HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1923-12-13, Page 4STORE 01x1 N EVENINGS :TOY ])iEPAXi 1'M1 N'1' AN ,S"C<;CONi) FLOC Clio tecc�>rd S TOR , NEWS. riEci 1)Hilt ilt-h, '1 BOOKS NOT IN ST OCI PEOCURI:II CI1,ki1IOiI'r N() X'Xf i. 1VIA(IA%INi S AND PAPERS ,SUPPLIED AT PUTILISIXls119I; PRI Frills and Thrills for the Little Tots Dollsthat are sure to;.pioase at Prires about one half She„usual. Mechanical Toys, Furniture, :Dishes, Drums, Iiloe ts, ',Coots,; ete. The biggest 'lot of ;Gaines we have ever show, Tay Beaks and Juvenile Books in a Special department-Whereyou can choose at your leisure lad 00 `n curt sent • Includes all .the latest fiction such as Raliih Connor, Cody., Locke, McClung and others; STANDARD BOOKS in various bindings from 35c to $1:00. Special selection at 75c.-• Bibles, Hynin Books, and Prayer Books.in various bind- ings. • Ne* Testamentrands Psalms in separate volumes. �yf 'yjl' lkr ery We offer a Holiday Stock that is FIRST IN VARI"f FIRST IN.. QUALITY and FAIREST IN PRICE A hearty welcome, no matter whether you come' to see. or buy. Y Come where there is a Wide Choice, a Fine .V.:iety, and a Grand Opportunity to get the best and most suitable` gifts for young and old Art . Needlework Department Front this 'departtient'you may select stamped Linens and Cottons of all lands also choice models of Cushions, Run.. ners, Buffet Sets, eta, I'tOTiE China%rare Specials. Crochet Cotton, Friria'S, Silks and material of all kinds. In order to satisfy a nunber of.Custo.ners who were not able' to get a piece of our special "NEITO HAND PAINTED CHINA" at 10c. .We will put, on a sale Saturday morning December 15th, at .10 ami, 150 pieces. These to be sold singly and to those who did not share in the previous sales. No better Fountain Pens made than Watermart's. All varieties at prices from $2.50 to $5.00 Evea'sharla Pencils from $1:50 to,$5.00 " Eversharp Pens $4.00 to $S.00 The assortment .consists 'of ' eups'ancl saucers, Whipped- Jredm sets, Fruit saucers, plates and Bon -bon dishes. We will also put on a sale of 150 pitees on Wednesday, December 10th, at 2 p.m. for out of -town ,customers only, so that our friends froze the country Inay,share in this treat. 0s Fancy Chinaware, and Glassware One of th'q finest selection' of Fancy Chinaware and Cies outside the cities, I3ig reduction in price on all linens and almost equal to price• ra Bargains are ofi'ered during the balance of •the Chfistrias:seaso • all 0 Stores Clinton We'sell'to. satisfy. You save when we serve ' The Christmas season Is now upon us. Fresh sl..pplies are - arriving, daily, See our stgck of goods to -day. For This 'eek, FINEST SEEDLESS sat", RAISINS, ;21b.s • L Re -Cleaned CU d 1ZAN I ,+,apt 2 pounds .. NRW `LEMON 'and ORANGE PEEL FRESH DATES 2 pounds ea ER.ESII 'RUNES SC 2 pounds 2.• rF MI•YED NUTS (5 kinds) . .... 1Qc a, BROKEN WALNUTS Ani per poiincl. , . 9➢ 1 BROWN SUGAR 5 pauuds .,.. .. Sue. eWIIITE SUGAR 10 pounds ,... ,$ SPEGIAL BLEND PISA.at per pound.L ,ALL KIND,S OF r;�r. CANDIES ' Fre` c BUTTER SCOTCH at: ... .4.1,4C i38 -Ili. bag DREAD 9.q5. FLOUR, Perfection, . A 2441b,. bag PASTRY , LOUR White Satin .. Wee. ]' MAYFIELD SLICED 9 as BACON MILD CANSDXAN saga CHEESE , , GaC 3Sc PURE LARD ,per pound .. MOLASSES ;SNAP;;; 2 -pounds . tl"1tlINCit 13110111:N OIIERRIES, per lb... SHREDDED COCOANUT, per Ibl ,22c. �lt�a1c. .25c. still confined to her bed. a'Ir. Hick, who just recently arrived from Englnd, has tsken a position with Mr: John Arthur. ' Mr. W. Robertson had his knee in- jured when a gravel ,pit in which he was working caved in. Mr. Roy Robertson of Saskatoon is hone to spend the' winter with his parents: Mr. and Mrs. G. Raithby and Miss Edna attended the marriage of, IVrise M:.