HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-13, Page 6N TEA t tasi;eci the best. ant and pure. Try it, WM/0 6006' NEW TOOLS YOU WILL WANT FOR YOUR KITCHEN. One of the greatest pleasures I, derive from a trip to the city, or froie! the receipt of a new catalogue, ie the opportunity to visit stores which carry; kitchen equipment, Or to gaze at the, pages illusteating'sefeh appliances, In, perfect contentment I ean wander ,feri houes among coutiters of- pets and , pans. Likewise 1 epend many an evene in happily by looking at pictures, of thee utensils. Usually a few articles are ordered while "the•epirit ie will ing," het many others are cireamecli about Solmantles before they are bought or discarded ae uneseelleial. The accumulation of a few klechen eevices from year to yeav is an ex- cellent method af equipping any home workshop if the purse is not so fat as one wishes it were. It is M thie way that I keep my kitchen lip -to -date. Since my collection of workingatools • has been improving during the last few years, I have decided to tell you about the ddations. Every article of which I an going to relate has proved helpful in, my week, sufficiently so that I consider it a good iii eitnZen No deubt you started houeekeeping just as I (lid, when the saucepans had but One Hp. This worked all right for those of us who me gight-handed, but rt certainly was awkward for a left-handed guest or member Of the ,family who tried to pang a eiguld hem these uteneils. •The procedure was not only einecult, but it also resulted as a rule, in spilling some of the food ,on the table or stove. All ihe pans 'and kettles I hive puechased recently have two lips, one on each side. And then thele has been an im- provement in the handles. I used to 'buy a kettle after making cer'tain that the handle was strong, nevee thinking whether it would carry the •heat or not. Sad experiences have trained the to look at handlee; and if they are of the bail type I select one which has a wooden piece in the centre to hold to In lilting. My teakettle has a sta- tionary handle --that is, one than can- not fall down against the kettle and become se hot that it will been the . , . I also have a waterless cooker which le a favorite. It is aluminum and.has a lichethat clamps on. 1te bag° is of steel, and in between this and the bot- tom of -the kettle is a layer of asbestos, This interlining- does away with the danger"of burning foods, so no Water need be used in cooking. Consequently, all the natural flavor is reteleee. I place potetoes, other vegetable:4, and meats in -this kettle without adding Water, and bake them on top of the stove. Pies, cakes, muffins, and other food e are cooked in this ufensil at rush times whene the oven is filled. 'While these foods are biking, a valve in the lid is left open so the steam in the kettle will escape. , Thi e inex- pensive device is fine to use ail the time, As well as when there are threshers, silage and wood cuter, or any large crowd to be" cooked. foie It 'is not heavy. I prefer a utensil that is not se big and clueney and heavy ,as those our graedenethers :used. Another little article that I like, even though it is not used. every day ley any means, is the egg slicer, Since seewi ,hardeooked eggs as a, garnish on salads, spinach, and many other dishes; it, is fine to be able to cut the egg in thin rounds quickly—in fact, with the 'Move of a 'hand: Much less disaPPointinerit is experienced by crumbling egg than -When el knife is userl for the cutting. My rolling pin also is a „joy. It is ef glass. but I am certain that those oi poecelain are equally good. Both cae be Washed and kept sanitary with the mininent expenditure of energy, and crushed ice or very _cold water new, be placed inside evlien. I ern roll- ing pastey, theeeby thoroughly chill - Mg it. My rolling board is covered ilh e piece of lmavy duck or canvas which I fasthn down