HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-13, Page 8CL TOWS I.4 -APING 3111WZ:'I+1L12y •S"tp11I a1 e 4i New Silverware for Cltristioas We are showing a large, assortment of Silverware, China ,and Glassware, : ivory, Goods, and everything found h an up -to -eats ,iewelery-Store ; • Gpods'seieeted now will be kept ,till • wanted by paying a ffmall'daposit #►11 At.. Watches; -Ne have a'lar'ge assortment from $S up Giock8--Froin the best, rakers, and :are good thne beepers. lir Aller e4ii • Optician 07 ouse ?< Oen t -Oovep's )Drug Stora bine �. ttfactj`v' ! ALL PAPER tier' IN®Fair.° Often the Ch capes�.-Ai'Toys •iRte Best, es io s irOranges froaru, Calif ornia and our own' are t, e best; quahty and cheapest we have ever h large quantities coming; in and our prices cannot our. Tangarines and . Grape.. Fruit from Florida Christ Gift uggestio .peen Onality Biscuits; Large' tins ,containing Fancy"Biscuits,,a Beautiful Gft hr suras Cakes decorated, 'almond icing and Men (-lolly Boxes:. Christina's Gift Baskets of Fruit made to basket: of Tangarines or kid glove oranges make i'istrnas glum Pudding in floIly Boxes and bo lmond paste. Icing in -lb tins ew Christmas Nuts mixed able Figs per lb 40c, Layer Rai[ e have not room,to tele you about 'our ex beautiful Hines of candy, see our add nex Christmas Stockings, Necklaces, Et for,'the cold winter .:weather? You may need, a new sweater, a new overcoat or some goon *grin underwear. We are Showing a choice assortment of Sweaterst pure wool -a• zicl away bolow last year's price,, ,,IrG4'7r 'y" pa':, Jam, tri i.• The Overcoats are Going:. Get yoUrs while the assortment is best. Our styles tare materials are the best" and'the pr ices .the lowest; right, the. Rre -ediry Stanfield, St. George and 'Eiger •brands of W9o1 under- wear--None nd r -wean, -None bettsr at any prsce: j j y y}L�' , l,: -„,a 001:: fir) $lE..•26 SMALL. PROFITS. molts BUSINESS inninanamononnanne Three. Men WerePleased with the suits we made' for them and told :threeother men. That Made six ,patrons and they will Poring us more trade." If we' hadn't suited' the first three We would lose -all six. -• Let the. numbers' multiply—we will' glad : -td, clothe. as rnuny ,>,aen from town` and . country as we cam 'i: If y,p,u!'re rn a hurry, see k i} opt, riyiekiy.we can turn' out a suit: or,•overeoat %fon •you..= avis.& Herman • >'AS _ i. y:. • �f^n Wet have a.nlee assortment of the following lines, any of which would make a .desirable and lasting gift. COMNIUN'T� I?LA,TPh SILVERWARE; • , PAR PLATE AND TUDOR PLATE CASSEROLES IN PYREX OVEN GLASS AND EARTHENWARE ELECTRIC IRONS AND 'I'QA4TERS, EADINGx,'LAMTPS, COLI+7MAN LAMPS, end ei erythirtg, iri'AX,UMl-INUIVI'W 1RE t. lso a full line o4411ISE Wt.PAR 3. � t ` Caine hi and look over our stock before buying' , ti.,tuw Sutter Perdue IIAdtDWA.R1E ELECTRICAL' PIitrianINCx: . 'a .VENWER, EleCtrician Elee.tric. Ranges, Fixtures., Bulbsritecnis, rangy and other. Appliances Wiring anti repairs :rondesbaro Phone 15lot 'The inonthly, mooting of the Wo;'' Mien's Institute, held irl the 'communi— ty baIl last Thursdays was a. splendid. ;succus. The mooting was opened in the usual way' by singing the open- ' ing "ode," pen-ting,"ode," followed by prayer by Mrs.; 7,..1.amblyn. The president, Miss I,.. Brigham, in the'•ehai�r•, Miss Lif:aie' Maines acted as secretary. "Tho rnfti Cites of last meeting were road nir(t xoutitie Musiness.' transacted, after• thei_lMletatos, Mrs. J. ri1'onnin the r:etilainder''to be given at next meeting, Following this s display of fancy wark was shown. by Mitre. ,$, Carter and Mlra:•W. Lyon (Sr.) ,bunch was then served by .Mrs. I•I. ,Little and Mrs. 1r, Johnston. 