`Robertson ••at Godeerich last Wed- nesday.. Mr. .,Tas..Stewart of Winghaun died very 'suddenly'' on Sundays December 2nd,rat his Borne after a lingering ill- ness. - . Mrs. A. 1..Ferguson of Au- burn ie the only child- and was visit- ing with her parents at the time. Mr.: Stewart has Steen Division Court clerk for tate past eight ,years. The fu here] took niece. in Wingham on De-, ember 5th. He it; survived by his wife and this one daughter, Mrs: A. a. Ferguson. Two brothers, Do: Stew- -art of Winghan and. W, 'A. Stcwaa•t Acton, also. two sisters, Mrs, Martin (Masters and Mrs. .A. Procter. of Mor- ris, salsa snrviye. We 'extend our• sympathy to Mrs. Ferguson and her mother. • The : pastor's subject at the Baps tilt church next Sunday at 3 o'clock, will be; ""What Will Happen When Christ. Comes?" • Baptismal ,class at '7 o'clock on' i'ibesclay evening and prayer meeting at 8. ' All, friends are invited, A silver tea will be served by the Methodist ladies at the home of 'Mr, Win, Ivison on Saturday afternoon next 'front three to nine o'clock, A number ell useful articles will be for sale. The. Presbyterian Mission Band will have an open meeting on It itay evening next, the entertai4nnent will, be furnished by the members of tho hand. Collection in air, o£ mission- ary work. Mz. E. Xing and members of his Family from Gerrie were guests of Mr. Thos, Mollis and family on Sat- urday last. Mies Jean Kerr -of Herman and Miss Ir liengoagh were guests with the Batter's sister, Mrs, Wan. Anderson on Tuesday. Large oonsia minonts . of zibultry have beim coming into tllto village re- cently, some from near Soaforth emu- ing to Rippea to disOoso �f thcir out- put, AttlbtiVIPtii 14Ii's. Sanderson of aederieh rs via- itinlg her sister„ Mrs. Josdlrll Cartels, :Miss Viola Wilson is sick with an attach of. bronchitis. , Y• . r,.-YVY-.,..... Z. l...w,, a .+.' 1.,,4. i.... IJ5i Z°MAH elm Sniafeael5--' 0 Sureviiim-flo Snob ,Just SW0llers a Capsule (restores normal br ea th in g, stops Mucus gatherings in the 'bronchial: tubes, gives lung nights of quiet sleep; con taainsase iabitformingdrug. $1,00 at your druggists. Send 4c in stamps for a generous. sample. 'l'omtictgns, 142 XLipg West, Porento, ax fi l Sed! wit altA I.PrEt 1 Y.,.1.,.:.Y 117 ttnvmw , , „,f;11.fiv,T!>,ra; 'fl,, . Stanley Township • Miss rl,etta. Jackson is home from Nall for e' hrist Macdonald th C mtas holidays. The students -are having a week or two extra holidays on ac- count of the outbreak of' 'natumps. 'A very enjoyable° evening- Was spent at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Castle ,last Friday,." when over thirty' guests assembled to cele- brate the twenty-fifth anniversary of thein wedding. Supper was served at seven. The waiters coming from • Blyth and Clinton, did: good service in serving out the good, things, AT- ter all had partaken of e hearty re- •postthe evening was spent in playing games and music. Mr. and Mrs. Castle ,were the reoipients .of many handsome pieces of silverware the party broke up; in the 'early hours of the- Morning, after;'wishing Mr.. and Mrs. Castle many more ,years of mar- ried life. ,There was ciuitgaa differ- ence between the evening they 'Were married in 1898 and' Inst Friday ev- ening, as the allow on the former od- c;asion was piled up over the fences aha travelling was not the very eas- iest. WHAT HAS DOMINION STORES DONE FOR YOTJ'IL• TOWN?, DO THEY TARE ALL THE MONEY OUT OF YOUR TOWN AS SOME PEOPLE ASSERT? „, POSITIVELY NO IMRE ARE THE FACTS We pay 'business tuxes like any other merchant. We pay Transient Traders' License anywhere from $50 to 5280 before we open the attire. Wo purchase cam lumber and herd - ware .locally. Electrical work is all cloneby local tradesmen, „Our goods are carted by local carters, We help to give employment to freight handlers. We use the, local .electric Towel- or gas. We help the local bank. Our :nianaggorg„in-most cases are mar- ried and have families, they help support laeai reerehaants as well as churches and schools. We help local property owners by i•eatsing some property:' ];very trot paid by Ideal residents is (Idled hk ns Bnt,,the groatt;st help given your town is the thousands of dollars saved on.greteries, not only 10 cin own; stoles but by boropeiling other grocers to .'-come , down on 'thoh'. prices. What were you paying for groceries - before the, Dominion Storax opened n branch? 