with thuteb taelcs. These piecee of stout cloth can be wSehed ire the machine much easier than I can scour the boatel. ' I have :sl 5(00 contended that no 'honmernalthr win* 'gets too manymixe Mg bowie. At least, I know that I riever shall. My ,last two purchases Were w1Ii;14 enaniel, and glass bowls: The one characteristie about both of these thee:, I esteem highly is their shape, the conleal bottom Which per - alt., me to beet 0110 05 ae eeellY es • fire or 11 010, 111 other woeds, depth as- fatrea the eapeelty, while the emall hettem p,ermits mze, to handle small unit:mete with 5.5 great efficieney tut large Mee. ' No heneewliie le a greater onth1s- tuft. beer. thernennetere then 7 ael, end X Predict thee feelother gerieraion erom ree e kte eel ledge tenePeraeneee by poss. and MY Veaellee WOO tee, retied Me ee 11330901. be/re, X elei Willing to thee leuRee (1lefe Weed/1g It le to leglel What Nneellre be a pereeet 4100 batthe hreeel dough and Alla beestisa thO' 05011ras 14') hot or tee 401: Likewise I lele) WW ent heel' the eleke ieitg Wvo tOO 41)d01' thin +4) elreeed lerepetiy, end When the efiledY WWI nee eeeketl 10315 enoeigle, It be With geeat eftieleteeee Wet / would part with My eeedY e•gel Ogee therneehletete, 4527 A SIMPLE AND ALTOGETHER PLEASING FROCK, 4527. Light gray chambray with bandinge in blue would be goad for this little- model, or,•• -brown linen With rod embroidery. There is a choice of two sleeves with.this style, a becoming "baby" puff sleeve, -or one in flare t effec, ' The Pattern is.cut in 4 Sizes: I, 2, 8 and 4 years. A 4 -year size requires 2% Yards of 83 -inch material. Pattern 'Mailed to anY address On receipt of 15c in eelvergor stamps, by the, Wilson 'Publishing Co„ .73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. Allow, two weeks for eeceipt of pattern. Razorsand Royalty. 'It is rather odd that at a time when beards ar0. so much.out of fashion hia Majesty King George should wear one. -In this respeet he follows the example of, Ildevard the Peacemaker, his faeher, who was the first of our sovereigns to W090 a beard for nearly 300 years. We Must travel back in history as tar as Charles before coming to an- other bearded king. He was the last king, until what we Call modern Bales, to Wear a beard and "his cieer hair," Indeed, When George III. as on, the throne no beerd hadebeini seen in Eng- land within living memory.eLike our present king; Oherles. the First :seem to have copied, Ilia tether. Janies ,Ps beard, too, had been, In 'a *ay, ..retheli ee,mogelty, ' because his theee ..inneeediate piedepessare "had Dome Ahoy and tvvo women., By the way,' the predeceseor and Lathes' of 'these three, Henry:VW:, tee much-discuseed and inuch-married Ttt2 Tor md-- onarch,' `broke the recorof a fairly long line of beardless 'kings by himeelf. cultivating a debited, forenone eHenryof his predeceesersfieln V. to Henry VII., wore a beard, ' All the. Sagenekinge favored. beerds, bet' .the Normaa onlY wore a inbustache, as did' hie dons .and goveriel of their succeeders:on the.teleine. But Richard. the Lion Heart made beards fashionable again,- tor ,hie brother John; Henry III., and the .fleet three Edwards. 'were all -razorshye Indeed, from 1066.th 1413 no clean-shaven .kieg sat.on the thrmie of England.. To sum up, ,efnee the Norinan Con- quest, there have been thirteen bekel- wearing klug e, fourteen cleamshaven koingtta:pd elk who shaved the cein bu not hti upPer eip, Using Leitrim' Moitients. With the long 'winter ahead, It Is nice to 31011 something Interesting to do in !Meath moments ao that we will het think of being, inmeisened by snow and bad reade, but of leisure' to carry out pleesant schemes. " Save some geed books (,e read or study 00109•Isaignage or epecial subject that will enrich the mind, A course of etude directed by correepondence would give added interest to the easeiug of the ev mail agen, Reed god