1. , BRITAIN P;r1%.'1`IdCr. Clilil COST Old England has to pay something for honestly payingher debts to the United States. ": 'Taxation (direct rtsd• indirect) per herd in Great Britain, Prance ; and the 'United States as en- ' ,T : 'te 1 tyt,ittnmm, nntsumms .1annali 111,- 112r, Jacob Taylor o ,Toronto is in tome,- this week. Mrs. I3ugh, .Miller left' this week to visit 'her son in. New York City. Miss Clete : Ford of Alma' 'College staff, St.- Thomas was home over the week -end, Mei. H. T. 1Vfoor, of Taranto is the guest of her siseter Mrs. (Rev.) J. E. •Hogg, at the manse, Mfrs. Long and Miss Mamie: returned the end of the week after ii lengthy visit -With Highgate and Detroit friends. Mr: Harry Bartlifii ' •returned (borne ' front Vancouver, 13.C. this week. to • ,upend the, 'yuletide holiday season with his family. "• - Mrs. R.;Walton, who has been vis- iting friends in England for the past three . mouths, is expected home this. week. Mt% L tree acid 1Vfiss Margaret at,. tended the •funeral.-o£,the fernier's sister-in law, Mrs..M•urphy•,of Ex - der, on Friday- week. Mrs Mary 'McIntyre returned Friday , after spending ,abeht four months 'in Calgary with her sister, who hes • been quite' ill and who is not yet'ity any means better.: - Mr. ,Frank` finds of 'Sarnia, Miss. Nora ,Statham of Brantford and. Mrs. W-.] A. Mair': and children of Ripley, and Dr. -arid Mrs. Mair; of Chesley were guests at the'McEwan al'Lair„wedding in,town yesterdaY. Mr. Writ. Buntball visited his ..sisters y ]Miss Georgina Rumball, Mrs- W. Pickard and Mrs. 3. A. Ford ever the - week -end, ,coating up to attend the funeral of the late. Albert Rum hall ' Messrs Harney and;. Stewart Doherty -of London and Chas. Cole of Han" Ilton came up to be present ab - the funeral of their grandfather, the late Chas.. Cole,: 'which took place on Sunday last: l\4rs, Aiseott.pf Lon,don has been the: guest , o i,her , brgther, .-lyir. Murray •.1VIc$.1wan• of total,this week,..com- ing" up to be,'present at -the' stair- 'iiage•of her brothel', Mfr„J. W ble- Ewei >•yesterday. • - ARMSTRONG—HARRISON. The rnarriage • toolsplace at Ug - land; California, on Tuesday, Dec. -- 4th, of Mr,. John Awdrey ;:.Arm- strong, son''of•`MIr, and Mrs, lahn Armrtroirg.• of Ontario, California, formerly of Clinton, 'and Miss-.ititfh Adelaide Harrison2,, daughter;' of Mr,' and "11frs,;,Cteolge .fl. Harrison of Up-. land. The bridegroom visited in Clinton, • aecotnpanied'by his mother; early this summer, and will be rernember• - ed -by many. The old Clinton friends of his father and mother extend good wishes .and congratulations on this happy. occasion. LITTLE LOCALS Taxes are clue and payable tomor- row.; . *, \: Mrs, C. S. Hawke is now improving' after her illness; { ` Hydro 'played up int us today, de- laying us several hburs; We're having the first taste of win, ter today. Some snoW and a eglri' wind, Mir J lJ, boherty has been laid up for the nast week or to. Hope he'll Spon bA his,.put moa ,?again. 'Prere tbwii c' u rci 'i e o r l r tS pn l4Yonday` evening to :receive the • finantlal re- port and wind np tha,bttsitiess of 141a - year, Mrs. 