HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-13, Page 7315UCATION
d o4 Health, Ontario
er questions, eu Public health mat-
tress Jinn at Si anUna Ilouae,:Spadine
vinegar, ate., but even attributed to
-the u: odnction of disease, and form-
ulates a theory of the aminal nature
of contagion; The spontaneous gen-
erotism of life was one the earliest
, theories and was mentioned as 'far
bitcicas 610 13.C., by Aristotle rind'
others. Itstimulated the early' writ-
ers to discussions as -to how life
inated and:. what .forces or agencies
t wore' at work in. taking away life.
The supposed -relation of bacteria'
to disease production also dates back
before tine Christian oro. All of these
theories were pule speculation.
Even as early as 1850 Rayer :and
some of his associates had seen the
'- little rods in the blood Of animals dead
of anthrax but s thout comprehending
their:importance, • In 1860, Detafond'
demonstrated that the bacilli found in
anthrax were living organisms, and
not mere carriers or containers of the
infection. But it was lett to Pasteur
to demonstrate' fully that the bacteria
were the sole cause of the disease, and
thus to lay the realfoundation of the
germ theory. The true story of the
birth of the germ theory disease be-
gins when in, 1876, we find Pasteur
taking up the study of the anthrax
organism. •
Eight Permanent Dwellings.
When ;operations have been (Bacon-
tieued,. the loggers "tow their houses
to Simeon City,.where at the present
time there are eight permanent dwell
inge. Here there is. no Iaek of.enter-
tainment. There are 'Parties., aanees,
hunting and other forms of. amuse-
ment to interest the citizens until they
again, start out to their concessions,
If the; dweller tires of local_entertaiu-
meat, it••is only a short distance'te
Vancouver; where. he can partake of
all the joys of city life;
There is one store in 'the city. About
seventeen years ago an astute heel -
nest; lean- of Vancouver, realizing the
need of a general•atore to cater, to the
Wants, of these floating homes, fitted.
up an:old-float-house, which he moved
up and down `the coastline supplying
the wants of the Iogger. ,idowever,
With the establishment..of permenent
dwellings at Simeon City,•ize anchored
his boat there, and, acecrdfng to -latest
reporta, 1s doing a thriving• business,
In addition,' the city also -boasts a
post ofllce, and a letter addressed to
Simeon City is handled with the same
despatch ;as that addressed to- one of •
the larger and more populous centres
ole the mainland, ' •
Of late Simoon City has been doing
a thriving tourist trade. A large num-
ber of wealthy;:Amerlean and 'Cana-
elan::yachting; tourists who cruise in
the waters of `the,Inland. Passage have
visited the place. Upon landing In
the atty., the traveller. visits Simaon's
Bear. Trap Restaurant, where the visit=
or if he so desires, may' enjoy shanty -
man's fare, to the accompaniment, of
"canned -music. ••••
Across -Earth.
pace, 5 think, :you looked down ,and
saw What was before you,
.And begged not to come,at ail. -and
then heard one say—
A wise one, your .Special one—"This
Then his gesture swept the sight
from'memory away.
Sandals of forgetfulness, staff and
scrip of hoping, '
Re gave into your hand, and in a
pale cloak, •
Ile wrapped himself away from you,
',though you half knew him there,
Often In blue twilight, in
• sunrise smoke.
A long road from sea to sec,
heroys own highway,
You, teak it lonely, town after town,
Forestland prairie. . Now, be-
• Yond the -groat divide,
Long past •the.:deserf, you -ase tear
the down.
Not like the eastern is the western
Its sley line is lost In mist, but at its
near shore
Wonderful its colors, like a daytime
When the sand you tread is wet you
wih see him once more,
Not as you thought, with tears, but
with low laughter
Strangely light and carefree, you
will understand
That always IM paced you, and his
step your own Was timing,
That always' your crossroad was the
gesture of his. hard, ,
—Isabel Fiske Conant.
Buropeagns Wha Live With
Cows and 'Donkeys.