books in 0r - der to got companions to •;- go through life vvith you. .,The great peo300)315 We have •through beaks are a pee. IS eVaati• that can not he telten frorn lie, and it is a joy to be able eo theee tine olct characters ,01.11 of our niomory, One Of the eine teinge that a good edu. eatien acme 'tot' 118, ie to give an ne- queintance evith ouch charaeterie en ,large our heelzon and keep our Weald high °11"(1' nIt 1)3/1)3/ tilieee,. evereeng wife eel etferted tee:gee-a An apple eorer is another emall tool that I consider worth its weight in gold. We hapeen to be fond of baked apples,eanee we like them served whole. It is rnuch easier to twist the corer and take out tha core than to dip eroend hopelessly with a knife, west- ing energy and apple. And if you like angel -food cake you will like to eeseeve a pen with a tube in the centre for use hi baking this type of cake, It makes a prettier ealco and permits the cake to bake in a 1101.11 meinner throughout. ley temper. eenent—ceeeene— '' / WerrY4 vve n yi)fit "Why are y'611 ell 'Worried aye loee eour puree?" eeereat heitenieue 111011, 1017 WITO'll hOr6 16. 661" 491119 fr0111 the share tWO *Wake before the thnel" 10 he Gift Of I h By leleART, roux, (Copyright) ods 'CHAPTER XXV,-,-(Conted.) In. time, as, the sweetnese, the beauty of hi0. elfild's nature eetueerithel, Lai0eslioluyl 42)1fethtigmbatr: 004150wh to t1311110 lhd (15105eelise0 Meter shroud tieroes hiee threshold, but who else, ieeognizing the great! e'eepoesibility he had snetehed to him -1 sell, lind ever kept e1ue vigilanee over eho ninety and innocence of Yeeth, In thee thie might coene to merged end ,tertizatis thoughts bane anger Wile seel pass. Who can tell?. In the meantime, ished by the'eexquisite joy which was ptheeterhitiligis,into the temple heme ameee: days for the reunited' family. Re- And,eo poised those woederf firstl united? Ali, no, 1 or neither Neil Culei leer nor Irene nor yet To Hee—wee, had the first day learned by heart! from Ms baleyhooeldays to his last' glorious achievement, the history bt Paul, ,her young lieroebrotheee-forgot for a moment a geave in fag-awa'Y France,. an:emblem of saerifice of just such joye as was new theirs—love, home, the birth of a new day, the soft hush, of a leek -swept twilight—yes, all the deer, eamiliar things that the world's young dead had loved SO well arid had given upfor their fellowmen. ' Alie the pity of it! And the glory of it, too; ' And froniethe Culver horrie, as from- everY"Mene 'Where the -gine sheclow liee, goes up' the righteous plea: 'Forget .n,ot, ye who go on 'your way, that'these—the world's glorious yputh--died ,for you, Repay? No, egya never can. But at least yow may help 'es to holdhigh the torch by burying deep in the, bowels of the earth lust, hatred, greed—in other words, the loveof self. CHAPTER XXVI. "Now for mercy's sake don't begin to fuss, Grace. Its nothing but a bit of dust in zny eye --.-most likely blew in from, this open window. Good gra- cious, the train' is due to start in ten minutes and Mr. Reynolds and Helen still wandering ae large." Mrs. Ashton punctuated her remark with 'another dab At her eye. In spite of her Assurance that it was only dust, elle used the piece of _linen in .her hand rather furtively and, blew lice- nce& somevehet vigorously.. 'Now, for Annie's sake, donet look so suspicious: It there's one thing I can't tolerate it's doubting a person's weed. You'll be saying next I'm ,actu- ally weeping. Goodnese knows, I wouldn't blame you if you did—there's enoueh sentiment saturating the world 'folea bit of it to penetrate even Grace smiled at her mother slyly, "Bless My soul," Mrs. Ashton here whipped her handkerchief , across her nose impatiently, "to think it's aeteal- ly me sitting in a railway carriage in Shanghai. ' Who would ever have thought, the day would come when I would take a two days' tourney to see other people ine