'Phonies Vernier has purchased the ]Eagleson pottage on Rattenbury street west and -will' take possession shortly, -, IVI'rs. L, Cree, who has been very ill since September, is; now iinprov- ing and forthe past', few days has been able CO get outside a little. Her friends hope' she will continue toiln The C 01.a;- members in this'viein(- ty, while regretting the itrereasc lu rates to go' into effect the begimiitng of the year, are for 'tire most part Imaging on until the meeting of the C+rand Lodge, when some. arrange-' in, may be nrado to ease off the old-' er poliey'holders, Rol ►ustab Cl Quitd "a mnrtbcr paid their taxeg oat Mnudity AOS, the tax` nu n was Al the village to collect there. . Nita, Jbhnston of Blyth Spent Sim - day with her dart ghtets. liilts.' y x , t Raiifbrd Mild Miss Alla 3oltneua'i. Mr. and .l4l:'s," Jas. Marin f l3rus- Sol s', spent Stttl,y Wit/Liter Irottcr, 'Calor. , [� Store will -be open evenings next dash Cor ru eIiverie inoihth's visit with friends in. Walker vino; Detroit and, Windsor. • Miss'Phebe• Wakefield is nb* able' to go around after an attack -,of blood. poisoning in her leg. ' �' der'l�• t'Nfl Township Mr`, and Mrs, Robert Pearson an Monday evening entertained a• few of their friends to : dinner' in' honour of the thirty-eighth anniversary or their marriage. TI�e dinner was all that, one could' wisllj art11 the evening' was. niiieh:enjoyed.,: 'Ml. and Mrs. Pear- son were married in Bluefield, lifts. Pearson 'being ' foimierly.. Miss Jobst l'dttLeod. They have many fiends this and surrounding `townships,. all of whom heartily loin in congrat- ulations on this happy occasion and in good wishes for, continued health, happinessand•',15rosperity, ' May :they. see their 'fiftieth anniver.sary. • Misses' Pearl and ,Ruby. Churchill, daughters of -10. and Mrs, D. Church-; ills, retained Tuesday, -after: spending; the sittniner in Detroit; Mich; S S.' No 4will have its usual' Christfnas ' entertainment m the schopl on Friday, December 21St, The usual, prograiri by the students and, . young• people, of the section. will be given, rife three farms belonging to the estate ofthe late Reeve Lindsay.have . beeti'disposec of, -Mr, A, E. 'Pawn_ shoncl,' who recently sold his farm, has bought the farm on the Bayfield DtiRLICATI line ;'cotnptising 109 acres, and will continue to reside in the township, Just think—one dozen Photographs snake the old Rerdne Samir between the Bay- 12 Christmas Gifts field' line ' and Bayfield concession; Make your appointment now, it will containing forty acres, has been •pur mean betfer pictures for .you, and more chased by Mr: Alex, Elliott, and that .timefor us - • an the 4th, also containing forty acres We guarantee our Photographs to be has been bought by Me. R, Porter:: satisfactory The sale of stock, etc., takes place on Wednesday of next tussis, Mr=,-Jol ii Tehbntt took fir the sights. at the live stock .showat Guelph last 'Week; Candies for Christmas SPECIAL -CHRISTMAS-. MIXTURE 'CREAM'SAND-' t1LTES See our display of Wi-Ilard's_and •:Lowtiey's :Fancy Packages. "KANDY rli;A1VES” Mixed Nuts and Fruit OYSTERS SCE'CREAM E.. aS 1) 01I � Confectionary atid" Restaurant i,We,trim tri •please."- Chr si as -ilk w + Af Say (d Merry•Chiristmas this --year 'with a 'Photograph Then your _holiday remembrance •Will be, a personal. one — A GIFT THAT NO ONE .ELSI CAN Batt •,'ld Mrs; Thomas 1larrison and 'Mrs, H. Weston .left the past week for: Detroit to. spend a few weeks.