One of the most primitive places In
1'9uropeis St. Paul, at an altitude of
4,820 feet in a difp.oult part`of the Alps
"The village inn is a:moat eurpris-•
ing place to enter," says Mr. Cecil 13.
Waterlow, in "Through the 'Unknown
French Alps,"
"As you open the parlor door, chick.
ens run out, and through a further
aperture in the' Wall you catdl'a
glimpse and a whiff of cows. and don-
keys in the back room, with perhaps a
goat er two.
These annuals, by their bodily
haat, contribute to the warmth of the
family home ' during the long, (lard
"lout upstairs it is Olean Elea sweet,
tad they, expect their vititers to clave
good appatlte; for they put before
roti delieloils food from tbsi tune gelds
Wet 100re'of it than I believe •any as
eau leijig COUld soiiglinlo eta bitting."
The, one sur0' wily to recover :train
ho sorrow and rain and staggering
hligations of a world sat' is to end
he strife in preparation !or Mere ea
lianrj. turn banner; encrgiet to the
onslriletivencss•, of peace,.P; W{u'rei'c
Mftst d°e Linlhiont Hosie CO
• -Front the -Los Angeles Times,
Livery muscle in the body needs a
supply of rich•, `red' blood is proportion
to the work` it does. The muscles of
the back are under a; heavy strain and
have but little rest. When the blood
is thin they lack nourishment and re-
bel, The resuitAs, a sensation of pain
in these muscles,
Many people are frightened into be-
lieving that backaches are due to kid-'
ney' troniajo, but the . best medical
authorities agree that backache Is
very seldom due to kidney trouble. In
Pact -not. more than one backache in a
hundred has anything to do with the
kidneys'. The whole trouble le due to
thin. 011mpure blood, and those silo
are troubled with pairs in the back:or •
loins, either frequent, or occasional,
should look to the condition of the
blood. It will be -found in most eases
that -Dr, Wililariis' Pink Pills by _build-.
ing,, up the blood and feeding the
starved nerves: and muscles will banish
the. pains and make you feel better In
every other way, Row much' better
it is to try Dr, Williams' pink -Pills
for•your blood than to give way to ins
reasonable.; alarm about your kidneys,
11 you reallyattatect your kidney% any
'doctor can make is. test in ten minutes
that will set -your fears at rest, or tell
You the worst. '
All dealers in medicine sell Dr, Wil-
liams' ?Ink -Pills, er you can get them
by"mail at 50 cents' a box from The•
Dr Williams' • Medicine Co., Brock-
vi1Ie, Ont.
No. 153
Show five cards to the audience,
:asking a spectator to fix his. mind
upon three of them without telling
you which he selects; ' Drop the
cards into a hat. Reach into the
hat and expressing your determine-`.
tion to take out one of the'eards
not selected, take out a card. It is
nota sefe;ted card. ` Take out an-
other,- That is not one of the cards:
selected, ' The hat must now con-
tain the three cards which were .'
selected. Ask tbe• spectator to reach
into' the hat, and take Out the re-
maining three cards, • lie finds the
hat absolutely bmptyl
It seems impossible but it Is real
ly very easy. Take the throe of
spades and paste .1t8 auk to the
bask of the seven of diamonds.
Take any other four cards and paste
them as in Figure i, Now, Cat as'''
indicated by the dotted lines. This
dotted line Yellows exactly the out.'•
11nes of the 8 of clubs. To the back
or, this card, paste the deuce o,
When yoeytdisplay the cards, hold'
them as in Figure 2.. The seven will
hide the mfaleading.nature of the
other `gala,"' After the spectator
'has seiecteci the three cards, put the
"fan" of'cards to the bat. The first
card, you • take out is the three of
spades That le not one or the se-
lected cards but no one will•observe
that it had . not previously been
'played. The next card to be taken
out is the deuce of: heart e, That, or'
course, leaves the hat empty,
(Clip this out and paste tt,woi'th
015er 01 the Series, in a scrapbook.)
Lack is the thing that helps you
most when you don't trust -to it.