to America? Why, I declare that girl, To Hee—metcy, what a heathen -namel—Irena ought to change it at once—but as I was going to say, she's as much, American as you are and all in a few days. It's marvelous." "But she always was an American, mother.", ' "Tut; tub—nothing of the kind. She's been actuaRy stewed- and dried he heathenistme-marvelous, marvelous I e ---and her heir—even if it ha e eineied from black to yellow—inconceivehler "But you Seemother', Tu .1 -lee's hair is naturally fair. Even her skin was stained regularly, but her old nurse used a bleach, which restored it to Its natural tint." . -"IlUrse I" Mr's.' Ashton sniffed. "Old kidnapper, you mean; and the idea of Irma employing the creatuee agin— actually taking her with her, Irma's downright soft, there's. 'no .getting away from it, but you,dan't help lik- ing her and, overlooking her foolish- ness. Well, len glad she has found a little jby inlife at last. She started out happy and it looks' as though her last 'days will be ae littee less grey, though the -lose of,Paue' was a Severe elow, There, how, wee A fine boy, the only heathen I 'ever cared. two pence ab'utt...iit that sand!" Mos, DAshton flicked her handithechiee across her eyes. "That window should be closed." close it, enotheree Grace rose. "And have us smother! I 'should say not. It's badeenongh travelling in heathen laeds without risking'suffoca- tion. Thank goodnessewe.have a pri- vate car, though, ."Well, the Quivers are on their way now, and.. David „too, the aly ,young reseal. Had his eye on that girl 'all aleng..„Wellgthank goodness, she turn- ed Out to be eividte instead, of 'yellow; 'though between you and Me, Grace, I disn't believe it would have made the slightest differeece to that youngehote head; tie, I do not. M The aesdees . „ were always like that--gentleenen, you undetstand, every inch of thein, but headstrong, when ethoir minde' were otice made up. Metcy, yes, And David's a, chip off the old block, Do YOU think he would listen to me when I tried to .dissutide h1i from pinning his coat tall to that heathen scamp of his?—what's the cloature's. name? Eh? -Ma Two, is it? Wellithank goodness; there's only , one, for it '110 was a 'twin Davidwould be sure to. hunt upthe other and take hiee along too,- ,All I hope is that he takes my edviee -end keeee rev:ire , and knives out, Of the barbarian's reaeh, Mercy, how ca:nehe do it? I've at last acquir- ed a taste for olives, but olive Skins-- ?di—they're beyeed.ine. NO, I ,don't 'feel' safe a minute in this .heathee ,eountry, No, 1 do not, 1 hope Rowe gets another post e -cry soon, (1 01' I .don't like to leave You here indefinite- ly, Grace; bet I.suppose A pose moth er has no longer any. say in such mat - tore. e 13ut, as . for myself, ,Pve had enough of the' Weetched hold and 11 yen woe safelyemaigied Mggeteg too." . "Pool: mother, it's a !theme," "Tub, tut, child,' I can stand a little ineenneelence, 1 (1510 5, 13efildeS, it won't he lOngbefore yea and Helen low your identity—two weeks, And then, MY dear, I teink I'll leave' you, -The Twit ie, Giate--yee, t might as well why& 11, eoleffineeit'a got the best Of Me at loot—the blessed blue Mlle hoah, 11.(eieptueley are tugging inc mighty .Te, lletzleentakerdigier was eigalle evi- donGraceemacie lee reply. She knOW 51.0110 WE/S needed; sentimeet bad in- deed penetrated the ee bluff, and hot Mother', unabashed, Was revelling bit Meteeriee oe the senile Seale. 1.111, ,c)tAriL The g1'oab 090014 neer ploUghed ilo onward cenrse toward Americen eboree. On its deck a girl flnd man Were standlega the girl's eyee 'were fastened wistfelly 011 the dimming outline of Chime the men'e on the fee() of the girl. Yes, it wee Tu Hee and David, but not the Chinese maiden. Al) ne-.