Nita, Jbhnston of Blyth Spent Sim -
day with her dart ghtets. liilts.'
y x , t Raiifbrd
Mild Miss Alla 3oltneua'i.
Mr. and .l4l:'s," Jas. Marin f
Sol s', spent
Stttl,y Wit/Liter Irottcr,
'Calor. , [�
Store will -be open evenings next
dash Cor ru
inoihth's visit with friends in. Walker
vino; Detroit and, Windsor. •
Miss'Phebe• Wakefield is nb* able'
to go around after an attack -,of blood.
poisoning in her leg. '
�' der'l�•
t'Nfl Township
Mr`, and Mrs, Robert Pearson an
Monday evening entertained a• few of
their friends to : dinner' in' honour of
the thirty-eighth anniversary or their
marriage. TI�e dinner was all that,
one could' wisllj art11 the evening' was.
niiieh:enjoyed.,: 'Ml. and Mrs. Pear-
son were married in Bluefield, lifts.
Pearson 'being ' foimierly.. Miss Jobst
l'dttLeod. They have many fiends
this and surrounding `townships,.
all of whom heartily loin in congrat-
ulations on this happy occasion and
in good wishes for, continued health,
happinessand•',15rosperity, ' May :they.
see their 'fiftieth anniver.sary. •
Misses' Pearl and ,Ruby. Churchill,
daughters of -10. and Mrs, D. Church-;
ills, retained Tuesday, -after: spending;
the sittniner in Detroit; Mich;
S S.' No 4will have its usual'
Christfnas ' entertainment m the
schopl on Friday, December 21St, The
usual, prograiri by the students and,
young• people, of the section. will be
rife three farms belonging to the
estate ofthe late Reeve Lindsay.have .
beeti'disposec of, -Mr, A, E. 'Pawn_
shoncl,' who recently sold his farm,
has bought the farm on the Bayfield DtiRLICATI
line ;'cotnptising 109 acres, and will
continue to reside in the township, Just think—one dozen Photographs snake
the old Rerdne Samir between the Bay- 12 Christmas Gifts
field' line ' and Bayfield concession; Make your appointment now, it will
containing forty acres, has been •pur mean betfer pictures for .you, and more
chased by Mr: Alex, Elliott, and that .timefor us - •
an the 4th, also containing forty acres We guarantee our Photographs to be
has been bought by Me. R, Porter:: satisfactory
The sale of stock, etc., takes place
on Wednesday of next tussis,
Mr=,-Jol ii Tehbntt took fir the sights.
at the live stock .showat Guelph last
Candies for Christmas
See our display of Wi-Ilard's_and
•:Lowtiey's :Fancy Packages.
Mixed Nuts and Fruit
aS 1) 01I �
Confectionary atid" Restaurant
tri •please."-
Chr si as -ilk
w + Af
Say (d Merry•Chiristmas
this --year 'with a
Then your _holiday remembrance
•Will be, a personal. one
Batt •,'ld
Mrs; Thomas 1larrison and 'Mrs,
H. Weston .left the past week for:
Detroit to. spend a few weeks.` •+
Mrs, Joint Howard' who spent the
part st111 trier in the West, returned to
rite village 1as b week, -
Mttc. David and Eddie Stergeog,find
'family left last'' weer. for Alvinetwt;
to visit friends,
,St. Andrew's Sunday school will
eye a concert in the town hall an
Friday evening, December 21st,' -
u'VIr.., and Mrs. W. IT; Talbot spent.
tate week -end with friends in Exeter..
"miss Ethel ilrrohinann of Wing-'
hdm wee the guest `of, Miss Esther
Talbot last weals,
:Mitis Ilanel and Clara I'ottor of,
Stanley visited their 'grandparents,;
N1 and Mrs, 1 Potttr, over Sunday. - •
traits a ' largo number , front here Phones,, Store ; • 31; Greenhouse, 176,
attended the funeral bf fhb ,late Al ,,r�
bert Irani sell of ?Clinton ,onSunday,. ` '
Phone 66 Photo Studio
Plants arid ' -Cut Flowers
Say fillerry Christmas With ]{lowers
LUST, ARRIVED, a choiee'assort-
Ment el: Cyclamen, •Azalem.s, Cherries,
Ferns,Begonias, Primulas, Parley
,baskets; bf' plant's, I•Ialiy Mistletoe
and Wreaths for decoration.
In cut 'flowers .we will have for ,the
holiday ,season Carnations, hoses,'
Nareiesus, eta. .
Please order early,
Do not buy bye -and -bye
•kunibaii formerly, owned and re-, - G LOhIS 32-2•
sided an the farm on the 14th con-. t ,.;
cession, nowr owned, by Mr:' <" Pot.. 1 e . The
ter, and families,ef'the m tnb ts, t.
Miss ]ilossie Lindsay of the ilby membership of the ehtb has 1nereac-
lteid lino 'Visited her aunt, Mrs,- 0, ed thio winter up to twenty-one, Ev-
S e1a]tutt eii Sunday; . oryone kliad a most anjoynble even-
,• irtgypeno:: 1f the riieuthers ;oxprties'edd
11't, 4OilfxMtl Joi,yas sports a l trr.d a • 1 Ir t
lwot{pe4 fi»n vaow> o£tterant tht, fulo+,V tg
I rvisii t ,Ilrtidn f lttc so, tnanyy oys-
Clra C'lir°isttnas ties+' entcal'unliruntnt
4 2. tt?tsi
Wrll lr; lirltl on' Phursda' : eveuur , ,
y "�' :"t wish't I d trertett only lttiif the cake,
ecelnbnr 26111, • I wislt't %I'd left the Me upon the pie
j t Pinnrr,hir „we beetrite Ti,'ii.ftrr CJttlr;,,�. .nlatt',,.: ,
. rtig NineBefore
And we submit' a few sugg
ing: -
Aluminuntware; Pyrex
)Skates; Hockey Sticks and Psi
We 'are offering special 'pr
In the furniture clepartrrie
o supply gifts for the young
Be sure to -see our large s
Electric Lamps and Shades
?ors- and Ttayslgalare..
Make your selections.itow
you say,
OH, ..FES 1
We have a few beautiful solids
1in,t60 ' • and ra
Furniture Phone: 104
After the frres'under giganti
ovens in bakeries have bee
drawn, the bakers continue fo
iibrirs to 'bake bread, pies nn
Pecause the ]nick's of, th,
oven have retained the "flash'
heat of the fire and "stored" it
So, 'too,- once MoC]ary's ,El
ectric Oven has beeonto thor
oughly heated, the current mass,
be turned "off" and the oven
goes merrily along baking lot
The same principle operate
it "Tor -Red" Protected Ele
• tnonts, found only .on McOlary't
'; Eleotric Runge.
Cal arna
Varna L,O,L. No. 1035 held its
mud meeting Thursday evening, I
timelier 6th, when the following- o
cors wort elected:
:Wer, M., Carl Diehl.
1),M., Thos. Stinson,
Ree, -Secretary, C, C. Pilgrim.
Treasurer, George , Johnston,
Fin.-Secrottiry, Frod MctliymotiI
1s1, Lecturer, Wilson Carlisle,
Ind< Lecturer;,. ',erne 1!)plts.
Marshal,: MAlter, 'Webster,
Tyler, Burry 1lrzytcrti
Sentinel, Nelson Reid,
tfonnnittee: S. W. Reid. T.