To whiten wooden floore add two
tablespebnfuis of' kerosene to the hot
soapy Water used for the purpose, It
will cleanse, the 'boards. and will also
destroy any insects that may be lurk-
ing in the cracics,of the wood,
What Breed of Poultry is the
Best for Snsail Town Lots?
By' 8, W.Itnile.
This is a point long discussed and
without getting, anywhere. personal-
ly, I believe every fancier believes the
breed he keeps is the best. A man
starting rota poultry looked around -to
see what sort of birds he should keep
ale took- a fancyto: the Wyandottes,
but his neighbor spoke so highly et
Leghorns, he decided' he would. -toss a
coin to see what breed it Would' be.
Re tossed it Sive Hosea before It turned
up Ink Wyendottes,
.if 'a person wants to keep a
few birds for supplying ample table
eggs throughout the year, and having
an Occasional 'chicken dinner, there is
not a ranch better breed than the
Barred Rocks, They are ,a very°nice
-bird to look upon, 05 good size Por a
dinner,, and In the egg laying contests
they have shown, their worth as layers,
They are eaey to keep in condition and
quite hardy. You can let them have
free use- of:back yard:and not worry
about their- seeing some nice "Juicy
reduce next'd'oor,=jumping a fence and
staking themselves at home,' as eom'e
of the lighter breeds are very' fond of
'But if:egg production for profit is
the main:.object, in; keeping poultry,
I would advise you to turn your eyes+
to the` handsome looking and active..
White Leghorn.' Just look over some
of the egg -laying contest reports and
you will ,see that, though there may
be individuals: with a higher record,,
such as the Australian Black Orping-
ton, yet as a class they out -distance
other breeds' for laying. 'While their
houses trust be kept,more comfortable
fn :winter and -more wire terming; is
required ce keep them in bounds than
the larger breeds, still there are points
In their -favor: --They require less
floor space per bird, and .eat about one-,
third less of feed and maybe lay 25%
more eggs' span do their more docile
and- hardier sisters,, Yet with either
of above two breeds, an interested
poultry keeper should make quite a
nice little :profit, as your neighbors
will buy all the : fresh eggs you can
•supply and at ahigher price than atore
!. Farmer Leader Welcomes Snouts.
Mr, 3. R. Smith wag Scoutmaster of
the . 2t]t Ottawa Tree') for a nulnber.of
year's,: but is now living ona farm neat'
Stittsville, The farm coataius a good
camping ground for Scouts and 'Mr,'
Smith has put up a ,apeclal sign to tell
them that they are welcome.
Soy invested in Hospital
Robert Reynolds, who has been a
patient in an Ottawa hospital since
last summer,,wae received' into mem'
berslzip"in the 9th Ottawa Troop re-
cently, the inyestitut'e ceremony. be
ing conducted, 13' Se'outmaster James
W. Glass, Troop Leader Vincent Webb,
Patrol Leader 1'r Voss and Scout Mott,
The troop'flag; Was removed from its
staff for"" the ceremony and laid across
the bed. Robert' was prepared for his'
investiture by Dominion Catnp Chief
Rodney: C,. Wood; who paid eceeral
visite" to him in hospital.-
It will probably' be along time be-
fore Scout Reynolds can 'participate,
in the. regular 'activities of the 9th
Ottawa Troop, but by regular visits to
him in the hospital the Scouts of the
Troop .aro going to keep him in vers
close touch with ,all the Troop,is d:oing.,
Your Uniform, •
Scouts! Did you ever stop to think.
that others judge both you and -your
organization by tl-e way • you wear
Your uniform? The opinions which
they -form are complimentary only do
long . as the correct uniform is worn
in the correct way: Many; people; un-
fortunately, have ono opportunity for
direct contact with the Boy Scouts• and
consequently, must -estimate them
largely by their appearance, A uni-
form which is- too large always looks
sloppy. :If necessary, go to, the extra
trouble to seduce an outfit' which Will
fit well. • Few 'things have a more
harmful elect upon the organization
than a Scout roaming In the streets
habited in messy shirt and with shorts
two sizes toe large for him.