--thie vvae 0 tynical American meiden, Tho only' foreign trait that clung and would always 'bea mut of ler, that calmed many tueeings of heads and whispered commente, 019.5 the grace- eul, unhertied movements, the meanie, unaffeetee rnaneer—to gem it all up in one,phrase, the charming coerteey of the East In het smart eporting poet -eine of white, topped by a soft, coy tam, which. did not altogether conceal hair no longer straight, .lustreless, and black, but Soft, silken, and of'that rare shade --Well, perhaps David's description is best---eunbeam gold—she looked very levels:, No wonder the man beside her dreiv deep breaths And marvelled again that this happiness should.heve fallen to his lot- ' Ae David watched her, he knew he was not even on the edge of her thoughts, but he felt no twinge of jeelmeeye, Yes, Tu Hee was far away at that moment in the glad, joyous cycle of her, childhood and youth, which wweclosing, even as the outline, on which her eyes fastened, was fad - mg from view. 'It is no use, I cannot SEW good- bye." Her voice was detached, as if I it were her 05011 SOUI She was 0,ddYCSS- ing. "Something tells me he doenot wish it, that his love will be mine always " "There they are, Neel." Irma Culver's voice had a bright, reawakened ring to itel her stop was buoyant as she approached with her husband, and the weary lines almost vanished from the face, which throne?, all .4the trying -yeaes had not lost its spirituality.' When within a few feet of the en- grossed pair, Irma paused and laid a heed on her husband's arm. "See, Neil," she whispered, "elm is watch- ing China fade- away. I fee some- how that this is a sacred. moment 'for Tu Hee, that even one love wohlcl be an intrusion. IIed we not better go Suddenly Tu Hee reached forth her arms and drew them back againto her, beeaste the gesture was alreoet caressing. Her lips moved; her voice was hut a murmur. "Farewell dear land, hut 3 em not 'unhappy, for your merriories are locked tight in my heart David]" ."Yes, dear?" David bent closer; hie bends sought hers as he waited ler her -lip: to speak the message ie her eyes. e. "David, dear, the mantle et! the past has slipped teen me--thal; pact ef me that hes fought for corfirol so long, that has so often worried and puzzled me, now stands dominant; the blood <if my fetlers and the I ree spirit of the Weeteenworld have coneuered." Revereetly she bowed her head over the hands_ that -were "clasping hers, as she eoftly added: ".Henceforth, any beloved, thy people shall be me people and, thy God my' God." ' And the sky' and the eea Met an a benediction--Chinw framed In it girl'sgelden youth, had closed from view.' .(The End.) When Clocks Struck Thirteen. During the 'reign oe William and. Mare, a man named John Hatfield was in the lAfe Guarde. Ohe night,. he was on sentry duty -on tbe terrace at Wind- om., and was reported to 1e:1,7e:slept at his post:011M Would, -have been sen- tenced to death, but Hatfield pleaded. that ,he 'wee awake at midnight and heard the clock of St. Patens strike thirteen Several witnesses came for- ward te, say that it did :strike thirteen, anel Hateleldev life was Bayed.' -There was t?good deal ot :Recession 'before the' matter was settled as tii whether a cloelc could etrike thirteen, and also as to •whether the clock oe ' t. Paul's could possible,' be heard at Windsor. In. tbose days, of -course, London was much quieter at midnight , thanat is now, and people were found who declared ...that when weather con- ditions were euitable they had heard On ihe'raorning of llelaich,14th, 1861, Tom, et WeetinInstereinetead of strik- ing Mx, went on for thirteen strokes. This ,caused great alarm to eome peo- ple in the city, "it having always been considered that such an occureence was of ill OMell to the Royal Family." Their fears were realized, for the Ducheas of Kent, though perfectly well In the morneeg, died the setae day. THE SERVICE STATION I drive up for a quart'of gee, epee tny cootie, dreg; my cer, of elfinizienin fled brassaeueli nouriehment requiree, And Maim , Yennig wee in epoeleee white ceme tripping te my. Yen; their sonlise mo :Odd, their eYoe ere bright, they love thole fellowman. .7'lleg fill the weeks , With sealielfee oil, the tardt evith Inecione Juice, and they're exulting tio theirtoil, they're glad to be of use. They fill my thee witlepeleolese Mr, they eee the wheels' VIM faller theyle 'dodging round me''everywhere, to Rap what they can do. The young men selling gaseline maize life a brighter thing', they have the fORCIO0 of a queen, they chortle and they sing. (1(1 111031 , have grief or carking woe they hede the same LINVOS; tIleY rmuls like Wfonli. as they go about my' panting eray, They welcome mo 'ellen, I draw Mee, as fb-OUgh I were a peer; and when I leave 4 fond good -by is ringing in my ear. I burn up all the gaa I can to giVe me aa efecuee for driving up in my old van teed buy- ing up mere Juice. ,For I will alwaye epepd e yen, and no regret eVince, to see a bunch of blithe young men pretend that I'm a, prince. e The _VildSh Pateelt FULA The present day conditieas 01 ehe patent feel ,trade in Vales might be studied by Canadien iniaees and caid- theists with, Some adVg.ntage;, this trade, however, is very dull in Weles to -day, due to a combination of con- clitione, 50100 01 which are 'ternporarY, and some of a more permanent na- ture, It would appear that the 00000 0310 conditions In Wales brought this product mete such, high Deices durieg 1919eand 1920, that it had the effect of making Continental purehaeers look Tor a substitute Wherever poeeible. • Italy„.Sweeen and'Norway, and ewif- zerlated have, developed their water power; while France and Semen haeee started locithindustries from low-grade coal. France Mies' helped -her indus- tries along by informing all the Stateewned railways that *they emet use local patent fuel whenever practbc able.' • The selling price of -patent fuel is, controlled to a great extent by the dig- Rereace between ,the market price of local duet and Ogee,emit; to day this is ebciet $2.75, which amount must Pay all charges and, peovele a profit for the mentifecturer. 'Phe largest single iteni els for the pitch binder, wbIcli amounte to .$2.25 p'er toneet the present prloos so this ..meagre differ- ence ot ,50 cents zeust pey 01 other charges and in addition.e profit; con- sequently for the time bein'g, at leaet, the -position looks rather honele'ss. Aa „pitch Is a residue from -the ,dis- tillation of coal -tar for other 'neege valuable products, it Is diffieult to de-, terriiine the actual cost of production; as 49 result the price Is see by demand, and is all the trafelc will stand. The demand both in the tufted States and on. the Continent Tor coal fat as a road material is so great that its utilization' for- patent fuel is practi- . eau), prohibitive. •The solution of this. P4955119111550 situation would seem, th be the immediate research Work to find a new and less 'expensive binder than coal -tar, •-• . - • Owing to the . cOat strike _en the United States ahd the ,conseguent con- sistent ' Tieing cost ,of Peptsylvania Anthracite, the Welsh patent fuel' manufacturers have developed a sue- cessful trade in Eastern Canada (which trade they will do the19 best to retain). , In this Gene.diari trade only the small Mee_ briquettes, er ovoids, are sold 09 as it is not practieable tous9. pure anthracite in .the.litrger sizes of patent fuel. There is complete com- bustion with the Welsh patent fuse; viithno clinker, andthe present price ef $16.50 pee ton, thie fuel receme mends itself, ' Some Strength. "You say she's ft remarkably strong 50001011?" "She Is indeed—strong enough to hold her. tOngue," • —,AND TF1E WORST IS YET TO COME Leeee, teheeite--- eeee:"ege eeeere--- negalen 1, n55W3• 1 1 Ill • C2- CLIC= -pee gene nege' • Haunted HOUSe. Ileie wee a place where none wou ever come For :Molter, save as we did frem the We saw 110 Yet, onee ontelee Each