` •+ Mrs, Joint Howard' who spent the part st111 trier in the West, returned to rite village 1as b week, - Mttc. David and Eddie Stergeog,find 'family left last'' weer. for Alvinetwt; to visit friends, ,St. Andrew's Sunday school will eye a concert in the town hall an Friday evening, December 21st,' - u'VIr.., and Mrs. W. IT; Talbot spent. tate week -end with friends in Exeter.. "miss Ethel ilrrohinann of Wing-' hdm wee the guest `of, Miss Esther Talbot last weals, Hottrtesvillite :Mitis Ilanel and Clara I'ottor of, Stanley visited their 'grandparents,; N1 and Mrs, 1 Potttr, over Sunday. - • traits a ' largo number , front here Phones,, Store ; • 31; Greenhouse, 176, attended the funeral bf fhb ,late Al ,,r� bert Irani sell of ?Clinton ,onSunday,. ` ' ROY BALL Phone 66 Photo Studio Plants arid ' -Cut Flowers Say fillerry Christmas With ]{lowers LUST, ARRIVED, a choiee'assort- Ment el: Cyclamen, •Azalem.s, Cherries, Ferns,Begonias, Primulas, Parley ,baskets; bf' plant's, I•Ialiy Mistletoe and Wreaths for decoration. In cut 'flowers .we will have for ,the holiday ,season Carnations, hoses,' Nareiesus, eta. . Please order early, Do not buy bye -and -bye •• BUY _NOW •kunibaii formerly, owned and re-, - G LOhIS 32-2• sided an the farm on the 14th con-. t ,.; cession, nowr owned, by Mr:' <" Pot.. 1 e . The ter, and families,ef'the m tnb ts, t. Miss ]ilossie Lindsay of the ilby membership of the ehtb has 1nereac- lteid lino 'Visited her aunt, Mrs,- 0, ed thio winter up to twenty-one, Ev- S e1a]tutt eii Sunday; . oryone kliad a most anjoynble even- ,• irtgypeno:: 1f the riieuthers ;oxprties'edd 11't, 4OilfxMtl Joi,yas sports a l trr.d a • 1 Ir t lwot{pe4 fi»n vaow> o£tterant tht, fulo+,V tg I rvisii t ,Ilrtidn f lttc so, tnanyy oys- Clra C'lir°isttnas ties+' entcal'unliruntnt 4 2. tt?tsi Wrll lr; lirltl on' Phursda' : eveuur , , y "�' :"t wish't I d trertett only lttiif the cake, ecelnbnr 26111, • I wislt't %I'd left the Me upon the pie j t Pinnrr,hir „we beetrite Ti,'ii.ftrr CJttlr;,,�. .nlatt',,.: , . rtig NineBefore And we submit' a few sugg ing: - HARDWAR Aluminuntware; Pyrex )Skates; Hockey Sticks and Psi We 'are offering special 'pr FURNITUR In the furniture clepartrrie o supply gifts for the young Be sure to -see our large s Electric Lamps and Shades ?ors- and Ttayslgalare.. Make your selections.itow you say, OH, ..FES 1 We have a few beautiful solids WATCH' 1in,t60 ' • and ra 'THE STORE Furniture Phone: 104 After the frres'under giganti ovens in bakeries have bee drawn, the bakers continue fo iibrirs to 'bake bread, pies nn cakes. WIRY ? Pecause the ]nick's of, th, oven have retained the "flash' heat of the fire and "stored" it So, 'too,- once MoC]ary's ,El ectric Oven has beeonto thor oughly heated, the current mass, be turned "off" and the oven goes merrily along baking lot hours. The same principle operate it "Tor -Red" Protected Ele • tnonts, found only .on McOlary't '; Eleotric Runge. USE YOUR OWN Cal arna Varna L,O,L. No. 1035 held its mud meeting Thursday evening, I timelier 6th, when the following- o cors wort elected: :Wer, M., Carl Diehl. 1),M., Thos. Stinson, Ree, -Secretary, C, C. Pilgrim. Treasurer, George , Johnston, Fin.-Secrottiry, Frod MctliymotiI 1s1, Lecturer, Wilson Carlisle, Ind< Lecturer;,. ',erne 1!)plts. Marshal,: MAlter, 'Webster, Tyler, Burry 1lrzytcrti Sentinel, Nelson Reid, tfonnnittee: S. W. Reid. T.