"A Scout is clean." Don't allow your
uniform to get dirty, smudgy and
wrinkled, '
Faded clothes do not look well, A
little coffee left over from' breakfast
easily solves the problem of restoring
khaki color to faded shirts. Used care-
fully you cankeep yourshirt almost
the color it was when you purchased
Some Scouts.- wear, caps: with the
rest of the• uniform instead of their
correct Scout hat,` others have an odd
assortment of imitation parts of 'the
uniform which are not regulation: Bet-
ter no uniform at all than a cheap 'In-
ferior outfit. Besides lacking that.
snappy trimness which every Scout
should have, they will, not last -you
half as long. •
Your uniform Ss "talking about you"
all the time. If it is shabby, dirty, ill-
Htting; or "incomplete it says unpleas-
ant things about you and the organiza-
tion -which you, represent.
And•mast important of all, remem-
ber that while In uniform, above all
othertimes, you should conduct your,
self in such a manner that no reproach
assay be justified, and no reflections
oast upon .the organization you atand
According to the Pasteur Periodicah
a magazine Sashed by the celebrated
Pasteur. Institute in Paris, tobacco
smoke is highly antiseptic and kills,
in a few -moments, the primary bac
terra of cholera, diptheria and core
lire -spinal 'meningitis.
SO in the Higher Branches
,Airco—"So you 'believe wo were
once nothing ` but tree -climbing mon-
Tom—"Sure tbing: Aren't the best
of us Only frisking about among the
higher brauches of education still?"
To guard the baby ..against, colds
nothing can equal Baby's 0wn Tablets,
The'ablets are a mild laxative that
will keep the little one's stomach and
bowels working regularly it is -a re-
cognized fact that where -the' Stomach
and ?bowels are in good order -that
colds will not exist; that .the health
of the little one will be good, and that
he will thrive and be happy: The Tab-
lets are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr,
Williams' Medlciue Co., Brockville,
atalogue -
tW ittr fat gait! el,'y el thio oom #o ieLblUo
nrt sobers phsE1nv�a�t�ite,ne�nq 1010 ntloae, b v°
1DLCroNst ltr cask gnaw nave t81eMidieses,
xr T EA ON Mrrz0
Coir' and Coming.
"Ate' you going or coming?"
"I'm going to ask a question I'm
coming to now.",
His Hearing % Restored. •
The invisible oar drum invented by
A.. 0. Leonard, which is a 'miniature
megaphone, fitting inside the ,ear en
tirely out ef•'sigbt,-is restoring the
hearing of Hundreds of people In Now
York city. NIr. Leonard invented this
drum to relieve himself of deafness
and head noises, and it does this so
successfully that no One could- tell he
Is a deaf man. It Is effective when
deafness is caused by catarrh °or by
perforated or WhellY;destroys natural
drums. A request for information
to A. 0. Leonard; Suite 437, 70 Firth
avenue, New York city, will, be given
a prompt reply. alvt
"5 count life just a; staff to try the
soul's strength on. :)Jean, nor count
the pang; dare,; never grudge the
Ask for Mtnard'e.and take no other.
Death feigning is a common de-
fensive habit among' spiders; When
in banger they drop -to earth and lie
there, crumpled up as if•dead.' Water
spiders will behave- in, a similar Man-
ner in the water. When feigning
death a spider can be handled and
rolled to Arid fro without showing
any signs of life,
t -IOC
•Mlnard,e la the ideal linlmetit for
the rub -down. 'Takes tine sore-
ness mit .of bruised muscles.'
i 14Iannfactured by,Imperial Tobacco. Company of Canada Limited
Pay for itself:'
Agent—"When are you going to pay
for that sewingmachine I sold yon?"
Mrs, Deerie—•"Pay for it, Why, you
said that in a short time 1t would pay
for itself!"
Mother! Give Sick Baby
"California Fig Syrup"
Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver and
Bowels' of Baby or.Child.