eebegesieuemeeb/ why eae other should Por we had fronted nothing worse And rain, and to our vision a was, plain . Where thrift out:shivering fear, 'lead let remain Some al home were like skeletons l AT oe rvee ewlussee,rwea4nnedrochttih•ee cr ekl evie were r ef out: t se op ue nodn8,, the .floor ' But there -was More than sound end ` there was more Than just an ax that once was in the alr Between us and the chimney, long be- foro Cur , time. So townsmen said who found her there. --Edwin Arlington Rebieson. . • Brain -Power Secrets. Large foreheads do not always -mean large 'brains. The man with -the deane, shaped head may after all be merely an'ordinary.individual oi no particular intelligence. • Dr. Bernard Hollander, the famous medical psychologist disclosed some of the secretz of ,brain -power in hie ,presIdential address to the Ethological Society. The frontal lobes—that part of the brain' behind the forehead—are the chief centre of intelligence and tapacity, ane they are of greater coin- plexity and of finer aechiteeture than any other-, part of the ,brain, he. de - :eared. - "Large froatal`lobee,ehOwever," he added, ''"clo not necessarily dighth, *superior entellIgence, for there are eother factore which have•to be taken inth account, The quality of the brain StrUoturei the state of its blood supply and nutrition, ,the condition ot the bodily Organs may an influenoe mental energy. ' • "The size of the body has also some relation to the size of the brain, though not to the exteat frequently assumed, for the body varies in size and' weight at different periods of life, win:gene the brain uneeigoes no 00Tnh'efPeleuting nedttenCe.cohanoge . : the frontal lobes In mane through accident, produces curtails effecte: People so iniured for- get all they have learned, and cannot learn anything new. •, Dr. Iloilander quoted instances of patients who, after an injury to the forehead, lost all memory al live years past, and of others Who, while remain- ing normal in •other ways, tome ell the special knowledge relating to their ocoupationg Another characteristic of such injury is cheerfulness and !indite Prehistoric Plants. The world has more than onee been startled by reports' that a descendant of the motaiter ealmale which lobelia - 'ed, the earth before the Ice Ago has been eeen either lilting its head out of. the ocean, depths ,or lurking In the darkness Of a .prinieval forest. ' Hitherto none of these rePorts hes been confirmed, But whon we come to .mant life wo iind in the lichens real prehiStoric growths. The lichens we cen dee and :examine 10 day are sunl 'ler to ,tlio,so whieli existed , teas' of thousands- of Years age. The growths which spread them- selves over rooks tma old walls aro a combreatian at a fungus and count- less thonsaucis of aighe. The Rengte, 'unable to make Ate own way in the worn], has' enmeshia huge numbers of green algal cello, living 00 4110 food nutterial which theS, prodinm. • That many of these pieta:: are tens 01 thousends of yeare o1U Is proved .by the fact that by scraping fell'aY the' , crust of lichens the.abrasions caused by the 'Passage of ice during the gla- cial period are as fresh as though they, had, boom mad.o recently, The lichen has protected Sloth from tho weather ever since, The glacial' ago is, said by some scientists to have ended over 80,000 years ago. What Stopped Here old Scottish butcher notice/4 that ate of his customers had not beeh visitiug his shop lately, and so he made lip his mind to arik her the Thk son for her falling off when he next SSW hey, "Why do ye no' buy your Meet Off eoehe lle Netted when he mot her a tow days later, awoev, replied tho old IYOnlat, "filo last I got frao yb X could has soled inY buits we "Are Wityeele ye eee theft?" asked the other ettref34t1ehl1i "So 1 wid if t could liao gee the taelca to to throngh It 1'' Was the elmvp reply, t home to • tho kids Novo pookot,iul