11you do not trade at the Dominion. Stores, we both Ione. Give its ,your Christmas order and figure •your saving•., We tiro hereto extend every cour- tesy and at all tonna try to improve our service, we respectfully solicit your support. Jobe Hooper,', branch Manager. Atmidnight au ilridaY November 806, the Dell Telephone Company Hweei; out of business in I<ineavilli , the Prttic Poleiphonc Company having t.akeii i b 'aver. WHERE WILL Y0'I1 gTEND CHRISTMAS St Iyear there . allthecal ' Inythe of , e is no time that'dirings'families toge- ther as dads the. Yuletide. Though You were at the ends of the- earth you would long' to be home for Chrst- mas and if it were at all possible you would' be there. In' the Iong 'ago when -travelling facilities -tvei•e very limited, people journeyed many weary Miles •'ithd" endured great hardships that they mightbe with friends and loved ones on" C'hristinas Day:: To- day it is so • different. - The modern railway enables you to cross the eon- tinent in a few days in comfort, This ,year there promises to be the usual heavy Christmas and. New Year trav e -l;, north, • south;: east . and .west, and in order that you may reach your des- tination as comfortably and speedily asspossible, Canadian National' Rail- ways are making preparations far in advance'. ' Anyone wishing to pay for the travelling expenses, o"f relatives tie friends from any point, need only to place the -money in the hands of the , nearest ticket agent of the "line; our representative will deliver the trans- portatioii fre'c of charge to your friends at, the ether end in a few boars. Willer 'travelling this Christ- mas go' tiNatioiial Way " 32-2. iii'th .An attractive •service was held in the Presbyterian church on Spnday 'evening, -when, the three oltureltes united for the7piirpose:of, having their, annual service in aid of the 'British, and Foreign Bible SocietiY, There• was a large congregation • and the Presbyterian choir rendered some fine selections. Rev, G. Telford, pas- tas of the church, opened the service in the usual form; Rev, W. 13. Haw - kills, tons, of Trinity Chan -alb `r ac the, lee - son for the service and gave the-clos ]ug -prayer, and Rev. -G, A. Tiffin, pas- tor of the,Idethoclist, delivered a pow - oriel sermon. J. S. McKinnon, of. Toronto, who has just returned from England,• where he has charge of the Canadian Manufacturers , exhibit at the great British exhibition, ;which is to take glace ne•.xt year in London, England, spent the week -end with his sister, Mrs. (Dr+) Milne, Be stgtos that this is, going tb be a great' exhibition, and that Canada is, not going to be behind any of the other colonies in their dislaly, astho manufacturers realize that this is a good means to advertise their goods: . You can't , ; 1 feel so good e but What 12 will make you feel betters :Mrs. W. Enigh, of. Ponoka, Alta., arrived hese on : Saturday; night to visit relatives and it is expected that Mr. Emih will •1] g also arrive shortly, and it le possble they will again make their home in or near Here. Mr. R. E. Ferguson, aecoun the Exeter branch fit the 11/ Bank, hes been transferred, Thomas Mr. McLean of th tralia branch is taking^ -Mt. son's place at Exeter. An entirelynew body design of remarkable beauty as well as practical utility, is the distinguishing feature of the new Ford Coupe. The body lines follow in one graceful sweep from the new high radiator to the "Turtle -back" curve of, the rear deck, which has been enlarged to convcniently accommodate bulky' grips and packages., Upholstering is luxuriously deep both in -the seat add back, the covering being of rich brown broadclothwith mahogany stripe. A recess shelf is provided behind the seat, for parcels. Interior fittings include revolving window • regulators, and door locks and handles finished in nickel. The large rear, window is Atted, with silk poplin shade in dull silvered mountings., The .windshield is surmounted by a broad sun -visor, which protects the eyes from glare. As a handsome and practical, all-weather car for town or country, the new ;Ford Coupe cannot be surpassed, New Varna Pl54I s1 Coupe, $665 'ordaz Sedan, $$95 Elecirtataltn,l ufidL4uhting Jauipmetg.Stnadurd i,a lbca,.mnrlela Touring Car, $44Runabout, $405 Truck, $495 Els rk Arno end LighitngEquipmerrrf.88.5.60 extra. Alt price, 1. o, b. Ford, Ogcarlo. Covent eat Testa extra, All Ford models may be obiabsed'yhroagh the Ford Weekly Purchase Platt CARS . TRUCKS TRACTORS Ian iey B t'cs Ca '" Ma WI tl r M p A N Y AN7ltSA": IMITEtea Poi? ,, tlN"['A t