Even. . constipa=`
ed, bilious, fever-
ish, 01' Pick, colic
Babies and Child-
ren love to take
genuine "Califor-
nia Fig Syrup."
No other laxative
regulates the ten-
der little' bowels,
so nicely, It: 1-2 •`--
sweetene the stomach and °tarts the
liver and bowels acting without grip-
ing, Contains no narcotics_or eooth-
ing drugs, Say "California" to your
druggist and avoid counterfeits! In-
sist upon genuine "California Fig
Syrup" which contains directions.
Alexander the Great was born 850
B.C., and is supposed to have lived to
be only 33 years of age.
Minardra- Liniment for Deed aft,
More short-sighted people are to
be found in cities than in the country.
Refreshes Tiled Eyes
WtkeMur1e, Co„Chicoge,forEyc cnr,Boolc
Amu/Iowa Flom:mi. Dog Romedloa
Boos OP
DOGDISEASESane Hop to Reset
&Palest sree, to ant Aaam,
bt the Author.
m. CLAY PLOVER CM.. sot.
118 Wed 14th eOod.,
New York, U.S.A.
International peace begins, if any.
where, its: that reverence for life, for
individuality, which has its root in
kindness to animals.
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. They are payable everywhere..
"It is easy in the world'to live after
the world+s opinions; it is easy in soli-
tude to live after our 'own."
Keep MInard's Llnlmbnt•in the hellos.
Locality is of lese significance in
birdsstudy than m any other branch of
natural history, on account of the
movement of birds from place to
'For v ds
Delicious, strengthening beef -tea
and dozens of other tasty and
nourishing -dishes may easily
encl•quicidy prepared with •
' In Sinn of 4, 10.80 end 100,
Peto,Aistna ne1,1,11r,aatlian a ea, 15,154a,.Toronto
cod Reason,
ase, -•"Yeti hewer dance with
iss l'ot ch•--' 14o, he pinches too
hard If
4 t11e flu eicest and best relief for
airs in tI o bitch and the many other
nth catiotle of kidney trouble. Sold for
50 Petit's, Satisfaction 311 every bottle:
At your drui;gist, er direct from
Say "Bayer” and Insist!
Unless you seethe name "Bayer" an
package o; on tablets you are not gat.
ting the genuine'Baye•: product proved
sale by millions and .prescribed by
physicians over twenty-three years fol
Colds Headache
TooShache Lumbago
Boracite .: Rheumatism '-'11;}
N@ur'A1g1a Pairi, Pain '
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin°•
only. Bach unbrokenpackage eon.
tains: proper directioaa. Mandy horses
of twelve tablets Cost Lew cents. Drug,
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Cahada) of Bayer Manufacture of
h1onoacetleacidester or: Salleyllcacid,
While it is well known that Aspirin
mesas Bayer -Manufacture, to aeslst
the public against imit:tiens, the Tab.
lets of Bayer Company will be entrap.
ed with their-.generril trade Mark,' the
"Bayer troa3"
Pimples Disappear
"You don't need mercury,P otash
or any other strong mineral to
cure pimples caused; by poor
blood. Take' Extract of Roots—
druggists call it "Mother Scigel's
o Curative Syrup -and your skin will 4
Iclear up as fresh at a baby's. It
will sweeten your Stomach and 1
zregulate your bowels." Get the
genuine. 50c. and $1,00 bottles.
At drug stores. ) •` 6
oaf �•rT4t 4 .1142
Mothers Prefer Cul ewra
Shampoos For Children
Regular olounisoos with Cuticuro
Soap -and hot Water, pfededod '6
tenants of Ctitleura Ointttleint to
spots of dandruff and itching,.keep -
tito scalp clews and healthyy. romm
caro of the hair dating aliildlaood it
the basin for healthy holt thtough life,
5atr2ie, OimooloP3Sead5s,. Tsla ffie Sold
tbretighnatthollsbloo a ba, C15l134alynliepOtt
,, UMlled, 34451. mut Si., q Met;roll.`
Coates Se s1t eb3yoroithout mus.