your pooliot foe''A4 ovor-reotly trot, A dolipiono °onto, ttolOod 651 afil to tl� l00111, op otit0, $0oledhiko Polity rocks 0 tk, JaC01}10'S ?MOW. The stone which we -call the Coro- natioe Stone,,to mast visitors probably 111 Wes inin nitslieceir.nelAciablasteeil 1,tetrsisiasalslati:og. 1:tolitihnegr Its tine narae is Gaelic—tient Pita- thail, which means in 301 551 tine "Grey Stone .Pillow." Now, It is certain that Qtteen Via. theta firmly believedthat the Iltritich Royal House descended from King Deer4d, arid, therefore, from Jaeob self, .and. that the stone upon which she 'reeeived her CtONVII was- the identi- cal one upon which be eeeted his head at Bethel when he dreamed el ascend- ing and eneceeding angels aml heard of the future ilreatnass of the nation he should found, The etone is also called.the Stoneof i)esfinY: Doubtless thiS Mune, oe the "tradition it enehriaed, was the -reason that prompted the 'astute, Dclward 1. to carry' it from its meant, site at Saone to hts own COPifal of - London end de- posit it in et Edward the Cenfessoe Chapel. It has remained there ever since, except for one brief ceremony— the Installation of Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector 1>1 Westminster Hall_ But why the Stone of Destiny? Weil, not only had all the ancient' Kings of .Scotland, froth the remotest dawn. oe Scottish 01 tory, eeen crowned on this stone, but It was firmly believed .that • wheresoever this stone .went, . there Would go the sovereeenty. That was exactly what Deward eought, so hecerriee off the -Stone. of Deseeny,. Doubtless, he also 'believed that this '"disaster," as the Scots re- garded it, woule break the spirit of the northern kingdom. In this,' of course, he was greatly mistaken, as Bannockburn abundantly. preeted. There was another reading of the legend, however. eterwee ehja-e-that,_ wherever the ,etene *Ont. there 0. Scot should rule. And, with the deeth of Elizabeth, the Crown -of 301155103 41 allma a Pare' OPot James VI. et Great Britein and Ireland, It is, top. bY Beetle:ad becoming :lathes I. of virtue of his Stuart blood that King 8Cereiotragesits to -day cm tbe .Thrsone of in. Sinceethe day that. Edward I. oar- ried the Stone of Destiny from Scone and depo�19ed 111n the Abbey, every English teovereign, with one exception Mies been crowned upon it. That MI exception, was elary, the unhap dauehthr of Haney, VlI1 and Rather of Aragon, - But what ground is there for lee lag that this stone Is the identice Whiele ,Taeob set .up et Bethel? not improable that it was the al stone on which the anoien kings Were crowned on the Tare, and that it was removed g110 of Argyll, and thence by lei neth in the Meth century -- the. time of Alfred the t3°°nuet. Ole piece of "mi Bssible does 'not carryus nmob, nee Jordan Valley, and, geeing Steno et Destiny Is a piece 0 granite, its place of origin is all, have been Sccitlande Dublin's Mystery A ebit th the veldt of St Church, DUblin, 10 an eerie 0- 81 is a death chamber in whi laid to rest hundreds of yea' etill be sten, Some aro in op some laid met on tee etonee are in a,state of perfect pre The atmosphere of the vaul Mid sweet, and abeelutely • Tee only livin'g organism foiled are Mtge spiders; ea of animal life can exist in for more than a short time. knows how the spiders subs what they- hoed, . but the w have span through the cent left untonehed, • No attempt is made to ex outer air, And itisitors are freely to eview the bodie.i. have eeperimented by air an other tests, but no satisfac Planation at the 'phenomenon 00101105. It is clear that the 1. tains some property which is tive to the gerlus of tlizeity; that property is remains a se That it SS •possible to Introit gams is proved by the tact bunch of -flowers, placed by 011 one of the coffins, re,sulte deoay of the body it oontainet 11/1 ;I• c At the Surnmfr Hate.; -rho day is breaking," "(1, day here weidd break m